
Author Topic: Radiata Stories  (Read 10094 times)


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Radiata Stories
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:24:43 AM »
From Cap'n K.

Went out and bought the RS guide from Brady games, since it already has all the information I would want for the DL. Timesaver!

Stats: Each character has four stats. Attack is standard RPG damage increaser. Defense is standard damage reducer. Evasion allows you to dodge attacks and reduces chances of being afflicted with status. Luck increases your chance of inflicting status on your opponent, chance of hitting your opponent, and item drop rates.

Hit Rate equation
(luck+level) - (enemy's evade+enemy's level) = hit rate

If hit rate >= to 1, it is 100% hit
If 0>=hit rate>=-20, it is 95%
-21>=hit rate>=-50, it is 90%
-51>=hit rate>=-100, it is 85%
From -101 and below, everything is 75%

Damage equation
(((total atkx2 - enemy total defence)/4) x Random variance + Dex) x Combo bonus x Multiplier x Elemental = actual damage

"Dex" is Evade/10 + Luck/20
Random variance is a number ranging from .8 to 1.2
Combo bonus= number of hit/100+1
Multiplier is a number specific to the attack being used, see individual character descriptions
Elemental is either .5, 1.0, or 1.4 (see below)

Volty Damage equation
Total atkxRandom variance + Dex) x Combo bonus x multiplier = Volty Damage
This equation is per hit.

Critical Hit equation
luck/level - enemy's luck/enemy's level + whatever bonus your equip skill or items have + any random number between 0 to 100 = critical rate

Critical occurs when critical rate>= 95

Quick reference: Highest attacks in the game at level 99 are Valkyrie (502), Galvados (460), Elwen (438), JJ (430), Dyvad (420), Zeranium (410), Gruel (410), Fernando (408), Alba (405), Gerald (403), Clarence (400)

Afflictions (status ailments). There are 10 afflictions in RS:
Poison: Standard RPG poison, of the strong variety.
Blind: Evasion and Luck go to zero.
Freeze: Can't move until you break free or are hit with a hard attack.
Confuse: Run around randomly, may target allies instead of enemies. Little effect in a 1-on-1.
Petrify: Same as Freeze, but much harder to break out of.
Paralysis: Slowed movements. This would be what other RPGs call "Slow".
Bind: Can't move until you break free. What other RPGs call "Paralyzed".
Blaze: Set on fire. HP decrease quickly (1/100th of max hp every 2? seconds), character may miss turns while they are jumping in the air and screaming.
Curse Can't attack and move very slowly. You can't cast healing spells either, but you can use status curing abilities.
Death Instant death.

The chance of success for non-Death afflictions is the Attack's [Affliction Power (typically a number between 1.0 and 3.0) times a random number from 0-100] + [Attacker's Luck/8] - Target's Evasion. After that calculation, if the target has 50, 75, or 100% resistance, a separate roll is made to see if they avoid the affliction.

Instant Death uses a different formula: [Attacker's strength with weapon / 200] + [random number from 0-100] + [Attacker's Luck/8] - [Target's Evasion/10 + Target's Luck/20]

Elements: There are only four elements in this game. Earth and Wind are opposed, and Fire and Water are opposed. If you have Earth element armor, you take 50% damage from Earth attacks, and 140% damage from Wind attacks. Same with all the others.

Skills: Each character has a skill. I'll simply include the effects in their notes rather than detail each skill.

Endgame for Jack is around level 55. Other characters that tend to get used during play will end up around level 50. Unless otherwise noted, all stats for characters presented will be level 50.

All stats posted include equipment worn and has the character's inherent skill at level 5.

This post reserved for the Knights and Theater Vancoor.



HP:1887 Atk:192 Def:225 Eva:86 Lck:124
Levels up: Slow
Immune to Confuse
Attacks: Ganz Thrust (x1, 71), Spinning Slash (x.8, 56), Knight Blow (x1, 71)
Volty Break: Ganz Breaker (x4.5, 932)

HP:1453 Atk:209 Def:198 Eva:120 Lck:111
Resist Curse, -30% damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x1), Downward Thrust (x.8), Earth Splitter (x?), Helmet Cleave (x1.2)
All Ridley's attacks are Fire Elemental and cause Blaze.
Volty Break: Wild Pitch (x4.0)

(lvl 45)HP:1304 Atk:235 Def:211 Eva:163 Lck:192
Dynas is a temp, and cannot gain levels.
Immune to death. Resistant to Blind, Bind, Blaze, Confuse, Curse, and Petrify. Slight resistance to Poison, Paralyze, and Freeze.
Attacks: Front Strike (x1), Reverse Strike (x1.1), Heavenly Strike (x1.2), Revolving Strike (x1.3)
All Dynas's attacks are Earth elemental and have a high chance of knocking down the enemy.
Volty Break: Hurricane Lion (x4.0)

HP:1743 Atk:223 Def:211 Eva:159 Lck:143
Immune to death. Resistant to Freeze. Slight resistance to all other elements.
Attacks: Scoop Up (x1.2), Right Slash (x.8), Jump Slash (x1.4), Force Blow(x1.2)
All Natalie's attacks are Wind element and have a slight chance of paralyzing the enemy.
Volty Break: First Class Flurry (5 hits of x.6 each)

HP:1892 Atk:184 Def:198 Eva:100 Lck:115
Attacks: Right Slash(x.8), Hip Attack(x1), Blow a Kiss (decent chance of Confuse)

HP:1435 Atk:183 Def:178 Eva:144 Lck:102
Attacks: Slice (x.8), Thrust (x1), Low Strike (x.9, knockdown)

HP:1865 Atk:198 Def:196 Eva:110 Lck:102
Immune to Petrify. Resistant to Poison.
Attacks: Sideways Attack (x.8), Low Swing (x1, knockdown)

HP:1390 Atk:163 Def:152 Eva:87 Lck:84
Takes no damage when guarding
Attacks: Hard Thrust (x.8, breaks parry), Throat Thrust (x1.2, knockdown)

HP:1610 Atk:145 Def:149 Eva:103 Lck:90
Immune to Blind
Attacks: Recoil Smash (x1.2), Whistle (summons Helper Rat, ???)

(lvl 53) HP:1350 Atk:245 Def:210 Eva:152 Lck:102
Temp character. Atk, Def, Eva, and Lck +25 at nighttime.
Immune to Bind, Freeze, Blaze, Confuse, and Death.
Attacks: Right Blow (x.7), Left Blow (x.6), King Crush (x1.2), Crossbow (x.6)
Volty Break: Leo Smash Royale (5 hits of x.3, followed by 1 of 2.0)


HP:1360 Atk:177 Def:211 Eva:100 Lck:115
30% less damage from Earth element
Attacks: Weak Thrust (x.7), Power Thrust (x1)
Both attacks are Wind elemental

HP:1312 Atk:212 Def:185 Eva:207 Lck:148
Wind element armor
Attacks: Ray Cutter (x.8), Rose Flash(x1.2, slight chance of Paralyze), High Sky Descend (x1.4)
All her attacks are Wind elemental

HP:1210 Atk:146 Def:191 Eva:135 Lck:113
Immune to Blind
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x.8), Downward Thrust(x1), Cure Status (can cure himself or anyone else of any status unless he is immoblized)

HP:1508 Atk:223 Def:197 Eva:78 Lck:255 (which never rises oddly)
Fire element armor, takes no damage when defending
Attacks: Upward Slash (x1), Demon Buster (4 hits - 1 at x.4, 3 at x.5, 2 slight chances of causing Curse)

HP:1353 Atk:159 Def:145 Eva:102 Lck:98
Immune to Blind
Attacks: Sweep Thrust (x.8), Vertical Slash (x1.2)

HP:1355 Atk:164 Def:156 Eva:101 Lck:132
Resistant to Freeze, 30% chance of ignoring instant death, Water element armor
Attacks: Sweep Thrust(x.9), Radial Sweep (x1.1)

HP:1801 Atk:166 Def:161 Eva:101 Lck:123
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x.8), Daniel Blow (x1.2)

HP:1379 Atk:194 Def:196 Eva:109 Lck:118
Resistant to Freeze, Water element armor, can't be knocked down
Attacks: Short Slash (x.9, Wind element), Great Slash (x1.2, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze)

HP:1211 Atk:192 Def:207 Eva:126 Lck:117
Immune to Curse. Resistant to Freeze. Water element armor
Attacks: Upper Slash (x1.2), Throat Thrust (x1.2, slight chance of Bind)

(lvl 60)HP:3300 Atk:288 Def:253 Eva:192 Lck:267
Immune to all status. +25 to Atk, Def, Eva, and Lck during daytime.
Attacks: Fantasia (x.9), Reverse Fantasia (x.8), Streaming Sword (x1.2), Heavenly Throw (x1.2)
Elwen's attacks come out extremely fast. She gets all four of her attacks in the time it takes other characters to do one attack.
Volty Break: Radiant Sword (x6)

HP:1349 Atk:187 Def:206 Eva:87 Lck:110
Immune to Freeze
Attacks: Power Smash (x.8), Knockdown (x1.2)
Both attacks are Water element and have a slight chance of causing Freeze

HP:1320 Atk:210 Def:175 Eva:126 Lck:6 (not a typo)
Immune to Petrify
Attacks: Front Attack (x.9), Strike (x1), Low Angle (x.9)

HP:2149 Atk:220 Def:188 Eva:134 Lck:167
Resistant to Poison, Paralyze, Blind, Freeze, Blaze, and Petrify
Gains 4 points of Volty for every attack
Attacks: Uno Thrust (x.7, Wind, breaks parry), Dos Bash (x.8, Fire, slight chance of Blaze), Tres Slice (x.9, Wind), Reverse Slice (x1.5, Fire, slight chance of Blaze)
Volty Break: Dual Wave Blade (987 fixed damage, which is fairly average for endgame)

HP:1378 Atk:166 Def:184 Eva:89 Lck:102
Immune to Poison
Attacks: Downward Thrust (x1), Upward Thrust (x1), Three Scratches (x1.1)
All attacks are Earth element and have a slight chance to cause Poison

HP:1352 Atk:211 Def:254 Eva:143 Lck:88
Attacks: Weak Thrust (x.7), Sweep Thrust (x.8, slight chance of Confuse), Power Thrust (x1, slight chance of Confuse)
All attacks are Earth element

HP:1429 Atk:203 Def:212 Eva:119 Lck:100
Immune to Blaze
Attacks: Thrust (x.6), Upward Thrust (x.8), Ground Sweep (x1, knockdown)
All attacks are Fire element

HP:1262 Atk:146 Def:142 Eva:118 Lck:90
Immune to Confuse. Resistant to Blaze
Attacks: Right Slash (x.9), Left Slash (x1)

HP:1154 Atk:161 Def:170 Eva:129 Lck:104
Gains 4 Volty for every hit (useless to him)
Slight resistance to all status
Attacks: Spirit Thrust (x.9, breaks parry), Defiance Slice (x1)

HP:1299 Atk:185 Def:232 Eva:78 Lck:116
Can't be knocked down
Attacks: Tree Chopper (x.9, slight chance of Freeze), Hammerthrow Blow (2 hits of x1)
Both attacks are Water element
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 11:09:35 AM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


  • DL
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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 12:26:39 AM »
This post reserved for the Olacion Order and Void Community.

Note: All attacks with SE in their names are spells.


HP:2229 Atk:248 Def:226 Eva:120 Lck:192
Slight resistance to Freeze and Blaze. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Jab (x.7), Body Blow (x1.0), Low Kick (x1.3)

HP:1106 Atk:165 Def:168 Eva:115 Lck:106
Gains 4 points of Volty for every hit (useless to her).
Attacks: Blind Gas (x.5, decent chance of Blind), Fog of Chaos SE (x.3, good chance of Confuse), Recovery Ray SE (40% HP recovery), Fog of Poison SE (x.3, good chance of Poison)

HP:1447 Atk:214 Def:230 Eva:82 Lck:156
Attacks: Left Straight (x.8), Twist Hook (x.9), Upper Strike (x1.0, knocks enemy upwards), Palm of Energy? (does nothing)

HP:5907 Atk:179 Def:0 Eva:24 Lck:131
Immune to Blaze
Attacks: Divine Statue (x1.0), Icy Blizzard SE (x.3, Water element, good chance of Freeze), Light of Life SE (restores 70% of max HP), Fog of Chaos SE (x.3, good chance of Confuse)
Volty Break: Charming Voice (x5.5)

HP:1198 Atk:130 Def:155 Eva:124 Lck:124
Attacks: Poison Gas (x.5, slight chance of Poison), Recovery Ray SE (restores 40% of max HP)

HP:1459 Atk:171 Def:181 Eva:118 Lck:116
30% resistance to instant death.
Attacks: Jab (x.7), Right Straight (x.8), Twisting Kick (x1.0)

HP:1344 Atk:168 Def:178 Eva:37 Lck:143
Slight resistance to Poison.
Can't be stolen from.
Attacks: Bad Breath (x1.0, decent chance of Confuse), Recovery Ray SE (restores 40% of max HP), Fog of Poison SE (x.5, Earth element, good chance of Poison)

HP:1325 Atk:149 Def:153 Eva:89 Lck:57
Slight resistance to Curse. Decent resistance to Bind.
Can't be guard broken. Reduced casting time.
Attacks: Fossilize Gas (x.5, decent chance of Petrify), Cure Petrify (cures Petrify), Purified Tears SE (cures all afflictions), Recovery Ray SE (restores 40% of max HP)

HP:1106 Atk:165 Def:166 Eva:115 Lck:106
Can't be stolen from.
Attacks: Poison Gas (x.5, decent chance of Poison), Fog of Chaos SE (x.3, good chance of Confuse), Recovery Ray SE (restores 40% of max HP), Waving Wind SE (x.3, good chance of Curse)

HP:1090 Atk:183 Def:109 Eva:120 Lck:93
Attacks: Fighting Jab (x.7), Kick Ass (x1.0)

HP:1486 Atk:218 Def:187 Eva:172 Lck:153
Immune to Poison, Paralyze, Bind, Blaze, Confuse, Curse, Petrify, and instant death.
Attacks: Aerial Combo (x1.0), Flying Swallow (x.9, knocks enemy upward), Palm of Energy (x.8), Light of Life SE (restores 70% of max HP), Icy Blizzard SE (x.3, Water element, good chance of Freeze)
Volty Break: Kick Cannonade (9 hits of x.8, 1 hit of x.9, 1 hit of x2.5)
Note: Fernando has an additional +50% multiplier on Kick Cannonade. Only the last hit does "Volty" damage, the rest follow the normal damage formula.

HP:1218 Atk:141 Def:163 Eva:174 Lck:138
Recovers from afflictions in 8 seconds. Reduced casting time.
Attacks: Confuse Gas (x.5, decent chance of Confuse), Light of Life SE (restores 70% of max HP), Purified Rain SE (cures all status afflictions)

HP:1436 Atk:212 Def:210 Eva:223 Lck:137
Slight resistance to Petrify. Decent resistance to Blind. Immune to all other afflictions.
Attacks: Radial Heel Drop (x1.0), Dual Attack (2 hits of x.8), Moonlit Life SE (restores 20% of party's max HP)

HP:1053 Atk:140 Def:137 Eva:132 Lck:116
Takes no damage when guarding.
Attacks: Curse Gas (x.5, decent chance of Curse), Recovery Ray SE (restores 40% of max HP), Fog of Poison SE (x.3, Earth element, good chance of Poison)

Note: Kain is level 57 when joins.
HP:2999 Atk:280 Def:234 Eva:248 Lck:177
Immune to all status.
Regenerates 10 HP per second. Reduced casting time.
Attacks: Palm of Energy (x.8?), Moonlit Heal SE (restores 35% of party's max HP)
Volty Break: The End of Time (5 hits of x.2, followed by 1 hit of fixed 888 damage)

HP:1298 Atk:116 Def:137 Eva:96 Lck:157
Recovers from afflictions in 8 seconds.
Attacks: Hip Attack (x1.0), Recovery Ray SE (restores 40% of max HP), Waving Wind SE (x.3, good chance of Curse)

HP:1233 Atk:209 Def:202 Eva:160 Lck:179
Attacks: Jab (x.7), Right High Kick (x.9), Palm of Power (x1.0), Purified Tears SE (cures all afflictions), Moonlit Heal SE (restores 20% of party's max HP)

HP:1862 Atk:221 Def:217 Eva:177 Lck:147
Attacks: Right Uppercut (x.9, knocks enemy upward), Left Hook (x1.0), Right Corkscrew (x1.5)
Volty Break: Dragon Bolt (x4.5)

HP:1428 Atk:203 Def:184 Eva:166 Lck:163
Immune to Poison. Decent resistance to Confuse.
Attacks: Right Hook (x1.0), Pinnacle Punt (x1.2), Power Upper (boosts attack by 20%)


HP:1301 Atk:234 Def:104 Eva:134 Lck:102
Immune to Freeze. Slight resistance to Bind and Blaze.
Fire element armor.
Attacks: Dunvera Hack (x1.3), Swift Headbutts (4 hits of x.6, followed by 1 hit of x1.0 that causes knockdown), Steal (x.2, good chance of stealing), Antagonize Enemy (does nothing)

HP:1325 Atk:155 Def:143 Eva:163 Lck:112
Immune to Blaze.
Attacks: Cutting Knives (x.8, Fire element), Thrust (x1.0, Fire element).

HP:1271 Atk:154 Def:131 Eva:135 Lck:144
Immune to Bind.
Attacks: Hard Thrust (x1.0, breaks parry), Ninja Slice (x1.2, slight chance of Bind), Steal (x.2, decent chance of stealing), Gunpowder Ball (x1.0, slight chance of Blaze)

HP:1328 Atk:200 Def:195 Eva:128 Lck:118
30% less damage from Water element.
Attacks: Hard Thrust (x1.0, Wind element, breaks parry), Double Cut (2 hits of x1.0, Wind element, second hit has slight chance of Bind), Steal (x.2, good chance of stealing)

HP:1297 Atk:168 Def:174 Eva:96 Lck:72
30% chance of inflicting a random status on enemy hit.
Attacks: Punch (x1.0), Tackle (x1.0, breaks parry)

HP:1317 Atk:162 Def:155 Eva:180 Lck:161
Immune to Petrify. Slight resistance to Confuse.
Attacks: Uphill (x1.0, slight chance of Confuse), Flyout (x1.2, slight chance of Confuse, knocks enemy upward), Steal (x.2, good chance of stealing)

HP:1582 Atk:234 Def:99 Eva:55 Lck:76
Can't be guard broken.
Attacks: Bear Claw (x1.0), Combo Claw (2 hits of x.9), Crush Claw (2 hits of x1.1)

HP:1268 Atk:220 Def:164 Eva:203 Lck:50
Slight resistance to Paralysis. Decent resistance to Poison, Blind, Bind, Freeze, Blaze, Confuse, Curse, and Petrify.
Attacks: Punishment Whip (x1.0, Water element), Whirlwind Whip (6 hits of x.6, Water element)

HP:1128 Atk:194 Def:161 Eva:139 Lck:85
Attacks: Piston Thrust (5 hits of x.2, followed by 1 hit of x.3), Steal (x.2, decent chance of stealing), Paralyze Gas (x.5 decent chance of Paralyze)

HP:1887 Atk:242 Def:132 Eva:35 Lck:69
Attacks: Joaquel Attack (x1.0), Steal (x.2, slight chance of stealing)

HP:1237 Atk:223 Def:80 Eva:214 Lck:116
Immune to Petrify.
Attacks: Double Edge (x1.3), Double Fall (x1.2), Death Cross (2 hits of x.8)
All attacks are Wind element.

HP:2160 Atk:225 Def:170 Eva:231 Lck:149
Immune to instant death. Decent resistance to Poison and Blind. Slight resistance to all other afflictions.
Thrust (x1.0, breaks parry), Radial Sweep (x.9), Heaven and Earth (1 hit of x.9, knocks enemy upward, followed by 1 hit of x1.1), Steal (x.2, good chance of stealing)

HP:4400 Atk:254 Def:217 Eva:144 Lck:118
+25 to Atk, Def, Eva, and Luck during night hours.
Immune to all afflictions.
Attacks: Sword Carnival (4 hits of x1.0, breaks parry), Deadly Spin (7 hits of x1.2), Freeze Breath (5 hits of x.8, Water element, decent chance of Freeze), Sword Tempest (10 hits of x.4, knocks enemy down)

HP:1444 Atk:221 Def:203 Eva:166 Lck:144
Immune to Blaze and instant death. Slight resistance to Blind and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other afflictions.
Attacks: Cutting Knives (x.8, slight chance of Confuse), Helmet Crush (x1.1, slight chance of Confuse), Fists of Fury (6 hits of x.6, last hit has slight chance of Confuse and knocks down enemy), Steal (x.2, good chance of stealing), High Cackle (does nothing)

HP:1179 Atk:136 Def:197 Eva:160 Lck:112
30% less damage from Fire element.
Attacks: Belt Thrust (x1.0, breaks parry), Steal (x.2, slight chance of stealing), Throw Knives (5 hits of x.7), Juggle Knives (does nothing)

HP:1302 Atk:213 Def:208 Eva:144 Lck:77
Immune to Petrify.
Attacks: Elbow Strike (x.7), Double Slash (2 hits of x.8, second hit has slight chance of Freeze), Hailstorm (7 hits of x.6, followed by 1 hit of x1.0, slight chance of Freeze), Twin Helm Cleave (x1.3, slight chance of Freeze), Theft (x.2, decent chance of stealing)
All attacks except Theft are Water element.

HP:1195 Atk:137 Def:148 Eva:166 Lck:109
Immune to Paralyze.
Attacks: Side Attack (x1.2), Leap Knife Throw (x.8), Steal (x.2, decent chance of stealing), Juggle Knives (does nothing)

HP:1690 Atk:209 Def:193 Eva:150 Lck:111
Immune to instant death. Slight resistance to Paralyze and Curse. Decent resistance to all other afflictions.
Additional 50% resistance to all afflictions.
Attacks: Aerial Duo Claw (x1.3), Bashing Mirage (x1.0, Steal (x.2, good chance of stealing), Soul Breath (2 hits of x.8, decent chance of Curse)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 12:27:11 AM »
This post reserved for the Vareth Institute and remaining random humans.

Note on magicians: there are no MP in this game. They can cast their spells as often as they like. There is a casting time, but it's not too bad in most cases. Treat them as slightly slower than fighter characters, but they can act every round (unlike Valkyrie Profile mages).


HP:1034 Atk:158 Def:158 Eva:166 Lck:92
Slight resistance to poison, +25 to critical hit chance
Earth element armor
Attacks: Stone Javelin lvl 1 (x1.6, Earth element), Stone Javelin lvl 2 (x1.8 Earth element)

HP:1850 Atk:178 Def:216 Eva:101 Lck:128
Immune to instant death, all other afflictions heal in 8 seconds
Attacks: Demon Spirit (x1.8, slight chance of causing Curse)

HP:1258 Atk:206 Def:164 Eva:161 Lck:34
Immune to all status, -30% damage from Earth element
Attacks: Megaton Quake (x1.0, Earth element, hits all non-flying enemies and knocks them into the air)

HP:1144 Atk:173 Def:190 Eva:115 Lck:106
Immune to Curse, Wind element armor
Attacks: Thunderstorm lvl 1 (3 hits of x1.4), Thunderstorm lvl 2 (3 hits of x1.5), Thunderstorm lvl 3 (3 hits of x1.6)
All attacks are Wind elemental

HP:1089 Atk:200 Def:170 Eva:175 Lck:9
Immune to instant death
Attacks: Energy Drain (x1.0, parasitic healing, ignores guard)

HP:984 Atk:182 Def:171 Eva:160 Lck:32
Immune to Freeze. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor (day only), regenerates 10 HP per second (night only)
Attacks: Barrier Tornado (6 hits of x1.4, Wind element)
Notes: Cornelia transforms into Rachel at nighttime. The only game difference is the effect of her armor. Her Barrier Tornado is just a wall of wind around herself. She can only damage opponents by running into them while it is active.

HP:2046 Atk:217 Def:137 Eva:196 Lck:181
Immune to all status. Uses 30% less Volty with his Volty Break
Attacks: Explosion (x1.9, Fire element, large area of effect, knocks enemies down, slight chance of Blaze)
Volty Break: Ancient Fire (x4.7)

HP:1221 Atk:206 Def:209 Eva:109 Lck:132
Immune to Blaze. Fire element armor. +25 to critical chance
Attacks: Fireball lvl 1 (1 hit of x1.7), Fireball lvl 2 (1 hit of x1.9, followed by 3 hits of x1.7), Fireball lvl 3 (5 hits of x1.9)
All attacks are Fire element and have a slight chance of causing Blaze.

HP:1527 Atk:181 Def:229 Eva:117 Lck:28
Immune to instant death.
Has a 30% chance of giving a random affliction to enemies hit.
Attacks: Dark Meteor (x1.7)

HP:1238 Atk:163 Def:179 Eva:109 Lck:43
Immune to Blind.
Attacks: Dark Meteor (x1.6)

HP:1248 Atk:146 Def:191 Eva:121 Lck:106
Immune to Poison and Freeze, Water element armor
Attacks: Frozen Sword lvl 1 (1 hit of x1.7), Frozen Sword lvl 2 (3 hits of x1.7), Frozen Sword lvl 3 (5 hits of x1.7)
All attacks are Water element and have a slight chance of causing Freeze.

HP:1037 Atk:193 Def:182 Eva:131 Lck:150
Immune to Freeze and Blaze. Water element armor
Attacks: Cold Arrow lvl 1 (4 hits of x1.7), Cold Arrow lvl 2 (8 hits of x1.9), Cold Arrow lvl 3 (8 hits of x1.9)
All attacks are Water element and have a slight chance of causing Freeze.

HP:1143 Atk:178 Def:152 Eva:116 Lck:133
Immune to Blaze. Fire element armor
Takes no damage when guarding.
Attacks: Snake Fire lvl 1 (x1.7), Snake Fire lvl 2 (x1.7)
Both attacks are Fire element and have a slight chance of causing Blaze.

Genius Weissheit
HP:1133 Atk:193 Def:176 Eva:142 Lck:68
Immune to Blaze and Confusion. Decent resistance to all other status.
Regenerates 10 HP per second
Has reduced casting time
Attacks: Wind Cutter (3 hits of x.8, Wind element), Ice Missile (1 hit of x1.4, Water element), Healing (30% of max HP).

HP:1142 Atk:181 Def:173 Eva:122 Lck:131
Decent resistance to instant death. Cannot be knocked down.
Attacks: Bomb Blast (1 hit of x1.0, Fire element, decent chance of causing Blaze), Earth Glaive lvl 1 (1 hit of x1.6), Earth Glaive lvl 2 (3 hits of x1.6), Earth Glaive lvl 3 (3 hits of x1.6)
All the Earth Glaive attacks are Earth element and knock the enemy upward.

HP:1056 Atk:172 Def:179 Eva:89 Lck:168
Wind element armor.
30% chance of inflicting a random status on enemies hit.
Attacks: Thunderstorm lvl 1 (3 hits of x1.4), Thunderstorm lvl 2 (3 hits of x1.5), Thunderstorm lvl 3 (3 hits of x1.6)
All attacks are Wind element

Leona Weissheit
HP:1461 Atk:220 Def:130 Eva:160 Lck:187
Immune to Poison, Curse, and Death. Decent resistance to all other status.
Cannot be guard-broken.
Attacks: Khar-fu (2 hits of x1.3, ignores guard), Na Rhubi (1 hit of x.8, ignores guard), Read Book (stops fighting to read a book)

HP:1221 Atk:186 Def:183 Eva:108 Lck:59
Slight resistance to Poison, Earth element armor.
30% less damage from Water element.
Attacks: Stumble (falls down on her face), Stone Javelin lvl 1 (x1.7, Earth element), Stone Javelin lvl 2 (x1.8, Earth element)

HP:1105 Atk:206 Def:159 Eva:162 Lck:48
Gains 4 Volty for each hit (useless to her)
Attacks: Energy Drain (x1.0, parasitic healing, ignores guard)

HP:1089 Atk:199 Def:172 Eva:105 Lck:36
Slight resistance to Freeze, Water element armor
30% chance of inflicting a random status on enemies hit
Reduced casting time
Attacks: Water Blast (x1.6, Water element)


HP:1034 Atk:134 Def:96 Eva:78 Lck:162
Immune to instant death. 30% less damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Slap (x1.0), Scolding (no damage, ignores guard, good chance of Bind)
Note: joke character

HP:1503 Atk:154 Def:172 Eva:95 Lck:97
Immune to Poison. Decent resistance to Blaze.
Attacks: Frying Pan Bash (x1.0), Meat (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:791 Atk:148 Def:129 Eva:59 Lck:157
30% less damage from Water element
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Horizontal Swing (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:1095 Atk:171 Def:122 Eva:110 Lck:104
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Horizontal Swing (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:1598 Atk:192 Def:153 Eva:72 Lck:76
Immune to Curse.
Attacks: Punch (x1.0), Hip Attack (x1.2)

HP:1390 Atk:182 Def:126 Eva:75 Lck:128
High probability of knocking enemies down with each hit
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Rotating Spin (x.8), Have a Drink (restores 30% of max HP), The Hiccups (does nothing)

HP:1502 Atk:171 Def:167 Eva:93 Lck:100
Immune to Blaze.
Attacks: Pipe Smash (x1.0), Break Time (does nothing)

HP:1043 Atk:163 Def:151 Eva:124 Lck:140
Immune to Poison
Attacks: Thrust (x1.0), Helmet Crush (x1.1), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:1033 Atk:148 Def:138 Eva:122 Lck:105
30% resistance to instant death
Attacks: Smash (x.7), Thrust (x1.2), Alcohol Breath (x0.1, decent chance of Confuse), Have a Drink (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:850 Atk:136 Def:143 Eva:86 Lck:146
+25 to Critical Rate
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Horizontal Swing (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:2013 Atk:210 Def:139 Eva:20 Lck:95
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.0), Sit In (does nothing)

HP:1012 Atk:168 Def:134 Eva:95 Lck:130
30% less damage from Earth element
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Horizontal Swing (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:936 Atk:133 Def:160 Eva:111 Lck:86
Immune to Paralyze
Attacks: Thrust (x1.2), Cross Bash (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:894 Atk:149 Def:137 Eva:132 Lck:109
Cannot be guard broken
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Horizontal Swing (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:2590 Atk:173 Def:193 Eva:105 Lck:132
Attacks: Muscle Pose 1 (x.8), Muscle Pose 2 (x.9)

HP:933 Atk:162 Def:138 Eva:75 Lck:110
Immune to Freeze
Attacks: Thrust (x1.2), Cross Bash (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:949 Atk:73 Def:85 Eva:77 Lck:198
Immune to Poison and Curse. Recovers from all other negative status in 8 seconds.
Attacks: Cure All Effects (cures self or party member of all negative afflictions), Poison Gas (x.5, good chance of Poison)

HP:966 Atk:150 Def:132 Eva:186 Lck:135
Attacks: Slingshot (x1.0), Antagonize Enemy (does nothing)

HP:1532 Atk:168 Def:183 Eva:70 Lck:76
Slight resistance to Freeze.
30% less damage from Earth element.
Attacks: Thrust (x1.0), Ground Sweep (x.9, knocks down), Blow a Kiss (decent? chance of Confuse)

HP:1139 Atk:153 Def:121 Eva:134 Lck:94
Immune to Paralyze
Attacks: Tired Punch (x1.0), Tired Kick (x1.2)

HP:1113 Atk:156 Def:139 Eva:86 Lck:115
30% less damage from Fire element.
Attacks: Whip (x1.0)

HP:1562 Atk:194 Def:232 Eva:0 Lck:156
Immune to all status.
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Side Blow (x.8)
Volty Blast: Seb Iris Cannon (x4.5)
NoteL Sebastian has an additional +50% damage modifier on his Volty.

HP:1932 Atk:155 Def:203 Eva:106 Lck:176
Immune to Curse.
Attacks: Dainty Strike (x1.0), Dainty Thrust (x1.0), Strike a Pose (does nothing), Terror Struck (does nothing)
Volty Break: Super Star Duel (5 hits - x.3, x.2, x3.0, x.3, x.4, knocks down enemy)
Note: the 3.0 on the Volty may be a misprint - it's probably another .3

HP:1286 Atk:130 Def:160 Eva:100 Lck:142
Recovers from abnormal status in 8 seconds.
Attacks: Thrust (x1.2), Cross Bash (x1.0), Carrot (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:1299 Atk:142 Def:116 Eva:128 Lck:165
Attacks: Smash (x1.0), Knockdown (x.8, knocks down enemy), Antagonize Enemy (does nothing)

HP:840 Atk:121 Def:106 Eva:124 Lck:129
Immune to Poison, Blind, and Curse
Attacks: Cure All Effects (cures self or party member of any negative status), Paralyze Gas (x.5, good chance of Paralyze)

HP:915 Atk:155 Def:131 Eva:80 Lck:140
Immune to Freeze.
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Horizontal Swing (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:1596 Atk:207 Def:180 Eva:113 Lck:90
Immune to Poison and Instant Death. Decent resistance to all other status.
Earth element armor.
Attacks: Heavenly Prayer (x1.0), Rotating Spin (x.8), Flashing Thrust (x1.5, breaks parry), Bad Breath (x.5, decent chance of Confuse)

HP:847 Atk:152 Def:129 Eva:81 Lck:109
Cannot be guard broken
Attacks: Downward Swing (x1.2), Horizontal Swing (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:999 Atk:144 Def:155 Eva:116 Lck:127
Cannot be stolen from.
Attacks: Thrust (x1.2), Cross Bash (x1.0), Rice Ball (restores 30% of max HP)

HP:935 Atk:140 Def:125 Eva:154 Lck:133
Attacks: Slingshot (x1.0), Antagonize Enemy (does nothing)

HP:1772 Atk:238 Def:199 Eva:135 Lck:199
Immune to instant death. Decent resistance to all other status.
+25 to Critical Rate
Attacks: Knight Blow (x1.0), Rotating Spin (x.8), Flashing Thrust (x1.5, breaks parry)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 12:29:13 AM »
This post reserved for the Light Elves, Dark Elves, and Dwarves.


HP:1400 Atk:179 Def:163 Eva:157 Lck:101
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor. 30% less damage from Earth element.
Attacks: Earth Needles (x1.3, 90, breaks parry, knocks upward, Earth element), Leaf Barrier (x.9, 63, Wind element), Light Bow (x1.4, 99)

HP:1317 Atk:206 Def:193 Eva:193 Lck:91
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor.
Attacks: Forest Blessing (cures all afflictions and restores 20% of max HP, 263), Leaf Barrier (x.9, 77, Wind elemental), Light Bow (x1.4, 121, decent chance of Paralyze)

HP:1427 Atk:193 Def:173 Eva:135 Lck:114
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor.
Attacks: Sword of Ice (x1.4, 104, Water element, slight chance of Freeze), Projection Bash (x1.0, 75, Wind element)

HP:1547 Atk:250 Def:195 Eva:185 Lck:184
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor. 30% less damage from Fire element.
Attacks: Sword of Ice (3 hits of x.8, 273, Water element, slight chance of Freeze), Projection Bash (3 hits of x1.0, 155, Wind element)
Note: Projection Bash usually hits only once against a normal-sized target. Large targets will suffer more damage.

HP:1346 Atk:177 Def:178 Eva:154 Lck:112
Levels up: Slow
Immune to Bind, Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor.
Attacks: Forest Drop (restores 20% of max HP, 269), Leaf Barrier (2 hits of x.9, 62, Wind element), Light Bow (1 hit of x1.4, 95)
Note: Her Forest Drop has a faster than normal casting time.

HP:1445 Atk:189 Def:178 Eva:125 Lck:95
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor. 30% less damage from Water element.
Attacks: Forest Drop (restores 20% of max HP, 289), Leaf Barrier (2 hits of x.9, 64, Wind element), Light Bow (1 hit of x1.4, 99)

HP:1296 Atk:187 Def:176 Eva:146 Lck:84
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor.
Attacks: Earth Needles (1 hit of x1.3, 94, Earth element, ignores guard, knocks upward), Leaf Barrier (2 hits of x.9, 64, Wind element), Light Bow (1 hit of x1.4, 99)
Note: the Brady guide lists all of his attacks as non-elemental. The elements I have listed are correct.

HP:1392 Atk:183 Def:169 Eva:158 Lck:102
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Poison, Freeze, Blaze, and Confusion. Slight resistance to instant death.
Wind element armor. 30%less damage from Earth element.
Attacks: Forest Drop (restores 20% of max HP, 278), Leaf Barrier (2 hits of x.9, 65, Wind element), Light Bow (1 hit of x1.4, 100)


HP:1572 Atk:209 Def:212 Eva:90 Lck:82
Levels up: Medium
Has a very high chance of knocking enemies down with each hit.
Attacks: Combo Punch (1 hit of x.8, followed by 1 hit of x1.0, 140), High Spin Kick (x1.2, 93), Crescent Kick (x1.4, 110)

HP:1625 Atk:253 Def:242 Eva:196 Lck:215
Levels up: Slow
Immune to Paralyze.
Attacks: Combo Punch (1 hit of x.9, followed by 1 hit of x1.1, 208), High Spin Kick (x1.3, 150), Crescent Kick (x1.4, 161, breaks parry)

HP:1401 Atk:182 Def:169 Eva:171 Lck:86
Levels up: Medium
30% less damage from Fire element.
Attacks: Fireball (x1.3, 93, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), Lightning (x1.6, 115, Wind element)

HP:1727 Atk:185 Def:176 Eva:175 Lck:96
Levels up: Fast
30% less damage from Fire element.
Attacks: Combo Punch (1 hit of x.8, followed by 1 hit of x1.0, 134), High Spin Kick (X1.2, 88), Crescent Kick (x1.4, 103)

HP:1505 Atk:190 Def:194 Eva:119 Lck:123
Levels up: Medium
30% less damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Fireball (x1.3, 94, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), Lightning Bolt (x1.6, 114, Wind element)

HP:1373 Atk:188 Def:205 Eva:123 Lck:90
Levels up: Medium
30% less damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Fireball (x1.3, 90, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), Healing (restores 20% of max HP, 274)

HP:1581 Atk:204 Def:191 Eva:136 Lck:155
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Bind.
Attacks: Fireball (x1.3, 108, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), Lightning Bolt (x1.6, 131, Wind element, slight chance of Bind)

HP:1600 Atk:216 Def:211 Eva:92 Lck:86
Levels up: Medium
Earth element armor (?)
30% less damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Combo Punch (1 hit of x.8, followed by 1 hit of x1.0, 146), High Spin Kick (x1.2, 97), Crescent Kick (x1.4, 113)

HP:1563 Atk:188 Def:199 Eva:152 Lck:87
Levels up: Medium
30% less damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Fireball (x1.3, 96, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), Lightning Bolt (x1.6, Wind element, 118)

HP:1482 Atk:191 Def:198 Eva:124 Lck:87
Levels up: Fast
Recovers from all negative status in 8 seconds.
Attacks: Fireball (x1.3, 93, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), Healing (restores 20% of max HP, 296)

HP:1420 Atk:203 Def:198 Eva:137 Lck:108
Levels up: Medium
30% less damage from Wind element.
Attacks: Fireball (3 hits of x1.3, 315, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), High Healing (restores 20% of max HP and cures all afflictions, 284)

HP:1680 Atk:206 Def:209 Eva:108 Lck:120
Levels up: Medium
Gains 2 Volty from each attack (useless to him)
Attacks: Combo Punch (1 hit of x.8, followed by 1 hit of x1.0, 142), High Spin Kick (x1.2, 94), Crescent Kick (x1.4, 111)

HP:1953 Atk:205 Def:206 Eva:110 Lck:106
Levels up: Medium
Attacks: Combo Punch (1 hit of x.8, followed by 1 hit of x1.0, 141), High Spin Kick (x1.2, 94), Crescent Kick (x1.4, 110)

HP:1551 Atk:191 Def:207 Eva:119 Lck:96
Levels up: Fast
30% less damage from Fire element.
Attacks: Fireball (x1.3, 93, Fire element, slight chance of Blaze), Healing (restores 20% of max HP, 310)


HP:2307 Atk:242 Def:216 Eva:97 Lck:98
Levels up: Slow
Immune to instant death. Slight resistance to Poison.
Attacks: Hammer Swing (x1.1, 104), Earth's Pulse (x1.0, 93), Stroke Beard (does nothing)
Both attacks are Earth elemental.

HP:2328 Atk:197 Def:208 Eva:85 Lck:83
Levels up: Slow
Immune to Poison.
Earth element armor.
Attacks: Bottle Smash (x.7, 50), Bottle Thrust (x1.2, 86), Alcohol Breath (2 hits of x.1, 14, decent chance of causing Blind), Have a Drink (restores 30% of max HP, 698)

HP:2274 Atk:195 Def:207 Eva:91 Lck:78
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Confuse. Slight resistance to Poison.
Earth element armor.
Attacks: Spin Attack (4 hits of x.7, 55), Piercing Thrust (1 hit of x1.0, 69)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 12:29:42 AM »
This post reserved for the Black Goblins, Green Goblins, and Orcs.


HP:1609 Atk:212 Def:175 Eva:204 Lck:288
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Bind. Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Pike Thrust (x1.0, 99), Sweep Thrust (x.8, 79), Annoying Laugh (does nothing)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:1649 Atk:177 Def:197 Eva:99 Lck:166
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Blind. Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Downward Thrust (1 hit of x1.0, 65), Rotating Spin (2 hits of x.7, 91), Annoying Laugh (does nothing)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:1474 Atk:225 Def:202 Eva:120 Lck:158
Levels up: Medium
Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Downward Thrust (1 hit of x1.0, 91), Rotating Spin (2 hits of x.7, 128), Annoying Laugh (does nothing)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:2041 Atk:175 Def:170 Eva:100 Lck:176
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Blind. Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Pike Thrust (x1.0, 65), Sweep Thrust (x.8, 53), Annoying Laugh (does nothing)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:1668 Atk:175 Def:184 Eva:103 Lck:148
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Bind and Confuse. Slight resistance to Poison. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Cross Cut (x1.0, 65), Jump Slash (x1.2, 77)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:1461 Atk:225 Def:177 Eva:115 Lck:159
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status. Cannot have items stolen from him.
Attacks: Slash Attack (x1.4, 127), Wild Swing (x1.0, 91), Sword Gaze (stands still to gaze lovingly at his awesome 2-handed Toadstool Sword!)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:1604 Atk:197 Def:147 Eva:158 Lck:173
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Paralyze. Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Mach Claw (3 hits of x.4, 98), Sunset Kick (1 hit of x1.0, 81), Lip Lick (does nothing)

HP:3858 Atk:281 Def:257 Eva:122 Lck:355
Levels up: Medium
Immune to all status.
Attacks: Toadstool Blast (x1.5, 193, Earth elemental), Luring Larvae (x.8, 103, Earth elemental, decent chance of Confuse), Toadstool Heal (restores 30% of his max HP, 1157)
Volty Break: Bazooka Wolf (4 hits of x.4, 1 hit of x3.0, 2164)
Note: His Volty Break has an additional +50% multiplier on it.

HP:1476 Atk:217 Def:190 Eva:139 Lck:167
Levels up: Medium
Earth element armor
Attacks: Downward Thrust (x1.0, 89), Rotating Spin (2 hits of x.7, 125), Annoying Laugh (does nothing)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance of causing Poison.

HP:1554 Atk:203 Def:140 Eva:165 Lck:169
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Blind. Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Mach Claw (3 hits of x.4, 103), Sunset Kick (1 hit of x1.0, 86), Lip Lick (does nothing)

HP:1498 Atk:123 Def:194 Eva:105 Lck:158
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Poison. Slight resistance to Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Toadstool Throw (x.5, 20, decent chance of causing Poison, Earth elemental), Toadstool Heal (restores 20% of his max HP, 299)

HP:1584 Atk:173 Def:177 Eva:102 Lck:175
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Bind. Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Cross Cut (x1.0, 65), Jump Slash (x1.2, 77)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance of causing Poison.

HP:1475 Atk:193 Def:184 Eva:214 Lck:257
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Takes 30% less damage from Earth element attacks.
Attacks: Cross Cut (x1.0, 88), Jump Slash (x1.2, 107)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:1548 Atk:180 Def:198 Eva:109 Lck:178
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Takes 30% less damage from Earth elemental attacks.
Attacks: Pike Thrust (x1.0, 67), Sweep Thrust (x.8, 55), Annoying Laugh (does nothing)
Both attacks are Earth elemental and have a slight chance to cause Poison.

HP:1599 Atk:215 Def:167 Eva:157 Lck:146
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Blaze, Curse, and Confuse. Slight resistance to Poison. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Wolf Fang (1 hit of x1.1, 99), Combo Thrust (1 hit of x1.0 that knocks upward, followed by 1 hit of x1.1 that has a slight chance of causing Poison, 187), Pike Swing (2 hits of x1.1, 197, slight chance of causing Poison)
Combo Thrust and Pike Swing are Earth elemental

HP:1529 Atk:196 Def:147 Eva:160 Lck:161
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Paralyze. Slight resistance to Poison and Confuse. Decent resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Mach Claw (3 hits of x.4, 98), Sunset Kick (1 hit of x1.0, 82), Lip Lick (does nothing)


HP:1232 Atk:139 Def:156 Eva:157 Lck:123
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Poison. Slight resistance to instant death.
Attacks: Ladle Attack (x1.0, 51), Pouch Pitch (x.5, 25, slight chance of Confuse)

HP:1229 Atk:158 Def:173 Eva:166 Lck:127
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Petrify. Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Attacks: Flying Fist (x1.0, 62), Steal (x0.2, 12, decent chance of stealing an item), Pounce (latches onto foe, no damage, setup for Clingy), Clingy (0-1 fixed damage - ignores guard - every few seconds until he is shaken off by enemy, 1)
Note: Ben is the *only* character on the Fairy path that can steal. The Brady guide lists the multipliers for Flying Fist and Steal as 1.6. The multipliers I have listed are correct.

HP:1122 Atk:154 Def:172 Eva:162 Lck:126
Levels up: Fast
Immune to Blind. Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Attacks: Cross Strike (x1.0, 59), Antagonize Enemy (does nothing)

HP:1255 Atk:159 Def:171 Eva:172 Lck:119
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
30% chance of inflicting a random status on enemy hit
Attacks: Spear Attack (x1.0, 61), Yawn (does nothing)

HP:1180 Atk:171 Def:177 Eva:138 Lck:124
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Every 10 HP of damage to enemies heals him 1 point (rounded down).
Attacks: Guitar Attack (x1.0, 65/6 healing)

HP:1195 Atk:146 Def:164 Eva:175 Lck:124
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Cannot be knocked down.
Attacks: Piercing Thrust (x1.0, 57), Cutting Knives (x1.2, 67)

HP:1252 Atk:129 Def:151 Eva:157 Lck:128
Levels up: Medium
Immune to Blaze. Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Attacks: Fly Swatter (2 hits of x1.0, 93)

HP:2585 Atk:200 Def:196 Eva:255 Lck:255
Levels up: Medium
Immune to instant death. Slight resistance to all other status.
Attacks: Fly Swatter (x1.0, 97)
Volty Break: Junk Trap (x7.0, 1655, knocks down enemy)
Note: His Volty Break requires 100 Volty to activate, but only uses up 70

HP:945 Atk:139 Def:157 Eva:229 Lck:121
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Takes no damage when blocking.
Attacks: Tackle Move (x1.0, 58), Slingshot (x1.0, 58, Earth element)

HP:1180 Atk:194 Def:174 Eva:157 Lck:126
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Attacks: Cross Strike (x1.0, 77), Sweep Thrust (x.8, 63)
Both attacks are Earth element.

HP:957 Atk:136 Def:150 Eva:170 Lck:135
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
+25 to Critical Rate
Attacks: Tackle Move (x1.0, 51), Slingshot (x1.0, 51, Earth element)

HP:1102 Atk:157 Def:192 Eva:166 Lck:122
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Cannot be stolen from.
Attacks: Club Strike (x1.0, 60), Pouch Pitch (x.5, 30, decent chance of Confuse)

HP:984 Atk:133 Def:150 Eva:167 Lck:139
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Regenerates 10 HP per second.
Attacks: Tackle Move (x1.0, 48), Slingshot (x1.0, 48, Earth element)

HP:1270 Atk:132 Def:158 Eva:169 Lck:146
Levels up: Fast
Slight resistance to Poison and instant death.
Attacks: Spatula Attack (x1.0, 49), Pouch Pitch (x.5, 25, slight chance of Confuse)


HP:3980 Atk:268 Def:191 Eva:150 Lck:273
Levels up: Slow
Immune to Blaze, Curse, Petrify, and Death. Slight resistance to all other status.
Fire element armor
Attacks: Megaton Crush (x1.0, 123, breaks guard), Powerful Swing (x1.0, 123, breaks guard)
Volty Break: Crazy Slugger (7 hits of x.25, 793)
Note: Galvados has an extra +50% damage modifier on his Volty Break. It's still horribly weak.


HP:3106 Atk:257 Def:205 Eva:158 Lck:161
Levels up: Slow
Immune to Petrify and Instant Death. Slight resistance to all other status.
Has a very high chance to knock down foes when he hits
Attacks: JJ Blow (1 hit of x1.5, 167), JJ Buster (1 hit of x1.0, 111), JJ Shout (5 hits of x.2, 39)
Volty Break: Madness Carnival (7 hits of x.2, 1 hit of x2.0, 970)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 12:29:53 AM »
This post reserved for Bosses.

HP:18000 Atk:382 Def:132 Eva:290 Lck:235
Immune to all status.
Regenerates 10 HP per second
Attacks: Dark Magic Sword (1 hit of x1.0, slight chance of Curse), Counter Wing (crouches down briefly, during which time he is completely invulnerable, then attacks in a wide arc - 1 hit of x1.3, breaks parry), Bloody Omega (10 hits of x.8, breaks parry, knocks down)
Dark Catastrophe (6 hits spread across the battlefield of x1.0 each, decent chance of causing Petrify, ignores parry, knocks upward), Rolling Bolt (1 hit of x1.0, breaks parry, decent chance of causing Bind), Teleport (vanish and reappear instantly)
Notes: The final boss of the main game. Dark Catastrophe is *really* easy to avoid (treat as horrible accuracy). He starts out using only Dark Magic Sword and Counter Wing, then adds, Rolling Bolt, Dark Catastrophe, and finally Bloody Omega as his HP get lower. Exact HP percentages unknown at the time.

Valkyrie (Lenneth)
HP:9004 Atk:323 Def:288(261) Eva:303(288) Lck:355
Valkyrie is level 77 when you fight her/she joins. Stats in () are for PC form. Immune to all status. Parasitic healing: absorbs 6% (10%) HP from every attack.
Attacks: Bolt Slash (x1, breaks parry, decent chance of Paralyze), Instant Slide (x1.1), Vertical Raid (x1.2, decent chance of Paralyze), Spread Shot (x.6, decent chance of Petrify, good chance of Curse)
Volty Break: Nibelung Valesti (10 hits - 2 of x.3, 6 of x.4, 1 of x.6, 1 of x1.2)

HP:16000 Atk:317 Def:196 Eva:421 Lck:258
Immune to status. Takes no damage when defending.
Attacks: Dark Savior (x1.3, ignores guard, decent chance of Curse), Fire Lance (4 hits of x1.1, good chance of causing Blaze), Prismic Missile (5 hits of x.8, each hit has a decent chance of causing a status effect - 1.Poison/2.Paralyze/3.Bind/4.Freeze/5.Petrify), Poison Blow (5 hits of x1, decent chance of causing Poison), Summon (summons 1 Shrine Knight)

Shrine Knight stats:
HP:1000 Str:328 Def:270 Eva:133 Lck:190
Immune to Poison, Blind, Blaze, Confuse, and Curse. Slight resistance to Death.
Attacks: Crackdown (x1.2, break parry), Light Blast (x1.4), Surround Edge (x.8), Fire Breath (2 hits of x.9, Fire element, decent chance of causing Blaze), Thunder Blade (2 hits of x.8, Wind element, slight chance of causing Poison or Bind)

Note: I'm not sure if there's a limit on Lezard's Summon, but I've seen at least 2 Shrine Knights active at once.

Gabriel Celesta
HP:33333 Atk:390 Def:182 Eva:365 Lck:355
Immune to all status. Regenerates 10 HP per second.
Attacks: Missile Blow (1 hit of x.9, breaks parry), Mach Punch (4 hits of x.8, breaks parry), Crescent Moon (1 hit of x1.3), Glider (1 hit of x2.5, breaks parry), Cyclone Drive (2 hits of x1.0, breaks parry)
Notes: Gabriel is a purely hand-to-hand fighter in this incarnation. He has a plot power of starting the fight with all opponents confused (due to the massive size of his penis).

Ethereal Queen
HP:44444 Atk:482 Def:182 Eva:405 Lck:480
Immune to all status. Regenerates 10 HP per second.
Attacks: Critical Rod (1 hit of x4.0, breaks parry), Meteo Stream (12 meteors, each does 7 hits of x1.8, causes Blaze automatically, Fire element), Lightning Phaser (10 hits of x.9, causes Bind automatically, Wind element), Stone Demolition (4 hits - 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 - breaks or ignores parry, knocks upward, first hit causes petrify automatically, Earth element), Armageddon (12 random locations take 1 hit of x1.5, causes Blaze automatically)
Notes: Ultimate postgame boss.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 12:30:54 AM »

Jack's naked level 50 and 55 stats:
lvl 50 HP:1149 Str:139 Def:144 Eva:155 Lck:166
lvl 55 HP:1378 Str:153 Def:157 Eva:169 Lck:183

Jack's best armor during the main game is Alefstrain (Fairy path only). 87 defense, Water element, good resistance to Freeze. Also notable is the Demon Mail (available on both paths), with 81 defense, and good resistance to all afflictions, but it drains 1 HP per second.

Postgame, Jack gets the Valiant Mail, with 105 defense, and a "bunny shoes" effect (increased movement speed in battle).

Jack's choice of weapon determines what attacks he has available. Most of these attacks seem redundant, but have effects which don't translate to the DL (like hitting multiple enemies at once). He can combine up to 5 different attacks in any order, depening on the CP of his weapon. The order matters in terms of speed - attacks don't link with each other universally. I have charts of how attacks link up, but I'm not posting them because they're not pertinent to the DL.

Jack will almost always want the Falvern (regular game) or Ancient Axe (postgame).

One-handed swords
Right Slash (x1.0) CP1
Left Slash (x1.0) CP1
Sky Splitter (x.5) CP2
Cross Slice (x1.3) CP2
Cyclone Thrust (x1.3) CP3
Guillotine Slash (x1.0) CP3
Impact Thrust (x.5, breaks parry) CP3
Upper Slash (x.6, launches enemy) CP4
Dance Tornado (x1.0) CP4
Crescent Blade (x1.0) CP4
Volty: Beast Thrust (x2.0, breaks parry)
Volty Break: Limit Break (9 hits of ?, launches enemy)

Best is the Arbitrator with 119 strength and CP 9(Fairy path only). Best postgame is Holy Sword Gram, with 170 strength, CP 8, and slight chance of Paralyze.

Great Swords
Crescent Slice (x1.0) CP1
Lunge (x1.3) CP1
Downward Thrust (2 hits of x.5) CP2
Reverse Blade (x1.0) CP2
Right Plow (x1.3) CP3
Upward Slash (x.5 launches enemy) CP3
Cyclone Plow (x1.3) CP3
Balance Thrust (1 hit of x.5, breaks parry, followed by 1 hit of x.6, launches enemy) CP4
Spinning Slash (x1.3) CP4
Shadow Buster (x1.0) CP4
Volty: Extension Aura (6 hits of x.5)
Volty Break: Army of Shadows (x?)

Best is Falvern, with 127 strength, CP 15, and slight chance of instant death. Best postgame is Muramasa, with 174 strength, CP11, and slight chance of Blind.

Skull Bash (x1.0) CP1
Half Slash (x1.0) CP1
Triple Slice (x1.3) CP2
Charge Blow (x1.3) CP2
Upward Slash (x.7, launches enemy) CP3
Earthshake (2 hits of x1.3) CP3
Top Break (x.5, breaks parry) CP3
Low Strike (x.5, knocks down enemy) CP4
Aerial Strike (x.7, launches enemy) CP4
Hammer Throw (2 hits of x1.3) CP4
Volty: Aerial Spin (4 hits of x.5)
Volty Break: Radial Smash (x4.0)

Best is Grand Smasher (Fairy path only), with 117 str, 9 CP, Earth element, and slight chance of Poison. Best postgame is Ancient Axe, with 185 strength, CP 7, and slight chance of Petrify.

Quick Thrust (x1.0) CP1
Shaft Strike (x1.0) CP1
Middle Slash (x1.0) CP2
Horizontal Slice (x1.3) CP2
Charge Thrust (x1.3) CP3
Combo Attack (1 hit of x1.0, followed by 1 hit of .5, launches enemy) CP3
Spin Strike (x1.0, breaks parry) CP3
Twist Strike (x1.3) CP4
Knockdown (x1.0) CP4
Wild Spin (x1.3) CP4
Volty: Shotgun (7 hits of x1.0, followed by 1 hit of x.6)
Volty Break: Thousand Spears (10 hits of ?)

Best is Binding Spear, with 99 attack, 8 CP, and slight chance of Bind. Best postgame is Paradigm, with 146 strength, CP 9, and slight chance of instant death.

These are the (notable) accessories Jack can equip. He can have 2 at once. Warrior Bangle (+10 strength, postgame), Monk Bangle (+10 defense), Thief Bangle (+10 evasion), Lucky Charm (+15 luck, postgame), Life Bangle (+500 HP, postgame).

Yes, accessories really suck in this game.

Jack can have one skill equipped at any time. He can change skills during battle. His default skill is Luck Plus. All other skills must be learned from other characters (leave it up to your interpretation if you allow this or not).

Strength Plus, Defense Plus, Evasion Plus, Luck Plus: +20 to named stat.
Max HP Plus: +300 HP
Prevent Poison, Prevent Paralyze, Prevent Blind, Prevent Freeze, Prevent Blaze, Prevent Petrify, Prevent Curse, Prevent Confuse, Prevent Bind: Immunity to named status affliction
Prevent Steal: can't be stolen from
Stop Afflictions: 50% resistance to all afflictions
Fire Defense, Water Defense, Wind Defense, Earth Defense: -30% damage from named element
Status Cure: Recover from status affliction in 8 seconds
Auto Cure: Regen 10 HP per second
Fighting Spirit: Gains 4 points of Volty for each hit
Nine Lives: 30% resistance to instant death
100t Body: can't be knocked down
Complete Defense: takes no damage when parrying
Fierce Defense: can't be guard-broken
Colossal Power: high chance of knocking down enemies hit
Iron Link: no DL effect
Absorb HP: Parasitic healing - 10% of damage inflicted
Full Power: +50% damage to Volty Break
Berserker: +40 strength
Bad Carrier: 30% chance of inflicting a random status on enemies hit
Sharp Edge: +25 to Critical Rate
King of Day, King of Night: +25 to Strength, Defense, Evasion, Luck during appropriate time of day
Save Volty: Volty cost is reduced by 30%. Must still have full amount to use Volty - you just have some points left over afterward
Tri-Emblem: postgame only. +50 to HP, Strength, Defense, Evasion, and Luck
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 12:31:18 AM »
Other Armor of Note
Samurai Armor: 81 Defense, Fire (Either Path)
Absolute Guard: 71 Defense, Resist Afflictions (Human Path)
Dragon Scale: 67 Defense, Wind, Resist Paralysis (Human Path)
Fayt Armor: 60 Defense, Water, Auto-HP Restore (Human Path)
Wooden Breastplate: 37 Defense, Earth, Resist Poison (Either Path)
Robot Suit: 23 Defense, Immune to Afflictions (Human Path)

Weapons of Note (Mainly for hitting elemental weaknesses)
Storm Bringer (1-H S): 104 Attack, Wind (Thunder kind of), Paralyze, 11 CP (Non-Human Path)
Binding Spear: 99 Attack, Bind, 8 CP (Either Path)- Best Spear
Blaze Saber: 86 Attack, Fire, Blaze, 9 CP (Non-Human)
Deep Lance: 80 Attack, Water, Freeze, 10 CP (Non-Human)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 12:31:34 AM »

I just crunched some numbers (assuming I read Niu's formula correctly). These aren't exact - I used a value of 1.0 for random variance and zero for dex. But they should give you an idea of relative power level.

(all characters at level 99)
Fernando 4276 (vs 0 defense enemy), 3852 (vs Aphelion), 3689 (vs E. Queen)
Gruel 2917
Elwen 2778 (during daytime)
Jack 2658 (Ancient Axe, 2 Warrior Bangles)
Gobrey 2618
Valkyrie 2538
Sebastian 2093

Fernando's seems way too high. But I haven't used him before, so that may be correct.

If you're on nonhuman, you're probably best off with Gobrey. His damage isn't that much less than Gruel's, and he has Save Volty so you can get your next shot off that much sooner.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 12:31:45 AM »
Okay, all the nonhumans are up now. Comparison time!

//// is the dividing line for the mean average, \\\\ for the median


Galvados > Gruel > JJ > Gobrey > Grigory > Dyvad > Naom > Doppio > Serva > Ganz > Franz > Santos > Drew > Danny > Clarence ////> Bosso > Giovanni > Martinez > Ricky > Niko > Marsha > Chatt > Mikey > Luka > Zida > Polpo > Gil > Sonny > Hyann \\\\> Marco > Rika > Jan > Pietro > Dominic > Georgio > Pitt > Few > Romaria > Coco > Alan > Shin > Lufa > Keane > Fan > Row > Monki > Den > Gob > Aesop > Ben > Gabe > Gonn = Donkey > Brie > Lin > Mason > Goo > Golly

Mean = 1624, Median = 1502


Gruel > Galvados > JJ > Clarence > Gil > Dyvad > Georgio = Dominic > Jan > Martinez > Ricky > Bosso > Chatt > Fan = Santos > Serva > Marsha > Luka = Romaria > Gobrey > Giovanni = Grigory > Sonny > Naom > Gonn > Few = Pietro > Ganz > Rika \\\\= Zida ////> Hyann > Pitt > Lufa = Mikey > Row > Franz > Shin > Coco > Polpo > Alan > Danny = Keane > Drew = Doppio > Niko > Donkey > Den > Ben > Lin > Brie > Gabe > Golly = Aesop > Goo > Mason > Monki > Gob > Marco

Mean = 190, Median = 191


Gruel > Clarence > Ganz > Dyvad > Chatt > Martinez > Santos > Grigory > Zida = Naom > Serva > Lufa = JJ > Dominic > Mikey > Polpo = Rika = Romaria > Danny > Gobrey > Gil > Hyann = Marco > Fan > Lin > Galvados = Marsha > Jan ////> Pietro \\\\= Drew > Pitt = Keane Georgio = Niko = Donkey > Row = Franz > Bosso > Gonn > Ben = Few > Brie > Den > Doppio > Coco = Shin > Ricky > Gabe > Alan > Monki > Golly > Aesop > Gob > Goo = Mason > Sonny = Giovanni > Luka (the whole Cult of Trickery dead last)

Mean = 185, Median = 184

And yes, the game really does put Marsha, Jan, and Pietro together in the lists. Total Brady Bunch moment. It's too bad Gregory is on the human side.


Gobrey > Golly > Pietro > Bosso > Clarence > Fan > Gil > Franz = Gabe > Den > Coco > Goo > Monki > Mason > Ben = Lin > Luka > Brie > Sonny > Giovanni = Shin = JJ > Aesop = Ricky = Gob = Alan = Gonn > Keane > Mikey \\\\> Galvados > Row ////> Jan > Donkey > Romaria > Marsha > Few > Pitt > Rika > Lufa > Gruel > Dominic > Hyann = Zida > Georgio > Serva > Polpo > Santos > Marco > Drew > Niko > Doppio > Danny > Dyvad

Mean = 145, Median = 151

Hey, the Green Goblins had to be good at one stat at least.


Gruel > Bosso > Galvados > Pietro > Gobrey > Clarence > Gil > Polpo > Doppio > Niko > Giovanni > Luka > Jan > Danny > Sonny = JJ > Georgio > Dominic = Marco > Marsha > Drew > Monki = Ricky ////> Mason > Goo > Gob > Ben > Gonn = Brie \\\\> Donkey = Gabe = Ganz > Aesop = Hyann > Lin > Golly > Santos > Den > Few > Keane > Romaria > Serva > Shin > Alan > Dyvad > Franz = Zida > Pitt > Fan > Lufa > Mikey = Rika > Coco = Martinez > Row > Grigory > Chatt > Naom

Mean = 141, Median = 125


Romaria 315 > Gil 273 > Clarence 208 > Ricky 197 > Gruel 193 > JJ 167 > Martinez 146 > Santos 142 > Serva 141 > Chatt 140 > Franz 134 > Marsha 131 > Dominic 128 > Georgio 127 > Jan 125 > Galvados 123 > Fan 121 > Mikey 118 > Coco 115 > Hyann 114 > Pietro 107 ////> Few 104 = Dyvad 104 > Luka 103 > Shin 100 > Alan 99 = Pitt 99 = Row 99 = Bosso 99 \\\\> Giovanni 98 = Sonny 98 > Gobrey 97 > Keane 95 > Rika 93 = Zida 93 = Gob 93 > Danny 91 > Lufa 90 > Grigory 86 > Drew 77 = Niko 77 = Gonn 77 > Ganz 71 > Naom 69 > Polpo 67 = Gabe 67 > Doppio 65 = Donkey 65 > Ben 62 > Den 61 > Lin 60 > Brie 59 > Golly 58 > Aesop 51 = Goo 51 > Monki 49 > Mason 48 > Marco 20

Mean = 106, Median = 98.5

Just for reference on Voltys, which none of these guys would ever get off during a duel:

Gruel (Bazooka Wolf) 2164 > Gobrey (Junk Trap) 1655 > JJ (Madness Carnival) 970 > Ganz (Ganz Breaker) 932 > Galvados (Crazy Slugger) 793


A hidden stat (Evade/10 + Luck/20), Dex is not too important. Where it does make a difference is when fighting an enemy with high defense. Dex is added to damage after enemy defense is deducted, so a character with a high Dex has more "armor penetration".

Gobrey 38.25 > Bosso 34.8 > Pietro 34.25 > Clarence 30.35 > Gruel 29.95 > Golly 28.95 > Galvados 28.65 > Gil 27.7 > Luka 24.95 > Giovanni 24.45 > Monki 24.2 > Sonny 24.05 > Fan 23.85 = JJ 23.85 > Goo 23.75 > Gabe 23.7 > Mason 23.65 > Den 23.15 > Ricky 23 > Ben 22.95 > Lin 22.7 > Brie 22.5 > Franz 22.3 > Jan 22.25 > Gob 22.1 > Gonn 22 > Aesop 21.85 ////> Coco 21.4 > Marsha 21.35 \\\\> Keane 21.0 > Shin 20.9 > Alan 20.75 > Donkey 20 > Dominic 19.9 > Polpo 19.8 > Mikey 19.55 > Georgio 19.45 > Few 19.2 > Romaria 19.1 > Niko 18.95 > Row 18.8 = Doppio 18.8 > Marco 18.4 > Danny 18.2 > Hyann 18.05 > Drew 17.7 > Pitt 17.25 > Santos 16.8 > Lufa 16.8 > Rika 16.75 > Zida 16.7 > Serva 16.3 > Ganz 14.8 > Dyvad 14.6 > Martinez 13.5 > Chatt 13.1 > Naom 13 > Grigory 12.65

Mean = 21.51, Median = 21.175
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Captain K.

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Re: Radiata Stories
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 01:49:17 AM »
Thank you Shale!

I'll probably redo this topic and add in Dhyer's stuff, which I have saved.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 01:21:06 AM by Captain K. »