
Author Topic: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)  (Read 4029 times)


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Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« on: August 27, 2008, 10:17:45 PM »
PC post courtesy OK, if he ever gets improved data I'll let him remake this. >_>

Placeholder post.  Won't be updated for a while, sadly.  This is for the PCs.  I'll list temps at the end.  Oh, yeah...

[size=20]Token second massive spoilers ahead warning.[/size]

Ok, plenty of stuff to do.  Levels are taken at 65 all over.  Seems simple enough.

For skills...this will be done somewhat like DDS1, i.e., building on the character's innate stuff.  Generally, it's the same as before, with a few exceptions:

Serph/Sera/Seraph - Ice and Hunt
Argilla - Earth and Heal
Gale - Force and Physical
Cielo - Healing, Hunt and Electricity
Roland/Heat - Electricity, Healing, Fire and Ice

I'm basically allowing anything on these "paths" of the mantra grid (including the "ultimate" spells).  This kind of helps out Heat and Roland a good bit, and generally follows the path for them in-game. One exception here is with Gale: on the physical path, there are two normal ultimate mantra.  One of them is very expensive ($1.5 million - this has nasty stuff like Null Phys, Ragnarok, and Godslayer), the other is $600k (in line with the other elemental stuff, and has generally tame skills like Revelation and High Counter).  I'm not going to consider Gale with the $1.5 million mantra.  Fenrir did a similar thing with DDS1 and disallowed the stuff above a certain price range (since that one mantra diverts 2.5 mantra in the $600k range you could give to other characters) - I'm setting the price range limit at $600k, which is fairly balanced and generally works out in the end.  These skills also sit a little bit outside the normal power level (Ragnarok is actually almighty damage anyway), and the physical path is stretched as is.  So...that's the skill set-ups in a nutshell.

Well, kind of: I'm not crazy enough to list every skill in the damn game, so only relevant skills will be listed (i.e., Argilla's stone curing spell won't be listed, as it's worthless when she's stoned >_>).

Now, as for some of the characters:
Heat and Roland are mutually exclusive characters.  In other words, you can only get one or the other.  To get Heat, you need to load data from DDS1 - Roland is the default party member if you don't, and you can still choose between the two in-game if you make some choices.  I'm adding them both into the stat topic and averages (for all intents and purposes, they are the same character - same stat progression, with the only differences in their guns and elemental defenses).  Note that, you use Roland for most of the game (you use Heat for only a small section as a temp if you aren't in line to get him in your final party) - Heat will join with exactly what Roland had mastered when he left.  This means Heat is defaulted to Roland's starting mantra, to me.  You could also give him his set-up relating to when he's a temp (Physical, Fire, Healing, Stat-boosting, Revival), if you want.  I might add that later.

For the temp characters of Serph and Sera...ok, I gave a warning about spoilers, so be warned: Serph and Sera exist all the way until the final dungeon, at which point they combine into one character, Seraph.  Seraph is a mix of their skills and stats.  While I would normally build both Sera and Serph average or so, I'm going to build them to combine to average.  In this case, I'm building Serph heavy on VIT, MAG, with a bit of AGI; Sera will be built with STR, LUK and a bit of AGI.  I'm leaving them both with the default mantra set, i.e., Hunt and Ice, however, as it's basically how they both present themselves in-game, mantra-wise.

With that out of the we go!

HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

-----Default Skills-----
(Ice Amp) - Greatly increases ice damage
(Ice Boost) - Increases ice damage
(Ice Resist) - Resists ice damage
-----Other Skills-----
Hell Fang
Vile Blade
Devil Feast
Venom Fang
Last Meal


Strong: Force, Weak: Electricity
HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

-----Default Skills-----
(Life Surge) - HP+30%
(Phys Resist) - Resists physical damage
(Force Amp) - Greatly increases force damage
(Force Boost) - Increases force damage
(Force Resist) - Resists force damage
-----Other Skills-----
Sakura Rage
Charm Slash
Stun Needle
Skull Cleave
Death Spray
Raving Slash
Death Blow
Mute Blow
Gates of Hell
(Life Gain) - HP+20%
(Life Bonus) - HP+10%
Mind Scream
Power Charge
Venom Claw
(Critical) - Doubles critical rate
(High Counter)
(First Strike) - Increased chance of first strike
(Null Critical) - Decreases enemy critical hit rate


Strong: Earth, Weak: Force
HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

-----Default Skills-----
Diarahan - Full healing, ST. (15 MP)
Seraph Lore - Reduces HP by 78%, expel, 100% chance of working unless immune, MT. (30 MP)
(Earth Amp) - Greatly increases earth damage
(Earth Boost) - Increases earth damage
(Earth Resist) - Resists earth damage
-----Other Skills-----


Strong: Electricity, Weak: Charm/Panic/Nerve
HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

-----Default Skills-----
Diarahan - Full healing, ST. (15 MP)
(Elec Amp) - Greatly increases electric damage
(Elec Boost) - Increases electric damage
(Elec Resist) - Resists electric damage
-----Other Skills-----
Hell Fang
Vile Blade
Devil Feast
Venom Fang
Last Meal


Strong: Fire, Weak: Ice
HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

-----Default Skills-----
Diarahan - Full healing, ST. (15 MP)
(Fire Amp) - Greatly increases fire damage
(Fire Boost) - Increases fire damage
(Fire Resist) - Resists fire damage
(Ice Resist) - Resists ice damage
(Elec Resist) - Resists electric damage
-----Other Skills-----
(Elec Amp) - Greatly increases electric damage
(Elec Boost) - Increases electric damage
(Ice Amp) - Greatly increases ice damage
(Ice Boost) - Increases ice damage


Strong: Electricity, Weak: Earth
HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

-----Default Skills-----
Diarahan - Full healing, ST. (15 MP)
(Elec Amp) - Greatly increases electric damage
(Elec Boost) - Increases electric damage
(Elec Resist) - Resists electric damage
(Fire Resist) - Resists fire damage
(Ice Resist) - Resists ice damage
-----Other Skills-----
(Fire Amp) - Greatly increases fire damage
(Fire Boost) - Increases fire damage
(Ice Amp) - Greatly increases ice damage
(Ice Boost) - Increases ice damage



HP: xxx

Vitality: xxx

Magic: xxx

Damage: xxx

Temp Characters

HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

HP: -
MP: -
Strength: -
Vitality: -
Magic: -
Agility: -
Luck: -

*From Fenrir: This is the Heat you get to use no matter what (whether you're going for him in the end party or not).  He fights with Serph against Real and Fake Varna.  He's technically a temp in this form, so...

