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The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« on: September 03, 2008, 01:59:49 AM »
Last week, on The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part II...

While writing his newest book, The Digital Devil Code, Dan Brown went outside to walk his dog, Lassie, freshly revived thanks to the powers of Stephen King and a huge financial nest egg.  On the way down the street, Lassie ended up pooping in the yard of a very paranoid Fox Mulder.  Thinking the poop to be a secret alien code, Mulder scooped it up and took it downtown to the local police station, run by the hard-lined officer Arthur, an equally insane man wearing underwear and carrying a lance around.  Upon presenting it to Arthur, the mad knight took it for a sign of the apocalypse, and convinced Mulder that they had to take down The Man before it was too late.  Enlisting the aid of The Six Million Dollar Man, the two went on a rampage throughout Gotham, crushing everything in their path.  However, one thing stood in their way - Noa, dancing queen!  Beginning a flurry of dance moves that would stun the world, Noa busted a groove to the hippest beats in the hood.  But it wasn't enough to stop the bullet to her brain.  Meanwhile, upon hearing of this vile endeavour, Dan Brown and Lassie followed in the wake, intending to use it as a catalyst for another disasterrific book, Batman is a Phony.  Upon meeting up with the mighty crusading warriors, Lassie charged the vile murderers, and managed to give Fox rabies, killing him in a horrific way, but was taken down by a nicely thrown spear from Arthur.  Cornered, Dan Brown prayed for a miracle, promising never to write another book again as long as he lived.

And then the Death Egg fell from the sky and splattered everyone.

Zera?  No one cared about him, so he flew into some fly paper.

So we welcome last week's winners to the next week of DEADLY AND AMAZING...epicness...after the eliminations are over:

And now, for the next week of excitement, pain, and mind-boggling insanity!

Bestiality Divison

Mumble (Happy Feet) vs. Mao (Shadow Hearts: From the New World)
A tapdancing pengiun.  Happy Feet is pretty awesome, as long as you ignore awful 300 parodies.  Then again, a drunken anthropomorphic cat is pretty badass too, as long as you ignore Shadow Hearts 3 lack of characterization.  So which really fucked up animal - the cute dancing penguin, or the kickboxing drunken cat - will prove to be the more adorable mascot?

Shrek (Shrek) vs. Firkraag (Baldur's Gate II)
Rudeness and jackassery faces off against a high and mighty legendary beast.  Oddly enough, either set of terms could describe either combatant.  The big mean green ogre's beaten up a dragon before (ok, a female dragon with a thing for donkeys), but Firkraag isn't exactly a normal dragon - I mean, how many ancient beasts let you beat them up while they talk to you?  Even so, Shrek's not got an easy fight on his hands - without a donkey trumpcard here, he's going to have to use all his girth and wits to outmatch the ancient dragon.

Supernatural Division

Miss Cleo (Stealing your Money in Real Life) vs. Yugi Muto (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Miss Cleo is the greatest fortune scam to ever exist.  Call her, and you'll hear exactly what you want, and land yourself in horrible debt.  On the other hand, start collecting Yu-Gi-Oh!, and you'll never have a life.  Miss Cleo steals your money, but Yugi Muto steals your life and arguably your mental capacity too.  Which do you value more, gentle viewers: your money, or your brain?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) vs. Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
Teenage female angst, or teenage male angst?  When witches and wizards collide, nothing good can come of it.  Will Sabrina become the new Voldemort, or will Harry suddenly be the proud new owner of a black talking cat?

Mechanical Division

WALL-E (WALL-E) vs. Bender (Futurama)
...I think this match speaks for itself.

Cameron (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) vs. Dragoon Fenix (Starcraft)
The Dragoons are immortal - never dying, reborn again and again, as long as you have a Gateway, Cybernetics Core, and enough resources to build them.  Fenix is the greatest and best remembered of all the Dragoons, bravely sacrificing himself to make the Zerg suffer.  Cameron, on the other hand, is a really hot mechanical guardian.  Really, she's really hot.  And she can fight.  So...wait, where was I going with this?

