Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!  (Read 142396 times)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #500 on: September 04, 2009, 10:27:40 AM »
Fina (w/ SoA Magic)

Pros: Above-average speed!

Kind of. I'm...okay (somewhat/kind of) with this in the DL, but  that she is never, ever above average speed in game, and dungeon is a lot about following in-game performance compared to DL stuff. Plus side, should mean better durability.

Hmm, wonder exactly when that SoA Faq was written...
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 10:29:17 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #501 on: September 04, 2009, 10:36:20 AM »
Kanji - I'm a man! I can take this!
Yosuke - ;_;
Teddie - BAWWWS

is the only one who can use magical damage from the get-go,

Nel? Nel starts w/th Fire Bolt. Meru? Starts w/th Blue Sea Dragon/Freezing Ring. I wouldn't have made the Nel/Meru picks otherwise. Nel also just picks up Ice Needles on F1 (L10) I think she gets Lightning Blast too. Edit: Ok so no Lighting Blast F1 (L18)

and those not only are limited in supply (you can't get more than 32 in-game, assuming you have absolutely nothing else on the inventory.

Well yeah in game I usually have nothing else in the inventory because w/th Meru/Miranda in the party I don't need healing items because if they're not killing things dead they have healing >_> The only other thing usually in my inventory are the stat up/down items. Attack items work great on bosses as well though I stop using them once I can spam BSD w/th Meru.

I know Sharanda w/th attack items is limited in supply. That's why I picked two others w/th magic as insurance for those w/th no/less respect for LoD attack items. Didn't work I guess >_>

That's not going to get a lot of resource respect, and they're rare and expensive in the first couple floors, which won't help),

They are storebought and cheap.

Meru. Even frailer than Sharanda, has the same short and long-term issues. Her healing is worse (4PF, 50%?)


she's even more easily picked apart than Sharanda and her damage isn't much better (she needs her final tech to do averagish damage with her physical. The ones coming before that are awful).

Well this is why she's a 0.5 >_> I asked Neph about the stat up/down items, dunno about any feedback about that. Or maybe she and Sharanda could share an item bag of attack items >_>

She does have Cool Boogie/Pretty Hammer before her final for SP farming at least.

BSD has the same issues as WSD for resources, and doesn't even give you the healing (2HKO MT damage that has a one-turn windup doesn't work in the dungeon. A team with multiple healers eats that for free, for instance, and people can easily kill both Sharanda and Meru before they get their next turn).

Since BSD is the most damaging spell in the game half of that damage (Freezing Ring/Diamond Dust) was good enough from where I was standing. I wasn't planning to abuse WSD/BSD spam until Peppita picked up Magical Dance.

Both of those PCs are quite effective in-game, I know, but the way they're good in-game just doesn't translate to the dungeon. Dungeon enemies are far more durable than LoD enemies, have far more offense and can pick apart the typical LoD mangling strategy with ease. The transition isn't kind to them, sadly.

Fair enough~

Even on floor 1, if you don't have at least close to full healing, you're getting overwhelmed).

By what? Aren't all the F1 fights jokes apart from Rampage Drive and maybe Marle/Alice?

Nel's damage is also easily walled and entirely ST, and it takes until floor 3 to pick up.

Shockwave + Aerial + Shadow Wave are GT. She has other GT moves later too.

She has Berserk/Ice Daggers F2. Maybe that's too generous for you but she definitely has it as far as I'm concerned (pegging roughly ten levels per floor)

Since she's your best long-term damage dealer, you'll need to rely on her way too much to blitz, and she can't do that by herself. She's a lynchpin with that team design, your team crumbles into dust the minute the opposition pegs her down.

Bah she's always a lynchpin anyway.

Maria has similar issues, only she's actually openly frail instead of averagish and doesn't even have healing (unless Neph adds Common Support Symbols to her claim list).

I asked for that too!

And her damage in-dungeon doesn't translate to what she does in-game. I'll have to add, what the people do on those videos is generally not what people will see happening in these fights, they -will- rein that in.

The videos are fun anyway >_> They're also not lying or anything, that's really what Pep and Maria's damage is like in game. Nobody apart from Fayt + infinite juggle loop comes close. Cliff Max Shockwave is slow and it has nowhere near the number of max hit Dream Hammer does.
SO3 PCs don't like the transition to the turn system much, but there's not much you can do about it. Maria's damage in the dungeon suffers for it, and a lot of people will see it as below average by endgame, and it's not even that good on averages midgame. That's not blitzing well.

Well Scatter Beams is her money move in game because by the time another character does one move Maria has already squeezed a lot of Scatter Beams out but yeah I suppose if peeps hold her to one SB chain per turn in the dungeon and don't give her any bonuses such as her next turn coming up quicker (which would sort of mimic her two SB chains to another move in game thing) then I suppose she is bad w/th Scatter Beams. She has Magnetic Field/Triple Kick/Gravity Bullet though. They have higher damage modifiers than SB but don't merit much use in game because of SB's speed. They might be more DL relevant though.

Concerning Scatter Beam though - doesn't Maria start the dungeon at above average damage with it at least? Since she starts w/th Berserk + Scatter Beam chains ... the other SO3 PCs don't have that at this stage.  Indeed Fayt doesn't even get anything remotely resembling damage until L40 Air Raid.There is blade enchantments but those require set up so turn 2 in the DL/dungeon. Mirage isn't known for her damage ever. Sophia is lol mage and Adray is Adray and Albel is well ... Albel. Only Cliff and Roger really challenge early game Maria at damage. They are really good early on actually, Roger is a little beast at first. Sadly that doesn't last for him. Apart from that I'd only see Nel challenging Maria but probably only w/th Whirlwind + passives (L25) Peppita is a great back up damager w/th Faerie Friend but doesn't come close to Maria until Dream Hammer. Faerie Friend is better than SB Maria in the DL though I guess. That's ironic. Buy it people! Buy it. She doesn't get it till F5 though!

Finally, Peppita... her support does not translate to the dungeon.