[size=16]True Heat[/size]

HP: 330
MP: 284
Defense: Decent (17/20)
Magic Defense: Average
Attack: 131.
Agidyne: 175, Fire. 12 MPs.
Skull Cleave: 235. Costs 69 HPs.
Chi Blast: 188, MT. 1/4 critical rate. Costs 79 HPs.
Mediarama: Heals 166 HPs, MT. 18 MPs.
Diarama: Heals 205 HPs. 7 MPs.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times. 12 MPs.
Power Charge: Next physical attack does a lot more damage. 5 MPs.
Samarecarm: Revives target with all HPs. 35 MPs.
Power Charge Skull Cleave: 552
3x Tarukaja Skull Cleave: 703

Serph at that point:
HP: 228
Damage: Should be around 120. (I made Serph a healer, so it only was 68 there)

Comments: Good damage, decent durability, and anti healer. He wishes the healing was a bit better, though. Thinking Lowish Heavy.


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 10:19:09 PM »
Boss data from Fenrir.

Pretty much everything in the first topic applies here, except that I'll get the average damages against randoms and not bosses. I might replay DDS1 to change that one of those days.
I'll use Serph/Gale/Cielo when I can choose a party., and I'm going to make an average Serph.
Numbers in parenthesis next to defenses are how much damage he takes compared to average.

Note: Been a bit lazy on checking which bosses have Dekaja/Dekunda. Poke me if I missed some.

By the way. 90% magical durability means that the boss takes 90% average damage from an attack. So lower = better.
PC HP values could seem high for you because I always had one PC with a Life Bonus skill.

[size=20]Token massive spoilers ahead warning.[/size]

Now for the fun stuff.


HP: 610
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 65%
Weak to Force. Voids Earth.

Physical: 18
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does 2.5x the normal damage.
Terra Burst: 31 after Mind Charge, Earth, MT.
Body Rush: 22

Vetala fights with two Andreas.

HP: 195
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 80%
Weak to earth.
Void Wind: Nulls wind attacks for one turn, MT.
Attack: 12
Dia: Heals 60 HPs

Average HP: 63
Average damage: 36

Comments: All Caps Elephant Boss, token badass. Since Terra Burst fails, he sexily runs at things for low 3HKO damage. The decent durability in the DL makes him a High Light, at least.
Meanwhile, Andreas rots in Puny.


HP: 1000
Damage taken from physicals: 80%
Damage taken from magic: 75%
Weak to Earth
Two actions per turn if he uses Physical/Executioner, only one if he uses Hundred Fist.

Physical: 17. ~70% hit rate.
Executioner: 22
Hundred Fist: 15 the first time it's used, then 30, then 60, then 75 for the rest of the battle. MT.
Counter (Passive): Counters 1/3 of the physical attacks or skills used against him with his physical.

Average HP: 97
Average damage: 41

Comments: Fun dueller. His damage fails at first, but keeps getting better until being solid 2HKOish. Can he last until then? Most of the time, yeah. Middle/Heavy, I think.


HP: 1100
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Weak to Elec. Strong against Earth. Immune to Wind.
2 actions per turn

Physical: 34
Gorge: 50, parasitic, physical
Zanma: 37, Force
Mazanma: 33, MT, Force
Black Bind: Inflicts prison status, MT. 50%. Prison just makes you waste one or rarely two turns.
Stun Wave: Inflicts Stun. 35%. Stun lowers defenses and massively drops accuracy and evade, accuracy affecting both physicals and magic.
Power Wave: 30, MT

Average HP: 137
Average damage: 52

Comments: Nifty. The parasitic healing is good; good damage, and while the healing isn't too impressive, it certainly helps a lot. Black Bind can help him take care of other parasitic users, or fast healers. Stun Wave... if he manages to pull it off and its opponent doesn't have status healing, he has pretty much won. And you fight him when he's weakened! Good old scary jailer is pretty much the best guard you'll ever see in an RPG, High Heavy.


[size=16]Tribhvana: Earth / Ubelluris[/size]

[size=15]Human form[/size]

HP: ???
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 120%
Weak to bullets

Rifle: 40, bullet
Transform: Used after one of the Tribhvana members loses 300 HPs.

[size=15]Demon form[/size]

HP: 1000
Damage taken from physicals: 0%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Weak to Force. Strong against Ice. Nulls Earth, physical and bullets.

Body Rush: 41
Hell Thrust: 47
Mad Rush: 24, random

[size=16]Tribhvana: Heaven / Ganga[/size]

[size=15]Human form[/size]

HP: ???
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 55%
Weak to bullets

Molotov: 26 MT, Fire
Bolt Rod: 25, MT, Elec
Land Mine: 19 MT, Earth
Ice Blast: 14, MT, Ice
Assault Rod: 15, inflicts electrified status (low chance)
Transform: Used after one of the Tribhvana loses 300 HPs.

[size=15]Demon form[/size]

HP: 700
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 75%
Weak to Earth. Strong against Ice. Immune to Fire.

Attack: 22
Ziodyne: 53, Elec
Maziodyne: 41, MT, Elec
Agidyne: 55, Fire
Maragydine: 47, MT, Fire
Dekaja: Dispels stat boosters on all opponents.

[size=16]Tribhvana: Air / Cu Sith[/size]

[size=15]Human form[/size]

HP: ???
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 70%
Weak to bullets

Assault Rod: 30, inflicting electrified status (low chance)
Sonic Stone: 14, Wind
Ration: Heals 50 HPs
Transform: Used after one of the Tribhvana loses 300 HPs.

[size=15]Demon form[/size]

HP: 800
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Weak to Fire. Strong against Earth. Nulls Force and Ice.