Epic Division

Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden) vs. Sharon (LoL2)
"ninjas are better than pirates because they have lethal martial arts training"
"nuh-uh pirates have guns"
"ninjas have shurkens and are faster and invisible"
"pirates have their parrots to help them"

Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright) vs. Johnny Cochran (The OJ Simpson Trial)
OBJECTION vs. The Chewbacca Defense.  The ultimate legal battle is about to take place, and it doesn't involve medical ethics.  Kevorkian would be so disappointed.  Will there truly be justice for all, or will the guilty walk free?

Short version:

Mumble vs. Mao
Shrek vs. Firkraag

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi
Sabrina vs. Harry

WALL-E vs. Bender
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran

You have about 1 week and a day or so to vote!  Get cracking!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 03:12:59 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2008, 02:10:08 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao - The Penguin Mafia is more fearsome than the real Mafia.
Shrek vs. Firkraag - Dragon vs. green marshmallow.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - This is not a contest. While Yugi in YGO:AS is good, Miss Cleo is an ancient African goddess (unsure which) in disguise, and Yugi would know this and just choose to work with her instead because it means he can have her buy that Koiba guy out completely in revenge.
Sabrina vs. Harry - Has more fanidjits.

vs. Bender - Bender gets drunk and rusts.
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - Their lovechild wins.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - Pirates beat ninja beat samurai beat pirates.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - Shoves finger up Johnny's nose during an OBJECTION!, hits the brain, turns Johnny into a fashion designer. Wins.

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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2008, 02:13:02 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao: Penguin, cat, penguin, cat... the dilemma! Well, Mao isn't especially cute for a cat.
Shrek vs. Firkraag: Scottish Ogre. C'mon, people.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi: Miss Cleo loses because she doesn't believe in the heart of the cards.
Sabrina vs. Harry: Has a sarcastic cat to give her advice. Harry has Ron.

WALL-E vs. Bender: He's going to make his own ultimate tournament! With hookers! And blackjack!
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix: ... who?

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon: I strongly favour pirates in the pirates vs. ninjas debate. Neither has enough personality for me to see this match as anything but a proxy for that.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran: Breaks Johnny's psyche-locks, then uses epic pointing and desk-banging to achieve victory.

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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2008, 02:13:38 AM »
Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - Yer a Libra aren'cha darlin'?
Sabrina vs. Harry - Clarissa versus not Clarissa

Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - OBJECTION! > Wookie defense.


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2008, 02:18:48 AM »
Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon- Is responsible for the Parasprinter song, even if indirectly.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran- Got an actually guilty client off the hook.
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2008, 02:37:41 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao
Shrek vs. Firkraag: Shrek is noisy, obnoxious, and overrated. BG2 is love.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi
Sabrina vs. Harry

WALL-E vs. Bender
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon: Ryu's actually kind of a failure as a ninja. Seriously, the NG1/2 cutscenes? How many times does he get shot?
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2008, 02:45:29 AM »
Remember that you are free to vote on everything, whether you have personally experienced it or not.  Wikipedia is your friend.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2008, 03:16:06 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao - God, that movie was terrible. I like penguins too, but Happy Feet made me want to slit my damn wrists. Besides, Mao has already beaten The Penguin, so surely she can beat a penguin easily enough.
Shrek vs. Firkraag

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - Yu-Gi-Oh fools children into wasting their money, which isn't very difficult since children are gullible and foolish. Miss Cleo fools adults into wasting their money, which...also isn't really difficult, I suppose, since adults are gullible and foolish too. But not as much! Whatever, you know what I'm saying. Fooling adults is harder than fooling children, so Miss Cleo wins by virtue of having a harder job. Or something like that.
Sabrina vs. Harry Potter - When the "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" movies make eleventy billion dollars at the box office, then we'll have a match. As it is? Ha ha, not even close.

