Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!  (Read 149232 times)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #175 on: January 11, 2009, 04:03:27 AM »
Well, with no cost, some of these sound completely broken then.

Speed? has functionally no disadvantage, since it would encourage you to pick a team of all average-speed and below characters anyway sine they should offer "more bang for the buck" for the price (as you have to pay through your nose for speedy characters which are now slow, and get a discount on slow characters which are now speedy). 

Resourceless is definitely an advantage - just build your team around abusing high-cost high effect spells a la Ryu2 which now get to be used every single battle.  Makes long games tougher, sure, but just build for blitzing.

Multitarget is definitely an advantage - Rika now gets to ID the whole team, Lenneth flattens everyone while healing the team, Tidus Delay Attacks the world and functionally has Hastega early, etc.  Sure you have to worry about getting MT horrored yourself, but you can pretty much abandon any pretense of a long-game and build for blitzing since you get to take down the entire enemy side guaranteed.

Life I misunderstood - I thought only the revival was reduced by 50%, but I guess it's everything.  It still seems pretty awesome, as revival can be somewhat pricy to get in the dungeon, and this can now be ignored to just have lots of fullhealing instead (as MT 50% healing is still pretty good).  I'd say it's still an advantage, though a more subtle one.

I don't know.  The Sealstone idea is interesting, sure, but it seems like it'd change how the Dungeon works drastically, because these Sealstones are powerful enough that every team now needs a Sealstone, and it feels more like team construction is about Sealstone abuse rather than just good synergy in a team.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #176 on: January 11, 2009, 04:42:50 AM »
As a general point, the revival one only revives people with 1 HP, no matter what kind of healing you use. If you use Drops of Kindness (which is normally full healing) it would normally heal for 50%, but if used as revival it only brings someone back with 1 HP.

The downside to the Speed? Sealstone is that you can never get more than one turn against an enemy, so for example if you had Rand, he'd always be able to go first but never double anything. Tidus' Quick Hits would still only allow him to get one turn per the enemy's.

Multitarget does break a lot of things but there are several fights that become much, much more difficult with it. (Profound Darkness comes to mind, or perhaps Jade)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #177 on: January 11, 2009, 05:00:15 AM »
Life - Good on some early floors, could really bit you in the ass in some later floors. That works out.

Speed- Could be really evil. Just pick a team of people who are all really slow (And even worse, have lower costs because they are slow). Sure, they may not be able to double, but if you get it so your whole team is going first, most people aren't going to be able to deal with that. A Rand/Palom/Raquel/Beowulf/some slow ass MTer because those 4 together are only worth 7 points type team now can look really scary.

Resourceless - Fine. Yeah, you could build your whole team to have some normal MP issues to be a bit better, but only using the attack once a battle. Anything challenging that forces you to heal multiple times now is going to make you cry.

Multitarget - Yeah, this also has possibilities for a lot of evil, but really possible to bite you in the ass in the later floors. Could be a little unbalanced.

Violent Burst Law - Yeah, this only really strikes me as good for like FF 9 Trance where you don't expect to get one on every floor. seeing, and can't really be used with a party containing VP/Lufia 2/FF 7/some WA PCs.

Status Symbol Law - Seems balanced enough, although really painful.

Weakness: So...the team is given an extra weakness? Sounds really, really painful. Are enemies also?

Love Love: Balanced enough.

Elemental Advance Sealstone: Does this reset each battle, or does it continue for the whole floor. If that was the case, something like that whole Water team setup would be dastardly. Does opposing spell means any other elemental, because if it only meant 1 particular element, that would be pretty nasty.

Vantage Effect Sealstone: Sounds fine. A very niche thing, especially since building up a counter Heavy team doesn't exactly work too well.

Firefly: Could be used for evil if someone was able to figure out some kind of death tank, but given that those aren't exactly running rampant (And MT existing), this also sounds fine.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #178 on: January 11, 2009, 05:12:59 AM »
imes now is going to make you cry.

