Author Topic: Niu's pic topic part3  (Read 93882 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #625 on: December 25, 2010, 02:24:03 PM »
Like he had any chance to get in to begin with.
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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #626 on: December 26, 2010, 06:17:49 PM »
Yeah, Nomura needs death now. Still no Gilgamesh this time is insulting enough as it is.....

What proof is there that Gilgamesh is not in?, actually, Gilgamesh would be a poor addition, actually.  It'd be insulting to put in a total gag boss over genuine characters from other games, just cause "OMG HE'S FUNNY ^_^!!!"  I mean, I like Gilgamesh...but please, this is a big FF Crossover, where finally some characters are having a chance to show themselves again.  Putting Gilgamesh, whose gotten plenty of exposure, and adds just more comic relief (which between a good deal of the cast, we have actually have plenty of; even Chaos' side pretty much has its fill with Kefka, who does more than just "Funny cause he's incompetent")

Then factor in he already was a summon...

...yeah, again, I like Gilgamesh, but this is not a game he should be in.  He totally didn't deserve to be in the first game, and in this game, there's a boat load of characters who should take priority over him.

I fail to see why Yuna getting in is so bad anyway?  She's absurdly popular in Japan, has *2* games where she's a primary figure (debatable protagonist of FF10, and THE protagonist of the sequel.  Say what you will about FFX-2, its still a canon sequel, a full game, and it exists...and isn't VMC), and between both forms, has plenty of moves to draw from to make a potentially interesting character.

Worth noting just cause she's wearing a summoner outfit in the FMV does not mean she'll be a summoner in Gameplay.  It could be a major tease towards how she changes into her FFX-2 outfit...but anything is possible.  Really though, even if she is a Summoner...

The cast has a grand total of 0 Summoners.  Summoner is one of the most popular classes in the series (not as high as Black Mage, but at very least, Shantotto covers that, and potential Vivi), and we have only 4 genuine Summoners:

Of them, Yuna's by far the most popular and most relevant character, especially since the idea of Rydia getting in when Kain was already in taking that FF4 Slot is absurd.  Garnet...doesn't have a single advantage in this regard over Yuna, and if that can be said about Garnet, then what chance does Eiko have?

Add in how she also works for a White Mage representative, and she's covering *2* popular classes in one character, while being a majorly popular and important figure in the series.  Sorry Niu, but there's a reason why Yuna was one of the highest predicted characters in this game.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 06:23:29 PM by Meeplelard »
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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #627 on: December 26, 2010, 11:29:40 PM »
Yeah, Nomura needs death now. Still no Gilgamesh this time is insulting enough as it is.....
What proof is there that Gilgamesh is not in?, actually, Gilgamesh would be a poor addition, actually.  It'd be insulting to put in a total gag boss over genuine characters from other games, just cause "OMG HE'S FUNNY ^_^!!!"  I mean, I like Gilgamesh...but please, this is a big FF Crossover, where finally some characters are having a chance to show themselves again.  Putting Gilgamesh, whose gotten plenty of exposure, and adds just more comic relief (which between a good deal of the cast, we have actually have plenty of; even Chaos' side pretty much has its fill with Kefka, who does more than just "Funny cause he's incompetent")

Then factor in he already was a summon...

...yeah, again, I like Gilgamesh, but this is not a game he should be in.  He totally didn't deserve to be in the first game, and in this game, there's a boat load of characters who should take priority over him.

I don't care, I only know he is a much better gameplay material than a lot of characters already in this. And his Enkidu is perfect with the new assist system.

Also, I don't have a problem with Yuna, I just wonder how they are going to deal with her. As it is impossible to squeeze in the entirety of her skill set to please everyone. Especially if they are planning to make her a full gunner, which would most definitely enrage those who expects summoner from her.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #628 on: December 26, 2010, 11:58:24 PM »
First off, you've failed to note why Gilgamesh "won't be in."  He hasn't been deconfirmed or anything, from my to explain?

I don't care, I only know he is a much better gameplay material than a lot of characters already in this. And his Enkidu is perfect with the new assist system.

THis is wrong on so many levels. He's got no more potential than a large part of the series.

First off, what's Gilgamesh?  Another Swordsmen.  Like half the cast.  You could argue he uses a lot of weapons...but we have *3* Weapon Based Style characters in the game already, 4 if you count Laguna (Laguna's murky cause his weapons are...completely unconventional.)  Furthermore, the "Copies other characters weapons!" thing was already taken by Bartz as is.  That right there kills a lot of his potential.

FF5 Gilgamesh, the one they'd choose, had only 2 arms in his base form...which makes him absolutely nothing special.  Considering Gilgamesh's gameplay has basically been pretty generic boss style weapon stuff, how does this give him any more potential than anyone from FF5, who has the entire Job System to build off of (Bartz represented the Mime, after all; they could make another Style-change character with Faris or something, if they wanted.)

Also, what's Enkidu got to do wtih anything?  You do realize Assists use PLAYABLE CHARACTERS, right?  If Enkidu isn't playable, he aint being an assist.  This kind of kills your wishful thinking entirely.  This makes Gilgamesh no better for the Assist system than anyone else, and you'd be crazy to think they'd force out Enkidu like that.

Also, I don't have a problem with Yuna, I just wonder how they are going to deal with her. As it is impossible to squeeze in the entirety of her skill set to please everyone. Especially if they are planning to make her a full gunner, which would most definitely enrage those who expects summoner from her.

So?  If its for the sake of giving her an interesting fighting style, I think most would accept that.  I've seen a lot of people go say that despite wanting Summoner Yuna, they could see Gunner Yuna being used instead cause its more flexible on gameplay.  A lot of people don't care cause they JUST WANT YUNA IN.  THey may prefer one version, but they'll live with the other, cause hey "Its Yuna."
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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #629 on: December 27, 2010, 06:02:42 AM »
First, quoting Nomura himself "the remaining undisclosed characters are post Playstation".

Anyway on Gilgy. On the assist system first. The lack of assist only character is what I have been complaining for a while. Yeah, a new system, but you don't throw enough gas in it to capitalize on it. When it is even possible to work the summoner thing out if they had done that. It can be a fight style that relies on assist action and summons can be unique assist.

As for the weapon style user, none of them really emphasized on the difference between each weapon until Vaan, who actually shifts between combat styles base on his weapon and has required actions when switching weapons. I would say even Lightning counts more as a multi-weapon type character rather than Batz or Frionel, as like Vaan, her combat skill actually shifts.

The first thing that immediately pisses me off is that they toss in Vaan as the new multi weapon user, when nobody really cares about Vaan.
Second, the Gilgy I have in mind would be more FF8 based, as in you won't know which sword he is going to pull with him switching between them randomly at end of his attacks, and each sword shall completely different property. (Like say, Excalibur is your typical all around balance sword, Excalipoor is completely useless but somehow does incredible damage when you got break, Ztentsuken does absolutely no break damage but has stupidly high critical damage, and Masamune makes him HP damage focused). Then you toss in some stuff from FF12 to make him fleshy. He'll at least be more interesting than say Frionel who essentially has only one combat style despite his claim as a multi weapon user.

BTW, anyone find the recent scans for Disgaea4? With Arch Angel Flonne confirmed to appear?


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #630 on: December 27, 2010, 06:59:57 AM »
First, quoting Nomura himself "the remaining undisclosed characters are post Playstation".

No, actually.  What was said was "The remaining characters are from the SNES and BEYOND!"  THat's actually was said.  He never said "playstation" anywhere.  This line has been translated multiple times, and "SNES" was always brought up (well, Famicom is likely what was said, but translating it to avoid confusion)

Anyway on Gilgy. On the assist system first. The lack of assist only character is what I have been complaining for a while. Yeah, a new system, but you don't throw enough gas in it to capitalize on it. When it is even possible to work the summoner thing out if they had done that. It can be a fight style that relies on assist action and summons can be unique assist.

I don't get what you're saying here.  Are you saying they should add in Pure-Assist characters just to get more in the game?  That's putting new full models of characters for a fraction of the purpose of genuine characters.  MvC1 could get away with it cause they used singular sprites; sprites take up far less than models.  DDFF?  They'd have to make full models and yeah no.

Why else do you think Summons were made using 2D Art work for them with lazy animations?  Obviously, it was a way to appropriately show the summon *BUT* not take up too much space with 50~ designs those only purpose is "appear briefly."  Its the exact same logic really.

Its rare to see "Assist Only" characters in any game really.  Capcom Vs. games totally got rid of them, for example.  And in games that use Character Models (as opposed to sprites) its even LESS justified having that.

As for the weapon style user, none of them really emphasized on the difference between each weapon until Vaan, who actually shifts between combat styles base on his weapon and has required actions when switching weapons. I would say even Lightning counts more as a multi-weapon type character rather than Batz or Frionel, as like Vaan, her combat skill actually shifts.

Gilgamesh traditionally uses nothing but swords; the lone exception is FF5 where he has a bunch of arbitrary weapons IN DESIGN ONLY, and that's only his powered up form.  His base form, he has a Halberd, and 2 arms, and...not seeing how that spells "INTERESTING FIGHTING STYLE!" more than many of the PCs.
You'll note with Vaan, he uses ACTUAL WEAPON differences.  He has more than just Swords and Sword Variations; he has a Gun, Bow, Lance, etc.

Gilgamesh would be anything but a Multi-style character; he has one style, and that's Swordsmen.  Or do you want him to just change stats as he changes weapons?  Which honestly, would be a generic gimmick.  It'd be a watered down version of what Cecil does (Cecil's entire fighting style changes when he swaps modes.  Far more intriguing than "Change in speed, power and priority!")

Again, GIlgamesh uses a bunch of SWORDS, so to think he'd be a "Multi-style character" is just ludicrous.  Vaan has actual different weapons, meanwhile.

The first thing that immediately pisses me off is that they toss in Vaan as the new multi weapon user, when nobody really cares about Vaan.

Do you...really not know the Japanese fanbase at all?  Square-enix was going to REPLACE HIM ENTIRELY when the Voice Acting problem occurred, but a popularity poll kicked in, and it showed how damn popular he was that they realized they couldn't take him out.  I forget the exact details, buts its known that Square-enix kept him in cause he IS that popular.

And in truth, Vaan is actually well liked for the most part.  His haters are LOUD, and he's lacking in Hardcore fans to offset, but he's not as hated as you'd think.  Even on GFAQs, Vaan didn't perform any worse than Balthier (who you'd think was massively popular) in the Character Contests, which says everything (well...more about Balthier.)

For Vaan's fighting style...they went the Firion/Bartz route.  FF12 has no genuine PC distinctions (at least FF8 characters have different WEAPONS), so just make a character who encompasses the growth system as a whole, and represents the game that way.  And considering Micromanaging weapons is a big deal in FF12 for beating higher end opponents, I think a Weapon Swap System fits him better than anyone else.

Also, lets not forget that Vaan has every OBJECTIVE reason to be in the game.  Whether you like him or not, Square-enix decrees him as FF12's Main Character, if they wanted a Cosmos character from FF12, he's first in line as a result; its the same reason they chose Lightning, I'm sure.

You hate on Nomura a lot, yet, he declared he wanted SAZH in DDFF, not Lightning.  Despite this, Lightning got in.  Nomura isn't making the decisions really.  in fact, Nomura stated the only character he really cares about getting in is Kain (who is a reasonable choice from FF4, much as I don't like him), and he expressed willingness to PUT Gilgamesh in.   So your hating on Nomura makes no sense whatsoever...

Second, the Gilgy I have in mind would be more FF8 based, as in you won't know which sword he is going to pull with him switching between them randomly at end of his attacks, and each sword shall completely different property.  (Like say, Excalibur is your typical all around balance sword, Excalipoor is completely useless but somehow does incredible damage when you got break, Ztentsuken does absolutely no break damage but has stupidly high critical damage, and Masamune makes him HP damage focused). Then you toss in some stuff from FF12 to make him fleshy. He'll at least be more interesting than say Frionel who essentially has only one combat style despite his claim as a multi weapon user.