Void Force: Becomes immune to force attacks this turn, MT.
Void Earth: Becomes immune to earth attacks this turn, MT.
Void Fire: Becomes immune to fire attacks this turn, MT.
Void Ice: Becomes immune to ice attacks this turn, MT.
Void Elec: Becomes immune to elec attacks this turn, MT.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Sukunda: Lowers agility, MT, stackable 3 times.
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT, stackable 3 times.
Dekaja: Dispels stat boosters on all opponents.
Attack: 21
Zandyne: 64, Force
Dia: Heals 58 HPs

You fight all three at once.
Average HP: 172
Average damage: 79

Comments: Ugly Old Man, Ugly Old Woman, and Ugly Old Young Boy at once! The ultimate power.
Note that HP isn't transfered from one form to the other; practically they have 300 HPs, then the HPs of the monster form. Anyway, they're really meant to work as a team (and don't even work that well as a team anyway), so they kind of fail here. Thinking they're all light, depends on how much credit you give them for being in a 3 vs 3 team fight. The boss might be a middle thanks to the physical immunity. (Hi Kim)

[size=16]Tribhvana 2[/size]


HP: 1700
Damage taken from physicals: 0%
Damage taken from magic: 130%
Weak to Force. Strong against Ice. Nulls Earth, physical and bullets.

Mad Rush: 34, Random
Attack: 50
Body Rush: 58
Hell Thrust: 62
Power Wave: 78, MT, physical


HP: 1000
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
Weak to Earth. Strong against Ice. Immune to Fire.

Agidyne: 57, Fire
Maragydine: 53, MT, Fire
Ziodyne: 56, Elec
Maziodyne: 45, MT, Elec
Teradyne: 57, Earth
Materadyne: 53, MT, Earth
Zandyne: 57, Force
Mazandyne: 53, MT, Force

[size=16]Cu Sith[/size]

HP: 1300
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Weak to Fire. Strong against Earth. Nulls Force and Ice.

Void Force: Becomes immune to force attacks this turn, MT.
Void Earth: Becomes immune to earth attacks this turn, MT.
Void Fire: Becomes immune to fire attacks this turn, MT.
Void Ice: Becomes immune to ice attacks this turn, MT.
Void Elec: Becomes immune to elec attacks this turn, MT.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Sukunda: Lowers agility, MT, stackable 3 times.
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT, stackable 3 times.
Dekaja: Dispels stat boosters on all opponents.
Dia: Heals 65 HPs
Attack: 24
Zandyne: 64, Force
Bolt Rain: 109, MT, Elec. Combo between the three members of the Tribhvana. 50% chance to inflict Stun.

Average HP: 193
Average damage: 93

Comments: Ganga is worse here, but the other two have improved. Big guy is definitely a middle, and Cu Sith... is just generally better, for all that the stats-affecting magic still won't help him in a duel. Middle/Light/Light.

[size=16]Heat - Agni[/size]

HP: 2100
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 125%
Weak to Ice. Absorbs Fire

Attack: 44
Double Slash: 35, Random.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does 2.5x the normal damage.
Agidyne: 117 after Mind Charge, Fire
Hell Fang: 65
High Counter (Passive) : Counters 2/3 of the physical attacks/skills thrown at him with a 69 power physical.


HP: 700
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 80%
Weak to Ice. Absorbs Fire

Attack: 28
Ice Drain: Absorb ice attacks this round.
Counter (Passive): Counters 1/10 of the physical attacks/skills thrown at him with a normal physical.

Average HP: 200
Average damage: 102

Comments: Heat fights with two Gdons. He is somewhat durable this time around, but his damage is unimpressive. (High 4HKO) His counters help him a lot against pure physical attackers, but that's about it. Low Middle, I think.


HP: 3500
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
3 actions per turn
Takes 2x damage from lightning, but not weak to it (You won't get an extra turn if you hit him with lightning)

[size=15]First phase[/size]

Weak to Force. Immune to Earth, physical and bullet.

Attack: 43
Hell Thrust: 59
Mad Rush: 30, Random
Body Rush: 54
Power Wave: 59, MT

[size=15]Second Phase[/size]

Weak to Earth. Immune to Fire.

Agidyne: 75, Fire
Maragydine: 67, MT, Fire
Ziodyne: 70, Elec
Maziodyne: 63, MT, Elec
Attack: 43
Taishyr note: Abaddon's phase 2 has at least Teradyne, for what that's worth. Gives him a way to overkill Pikachu?

[size=15]Third Phase[/size]

Weak to Fire. Strong against Earth. Immune to Force and Ice.

Silent Howl: 45, MT. 20% chance to inflict Mute.
Zandyne: 80, Force
Diarama: Heals 160 HPs
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Makanda: Lowers magical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Sukunda: Lowers agility, MT, stackable 3 times.
Rakukaja: Lowers defense, MT, stackable 3 times.

Ok. So how exactly is he able to change phases?

He'll always be using his first phase at the beginning. After losing 800 HPs, he'll use on the same turn:
-Gate to Abyss: Eats a PC. Pretty much instant loss in a duel, since you lose if the other two PCs die.
-Bellow: Uses one of his other two phases. His phase cycle seems to be 1 -> 2 -> 1 -> 3 -> 1 -> 2 etc.
-Attack: 44

And three turns after eating a PC, he'll use in a row:
-Noxious Cloud: 110, MT
-Regurgitate: Regurgitates the PC eaten, who comes back at 1 HPs.
-Bellow: Changes his phase.

After a while (there doesn't seem to be a pattern), he'll use the same Gate to Abyss / Bellow / Attack combo. Three turns after that he'll use Noxious Cloud / Regurgitate / Bellow, etc.

However. If you do 500 damage to him while he's digesting somebody, he'll instead use:
Regurgitate: Regurgitates the PC eaten, who comes back with the same HPs as before
And two attacks of his choice.

Average HP: 241
Average damage: 103

Comments: Way too much stuff. He's pretty straightforward in a duel, actually. He auto-wins against PCs (Unless you're Yuna), and against bosses, the whole eating part disappears, so he's just left with three form choices.
The first is immune to physicals and does around 0.75 PCHP per turn physically. The second is immune to fire and barely misses killing PCHP, with fire and lightning. The third one has some not-pathetic healing, even better damage (wind) and excellent stat whoring. (Rakukaja is especially good) High Godlike.

[size=16]Security System[/size]

[size=16]Gate Core[/size]

HP: 3300

Damage taken from physicals: 0%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
Immune to Earth, Physicals and Bullets. Halves everything else.

