Zoah's Stats
HP: 114.7%
Defense: I used the Sidesteppa's enemy powerful tech because at endgame, everything else sucked. I got 1 defense point on average cutting a physical by 6, so against Sidesteppa, Zoah cut physicals to 81.85% normal power. Sidesteppa averages better damage than Yukimaru does to an average PC at endgame (It 2HKOs, she doesn't), so Zoah's at least cutting her best by 18.15%.
Speed: Zoah is indeed 8 Speed, so Yukimaru 4-3s...at least, assuming he starts at that speed. Given CC, might be more accurate for them to be average first turn since recharge only kicks in after that. Something I've been thinking about.
Damage: Zoah 2HKOs average under any average. This is obviously what really kills Yukimaru.
Yukimaru's Stats
HP: 93.4% (Giving Zoah some leeway to miss an attack or two)
Damage: 45.3%. Zoah probably cuts this about 20%, which makes it about 36%. So yeah, it 4HKOs thanks to his HP. She has Wind damage, but even with the weakness, it's not doing more.
Evasion: Not worth thinking about. If Yukimaru had twice the Speed stat, she still wouldn't get any extra evasion against endgame enemy SPD. If you want to consider this, Yukimaru also technically has the second worst hit of the cast and at least Zoah gets in more evasion in game!
Zoah 2HKOs, Yukimaru 4HKOs. Yukimaru either needs to both evade and double in the given time.
On Ayla, guess I would feel horribly iffy about an effect that not only requires powerlevelling, but only exists for a certain set period of levels. If Mitsuru doesn't get Marin Karin in a duel setting even though she would have it during non-power levelling times, I don't think a non-permanent thing that needed a lot of leveling should be considered.
Also, it seems like it falls into the classification of aftergame equip more than aftergame skill anyways, IMO, which generally aren't allowed.