Weakness: So...the team is given an extra weakness? Sounds really, really painful. Are enemies also?

Yep, the team chooses a weakness every floor.

Also the Advance stone does reset every battle, I forgot to make a note of that. An opposing spell is any other non-same element, I'll clear that up too.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 05:19:39 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #179 on: January 11, 2009, 05:13:29 AM »
Well, the Mutlitarget fights that become tough become tough in an uninteresting fashion, though.  The only way a team with the MT Sealstone should ever lose is vs. OHKO damage or some kind of powerful status.  But even Jade can be dealt with - presumably with some kind of Shell-style buff.  Lenneth has both Guard Reinforce and Reflect Sorcery, for example, so Jade still burns.  I'm more standing on the unfun point - the only interesting battles will come down to some kind of speedoff and a OHKO damage move or a 100% status, and that should be the only time the all-MT team should ever be threatened.  The battles in general are less interesting.  (And I say this as someone who likes the all-MT floor which is designed around that and that most teams aren't designed for.)

The downside to the Speed? Sealstone isn't a downside, because normally slow characters would be doubled themselves.  Now they aren't.  Sure they can't double enemies and are stuck at average speed for doubling, but that's fine - initiative in the first round counts for far more.

As for Firefly, it seems pretty good too.  Weaker than the other sealstones, but still clearly better than no sealstone (makes a LOT of fights easier - give it to Rand or something, force ST enemies to waste their time there).  Maybe 1 point?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #180 on: January 11, 2009, 06:58:10 PM »
Life - This is so damned useful in one sense.  On the other, you need two healers to make up the difference.

Speed? - An interesting one, to say the least, and with some fun applications--Raja going first and getting Blessing off amuses me too much for words. 

Resourceless - Ryu-2.  Enough said.  The abuse factor here is outright IMMENSE (Don't forget, aside from G-Drgn, he has three dragon forms per level, so he basically can afford to nuke every round.)  Might need a special addendum for him specifically, or to fix this one, but I see breaking issues with him.

Multitarget - Takes out the issue of targeting.  However, now you have to deal with everything on a party-wide scale.  Kind of odd, I guess.  Simplifies issues, though.

Violent Burst Law - Niche,  based on character.  I see it benefitting some WA and FF characters the most.  Has some -brutal- applications later on, though.

Status Symbol Law - You suck, but you're status immune!  Fair trade, I guess, though you want to find a team that's mostly stat-independent....

Weakness: High risk, high reward...seems more like an option for people who've seen a floor and use a one-element team.  Later on, that can get brutal, however...I wonder what it says that I'm tempted to take it for my current team as the elements stand...

Love Love: Random.  Doesn't seem safe or sorry--though it makes one wonder about non-gendered types (IE: types like Worker 8, or any of your random Dark God type deals later on)

Elemental Advance Sealstone: Hmm...Weakness lite.  You don't get bitten in the ass so much, but you also get less of a benefit, and enemies can screw up your damage.

Vantage Effect Sealstone: Very niche, but I guess I can see it in a FE-heavy (god FORBID) party.  Also makes the "FE-only" enemy parties rather scary by comparison.

Firefly: This is another niche effect, but helpful in certain fights.  Hilariously so pending on party composition.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #181 on: January 11, 2009, 09:32:26 PM »
Speed? - The effective speed of your team is reversed, but it may only act once per turn (i.e doubling is not allowed).

Okay, this one just doesn't really make much sense.  Not being able to double means if you throw them against Augst, everyone gets one turn and then no one can act.  Ever.  For a less extreme example, if you throw them against Raquel (65% speed), then they are 65% speed after turn 1.  And then how do you even try to figure out turn order when their CT is already filled way before they can actually take a turn?  What happens if they kill Raquel?  Do they suddenly all get faster?  What if they use Stop, Sleep status, etc.?

I think this one just doesn't work like this.  I think a different downside would be much better.