Bah she doesn't ever translate does she? =P

Her healing dance is gradual and starts off very bad, both things being easy to overwhelm (and if she gets hit, it's interrupted to boot.

Yeah but Meru/Sharanda may have stored up SP by then and Meru has Cool Boogie.

Healing Dance is terrible in the DL, and it won't be any better in the dungeon).

OK ... why is it that Maria is held to turned based but Peppita isn't? Healing Dance is a battle skill chain just like anything else. If all the SO3 characters are restricted to turn based w/th their battle skill chains then so is Peppita. She gets to heal in peace. I just don't think this is fair, I really don't. She does have No Guard which prevents her from getting interrupted in game though. It's one or the other for me though. If everyone is held to turn based for everything so is Peppita. If it works the way it does in game then so does everyone and everything else work the way it does in game.

Power Dance most likely won't get initiative or speed bonuses from the people voting (and wouldn't get them from me).

Why not? It is a bonus she has in game w/th the Escape Formation. Peppita/Cliff/Maria team Power Dance Peppita doesn't even have to move Maria/Cliff run forward and completely and utterly demolish enemies within seconds. Even below L20 Cliff and Maria at her default level w/th Power Dance crush the likes of Azazer within ten seconds. Edit: I mean yeah I wasn't banking on peeps giving her initiative/speed bonuses here anyway but just wondering why you wouldn't personally =-)

She is frail, somewhat sluggish and she has to constantly sacrifice offense for support and support for offense, along with starting out downright awful.

You just said her support sucked =P

Peppita isn't even worth a 1.5 then due to starting bad (and she does, I'm not arguing that - I really believe her support is worthy of respect later though but if that's just me)

If you want some help trying to create teams that involve your favorites, chime me or super - or the peeps in general - up, we can help

Thanks ^_^

I think I'm going to give up though. If Peppita isn't going to ever get any respect for her damage or even her support then she's probably a waste of a pick and you don't want to waste picks in the dungeon >_>  I pick my characters not just because they are my favourites/I have respect for them but because I believe they are genuinely good. Eh Maria isn't exactly a favourite of mine (I'm not too keen on her character) but I do respect her in battle. Nel ... I like the character ... but she falls behind in game due to her big damage (Whirlwind) hitting boss elemental cheese. Divine Wrath is not practical in game even though it's used as her DL damage. I only picked those two because I thought they got more respect from the DL in general to tell the truth. Same with Sharanda. I don't like Miranda. Meru ... is the same as Peppita I guess ... but at least she's only a 0.5 Might also not be worth it though even then.

I didn't think I'd conquer the dungeon with this team but I did think it had plenty for the first few floors. Oh well.

Taking into account what Snow said I suppose all those characters are worth losing a half point in costs after all. Peppita at 1.0 though ... Nei already covers that.

Besides if I make changes again Neph will probably ban me from the dungeon and lock me away in a damp dark cell somewhere >_>

Edit: Neph agreed to CSS for Maria. Does this change anything for this team at all or should I juggle the non Peppita/Meru characters around? Super suggested Terra, Maria (CSS + Life), Sharanda, Peppita, Meru, Nall
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 05:53:23 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #502 on: September 04, 2009, 03:39:35 PM »
Was looking at the wiki.

Neph, did you shuffle around a bunch of Ivan's Djinni availability? Or just restrict when he can use certain classes?

You have it so Ivan can't even access the White Mage class until Floor 6? >.>;;

EDIT: Also, any thoughts on changing the penalty to the Status Symbol Sealstone?

Yes, I did, because it was pointed out that you can't actually assign all the Djinn to one person in-game until later on, so I shifted some of the more restrictive ones up a floor.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #503 on: September 04, 2009, 06:02:23 PM »
After some discussion, here's some changes I'll be making in the coming days.

Timelord to 4.0 (Gets Mystic Absorbs)
Tir to 3.5
Ramza to 3.5
Fogel to 3.5
Alex to 2.5
Crono to 2.0
Rosa to 2.0
Claude to 2.0
Maria gets CSS
Carlie to 1.5
Hellion to 1.5
Hawkeye to 1.5
Marle to 1.0
Tia to 1.0
Ziggy to 1.0

Combining Lucian and Shiho to 2.5
Combining Zemeckis and Brig Hydra to 2.0
Combining Palom and Porom to 3.0


Dis Ninja


Rydia at 2.0
Emma at 1.5
WA:CF Cecilia at 2.5
Lise at 2.0
Kevin at 1.5
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 06:23:33 PM by Nephrite »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #504 on: September 04, 2009, 06:20:36 PM »
is the only one who can use magical damage from the get-go,

Nel? Nel starts w/th Fire Bolt. Meru? Starts w/th Blue Sea Dragon/Freezing Ring. I wouldn't have made the Nel/Meru picks otherwise. Nel also just picks up Ice Needles on F1 (L10) I think she gets Lightning Blast too. Edit: Ok so no Lighting Blast F1 (L18)

And SO3 menu magic does not register as damage in the curve ever. Fayt's L3 spells are like 2/3k damage to an average that hovers in the mid-five digits, for an example, and Nel's Thunder Flare is even worse. That's Mint-level damage. Even early, those are going to be like half-average damage, and that's absolutely horrible. You're not outslugging anything short of Jogurt with those.

and those not only are limited in supply (you can't get more than 32 in-game, assuming you have absolutely nothing else on the inventory.

Well yeah in game I usually have nothing else in the inventory because w/th Meru/Miranda in the party I don't need healing items because if they're not killing things dead they have healing >_> The only other thing usually in my inventory are the stat up/down items. Attack items work great on bosses as well though I stop using them once I can spam BSD w/th Meru.