So basically, he changes his stats based on his weapon?  That's, again, a blander version of Cecil who completely changes.  It sounds like a pretty boring gimmick seeing as we have *2* Multi-style characters who do a lot more with it as is.

Regarding his FF12 stuff...what does he add?  A few un-memorable sword attacks?  Seriously, Gilgamesh is just looking like "Yet another Swordsmen" the way you describe him, and its why I really question if he's better than other choices.

I mean, the way you propose his style change...why not use Faris instead, and give her Multiple Jobs, as a random example?  You could do so much more having Faris swap between, say, Ninja, Geomancer, and Hunter (random jobs off the top of my head not-over-represented in the game) than a guy who "Changes his Sword!!!"  Heck, Geomancer would be especially hilarious, seeing as it could have a skill set whose moves vary based on what stage you are (this...would only really work on a Multi-style character, cause they need SOME consistency, lest stages could be used to counterpick them ALL THE TIME)

You also do realize Firion has been completely redone for the most part, right?  He can actually mix up his follow up attacks (so use Rope Knife -> The Lance Combo thing at the end of Reel Axe, for example.)  They're also completely redoing Bartz's moveset to incorporate attacks from other Cosmos characters.

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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #631 on: December 28, 2010, 05:19:40 AM »
First thing... how did you even get the idea that I suggest Gilgy to be a state swapping character? I am talking about swapping his offence property entirely when he swaps weapon. If I wasn't clear enough, I mean this: Excalibur-The typical swordman. Excalipoor- Gilgy become even worse than non EX mode Gabranth with horrible move set, but ca do great damage when gotten break. Zentsuken- Can not deal any brave damage unless critical, and has extremely high spec HP damage but cannot do damage unless it kills enemy. Masamune- A completely HP damage focused mode that is more extreme than Dark Cloud, absolutely no brave damage.

And the constant shift between modes become his key fighting style. After using Masamune would likely got him into break due to the lack of brave damage, so he would want to shift into Excalipoor, than shift into Zentsuken if Excalipoor mode grind him enough brave for a kill.

As for Vaan, I won't argue over the point that Sqaure needs him in. But that won't prevent me from feeling the decision is stupid. As for popularity? Compare to Laguna, that fans actually pushed for his entrance (I'd like to argue Rinoa, who has an actual skill set and an obvious EX-mode, over him too, but I digress on this point as the fandom got what they want and how FF fans usually treats Rinoa), Vaan really is in a no one really care category. True, he is a more well received FF12 characters, but he really isn't that high in the grand list of things. He being a main character is the actual push that made him in.
BTW, just in case, I have no grudge against Vaan's fighting style, I am having grudges against Vaan having a battle style I like.

Also, I do know Frionel and Bartz is getting their skill set redone. Bartz is fine, but even with is new skill set I still don't see Frionel altering between fighting style enough to register him as a multi weapon user.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #632 on: December 28, 2010, 07:33:25 PM »
First thing... how did you even get the idea that I suggest Gilgy to be a state swapping character? I am talking about swapping his offence property entirely when he swaps weapon. If I wasn't clear enough, I mean this: Excalibur-The typical swordman. Excalipoor- Gilgy become even worse than non EX mode Gabranth with horrible move set, but ca do great damage when gotten break. Zentsuken- Can not deal any brave damage unless critical, and has extremely high spec HP damage but cannot do damage unless it kills enemy. Masamune- A completely HP damage focused mode that is more extreme than Dark Cloud, absolutely no brave damage.

I fail to see how this isn't a style swap.  You're saying "He swaps weapons, thereby, properties of his attacks are changed!"  That's a style swap character.

And the constant shift between modes become his key fighting style. After using Masamune would likely got him into break due to the lack of brave damage, so he would want to shift into Excalipoor, than shift into Zentsuken if Excalipoor mode grind him enough brave for a kill.

"Shift between modes"; you basically just admitted its a style swap.  Style Swap = anytime a fighting game character alters his fighting style, properties, etc. mid-battle.  Lightning has this, Cecil has this, Amaterasu in MvC3 has this, Megaman Volnutt...sort of has this, but they screwed it up in TvC.  Gen from SF Games has this, Zelda/Sheik and Pokemon Trainer both procure this, and to a less controllable degree, ZS Samus factor, in SSB games.
You're just saying "He swaps his weapons" and then suddenly...has properties in his attacks changed.  Its a style swap, plain and simple.

As for Vaan, I won't argue over the point that Sqaure needs him in. But that won't prevent me from feeling the decision is stupid. As for popularity? Compare to Laguna, that fans actually pushed for his entrance (I'd like to argue Rinoa, who has an actual skill set and an obvious EX-mode, over him too, but I digress on this point as the fandom got what they want and how FF fans usually treats Rinoa), Vaan really is in a no one really care category. True, he is a more well received FF12 characters, but he really isn't that high in the grand list of things. He being a main character is the actual push that made him in.

Rinoa has a full skillset?  You mean...4 attacks with Angelo and a bunch of generic magic that the entire cast can use?  That's funny.  Or do you really think they could be ultra-creative with her unflexible weapon.  Seriously, where do you get the idea that Rinoa was a better candidate in this regard?
Also, what proof do you have that Laguna was chosen off Fan Demand?  Not that I doubt you, but I'm afraid I can't take baseless claims without proof.

Meanwhile, Square admitted that fan demand is why they kept Vaan in.  The only statement regarding Laguna's inclusion was "we wanted him in BbS, but decided to not put him in cause we were gonna put him into DDFF anyway."  Usage in BbS, mind you, was probably considered cause of the nature of his character; he's a backstory figure, for the most part.  For a game that's a prequel, its fitting to put him in; it'd be the same reason Zack of all people was chosen.

BTW, just in case, I have no grudge against Vaan's fighting style, I am having grudges against Vaan having a battle style I like.

That's pretty silly if you ask me <_<

Also, I do know Frionel and Bartz is getting their skill set redone. Bartz is fine, but even with is new skill set I still don't see Frionel altering between fighting style enough to register him as a multi weapon user.

Swapping weapons does not need to be swapping styles.  You seem to be fixated on this.  Sometimes, a "style" can be a visual and aesthetics thing. 

Again, your entire argument about Gilgamesh is a style swap, and you're just trying to smokescreen, and to be honest?  Sounds like the single worst Style-swap around yet.  "Brave Damage! HP Damage! HIGH CRIT RATE! USELESSNESS!" uh, ok, can we have something a little more interesting than slight move property changes?  Worth noting that no attack in DFF was made with the idea of being useless; if they're useless, it was poorly planned.  Generally, in fighting games, useless attacks are not planned...

...unless you're Dan Hibiki <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #633 on: December 29, 2010, 05:13:37 AM »
....Meep, did you even realize what you said back in the previous post? You are saying I am proposing a stats swap instead of a style swap. If you know style swap is what I am talking about, why are you saying I was proposing a stats swap!? I could have shorten my reply if you already got the point.
Though, I did not propose any of the swap to be uselesss. Excalipoor is to make up for Masamune, with Zentatsuken to capitalize on Excalipoor's gain. Excalibur is there to make things less extreme. Or doing the opposite by tweaking on one style only. Use equipment to manipulate crit rate and relies completly on Zentetsuken. Use summon to manipulate brave and relies completely on Masamune. Or you can go for an handicap set up with Excalipoor, and make equipments like Curse Shield to have uses.

As for Laguna's fan demand, it is somewhat similar to how Teacher Ex-Death got so much love due to hardcore fan activities. It is mostly related to how there needs to be another daddy with Jecht got tagged in and a fodder for Squall. Then some inside jokes (or you can say that the fact Laguna is Squall's dad has been taken as a joke) here and there with the talks about sequel.
And when Laguna got announced, my immediate reactions is ".....could it be?" and I am looking forward to Laguna's interaction with rest of the cast, just to find out how much is Square has been peeking at fan activities.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #634 on: December 29, 2010, 12:22:30 PM »

Just putting my epeen into this topic as well.
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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #635 on: December 29, 2010, 08:42:35 PM »
No, I didn't say that all, Niu.  Read what you said again.  You are proposing a style for Gilgamesh that involves swapping weapons, and by swapping weapons, it offers different properties.  Based on what you're describing, all I'm reading is "Style Swap".

A style that changes your "Stats" based on what you're using is still a form of Style Swapping, and its in short, quite possibly the blandest of them all.  Just going "Ok, you have different priority and speed based on current weapon equipped, but the moves are the same!" is really not very interesting at all.

Or are you proposing a character who pulls out random attacks based on what he does?  IN which case...that's possibly the dumbest character idea in a fighting game I've heard.  People use characters cause they want to get good with them.  You don't go "Ok, this character's attacks change properties based on completely uncontrollable factors, have fun!  Oh yeah, some of the time, THEY SUCK!"  And if you did that...why choose Gilgamesh when, at very least, someone like Setzer exists whose very fighting style screams "Random Fighter."  Making a character based on randomization factors means they're nearly impossible to master.  As a more extreme example, Mokujin from Tekken.  Bottom Tier character just cause its fighting style changes.

And...I'm not sure I believe you in that regard, Niu.  You're assuming Internet MEMES are what drove Square-enix to decide on characters.  I can't say I believe that claim for a minute.  What you fail to understand is that points like that are not completely indicative of the fan-demand.  Loud Fanbase =/= True Fanbase.  This cannot be expressed enough.
You've made a lot of claims in the past about stuff like this, but developer statements have proven you otherwise.  A famous one is the reason Gabranth was chosen had nothing to do with the logic you presented.  ESPECIALLY since Nomura takes a hands off approach to these games, so his "Decision" is more just him giving the "ok" to these things.  Its well known the only character he really had a say in the manner for was Kain (where he just said "I don't care how's he implemented, PUT HIM IN!!!")  Are the devs lying? Maybe, but I'll take their word over that of someone jumping to conclusions based off a fraction of the fanbase (yes, its a fraction; you can argue as much as you want, but there's more to a genuine fanbase than Internet posts.)
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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #636 on: December 30, 2010, 06:47:18 AM »
First, when was my reason that Gabranth got disproved? Two of my main claims 1. He is the logo and 2. He has a complete skill set. And unless I read the Ultimania incorrectly, the reason he got in is because 1. They objectively need to keep out the main cast. 2. He is the logo

On the other hand, Dissidia's event planning directions are supporters of MEME. While I won't say the MEME would dictate Square's decision, but I won't say it has nothing to do with it. Especially a Dissidia spawned one.

As for Nomura hate? You think too much, he is just one of the pro Vaan members that is easier to throw hate comments at. It is the same thing as I like to speak ill of 4P despite he is has nothing to do with 90% of the stupid decisions in SRW franchise.

And back to Gilgy. Why do you think this is a stats change? This not just altering his atk or action speed. But about unlocking skill sets through different weapons and and shift them depending on the attacks used. Masamune has all the HP damage and nothing else, Zentsuken has all brave and one HP move. Excalibur is an all-rounder that can shift into Excalipoor. Then the key to use him is how to change weapons efficiently base on the situation or refrain from performing the action that'll shift into different weapons if you just want to focus on one weapon's style. And the ways to tweak for equipment varies on the weapon you focus.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #637 on: December 30, 2010, 02:14:32 PM »
Good lord you two need to shut up and chill out.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #638 on: December 30, 2010, 02:17:08 PM »
More importantly, this is now exceptionally off-topic, based on the title of the topic.  Please take this to a more on-topic locale.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #639 on: January 05, 2011, 06:13:38 AM »
No one has post this yet??