Oh, and I think for Violent Burst Law you might want to restrict it to only bars that carry over between battles?  Otherwise it doesn't make much sense.  Like WA FP and SoA SP, those reset after each battle, but by that rule, they'd carry over but never recharge, which doesn't make much sense.

I like most of the others though.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 09:35:57 PM by Talaysen »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #182 on: January 12, 2009, 04:07:45 PM »
I'm still unsure whether these shouldn't cost points. Moreover, some of the modifications cause some serious screwball interpretation issues- CTB characters who use laggy moves under the Speed? Sealstone speed up for the clockticks they would have slowed down for? What about FFT charge times? Or with Violent Burst- Wild Arms characters with FP would end up good on fight one and horrifically gimped for the rest when they can't gain meter any longer for the rest of the floor.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #183 on: January 12, 2009, 06:39:08 PM »
I'll be changing the Violent Burst one to specifically be for FFX Overdrives, Limit Breaks and that sort of thing and probably not for FP or SO3 Fury.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #184 on: January 13, 2009, 07:08:46 AM »
Violent Burst Law would be useful for LoD characters, especially since LoD crew can conserve their Dragoon meter if they finish a fight with any extra guages left. For series that normally cannot conserve Limit meters between fights, I would make this Sealstone enact a conservation effect. WA characters start with full FP but are able to retain this until they USE it, not just until the next fight starts. This enacts the same effect as FF Limits, since once used the WA character would be unable to recharge FP until the next floor. Vyse would like starting with a full SP bar, but he can only use his big SP-drainer once on a floor - but at least he'll have the option of WHEN to use it if you allow this Sealstone to overcome game-engine limit-meter restarting between fights. Tear is now somewhat worthwhile thanks to Overlimit and Mystic Arte hype.

Vantage Effect also applies to a few others besides FE. In fact, my last team would have LOVED this one... Arc's physical counters, Miakis could have used the Counter rune somewhat effectively, LYN... Well, WhiteRose's Shards of Glass move would get this ability redundantly, but I had already built a Counter-heavy team... *Sigh* A bit too late...

Speed? really needs reworking, or have it as an exceptional Sealstone that requires 1.5 points or something. Raquel being fast needs to cost a bit more than anything else on this list.



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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #185 on: January 13, 2009, 03:26:37 PM »
Counter sealstone? That'd be awesome on a Ramza build. Counter magic's good there.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #186 on: January 13, 2009, 08:01:58 PM »
How would this be?

Speed? - Reverses the relative speed of one character on a team but makes that character unable to act until all enemy opponents have acted per turn.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #187 on: January 13, 2009, 10:05:33 PM »
My only real response to Sealstone overpowerdness at this point is to just point out that Neph can easily make dungeon floors suited to handling sealstone users (and perhaps have "gates" where you can't have a Sealstone or have to have a certain one to take a path).

I'd support that Speed sealstone amendment, idly.

I'll also do a sweep through the rankings to see if there's anyone else that needs a point adjustment.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 10:10:54 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #188 on: January 13, 2009, 10:46:23 PM »
I don't particularly like the wording on that, but I'm not sure how to explain why.  Let's just go with an example.

The way it stands now, let's just say a team gets to floor 10 and has to face off with previous teams.  Let's say one of them is Shale's.  Shale's Tidus and Rikku are going to get about a billion turns between Rand's turns in that fight, and the team with the Speed stone is screwed because by that wording they can only go once for every time Rand goes.  It's fine for most cases where most of the enemies are around the same speed, but if there's any extremes that's a hella nasty downside.

