Author Topic: Dragon Quest IV  (Read 5454 times)


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Dragon Quest IV
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:26:49 PM »
Compiled by Zenthor.

A few things, first of all:
1. This was NOT done on an RPGP legal play-through. I used one or two seeds, but in all honesty, those seeds do not matter. Why? Because typically, when you use a seed, then gain a level, your stat ups will be lower until it evens out. (Making the DW series one of the easier series to do damage tests for)
2. Stats are semi-Random. There are set parameters, I.E., Ragnar will rarely gain Agility, and if he does, it’s most often a One, and very rarely a 2. He should NEVER gain a 3 AGI boost on a level, and, if he does, I’ve never seen it. The same goes for his INT, though, that doesn’t matter. The inverse is true, though. He almost always gains 5 or 6 STR and VIT, giving him great HP and strength. Alena typically gets 5 or 6 STR and AGL, giving her great strength, speed and defense.
3. Damage was tested on Guardians and Swingers in the Dark World (They take about even damage from physicals)
4. All critical hits are Damage=Total Attack Power

Also, if anyone finds something terribly wrong with my stats, feel free to set your characters up RPGP Legally and test it out to see if I’m wrong. I’m new at this, I’ll most likely make errors. *Shrug.*

Note on Statuses: Against Low MDef opponents (in game, those with a “0” immunity), all status attacks are nearly 100% accurate. Against high M.Def, they’re almost always near 0% accurate. Against average M.Def, the chance listed is the approximate chance of it working. Also, all statuses were tested on enemies around Gottside, since Dark World enemies are always either low M.Def or High M.Def. Take this status quirk as you will.

In any case, here are the damage tests!

Zenithian Sword
Zenithian Armour (Metal Babble Armour)
Zenithian Shield
Zenithian Helm
(The MBA is much better against physical fighters, with a better defense boost over the Zenithian Armour, however, the Zenithian Armour halves all magic damage done to him/her. It’s good if s/he won’t be able to get Fendspell up before someone casts a spell on him/her.)

Level: 37
STR: 145
AGI: 68
VIT: 140
INT: 50
LCK: 84
Max HP: 270
Max MP: 177
ATK: 255
DEF: 189 (214)

Lightning ~210 MP: 15
Physical attack: ~103

Other Noteworthy Skills:
Fendspell (Makes immune to all magic other than own) MP: 2
Healall (Full Healing) MP: 7
Sleepmore (2/3 chance of putting enemy to sleep)
Dispell (Removes all positive status (transformations, status boosters, etc) from target) MP: 0
Transform (Turn into opponent.) MP: 5
S/he has about a 1/10 chance of critical hitting per hit

Being Slightly below average in AGI hurts Solofia, but Fendspell, Dispell, Healall, Lightning, his/her high Defence and Transform more than make up for it. Godlike.

Dragon Slayer (Sword of Lethargy)(Sword of Miracles)
Metal Babble Armour
Shield of Strength
Iron Mask
(The Sword of Lethargy has a slight chance of putting an enemy to sleep. Not worth the damage loss, but still an option. The Sword of Miracles and the Dragon Slayer are relatively equal in power, but the SoM drains a bit of HP each round, and some may not allow it.)

Level: 37
STR: 176
AGI: 32
VIT: 206
INT: 18
LCK: 43
Max HP: 441
ATK: 266 (236) (276)
DEF: 176

Physical: ~110 (~88) (~117)

Other things to note:
The Shield of Strength can be used to heal about 1/4 of his HPs
If you allow it, the Sword of Miracles restores 1/10 (About) of Ragnar’s HP when he attacks
The Sword of Lethargy has a 1/5 chance of putting a sleep-vulnerable opponent to sleep, at the cost of damage output.

His only weak point is INT and AGI. Other than that, he's a great dueller. A winning Middle.