I know Sharanda w/th attack items is limited in supply. That's why I picked two others w/th magic as insurance for those w/th no/less respect for LoD attack items. Didn't work I guess >_>

It's not so much about respect, you just need to look at the facts and numbers. It's the same thing I told magic, but here I repeat it without the vitriol. Just your own respect won't really cut it. You need to back your argument within a DL-based environment, using hard facts. I already went over why your team killing things doesn't pan out well, DL/Dungeon offense and in-game offense are two entirely different things. In-game, Virginia's Mystic is great offense midgame because it OHKOs randoms easily with weakness-hitting. Once dropped into averages, even hitting a 3x weakness, that damage doesn't look so great - and it's downright terrible when it's not. That's the kind of facts you're going against. It doesn't matter if randoms in their own game got OHKOed, or if Maria can kill Iseria Queen in less than one minute. In a purely theoretical sense: if Maria deals 1M damage and the rest of her cast deals 900k, she's only going to deal slightly above average damage in the dungeon and in the DL. And spamming is generally something that's hardly considered at all. The way SO3 offense pans out in-game doesn't work in these environments.

That's not going to get a lot of resource respect, and they're rare and expensive in the first couple floors, which won't help),

They are storebought and cheap.

Not in the first two floors, they aren't cheap. Money in LoD is hard to come by early.

Meru. Even frailer than Sharanda, has the same short and long-term issues. Her healing is worse (4PF, 50%?)


Yes, and one more casting of poor healing per floor (4PF to 5PF is very little) doesn't make it all better. It's still very limited and unrestorable outside of dungeon fullheals. The dungeon won't cut you any slack there either. And don't forget that it's basically mutually exclusive with her other dragoon spells.

she's even more easily picked apart than Sharanda and her damage isn't much better (she needs her final tech to do averagish damage with her physical. The ones coming before that are awful).

Well this is why she's a 0.5 >_> I asked Neph about the stat up/down items, dunno about any feedback about that. Or maybe she and Sharanda could share an item bag of attack items >_>

She does have Cool Boogie/Pretty Hammer before her final for SP farming at least.

It's something like floor 5, though. What about the rest of the dungeon floors? And SP farming doesn't solve the primary issues anyway. Nothing changes the fact that your party is slow to get going and highly limited in resources.

BSD has the same issues as WSD for resources, and doesn't even give you the healing (2HKO MT damage that has a one-turn windup doesn't work in the dungeon. A team with multiple healers eats that for free, for instance, and people can easily kill both Sharanda and Meru before they get their next turn).

Since BSD is the most damaging spell in the game half of that damage (Freezing Ring/Diamond Dust) was good enough from where I was standing. I wasn't planning to abuse WSD/BSD spam until Peppita picked up Magical Dance.

I'd see BSD as picked on something like floor 4/5 at earliest and you can't use it until turn two at the earliest unless you saved up SP earlier (your party does -not- have the durability and healing to stall for that either). SP farming is slow, and I obviously don't take grinding into account ever in the dungeon. Magical Dance has the exact same issues as Healing Dance, so you're not getting much mileage out of it. WSD/BSD are too limited and obviously not quite damaging enough to make up for the hellish limitations.

Both of those PCs are quite effective in-game, I know, but the way they're good in-game just doesn't translate to the dungeon. Dungeon enemies are far more durable than LoD enemies, have far more offense and can pick apart the typical LoD mangling strategy with ease. The transition isn't kind to them, sadly.

Fair enough~

Even on floor 1, if you don't have at least close to full healing, you're getting overwhelmed).

By what? Aren't all the F1 fights jokes apart from Rampage Drive and maybe Marle/Alice?

Let's make a test run.

[Floor 1]
Team CT vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - This one is simple, although Palmer hits weakness on Meru. You pass.
Team CT vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Here is where you start having problems. You can't hit weakness on Shuckle as of now (Meru has no Dragoon spells, nor does Sharanda, your items probably don't even cover water-elemental yet, it's floor 1, before they're even buyable). Nel doesn't have Ice Daggers either - in fact, her damage sorta sucks right now because her starting skills are trash. And your healing is... 17% mHP healing ST. You struggle to outpace Steelix, who 2HKOs Sharanda because his damage is dark elemental. He can also Sandstorm, hurting your accuracy and making the entire party lose 12.5% mHP every round. I.e. this is damage you can't outheal. Shuckle is just going to be a pain in the ass: he can Encore Nel as soon as she casts Healing to guarantee she won't be able to try and keep people up (not that -she would be- with Healing sucking ass...), he madly resists the party's sad damage and owns it with friggin' Rest and Wrap will also screw with their turn orders. And given how you will be busy with Knight, you won't be able to even focus on him properly. Because Knight is going to be -mean- to your party. Resists the elements you will have at this point, 2HKOs your whole party, OHKOs Meru. And half your party -goes after Knight-, the rest that doesn't being stuck to either really bad physical damage or very limited elemental damage that gets halved by Knight, who has tons of HP and defense to boot. Knight more or less 2HKOs everyone in your party through Nel's healing. Pray tell, how -are- you making any headway here? You're getting outhealed pretty bad. If you even get past this, there are other issues.
Team CT vs. Marle, Alice and FFT Priest - This team is able to wind down your resources very badly, of which you probably already have very little after the hellfest that is Knight for your party. Alice and Marle have sucky damage, but you have no status healing, poor offense at this point and any damage you suffer sticks because your healing is so goddamned awful. You probably fare better than you did at Knight, but you're in bad shape. If you left the last fight with people dead, Advent/Ice 2 do horrible things here. Remember that part where your healing is really, really bad? Sharanda doesn't immune Holy until floor 6 to boot, nor does Meru immune Water/Ice until then.
Team CT vs. Rampage Drive - If you used items to make headway at all back then, I'd see you fresh out here. Which means you're relying on FIRE BOLT (which probably fails to 5HKO Rampage Drive. Sharanda items probably fail to 2HKO it) to beat Rampage Drive, who OHKOs Meru with his physical, has 25% odds of criticalling for a OHKO on more or less anyone in your party plus an extra turn to make things just a little bit more cruel and can Tarukaja to OHKO half your party. Mazio MT 2HKOs your party in a hurry after Tarukaja as well. Your healing at this point can't handle ST threats, let alone MT.
Team CT vs. Lich (FF1) - And hey, Lich hits weakness on Meru and OHKOs, while resisting everyone's damage and paralyzing them with reckless abandon. Assuming you were in top shape, you'd handle this fight, but your team probably dies -twice- in this floor.