...wait, I only just noticed you amended it to one character.  That's... not as bad then and the bigger downside probably works better that way really.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #189 on: January 14, 2009, 02:42:38 AM »
To summarize my reason behind why sealstones should have point costs (or even perhaps point benefits, in the case of very unhelpful sealstones): currently there is a whole vast constellation of possible team builds in the Dungeon without Sealstones.  Let's assume we're somehow able to intuit the correct "price" of a sealstone (I think we can all agree that it's possible to design sealstones that are a net benefit - say "your speed is doubled, other team's speed is unchanged").  Any sealstone that is worth more than 0 points basically invalidates all the 0-point no-sealstone builds that already exist.  Thus, teams with a sealstone that is giving them a net advantage inherently have an edge over all the normal no-sealstone teams.  Either they'll sail through the dungeon, or the dungeon has to be rebalanced to challenge them - and likely crush all the no-sealstone teams.  The only way around this is either to balance all the sealstones to truly be worth 0 points, or to charge for them.  I think that nerfing everything down to 0 points is less fun, myself, and would probably mess with the flavor of some of these sealstones - Speed? is basically a cool advantage to make people pick slow characters, but assuming that Speed? is clarified to make all your characters average-speed as far as doubleturning goes rather than a strict "no double turns" rule, there really is no downside to it.  And I'm not sure there's a flavorful disadvantage to give to it either to "balance" it.  So just charge for it.  People can still make neat topsy-turvy speed balance teams, and it'll be cool, but not broken.

I used to and still occasionally play Magic: The Gathering Online, and they had Vanguard cards for awhile (they briefly existed in real life too).  It was quite similar - they granted some kind of bonus to your deck, but they also could adjust your starting hand size and life total.  Really powerful advantages got you a lower hand size or life total, while marginal advantages made up for it by giving you more cards.  You can see an example of the kind of powerbalancing they did here.  I don't think there's any good alternative to avoiding that here - some abilities are just powerful, so they need to either be nerfed (meh) or charged for.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #190 on: January 14, 2009, 10:05:37 PM »
Here is a potential change (most likely I am doing this) to the MT stone.

[17:01] <Nephrite> Multitarget: One person on the team's actions all become Multitargetted. However, the damage, healing, chances or stat effects of these effects is reduced by 50%.
[17:01] <Nephrite> So, for example, you toss it on Tir.
[17:02] <Nephrite> Deadly Fingertips is now MT, but only works 50% of the time.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #191 on: January 14, 2009, 10:13:42 PM »
So does that mean anything that has >=100% chance drops to 50%?  There are some things that are like 200% hit rates!

Also, what about stuff that does both damage and status.  Do those both get cut in half (that'd be a quarter efficiency)?

Think this version is better though, yeah.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #192 on: January 14, 2009, 10:14:43 PM »
I presume it also affects spells that are MT already?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #193 on: January 15, 2009, 12:54:30 AM »
I would probably say any status has its chances reduced to 50%, even if the actual normal chance is 200%, but I will think about it.

As for things that do both damage and status, yes, the damage itself would be halved and the status rate would be halved as well.

Also, yes, it affects things that are MT already.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #194 on: January 15, 2009, 09:30:51 AM »
I would probably say any status has its chances reduced to 50%, even if the actual normal chance is 200%, but I will think about it.

Well, to point out something you should think about, Deadly Fingertips never misses, ever, so it could be 100% or it could be infinite%.  There's no way to tell, since there is no ID resistance in-game outside of immunity.

I think it works either way, but there are cases like this that need to be looked at.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #195 on: January 19, 2009, 08:16:46 AM »
I'd suggest "figure out its original percentage as usual, cap it at 100" then divide by 2. So yeah, it wouldn't matter whether something is infinite% or 200% or 100% (which is good because there'd be no way to tell in some cases) and the new max is 50.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #196 on: January 23, 2009, 10:30:44 PM »
Again I ask the question that if Seal Stones cost points will people use them? For example Peppita thinks she likes the sound of Firefly/Vantage effect but I'm not sure I'd give up a whole character in Adray (even though he's only 1 point) I think people might be more inclined to use them with the penalties given by Neph. That might just me me though.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #197 on: January 24, 2009, 01:18:18 AM »
I got bored and randomly ran some statistics tests on the character availability (by game) in the Dungeon. Noticing there were a lot of under-represented series (that are DL-ranked), I threw out some suggestions in hopes to see a few more games get their chance in my favorite ‘team setting’ tourney here at the DL boards.

Characters by Game:
AtL2 1
BoF1 4
BoF2 7
BoF3 3
BoF4 4
CT 6
DQ1 1
DQ4 3
DQ8 3
EB 1
FE7 4
FE8 4
FF1 3
FF4 4
FF5 5
FF6 4
FF7 2
FF8 1
FF9 2
FFX2 1
FF12 1
G2 1
LoD 2
Lufia1 1
Lufia2 3
Lunar1 5
Lunar2 3
Pers 1
P2 1
P3 3
PS4 7
Suiko1 4
Suiko2 1
Suiko3 7
Suiko4 1
Suiko5 3
SaGa 4
ShF1 1
ShF2 1
SH1 2
SH2 3
SH3 1
SD3 4
SO2 2
SO3 4
SoA 2
ToD 1
ToP 1
TotA 1
VP1 2
VP2 3
WA1/F 3
WA2 1
WA3 1
WA4 4
XG 2
XS 2

Generic Count: 20

Characters per Series:
AtL 1
BoF 17
Chrono 6
DQ 7
EB 1
FE 8
FF 36
Grandia 1
LoD 2
Lufia 4
Lunar 7
Pers 5
PS 7
Suiko 16
SaGa 4
ShF 2
SH 6
Seiken 6
SO 6
SoA 2
Tales 3
VP 5
WA 10
Xeno 4

Unplayable games:

Unplayable Series:

Chrono: Wow, nearly the entire playable cast is available for Dungeon use. This makes sense as this is a cast with a lot of synergy, so it works out well in the Dungeon. My only suggestion here is to add some characters from Chrono Cross. They represent a well-known game, and their only drawback is that they don't come with a lot of skills. If you allow CC characters to use Elements of their own affinity, you can create some really interesting healers/buffers/statuswhores who are elementally-reliant. Also, the Field Effect mechanic means that after any CCers use an Element, anyone else who uses the same element will get a power boost (and likewise, it reduces the opposing element's damage). The effect is even stackable. For a high-end option, use someone like Serge (White Elements are pretty brutal and versatile, though a bit rare - maybe Heavy?) and for a low-end option, try Glenn (Middle?). These two also have a Double Tech for added potential synergy.

Grandia: Wow, only Millenia is worthy of being in the Dungeon, huh? You have four characters from SD3, but only one from Grandia? I don't think this reflects playership...
As some suggestions, Liete from G1 would be a Crowley-like Millenia - she would come with a lot of powerful spells (including SBE-like super-status Enclose), though scaled to the floor. Probably Heavy. Justin or Feena could be interesting two if you made it so they gained 1 Mana Egg element per the first four floors. Grandia1 magic has some quirky effects that would work well with a fighter or a mage. Not powerhouses though, I'd peg them at 2s?
G3 has some fun offerings. Dahna's a neat Light mage, who specializes in status-weapon whoring and a counter-attack ability. She also gets Mana Spring (MPcost=0) eventually. Yuki/Ulf would be interesting if given SkillBook Twinkability. They could eventually build up to be 8-hits-per-attack beasts with their personal buffing specials (Slow to build, so 2.5s). Hect is another super-status user with Freeze, not to mention gamebest damage (though limited resources, probably still a 3 or 3.5).

FE series: There's 8 weird ranking choices in here, I think. Not bad, but there really -could- be an FEer for each tier, for varying effectiveness. A player can fill their team with whatever shade of countering, weapon-triangle goodness they want. Marisa and Lyn on the same tier is a bit silly though.
FE9 is ranked now, so it would be cool to see some FEers with Skills get into the action. Suggestions include:
Ike (Heavy?), Ellincia (Puny healer variant), Titania (a better Marcus), Astrid (Level advantage for the midgame, there aren't a lot of middle-focused Dungeon participants, so she could be useful to some teams, Middle), Tanith (Reinforce Skill summons 3 puny mooks to be meatshields or tack on some extra hits, could have some interesting applications. Probably a 3.5 or 4 though), Lethe (Speedy, decent damage fighter with a turn-limit. The penalty is devastating, but she could have uses in a speed team. I'd peg her as a Light with the de-transformation problem, so she'd be an interesting Light slugger), Tibarn/Naesala (High-speed, High-damage - pure physical, and with a wind weakness. Physical Crowley variants, could very well be 3.5 or 4.0-level though). For the record, I'd only add one or two of these.

Phantasy Star series: Well, only Phantasy Star IV characters are available… And this makes sense, it’s blindingly clear that it’s the most played and best entry to the series. Though we have 7 out of 9 playable characters ranked, I believe? Just seems like a lot proportionally. I suppose you could also add in a PSI or PSII character to fill in some Light options. My suggestion: PSII Josh Kain – he’s a semi-decent physical fighter with a little bit of magic. But his real use is as a Robot-slayer. Very situational, but if you make him a 1.0 or 0.5, he could find room in a few parties.

Tales series: You have 3 Tales healers ranked, which makes sense as they’re the most versatile of the Tales cast. As it’s a pretty widely-played series, I’d personally suggest that you add one or two more options. Elemental physical attack options are pretty common for Tales fighters and that makes them semi-unique and useful for any team that wants to try being element-heavy (especially with that new sealstone!). Examples include Chester (ToP) and Luke (TotA), Luke could be especially useable with Tear’s FOF-inducing earlygame spells. I think the most interesting option would probably be Kratos/Zelos from ToS, though. He starts out as kind of powerful physically AND magically… and can double as a Healer. Eventually, he starts getting EXgem skills and finally gets the Last Fencer to deal double damage to humans, which is a pretty awesome midlate game pickup. Kratos even eventually gets some decently powerful holy magic, so a Kratos/Zelos option would be a strong earlygame, lagging midgame, great lategame choice (2 or 2.5? They’re never devastating and they don’t get revival).

Xeno series: No problems with the options available, but I just had a vague idea pop into my head and I thought I’d mention it. Would it be possible to get a Xenogears character who could use their Gears in the dungeon? I’m not sure how it would work out, but the idea just sounded interesting.

BGs: Unplayable, but I don’t know enough about the game to make any suggestions. Just seems kind of sad that there are ranked series that are completely unplayable in the Dungeon.

Brigandine: But Brig makes for a pretty good example of why. None of the characters are particularly interesting mechanics-wise compared to other Dungeon choices. I remember Salamander was a Capsule monster choice at one point, he could be brought back as a Light? Well, with some flexibility, a Brig choice could be viable. If you made a faceless ‘Rune Summoner’ character (or just used one of the Lords), you could make a Godlike-level character who gets to summon progressively stronger monsters to battle through the dungeon. For example, if you just used Lance, then he would start with a Salamander (overpowered, I know), and then by floor 3, he could continue using the Salamander, or could trade him in for two weaker monsters (more hits, but more easily killed). By floor 5, he could evolve those monsters, or trade them in again. I’d never let him use more than 2 monsters, but it’s an interesting way to boost party size. You could even have it so that ‘Lance’ takes up two party slots, but still only costs 4.0 (or 4.5 if you feel like making something higher). Hmm.. it sounds REALLY broken (needs some kind of balancing), but considering that people were asking for FFT Mediator (with recruiting options!), it seems like something players would like.

Disgaea series: Really well-played series, and a non-FE option for counters. Not to mention the ability to pick up allies to keep them protected. Could rank some Generics - Dis Ninja gets roughly a million counters and Godly Evade… he even dodges healing, so that could be problematic. Or you could rank one of the story characters. Flonne would be an interesting choice (especially if you’re allowed to teach her magic in-dungeon or choose which weapon she gets). She’d be a healer with a “Lift” method of the Cover materia. She could even still cast healing magic while she did this. Etna and Laharl just make for fun options for using Disgaea counters/Lift/versatile weapons/mechanics. A random Prinny would be a fun Puny – can use him for crap damage, as a meat shield, or Throw him to his doom for massive damage! (It can even splash, so it’s GT/MT) I’d make it so anyone with hands is allowed to throw him. Taro or Hanako from Dis2 also make awesome buffing options (I’d make them Light, though).

