I dunno Eiko kind of exploded for me. She was 2.0 then though. That's why I was hesitant to pick her over Sharanda this time. Thought she might have MP issues for Rampage Drive. I really had been overestimating Rampage though. Snow mentioned the likes of Sharanda might miss the 2HKO on it ... so it's a 3HKO to average mages? Thanks to Snow for making that more clear to me. That should really help folks in the future =-)
Even though I'm going to go w/th the Legend of Dragoon Synenergy Team plot (it should get past the first few floors at least w/th proper planning) and though Snow raised plenty of valid points I want to give my old team a test run myself now that I've had more time to think about it. There were some things I forgot in the excitement ^_~
Team Nel (Life), Maria, Sharanda (attack items), Peppita, Meru (starts w/th dragoon spirit + default spell), Nall vs F1
Team Layout - YMMV
Nel - Healing (nerfed by Life), Fire Bolt, Increase HP damage (physicals), Aerial (Faerie Friend like damage modifiers), Shockwave (Shadow Wave (HP + MP damage), Ice Needles (chance of freeze) (L10), YMMV, floor level interps, she may or may pick these up by the end of floor fights)
Maria - Protection (50% boost to DEF), Aiming Device (HP + MP damage, chaos i.e confusion), Berserk, Scatter Beam , Adds fire damage for striking fire weakness - all default
Sharanda - Burn Outs (ST, fire element), Spark Nets (ST, thunder element), Spear Frosts (ST, ice element), Meteor Fall (MT, earth element), Pellet (ST, earth element), Dancing Ray (MT, light element) Funding 330 G (chests only - From game start to Volcano Villude) *Note attack items + equipment for Sharanda/Dart/Lavitz are also available at this stage - I haven't calculated how much G Sharanda would have available from randoms but it exists - 330G is the minimum funding Sharanda has F1 taking into account up to date equipment for the team early game from chests/G from randoms though
Peppita - Counters (HP + MP damage, chaos, YMMV, counters base physicals at the least as far as I'm concerned) Short O (840% modifier), Charge (HP + MP damage), Magic Hook (HP + MP damage , chaos)
Meru - Freezing Ring (two shots) (Rainbow Breath, depending on length of fights)
Nall - Revives dead allies at end of battle
Team vs Mist Dragon + Palmer Meru builds up SP on Mist Dragon while the rest of the girls pile on Palmer to keep Meru safe from serious harm. I can't remember if draining Palmer's MP prevents him from using Mako Gun but if so Maria + Peppita's MP damage may help here.
Team vs Knight, Steelix, Shuckle- MT Dancing Ray abuse. Don't remember how MP works for Pokemans but again MP damage may help nerf enemy offence here + draw this fight to a close quicker. Alternatively if you see non of my stuff as legal and the fight dragging Meru is likely to learn Rainbow Breath from it thus her MP pool grows ! >_> My girls can hit weakness on the Pokemans anyway though I think. Edit: Yes, yes they do so either MT Dancing Ray abuse for crowd control or Burn Out/Spear Frost/Freezing Ring on Steelix + Pellet/Spear Frost/Freezing Ring for Shuckle.
Team vs Marle, Alice, Priest- MP damage hurts their offence
Team vs Rampage Drive- If second fight was over in a reasonable amount of time Sharanda probably has enough items left over to deal w/th RD in a timely manner (she does w/th the funding I allow) If the other fights were severely drawn out chances are Meru has Rainbow Breath and a larger MP pool. Thus she heals or has four shots of Freezing Ring. Think w/th LoD evolved MP pools upon learning a new spell/increasing a dragoon level become max MP of the new total as long as they having been using MP before then.
I think under my interps this team had plenty enough to manage this floor what w/th Sharanda's item bulk + Nall's revival safety net backing everyone else up. It's not the best team in the floor to start w/th but it's solid with what I allow and I don't think I've been overtly generous with what to give them either >_> It'd be a different story if I was hyping Power Dance, Frozen Daggers, Ice Daggers all for floor one for example ^_^ Yes Rainbow Breath is pushing it a bit but I'd only buy that if this team didn't have as much as I thought and fights were more drawn out than I expected. Maria has Healing now too oh well ^_^
*back to evil LoD team plotting* Working with everyone on this so we'll see how far we get as a team ^_^~