Author Topic: Dragon Quest 5  (Read 10375 times)


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Dragon Quest 5
« on: August 28, 2008, 01:03:59 AM »
NOTE: Meeple, if you want to repost this, just let me know, I'll delete this.

From Meeple

Yeah, not in the DL, but I figured I'd do it anyway, if only for you know, RPGmon purposes, and its also the easiest game to interpret (along with DW4) of the series, nixing equipment issues of course (which goes w/out saying for any game)  Anyway, stats were taken when characters have 640,000 EXP.  I'm only doing the Permanant Human Characters (So no Henry, for example, or any Monster), and Borongo, him being the exception since he's the only monster with ANY plot relevance.  I have 7 of the 8 characters, missing only Bianca, cause I didn't feel like playing 2 files at once, I'll get her stats as soon as I feel like playing through Gen 3 once more (I have a save right before Eiyu chooses the bride)

Things in Italics are useful for team settings ONLY, be it cause its inferior to another move in a duel, since its use in game was being MT (Explodet vs. Blazemost, for example), or the very nature of it makes it useless in a one on one setting (Ressurection anyone?)

What stats mean!
HP: Check just about any other Stat topic, I'm sure they all have it
MP: Need this to use spells (Borongo's skills do NOT require MP)
Strength: Base stat for attack.  This + Weapon = Attack
Agility: Higher this is, more turns you get on Dekar <_<
Vitality: Base defense.  This + Armor + Helmet + Shield = Defense stat.
Intelligence: Don't know, actually.  If Int > 20 on a Monster, they'll start obeying your commands, but otherwise?  Who knows.  Might affect the decisions a character makes under AI.
Luck: Critical hit rate maybe?  SEems to do little, as Critical hits are rare
Attack: How strong your physical attack is
Defense: Higher this is, less physical damage you take

Eiyu (aka Hero):
Level 39

Dragon Staff
Royal Cloak
Shield of Reflection
Sun Crown
Ring of Fire

HP: 298
MP: 150
Strength: 136
Agility: 91
Vitality: 40
Intelligence: 64
Luck: 80
Attack: 261
Defense: 245

Attack: 95 damage
Healall: Full Healing, 7 MP
Aerocross: 140 Wind elemental damage, 8 MP
Upper: Doubles Defense, 2 MP
Antidote: Heals from Poison, 2 MP
Absorb: Caster absorbs MP equal to the amount the spell cost on him, note that someone under Absorb status STILL takes damage, 2 MP
Chance: Something totally random happens.  This can range from afflicting himself with Instant Death, to turning his enemy into some other monster, to hitting the enemy with Meteors, to healing both sides, you name itm 20 MP
Farewell: Gives up life to restore entire party at Full HP, including dead allies, uses all MP.
Vivify: Ressurrects one ally at 50% HP, 50% chance of success, 10 MP

Eiyu can use the Dragon Staff as an item to use Be Dragon.  This causes him to do 70 Fire Elemental non typed damage a turn.  USELESS.
Eiyu resists Fire, Ice and Spell (?) based damage thanks to his Royal Cloak.  The Ring of Fire SUPPOSEDLY resists Fire, regardless, thanks to his Armor, its moot.

Evaluation: Eiyu is a standard Hero.  Besides his game best defense, he has nothing really stellar about him.  Average damage, average HP, average speed...though, his skillset is pretty nifty, having Upper to screw over physical fighters, and Healall to give him some good variety.  I'd peg him as a Low Heavy

Level 40

Sword of Temptation
Angel's Leotard
Silk Veil
Scale Shield
Ring of Water

HP: 257
MP: 233
Strength: 53
Agility: 111
Vitality: 66
Intelligence: 108
Luck: 118
Attack: 123
Defense: 173

Attack: 18 damage, 20% chance of causing Confusion
Surround: Lowers targets physical accurracy, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 4 MP
Bikill: Doubles Attack (this brings her physical damage to about 75), 6 MP
Decrease: Halves Physical defense, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 4 MP
Sleep: Puts targets to sleep, 67% hit rate, Multitarget 3 MP
Bounce: Reflects magic back at user, 4 MP
Blazemost: 190 Fire elemental damage, 10 MP

Bianca resists Ice thanks to her Armor.  I have yet to discover if the Ring of Water does anything besides its useless Item cast.

Comments: Worse of the 2 potential wives, easily.  Worse stats in all but Luck and Strength (neither of which mean much), and no Healmore.  Probably still hits Heavy or something.

Level 41

Sword of Temptation
Angel's Leotard
Silk Veil
Scale Shield
Ring of Water

HP: 280
MP: 260
Strength: 45
Agility: 120
Vitality: 84
Intelligence: 139
Luck: 105
Attack: 115
Defense: 191

Attack: 15 damage, 20% chance of causing Confusion
Healmore: Heals 80 HP, 5 MP
Surround: Lowers targets physical accurracy, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 4 MP
Bikill: Doubles Attack (this brings her physical damage to about 75), 6 MP
Decrease: Halves Physical defense, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 4 MP
Sleep: Puts targets to sleep, 67% hit rate, Multitarget 3 MP
Bounce: Reflects magic back at user, 4 MP
Blazemost: 190 Fire elemental damage, 10 MP
Explodet: 150 Fire elemental damage, 15 MP

Flora resists Ice thanks to her Armor.  I have yet to discover if the Ring of Water does anything besides its useless Item cast.

Evaluation: Better than Bianca in damn near everyway.  Disadvantage? Worse Strength (wow, single digit less damage on her PHYSICAL) and Luck.  Advantage? EVERYTHING ELSE.  She has the same exact skillset, combined with slightly better speed, HP, Defense, and Healmore, and for teams, has Explodet.  The Superior wife, for all that its totally illogical plotwise. Heavy.

Side note: In game, Flora, as far as game play goes, IS the better wife to choose.  No, I don't just say this cause of the children's Blue Hair (<.<), but also cause stats mean very little in game, and thus, it comes down to having control of Bianca for that while where Flora ignores commands, or having Explodet, an extra out of battle healer, and an early Water Flying Clothes.  I think I'd very much rather have the latter.

Level 39

Zenithian Sword
Zenithian Armor
Zenithian Helmet
Zenithian Shield

HP: 276
MP: 149
Strength: 113
Agility: 80
Vitality: 48
Intelligence: 68
Luck: 70
Attack: 228
Defense: 241

Attack: 70 damage
Healall: Full Healing, 7 MP
Stopspell: Causes Silence status, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 3 MP
Increase: Increases defense by 50%, can stacked once (for a total of 100% increase in defense), Multitarget, 3 MP
Lightning: 200 Lightning Elemental damage, Multitarget, 15 MP
Barrier: Protects from Spell damage (whatever that means), Multitarget, 3 MP
Firebane: 40 Fire elemental damage, Multitarget, 6 MP
HealUs: Heals 100 HP to all allies, 15 MP
Revive: Revives one ally at Full HP, 100% success rate, 20 MP
Numboff: Recovers from Numb status, Multitarget, 2 MP
NOTE: Numb I treat as equivalent of Paralysis, though, you could argue it works for Stone too (a character who is Numbed is treated as if they are dead)
Thordain: Supposedly, 600 damage to one target.  Requires 2 Allies to use.  10 MP from everyone, Lighting elemental.  Using this attack ALSO considers as a use for the allies turns as well

