From Cap'n K.
Went out and bought the RS guide from Brady games, since it already has all the information I would want for the DL. Timesaver!
Stats: Each character has four stats. Attack is standard RPG damage increaser. Defense is standard damage reducer. Evasion allows you to dodge attacks and reduces chances of being afflicted with status. Luck increases your chance of inflicting status on your opponent, chance of hitting your opponent, and item drop rates.
Hit Rate equation
(luck+level) - (enemy's evade+enemy's level) = hit rate
If hit rate >= to 1, it is 100% hit
If 0>=hit rate>=-20, it is 95%
-21>=hit rate>=-50, it is 90%
-51>=hit rate>=-100, it is 85%
From -101 and below, everything is 75%
Damage equation
(((total atkx2 - enemy total defence)/4) x Random variance + Dex) x Combo bonus x Multiplier x Elemental = actual damage
"Dex" is Evade/10 + Luck/20
Random variance is a number ranging from .8 to 1.2
Combo bonus= number of hit/100+1
Multiplier is a number specific to the attack being used, see individual character descriptions
Elemental is either .5, 1.0, or 1.4 (see below)
Volty Damage equation
Total atkxRandom variance + Dex) x Combo bonus x multiplier = Volty Damage
This equation is per hit.
Critical Hit equation
luck/level - enemy's luck/enemy's level + whatever bonus your equip skill or items have + any random number between 0 to 100 = critical rate
Critical occurs when critical rate>= 95
Quick reference: Highest attacks in the game at level 99 are Valkyrie (502), Galvados (460), Elwen (438), JJ (430), Dyvad (420), Zeranium (410), Gruel (410), Fernando (408), Alba (405), Gerald (403), Clarence (400)
Afflictions (status ailments). There are 10 afflictions in RS:
Poison: Standard RPG poison, of the strong variety.
Blind: Evasion and Luck go to zero.
Freeze: Can't move until you break free or are hit with a hard attack.
Confuse: Run around randomly, may target allies instead of enemies. Little effect in a 1-on-1.
Petrify: Same as Freeze, but much harder to break out of.
Paralysis: Slowed movements. This would be what other RPGs call "Slow".
Bind: Can't move until you break free. What other RPGs call "Paralyzed".
Blaze: Set on fire. HP decrease quickly (1/100th of max hp every 2? seconds), character may miss turns while they are jumping in the air and screaming.
Curse Can't attack and move very slowly. You can't cast healing spells either, but you can use status curing abilities.
Death Instant death.
The chance of success for non-Death afflictions is the Attack's [Affliction Power (typically a number between 1.0 and 3.0) times a random number from 0-100] + [Attacker's Luck/8] - Target's Evasion. After that calculation, if the target has 50, 75, or 100% resistance, a separate roll is made to see if they avoid the affliction.
Instant Death uses a different formula: [Attacker's strength with weapon / 200] + [random number from 0-100] + [Attacker's Luck/8] - [Target's Evasion/10 + Target's Luck/20]
Elements: There are only four elements in this game. Earth and Wind are opposed, and Fire and Water are opposed. If you have Earth element armor, you take 50% damage from Earth attacks, and 140% damage from Wind attacks. Same with all the others.
Skills: Each character has a skill. I'll simply include the effects in their notes rather than detail each skill.
Endgame for Jack is around level 55. Other characters that tend to get used during play will end up around level 50. Unless otherwise noted, all stats for characters presented will be level 50.
All stats posted include equipment worn and has the character's inherent skill at level 5.
This post reserved for the Knights and Theater Vancoor.
HP:1887 Atk:192 Def:225 Eva:86 Lck:124
Levels up: Slow
Immune to Confuse
Attacks: Ganz Thrust (x1, 71), Spinning Slash (x.8, 56), Knight Blow (x1, 71)
Volty Break: Ganz Breaker (x4.5, 932)
HP:1453 Atk:209 Def:198 Eva:120 Lck:111
Resist Curse, -30% damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x1), Downward Thrust (x.8), Earth Splitter (x?), Helmet Cleave (x1.2)
All Ridley's attacks are Fire Elemental and cause Blaze.
Volty Break: Wild Pitch (x4.0)
(lvl 45)HP:1304 Atk:235 Def:211 Eva:163 Lck:192
Dynas is a temp, and cannot gain levels.
Immune to death. Resistant to Blind, Bind, Blaze, Confuse, Curse, and Petrify. Slight resistance to Poison, Paralyze, and Freeze.
Attacks: Front Strike (x1), Reverse Strike (x1.1), Heavenly Strike (x1.2), Revolving Strike (x1.3)
All Dynas's attacks are Earth elemental and have a high chance of knocking down the enemy.
Volty Break: Hurricane Lion (x4.0)
HP:1743 Atk:223 Def:211 Eva:159 Lck:143
Immune to death. Resistant to Freeze. Slight resistance to all other elements.
Attacks: Scoop Up (x1.2), Right Slash (x.8), Jump Slash (x1.4), Force Blow(x1.2)
All Natalie's attacks are Wind element and have a slight chance of paralyzing the enemy.
Volty Break: First Class Flurry (5 hits of x.6 each)
HP:1892 Atk:184 Def:198 Eva:100 Lck:115
Attacks: Right Slash(x.8), Hip Attack(x1), Blow a Kiss (decent chance of Confuse)
HP:1435 Atk:183 Def:178 Eva:144 Lck:102
Attacks: Slice (x.8), Thrust (x1), Low Strike (x.9, knockdown)
HP:1865 Atk:198 Def:196 Eva:110 Lck:102
Immune to Petrify. Resistant to Poison.