The degree of train wrackness just sky rocketed


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #640 on: January 05, 2011, 06:45:12 AM »
Should've been in DL chat man, everyone exploded like fireworks. For anyone curious, here's the series list for SUPER ROBOT WARS Z 2: DESTRUCTION CHAPTER

Zambot 3
Daitarn 3
Trider G7
God Sigma
God Mars
VOTOMS The Last Red Shoulder
VOTOMS Red Shoulder Document Root of Ambition
VOTOMS Pailsen Files
Zeta Gundam
Char's Counterattack
Gundam Wing TV
Gundam X
Turn A Gundam
Gundam Seed Destiny
Gundam OO 1st Season
Dancougar Nova
Getter Robo Armageddon
Shin Mazinger Impact Z Chapter
Dai Guard
The Big O
Overman King Gainer
Gravion Zwei
Code Geass
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann movie - Gurren Chapter
Macross Frontier
Macross Frontier ~The False Diva~
Eureka Seven movie

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #641 on: January 05, 2011, 07:11:51 AM »
>Gundam X
>Code Geass

Oh god yes.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #642 on: January 05, 2011, 09:37:11 AM »
Niu, can you confirm/deny the rumors about squad system being removed from Z2?

Edit: Sigh. supposedly confirms it.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 09:56:26 AM by hinode »


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #643 on: January 05, 2011, 10:21:04 AM »
From what I gathered, yes. 4P say he wants to simplify the game so the game can appear more as a handheld game.
But I think that is just an excuse for the memory limitation. UMD is small after all, and 4P needs to conserve all the space he has to stuff all the voices in and make it sounds right (unlike MX PSP).


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #644 on: January 05, 2011, 10:34:09 AM »

I knew the cast list was too good to be true, there had to be a catch.

Still... Z-quality Shin Dragon animations. I'm definately in eventually, just not 100% drinking the kool-aid like I was when this was first announced.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #645 on: January 05, 2011, 01:22:13 PM »
They've also said the returning entries from Z will be pared down to just the main units. Which makes sense really; with no squad system there's no way in hell you'd actually use the backup fodder from SEED Destiny, Turn A, Xabungle, etc. Although it makes me sad that Beck The Great RX3 isn't coming back.
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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #646 on: January 06, 2011, 03:03:51 AM »
More info. It's from people I don't know so take with a grain of salt.

There's one correction there: It doesn't say "the squad system is being removed". It's saying "the squad system is being REVAMPED to be more simple".


More facts about the game, gathered from various forums.

- Dai-Guard was included because Gundam 00's director expressed great interest in having Dai-Guard appear alongside 00.
- One of the Originals will be designed by one of the mechanical designers who worked on Shin Mazinger.
- Gurren-Lagann can appear in Z2 because GAINAX acquired the video game rights to the franchise back from Konami in June 2010.

If that one's true we can expect Gurren-Lagann to keep showing up down the line, which is fine by me.

Edit: Also, less-blurry scans.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 03:08:09 AM by Shale »
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #647 on: January 06, 2011, 05:32:44 AM »
Nope, the squad system is most certainly removed. This one I know for sure.

The other three, Dai-Gaurd made it because Mizushima asked 4P in person to include it.
Also, Gurren made it in is no surprise. Nakashima and 4P knows one another well, they had known each other since 4P were a newbie. Same thing for VOTOMS, Steve and 4P have known each other fora long time, and Steve has asked4P to include VOTOMs.
Lulu gets in because Taniguchi is a SRW fan.

Though, I thought 4P hasn't release any info relating to the original mechs yet.

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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #648 on: January 06, 2011, 05:39:13 AM »
Hooray for Mizushima then. It was a good show, honestly... even if it's almost unwatchable subbed.


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Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« Reply #649 on: January 06, 2011, 06:16:41 AM »
Hooray to Nakashima you mean. He is the one who introduced 4P to Mizhushima and Imasihi in the first place. Then they secretly decided to include Gurren, Dai Guard, and 00 in the SRW all together. So we can expect those 3 shows get shoved down into the the same plot path.