Tales of Dissidia might sucker me in, if they do it right. I'm not gonna get bonkers about it the way I was with real Dissidia (hey, I've been picturing a game like that since I was like 12, what do YOU think was gonna happen?), but I'm definitely intrigued, and not in a "How much of a train wreck can this game be?" like Deathnotevania, mostly cause there are characters I care about (if nothing else, Yuri and Luke are two characters I like; there are a few obvious shoe-ins to expect, both good and bad *eyes Leon*), and really, you just need to tweak Tales combat to adjust it to a proper balanced fighting game, so its really just a logical extension.
...yeah, I'm rambling, but Tales of Smash is intriguing enough to make me actually wanna pay attention to updates on it in this topic!