Dude: Just a couple of things from a skim-read. Firstly, neither Tibarn is interesting - both are basic FE attackers. Secondly, FE10 is less played than FE9, as far as I know. Lastly, the average speed is just one interp of FE - another common one is movement, and Tibarn's movement, IIRC, is pretty damn high. Probably not enough to outspeed Orlandu, but still not average speed, and 'above average' compared to 'average' is already such a boost that I really don't see Tibarn happening any time soon.
Besides, for interesting Laguz, it'd be best to pick someone like... say, Ranulf. Have him start each floor with a full Laguz gauge - still probably not worth much, thanks to having his frail, skill-less untransformed form come into play aaand having that weakness to Fire. Both forms have good evasion and he can deal decent damage, though, as well as almost always doubling.