Golden Sun: I thought you used to have some GS characters available? Isaac or Ivan are good options in general. You could even offer a ‘mix-and-match Djinni’ GS character so that players can make their GS character into the class of their choice. The various different permutations for classes are easy to find online (GoldenSun wikia), so the only thing that would be necessary is to set which Djinni are received per floor. Players could change up their class between each floor. Obviously a High Heavy or Godlike for that style.

LoL series: I thought you had some LoL characters available before, too? Noa’s charm effects are still the most notable unique thing about LoL1. She doesn’t get them until midgame, but if you allow her to learn some Seru magic, she could be potent throughout the Dungeon due to her ridiculous speed. Probably a Middle option for a Healer/Status whore with a little bit of damage. Aftergame, she can pick up the Wind Special Seru (Summon) to get more damage (speed goes down when she’s using it though). Since LoL2 actually seems to be more widely played here in the DL, those characters are an option, too.

Ogre Battle: It’s a single game, so I can see how you’d overlook it, but it’s widely played. The characters don’t have a lot of options and rely on class-changing. I’d rank one of the generics here. Though I’m not an expert on the game, so I can’t give any specific suggestions.

VH: Even less of an expert, but I know the main has multiple class change options, so that could make for an interesting option.

Final Fantasy series: There are a lot of these in the Dungeon, and a lot of them are generics. But… considering that the Dungeon needs lots of well-known characters, I have no complaint about the overwhelming number of FF characters available. My only suggestion here is that FF3 needs a representative now that it’s ranked. Pick your favorite generic! I like Geomancer personally. One dimensional and somewhat random, but fun!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #198 on: January 24, 2009, 06:19:27 PM »

Tales series: You have 3 Tales healers ranked, which makes sense as they’re the most versatile of the Tales cast. As it’s a pretty widely-played series, I’d personally suggest that you add one or two more options. Elemental physical attack options are pretty common for Tales fighters and that makes them semi-unique and useful for any team that wants to try being element-heavy (especially with that new sealstone!). Examples include Chester (ToP) and Luke (TotA), Luke could be especially useable with Tear’s FOF-inducing earlygame spells. I think the most interesting option would probably be Kratos/Zelos from ToS, though. He starts out as kind of powerful physically AND magically… and can double as a Healer. Eventually, he starts getting EXgem skills and finally gets the Last Fencer to deal double damage to humans, which is a pretty awesome midlate game pickup. Kratos even eventually gets some decently powerful holy magic, so a Kratos/Zelos option would be a strong earlygame, lagging midgame, great lategame choice (2 or 2.5? They’re never devastating and they don’t get revival).

Sounds like you'll love ToDr Stahn and Leon.
ToDr elements are : Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light(Covers both Lightning and Light), Darkness, Slash, Strike and Pierce.

Stahn gets OHTHEPAIN-level poison, and has all the ToDr elements except Darkness eventually.
He IS weak to Water, and doesn't wake up from sleep if he's hit, only through it wearing off.(Both can be overcome by accessories though, and at the same time)

Leon gets 100% silence and also a secondary status in stone via physicals, and can use all the ToDr elements except Wind eventually too. And probably cast-best damage. Can be an awesome healer if you let him use Heal as long as he has CC.
Being weak to wind and is awfully frail doesn't help here since he can't exactly dodge attacks like in-game.

Begins as nothing much early game, but they improve REALLY quickly. Aftergame development potiential is downright obscene.
It does help to know that in ToDr, scoring a weakness element allows your whole combo to gains the "weakness" bonus. No idea how's that gonna be interpreted though.

But, the game WILL have playership issues, and there's no stat topic for it yet.
I.....might be willing to make the latter if anyone asks for it, but it WILL take a while.