Stiletto Earrings (Fire Claw)
Pink Leotard
Golden Barrette
(The Stiletto Earrings are better overall (better chance of crit. due to 2 hits, slightly better damage), but the Fire Claw is better against characters weak to fire)

Level: 38 (She has a high level up speed)
STR: 189
AGI: 206
VIT: 176
INT: 27
LCK: 156
Max HP: 360
ATK: 194 (249)
DEF: 155

Physical: ~74 Per Hit, with two hits, so, ~147 per round. (~101)
Firebane: ~40, From Fire Claw

She has a 1/3 chance to critical hit each hit, making the already damaging Stiletto Earrings even more of a threat. With her insane speed (Nearly twice that of the next highest), it's not doubtful that she'll doubleturn off the bat, and I don't see too many people surviving four of her criticals in a row.

Sword of Miracles (Staff of Force)
Metal Babble Armour
Shield of Strength
Iron Helmet
(The Sword of Miracles>>>>Staff of Force, but due to certain interpretations, some may not allow the SoM. So I listed both.)

Level: 37
STR: 49
AGI: 97
VIT: 109
INT: 64
LCK: 108
Max HP: 218
Max MP: 139
ATK: 149 (104)
DEF: 199

Physical attack: ~50 (~29)

Noteworthy Skills:
Healall (Full HP recovery) MP: 7
Beat (1/4 chance of Instant Death) MP: 4
Upper (2.5x Defense) MP: 3
Stopspell (1/3 chance of Silence) MP: 3
Surround (1/3 chance of Blind) MP: 4

Notes: Any battle with him will be a long one. He has a high DEF score, and spells to boost it, the ability to silence mages, and blind fighters, and heal himself. Any battle between someone with instant death immunity will be a long one, with him. A Heavy/Middle. If he had even slightly more damage, he'd be a solid heavy.

Staff of Force
Water Flying Clothes
Scale Shield
Leather Hat
(The first character to not have any other options. Yikes, his equipment selection sucks. Ahem.)

STR: 24
AGI: 114
VIT: 91
INT: 128
LCK: 159
MHP: 174
MMP: 196
ATK: 79
DEF: 107

Blizzard: ~100 MP: 11

Other Skills:
Bikill (Double Attack) MP: 6
Speedup (Double AGI) MP: 3
Sap (Halves Defense) MP: 3
Chaos (1/5 chance of confusion) MP: 5

Notes: For Brey, Nara and Mara, I did not include their damages for Physical attacks, since… well, they suck. Even a post-Bikill Brey doesn’t do enough damage to kill anything, even after Sap. In any case… he’s fast, that’s about it. Good MP, but awful damage spells. Though, with Speedup, he's a solid Middle.

Sword of Malice (Sword of Miracles)
Metal Babble Armour
Shield of Strength
Iron Helmet
(Well, again, Miracles>>>Malice, but, interpretation, blah blah blah. The Swordedge Armour sends back a small percent of physical damage back at the attacker.)

Level: 38 (High Level up speed)
STR: 85
AGI: 65
VIT: 108
INT: 49
LCK: 42
MHP: 215
ATK: 130 (185)
DEF: 183

Physical: ~39, (~70)

His randomness keeps him from being too high in the RPGP, but keeps him from being light. A solid low middle, in any case. He has a 1/2 chance of doing one of his random moves, and then has an equal chance of choosing one of the moves. The most useful ones are:
Him covering a mages’ mouth (Stops whatever spell was being charged)
Him sweeping the enemy’s legs (Loss of one round)
Him tripping and having a weapon fly at the enemy (Critical hit)
Him throwing sand in opponents eyes (Blind)
Him singing a lullaby (Sleep)
The only one of those that does not take up a turn is the covering of a mages’ mouth. He also has healing from the Shield of Strength and the Sword of Miracles. A good middle, but his utter randomness, and lack of much damage sink him.

Staff of Force
Metal Babble Armour
Iron Shield
Golden Barrette
(The second character with no other choice. Heh.)