Son can Item cast the Zenithian Sword to have a Dispel affect.  He can Item cast the Zenithian Shield to cast Bounce on himself as well.
Son resists Fire, and Ice elemental damage thanks to his Armor AND his Shield (both resist both elements...), the Armor also resists Spell based damage (have yet to figure out what that is though)

Evaluation: While Son might have the L337 Plot powers, being the Legendary Hero and all, despite being only 8 years old...he's pretty disappointing as a dueler, especially compared to his predeccessor in Solofia.  That said, he's still solid though.  Full healing with good defenses, like his father has, can make him a pain to kill, backed up with Stopspell for mages, and Increase for fighters.  Game's best damage doesn't hurt too.  If you allow Item casting, add Dispel and Bounce to that list.  Tough little bastard, really, though his speed leaves something to be desired, and his HP is subpar as well.  Arguable if he's better than his Father or not, though, regardless, a Heavy

Level 40

Sword of Temptation
Angel's Leotard
Hat of Wind
Shield of Reflection

HP: 251
MP: 173
Strength: 49
Agility: 106
Vitality: 70
Intelligence: 120
Luck: 118
Attack: 119
Defense: 223

Attack: 17 damage, about 20% chance of causing Confusion
Surround: Lowers targets physical accurracy, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 4 MP
Bikill: Doubles Attack (this brings her physical damage to about 80), 6 MP
Decrease: Halves Physical defense, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 4 MP
Sleep: Puts targets to sleep, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 3 MP
Bounce: Reflects magic back at user, Multitarget, 4 MP
Blizzard: 100 Ice elemental damage, Multitarget, 12 MP
Explodet: 150 Fire elemental damage, 15 MP
Bedragon: Transforms herself into a Dragon, this forces her to do an attack that does 65 Fire elemental damage each turn.

Daughter Resists Fire thanks to her Shield, and Resists Ice thanks to her Armor

Evaluation: Daughter is...basically an inferior version of her mother (at least if said mother is Flora) in EVERYWAY.  Worse damage, worse speed, similar skillset, worse HP...all for higher defense and Fire Resistance.  Mind, her damage isn't bad, persay, and her speed is still pretty good.  Her main selling point for a duel is of course her status.  Sleep is useful as always, Surround guns down annoying fighters, and Bounce as always is good for pure mages.  The worst of the family, easily, though, not entirel bad.  I'll give her High Middle.

Level 39

Ice Blade
Water Flying Clothes
Great Helm

HP: 323
MP: 0
Strength: 138
Agility: 111
Vitality: 64
Intelligence: 45
Luck: 58
Attack: 208
Defense: 163

Attack: 65 damage
Freezing Rays: Dispels all magic effects on opponents
War Cry: Forces enemies to Cower.  This has enemies skip 1 to 3 turns, 67% hit rate
Charge Up: Skips one turn to double damage of next attack
Thunder: 65 lightning elemental damage, Multitarget

Evaluation:  Well, he has 2nd best speed! And a nifty Status TricK! And good HP! And no damage or defense whatsoever to back that up with.  The cast was starting too look good, then this guy appears.  Ah well, I guess he can hover around the Middle/Light Border.

Level 42

Big Bowgun
Magical Armor
Aeollus Shield
Great Helm

HP: 386
MP: 75
Strength: 126
Agility: 42
Vitality: 29
Intelligence: 41
Luck: 69
Attack: 236
Defense: 169

Attack: 80~ Damage
Beat: Instant Death, 67% Hit rate, 4 MP
Confuse: Adds Confusion Status, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 5 MP
Sleep: Puts enemies to sleep, 67% hit rate, Multitarget, 3 MP
RobMagic: Steals MP of enemy and adds to his own (unknown amount, sorry), 0 MP
Increase: Increases defense by 50%, can stacked once (for a total of 100% increase in defense), Multitarget, 3 MP
Sacrifice: Caster gives life and does massive damage to all enemies (don't have exact numbers yet), 1 MP

Sancho resists Fire and Ice thanks to his shield.  His Armor protects against "Spell Damage" Again, I am unsure if that just means spell damage in general, or if its some oddball element.

Evaluation: Sancho's got a few neat tricks with status, instant death, and Increase, but...the damage is horribly lacking.  His HP makes up for his sad Defense, thankfully, but...he's incredibly lacking in anything resembling Speed.  Middle.

Level 40

Demon Spear
Mirror Armor
Flame Shield
Great Helm

HP: 306
MP: 0
Strength: 143
Agility: 77
Vitality: 40
Intelligence: 76
Luck: 39
Attack: 242
Defense: 205

Attack:  85~ damage, 10% chance of causing Instant Death

Pippin resists Ice thanks to his shield, and his armor protects against Spell damage (again, unsure of the exact meaning of this)
If the enemy is immune to Instant Death, Pippin can opt for the Blizzard Sword, which is 5 points stronger, but loses the random Instant death.  The Damage boost is hardly noticeable.

Evaluation: Wow!  He has bad damage, average stats at best, and 10% chance of Instant Death, and no Skillset!  I think its clear this Generic looking "character" is pure Light bait.

Stat Comparisons!

1. Sancho 386
2. Borongo 323
3. Pippin 306
4. Eiyu 298
5. Flora 280
6. Son 276
7. Bianca 257
8. Daughter 251
Average: 296

1. Flora 260
2. Bianca 233
3. Daughter 173
4. Eiyu 150
5. Son 149
6. Sancho 75
7t. Borongo 0
7t. Pippin 0
Average: 129
Average w/out MPless wonders: 173

(Eiyu w/ Upper 490)
(Son w/ 2 Increases 482)
(Son w/ 1 Increase 362)
(Sancho w/ 2 Increases 338)
(Sancho w/ 1 Increase 254)
1. Eiyu 245
2. Son 241
3. Daughter 223
4. Pippin 205
5. Flora 191
6. Bianca 173
7. Sancho 169
8. Borongo 163
Average: 201

1. Flora 120
2t. Borongo 111
2t. Bianca 111
4. Daughter  106
5. Eiyu 91
6. Son 80
7. Pippin 77
8. Sancho 42
Average: 92

1. Son 200 (Lightning)
2t. Flora 190 (Blazemost)
2t. Bianca 190 (Blazemost)
4. Daughter 140 (Explodet)
(Borongo w/ Charge 130)
5. Eiyu 140 (Aerocross)
6. Pippin 85 (Physical)
7. Sancho 80 (Physical)
8. Borongo 65 (Physical or Thunder)
Average: 134

I...might add monsters later, but...laziness or something.  If someone else wants to randomly grab those averages do that, feel free >_>;
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 11:49:38 AM by OblivionKnight »


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 01:06:07 AM »
Monster post nuked to hinode request.  Updated post here:
« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 08:31:43 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 01:06:58 AM »
From hinode

Might want to edit Flora's comment, since we now know she doesn't exactly have a disadvantage in stats. >_>

Oh yeah, forgot something.... equipment resists!

