Yeah, I'm a bit redundant sometimes.
If nothing else, F4 is where it shines, since Jane's Follow Me will make things dead before they know it. Up until then, I'm basically relying on Deis and Hilda to kill floors before they kill me... Which, if I know Deis1 ANYWHERE near as decently as I think I do, isn't THAT far-fetched, but still a hard idea.
If anyone dies before a round finishes, then Nall picks 'em back up for more slaughter at the start of the next fight. The only floor that really scares me with the current set-up is... F3, funny enough. Jane's also fast enough that she'll be going first in most fights, which means she sacrifices herself for Sucker! on F1 and F2 and lets my other characters do their job.
Entrance + Black Magic is enough to kill ST, and Summons on MT, right?
While going through the dungeon lists, though, to see how I could improve the basic premise (I'm not sure if I could)... I got the weird idea for this team:
Rika (4.0)
Hilda (2.0)
Luneth (2.0)
Palom + Porom (2.0)
Body Charge Sealstone (Switched between the three 2.0s as necessary if Neph says that's allowable, since it wouldn't actually change the cost of my team)