Level: 35 (LOW level up speed. Damn, and she even had a +6 level advantage over most other characters when I got em all)
STR: 66
AGI: 53
VIT: 65
INT: 72
LCK: 83
MHP: 124
MMP: 134
ATK: 121
DEF: 145

Infermost: ~97 MP: 8

Other Skills:
Healall (Full HP recovery) MP: 7
Barrier (Halves elemental Magic) MP: 6
Sleepmore: See Solo/Sofia.

Notes: *Shrug.* Bad stats, but all right skills. Low Middle.

Staff of Force
Water Flying Clothes
Golden Barrette
(No Shield, no choice.)

Level: 37
STR: 31
AGI: 107
VIT: 95
INT: 107
LCK: 149
MHP: 149
MMP: 232
ATK: 86
DEF: 106

Blazemost (MP: 10): ~191
Bedragon (MP: 18):
Physical: ~20
Breath: ~50

The only time she’ll ever use Bedragon is when up against an opponent immune to fire, or when she’s nearly out of MP from several castings of Blazemost. Though, the latter shouldn’t happen too often. Her damage is second only to Solofia's Lightning. I don't see her doing too well in heavy, though, since all of her worthwhile attacks are fire based, and there are a few duellers in heavy that block out fire. Middle/Heavy.

Now, just for comparison..

AGI: (Average = 92)
1. Alena 206
2. Brey 114
3. Mara 104
4. Cristo 97
5. Solofia 68
6. Taloon 65
7. Nara 53
8. Ragnar 32

DEF: (Average = 160)
1. Solofia 214/189
2. Cristo 199
3. Taloon 183
4. Ragnar 176
5. Alena 155
6. Nara 145
7. Brey 107
8. Mara 106

Max HP: (Average = 256)
1. Ragnar 441
2. Alena 360
3. Solofia 270
4. Cristo 218
5. Taloon 215
6. Brey 174
7. Mara 149
8. Nara 124

Max MP: (Average = 109)

1. Mara 232
2. Brey 196
3. Solofia 177
4. Cristo 139
5. Nara 134
6. Ragnar 0
6. Alena 0
6. Taloon 0

Max Damage Output (Criticals Excluded): (Average = 122)

1. Solofia 210
2. Mara 191
3. Alena 147
4. Ragnar 117
5. Brey 100
6. Nara 97
7. Taloon 70
8. Cristo 50
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Dragon Quest IV
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:27:18 PM »
Status tests, by Super:

I lost my internet connection today, and I was bored. So, I turned on DWIV, and began status testing.

Dragon Warrior status is streaky.. take exact numbers with a grain of salt.(It took me four rounds to nail a swinger with beat, at one point. Then I used Defeat, and that KO'ed two Swingers the first time I tried. Go figure.) The status system itself? Well... it's based on resistance, kinda like BoFII. There's levels of resistance. I took endgame monsters, and ran status tests on them. So... yeah.
Don't take the PC to PC status numbers as accurate. I listed them mostly for Solo/Sofia.

PC's against Beat

Sofia 21/40
Cristo 20/20 (You don't get a save if you cast status magic on yourself.)
Alena 20/20
Brey 20/20

I'm pretty sure Solo/Sofia has a piece of equipment that gives some status resistance.

Outside the final refuge.
Lethal Knights

Beat 18/20
Surround 14/20
Stopspell 20/20
Sleepmore 13/20
Chaos 18/20

Beat 14/20
Sleepmore 17/20
Surround 17/20 (It failed both times during the last test. -_-)
Chaos 17/20
Stopspell 0/20
Leaping Maskan

Beat 8/20
Sleepmore 12/20
Chaos 15/20
Stopspell 0/20
Surround 10/20
Beat 17/20
Stopspell 0/20
Sleepmore 15/15
Surround 15/15
Chaos 15/15

