
Author Topic: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4  (Read 1464 times)


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Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« on: August 03, 2008, 08:46:27 PM »
Kazan 82.4% (28-6 (10-6, 18-0))
Sharon 70.7% (41-17 (20-9, 21-8))
Bart 67.2% (43-21 (15-14, 28-7))
Kyril 59.4% (19-13 (8-7, 11-6))
Lexis 58.1% (25-18 (11-9, 14-9))
Infernape 75% (6-2 (1-1; 5-1))
Torterra 0% (0-6 (0-2; 0-4))

Infernape gets dropped. The topic was open forever thanks to Con...and he still only got 8 votes. No.

This Week
Yulie- Prays for no one awesome physical fighters
Ulf- Prays for evadable physical fighters
Mizuki- Prays for the same!
Sheena- Ditto!
Cecile- You get the picture.
Mathias- Prays for elemental mages!
Lich- Prays for statusable fighters.

The Matches
Yulie   vs   Kharg
Yulie   vs   Crono
Yulie   vs   Melbu
Yulie   vs   Debonair
Yulie   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Yulie   vs   Kanon
Yulie   vs   Barret
Yulie   vs   Blastoise
Yulie   vs   Charizard
Yulie   vs   Margarete
Yulie   vs   Garr (ToD)
Yulie   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Ulf   vs   Kharg
Ulf   vs   Crono
Ulf   vs   Melbu
Ulf   vs   Debonair
Ulf   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Ulf   vs   Kanon
Ulf   vs   Barret
Ulf   vs   Blastoise
Ulf   vs   Charizard
Ulf   vs   Margarete
Ulf   vs   Garr (ToD)
Ulf   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Mizuki   vs   Kharg
Mizuki   vs   Crono
Mizuki   vs   Melbu
Mizuki   vs   Debonair
Mizuki   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Mizuki   vs   Kanon
Mizuki   vs   Barret
Mizuki   vs   Blastoise
Mizuki   vs   Charizard
Mizuki   vs   Margarete
Mizuki   vs   Garr (ToD)
Mizuki   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kharg
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Crono
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Melbu
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Debonair
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kanon
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Barret
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Blastoise
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Charizard
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Margarete
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Garr (ToD)
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Cecile   vs   Kharg
Cecile   vs   Crono
Cecile   vs   Melbu
Cecile   vs   Debonair
Cecile   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Cecile   vs   Kanon
Cecile   vs   Barret
Cecile   vs   Blastoise
Cecile   vs   Charizard
Cecile   vs   Margarete
Cecile   vs   Garr (ToD)
Cecile   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Mathias   vs   Kharg
Mathias   vs   Crono
Mathias   vs   Melbu
Mathias   vs   Debonair
Mathias   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Mathias   vs   Kanon
Mathias   vs   Barret
Mathias   vs   Blastoise
Mathias   vs   Charizard
Mathias   vs   Margarete
Mathias   vs   Garr (ToD)
Mathias   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Lich   vs   Kharg
Lich   vs   Crono
Lich   vs   Melbu
Lich   vs   Debonair
Lich   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Lich   vs   Kanon
Lich   vs   Barret
Lich   vs   Blastoise
Lich   vs   Charizard
Lich   vs   Margarete
Lich   vs   Garr (ToD)
Lich   vs   Tony (WA 4)