Don't underestimate floor 1.

Nel's damage is also easily walled and entirely ST, and it takes until floor 3 to pick up.

Shockwave + Aerial + Shadow Wave are GT. She has other GT moves later too.[/quote]

Terrible GT. The area those hit may as well be ST, I certainly wouldn't give them MT credit for anything ever.

She has Berserk/Ice Daggers F2. Maybe that's too generous for you but she definitely has it as far as I'm concerned (pegging roughly ten levels per floor)

A bit too generous. Floor 3 sounds right to me.

Since she's your best long-term damage dealer, you'll need to rely on her way too much to blitz, and she can't do that by herself. She's a lynchpin with that team design, your team crumbles into dust the minute the opposition pegs her down.

Bah she's always a lynchpin anyway.

In a sense, that's sorta right. She's pretty good and threatening, and teams will want to go after her. But that's why you have to devise strategies to keep her safe instead of going "bah humbug" and pretend it's not an issue if you want to make headway. The latter is a poor approach to team design.

And her damage in-dungeon doesn't translate to what she does in-game. I'll have to add, what the people do on those videos is generally not what people will see happening in these fights, they -will- rein that in.

The videos are fun anyway >_> They're also not lying or anything, that's really what Pep and Maria's damage is like in game. Nobody apart from Fayt + infinite juggle loop comes close. Cliff Max Shockwave is slow and it has nowhere near the number of max hit Dream Hammer does.

Yes, but people won't be generous to Peppita and give her max hits on her Dream Hammer or full Faerie Friend. Those things are very hard to accomplish in-game (Dream Hammer, particularly, is easily interrupted unless you have the insane coordination shown in the vids you had in the exhibit) and I certainly hold that against those skills in the DL and the dungeon. Spamlocking in the dungeon is also not possible, and those videos relied on that quite a bit. >_> That's where Maria's offense shines in-game, and that does not make a transition to the DL.
SO3 PCs don't like the transition to the turn system much, but there's not much you can do about it. Maria's damage in the dungeon suffers for it, and a lot of people will see it as below average by endgame, and it's not even that good on averages midgame. That's not blitzing well.

Well Scatter Beams is her money move in game because by the time another character does one move Maria has already squeezed a lot of Scatter Beams out but yeah I suppose if peeps hold her to one SB chain per turn in the dungeon and don't give her any bonuses such as her next turn coming up quicker (which would sort of mimic her two SB chains to another move in game thing) then I suppose she is bad w/th Scatter Beams. She has Magnetic Field/Triple Kick/Gravity Bullet though. They have higher damage modifiers than SB but don't merit much use in game because of SB's speed. They might be more DL relevant though.

She only starts with Scatter Beam in the dungeon, and Scatter Beam is her money move for damage in the DL too. And sadly, her Scatter Beam combo in the DL is below average damage if I remember those Berserk averages right. It looks better early, indeed, but the SB combo is still fairly slow to come out and Maria is still frail.

Her healing dance is gradual and starts off very bad, both things being easy to overwhelm (and if she gets hit, it's interrupted to boot.

Yeah but Meru/Sharanda may have stored up SP by then and Meru has Cool Boogie.

And why does that matter? You need the healing -all the time- with your durability spread, and I already went over why this doesn't work. Any person with average physical damage will force you to heal. This means that you'll be under pressure from the beginning. You can't really afford to store SP off -that- durability, and even if you do, you're burning precious resources that you -will- miss on fights where you need blitzing. The line of thought even works in a vacuum, but it falls apart badly when you start making the comparison to dungeon floors. You're expecting to be able to store SP and stall with a team -that arguably gets killed by two floor 1 fights, one of them being against a solo boss and one having two of the worst-damage pokémons ever-. It's going to be a rude awakening if you do go through with the idea.

Healing Dance is terrible in the DL, and it won't be any better in the dungeon).

OK ... why is it that Maria is held to turned based but Peppita isn't? Healing Dance is a battle skill chain just like anything else. If all the SO3 characters are restricted to turn based w/th their battle skill chains then so is Peppita. She gets to heal in peace. I just don't think this is fair, I really don't. She does have No Guard which prevents her from getting interrupted in game though. It's one or the other for me though. If everyone is held to turn based for everything so is Peppita. If it works the way it does in game then so does everyone and everything else work the way it does in game.

I force Healing Dance to heal a set amount of HP per turn (probably not better than 20% or 30% mHP when built up), and give it a bit of a penalty on the amount for being so easily interrupted. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that.

Power Dance most likely won't get initiative or speed bonuses from the people voting (and wouldn't get them from me).

Why not? It is a bonus she has in game w/th the Escape Formation. Peppita/Cliff/Maria team Power Dance Peppita doesn't even have to move Maria/Cliff run forward and completely and utterly demolish enemies within seconds. Even below L20 Cliff and Maria at her default level w/th Power Dance crush the likes of Azazer within ten seconds. Edit: I mean yeah I wasn't banking on peeps giving her initiative/speed bonuses here anyway but just wondering why you wouldn't personally =-)

Because ARPG speed interps are a trainwreck and so are range game interps. If you want to argue that she gets godly speed bonuses or whatever, be my guest, but you're not going to garner a whole lot of support. To me, it's especially notable because, while she can do it from afar, she can't do it all that fast and she is entirely vulnerable while she does the dances, and any enemy with half-decent speed can reach her without special formation babying (babying that they won't get in the dungeon, formations don't exist in the setting). Her initiative depends entirely on starting range, and I don't give credit to those outside of -very glaring- exceptions like Zeon's impressive failure at getting the first hit on you despite the speed (and that's a SRPG). 

Peppita isn't even worth a 1.5 then due to starting bad (and she does, I'm not arguing that - I really believe her support is worthy of respect later though but if that's just me)

I know. Peppita just doesn't translate to the dungeon because the dungeon is -mean-. I actually think she shouldn't have been added because her support is poor for dungeon purposes and it's also very difficult to properly interpret, which means that kneejerking against it is going to be quite natural. The nature of the beast is as such.

Also, don't worry about getting locked in a damp cell by Neph. You've done nothing wrong. >_> And it's fine to want to make teams with people you're a fan of, but there are ways to make them work into a fairly strong team. I mainly used favorites in the teams I devised, but they are also people that synergize well together. The main thought ought to be "where do the characters I like fit in a team dynamic and what can they contribute" when looking this up.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 07:25:29 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #505 on: September 04, 2009, 09:28:32 PM »
After some discussion, here's some changes I'll be making in the coming days.
Hawkeye to 1.5

Rydia at 2.0
Emma at 1.5
WA:CF Cecilia at 2.5
Lise at 2.0
Kevin at 1.5

Err, wait, why would Lise cost more points than Hawk?

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #506 on: September 04, 2009, 09:30:22 PM »
See hinode. >_>
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #507 on: September 04, 2009, 10:15:57 PM »
Thanks for being so patient with me Snow ^_^

And SO3 menu magic does not register as damage in the curve ever. Fayt's L3 spells are like 2/3k damage to an average that hovers in the mid-five digits, for an example, and Nel's Thunder Flare is even worse.

Oh yeah I completely agree w/th lol SO3 mage damage (well SO mage damage period) I am not disputing that no. I thought it was good enough for the early two or three floors though >_>

That's Mint-level damage. Even early, those are going to be like half-average damage, and that's absolutely horrible. You're not outslugging anything short of Jogurt with those.

Eh I dunno. Symbology is niche in SO3 but early game is one of the few places I put it to use since characters don't have the ATK/damage modifiers/fury for battle skill chain spamming. They really need Berserk for that and Fayt/Cliff don't get it for a fair bit. So ... I didn't find Nel's magic damage to be that sucky early game. I agree all the mages are completely and utterly out classed by battle skill chaining though.

I was just buying Nel's magic for Rampage Drive honestly >_>

It's not so much about respect, you just need to look at the facts and numbers. It's the same thing I told magic, but here I repeat it without the vitriol. Just your own respect won't really cut it. You need to back your argument within a DL-based environment, using hard facts. I already went over why your team killing things doesn't pan out well, DL/Dungeon offense and in-game offense are two entirely different things. In-game, Virginia's Mystic is great offense midgame because it OHKOs randoms easily with weakness-hitting. Once dropped into averages, even hitting a 3x weakness, that damage doesn't look so great - and it's downright terrible when it's not. That's the kind of facts you're going against. It doesn't matter if randoms in their own game got OHKOed, or if Maria can kill Iseria Queen in less than one minute. In a purely theoretical sense: if Maria deals 1M damage and the rest of her cast deals 900k, she's only going to deal slightly above average damage in the dungeon and in the DL. And spamming is generally something that's hardly considered at all. The way SO3 offense pans out in-game doesn't work in these environments.

Ok, thanks. I'll work with it.

Not in the first two floors, they aren't cheap. Money in LoD is hard to come by early.

LoD money is hard to come buy in bulk i.e four digits or more yes. Not so much two and three digits though and storebought items are only 10 - 20G a piece.

Forest Merchant - Burn Out 10G
Hellena Prison - Spark Net 10G
Bale - Spear Frost 10G, Meteor Fall 20G (MT)
Volcano Merchant - Dancing Ray 20G, Pellet 10G

Meteor Fall + Dancing Ray are MT IRRC.

There are numerous little chests in the early game that yield G. Areas that have 20G x 3 + one X 50G for example. Remember peeps playing LoD, finding 20G and thinking dear god what a pathetic amount of cash, this chest might as well not even be here. Well that's not the case for item users.

Yes, and one more casting of poor healing per floor (4PF to 5PF is very little) doesn't make it all better. It's still very limited and unrestorable outside of dungeon fullheals. The dungeon won't cut you any slack there either. And don't forget that it's basically mutually exclusive with her other dragoon spells.

Is Meru's healing really that bad even combined w/th other healers? 50% paired w/th another 50% isn't all that bad surely?

It's something like floor 5, though. What about the rest of the dungeon floors?

Well ... F1 for example - doesn't she get multiple turns to build up SP before Rampage Drive? That gives her two shots of Freezing Ring there to aid Nel w/th Fire Bolt.

I'd see BSD as picked on something like floor 4/5 at earliest and you can't use it until turn two at the earliest unless you saved up SP earlier (your party does -not- have the durability and healing to stall for that either). SP farming is slow, and I obviously don't take grinding into account ever in the dungeon.

F5 and no grinding yes.

Magical Dance has the exact same issues as Healing Dance, so you're not getting much mileage out of it.

It's better than nothing! >_> <_< >_>

Let's make a test run.

I appreciate it.

[Floor 1]Team CT vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - This one is simple, although Palmer hits weakness on Meru. You pass.

Yaay! ^_^

Team CT vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Here is where you start having problems. You can't hit weakness on Shuckle as of now (Meru has no Dragoon spells, nor does Sharanda, your items probably don't even cover water-elemental yet, it's floor 1, before they're even buyable).

No, no they do have all that stuff  :P Or at least I thought they did when I picked them >_> Freezing Ring is Meru's default dragoon spell which Neph is allowing her to start w/th. As I mentioned above though she probably wants to keep the limited shots of that till Rampage Drive. Spear Frosts are Bale. I don't see why this wouldn't be F1. Nel doesn't have Ice Daggers but she may have Ice Needles. I'm probably being too generous w/th Nel though.

You struggle to outpace Steelix, who 2HKOs Sharanda because his damage is dark elemental.

*CT thought Steelix was a metal type >_>

Ok, I didn't know that about Steelix/Sharanda facing weakness F1.  Thanks~

He can also Sandstorm, hurting your accuracy and making the entire party lose 12.5% mHP every round. I.e. this is damage you can't outheal.

So even under the most generous interps i.e allowing the girls all their stuff they don't just kill him dead then? I ... didn't realise he was so durable.

Shuckle is just going to be a pain in the ass: he can Encore Nel as soon as she casts Healing to guarantee she won't be able to try and keep people up (not that -she would be- with Healing sucking ass...), he madly resists the party's sad damage and owns it with friggin' Rest and Wrap will also screw with their turn orders.

*CT spins

And given how you will be busy with Knight, you won't be able to even focus on him properly. Because Knight is going to be -mean- to your party. Resists the elements you will have at this point, 2HKOs your whole party, OHKOs Meru. And half your party -goes after Knight-, the rest that doesn't being stuck to either really bad physical damage or very limited elemental damage that gets halved by Knight, who has tons of HP and defense to boot. Knight more or less 2HKOs everyone in your party through Nel's healing. Pray tell, how -are- you making any headway here? You're getting outhealed pretty bad. If you even get past this, there are other issues.

I thought Steelix + Shuckle were jokes to be honest so my entire team would quickly be free for an all out assault on Knight. I see where you are coming from now though.

Team CT vs. Lich (FF1) - And hey, Lich hits weakness on Meru and OHKOs, while resisting everyone's damage and paralyzing them with reckless abandon. Assuming you were in top shape, you'd handle this fight, but your team probably dies -twice- in this floor.

*CT didn't know Lich had Fire damage! Oh right ... must have mixxed him up w/th Kraken now that I think about it >_>

Don't underestimate floor 1.


I've been tearing my hair out trying to build a team that manages to deal w/th Rampage Drive >_>

Terrible GT. The area those hit may as well be ST, I certainly wouldn't give them MT credit for anything ever.

Bah humbug! =P


A bit too generous. Floor 3 sounds right to me.

Ahhh ... how many levels do you peg to a floor for SO3 then? Maybe my new approach of ten levels per floor regardless of the game is a bit too generous but eh ... *muses*

In a sense, that's sorta right. She's pretty good and threatening, and teams will want to go after her. But that's why you have to devise strategies to keep her safe instead of going "bah humbug" and pretend it's not an issue if you want to make headway. The latter is a poor approach to team design.

What I meant is I don't think she's good and threatening enough to be worth it >_> I don't know if I care about Nel enough for her to be a first class pick for me <_< *flees from the Ciddies* I definitely agree w/th safety tactics/team building in general though yeah. I'm just not very good at spotting red herrings I guess >_>

Yes, but people won't be generous to Peppita and give her max hits on her Dream Hammer or full Faerie Friend.

That isn't fair.

Why don't they penalise other PCs the same as is valid in game? Peppita is not the only PC in game w/th issues.

Those things are very hard to accomplish in-game (Dream Hammer, particularly, is easily interrupted unless you have the insane coordination shown in the vids you had in the exhibit)

This applies to things like post game Mirror Slice/Divine Wrath + Max Shockwave too. Max Shockwave needs to be set to Long Range or it too is interrupted easily and AI Cliff will *not* stick to long range. The player needs to constantly start his chains one after the other for him for him to stay there. Divine Wrath is so bad even w/th player skill taken into account the SO3 board vets throw it out completely when rating Nel. Divine Wrath does not get max hits in game. Ever.

and I certainly hold that against those skills in the DL and the dungeon.

So do I but only if all PCs are treated the same way. This brings the averages down.

Spamlocking in the dungeon is also not possible, and those videos relied on that quite a bit. >_> That's where Maria's offense shines in-game, and that does not make a transition to the DL.

Fair enough.

She only starts with Scatter Beam in the dungeon, and Scatter Beam is her money move for damage in the DL too.

Oh right.

And sadly, her Scatter Beam combo in the DL is below average damage if I remember those Berserk averages right. It looks better early, indeed, but the SB combo is still fairly slow to come out and Maria is still frail.

Fair enough.

I was banking on Energy Burst w/th Berserk respect come F7 though.

I force Healing Dance to heal a set amount of HP per turn (probably not better than 20% or 30% mHP when built up), and give it a bit of a penalty on the amount for being so easily interrupted. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that.

Is that taking into account the % bonus from chaining? It restores over 1000 HP per tick at 300% cancel bonus and since the dances take so little fury she can use six or seven dances in a chain. I'll need to replay the game to verify the exact amount but yeah. She can cancel the recovery dances ASAP too and I know I'm going to get hit for this but the dances *do* have invincibility frames which when timed in game lead to extended invincibility windows enabling her to chain dance spam unscathed through the likes of Nibelung Valesti and Ether Strike. Even Luther's Perfect S.  Of courses nobody's buying Peppita dances through everything in the DL but perhaps taking it into account to an extent? Like allowing her to just cancel through the dances ASAP to 300% on T1? Or balance out the interruption a little. The interruption issues are there but it's more AI than anything else. I don't have problems w/th dance interruption when controlling PC Peppita myself.

To me, it's especially notable because, while she can do it from afar, she can't do it all that fast

Eh? The boost occurs as soon as the button is held down to trigger Power Dance. She doesn't have to finish drawing the circle for the buffs to take place or anything.

and she is entirely vulnerable while she does the dances, and any enemy with half-decent speed can reach her without special formation babying (babying that they won't get in the dungeon, formations don't exist in the setting).

I just kill things ded before that happens >_> The Galaxy Cliff/Maria/Peppita team can take any maingame boss within thirty seconds or less. I suppose you are thinking solo though? There's counters for that! *is shot*

Her initiative depends entirely on starting range, and I don't give credit to those outside of -very glaring- exceptions like Zeon's impressive failure at getting the first hit on you despite the speed (and that's a SRPG).

Fair enough.
I know.

That her support is good?

Peppita just doesn't translate to the dungeon because the dungeon is -mean-. I actually think she shouldn't have been added because her support is poor for dungeon purposes and it's also very difficult to properly interpret, which means that kneejerking against it is going to be quite natural. The nature of the beast is as such.

Power Dance isn't turn 2 like Nei at least =-) Frozen Daggers may have niche uses as well.

Also, don't worry about getting locked in a damp cell by Neph. You've done nothing wrong. >_> And it's fine to want to make teams with people you're a fan of, but there are ways to make them work into a fairly strong team. I mainly used favorites in the teams I devised, but they are also people that synergize well together. The main thought ought to be "where do the characters I like fit in a team dynamic and what can they contribute" when looking this up.

Yeah. Thanks Snow :)
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 10:21:45 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #508 on: September 04, 2009, 10:39:41 PM »
Fina (w/ SoA Magic)

Pros: Above-average speed!

Kind of. I'm...okay (somewhat/kind of) with this in the DL, but  that she is never, ever above average speed in game, and dungeon is a lot about following in-game performance compared to DL stuff. Plus side, should mean better durability.

Hmm, wonder exactly when that SoA Faq was written...

Referring to the fact that more than one of Drachma/Gilder/Enrique is impossible, I assume?  Eh...  I can see where you're coming from here, but for the Dungeon I personally try to hold to the more standard interpretations out there which I think average the cast equally.  To put things another way, this interpretation would mean that The Suikoden V Prince should make up 1/6 of the statistic average in everything because he's always in the party, and arguably Lyon & Miakis should have a way higher "weight" as well due to also being required almost all the time.  Don't get me wrong, I do believe that when possible some characters should be given a larger or smaller weight, but this is mostly in the case of splitpath PCs - you literally can't get all of them to choose from, so they should be at a lower weight (Notable example: FE9 Laguz Lords, who should each count 1/3 a normal character).  That isn't really the case in Skies.

For fun, off the numbers in your stat topic...  Gilriquema has an averaged Quick of 204.  Sticking that into a 4-person average with the core characters gives 234.75 average Quick to Fina's 228, so yeah, barely below average this way, and Fina would go from "bad but niche" to "god awful."  At least Fina can cast Crystasomething on turn 1 off decent speed to do okay damage to one enemy in the everyone average, which is probably more useful than better durability.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #509 on: September 04, 2009, 10:42:17 PM »
CT: On the point of analysing Floor 1, and to paraphrase what Neph's said many a time: you're probably overestimating Rampage Drive.
The problem with clearing Floor 1 doesn't lie in one particular fight, it's that it's been set up to test a number of different areas - the second fight tests healing, the third fight tests physicals, Rampage tests magic, and Lich is a combination of those and covering weaknesses/elements. If you can build a team to cover all of those relatively well, it should clear F1, at least.

Put simply, don't focus on beating Rampage Drive in particular. Build a balanced team that looks good on its own, and then test it against the floor, not the other way round.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #510 on: September 04, 2009, 10:42:50 PM »
After some discussion, here's some changes I'll be making in the coming days.
Hawkeye to 1.5

Rydia at 2.0
Emma at 1.5
WA:CF Cecilia at 2.5
Lise at 2.0
Kevin at 1.5

Err, wait, why would Lise cost more points than Hawk?

Isn't Lise more durable than Hawk is?

EDIT: Not by much, apparently. I'll put Lise at 1.5.

Also, I'm dropping Knight to 1.5 and adding Snowfire's Red with some basic Materia suggestion too.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 10:45:14 PM by Nephrite »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #511 on: September 04, 2009, 11:20:10 PM »
CT: On the point of analysing Floor 1, and to paraphrase what Neph's said many a time: you're probably overestimating Rampage Drive.
The problem with clearing Floor 1 doesn't lie in one particular fight, it's that it's been set up to test a number of different areas - the second fight tests healing, the third fight tests physicals, Rampage tests magic, and Lich is a combination of those and covering weaknesses/elements. If you can build a team to cover all of those relatively well, it should clear F1, at least.

Put simply, don't focus on beating Rampage Drive in particular. Build a balanced team that looks good on its own, and then test it against the floor, not the other way round.

Yeah, and there's the fact that Rampage Drive is capable of punishing a team that lacks in areas besides "oh look I have magical damage". If you have magical damage, that's fine! However, your team also needs to support that offense to get you through, because it takes a little while to get really going, but it will exploit overall lacking parties very hard.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #512 on: September 05, 2009, 01:28:15 AM »
Thanks Yoshi/Snow.

Well I am ditching the team. Dunno what I am going to do now though!

Edit: Albert, Dart, Meru, Sharanda, Rose w/th Synergy Sealstone + Synergy Team Bonus!

Please do not kill me!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 05:44:49 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #513 on: September 05, 2009, 02:54:54 AM »
A for fun team I discussed with Yoshi...

Miakis + Emily + some physical support with some minor healing + Resourceless

The plan? Have a dungeon team that -works- for the most part, with Miakis filling the role of Mage slash Support for the early game... until she gets access to Silent Lake. Swap Resourceless to Miakis, Silent Lake. Once she has access to them, equip Firefly and Steel to further the lulz. If she needs the speed edge, give her Gale to run Initiative Silent Lakes and lol at Emily raining down furious death on the enemies.

The only problem are physical tanks... oh wait, they suck at magic usually so the team can just attack with Miakis providing healing and combat support -- she still has Firefly, just now gets to heal herself as well.

... Yeah, I have no idea WHAT sort of team would work with this, so I thought I'd throw the idea out there and maybe someone around here does know how to work it.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #514 on: September 06, 2009, 08:31:28 AM »
Well, I've been bouncing around the idea of a new team, trying to see what happens with new things, and this is what I came up with.

Blue (Speed?) - 4
TimeLord - 4
Ricardo - 1.5
Monk - 1
Nall - .5

The basic idea is that Blue basically gets a free turn at the start of battle to do basically anything he has access to, TimeLord's still there to be cheaty, Ricardo takes Lucia's place as a more durable buffer - granted, he gets less tricks, but he gets more immediately useful tricks.  Monk's there for early physical damage, and...  Doing stuff later, I guess.

The general idea for Blue this time is Realm (forced), Rune (for Floor 3 SoulRune...  Or, more hilariously, Floor 3 StasisRune, woo!), Light, two floors of not being able to learn anything, then Time.

Other characters competing for Monk's spot are Bowser, DW4 Hero, Ditto (for copying Monk, and MUCH later Blue), and Rand.  If I were to give up Ricardo for Lucia again, I could pick two of this list not Bowser.

Thoughts that have been organized in a polite manner would be appreciated.

Self-aware weakness - No in-battle revival to speak of what-soever.  Cries to the Magic-Immune.  Not really durable whatsoever again.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #515 on: September 06, 2009, 12:06:31 PM »
You're using four PC's, one of which is a 4.0 waste of space until fairly late. You're also lacking durability and damage. That is not going to work. Edit: Starlight heal can revive in battle thogh.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 12:17:44 PM by superaielman »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #516 on: September 06, 2009, 01:04:33 PM »
...Yeah, I'm probably wasting my time with TimeLord and Blue in the same team, since I can't really figure out how to design around that.  That said...

Raquel - 3
Arnaud - 2
Chie - 2
Lilka - 2
Marle - 1
(Speed? there somewhere)
Nall - 1

The general idea is that Chie or Raquel starts with Speed? so I can get off quick physical damage if I need it, then it moves over to Marle for Haste abuse.  Lilka's generally fast enough to heal anyone who needs to be revived by Nall, and Arnaud's debuffs and spells are always useful.

I don't see the holes in this, but I KNOW I'm missing things, so...  Help?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #517 on: September 07, 2009, 04:55:46 AM »
After some discussion, here's some changes I'll be making in the coming days.

Combining Lucian and Shiho to 2.5
Combining Zemeckis and Brig Hydra to 2.0
Combining Palom and Porom to 3.0
How do combinations work?

Do they only take up one party slot? Cause that's a -really- cool idea with these 3 combos in particular. I'd like to see a Mana Khemia version of this eventually, but these 3 in particular are pretty effective and aren't too broken for their point costs. (Well, I suspect that Palom/Porom might be a bit too powerful for 3.0 even with their awesometastic durability.)

And yay for the return of the Brig Hydra!



...Kind of curious why these two are out? They were both pretty well-used in the dungeon and they cover fairly unique niches and have enough playership to support a following. Am I missing something?


Okay, these are more understandable. Hiro's niche is mostly gone now that Alex does his thing for cheap. Max and Sarah have never been particularly unique to begin with, though it's a bit sad to see all of the ShF options gone (just for representation, mostly). I can't complain though, ShF playership is pretty abysmal...

As SO3 is showing, ARPGs are somewhat hard to interpret in the Dungeon, so an ARPG healer isn't a big loss. I was never quite sure why Rutee was so expensive in the first place. Because he physical damage isn't bad? Durability? Does she start with good spells?

Dis Ninja
Noooo! My Ninja~! T_T I didn't even get to try him out before he got cut! I had a plan for him for my next team (been waiting on my current team for a while, so... >.>;; )

Any chance you could hold off on cutting him before I get a chance to try him out? I had a Ninja+Evasion buff+Firefly strategy in the works... >.>;;


Rydia at 2.0
Emma at 1.5
WA:ACF Cecilia at 2.5
Lise at 2.01.5
Kevin at 1.5

Rydia returns! Multiple Cecilias! The potential for a Carlie-Angela-Hawkeye-Kevin-Lise Dungeon team! (2.5+2+1.5+1.5+1.5=10, you can even throw in Nall!) Surely this is the best of all possible worlds.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #518 on: September 07, 2009, 05:36:12 AM »
Let's see.

Combos: They take up two party slots but are slightly discounted because of coming with each of those two.

Riou & Zozma: Zozma is a headache and I can't balance around him. Riou really wasn't very good.

Rutee: I have no idea!

Dis Ninja: Yes, I'll add him back just for you.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #519 on: September 07, 2009, 07:05:26 AM »
As SO3 is showing, ARPGs are somewhat hard to interpret in the Dungeon, so an ARPG healer isn't a big loss. I was never quite sure why Rutee was so expensive in the first place. Because he physical damage isn't bad? Durability? Does she start with good spells?

Egregious resource depth while getting MT healing pretty early, has both physical and magical damage (magical damage being rather MT-centered) and her damage actually is pretty solid lategame. Sharpness also sees uses on very prolonged stallfests, and she really excels at those. Rutee was a pretty decent 2.0 healer.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #520 on: September 07, 2009, 07:07:22 AM »
Rutee also has Silence for some utility, and is fairly durable for a healer at that.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #521 on: September 07, 2009, 07:19:34 AM »
Wouldn't say she's durable, but she wasn't a durability liability, which is obviously not bad.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #522 on: September 07, 2009, 07:36:11 AM »
Not truly durable, but durable for a decided healer-type.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #523 on: September 07, 2009, 08:22:21 AM »
But her damage is pretty late, and extremely tough on her resources. Silence's accuracy wasn't as good in ToD as it was in TotW:RM. I thought it was <50%, even? Also, Revival comes about the same time as Tear's? I just don't see what made Rutee worth more than say... Lunar Jessica?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« Reply #524 on: September 07, 2009, 08:55:18 AM »
Rutee's Advantages over Jessica
-Double the damage at near the end. Bloody Rose is 4% of Rutee's MP at endgame. Granted, damage before then might be similar pre-Bloody Rose.
-Magic options, included MT if she really wants (Not cost efficient in the least) and at least 1 decent support spell in Sharpness.
-Thought Silence was accurate, but it's been ages since that was tested, so who knows.
-Rutee ends up with better healing resources/better MT healing I believe. Gains MT healing later like 2 floors later though, so that is a major point off it you want to use her for that. May be better as ST healing earlier though. They gain revival around the same time.
...into the nightfall.