Mera- Blaze line
Gira- Firebal line
Bagi- Gale line
Hyado- Snowblast, Blizzard
Flame- Fire Breath, Infernal Flames, etc.
Snowstorm- Cold Breath, Freezing Breath, etc.

Royal Cloak reduces Mera, Gira, Hyado, Bagi, Flame, and Snowstorm damage by 35 points.
Zenithian Armor reduces Mera, Gira, Hyado, Bagi, Flame, and Snowstorm damage by 30 points.
Flame Armor reduces damage from Hyado spells and Snowstorm by 15 points.
Angel's Leotard reduces damage from Hyado spells and Snowstorm by 25 points and resists Instant Death.
Magical Armor reduces damage from Mera, Gira, Hyado, and Bagi spells by 10 points.
Water Flying Clothes reduces damage from Mera and Gira spells and Flame by 25 points.

Zenithian Shield reduces Flame and Snowstorm damage by 15 points.
Shield of Reflection reduces damage from Mera and Gira spells and Flame by 15 points.
Sun Crown blocks the Sacrifice spell (I think)

Ring of Flames reduces Hyado damage by 10 points.
Ring of Water reduces damage from Mera and Gira by 10 points.

Mirror Armor does not have any resists, rather reflects enemy magic sometimes (2/3 rate?  Not sure exactly).  Not that it does not reflect ally magic for some reason, I wasted a lot of time casting Heal on my Slime Knight for testing purposes.  I left it out of monster equip sets since people don't seem to allow auto-reflect stuff.


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2008, 03:49:28 AM »
We have names for the main and kids, apparantly.

Hero = Abel
Son = Rex
Daughter = Tabetha

This apparantly came from the PS2 version guidebook.  The info was posted by Hopeful Death and Aeana on gamefaqs, whom I'm inclined to believe.


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 03:51:13 AM »
Huh, there are DQ5 guidebooks all over the bookstores around here. If you'd like, I can flip through them and see if I can confirm that?


EDIT:  I checked 2 (of about 30 possible) DQ5 guides. There's A LOT. They both consistently referred to them as 'Shujinko', 'Musuko', and 'Musume'.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 01:57:53 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2008, 05:07:10 AM »
Wouldn't hurt to check.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 06:03:05 AM by hinode »


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2009, 08:29:06 PM »
I updated the monster stats with physical damage figures a while back, and filled out most of the blank skills on the original. Still missing Massacre, but that seems minor enough to just get this posted.

First up, averages:

Monster only
HP           283.35
Speed   101.875
Spd sd   41.6013976
Defense   229.65
Damage   100.025

Full cast
HP           285.6458333
Speed   100.2708333
Spd sd   39.32555857
Defense   224.9166667
Damage   105.4375

Level 40

Flame Boomerang +65
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 202
MP: 58
Strength: 84
Agility: 129
Vitality: 60
Intelligence: 35
Luck: 32

Attack: 149
Defense: 203

Attack- 34 damage

Meditate- 500 HP healing, self-target only
Infernal Flames- 160 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Eerie Light- Reduce magic resistance
Increase- +50% base defense for all allies, can be stacked twice (3 MP)
Decrease- -50% base defense for one group of enemies (4 MP)
Confuse- Confuse one group of enemies (5 MP)
Vivify- 50% chance of reviving ally with 50% HP (10 MP)

Comments: Most egregious offender for Yamikei clause ever - it gets Meditate at level 77 and Infernal Flames at level 99, and the two of them combine to bump it up nearly two divisions. Watch Sage try and get it ranked in spite of this, anyhow.

Level 35

Big Bowgun +110
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 353
MP: 0
Strength: 153
Agility: 46
Vitality: 34
Luck: 39

Attack: 263
Defense: 187

Attack- 91 damage

Comments: Generic slow pure fighter type.  Well... there's worse.

Level 39

Flame Boomerang +65
Silver Breastplate +40
Scale Shield +7
Great Helm +45

HP: 218
MP: 63 
Strength: 98
Agility: 95
Vitality: 70
Intelligence: 42
Luck: 59

Attack: 163
Defense: 162

Attack- 41 damage

Surround- Reduce hit rate of one group (4 MP)
Sleep- Put one group to sleep (3 MP)
Dazzling Light- Reduce hit rate
Robmagic- Drains MP
Bedragon- 75 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies, lose control (18 MP)

Comments: I carried one in my wagon for the Day-Night spell for a while.  When BeDragon is your best option in a fight by far, you can't ask it to do much else... certainly not actually fight.

Slime Knight
Level 40

Blizzard Sword +105
Shield of Reflection +55
Flame Armor +70
Great Helm +45

HP: 290
MP: 110
Strength: 121
Agility: 101
Vitality: 59
Intelligence: 62
Luck: 70

Attack: 226
Defense: 229

Attack- 73 damage

Healall- Full healing (7 MP)
Boom- 60 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies (8 MP)
Antidote- Heal poison status on one ally (2 MP)
Numboff- Heal paralysis on all allies (2 MP)
Robmagic- Drains MP

Comments: My favorite monster to use in-game, and a lot of other peoples' as well.  In the DL... well, it's stats are at the worst endgame, admittedly, with only averagish durability and a physical which doesn't impress unbuffed anymore.  Healing is still full and dirt cheap though, so it can probably scrape by in Middle.

Level 35 

Flame Boomerang +65
Shield of Reflection +55
Magical Armor +60
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 199
MP: 148
Strength: 89
Agility: 129
Vitality: 74
Intelligence: 42
Luck: 74

Attack: 154
Defense: 217

Attack- 37 damage

Healall- Full healing (7 MP)
Healusall- Full healing for all allies (36 MP)
Antidote- Heal poison status on one ally (2 MP)
Numboff- Heal paralysis on all allies (2 MP)
Vivify- 50% chance of reviving ally at 50% HP (10 MP)

Comments: Healer Slime... heals.  Hey, what were you expecting? <_< Getting all the Heal spells up through Healusall is nice, but the lack of Revive hurts in-game.  DL, it's about as bad a light as you'd expect for a no-damage healer.

Level 39 

Staff of Revival +66
Water Flying Clothes +55
Scale Shield +7
Silk Hat +20

HP: 224
MP: 164 
Strength: 62
Agility: 86
Vitality: 65
Intelligence: 65
Luck: 57

Attack: 128
Defense: 147

Attack- 24 damage

Firevolt- 100 Fire-elemental damage to one group of enemies (10 MP)
Stopspell- Silence on one group of enemies (3 MP)
Robmagic- Drains MP
Absorb- Absorb MP cost of any spell cast upon him/her/it (2 MP)

Comments: Magician gets the earlygame mage monster job done okay I guess, but it obviously doesn't really hold up to endgame with Firevolt as its best spell and such low stats, so it's not much of a dueller.

Bomb Baby
Level 15 (experience capped at 39797)

Staff of Revival +66
Silver Breastplate +40
Scale Shield +7
Great Helm +45

HP: 120
MP: 1
Strength: 80
Agility: 60
Vitaliy: 100
Intelligence: 40
Luck: 50

Attack: 146
Defense: 192

Attack- 33 damage

Body Attack- Massive damage to all enemies, caster dies
Sacrifice- Massive damage/ID to all enemies, caster dies (1 MP)

Comments: That's a positively EPIC exp cap.  Stats are about what you'd expect, aside from the surprisingly high vit, and it's entire skillset amounts to suiciding.