...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2008, 09:53:31 PM »
Yulie   vs   Kharg- Kharg. Ow
Yulie   vs   Crono- Yulie. Crono’s physical weapon that allows him to 2HKO also makes him lose 3 speed. Bad trade here!
Yulie   vs   Melbu- Yulie. Block Stun, faster+Protect to highly resist Stone.
Yulie   vs   Debonair- Debonair. Bet he’s probably fast enough for this.
Yulie   vs   Cameela (SF 2)- Abstaining on Cameela as her durability=??? (Actually, same with her damage)
Yulie   vs   Kanon- Kanon. I think too much for Yulie since Yulie needs a few turns to get up the Sacrifice kill, and also needs to throw up Protect and Quicken. Fatal Gat go.
Yulie   vs   Barret- Yulie. Someone who actually blocks the ID!
Yulie   vs   Blastoise- Yulie
Yulie   vs   Charizard- Yulie
Yulie   vs   Margarete- Yulie
Yulie   vs   Garr (ToD)- Yulie
Yulie   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Tony
Ulf   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Ulf   vs   Crono- Ulf
Ulf   vs   Melbu- Melbu. Ulf can get past the first form. But…he’s quickly run out of SP, I think. He can’t eat through 4 PC HP.
Ulf   vs   Debonair- Ulf, I think
Ulf   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Ulf   vs   Kanon- Ulf
Ulf   vs   Barret- Ulf. Chips well enough.
Ulf   vs   Blastoise- Ulf. Flash would work here.
Ulf   vs   Charizard- Ulf. Ditto.
Ulf   vs   Margarete- Margarete. G3 has no storebought ID blocker!
Ulf   vs   Garr (ToD)- Ulf
Ulf   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Ulf
Mizuki   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Mizuki   vs   Crono- Crono. Faster, both 3HKO each other.
Mizuki   vs   Melbu- Melbu. Stun/Stone works well enough.
Mizuki   vs   Debonair- Mizuki. I think?
Mizuki   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Mizuki   vs   Kanon- Kanon. Mizuki 3HKOs to me, so she’s not avoiding the fatal ITE damage.
Mizuki   vs   Barret- Barret. Mizuki can’t avoid the L2 limit, and I don’t see her evasion as enough to make something that accurate not hit. IDed.
Mizuki   vs   Blastoise- Blastoise. Takes 2 hits, 2HKOs.
Mizuki   vs   Charizard- Mizuki. 2HKOs and faster
Mizuki   vs   Margarete- Margarete. ID.
Mizuki   vs   Garr (ToD)- Mizuki
Mizuki   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Mizuki
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Crono- Sheena. Going by S1.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Melbu- Melbu
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Debonair- Debonair. Faster.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kanon- Sheena
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Barret- Sheena. Chips well enough.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Blastoise- Sheena. 2x Lightning weakness!
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Charizard- Sheena. Glad the Lightning resist isn’t around.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Margarete- Margarete
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Garr (ToD)- Sheena
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Sheena
Cecile   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Cecile   vs   Crono- Crono
Cecile   vs   Melbu- Melbu. Wears down with magic
Cecile   vs   Debonair- Cecile. This one for sure.
Cecile   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Cecile   vs   Kanon- Kanon. Same as Mizuki match basically.
Cecile   vs   Barret- Barret. ID limit that I highly respect accuracy wise.
Cecile   vs   Blastoise- Blastoise
Cecile   vs   Charizard- Charizard
Cecile   vs   Margarete- Margarete
Cecile   vs   Garr (ToD)- Cecile
Cecile   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Cecile
Mathias   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Mathias   vs   Crono- Mathias
Mathias   vs   Melbu- Melbu. Respect!
Mathias   vs   Debonair- Debonair
Mathias   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Mathias   vs   Kanon- Mathias. ID works here.
Mathias   vs   Barret- Barret
Mathias   vs   Blastoise- Mathias
Mathias   vs   Charizard- Mathias
Mathias   vs   Margarete- Margarete. Turn 1 ID versus turn 2
Mathias   vs   Garr (ToD)- Mathias
Mathias   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Mathias. Shining Wind’s healing is set I believe, so he can use that with his physical after to kill.
Lich   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Lich   vs   Crono- Crono. Lich vs status immune
Lich   vs   Melbu- Melbu. Lich vs status immune w/ much more HP
Lich   vs   Debonair- Debonair. Horribly status resistant?
Lich   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Lich   vs   Kanon- Lich
Lich   vs   Barret- Lich. Can probably avoid an L3
Lich   vs   Blastoise- Lich
Lich   vs   Charizard- Charizard. Faster+Fire murder
Lich   vs   Margarete- Margarete. Lich against a mage w/ passable Fire damage, who halves Ice and blocks Paralysis. Yeah.
Lich   vs   Garr (ToD)- Garr. Magic+Blocks Paralysis. Go go DoS Lich respect.
Lich   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Tony.