Oh, and about Disgaea lifting.... their version of Cover is pretty bad, considering they have to Lift the teammate during their turn, so unless they're really fast, the Disgaea people are actually disabling one of their members, at least for the turn.
More viable as a disable if you ask me. I mean, you can lift bosses in-game >_>. Grants them invincibility, which isn't so bad considering they can't waste your team on their turn but is limited to hurting a single character. Not bad for a quirk if they can do it fast enough.

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #199 on: January 24, 2009, 09:05:16 PM »
Golden Sun: I thought you used to have some GS characters available? Isaac or Ivan are good options in general. You could even offer a ‘mix-and-match Djinni’ GS character so that players can make their GS character into the class of their choice. The various different permutations for classes are easy to find online (GoldenSun wikia), so the only thing that would be necessary is to set which Djinni are received per floor. Players could change up their class between each floor. Obviously a High Heavy or Godlike for that style.

Well, with each chara having 46 different Class possibilities in TLA, depending on Dijinn formation, subtracting 12 for the Item Classes still yields 34, it's quite a stretch.  Personally, I'd rather keep it at Same-Element but let the Dijinn (and Single-Elemental Summons) actually play.  Start with 1 Dijinn and increase by 1 per floor to a Max of 9.  Or, using your idea, use 1 of each element per Floor, but they can only choose as many as is on that Floor.  I can give a list per character if needed.  This works as TLA could also be considered to be GS1 Post-Game (as TLA charas aren't ranked).  Cursed Gear could also be Post-Game (not sure if 8, 9, or 10, though.)  Sol Blade would be Floor 9 for Isaac only (the only other one is TLA's Felix).

Ogre Battle: It’s a single game, so I can see how you’d overlook it, but it’s widely played. The characters don’t have a lot of options and rely on class-changing. I’d rank one of the generics here. Though I’m not an expert on the game, so I can’t give any specific suggestions.

Actually, if we do the same as Bartz (and Luneth), I can see having a generic Amazon in the Dungeon.  Can change classes at will but the possibilities aren't as vast (or confusing) as Fighter.  Think of it!  Being able to have at any given floor (after the first) a Healer, a Thunder Blaster, or a Stun ability.  One guide says that that Stun ability might bypass Boss Immunity, but no second source; and even if it does, Stun has an Intelligence Save and most Bosses in the dungeon mid-Dungeon onward have high enough Intel to score the needed resists...

Furthermore, Amazons only have 1 Item-Dependent Class Change. That Item allows the Princess Class.  While its Holy-based attack may not be as good as an Seraph's, it has an innate ability which, by most DL interprets, translates into an Auto-Haste for the entire team!  (Obviously, not so good with the Speed? Sealstone, but...)

For the above, you can change positions (Front Row vs Back Row, impacting Attacks) every battle, but you can only change classes between Floors.

Amazon is Starter; 1st Tier (Cleric, Valkyrie, and Witch) are all available on Floor 2.  Shaman (2nd Tier Healer) available on Floor 3, Muse (Top Fighter) and Monk (Top Healer) available on Floor 4 and Princess on Floor 5.

Nice 2.5 or 3.0;  Varied abilities from Floor 2 onward (most of which grow) and can give the team Auto-Haste starting on Floor 5.  You just have to pick the right ability...

Also, the Pumpkin, with its only attack being a 50% HP Attack (that kills at 1 HP and does not bypass Boss Immunity BTW) would make a great Capsule Monster; Standard Pumpkin at Slow rate for 1st 2 Floors, Nightmare with Normal Rate after that.

Final Fantasy series: There are a lot of these in the Dungeon, and a lot of them are generics. But… considering that the Dungeon needs lots of well-known characters, I have no complaint about the overwhelming number of FF characters available. My only suggestion here is that FF3 needs a representative now that it’s ranked. Pick your favorite generic! I like Geomancer personally. One dimensional and somewhat random, but fun!

Isn't All-Job Luneth already in the development stages?  With the only thing holding up the new additions is the whole "Sealstone" issue?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 09:07:08 PM by Sir Donald 3.2 »