WALL-E vs. Bender - Nobody messes with Bender
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - En taro Adun! En taro Tassadar!

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - Not even the mighty Phoenix Wright can beat the impenetrable Chewbacca defense. It's impenetrable, you see.

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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2008, 03:44:32 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao - Penguins are awesome.
Shrek vs. Firkraag - Unfortunately for Shrek, Firkraag does not fall in love with donkeys.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - Heart of the cards and all.
Sabrina vs. Harry Potter - Don't really care either way.

Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - Fenix is awesome

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - Ryu is, like, the worst ninja ever
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - EPIC FINGER POINTING > Chewbacca defense


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2008, 03:52:34 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao - Ehehehehehehe.
Shrek vs. Firkraag

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - Ufufufufufu.
Sabrina vs. Harry - Nyahahahahaha.

WALL-E vs. Bender
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - I have the same sentiments as Tai on this one.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - Fail it up, why don'tcha, Ryu.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - Very tough. It doesn't make sense. At all.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2008, 04:05:41 AM »
Short version:

Happy Feet vs. Mao - Giant cat. Flightless bird. Giant cat. Flightless bird. There is only one way this can end, and it ain't with the bird winning.
Shrek vs. Firkraag - Shrek counters with his own breath weapon, picks up the win while Firk is gagging.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - No matter what Cleo does, Yugi will either already have, or immediately draw, the perfect counter because he's a fucking cheater.
Sabrina vs. Harry - Harry has plot immunity to losing.

WALL-E vs. Bender - Bender anti-vote.
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - Dunno, don't care.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - Less "Pirate > Ninja" and more "electrocute with Origin power" going on here.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - Both defense lawyers, so whoever was forced to prosicute in this test loses. Flipped a coin, it came up Johnny gets to defend. Phoenix sinks.
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2008, 04:07:49 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao - The movie was insulting, but damn if it wasn't cute. His name is Mumble, by the way.
Shrek vs. Firkraag - zOMG.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - Miss Cleo's funnier. By the by, NEB's comment made me burst out laughing during work. Awesome.
Sabrina vs. Harry - Don't care

WALL-E vs. Bender - Champ.
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - Don't know or care.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - Sexy pirate > anyone in DOA
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - Champ!

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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2008, 07:23:32 AM »

Happy Feet vs. Mao: Movie Sucked.
Shrek vs. Firkraag: Roar Dragon.
Miss Cleo vs. Yugi: TRAP CARD.
Sabrina vs. Harry: Tactical Jughead.

WALL-E vs. Bender: Pew Pew.
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix: Additional Pylons.

Ryu Hayabusa
vs. Sharon: Lol Irene.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran:Wookie Objection!


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2008, 09:04:28 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao
Shrek vs. Firkraag

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi
Sabrina vs. Harry

WALL-E vs. Bender
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2008, 02:12:43 PM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao - Moderately tolerable cat vs. a penguin from a movie I loathe?
Shrek vs. Firkraag - It's too bad, because the first Shrek was actually a great movie, but this time, Shrek doesn't have a donkey to save him from the dragon.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - Children's card games!
Sabrina vs. Harry - Meh...

WALL-E vs. Bender - Self explanatory indeed.
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - Don't care.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - I'm neutral on the whole pirates vs. ninjas debate, so I'll hold back on this one.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - The power of OBJECTION! > anything Cochran brings to court.
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If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.

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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2008, 11:40:21 PM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao - A giant cat that's a master of the drunken fist and wants to be a movie star vs. a tap dancer.  Yeah.
Shrek vs. Firkraag - Dragons are awesome.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - By the power of a fusion spirit, Yugi changes fate and renders Miss Cleo's predictions more worthless than usual!
Sabrina vs. Harry

WALL-E vs. Bender - Don't ya just love his crime sprees?
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - Know not, care not.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - And all is right in the world.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - Real life sucks.  OBJECTION with the theme music power up is just icing on the cake.