Ulf 8-3 (3-2, 5-1)
Yulie 7-4 (2-3, 5-1)
Sheena 7-4 (2-3, 5-1)
Mathias 6-5 (2-3, 4-2)
Mizuki 4-7 (1-4, 3-3)
Cecile 4-7 (1-4, 3-3)
Lich 3-8 (1-4, 2-4) (Very very good for a non-Chaos DoS boss!)
...into the nightfall.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2008, 10:04:00 PM »
Yulie vs. Crono - Crono's physical damage fails -too damned much- if he's going for the speed. If he's going for the damage, Yulie unquestionably laps him with Quicken and that's game.
Yulie vs. Melbu - She immunes the Stone, I fail to care about anything else.
Yulie vs. Debonair - Debonair isn't too different from Tristan, he should be able to keep up the pressure.
Yulie vs. Cameela (SF2) - Blows up with physicals.
Yulie vs. Kanon - This is a match that quite possibly both Kanons win.
Yulie vs. Barret - Sacrifice chips through the L2s. If Barret MP busts, he runs out of pressure to kill Yulie with and she has MP Regen+Odoryuk for extra healing.
Yulie vs. Blastoise - Um yeah.
Yulie vs. Charizard - See above. >_>
Yulie vs. Margarete - Margarete sans ID. lol.
Yulie vs. Garr (ToD) - Garr doesn't even 2HKO after Protect, and he can't handle Quicken either. Academic.
Yulie vs. Tony (WA4) - 2HKOs before Yulie even gets a turn.
Mizuki vs. Crono - Kneejerking her for the speed tiebreak, and then there's the fact Crono might miss the 3HKO even.
Mizuki vs. Melbu - grumble.
Mizuki vs. Debonair - Mizuki's evade is good, but not that good.
Mizuki vs. Cameela (SF 2) - I think Mizuki goes first and dodges one Cameela attack. That's enough for me.
Mizuki vs. Kanon - Yeah.
Mizuki vs. Barret - Mizuki can't chip. =(
Mizuki vs. Blastoise - Um yeah. Possibly 3-2s and doesn't get 2HKOed anyway, I think?
Mizuki vs. Charizard - More outslugging.
Mizuki vs. Margarete - Margarete's ID isn't turn one to me, which seals the deal. Mizuki should 2HKO.
Mizuki vs. Garr (ToD) - Academic.
Mizuki vs. Tony (WA4) - Doesn't get instadoubled, doesn't get 2HKOed and even dodges about half of Tony's attacks! This is pretty much set in her favor.

Sheena (Suiko) vs. Crono - S1 Sheena for me. 2HKOs and gets something like 5HKOed back, gogogogo Lightning resistance.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Melbu - I think he OHKOs the first form and just outslugs from there. Don't have as much Melbu HP respect as Dhyer.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Debonair - How good is Debonair's lightning resistance?
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Cameela (SF2) - I think she kills first? Dunno.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Kanon - 2HKOs first.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Barret - Sheena rules at chipping.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Blastoise - Ow, weakness.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Charizard - Ow, weakness.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Margarete - Killing before the ID connects? Why, yes.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Garr (ToD) - Dear god.
Sheena (Suiko) vs. Tony (WA4) - Tony probably 4HKOs effectively anyway? The elemental resistance saves his ass from eating a OHKO.
Cecile vs. Crono - MDef isn't Cecile's strong suit.
Cecile vs. Melbu - Nor is status.
Cecile vs. Debonair - However, physical fighters...
Cecile vs. Cameela (SF2) - Huh. Unless her Blaze damage was far worse than I thought.
Cecile vs. Kanon - Need to think about this match.
Cecile vs. Barret - Chipping is -not- Cecile's strong suit.
Cecile vs. Blastoise - Blastoise is just not too impressive, I think. Still not a bad match.
Cecile vs. Charizard - Charizard is better, though.
Cecile vs. Margarete - Yeah, she IDs first.
Cecile vs. Garr (ToD) - Garr's magic is kinda awful.
Cecile vs. Tony (WA4) - Evasive tanks eating Tony alive? You jest.
Lich vs. Crono - Kneejerk? Unless Lich resists Lightning.
Lich vs. Melbu - Urgh, the HP difference is just enough. -_-
Lich vs. Debonair - Hold.
Lich vs. Cameela (SF2) - Fire.
Lich vs. Kanon - The offense/speed edge just feel enough.
Lich vs. Barret - He doesn't care enough about the limits. Unless he doesn't immune ID, which would be <_<.
Lich vs. Blastoise - Hold.
Lich vs. Charizard - Waitaminute, I forgot the Fire weakness. And Char's -faster-. Yeah, boom.
Lich vs. Margarete - Urgh. Margarete is faster and 4HKOs first.
Lich vs. Garr (ToD) - 3HKOs and is 4HKOed. Too bad, Garr.
Lich vs. Tony (WA4) - .......
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 11:34:22 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2008, 10:30:52 PM »
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kharg - No vote
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Crono - Easy enough
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Melbu - Uhhh...
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Debonair - 2HKOs first.  OB64 Debonair isn't that fast to me
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Cameela (SF 2) - OHKO?  Don't really feel like being generous to SRPG bosses.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kanon - More pain.  PC form doesn't have enough damage and boss form misses the OHKO and has WA2 boss HP.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Barret - Can avoid fatal limit territory
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Blastoise - Hits a weakness.  Ouch.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Charizard - Hits a weakness.  Ouch.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Margarete - No vote
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Garr (ToD) - Yep.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Tony (WA 4) - No vote

