Ciatokins, if you were Bard's scumbuddy how would you have played day 1 differently?
I would have not attacked him in any meaningful fashion because he clearly couldn't handle any type of pressure. Also would have made a point to interact with him from the start. This is such a weird question.
Do you actually contest anything I said about Ciato? She was topical and needed to be discussed. I'm leaning towards notscum, but I found it odd that she didn't deny the concept of her bussing Bardiche due to timing, if nothing else. It isn't a clear case.
I think that it's a judgment call is all. I don't see the validity of it but I am biased.
Alex has pretty much played hardball in the way that Alex does, he is basically number one on the townie list for me. Too much ridiculousness involved in it.
I actually forgot Tom was playing at all, which others have mentioned. Weird. Eerie.
Kilga, Excal did not put energy behind anything. I've already explained this previously. Nothing he said... ever for the most part showed much ambition at all. I am sorry I wanted to ask Delta a question about his stupid playstyle while being hesitant to vote for someone who had two votes within three posts. 1/3rd is not trivial at all, it goes out of the territory of pressure and into seriousness to me.
Kilga is pretty close to the bottom of my list of people I suspect, he seems to be well-intended.
Rat has been far less present than is par for Rat course, I'm not sure precisely what to think about that. presumably just busy and clashes with a lot of the time zones that we run.
Sopko I feel like has made some key points on things which cannot be ignored. He's pretty good in my book, and excuse or no, he did have a pretty good reason for not being around parts of Day 1.
Delta… what can I say about Delta. I’m not sure what to make of such a player, although I will generally concur with the sentiment that Bardiche defending him makes it pretty unlikely that he is scum because that's just a little too obvious.
So basically the people I suspect most are Cid as I outlined last night, and Tom and Rat for just plain not standing out to me in any meaningful fashion.
Alex, what do you consider wacky about my post? Wacky isn’t exactly specific. <_<