Level 30 (experience capped at 196698)

Demon Spear +99
Blood Mail +45
Bronze Shield +11
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 290
MP: 0
Strength: 99
Agility: 35
Vitality: 30
Intelligence: 50 (65)
Luck: 11

Attack: 198
Defense: 126

Attack- 59 damage, ~10% chance of ID

Cold Breath- 15 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Deadly Poison- Attack that inflicts deadly poison (1/6 Max HP damage every turn)
Lick/Tempting Dance- Attempt to make enemy waste next turn

Comments: "I am the very model of a low stat early DQ5 monster..."

Dragon Pup
Level 30 (experience capped at 481427)

Ice Blade +70
Silver Breastplate +40
Great Helm +45

HP: 200
MP: 0
Strength: 120
Agility: 95
Vitality: 60
Intelligence: 50
Luck: 80 

Attack: 190
Defense: 145

Attack- 55 damage

Violent Flames- 75 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Sweet Breath- Inflict Sleep on one group

Comments: It's DQ5's version of Duran!  Yeah, I dunno why anyone would want that any except as space filer maybe.

Dancing Needle
Level 23 

Staff of Revival +66
Silver Breastplate +40
Scale Shield +7
Great Helm +45

HP: 190
MP: 0
Strength: 108
Agility: 89
Vitality: 78
Intelligence: 37
Luck: 118

Attack: 174
Defense: 170

Attack- 47 damage

Sleep Attack- Does damage, can inflict Sleep
Numbing Attack- Does damage, can inflict Paralysis
Body Attack- Massive damage to all enemies, caster dies

Comments: First monster in a while not to hit an exp cap.  Stats are still bad, and so's the skillset unless I'm vastly underestimating the status rates on those untested moves.

Level 40 (experience capped at 617946)

Flame Boomerang +65
Water Flying Clothes +55
Flame Shield +40
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 350
MP: 150
Strength: 90
Agility: 95
Vitality: 90
Intelligence: 90 (105)
Luck: 90

Attack: 155
Defense: 225

Attack- 37 damage

Blizzard- 92 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies (12 MP)
Freezing Breath- 55 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Sweet Breath- Inflict Sleep on one group
Build Up- 2x damage on next physical attack
War Cry- Attempt to make all enemies waste a turn

Comments: It only barely hits that exp limit, so the stats are actually decent for once.  War Cry should be nice in-game before you get Borongo at least, if you can manage to recruit one that early, though it's useless in the DL due to only lasting one turn.

Level 20 (experience capped at 106008)

Ice Blade +70
Water Flying Clothes +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 130
MP: 60
Strength: 85
Agility: 90
Vitality: 80
Intelligence: 50
Luck: 90

Attack: 155
Defense: 163

Attack- 37 damage (115 under Bikill)

Increase- +50% Base defense on all allies, can be stacked twice (3 MP)
Decrease- -50% Base defense for one group (4 MP)
Bikill- +100% Attack (6 MP)
Stopspell- Silence on one group (3 MP)
Surround- Reduce hit rate of one group (4 MP)
Sleep- Put one group to sleep (3 MP)

Comments: The supporting spells are nice.  A pity about the stats and damage...

Big Eye
Level 20 (experience capped at 122297)

Flame Boomerang +65
Water Flying Clothes +55
Flame Shield +40
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 200
MP: 54
Strength: 95
Agility: 63
Vitality: 70
Intelligence: 40 (55)
Luck: 70

Attack: 160
Defense: 205 

Attack- 40 damage

Healall- Full healing (7 MP)
Cold Breath- 15 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Dazzling Light- Reduce hit rate of all enemies
Sweet Breath- Inflict Sleep on one group
Build Up- 2x damage on next physical attack

Comments: Aside from healing (off terrible MP), I can't see why anyone would bother with this one.

Puppet Man
Level 26 

Big Bowgun +110
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 240
MP: 92
Strength: 108
Agility: 100
Vitality: 89
Intelligence: 28
Luck: 76

Attack: 218
Defense: 242

Attack- 69 damage

Aerocross- 130 Wind-elemental damage to one group (8 MP)
Bounce- Reflect spells back at caster (4 MP)
Stopspell- Silence on one group (3 MP)
Absorb- Absorb MP cost of any spell cast upon him/her/it (2 MP)
Tempting Dance- Attempt to make enemy waste next turn

Comments: Mage with stats that don't fail! Wind magic+Bounce aren't too shabby, though it's still nothing special.

Level 33 

Ice Blade +70
Water Flying Clothes +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 217
MP: 119
Strength: 121
Agility: 117
Vitality: 92
Intelligence: 57
Luck: 72

Attack: 191
Defense: 175

Attack- 55 damage

Healall- Full healing (7 MP)
Healus- 80 HP healing for all allies (18 MP)
Freezing Breath- 55 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Sleepmore- Put one group of enemies to sleep (5 MP)
Confuse- Confuse one group of enemies (5 MP)

Comments: Fast MT healer, and Freezing Breath works decently when you first get it, provided you actually get it.  Doesn't scale well to endgame obviously, though mine was still vaguely usable as a seventh option or so.

Level 20 (experience capped at 507861)

Demon Spear +99
Blood Mail +45
Bronze Shield +11
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 330
MP: 10
Strength: 110
Agility: 35
Vitality: 45
Intelligence: 40 (55)
Luck: 50

Attack: 209
Defense: 141

Attack- 64 damage, ~10% chance of ID

Charge Up- 2x damage on next physical attack
Body Attack- Massive damage to all enemies, caster dies
Sacrifice- Massive damage to all enemies, caster dies (1 MP)
Farewell- Fully heal and revive all allies, caster dies (all MP)

Comments: Another monster who's only good for blowing itself up!  Yay!

Dancing Jewel
Level 7 (experience capped at 105328)

Steel Fang +35
Turtle Shell +33
Silk Hat +20

HP: 191
MP: 180
Strength: 90
Agility: 107
Vitality: 210
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 130

Attack: 125
Defense: 263

Attack- 22 damage

Aerocross- 130 Wind-elemental damage to one group (8 MP)
Beat- Instant death on one enemy (4 MP)
Sleepmore- Sleep on one group of enemies (5 MP)
Confuse- Confuse one group of enemies (5 MP)
Stopspell- Silence on one group (3 MP)
Decrease- -50% base defense for one group of enemies (4 MP)
Absorb- Absorb MP cost of any spell cast upon him/her/it (2 MP)

Better than you might think, given the exp cap and pathetic equip options.  HP is terrible of course, but the damage/speed/skillset are solid.

Level 32 

Flame Boomerang +65
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 200
MP: 195
Strength: 75
Agility: 70
Vitality: 78
Intelligence: 68
Luck: 109

Attack: 140
Defense: 221

Attack- 30 damage

Healall- Full healing (7 MP)
Upper- +100% base defense (2 MP)
Healusall- Full healing for all allies (36 MP)
Increase- +50% base defense for all allies, can stack twice (3 MP)
Revive- Revive ally at full HP (20 MP)

Comments: Compared to Healer it has clearly inferior all-around stats, but Revive is precious for a DQ healer type.  A pity about the 1/128 recruitment rate; it seems this was my one case of good luck on monster hunting.