Lich   vs   Kharg - No vote
Lich   vs   Crono - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Melbu - This is sad...
Lich   vs   Debonair - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Cameela (SF 2) - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Kanon - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Barret - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Blastoise - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Charizard - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Margarete - No vote
Lich   vs   Garr (ToD) - DoS Lich
Lich   vs   Tony (WA 4) - No vote


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2008, 02:23:28 AM »
The Matches
Yulie   vs   Kharg- OHKO from Windblade Fury.
Yulie   vs   Crono- 3-2. Doubt Yulie can do anything to stop the pain here.
Yulie   vs   Melbu
Yulie   vs   Debonair
Yulie   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Yulie   vs   Kanon
Yulie   vs   Barret- Protect should prevent a OHKO from Big Shot.
Yulie  vs   Blastoise- Mage.
Yulie   vs   Charizard
Yulie   vs   Margarete- Snipe does not like Mdef.
Yulie   vs   Garr (ToD)
Yulie   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Ulf   vs   Kharg
Ulf   vs   Crono
Ulf   vs   Melbu
Ulf   vs   Debonair
Ulf   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Ulf   vs   Kanon
Ulf   vs   Barret
Ulf   vs   Blastoise
Ulf   vs   Charizard
Ulf   vs   Margarete
Ulf   vs   Garr (ToD)
Ulf   vs  Tony (WA 4)- No SP. Ull swept.
Mizuki   vs   Kharg- Healing I think does it? Kharg also has counters.
Mizuki   vs   Crono- Faster.
Mizuki   vs   Melbu- Stone.
Mizuki   vs   Debonair- Going after Debonair with physicals. Goooooooooood luck!
Mizuki   vs   Cameela (SF 2)- Magic, it burns.
Mizuki   vs   Kanon- Doubt PC Kanon can handle the blitz.
Mizuki   vs   Barret- Don't scale limit gains any more.
Mizuki   vs   Blastoise
Mizuki   vs   Charizard- I think Mizuki avoids the 2HKO.
Mizuki   vs   Margarete- ID.
Mizuki   vs   Garr (ToD)
Mizuki   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kharg- Kharg's magic sucks.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Crono- S2 Sheena for now, I think.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Melbu
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Debonair- Revenge earth.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Sheena (Suiko)
   vs   Kanon
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Barret- Barret's physical is worse than Sheena's. Sad.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Blastoise- Mage.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Charizard- Ahahhahahahahha no.
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Margarete- ID
Sheena (Suiko)   vs  Garr (ToD)- Sheena halves wind.
Sheena (Suiko)  vs   Tony (WA 4)- S2.
Cecile   vs   Kharg- Runs Kharg out of SP.
Cecile   vs   Crono- Luminaire+speed.
Cecile   vs   Melbu- Status.
Cecile   vs   Debonair- This is a good match, but Debonair (If I'm at all right on the OB evasion formula) should be extremely hard to hit, especially for someone not accurate like Cecile. He also has a huge speed advantage and is accurate enough to not be totally walled by her shield guarding.
Cecile   vs   Cameela (SF 2)
Cecile   vs   Kanon
Cecile   vs   Barret
Cecile   vs   Blastoise
Cecile   vs   Charizard
Cecile   vs   Margarete
Cecile   vs   Garr (ToD)- Divine Wind.. I bet Cecile can resist that actually. Never mind, Garr loses.
Cecile   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Mathias   vs   Kharg- ID.
Mathias   vs   Crono- Shining Wind.
Mathias   vs   Melbu- Status halving.
Mathias   vs   Debonair- Debonair can evade magic as well.
Mathias   vs   Cameela (SF 2)- Shining wind.
Mathias   vs   Kanon- ID.
Mathias   vs   Barret- Survives a single Big Shot.
Mathias   vs   Blastoise- Nulls water.
Mathias   vs   Charizard- Nulls fire.
Mathias   vs   Margarete- Margie immunes ID.
Mathias   vs   Garr (ToD)
Mathias   vs   Tony (WA 4)
Lich  vs   Kharg
Lich  vs   Crono- Crono has massive issues making damage stick.
Lich   vs   Melbu- HP.
Lich   vs   Debonair- Debonair *Should* be hard to status (Above average INT, magic evade). The non shitty DoS durability probably saves the day for Lich there.
Lich   vs   Cameela (SF 2)- Fire.
Lich  vs   Kanon
Lich   vs   Barret
Lich   vs   Blastoise
Lich   vs   Charizard- Avoids a OHKO, smites.
Lich   vs   Margarete- Blocks Hold, wins a pathetic slapfight otherwise.
Lich   vs   Garr (ToD)
Lich   vs   Tony (WA 4)- Spoilers.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2008, 06:39:34 PM »
Ulf   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Ulf   vs   Crono- Ulf
Ulf   vs   Barret- Barret
Ulf   vs   Blastoise- Ulf
Ulf   vs   Charizard- Ulf
Ulf   vs   Garr (ToD)- Ulf

Mizuki   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Mizuki   vs   Crono- Crono
Mizuki   vs   Barret- Barret
Mizuki   vs   Blastoise- Mizuki
Mizuki   vs   Charizard- Mizuki
Mizuki   vs   Garr (ToD)- Mizuki

Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Kharg- Kharg, big owl
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Crono- Sheena
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Barret- Barret
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Blastoise- Sheena
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Charizard- Charizard
Sheena (Suiko)   vs   Garr (ToD)- Sheena
Cecile   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Cecile   vs   Crono- Crono
Cecile   vs   Barret- Barret, dont allow Yellow scarfs for Suikoden 3 PC's
Cecile   vs   Blastoise- Blastoise
Cecile   vs   Charizard- Charizard
Cecile   vs   Garr (ToD)- Garr

Cecile fails vs magic. Low HP and low Magic res is a bad thing.

Mathias   vs   Kharg- Kharg, dont think the ID is turn one, and Kharg immunes wind with the spirit amulet
Mathias   vs   Crono- Mathias
Mathias   vs   Barret- Mathias
Mathias   vs   Blastoise- Mathias
Mathias   vs   Charizard- Mathias, hits weakness too
Mathias   vs   Garr (ToD)- Mathias

Lich   vs   Kharg- Kharg
Lich   vs   Crono- Crono
Lich   vs   Barret- Lich
Lich   vs   Blastoise- Lich
Lich   vs   Charizard- Charizard
Lich   vs   Garr (ToD)- Lich


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2008, 10:08:18 AM »
Lich   vs   Crono - Luminaire's good enough to 2HKO DoS Lich.
Lich   vs   Cameela (SF 2) - Fire magic.
Lich   vs   Blastoise - Unsure, need to doublecheck Lich's speed since they 2HKO each other.  In the event of a tie I'd vote Lich, since Blastoise need to rely on unreliable damage for the 2HKO.
Lich   vs   Charizard  - Easy OHKO.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 4
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2008, 05:28:05 AM »
Update on Wednesday.
...into the nightfall.