I gave up in disgust with Sleepmore/Surround/Chaos, at that point.
Guardian 0/20

Beat 0/20
Stopspell 0/20
Sleepmore 0/20
Chaos 9/20
Surround 19/20

Beat 17/20
Sleepmore 14/20
Surround 10/20
Stopspell 0/20
Sword of Lethargy 7/20
Chaos 11/20

Beat- Bharack (Summoned by Ryvernlord) 7/20
Beat- Curer (Summed by Bharack) 16/20

Notes: Rhyvernlord's monster type is weak to Instant Death magic. Hell, Defeat went 18/20 against them, and it isn't the most accurate status in the book.
Tower next to the final refuge.

Metal Kings (Status and magic immune)
Metal slimes (Status and magic immune)

Big Sloths
Beat 0/20
Surround 17/20
Sleepmore 0/20
Stopspell 0/20
Chaos 20/20
Spite Spirit

Beat 0/20
Surround 20/20
Sleepmore 0/20
Chaos 0/20
Stopspell 0/20
Red Dragons

Beat 0/20
Surround 17/20
Chaos 16/20
Sleepmore 9/20
Stopspell 0/20

Average hit rate of Beat, without ID immune targets: 77%.

74% (Without babbles)


100%, without targets that aren't immune. It isn't a perfect accuracy spell, but the hit rate is pretty high.





Other notes: I think the Holy Robe reduces non Fire elements by 1/3, instead of half.

Status weapons: There are three that are useable in the DL. The Venomous Dagger, the Sword of Lethargy, and the Poison Needle.

They all seem to average a 1/3 hit rate, with the poison needle seeming to have slightly less accuracy. The sword is only useful for Rangar, and he takes a fairly large hit in offense to use it. Still, it might be his best bet. The sleep effect can help make up for his bad speed rather nicely. The dagger.. eh. Mara probably doesn't bother with it, unless she runs into a fire immune opponent. Brey benefits by having another two statuses (aibet, unreliable ones) to fall back on.

Status immunity: The Golden Barette protects against confusion/chaos. Solo's Zenithian helm/armor halves the success rate of Chaos and Beat, while also halving all elemental damage.

Status notes:

Surround- Extremely effective form of blind. Combined with Upper, it's brutally effective against physical fighters.

Sleep- Puts the target to sleep. (Duh). It's a fairly wussy status for duration- You have a coinflip chance each round to break out of the sleep. Upside? Damage doesn't wake you up, and you're weak to other statuses while asleep.

Sap- Knocks off half of a target's defense. Two uses removes all of the target's defense.

Chaos- A nasty version of confuse. I'm going to test the accuracy of the move sometime tonight, and give a rough chart of what happens when you're under the effect of it.

EDIT: Chaos effects (100 uses):

26 attack enemies
25 talk/act randomly (Wasted turn).
37 attack teammate/self
11 use support magic on enemy (Healall)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Dragon Quest IV
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 11:27:35 PM »
Zenny's Necrosaro tests:

Necrosaro tests later to come. Here are some things I know for sure.

EDIT: Okay, starting the tests. First, each phase's HP needed to be taken off before the phase switch, and some general notes (No serious tests other than HP)

Form 1:
Great Physical Durability (Nobody dealt more than 50 damage on a non-critical)
Fire Resistant (Blazemost never hit)
HP: ~800

Attacks (Acts Twice):


Form 2:
Great Physical Durability
Fire Resistant
HP: ~700 HP

Attacks (Acts Once):
Physical attack


Form 3:
Decent Physical Durability (He took 70 from my best non-crit physical)
Fire resistant
HP: ~990

Attacks (Once):


Form 4:
Decent Physical Durability
Fire Resistant
HP: ~800

Attacks (Once):
Scorching Gas


Form 5
Decent Physical Durability
Fire Resistant
HP: ~800

Attacks (Twice):
Scorching Gas


Form 6
Decent Physical attack
Fire Resistant
HP: ~755

Attacks (Twice):
Scorching Gas


Form 7
Decent Physical Durability
Fire Resistant
Ice Resistant
HP: ~2000

Attacks (Twice):
Bounce (OPB, uses automatically coming out of Form 6)
Freezing Rays (Dispel)
Physical (Dealt 90 damage to Cristo with full Metal Babble Set up)
Icy Gust (Did 90-125)
Scorching Gas

So... At a glance, He's tankish in his first two forms, and just normally "Good" at taking physical damage. Until Form 7, he has... very little damage (his first forms' physicals did... little, and Scorching gas was ~30 damage in his forms before 7. Granted, it's decent with double attack). And is immune to fire and ice. I had the Sword of Lethargy on Ragnar, and... I recall Necrosaro being put to sleep at one point. I'll have to make a note to test his resilliance to status.

More accurate damage tests to come later today. This is just "At a Glance".

And... I could have sworn he had Healmore somewhere. Probably just didn't see it.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Dragon Quest IV
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 11:28:02 PM »
And another:

Wow, Me=Retarded. Woodus has Necrosaro's stats through his forms. I missed alot of attacks, it seems. And these have exact HP and the important AGI stats.

Anyway, here they are:

Necrosaro (Stage 1)
HP: 800
ATK: 210
DEF: 250
AGI: 70

Normal Attack, Always Attacks Twice


Necrosaro (Stage 2)
HP: 650
ATK: 190
DEF: 220
AGI: 60

Normal Attack


Necrosaro (Stage 3)
HP: 1023
ATK: 100
DEF: 180
AGI: 50

Normal Attack
Emits Gales Of Sweet Breath (Sleep, IIRC),
Beat (O_o),


Necrosaro (Stage 4)
HP: 700
ATK: 100
DEF: 200
AGI: 60

Normal Attack,
Emits A Violent Blaze,
Emits Scorching Gas,
Freezing Waves Shoot Out From Fingers (Dispel),
Meditates Silently,
Heals Wounds Rapidly (I knew he could heal!)


Necrosaro (Stage 5)
HP: 800
ATK: 230
DEF: 220
AGI: 70

Attacks, Always Attacks Twice:
Normal Attack,
Emits Scorching Gas


Necrosaro (Stage 6)

HP: 700
ATK: 290
DEF: 230
AGI: 80

Attacks (Always Attacks Twice):
Normal Attack
Emits Scorching Gas


Necrosaro (Stage 7)
HP: 1023
ATK: 290
DEF: 230
AGI: 80

Attacks (AAT):
Normal Attack,
Emits A Violent Blaze,
Emits A Gleaming, Icy Gust Of Wind,
Freezing Waves Shoot Out From Fingers,
Bounce (OPB, automatically upon changing into Form 7)

Damages are on the other Necrosaro notes. These just basically reveal a few things, like exact Defense and ATK, Exact HP, and... the fact that Form 3 has Beat.

If you allow him to go through all his forms, he generally won't do much until form 3, where he only does things to PCs (But is damn slow). Past that, he needs to get to form 7. Form 4... for all that it can heal, seems fairly worthless; slow, and... meh.

If you give him credit for his HP, and force him to form choose, he wants Form 3 against Most PCs, and Form 7 against bosses, I'd say.

If you force him to Form 7, give him credit for HP, and free reign on his previous skills... O_o He just got much better. Increase with that Defense, Beat, Sleep... Nice.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Dragon Quest IV
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 11:28:23 PM »
Super on Metal Babble Armor:

Heh. This was spawned from a line of thought at the end of chat last night. While Metal Babble Armors are almost unquestionably legal.. it is interesting to take a look at the cast and averages without it.


1. Solofia 189 (Halves wind/fire/ice. Debatebly all elements)
2. Alena 155
3. Cristo 142 (Halves fire, thirds ice/wind. Debatebly all elements)
4. Taloon 138 (One fourth of damage is reflected back at the target)
5. Ragnar 131 (See Taloon)
6. Brey 107 (Resists fire)
7. Mara 106 (Resists fire)
8. Nara 88 (See Cristo)

Needless to say, this does not make Nara happy.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Dragon Quest IV
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 11:28:46 PM »
Nutso OK is crazy:

Random, extensive boss tests of major Chapter 5 bosses. Necrosaro I did some work with too ( he's the one I tested the most rigorously...others might have errors, but it should mostly be accurate anyway ). So...anyway, for the hell of it!

As a quick note: All bosses ( indeed, everything in the game ) can be hit with the Sword of Lethargy. Whether you take this or not as a literal status resistance thinger something or other or not is up to you ( SoL is just special ).

"Follow the Yellow-Brick Road! Meow!"
Can be hit with Surround and Stopspell

HP: 400

Average HP Faced: 90 ( Level 15 )
Average Damage Faced: 30 ( physical )

Usually Attacks Twice
Acts before Cristo
Physical - 50
Freezing Winds - 12 average damage
Firebal - 20 average damage

Comments: Straightforward, and decent. Kills in one round with his physical, but it's all he has. Still a High Middle

"Rawr, me strong! Me smash!"
Immune to Ice, Stopspell, Surround

Average HP Faced: 99 ( Level 17 )
Average Damage Faced: 41 ( physical )

Typically Can Attack Twice
Acts before Ragnar
Physical - 45
Snowstorm - 40 average damage
Freezing Winds - 12 average damage

Comments: Similar to Keeleon, except just shy of the kill. Better status resistance, though. Middle

"Look in this drawer! Big Surprise <3"
Can be hit with Stopspell, Immune to Surround

HP: 1000

Average HP Faced: 117 ( Level 20 )
Average Damage Faced: 43 ( physical )

Acts before Brey
Physical - 42
Snowstorm - 40 average damage
Increase - +180 DEF ( physical average after = 3 )
Save Strength - Increases next physical damage ( physical damage after = 88 )

Comments: Very anti-physical. Fairly durable overall, compared to some bosses. Not bad in any way, though the damage is crap. High Middle.


Average HP Faced: 172 ( Level 27 )
Average Damage Faced: 65 ( physical )

*Esturk starts the battle asleep ( basically under a Sleepmore spell, Zenny says ). This typically wears off on turn 4 ( meaning he is asleep 3 turns, then wakes up the 4th, then can act the 5th ), though it does vary randomly.*

When asleep
Acts before Nara
Emit Eerie Light - 55

Attacks Twice when Awake
Acts before Cristo
Physical - 86
Freezing Waves - Dispel effect
Emit Blizzard - 45 average damage
Deep Breath - Boosts next physical damage ( physical after = 181 )

Comments: Gah, a good boss, if he weren't asleep. As is, he's a Low Middle, as he dies faster than any boss previously, and Eerie Light is...just not enough. Some Ruler of Evil.

Infernus Shadow
"Smash, kill, blah"

HP: 950

Average HP Faced: 218 ( Level 36 )
Average Damage Faced: 78 ( physical )

Attacks Twice
Acts before Taloon
Physical - 46
Emit Blizzard - 45 average damage
Emit Violent Blaze - 92 average damage
Explodet - 82 average damage
Horrifying Roar - 50% chance of causing a unit to cower in fear

Comments: Interesting, at least. Decent damage, still crap DW4 durability...a few decent tricks. High Middle.

"Haha, look behind you!"

HP: 1023

Average HP Faced: 218 ( Level 36 )
Average Damage Faced: 94 ( physical )

Attacks Twice
Acts before Ragnar
Physical - 75
Defence - Lowers Defense ( physical damage after = 101 )
On Guard - Defends against all damage ( magic and physical )

Comments: Uh...Middle. Not much to say.


HP: 300

Average HP Faced: 218 ( Level 36 )
Average Damage Faced: 63 ( physical )

*You fight 3 at a time*

Acts before Taloon
Physical - 42
Scorching Gas - 38 average damage
Call for Reinforcements - Summons another Anderhoug

Comments: ...Light.


HP: 820

Average HP Faced: 218 ( Level 36 )
Average Damage Faced: 85 ( physical )

Attacks Twice
Acts before Mara
Physical - 4
Blizzard - 56 average damage
Infermost - 49 average damage
Blazemore - 61 average damage

Comments: Eh, Middle. Damn reliance on common elements.

"I hate half-elves...I mean humans. Rawr!"

Average HP Faced: 230 ( Level 38 )

*Each form change resets the round*

Form 1
HP: 800
Average Damage Faced: 54 ( physical )

Attacks Twice
Acts before Taloon
Physical - 67

Form 2
HP: 650
Average Damage Faced: 61 ( physical )

Acts before Nara
Physical - 67

Form 3
HP: 1023
Average Damage Faced: 71 ( physical )

Acts before Ragnar
Physical - 9
Increase - +180 DEF ( physical average after = 6 ) *This does not carry over into any other form*
Firebane - 39 average damage
Emits Sweet Breath - 50% chance of putting targets to sleep
Snowstorm - 40 average damage
Beat - Instant Death ( hit 7/7 times I coaxed him into using it: Sofiax2, Alenax3, Cristox2; I know it can miss, but it's fairly accurate )

Form 4
HP: 700
Average Damage Faced: 66 ( physical )

*This form always uses the first action to grow a head. For all intents and purposes, it forfeits the first action*

Acts before Nara
Physical - 6
Emits Scorching Gas - 38 average damage
Emits a Violent Blaze - 92 average damage
Emits Freezing Waves - Dispels all targets
Meditates Intently - Heals Wounds Rapidly ( not sure on how much )

Form 5
HP: 800
Average Damage Faced: 61 ( physical )

Attacks Twice
Acts before Taloon
Physical - 88
Emits Scorching Gas - 38 average damage

Form 6
HP: 700
Average Damage Faced: 58 ( physical )

Attacks Twice
Acts before Sofia
Physical - 113
Emits Scorching Gas - 38 average damage

Form 7
HP: 1023
Average Damage Faced: 58 ( physical )

*This form auto-casts Bounce on itself before any actions begin*

Attacks Twice
Acts before Cristo
Physical - 113
Emits a Violent Blaze - 92 average damage
Emits Freezing Waves - Dispels all targets
Emits Icy Gusts - 122 average damage

Comments: Mmmm....damn. If he were just a tad faster, he'd be a good deal meaner. He has basically form 3-7 to do much worthwhile, and...well, he does good stuff. Actual durability for a DW4 boss is nice, and he has a couple good tricks. But...very slow. Still, Low Godlike, on the fact that he can outlast people, and murders most PCs.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Dragon Quest IV
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2008, 11:29:12 PM »
Doran stats:


HP: 258

Str: 195 (also it's attack)
Agi: 36
Def: 160

Physical: 70~
Freezing Breath: 50, hit all, ice elemental

Yep, light. Damage isn't really there, and the durabilty isn't anything special. Criticals aren't uncommon.. and they hurt from Doran.

If you include Doran in the average, AGI average drops to 86 and average damage drops to 114.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Dragon Quest IV
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2018, 09:25:11 AM »

So, this is a Japanese site that confirms that for DQ4, Blaze (Frizz), Firebal (Sizz) and Bang are separate elemental resistance values.  I have no idea how in the heck this would translate to the DL, but it's easily verifiable in-game: Blazeghosts are immune to Blaze but not immune to Firebal or Bang. 

This only really matters for Mara in any case, and even then I'm not sure it makes a lot of difference, but it's interesting.  Djinn thought it might have been documented on the old boards but not survived to the new ones.  In any case, here~

EDIT: On reflection it matters for bosses too.  I'm only looking up the major bosses right now, since it's kind of a pain in the butt finding them in Japanese.  Anyway: so, there's 6 damage elements recognized by DQ4 - Bang, Firebal, Blaze, Zap, Infernos, and IceBolt.  They cover the following spells:

Bang - Bang, Boom, Explodet
Firebal - Firebal, Firebane, Firevolt
Blaze - Blaze, Blazemore, Blazemost
Zap - Zap, Thordain
Infernos - Infernos, Infermore, Infermost
IceBolt - IceBolt, Snowstorm, IceSpears, Blizzard

There's also resistance flags for each of the following spells: Surround; Sleep (also covers Sleepmore, albeit in a special way to be discussed below); Beat (also covers Defeat); Expel; RobMagic; StopSpell; Chaos; and Sap (also covers Defence).

Monsters can have one of 4 "affinity levels" to each spell type, which affects how likely a spell of that type is to fail and have no effect on them.  DQ4 resistances are all or nothing; there is no damage reduction, spells either do full damage or miss entirely.  Affinity levels work as follows:

Level 1 - 100% chance of success
Level 2 - 75% chance of success
Level 3 - 25% chance of success
Level 4 - 0% chance of success

There is one exception to the above success rates, and that exception is Sleepmore.  Sleepmore rolls for success rate twice, and will hit if *either* check hits.  Also, it's already noted in the topic, but I'll restate it here: the random Sleep proc on the Sword of Lethargy does not check Sleep resistance at all, and works on everything in the game.

So, here's the Chapter 5 boss affinities.  Note that I can only guarantee these are accurate for DQ4 NES.

Anderoug: Bang 4, Firebal 3, Blaze 2, Zap 1, Infernos 1, IceBolt 1, Surround 2, Sleep 3, Beat 3, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 3, Sap 1

Balzack: Bang 1, Firebal 1, Blaze 1, Zap 1, Infernos 1, IceBolt 4, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 4

Esturk: Bang 3, Firebal 3, Blaze 2, Zap 1, Infernos 4, IceBolt 2, Surround 4, Sleep 3, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 3
(Note that while Esturk is vulnerable to Sleep, he can still make basic physical attacks while asleep as a special enemy property.  Since those tend to be his most damaging move, putting him to sleep can actually be dangerous.)

Gigademon: Bang 1, Firebal 1, Blaze 1, Zap 1, Infernos 1, IceBolt 1, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 1

Infurnus Shadow: Bang 3, Firebal 3, Blaze 3, Zap 1, Infernos 1, IceBolt 2, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 3, Chaos 4, Sap 2

Keeleon: Bang 2, Firebal 1, Blaze 2, Zap 1, Infernos 1, IceBolt 2, Surround 3, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 3, Chaos 4, Sap 1

Necrosaro: The final boss actually has different affinities across its phases as follows.
Phase 1-2: Bang 4, Firebal 2, Blaze 3, Zap 1, Infernos 2, IceBolt 2, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 3
Phase 3: Bang 4, Firebal 2, Blaze 3, Zap 1, Infernos 2, IceBolt 1, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 3
Phase 4: Bang 4, Firebal 3, Blaze 3, Zap 2, Infernos 3, IceBolt 2, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 2
Phase 5-6: Bang 4, Firebal 3, Blaze 3, Zap 2, Infernos 2, IceBolt 2, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 2
Phase 7: Bang 4, Firebal 3, Blaze 3, Zap 2, Infernos 2, IceBolt 2, Surround 4, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 3

Radimvice: Bang 4, Firebal 3, Blaze 4, Zap 2, Infernos 3, IceBolt 4, Surround 2, Sleep 4, Beat 4, Expel 4, RobMagic 4, StopSpell 4, Chaos 4, Sap 3

« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 11:49:57 AM by Reiska »