Defense: Slightly above average (90%)
Magic defense: Bad (130%)
Weak to Elec. Immune to Earth.

It's a countdown boss. Here is how it works turn per turn:
1) Beginning a countdown. Firing in 5 seconds...
2) Firing in 4 seconds...
3) Three...
4) Two...
5) One...
6) "Opens"
7) Flare Cannon: 160, MT, Almighty.
8) "Close"
Then back to square one. Note that if it gets an extra turn due to another canon hitting a weakness, it will automatically transfer it to Laser Cannon.

If one of his buddies dies (20 mm machinegun or Laser Cannon), it'll skip 1), 2) and 3), beginning the countdown at two.
If both die, it'll "Activate Genocide mode" and use Flare Cannon every turn, just like that. (Taking one turn to open, though)

[size=16]Laser Cannon[/size]

HP: 2200
Damage taken from physicals 90%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
Weak to Elec. Strong against physicals.

Revert Pulse: Around 30% chance to turn the enemy back to human form.
Freeze Ray: 45, MT, Ice
Magna Ray: 45, MT, Earth
Sonic Blast: 45, Mt, Force
Plasma Ray: 45, MT, Elec
Flare Ray: 45, MT, Fire

[size=16]20 mm Machinegun[/size]

HP: 2200
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
Weak to Elec. Strong against physicals.

Fire: 50. Inflicts random status with a 30% rate. Bullet
Sharpshoot: 100% crit for 94 damage. Bullet
Barrage: 40, Random, Bullet

Average HP: 269
Average damage: 117

Comments: No real reason to put it in the stat topic, but it seemed to be the main boss of the plant dungeon. Rating it seems strange. Anyway, Gate Core is heavy (durability and damage) , Machinegun is a heavy too (A bit less durability but a bit more damage) and Laser Cannon is Light (Go 6HKO) The Security System as a whole is godlike.

[size=16]Heat - Vritra[/size]


HP: 3000
Damage taken from physicals: 110%
Damage taken from magic: 80%
Weak to Lightning. Nulls Earth. Reflects Ice. Absorbs Fire.
2 actions per turn

Agidyne: 82, Fire
Gelid Torrent: 82, Ice, MT. 25% chance to inflict Freeze.
Power Wave: 60, MT.
Silent Howl: 50, Nerve, MT. 15% chance to inflict Mute.
Tarunda: Lowers attack, MT, stackable 3 times
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT, stackable 3 times.
Makanda: Lowers magic, MT, stackable 3 times
Sukunda: Lowers accuracy/evade, MT, stackable 3 times.
Regenerate: Revives his arms/tentacles. Usable if only one is down
Sonic Wave: 20% chance to inflict Confusion. Only usable when the two arms are down.
Inferno Roar: 140, MT, Allmighty. Only usable when the two arms are down.

Vritra has two tentacles, each one with one action per turn. If the body is targeted by anything but a stat bust (duh), the tentacles will protect the body and take the damage instead.


HP: 500
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 110%
Nulls Fire and Earth

Attack: 41
Sweep: 32, MT

Average HP: 321
Average damage: 186

Comments: If you allow the tentacles, they basically work like two undurable Chaos Shield... Pretty broken. Godlike. If you don't... Vritra is surprisingly not too durable, but Inferno Roars are deadly (Non elemental to boot), and the stat downs are good. (Rakunda helps him kill healers, the others help him in long battles) Lightning weakness is certainly a problem, though.

[size=16]Serph - Real Varna[/size]

HP: 1800
Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 120%

Attack: 48
Black Impulse: 64, Allmighty

[size=16]Serph - Fake Varna[/size]

HP: 1800
Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 120%

Attack: 50
White Impulse: 70, Allmighty

Average HP: 279
Average damage: 191

Comments: Both only fight Serph and True Heat. Both are Lights, too, this is nearly a plot fight. The damage is just too low. Durability isn't horrible, though!

This boss provided by NEB

Only one extra boss for me to provide this time. Shoulda saved before Chernobog, he's cool too.

Damages are those done to Gale (after factoring out weakness/resist), who's above average in both Vit and Magic, but not by a huge amount. (This compensates for Ring effects somewhat.)

Oh, if there was any doubt, I confirmed that weakness = 1.5x damage, not ITD in any way. Same with crits.

"Try as you might, you will never touch me!"

2 actions per turn. Can't double anything.
Weak to Guns, immune to Earth and standard boss stuff.
Good accuracy (never saw Chi Blast miss, which is unusual).

HP: 4000

Attack: 60
Chi Blast: 100, MT. 25% crit rate.
Myriad Spears: 150, MT

Mazanma: 50, MT, Force
Mazionga: 40, MT, Lightning. Shitty Paralysis rate.
Tempest: 55(x2), Random, Force.
Jupiter's Fury: 45(x2), Random, Lightning. Decent paralysis rate (about 30%).

Vivid Gust: Raises Kartikeya's evade to about 75-80% (Lambda alert). The effect goes away when a non-ITE attack connects with her, but can not be dispelled normally.

Taunt: Raises physical attack and lowers defence two levels, MT, enemy only, works on bosses. Can be used a second time for 50% of the effect.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT. Stackable three times.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT. Stackable three times.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does 2.5x the normal damage.

-Both random spells hit 0 to 3 times, biasing higher when there are fewer targets. I'd probably take 2 hits as the average if you consider focussing, lower if you don't (between 1 and 1.5). No clue on the actual mechanics.
-Each Def level lowered seems to be worth about 10-15% more damage. Each Attack level raised seems to be worth 15-20% more. (I'd estimate near the middle in both cases. Don't hold me to this, though.)

Average HP: 338
Average damage to her: 225 (2/3 PCs have Dyne spells)
I want to say her MDef is a bit above average (so average damage is actually higher), but I'm not really sure. It's not so far that using the damage-to-her average would misrepresent her, though, so I will be lazy.

Comments: Maybe a little unimpressive at first (as unimpressive as mid to good 2HKO to either defence gets anyway), but the buffing game is crazy. Vivid Gust and solid HP give her the time to pull it off. If you rely on evadeable damage you're screwed, she can get up to four digit damage with time and luck. Even if you don't, the plentiful offensive options are nasty. Overwhelms healers and owns long fights, a quick blitz is the only solution. Godlike. Good in-game due to total lack of PC ITE and the press turn system of course.

Needs more awesome Fenrir images, but there you go, my final contribution to the world of DDS boss stats.


Weak to Ice, absorbs Fire

HP: 3400
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 85%

Attack: 60
Skewer: 190, Fire
Ice Drain: Ice immunity for one turn.
Fire Storm: 125, Fire, MT
Psycho Rage: Trades one press turn for 4 half turns. In game, he'll always follow that with 2 fire storms, one attack and Ice Drain. Hence 310 damage.

Average HP: 469
Average damage: 332

Comments: Horned Zebra Fish related death ensues. Harley now is less durable unless you're Super, but he 2 rounds average while negating his weakness if you force him to use his Psycho Rage combo, and OHKO average if you let him be free! Doesn't like fire protection at all though. Middle or Heavy


Weak against Lighting. Immune to Earth.

HP: 5000
Damage taken from physicals: 85%
Damage taken from magic: 30%

Spiral Edge: 145, MT.
Attack: 75

After losing 1/4th of his max HPs, he'll be able to use:
Rage: Gets 2 half turns. Once per turn.
Winds of Hell: 140, MT, Wind. Around 830 after Zotzilaha Bane.
Guard: Becomes weak against earth and immune to physicals, everything else does 1 damage. Bat has to recast this every turn, and any earth spell cast on Bat cancels it.

After losing 1/2 of his max HPs, he'll be able to use:
Psycho Rage: Gets 4 half turns. Once per turn.
Zotzilaha Bane: 60, parasitic. Turns enemy into a bat with a perfect hit rate. Bats have a little above half normal max HPs and MPs, take double damage from everything, and are extremely weak to Force. Bats physical attacks suck (Single digit), and their magic is halved. In short = horrible death. The effect lasts 3 turns on average.

Average HP: 486
Average damage: 335

Comments: Same as Bat 3 in DDS... With a few added weaknesses; mainly only becoming really good below half HPs and the lightning weakness. His durability is probably better though, I need to post better durability numbers in the DDS stat topic. Oh, and he can now spam Spiral Edge after Psycho Rage, which is just scary. And of course, Guard and Zotzilaha Bane propel him to Godlike without even thinking about it.


The head is weak to Force and nulls Earth, Fire and Electricity. The body is weak to Fire, and nulls Force and Ice.

HP: 3600
Damage taken from physicals: 85%
Damage taken from magic: 75%

HP: 3600
Defense: 85%
Magic defense: 90%

Dekaja: Dispels stat boosts.
Dekunda: Dispels stat downs.

This can be used if both parts are alive, by both parts:
Attack: 85.
Dragon Quake: 120, MT, Earth.
Gate of Hell: 115, MT. Usable if both parts are still alive.

This can be used by the head if the body is still alive:
Dragon Thrash: Captures a PC, and automatically uses Absorb everytime another PC acts. Can't miss.
Absorb: 40, parasitic. Only usable on a captured opponent.
Reunite: Releases a captured PC. Automatically used without spending a turn if the captured PC is dead.

This can be used by the body if the head is still alive:
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT.
Rakukaja: Raises defense, MT.
Tarukaja: Raises physical offense, MT.

This can only be used if the body is down and only the head remains:
Rage: Gets two half turns. Once per turn.
Attack: 60.
Maziodyne: 65.
Ziodyne: 70.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does around 2.5x base damage.
Power Charge: Next physical attack does around 2.5x base damage.

This can only be used if the head is down and only the body remains:
Rage: Gets two half turns. Once per turn.
Power Charge: Next physical attack does around 2.5x base damage.
Dragon Quake: 120, MT, Earth.
Attack: 85
High Counter (Passive): Counters around half of the physical attacks and techs thrown at him with a 140 damage physical.

Average HP: 507
Average damage: 337

Comments: Mick got even more stuff. Still about the same as before in the DL, he has a Pyramid like move and isn't much outside of that, though still better than the likes of Reno. Godlike.


2 Actions per turn.
Halves Allmighty

HP: 11000
Damage taken from physicals: 5%
Damage taken from magic: 175%

Attack: 95
Skull Cleave: 195
Executioner: 225
Revelation: 165, MT. 15% Mute.
Infinite Wind: 240, MT, Force. Once per turn, usable below 4/5 HPs
Rage: Gets two half turns. Once per turn. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Maziodyne: 95, MT, Lightning. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Jupiter's Fury: 60, Random, Lighting. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Magic Repel: Reflects magic for one turn. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Genocide: 170, MT. Lowish accuracy, ~65%. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Makakaja: Raises magic, stackable 3 times. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does around 2.5x its base damage. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Power Wave: 120, MT. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Debilitate: Lowers all stats one level, stackable 3 times. Usable below 1/2 HPs.

Psycho Rage: Gets four half turns. Once per turn. Usable below 1/4 HPs.
Tentarafoo: 130, MT. ~15% panic. Usable below 1/4 HPs.
Dormina: Sleep, MT. 100% from what I saw. Usable below 1/4 HPs.
Dekaja: Removes stat boosters. Usable below 1/4 HPs.

Average HP: 527
Average damage: 340

Comments: ....  Magic Repel + That physical durability? This combo utterly wrecks things, and with that durability, avoiding his 50% limit is kind of impossible. So pretty much only Fate Storm and ITD scare him, and his damage is excellent to boot. 3x Debilitate 3x Makakaja Mind Charged Infinite Wind? Yes. High Godlike.


HP: 9000
Decent evade. Around 10-15%?

[size=15]First phase[/size]

2 actions per turn. Nulls physicals. Absorbs Lightning.

Damage taken from physicals: 0%
Damage taken from magic: 75%

Attack: 260.
Mad Rush: 195, Random. Reminder: Random means it can hit from 0 to 2 times, most likely 2 and sometimes 1 in a duel.
Black Bhakti: Allows him to use Viraj Blade the next turn. Note: He can begin to use Viraj Blade the same turn below 1/4 HPs.
Viraj Blade: 360, Random. Allmighty? Needs Black Bhakti to have been used the turn before. Once per turn.
Moksha: Switches to his second phase. Usable below 3/4 HPs.

[size=15]Second phase[/size]

4 Actions per turn. Nulls magic.

Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 0%

Dekunda: Dispels stat downs.
Dekaja: Dispels stat boosts.
Mazandyne: 95, MT, Force.
Mabufudyne: 85, MT, Ice
Maziodyne: 85, MT, Lightning.
Maragidyne: 95, MT, Fire.
Materadyne: 95, MT, Earth.
Tentarafoo: 60, MT. ~15% Panic.
Fatal Charm: 60, MT. ~20% Charm.
Black Bhakti: Allows him to use Meru Thunder the next turn.
Meru Thunder: 610, MT, Lighting. Needs Black Bhakti to have been used the turn before. One per Turn.
Moksha: Switches to his first phase. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Rage: Gets two half turns. Once per turn. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Mudoon: ID. Low accuracy, though I can't tell how much. Usable below 1/2 HPs.

Below 1/4 HPs he can use two combos, ignoring the normal Black Bhakti restrictions:
- Makakaja: Raises magic, MT, stackable 3 times.
- Makakaja
- Black Bhakti
- Meru Thunder
- Tarukaja
- Moksha
- Black Bhakti
- Viraj Blade

Average HP: 562
Average damage: 345

Comments: Combine Farmel and a dominating boss, and you get Indrajit. Its HPs could be better for high godlike (3-4x average?), but the defenses are good, and it pretty much forces you to use physicals if you're specialized on magic and magic if you're specialized on physicals, so yeah, it's definitely lasting a good while anyway. The damage is OHKO no matter what form, and can get sickening easily. Yay Rage + Meru Thunder + Moksha + 3 Mad Rushes? High Godlike.


5 actions per turn in all its forms.

Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 130%

Brahman always gets to act after switching forms, and the damage done to one form isn't carried over to the next. Stat downs, however, are.

Every form has:
Light: 60, MT, Allmighty. 15% critical rate.

[size=15]Brahman One[/size]

Absorbs Fire.
HP: 3500

Trisagion: 100, Fire, MT.
Makanda: Lowers magic, MT, stackable 3 times.
Hamaon: Removes 80% mHP. Expel. 45%.
Xanadu: 70, MT. Expel.
Agidyne: 70, Fire.
Megidolaeon: 75, MT. Allmighty. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Mind Charge: Next attack does 2.5x the base damage. Usable below 1/4 HPs.

[size=15]Brahman Two[/size]

Absorbs Force.
HP: 3500

Vayaviya: 90, MT, Force.
Zandyne: 65, Force.
Gate of hell: 100, MT.
Dormina: Sleep, MT. 20%.
Calm Death: Instantly kills sleeping characters. Ignores death immunity IIRC.
Power Charge: Next physical attack does 2.5x its base damage. Works with Light.
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT. Stackable 3 times.

[size=15]Brahman Three[/size]

Absorbs Earth.
HP: 3500

Titanomachia: 100, MT, Earth.
Wicked Curse: 37, MT. 25% Curse.
Teradyne: 70, Earth.
Mudoon: ID. 30%
Mind Charge: Next physical attack does ~2.5x its base damage.
Power Charge: Next magical attack  does~ 2.5x its base damage.
Eternal Zero: The equivalent of stacking every stat booster / stat down to the maximum in one turn. The opponent has all its damage halved, his accuracy drastically reduced, and will take double damage from everything compared to normal. Brahman's status rates also get jacked up. Should work on bosses.

[size=15]Brahman Four[/size]

Absorbs Electricity.
HP: 3500

Eternal Zero: See above. The equivalent of stacking every stat booster / stat down to the maximum in one turn.
Narukami: 90, MT, Lightning.
Ziodyne: 60, Lightning.
Neural Shock: 35, MT, Nerve.
Mind Charge: Next physical attack does ~2.5x its base damage.
Power Charge: Next magical attack  does~ 2.5x its base damage.

[size=15]Brahman Final[/size]

Absorbs Ice.
HP: 6000

Nifleheim: 90, MT, Ice.
Bufudyne: 60, Ice.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does ~2.5x its base damage.
Silent Howl: 37, Nerve.
Revert: Makes the enemy change forms (from demon to human, or the opposite) Usable below 1/2 HPs. 50%? He really doesn't like to use it.
Marevert: Makes the enemy change forms (from demon to human, or the opposite), MT. Usable below 1/2 HPs. 20%.
Brahma Sutra: 100 the first time it's used, then 200, 400 and 500 for the rest of the battle. Allmighty, MT. One per turn. Usable below 1/2 HPs.
Eternal Zero: See above. The equivalent of stacking every stat booster / stat down to the maximum in one turn.

Average HP: 567
Average damage: 345

Comments: Like Meganada, Brahman is a standard good godlike boss (5 forms with PCish HPs, and near OHKO elemental damage) with an additional incredible trick, Eternal Zero. The description is pretty much self explanatory, and no one can even think about dispelling it (Brahman, uh, quintaturns) He even has an "ignore most things" attack in the form of Light, which while being quite weaker than elemental spells should still overkill things nicely after Eternal Zero. And Revert... uh... helps for some Ryu slaying! High Godlike.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 10:26:23 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 10:21:13 PM »
Optional bosses credit to Fenrir.

Optional bosses come here. The four cameo archangels with no memory, Vishnu, Shiva, Jack Frost and Seth. Ho.
No spoilers, by the way. Amazing!


HP: 3500
Damage taken from physicals: 70%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Weak to Ice. Halves physicals. Nulls Earth. Absorbs Fire.
2 actions per turn.

Ziodyne: 65, Lightning
Megido: 51, MT, Allmighty
Skull Cleave: 94
Mahamon: Removes 4/5 of current HPs, MT. Expel. 25% chance.
Judgement: 130, MT, Fire. Lowers defense, this effect is stackable 3 times and works on bosses. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Explode: 54, Random, Fire. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Agidyne: 71, Fire. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Jupiter's Fury: 30, Random, Elec. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Ziodyne: 64, Elec. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Mind Charge: Next magical attack does around 2.5x the normal damage. Usable below 1/4 HPs

Average HP: 333
Average damage: 189

Comments: Good damage, physical tank. Solid Heavy. Remember that the Expel element doesn't work on humans, though.


HP: 3500
Damage taken from physicals: 70%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
2 actions per turn.
Weak to Elec. Halves Physical. Nulls Earth. Drains Force.

Venom Fang: 57, MT. Inflicts Poison with a 20% chance.
Ziodyne: 68, Elec
Zandyne: 76, Force
Winged Fury: 94, Random, Force. Lowers accuracy/evade, and this effect is stackable 3 times and works on bosses. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Rakunda: Lowers defense. Stackable 3 times, works on bosses. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Bloodbath: 78, MT. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Mahamon: Removes 4/5 of current HPs, MT. Expel. 25% chance. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Jupiter's Fury: 35, Random, Elec. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Tempest: 50, Random, Force. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Mazandyne: 70, Force, MT. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Maziodyne: 65, Elec, MT. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Revelation: 65, MT. Inflicts mute with a 20% chance. Usable below 1/4 HPs
Debilitate: Lowers defense, physical attack, magical attack, accuracy/evade, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. Usable below 1/4 HPs.

Average HP: 333
Average damage: 189

Comments: Spiky Hair Archangel is kind of a limit fighter. He fails at first, rather massively, but once he hits 1/2 HPs he becomes impressive, provided he gets enough turns. Winged Fury is pretty godly, lowering accuracy, being his best damage, AND being a random spell. (Meaning that it will hit twice most of the time) Debilitate somewhat helps against low damage dealers, but often he'll be too weak at this point. Being a physical tank like Uriel also helps. High Heavy.


HP: 3500
Damage taken from physicals: 80%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
2 actions per turn.
Weak to Wind. Nulls Earth.

Silent Howl: 43, MT. Inflicts Mute with a 25% chance
Tentarafoo: 43, MT. Confusion Inflicts Confusion with a 40% chance
Neural Shock: 43, MT. Inflicts Stun with a 15% chance
Fatal Charm: 43, MT. Inflicts Charm with a 40% chance
Wicked Curse: 43, MT. Inflicts Curse with a 25% chance
Mamudoon: Inflicts ID with a 15% chance
Heavenly Smile: Inflicts confusion or charm with a 70% chance. Only usable below 1/2 HPs.
Demon Rage: 52, Random. Usable below 1/4 HPs.

Average HP: 333
Average damage: 189

Comments: Fun status whore from hell. The statuses themselves aren't accurate (Owned by PS4!) but she's decently durable, and has 2 actions per turn. Heavy. The fact that characters can only be inflicted by one status at a time makes her a bit worse.


HP: 4800
Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
2 Actions per turn

Zandyne: 85, Force
Agidyne: 85, Fire
Bufudyne: 85, Ice
Teradyne: 85, Earth
Ziodyne: 85, Elec
Demon Rage: 66, Random. Usable below 3/4 HPs
Cold Wave: 40, Random, Ice. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Jupiter's Fury: 40, Random, Elec. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Explode: 45, Random, Fire. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Tempest: 45, Random, Force. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Vanity : Inflicts a random status with a 25% chance, MT. Usable below 1/2 HPs
Omnipotence: 230, Random. Lowers defense, physical attack, magical attack, accuracy/evade, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. Usable below 1/4 HPs.
Megidolaeon: ~95, Allmighty, MT. Usable below 1/4 HPs.

If you stack 3 stat boosts (the cap) or three stat downs on him, he'll use on his turn:
-Rage : Uses a full turn to get 2 press turns.
-Dekaja/Dekunda: Dispels stat boosts on all opponents / Dispels stat downs on self and allies.
-Mind Charge: Next magic attack does around 2.5x its normal damage
-Megidolaeon: 230 (Mind Charge boost factored in)

Average HP: 333
Average damage: 189

Comments: Like Raphael, he's a limit fighter. He starts with low 4HKO damage (and doubleturns), then gets something a bit better, along with reliable status. Still not that good. Below 1/4 HPs, though... You avoid going there at all cost, as he starts lowering all stats at the same time while doing around 2X PC overkill damage per turn. (stat downs considered) Feels like a decent enough Godlike to me.

Now with translated names and damage tests.


“Whenever sang my songs, on the stage, on my own”

HP: 30000
5 actions per turn.

Physical Defence: Very good (Takes 2/3 the normal damage)
Magical Defence: Excellent (Halves magic)
Takes around ¼ the normal damage from Almighty.
Turn 1/5/11/…: Physicals and Bullets.
Turn 2/6/12/…: Fire, Ice, Elec.
Turn 3/7/13/…: Force, Ice, Elec.
Turn 4/8/14/…: Force, Elec, Earth.
Always immune/reflects what you would expect. (Expel, Death, Ailments, Hunt)

Futility (Initiative, uses his 5 actions): Destroys non-innate immunities and resistances.

Stuff he can always use:
Debilitate: Lowers defence, physical attack, magical attack, accuracy and evade, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times. Useless.
Makukaja: Raises magical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Sukukaja: Raises accuracy/evade, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Rakukaja: Raises defence, MT. Stackable 3 times.
Megidolaeon: 320, MT. Almighty.

Vanity: Inflicts one random status, MT. 25% chance to inflict one. (You can't be inflicted with more than one status in this game) Can be Poison, Charm, Panic, Mute, Sleep. Almighty.
Mamudoon: ID, MT. 25%.
Mahamon: ~80% gravity, MT. Expel. 60%.
Dekunda: Dispels stat breakers.
God’s Breath: 9999. Used on his 4th, 8th, 12th, etc turn. Uses all 5 actions (like it matters)
Dekaja: Dispels stat boosters on all opponents. Used instead of God’s Breath if at least one of the opponents has maxed stat boosts. (The equivalent of 3 Sukukaja, 3 Rakukaja, 3 Tarukaja and 3 Makakaja)

Stuff he can only use above 15000 HPs:
Agidyne: 270, Fire.
Bufudyne: 270, Ice. Low chance of inflicting frozen status.
Teradyne: 270, Earth.
Ziodyne: 270, Elec. Low chance of inflicting electrified status.
Zandyne: 270, Force.

Stuff he can only use below 15000 HPs:
Temptation: 100% Charm, MT. Used on his 5th/9th etc turn.

Stuff he can only use below 15000 HPs and above 7500 HPs:
Heavy Rock: 135, Earth, Random.
Tempest: 135, Wind, Random.
Jupiter’s Fury: 135, Elec, Random.
Explode: 135, Fire, Random.
Cold Wave: 135, Ice, Random.

Stuff he can only use below 7500 HPs:
Retribution: Kills the character with the lowest magic score. Ignores ID Immunity. Used on his 2nd/3rd/6th/7th/10th/11th/14th etc turn.
Materadyne: 220, Earth, MT.
Mabufudyne: 220, Ice, MT.
Maziodyne: 220, Elec, MT.
Maragydine: 220, Fire, MT.
Mazandyne: 220, Force, MT.

Stuff he can only use below 1500 HPs:
Diarahan: Full healing. After being fully healed, Satan uses the same attacks as he normally only uses below 7500 HPs.

Team averages (Fully maxed party):
HP: 999
Damage (Against randoms): 750

Comments: Rends. Slaughters. Devours your glowsticks. Well, it’s an optional boss. The usual stuff, good defences, lots of Almighty overkill damage, dispels, statuses, some desperate full healing, Debilitate without restrictions. In the DL… Zophar and Yuna might have a chance (depends on whether you force Satan to use Futility, and on which Aeons you allow).
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 11:21:08 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 10:24:19 PM »
Miscellaneous Information

-This information contributed by Karma Guard-

When you have Both the [element] boost and Amp on, you get 2x power instead of's supposed to be. I think 1.75x? They work much better together. :V

Also, Gale seems to have some sort of internal value that lets him have a 'normal' chance for criticals, despite having naturally abysmal luck.

Hunt skills aren't physical or magical; they do another category of damage. (Tested this on an Aharabaki, a physimmune demon)

Taunt is functionally 4 Tarukaja + 2 Rakunda on the enemy. Paralyze status is disgusting and utterly kills AGI, and doesn't go away. Wind and Earth (I think earth; I'm sure on Wind) shatter Petrified targets. Poison kills in DDS, as opposed to most other RPGs. Curse causes an Iron Maiden effect; damage done to a target is done back to you. Curse also boosts ID's chances by a whole lot. Being muted makes MP drain much better (from 10 -> 100 type better).

Ice has a chance of freezing it's target; this is functionally identical to the Shock status that Elec can cause, but all Hunt damage drops to the 1-10 dmg range.

There's other things, but I've butted in on this topic enough already :3.

Only one extra boss for me to provide this time. Shoulda saved before Chernobog, he's cool too.

Damages are those done to Gale (after factoring out weakness/resist), who's above average in both Vit and Magic, but not by a huge amount. (This compensates for Ring effects somewhat.)

Oh, if there was any doubt, I confirmed that weakness = 1.5x damage, not ITD in any way. Same with crits.

-From Taishyr-
Okay. I kinda thought of this in topic, and while it really doesn't help Serph much it does offer an alternative to the people that give him an average build on the basis of having nothing else to go off of.

Serph, at the beginning of DDS1 starts with 4 Str/4 Vit/3 Mag/4 Agi/3 Luck. If you build these stats up proportionally to the number of stat points Fenrir has for Serph, you get...


Which, as pointed out in chat, is really really bad for Serph; he gets gypped this way, losing MDef/Magic/MP. He only wants this if he badly needs offense and HP/Def.

DDS2 Serph starts as 4/3/4/4/3, which, when leveled to 60 (sounded about average for a playthrough) gives 44/33/44/44/33. This gives him more MDef/Magic/MP, but less physical durability compared to his other form. Your call - if you don't give Serph free stat range in the DL, this might be worth looking at to give him some personality besides "pure average stat" form.

(Pers2 Maya does the same thing; I'll grab her beginning stats later.)


Also, as a side note, Sera has Argilla's stat growth, almost clear-cut. So she's essentially a mage character with Serph's skillset and stats. If she ever comes up in NR or RPGmon, this might be interesting to know.


EDIT: Brahman form 1 has free use of all skills, no HP limitation. Will check the others. This may be Hard Mode only, though. Unsure.

More pictures (Fenrir)

I like my SMT pictures. A few of them are changed (I have no Cu Sith one)

Some others:









King Frost:

By the way, Abaddon actually doesn't eat PCs in a one on one fight, so he's stuck to his first phase then.
I thought I needed to go crazy with the stat altering and Impel Stones in the solo game, but... Nope.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 10:27:19 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2009, 10:02:00 PM »
Going to edit in notes on bosses here until I have some actual PC/temp notes. (I knew there was a reason I was doing this run through!)

For all bosses: They're immune to Death/Expel and, for the most part, status. However, all of the support the bosses get are susceptible to status (but still immune to the ID skills)

Vetala/Andras: The Andras have Zan, but will only use it when Vetala is down. It does about the same damage as an attack, with some small notes for weakness/resistance:
 - Attacks did 12 on average to me. Zan did 11, but that's because Gale's resistance skews things. If you disregard that, it's 14 instead. (For some reason, Argilla only took 1 more than Serph, despite weakness)

Tribhvana 2: The party HP total seems obscenely high. I was around Lv 20 for this fight, and the highest in my party was 170, which was Gale with Life Bonus. An average of 193 is waaaay too high.

Abaddon: Phase 2 definitely has Zandyne/Mazandyne as well. It wouldn't surprise me if it were just Ganga's skillset from Tribhvana 2.

Curse seems to have some kind of effect on attack, in addition to the ones noted in the above post. (Basic physical from Serph went from 108 normally to 86 under Curse.)
Scratch that, just some real variance on attacks. Hunh.
Poison, on the other hand, put it down to 42, which has to be halved or something.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 02:28:34 PM by Yoshiken »


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2012, 05:42:26 PM »
Ok, so, I'm new and I have NO idea if this is how I'm supposed to note something like this, but I apologize in advance. I don't know if it's possible to PM a guest, so since I'm unable to just send this to Taishyr directly I figured I'd note it here.

Alright, so the Gate Core's Flare Cannon is listed as Almighty here. Unless I am very mistaken, I believe said attack is actually Fire damage, as it's affected by the Repel Fire Skill. I just checked Youtube to confirm such.

Again, I have no idea how important correcting this is, but I thought I'd note it regardless.

EDIT: Found the video in question!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 02:33:39 AM by NARFNra »
Always wash your hands when dealing with gods. Especially some of the lesser ones.


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2012, 12:34:56 AM »
Huh! Makes sense. I thought Flare Cannon was allmighty because I didn't expect it to be this easy to cheese. Thanks.
(Noticed this late)