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2008, 01:27:48 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao
Shrek vs. Firkraag

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi
Sabrina vs. Harry - Man, Super doesn't stand a chance.  Wait, that's not Super?  I'm so confused...

WALL-E vs. Bender
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - need to look up Cameron.  May or may not find the energy to do so.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - I've played the newer NG games.  Anything that can survive those has this in the bag. <_<
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2008, 01:48:18 PM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao
Shrek vs. Firkraag

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi: Cheats. He's a damn cheater. Also, probably some Millenium mumbojumbo.
Sabrina vs. Harry

WALL-E vs. Bender

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon: Giant scythe in the newest game means that Ryu's only vaguely more of a real ninja than Naruto characters now.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2008, 06:31:14 PM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao- His name is Mumble actually, NOT happy feet.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi
Sabrina vs. Harry

WALL-E vs. Bender

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran

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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2008, 06:37:55 PM »
Short version:

Happy Feet vs. Mao- Penguin~
Shrek vs. Firkraag- what

Sabrina vs. Harry- Knows how to fly on a broomstick better

WALL-E vs. Bender
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon- Pirates!
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran- WOOKIES. Also my character in random mafia
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2008, 06:46:08 PM »
Short version:

Happy Feet vs. Mao- Should have used Robin Williams.
Shrek vs. Firkraag- I 'spose.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi
Sabrina vs. Harry- Depends less on artifacts, a critical advantage in these sorts of duels.

WALL-E vs. Bender- And that's why they call him Bender the Magnificent.
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix- Killer sexbot loses to Wives for Hire.  Not that I recall him saying it, but certainly he did it, hence being a Dragoon.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran- Gate makes a compelling poitn, but misses a critical factor; Phoenix is more likely to win as a prosecutor than Johnny, because he's dating inspired by Edgeworth.  So, both auto-win any defense case, but Phoenix might win as a prosecutor, slightly better odds overall and thus wins in the closest possible match in the whole tourney.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 06:47:50 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2008, 12:06:07 AM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao: To my knowledge, Happy Feet is not a MECHA PENGUIN. Thus, the imperialistic cats continue their reign of terror.
Shrek vs. Firkraag: what the hell is this

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi: YOU HAVE FORESEEN MY TRAP CARD. Yugi is impressed and immediately concedes defeat.
Sabrina vs. Harry: The faiel factor.

WALL-E vs. Bender: Sure, Generic Wall Model E or whatever is tough enough to make Bender lose interest.
Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix: I have no bloody clue who these people are supposed to be.

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon: Okay, so these guys are each other's archnemesis. Clearly the way to find a victor to the age old debate is to see what level of OTHER archnemesises they have an eternal power struggle with. Ninjas have BEARS. Pirates have...the coast guard. Bears > the coast guard. Advantage: Ninjas.
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran: Mia Ex Machina finds a hole in the Chewbacca defense.
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<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2008, 12:33:40 AM »
Miss Cleo vs. Yugi - Steals your mental capacity. THEN your money. And your life. And so and so forth. It's time to I-i-i-i-i-i-incapacitate
Sabrina vs. Harry - Sarcastic black cat > Wizard

Cameron vs. Dragoon Fenix - Builds more pylons

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon - Ryu being the worst ninja ever ends up sending a pack of bears into the pirates. Don't mess with bears
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran - Sees through Chewbacca defense and wins with epic finger pointing
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2008, 01:30:12 AM »
Not everything about Scotland is awesme! >.>

Happy Feet vs. Mao - Mao was one of the few decent things about SH3. Also Cat > Bird.

Sabrina vs. Harry - Let's see for awesmeness  ... Sabrina has two amusing aunts and a talking black cape ... Harry has ... uh Snape I guess >.>
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Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2008, 02:21:41 PM »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory