This is probably getting ahead of myself, but I thought I'd work this out anyway, because theories are most fun.
Team 1: Defenders (Resourceless)
Alex, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
Sasarai, Suikoden 3
Mew, Pokémon
Eiko, Final Fantasy IX
Peppita, Star Ocean 3
Alex has great damage in Sword's Dance on Floor 1 (only has to compete with Luna and Ramus physicals), while Sasarai brings Earthquake, Mew has Transform, Eiko has great healing and Peppita uh, does something! The team, at later floors, is meant to spoil damage: Alex has White Dragon Protect to block magic, and Blue Dragon Healing to get everyone back up on their feet. Sasarai brings excellent damage to the table and Full Healing as well as Revival.
Eiko does what she does best and has Carbuncle! Mew has Reflect/Light Screen! Peppita uh, has healing dances, or Power Dances so after the first turn Alex brings pain with Sword Dance and Mew can Mega Punch. (or Transform into Alex for more Sword Dance cheese).
Issues with the team is that while it has 3 revivers, none of them start with it, and Sasarai/Alex revival charges are limited. Resourceless helps Alex in spamming dragons on those floors that need it, or Sasarai Land of Eternity as necessary. On failure Peppita can wield it.
Team 2: Overkill (Multi-Target)
Ted, Suikoden IV
Hugo, Suikoden III
Raja, Phantasy Star IV
Jane, Wild ARMs Alter Code F
Eiko, Final Fantasy IX
Clearly meant to deal very high damage... a lot. Until Floor 4, team relies on Hugo's Sleep gimmick to allow Ted to cast whatever spells are useful for dealing damage. His damage isn't too horrible without Judgement, and Hugo has Shredding Winds, too. Raja restores the party's MP/HP as necessary. Jane speeds everyone up later for initiative TFR/Judgement damage, with Raja recovering the MP to ensure they can do it enough times. Eiko heals, Carbuncles, revives, whatever.
Clearly the team's weakness is in early-dungeon offense, and Jane is... not that great, considering Ted and Hugo aren't slow. Raja is, though. Need some elegant way to circumvent slow speeds, while keeping MP healing and revival so Ted can cast Judgement for MT (near-)OHKO damage each turn. (2250 damage against 440 or so average, so 1125 damage under Multi-Target... 2.5x average is 1100)
//Edit: Right, average in stat topic is 478, not 440. This means 2.5x would be 1300 damage... still nearly OHKO off Judgement alone, and by that time Hugo should have the TFR.
I'm thinking Hugo or Jane can be replaced, but Hugo's Sleep is solid against PCs and allows the team to get by without Follow Me! on the earlygame.
Thoughts on either team?