King Slime
Level 25

Flame Boomerang +65
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 290
MP: 153
Strength: 102
Agility: 94
Vitality: 93
Intelligence: 63

Attack: 167
Defense: 236

Attack- 43 damage

Blazemost- 180 Fire-elemental damage to one enemy (10 MP)
Violent Flames- 75 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Freezing Ray- Dispel all enemies
Increase- +50% base defense for all allies, can stack twice (3 MP)
Barrier- 50% damage from Fire/Ice breaths (3 MP)
Revive- Revive ally at full HP (20 MP)

Comments: Sage fanservice row continues!  King Slime's pretty solid on both stats and movepool.  High Middle probably, first thing I can say that about since Slime. (...)

Mad Dragon
Level 22 

Ice Blade +70
Silver Breastplate +40
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 335
MP: 0
Strength: 140
Agility: 56
Vitality: 49
Intelligence: 30 (45)
Luck: 34

Attack: 210
Defense: 139

Attack- 65 damage

Violent Flames- 75 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Burning Breath- Paralyze one group
Deadly Poison- Attack that inflict deadly poison (1/6 Max HP damage every turn)
Sweet Breath- Inflict Sleep on one group
Tempting Dance- Attempt to make enemy waste next turn

Comments: Meh stats and skillsets, the speed probably kills it overall.

Level 30 (experience capped at 509115)

Flame Boomerang +65
Water Flying Clothes +55
Flame Shield +40
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 231
MP: 150
Strength: 85
Agility: 125
Vitality: 77
Intelligence: 50 (65)
Luck: 150

Attack: 150
Defense: 212

Attack- 35 damage

Blazemost- 180 Fire-elemental damage to one enemy (10 MP)
Confuse- Confuse one group of enemies (5 MP)
Sweet Breath- Inflict Sleep on one group
Chance- Random effects (20 MP)
Explodet- 140 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies (15 MP)

Comments: It's practically a monster version of DQ4 Mara; Fire magic off good speed and no durability to speak off.  Same low middle area sounds like it'd work here.

Level 35 

Demon Spear +99
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Great Helm +45

HP: 315
MP: 88
Strength: 144
Agility: 85
Vitality: 89
Intelligence: 86
Luck: 98

Attack: 243
Defense: 249

Attack- 81 damage, ~10% chance of ID

Blazemost- 180 Fire-elemental damage to one enemy (10 MP)
Freezing Breath- 55 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Stopspell- Silence on one group of enemies (3 MP)
Beat- Instant death on one enemy (4 MP)
Eerie Light- Reduce magic resistance
Sleepmore- Sleep on one group of enemies (5 MP)
Defeat- Instant death on all enemies (7 MP)

Comments: Slower than the previous Blazemost caster, but much more balanced and better overall.

Metal Babble
Level  7 

Flame Boomerang +65
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 10
MP: 200
Strength: 135
Agility: 235
Vitality: 255
Intelligence: 65
Luck: 255

Attack: 200
Defense: 398

Attack- 60 damage

Explodet- 140 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies (15 MP)
Upper- +100% defense (2 MP)
Farewell- Fully heal and revive all allies, caster dies (all MP)

Comments: It's a metal slime type, now in PC form.  Speed and defensive are insane and it's immune to all elements of course, but HP is just as bad in the other direction.  Dependence on fire to deal damage makes it wallable, but it's still a good bet for Heavy.

Orc King
Level 25 

Big Bowgun +110
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 400
MP: 160
Strength: 130
Agility: 69
Vitality: 95
Intelligence: 57
Luck: 150

Attack: 240
Defense: 248

Attack- 80 damage

Blizzard- 92 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies (12 MP)
Healus- 100 HP healing for all allies (18 MP)
Beat- Instant death on one enemy (4 MP)
Defeat- Instant death on all enemies (7 MP)
Revive- Revive ally at full MP (20 MP)

Comments: Considering it's a 1/16 rate monster like Slime Knight, Orc King's stats are quite welcome.  MT healing and Revive aren't as useful as they are in-game, but ID and good durability should make it a passable middle.

Level 30 (experience capped at 457924)

Flame Boomerang +65
Water Flying Clothes +55
Flame Shield +40
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 310
MP: 60
Strength: 120
Agility: 108
Vitality: 83
Intelligence: 30 (45)
Luck: 60 

Attack: 185
Defense: 218

Attack- 52 damage

Flame Breath- 35 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Build Up- 2x damage on next attack
Decrease- -50% base defense for one group of enemies (4 MP)
Surround- Reduce hit rate of one group of enemies (4 MP)

Comments: Uh... why does this even exist again?

Level 28 

Staff of Revival +66
Water Flying Clothes +55
Scale Shield +7
Silk Hat +20

HP: 240
MP: 172
Strength: 61
Agility: 96
Vitality: 91
Intelligence: 66
Luck: 7

Attack: 127
Defense: 173

Attack- 23 damage

Aerocross- 130 Wind-elemental damage to one group of enemies (8 MP)
Blizzard- 92 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies (12 MP)
Thunder- 65 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Bounce- Reflect magic back at caster (4 MP)
Sleep- Put one group of enemies to sleep (5 MP)
Vivify- 50% chance of reviving ally at 50% HP (10 MP)

Comments: Yet another take on a pure mage monster, but still not anything real special.  Bounce lets it spoiler other mages in the DL, at least.

Level 31 

Big Bowgun +110
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 433
MP: 0
Strength: 207
Agility: 57
Vitality: 152
Intelligence: 41
Luck: 140

Attack: 317
Defense: 305

Attack- 118 damage

Meditate- 500 HP healing, self-target only
Build Up- 2x damage on next physical attack
Charge Up- 2x damage on next physical attack
Thunder- 65 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies

Another contender from the 1/16 recruitment rate group, Golem brings great physical stats and infinite full healing.  Bad speed is a letdown, but it's still high middle-ish.

Level 24 

Big Bowgun +110
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 378
MP: 21
Strength: 150
Agility: 86
Vitality: 74
Intelligence: 38
Luck: 118

Attack: 260
Defense: 227

Attack- 90 damage

Sap- -50% base defense for one enemy (3 MP)

Level 32 

Blizzard Sword +105
Flame Armor +70
Flame Shield +40
Great Helm +45

HP: 329
MP: 117
Strength: 137
Agility: 107
Vitality: 87
Intelligence: 57
Luck: 130

Attack: 242
Defense: 242

Attack- 81 damage (202 under Bikill)

Boom- 60 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies (8 MP)
Burning Breath- Paralyze one group
Healall- Full healing (7 MP)
Bikill- +100% Attack (6 MP)
Barrier- 50% damage from Fire/Ice breaths (3 MP)

Comments: This is one of those monsters you'd kill to recruit in-game, with good physical stats, healing, and Bikill.  Think it can make low heavy with the plentiful healing and excellent buffed damage.