Attacks: Sideways Attack (x.8), Low Swing (x1, knockdown)
HP:1390 Atk:163 Def:152 Eva:87 Lck:84
Takes no damage when guarding
Attacks: Hard Thrust (x.8, breaks parry), Throat Thrust (x1.2, knockdown)
HP:1610 Atk:145 Def:149 Eva:103 Lck:90
Immune to Blind
Attacks: Recoil Smash (x1.2), Whistle (summons Helper Rat,

(lvl 53) HP:1350 Atk:245 Def:210 Eva:152 Lck:102
Temp character. Atk, Def, Eva, and Lck +25 at nighttime.
Immune to Bind, Freeze, Blaze, Confuse, and Death.
Attacks: Right Blow (x.7), Left Blow (x.6), King Crush (x1.2), Crossbow (x.6)
Volty Break: Leo Smash Royale (5 hits of x.3, followed by 1 of 2.0)
HP:1360 Atk:177 Def:211 Eva:100 Lck:115
30% less damage from Earth element
Attacks: Weak Thrust (x.7), Power Thrust (x1)
Both attacks are Wind elemental
HP:1312 Atk:212 Def:185 Eva:207 Lck:148
Wind element armor
Attacks: Ray Cutter (x.8), Rose Flash(x1.2, slight chance of Paralyze), High Sky Descend (x1.4)
All her attacks are Wind elemental
HP:1210 Atk:146 Def:191 Eva:135 Lck:113
Immune to Blind
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x.8), Downward Thrust(x1), Cure Status (can cure himself or anyone else of any status unless he is immoblized)
HP:1508 Atk:223 Def:197 Eva:78 Lck:255 (which never rises oddly)
Fire element armor, takes no damage when defending
Attacks: Upward Slash (x1), Demon Buster (4 hits - 1 at x.4, 3 at x.5, 2 slight chances of causing Curse)
HP:1353 Atk:159 Def:145 Eva:102 Lck:98
Immune to Blind
Attacks: Sweep Thrust (x.8), Vertical Slash (x1.2)
HP:1355 Atk:164 Def:156 Eva:101 Lck:132
Resistant to Freeze, 30% chance of ignoring instant death, Water element armor
Attacks: Sweep Thrust(x.9), Radial Sweep (x1.1)
HP:1801 Atk:166 Def:161 Eva:101 Lck:123
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x.8), Daniel Blow (x1.2)
HP:1379 Atk:194 Def:196 Eva:109 Lck:118
Resistant to Freeze, Water element armor, can't be knocked down
Attacks: Short Slash (x.9, Wind element), Great Slash (x1.2, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze)
HP:1211 Atk:192 Def:207 Eva:126 Lck:117
Immune to Curse. Resistant to Freeze. Water element armor
Attacks: Upper Slash (x1.2), Throat Thrust (x1.2, slight chance of Bind)
(lvl 60)HP:3300 Atk:288 Def:253 Eva:192 Lck:267
Immune to all status. +25 to Atk, Def, Eva, and Lck during daytime.
Attacks: Fantasia (x.9), Reverse Fantasia (x.8), Streaming Sword (x1.2), Heavenly Throw (x1.2)
Elwen's attacks come out extremely fast. She gets all four of her attacks in the time it takes other characters to do one attack.
Volty Break: Radiant Sword (x6)
HP:1349 Atk:187 Def:206 Eva:87 Lck:110
Immune to Freeze
Attacks: Power Smash (x.8), Knockdown (x1.2)
Both attacks are Water element and have a slight chance of causing Freeze
HP:1320 Atk:210 Def:175 Eva:126 Lck:6 (not a typo)
Immune to Petrify
Attacks: Front Attack (x.9), Strike (x1), Low Angle (x.9)
HP:2149 Atk:220 Def:188 Eva:134 Lck:167
Resistant to Poison, Paralyze, Blind, Freeze, Blaze, and Petrify
Gains 4 points of Volty for every attack
Attacks: Uno Thrust (x.7, Wind, breaks parry), Dos Bash (x.8, Fire, slight chance of Blaze), Tres Slice (x.9, Wind), Reverse Slice (x1.5, Fire, slight chance of Blaze)
Volty Break: Dual Wave Blade (987 fixed damage, which is fairly average for endgame)
HP:1378 Atk:166 Def:184 Eva:89 Lck:102
Immune to Poison
Attacks: Downward Thrust (x1), Upward Thrust (x1), Three Scratches (x1.1)
All attacks are Earth element and have a slight chance to cause Poison
HP:1352 Atk:211 Def:254 Eva:143 Lck:88
Attacks: Weak Thrust (x.7), Sweep Thrust (x.8, slight chance of Confuse), Power Thrust (x1, slight chance of Confuse)
All attacks are Earth element
HP:1429 Atk:203 Def:212 Eva:119 Lck:100
Immune to Blaze
Attacks: Thrust (x.6), Upward Thrust (x.8), Ground Sweep (x1, knockdown)
All attacks are Fire element
HP:1262 Atk:146 Def:142 Eva:118 Lck:90
Immune to Confuse. Resistant to Blaze
Attacks: Right Slash (x.9), Left Slash (x1)
HP:1154 Atk:161 Def:170 Eva:129 Lck:104
Gains 4 Volty for every hit (useless to him)
Slight resistance to all status
Attacks: Spirit Thrust (x.9, breaks parry), Defiance Slice (x1)
HP:1299 Atk:185 Def:232 Eva:78 Lck:116
Can't be knocked down
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x.9, slight chance of Freeze), Hammerthrow Blow (2 hits of x1)
Both attacks are Water element