Soldier Bull
Level 23 

Blizzard Sword +105
Flame Armor +70
Shield of Reflection +55
Great Helm +45

HP: 326
MP: 60
Strength: 135
Agility: 97
Vitality: 107
Intelligence: 44
Luck: 70

Attack: 240
Defense: 277

Attack- 80 damage (200 under Bikill)

Charge Up- 2x damage on next physical attack
Upper- +100% base defense (2 MP)
Bikill- +100% attack (6 MP)
Decrease- -50% base defense for one group of enemies (4 MP)

Comments: Another solid monster, with both offensive and defensive buffs and pretty good stats.  High middle, I think?

King Healer
Level 20 (experience capped at 501140)

Flame Boomerang +65
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 400
MP: 500
Strength: 120
Agility: 128
Vitality: 130
Intelligence: 70
Luck: 150

Attack: 185
Defense: 273

Attack- 52 damage

Healusall- full healing for all allies (36 MP)
Barrier- 50% damage from Fire/Ice breaths (3 MP)
Absorb- Absorb MP cost of any spell cast upon him/her/it (2 MP)
Chance- random effects (20 MP)
Bedragon- 75 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies, lose control (18 MP)
Revive- Revive ally at full HP (20 MP)
Farewell- Fully heal and revive all allies, caster dies (all MP)

Comments: Those stats are absolutely amazing for a dedicated healer, blowing Healer and Curer slimes out of the water, to the point where it should be able to break Light in DL terms, even.  The major downside in-game is being stuck with Healusall as its only healing spell, which can't be used out of battle, but that's irrelevant in a duel.

Level 16 

Blizzard Sword +105
Flame Armor +70
Shield of Reflection +55
Great Helm +45

HP: 342
MP: 187
Strength: 142
Agility: 102
Vitality: 95
Intelligence: 67
Luck: 118

Attack: 247
Defense: 265

Attack- 83 damage

Blizzard- 92 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies (12 MP)
Firevolt- 100 Fire-elemental damage to one group of enemies (10 MP)
Charge Up- 2x damage on next physical attack
Eerie Light- Reduce magic resistance
Warcry- Attempt to make all enemies waste a turn

Comments: Pretty nice stats, but the skillset is kinda mediocre with nothing exceptionally useful.

Farewell Crag
Level 20 (experience capped at 620054)

Steel Fang +35
Turtle Shell +33
Silk Hat +20

HP: 330
MP: 150
Strength: 130
Agility: 60
Vitality: 210
Intelligence: 30
Luck: 250

Attack: 165
Defense: 263 

Attack- 42 damage

Thunder- 65 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Bounce- Reflect magic back at caster (4 MP)
Dazzling Light- Reduce hit rate of all enemies
Body Attack- Massive damage to all enemies, caster dies
Farewell- Fully heal and revive all allies, caster dies (all MP)
Vivify- 50% chance of reviving ally at 50% HP (10 MP)

Comments: Well, it's better than Bombcrag I guess.  Still kinda sucks overall, though Bounce helps somewhat.

Blizzard Hawk
Level 21 

Ice Blade +70
Water Flying Clothes +55
Hat of Wind +28

HP: 274
MP: 66
Strength: 134
Agility: 117
Vitality: 114
Intelligence: 26
Luck: 57

Attack: 204
Defense: 197

Attack- 62 damage

Healus- Heal 100 HP for all allies (18 MP)
Sparkling Breath- 130 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Defeat- Instant death on all enemies (7 MP)

Comments: Well, Sparkling Breath is good for MT damage in-game.  Not enough MP to make good use of Healus, though.

Level 23 

Demon Spear +99
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Great Helm +45

HP: 308
MP: 74
Strength: 139
Agility: 137
Vitality: 97
Intelligence: 41
Luck: 85

Attack: 238
Defense: 257

Attack- 79 damage, ~10% chance of ID

Aerocross- 130 Wind-elemental damage to one group (12 MP)
Upper- +100% base defense (2 MP)
Decrease- -50% base defense for one group (4 MP)

Comments: Surprisingly fast, but otherwise kinda bland.

Great Dragon
Level 26 

Ice Blade +70
Silver Breastplate +40
Helm of Wisdom +40 (15 Int)

HP: 392
MP: 0
Strength: 186
Agility: 114
Defense: 172
Intelligence: 92 (107)
Luck: 124

Attack: 256
Defense: 252

Attack- 88 damage

Infernal Flames- 160 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Sparkling Breath- 130 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Burning Breath- Paralyze one group

Comments: This is where the really good monsters start showing up.  Great stats and nice damage off Infernal Flames.  Heavy, easily.

Level 18 

Blizzard Sword +105
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 322
MP: 0
Strength: 200
Agility: 134
Vitality: 209
Intelligence: 40
Luck: 65

Attack: 305
Defense: 359

Attack- 112 damage

Comments: Raw physical stats are absolutely killer - just compare it's defense with Metal Babble's!  Lack of any sort of skils hurts it, though.

Level 20 

Demon Spear +99
Magical Armor +60
Shield of Reflection +55
Great Helm +45

HP: 370
MP: 204
Strength: 135
Agility: 154
Vitality: 172
Intelligence: 180
Luck: 179

Attack: 234
Defense: 332

Attack- 77 damage, ~10% chance of ID

Lightning- 200 Lightning-elemental damage to one group (15 MP)
Aerocross- 130 Wind-elemental damage to one group (12 MP)
Eerie Light- Reduce magic resistance

Comments: The first of two bonus dungeon-only monsters, and the only PC besides Son to get Lightning.  If aftergame monsters exist only to be shiny trophies for heavy grinders, then Lionex achieves that in spades, with outstanding stats across the board and the game's best attack spell.  High Heavy.

Level 14 

Blizzard Sword +105
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 395
MP: 347
Strength: 173
Agility: 150
Vitality: 195
Intelligence: 93
Luck: 167

Attack: 278
Defense: 348

Attack- 99 damage

Blazemost- 180 Fire-elemental damage to one enemy (10 MP)
Explodet- 140 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies (15 MP)
Infernal Flames- 160 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies
Sparkling Breath- 130 Ice-elemental damage to all enemies
Bounce- Reflect magic back at caster (4 MP)
Revive- Revive ally at full HP (20 MP)

Comments: Even better than Lionex?  The stats are similar but a bit better overall, and Blazemost's a decent replacement for Lightning.  Bounce (and in-game, Revive) likely tip this contest in Hellbattler's favor.  High Heavy again.

Level  6 

Big Bowgun +110
Magical Armor +60
Ogre Shield +48
Great Helm +45

HP: 448
MP: 0
Strength: 215
Agility: 222
Vitality: 150
Intelligence: 25
Luck: 90

Attack: 325
Defense: 303

Attack- 122 damage

Coments: O_o to those stats, even moreso than Attackbot's.  Still no skillset hinders its potential, though.


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2009, 09:20:54 PM »
I dont see the jailcat monster. I know thats only in the DS remake though, and since your using the original names.... I also dont see the "pips and conks"

Also as far as I can tell Oomph works the same, but Sap/Buff raise and lower by smaller amounts than listed in topic. Odd Deborah is the lowest in the DL since she is the best wife in game.

Default names in the US version for the son and daugther are Parry for the boy and Madchen for the girl.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 08:10:25 PM by alanna82 »

The n00b Avenger

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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 03:23:54 PM »
The mirror armor's reflect rate is 1/4

Also, the DS version changed the Royal Mantle's damage reduction to 30 to match Zenithian Armor.  Worth noting since if ranked, that's the version that'll be used.

Also, some monster resistances
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 03:44:57 PM by The n00b Avenger »


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2009, 11:38:46 PM »
Hrm, do you know if those resists are the same for the original version? I've seen monster resist lists before, but haven't had the patience to translate them via Ctrl+F.

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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2009, 01:34:41 AM »
Supposedly the Brady strategy guide for this game provides a rather comprehensive list of information on monsters.  If someone wants to shell out for one.


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2009, 02:29:13 PM »
I have the Brady Guide. However, the way it lists monsters is that it lists starting level, and then stats at a couple of intervals, and then at max level. (Stats also seem to vary, however, the stat is ALWAYS more than the listed stat, the variance is only positive)

I can confirm that the numbers it has for the monster I have raised seem very good so far.

It doesnt have the monster resistances though, just the stats and what level they learn skills.

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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2009, 02:32:24 PM »
If the resists were different between versions I'd think at least one website would mention it(they're pretty comprehensive, they did point out that little Royal Cloak thing and a lot of other stuff).  At the least, the PS2 and DS version resists are identical.  Frankly speaking there's not much reason to base things off the SFC version anymore anyway, it's kind of outdated.

And yeah, the stats listed in the Brady's guide would have to be minimum.  In the DS version, levels ups are determined by Base * (64/64...80/64) meaning they can be anywhere from 100% to 125% increase.  The PS2 version used a similar formula, except there it Base * (48/64...80/64).  In other words, the DS version will always be higher(or equal to, especially in the case of stats that never exceed +2 upon level up) than the listed base stats, the PS2 version can be higher or lower and will generally be closer to the average.  The SFC version used fixed level ups.  No randomization at all

« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 02:42:31 PM by The n00b Avenger »


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2009, 07:07:44 PM »
Assuming those randomized level-ups truncate like 99.99% of video games ever, then it'd be fairly straightforward to use Excel to convert the stat tables I've grabbed from JP sites for the SFC versions to get averages for the DS version. On the other hand inputting all the data into Excel might get tedious (especially grabbing all the new monsters from a Japanese site), so I'll pass on it for now. Maybe if someone's making a stat topic for the DS version and wants more accurate stats.


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2009, 07:40:54 AM »

It might have changed in V but BeDragon/Puff also provides a claw swipe;  not exactly impressive but better than the typical mage basic attack.


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2009, 08:19:05 PM »

The adies should consider the Faerie Foil (Faerie Sword in SNES) as an alternate weapon.  Bit more attack and Buff as an itemcast.  There's one you can't miss in the faerie forest and it's buyable in a t'nt shop.

Saber (the kitty) should also have Orihalcum Fangs (+115 Attack) or Demon/Cobra Claw (90 Attack, inflicts Poison)


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2009, 09:59:11 PM »
Belatedly, this entire topic is for the SNES version except for the Deborah stats which I'm pretty sure aren't quite accurate (though roughly to scale with everyone else's stats listed here). The Faerie Sword is one of a kind there, so not DL legal for most people.

Orihalcum Fangs and Demon Claw are both usable by a bunch of monsters and not storebought so they generally aren't considered legal either.

Ideally there'd be a stat topic for the DS version as well but neither Meeple nor Tal nor I have played it, so someone who actually has will need to put in the effort. <_<

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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2009, 05:59:33 AM »
I've got an endgame save of DQV: DS, but I'm a bit overleveled due to some postgame stuff I've done already. I'll see what I can do.


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2009, 10:05:03 PM »
Hmmm.... the experiance is taken at 640,000 exp? I have a Debora roughly around that experience. I can check her stats.

Edit: Here is my Debora stats. She has 646907 EXP. (seriously, she just happened to have that, no additional exp was added)
Level 41
HP: 248
MP: 222
Strength: 109
Agility: 131
Resiliance: 98
Wisdom: 99
Luck: 146

Weapon: Diamond Akillics +55 attack, hits twice. (she probably wants this over the fairie Foil)
Armor: Angel Leotard +70 defence, resists fire and ice spells
Shield: Floral Parasol +8 defence (yeah she really doesnt get a good shield)
Helmet: Wedding Veil +30 defence
Total Attack: 164
Total Def: 206

Technically 3 people can equip the Wedding Veil, but since you only get one Wife per game, assuming this is legal

My numbers are slightly different than what was posted earlier. Her best bet would be to Oomph her attack and then attack. Her damage spells are worthless since she only gets Kasizzle (Firevolt) and not Kafrizzle (Blazemost)

Some of the monsters are missing too, like the pips, Conks and the jailcat. Too bad the Brady Guide only lists Starting level, 1/4 max level, 1/2 max level and Max Level. For some monsters, this wont matter (those that max earlier). If anyone wants stats of any of the monster that were added in the remake I can level them up to the experience listed, though it may take a while.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2009, 10:21:47 PM by alanna82 »


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2009, 04:24:44 PM »
Some of the monsters are new to the PS2/DS version, it looks like. The sun crown also blocks all status in this game according to FAQs, which is nice.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Dragon Quest 5 (PCs)
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2010, 01:25:56 PM »
TEMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (and bosses in the next post!)

For Bella, she is taken at level 7, since that's her starting level, and she can't gain any more levels!  Wheeeeeee!  She's taken against Eiyu and Borongo.  Borongo starts at level 2, but should catch up to nearly her level by the time she finishes her stint in the party.  Eiyu is level 10, Borongo level 6.

Level 7
HP: 38
MP: 47
Strength: 29
Agility: 24
Vitality: 7
Intelligence: 6
Luck: 6
Attack: 38
Defense: 31

Oak Cudgel: +9 Attack
Silk Robe: +13 Defense
Leather Shield: +4 Defense
Hair Band: +7 Defense

Attack: 16 physical damage

Heal (2 MP): Heals 40 HP
Firebal (4 MP): 13 sizzle magical damage, GT
Decrease (4 MP): Lowers defense by 50%, GT (against average, this raises her Attack damage to 20)
Surround (5 MP): Lowers accuracy by 50%, MT


HP: 61
1) Eiyu (76)
2) Borongo (69)
3) Bella (38)

Defense: 36
1) Eiyu (48)
2) Bella (31)
3) Borongo (29)

Agility: 24
1) Borongo (28)
2) Bella (24)
3) Eiyu (21)

Damage: 19
1) Borongo - Attack (22)
2) Eiyu - Attack (20)
3) Bella - Attack (16)

Papas is taken at level 27 (starting level), while Eiyu is level 13, and Borongo level 11.  

Level 27
HP: 410
MP: 65
Strength: 117
Agility: 35
Vitality: 79
Intelligence: 95
Luck: 92
Attack: 157
Defense: 91

Papas's Sword: +40 Attack
Leather Loincloth: +12 Defense

Attack: 69 physical damage

Healmore (5 MP): Heals 80 HP


HP: 203
1) Papas (410)
2) Eiyu (100)
3) Borongo (100)

Defense: 74
1) Papas (91)
2) Eiyu (71)
3) Borongo (59)

Agility: 37
1) Borongo (46)
2) Papas (35)
3) Eiyu (29)

Damage: 41
1) Papas - Attack (69)
2) Borongo - Attack (28)
3) Eiyu - Attack (26)

For Henry, I am not taking any monsters into the average.  I suppose Slime would be fine, since, IIRC, you are guaranteed to get one from your first Slime fight.  However, all the others are random (for instance, I have a Metal Slime, Slime, Slime Knight, Yeti...but don't have some of the more common ones).  Feel free to take this however you want.  Eiyu is taken at level 18, Henry at 16.  

Level 16
HP: 104
MP: 59
Strength: 49
Agility: 39
Vitality: 23
Intelligence: 35
Luck: 33
Attack: 82
Defense: 80

Broad Sword: +33 Attack
Half Plate Armour: +25 Defense
Iron Shield: +16 Defense
Iron Helm: +16 Defense

Attack: 31 physical damage

Blaze (2 MP): 15 frizzle magical damage
Decrease (4 MP): Lowers defense by 50%, GT (against average, this raises his Attack damage to 36)
Surround (5 MP): Lowers accuracy by 50%, MT
Bang (5 MP): 25 boom magical damage, MT
Confuse (5 MP): 70% confusion, GT
Repel (4 MP): Prevents encounters with monsters weaker than the party


HP: 122
1) Eiyu (140)
2) Henry (104)

Defense: 82
1) Eiyu (97)
2) Henry (80)

Agility: 43
1) Eiyu (47)
2) Henry (39)

Damage: 34
1) Eiyu - Attack (36)
2) Henry - Attack (31)

« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 10:05:26 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Dragon Quest 5
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2010, 11:47:56 AM »
Hey, bosses!!!!!!!  Plot important ones only.

Average levels are based on Eiyu.  Monsters are included in these averages for Jahmi/Whatever only - let me know if you want more specifics on them.  After that point, I assume a standard party of Hero/Son/Daughter.  

Jahmi/Jami/Centares/Centaursus (make up your fucking mind already, game!)
HP: 820
MP: 255
Defense: 120 (17% [12] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 50

Centares Attacked!: 22 physical damage
Centares chanted Aerocross (8 MP): 70 swoosh magical damage, GT (his version is different than the PC version...which is good, since the PC version deals twice this!)
Centares chanted Blazemore (4 MP): 60 frizzle magical damage (again, different version - the PC version deals 80 damage)
Centares exhaled a Blizzard: 50 crackle breath magical damage, MT

Average Level: 23
Average HP: 167
Average Agility: 62
Average Damage: 60

HP: 4500
MP: 255
Defense: 160 (20% [17] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 90

Buorn Attacked!: 105 physical damage
Buorn summon a Thunder Storm: 70 zap magical damage, MT
Buorn exhaled Raging Flames: 80 sizzle breath magical damage, MT
Buorn chanted Upper: Raises defense by 100% (raises effective physical resistance to 67% [57] less physical damage taken on average)

Average Level: 28
Average HP: 196
Average Agility: 76
Average Damage: 90

HP: 1700
Defense: 190 (15% [18] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 80

Gonz Attacked!: 50 physical damage

Average Level: 33
Average HP: 225
Average Agility: 83
Average Damage: 120

HP: 4500
MP: 255
Defense: 250 (52% [33] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 90

Gema Attacked!: 90 physical damage
Gema chanted Bounce (4 MP): Reflects negative magic targeted at the recipient back at the caster
Gema chanted Blazemost (10 MP): 120 frizzle magical damage (again, slightly weakened version compared to the PC one...the PC one does 190 damage)
Gema exhaled Raging Flames: 80 sizzle breath magical damage, MT
Gema exhaled Numbing Breath: 35% paralysis, MT

Average Level: 33
Average HP: 225
Average Agility: 83
Average Damage: 120

HP: 2000
MP: 255
Defense: 200 (17% [20] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 55

Ramada Attacked!: 83 physical damage
Ramada chanted Blizzard (12 MP): 70 crackle magical damage, MT (yet another spell that's slightly modified from the PC version)
Ramada chanted Firevolt (10 MP): 100 sizzle magical damage, GT (seems like this one's normal)
Ramada exhaled Raging Flames: 80 sizzle breath magical damage, MT

Average Level: 33
Average HP: 225
Average Agility: 83
Average Damage: 120

HP: 4500
MP: 255
Defense: 180 (7% [10] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 73

Ivol Attacked!: 0-1 physical damage  
Ivol exhaled Glittering Ice: 140 crackle breath magical damage, MT
Ivol's fingers emitted Freezing Rays: Dispels positive effects, MT
Ivol chanted Bounce (4 MP): Reflects negative magic targeted at the recipient back at the caster
Ivol chanted Explodet (15 MP): 90 boom magical damage, GT (guess what this version differs from!)

Average Level: 34
Average HP: 236
Average Agility: 85
Average Damage: 130

Mildrath 1
HP: 1600
MP: 255
Defense: 180 (5% [8] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 80

Mildrath Attacked!: 45 physical damage  
Mildrath exhaled Glittering Ice: 140 crackle breath magical damage, MT
Mildrath's fingers emitted Freezing Rays: Dispels positive effects, MT
Mildrath chanted Blazemost (10 MP): 120 frizzle magical damage
Mildrath Called for Help!: Summons either 2 Attackbots or 2 Evil Clowns (I've never seen the Attackbots summoned - only the Evil Clowns - it's documented that it can summon both, though); not required to be killed to finish the battle; Attackbots have 169 HP, 185 Defense, 98 Agility, and attack twice per round with a 38 damage physical; Evil Clowns have 169 HP, 80 MP, 123 Defense, 75 Agility, attack twice per round, and have access to a 28 damage physical, Revive (20 MP) for full revival of an ally, and Bounce (4 MP)

Mildrath 2
HP: 4500
MP: 255
Defense: 230 (13% [20] less physical damage taken on average)
Agility: 75
*Acts twice every round

Mildrath Attacked!: 103 physical damage  
Mildrath exhaled Hellish Flames: 160 sizzle breath magical damage, MT
Mildrath's fingers emitted Freezing Rays: Dispels positive effects, MT
Mildrath chanted Explodet (15 MP): 90 boom magical damage, MT
Mildrath chanted Decrease (4 MP): Lowers defense by 50%, GT (against average, this raises his Attack damage to 130)
Mildrath silently began Meditating...Mildrath's Wounds Begin to Close!: Heals 500 HP

Average Level: 38
Average HP: 261
Average Agility: 90
Average Damage: 140

HP: 9000
MP: 255
Defense: 150 (0%
  • less physical damage taken on average)

Agility: 85
*Acts twice every round

Esturk Attacked!: 150 physical damage  
Esturk exhaled Hellish Flames: 160 sizzle breath magical damage, MT
Esturk's fingers emitted Freezing Rays: Dispels positive effects, MT
Esturk chanted Explodet (15 MP): 90 boom magical damage, MT
Esturk exhaled Glittering Ice: 140 crackle breath magical damage, MT
Esturk chanted Blazemost (10 MP): 120 frizzle magical damage

Average Level: 46
Average HP: 318
Average Agility: 104
Average Damage: 160
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 10:04:51 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory