
Author Topic: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over  (Read 66486 times)

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2008, 06:27:02 PM »

Disland (1) - El Cideon
ShiChelle (1) - Nilie
Kaze (0) - Silver
schnwtfhisname (3) - EvilTom, Silver, Deltaflyer
silver (2) - Remo, Xanth
Xanth (1) - Andy
Zooyork (1) - Kaze
roflknife (1) - Disland
EvilTom (1) - schnwtfhisname


With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 06:51:43 PM by Charles di Britannia »
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2008, 06:41:53 PM »
Bah, my vote isn't counting?

Typical OMGUS after being voted for. Probably a scummy reaction and currently he seems the most scummy. However, Andrewrogue looks scummy too with some disconcerting posts... lack of content and plain simple showboating. I however stand by my vote.

A jokevote bandwagon becomes a little more serious by the third vote, particularly if a non-jokevote spin is put on it. Looks like you're grasping for straws though.

At any rate more people do need to check in. I'm done with shenanigans, will unvote after my vote does show up.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2008, 09:47:40 PM »
##Unvote: Disland

I'm hoping that the jokevote phase is over, so need to keep this. Admittedly Disland hasn't said much, but he is active now at least. Granted, voting for someone who hasn't taken the time to post yet is not something I see as being very constructive.

I'd like to draw attention to something in Delta's post which I'd meant to highlight earlier (he hasn't responded to my previous post yet, so I figure the statute of limitations hasn't kicked in yet). Namely that his attack on Andy pulls phrases from my own post about Andy. Agreeing with someone is one thing--rehashing a joke post (which my post to Andy emphatically was) as a serious argument and adding nothing of your own? That's different.

##Vote: Delta


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2008, 10:57:37 PM »
This is my first time playing on a forum so I am being cautious and seeing how it plays out. First day I am going to feel this out and then see what happens and then hopefully get more involved in the discussion during the days.


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Scene Lord Countdown
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2008, 11:33:47 PM »
In an altogether conspicuous change of tact mere hours after his first post, Xanth drops his cool and spicy facade and goes for his third-person gambit: the pincer offensive of injecting far more flavour text and far more actual gameplay into what's thus far been a rather tepid introduction.

I'd heard that Ashford Academy was more demanding than other institutions in the area. I mean, you can hardly ignore it when last year practically the entire school dropped out to return to the motherland - that's not the sort of thing you can bad on bad cafetaria food and the undeniable stench of the locals. It's not like I'm here by choice, you know. After all of the problems people had around me back home it was either getting shipped out to this hell hole or straight out to the frontlines, and at least this way I know I'm sharing the flak with the rest of the students (on that note, I must say that I was most disappointed that my motion to have the school uniform modified to include a bullseye on the back was so unfairly turned aside before I even got here).

So okay, when I got here I was ready to take some heat in exchange for the safety gained in hiding behind a building full of lemmings. I was impressed that some students went to the effort of having me flogged the minute I stepped into the dorms for the first time. I was even more impressed by the particularly keen peers who couldn't even wait that long and flushed my head in the toilet on the plane trip to Area 11, especially since they had to bring their own toilet to manage the feat (apparently my banishers thought it was best to treat an outcast by removing his basic rights, but they'll probably think better of this tactic next time after they find what I left).

Even then there's a limit to what I was expecting.
Even then.

So what happens on the first day of classes? I come in ten minutes late to find that Andrew has started claiming that this is evidence of an evil strategy of betrayal against Britannia and now people are out for my blood. One tardy mark on your record and you get marked down as a traitor on your permanent record? Now that is a harsh system. I'm only late because my uniform was incinerated last night. I know that sounds like a long time to deal with it, but there were only girls uniforms going spare, and I figured that if I had to wear this I might as well wear it well, and you've no idea how long it takes to shave leg and chest hair when you only have access to cellotape and matches. Actually, now you do. And I don't see you smelling Andrew's hands for traces of lighter fluid. Just saying. Nothing wrong with that.

And what, now I'm supposed to look around and pick out who I think was responsible for the 'Charlie loves the cock' graffito on the gym wall? I'm all for democracy, but this seems like an odd way to apply it. In any case, it wasn't poor old Xanth. Britannia may have its reasons to hate me, but praise the emperor do I still love it like my drunken abusive father. Besides, do you really think I could have drawn such an artistic rendition of testicles with these meaty man palms of mine?

If you must ask me, take a look at silver over there. He has just the spindly witch fingers for the task. The more I think about it, proper silver would be your cutlery, right? Isn't it just a little too convenient that your silver come the main course would spell out the number 11? That's how these detective shows work, right? It's going to turn out that Euphemia ate his parents or something. Classic turncoat work right there.

Now excuse me while I jump out of the window. I don't like the look of the rope those seniors are walking over here with, and it's about time we had some fan service around here.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2008, 12:04:37 AM »
To be frank, my vote was simply to provoke discussion and encourage those who aren't posting to show up and put a voice out there.

As such, ##Unvote: Xanth

I'm gonna say, Xanth is pinging off my radar for other reasons now. First and foremost is the "look at me, I'm not OMGUSing, gimme a prize" tone to that first post of his. Then, comes the second post which is... well. I get RP and all, but his totally obfuscates the entirety of his post and makes it incredibly difficult to decipher what his actual points are. Add in a lack of... anything really and I'm unhappy with this and he's definitely a secondary candidate.

Delta on the other hand... well. What content were you expecting out of me? There wasn't anything there to work with, except people not posting. And I called that out and even put a vote where my money was. Its not showboating when there REALLY IS NOTHING HAPPENING. Seriously. The only possible way to see me as showboating is with my initial (and obvious) joke vote.

##Vote: Delta

Any chance of you expanding on why you're picking on me?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2008, 12:18:00 AM »
Thanks mods.
As promised, srs bsns time.
##Unvote: EvilTom

I'd like to hear from Delta about any basis for the suspicions as well. Still it is quite common that some people get overanalytical and overeager early in the game, and that is all that is. I'd give the benefit of the doubt and refrain from voting for now, until I hear something.


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Ultimate Houses Symphony
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2008, 12:39:43 AM »
Right, and now a serious introduction.

I don't like how stalely this has started. I realise that we have this great big impasse of new players here being wary of the established players on account of feeling that there is a disadvantage when playing with no information against people who have some data in mind from past games, and established players are in turn suspicious of new players as they have no information on us, and we could easily gain a psychological advantage by reading some of your old games, especially when we could, so far as you know, have built sizeable profiles on each other from #gg or who knows where else. This is all meta-gaming, I know, but that's nearly all we have at the moment and it's an invisible wall that's stopping us from getting anywhere. Maybe we're all just anti-social or lazy instead, who cares, it's all the same in this position.

Even I immediately took the position of 'wait and see' to try and get a better grasp on what's going on, and out of not wanting to commit anything to this when it could easily just go up in smoke without getting anywhere. The problem with this is that when everyone decides to wait and see we wait an awful lot and see nothing much. In this case, I think it's much better to stimulate discussion of both the serious kind (to keep the game progressing) and the less serious kind (to at least try and have some fun, especially when we seriously need to break some ice around here) and to have at least have seen a fair amount regardless of how long it is before death knocks on one's door.

Being more cynical of my position, yes this is clearly an appeal on my part to look good. With the last post and this one I want to make an impression that I'm someone who's not a terrible bore to play with whilst also making the point that I'm not a brainless moron who likes to RP but not to G, nor a goit pretending to be such in order to be underestimated or something. Forget the layers of displaying to the established players that I'm just like them and understand what's going on here and so shouldn't just be arbitrarily tossed out of their territory as a clueless outsider, forget the other layers of trying to build links to other newer players as well, at its heart this is a plea trying to convince people that on any given day that I should still be here this time tomorrow and, at the very least, that arbitrary decisions should land in my favour (or, rather, not against it).

More relevant to the game, the immediate suspicion that should flag up in people's heads should be the fact that I am spending quite a lot of effort here doing so far what seems to be little other than trying to dig my own grave as quickly as possible. With this much effort I surely must have an interesting role, right? Right? Well great, with that thought in mind at best I'd be granted reprieve for the first day phase, at which point the mafia kill me at night if I'm not a mafioso, and the town strings me up in the second day phase if I survive, assuming that if I've survived the night then I must be mafia. Flawless game play, well done Xanth. With that in mind I would like to attempt to reduce those odds by pointing out that my only motivation behind this effort is that I wanted to make sure this game turned out fun and it was growing ever more likely that it wasn't going to happen if I didn't make it happen. I'm the sort to put a lot of effort into something that grabs my interest, but I'm going to jump off of this meta-gaming thread before it goes anywhere for obvious reasons, but at least consider the fact that I did instinctively start by playing with my cards close to my chest rather than just fly out with all of this, although I have nothing to prove that I didn't deliberately orchestrate the first post to be followed later by these two posts other than that would have been retarded.

In any case, I'm a) going to claim that I'm vanilla in this game, and b) dance with meta-gaming danger by saying that my favourite kind of victory is that attained whilst being a simple townsman. Not that it matters when general trends show that a lot of people get more active when they have roles, but just for the record.

Now that I've quite finished my campaign to get myself lynched (it's an odd place to get discussion started, I know, but I'm now hoping to have until at least day 2 before I have to start worrying about it coming back to me again), I should probably discuss the rest of the game.

Silver is little more than an instinctive vote. It's a stupid level to vote on, but as of this point there's not been nearly enough from most of the game to form much of an opinion. Based on the little information I have up to that point, he sticks out from carrying on the 'silly' votes into the start of a wagon that might actually work if things went on so quietly, especially with EvilTom around to take the blame should that become an issue. No, I don't hold too much weight on that and will have few qualms in changing my vote after some dialogue actually gets rolling, but I'm going with my gut, and it's impressive enough that it has something to go for when there were only crumbs at the time.

Oh, go figure that there have been posts between my second one and this one. I think I'll respond to those separately, but these two posts are supposed to form a pair. It just wouldn't have read well to have my stupid storytelling right next to this diatribe. The same goes for the future - if the last post you see of mine is some mindless gibberish about cross-dressing, assume there's going to be another more legible post after it, possibly discussing the psychology of cross-dressing in mafia.


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Greek Answers Corporation
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2008, 12:51:00 AM »
To be frank, my vote was simply to provoke discussion and encourage those who aren't posting to show up and put a voice out there.

I'm well aware of this, which is why I responded in kind.

I'm gonna say, Xanth is pinging off my radar for other reasons now. First and foremost is the "look at me, I'm not OMGUSing, gimme a prize" tone to that first post of his.

You should hopefully notice quite quickly that a lot of my style is based around self-deprecation. It's a British (as opposed to Britannian) thing, and be it wit or the psychology here I'm going to let myself be the fall guy more often than not, preferably so long as it doesn't cost me my head. When I say something like that it isn't baiting for compliments, it really is just me tearing into myself as I think it's more suspicious to make a peculiar move like that rather than something impulsive that I could wipe off under the guise of ineptitude.

Then, comes the second post which is... well. I get RP and all, but his totally obfuscates the entirety of his post and makes it incredibly difficult to decipher what his actual points are. Add in a lack of... anything really and I'm unhappy with this and he's definitely a secondary candidate.

Yeah, sorry about that, the posts were supposed to be paired but separate. That post is indeed supposed to be nothing but flavour text RP without the G. Maybe I should have typed them both out elsewhere first, never mind. More serious stuff from me as there's more of a game to play with, and I'm glad that you're willing to at least give me a chance to not hang myself.

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2008, 12:53:27 AM »

Disland (0) - El Cideon
ShiChelle (1) - Nilie
Kaze (0) - Silver
schnwtfhisname (3) - EvilTom, Silver, Deltaflyer
silver (2) - Remo, Xanth
Xanth (0) - Andrew
Zooyork (1) - Kaze
roflknife (1) - Disland
EvilTom (0) - schnwtfhisname
Deltaflyer (2) - Andrew, El Cideon


With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2008, 02:35:59 AM »

Your posts are too long. I am not going to read your posts if they are 2 full pages of text.

Please make your posts shorter and consise.

If you do not, I will assume you are scum hiding behind a wall of words.
But you do have a very cool avatar picture. Cromartie is awesome.

schnwtfhisname seemed a bit jumpy;
Typical OMGUS after being voted for.
A jokevote bandwagon becomes a little more serious by the third vote, particularly if a non-jokevote spin is put on it.
It takes 8 votes to lynch. 3 votes is far away from hammer. No need to get edgy.

Delta seems like Delta to me.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2008, 04:20:26 AM »
At first look Xanth, one would say you were a bit paranoid. But in a more in-depth look, it seems like your blathering has some purpose. Wanting to stir things up for your own amusement, but being vague enough that the people don't know exactly where to square in. I know your type. Nobody shares that much in one go, unless they have a point to it.

I believe I'm on to you, buddy.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2008, 05:27:04 AM »
So Silver, if you really suspect Xanth so much, why didn't you vote for him?
Are you just going to sit around and let us do all the work?

##Unvote: schnwtfhisname
##Vote: Silver

Maybe that will inspire you to take some action and contribute more than just idly agreeing with me.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2008, 06:20:00 AM »
To be honest, I was waiting to see his reaction to gauge my next move.

But if you put it that way, you're right. Taking action = results. And everyone knows how great results are.

##Unvote: schnwtfhisname
##Vote: Xanth


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2008, 10:30:55 AM »
Fiddlesticks, my last post didnt post  :-\

However, simply because of an accusation at you andrew, you begin personally attacking me? Also, in my first game, people told me to make a case against something i do not like about someone. Well now i can add personal attacks to the list, Andrew. You just seem to be acting weird...
I'd like to hear from Delta about any basis for the suspicions as well. Still it is quite common that some people get overanalytical and overeager early in the game, and that is all that is. I'd give the benefit of the doubt and refrain from voting for now, until I hear something.

Hang on... what? You dont know how I play... I was caught for an OMGUS in my first game here. They are NOT helpful and i got killed by town for it...

Also, Xanth... dude whats with the wall of text?
Bah, my vote isn't counting?
At any rate more people do need to check in. I'm done with shenanigans, will unvote after my vote does show up.

You only did that after i drew attention to your OMGUS. Seiriously, you cant expect me to beleive that you are currently town.

This is my first time playing on a forum so I am being cautious and seeing how it plays out. First day I am going to feel this out and then see what happens and then hopefully get more involved in the discussion during the days.

Seeing how things play out can be considered lurking, stay active and make cases against people you think are suspicious.

People, stop lurking, start posting. Lurkers are usually scum or third parties. To be honest, this day one is certainly my crappiest day one so far simply because there is already walls of text, already there is seirious lynch trains and to be honest, i cant see really good reasons other than Schwtfhisname's OMGUS.
##Unvote: Disland

I'm hoping that the jokevote phase is over, so need to keep this. Admittedly Disland hasn't said much, but he is active now at least. Granted, voting for someone who hasn't taken the time to post yet is not something I see as being very constructive.

I'd like to draw attention to something in Delta's post which I'd meant to highlight earlier (he hasn't responded to my previous post yet, so I figure the statute of limitations hasn't kicked in yet). Namely that his attack on Andy pulls phrases from my own post about Andy. Agreeing with someone is one thing--rehashing a joke post (which my post to Andy emphatically was) as a serious argument and adding nothing of your own? That's different.

##Vote: Delta

Well yea, of course it's different, those are the reason's I see andrew as suspicious and different...

So Silver, if you really suspect Xanth so much, why didn't you vote for him?
Are you just going to sit around and let us do all the work?

##Unvote: schnwtfhisname
##Vote: Silver

Maybe that will inspire you to take some action and contribute more than just idly agreeing with me.

Well said Tom.

Stop looking at the people who are contributing guys, start looking at the lurkers. Townies, we are already tearing eachother to bits here and It is DAY ONE!!!

You already know my vote, schwtfhisname really does look suspicious...

Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Green Gem Comedy
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2008, 11:54:07 AM »
About as good a start as expected. Accused of talking too little and talking too much, of being too serious and not being serious enough. Let's see if I can set off the 'too moderate' flag, or if I get to 'posting too much' first.

Apologies for the second of those this time, I guess. It seemed to be the popular style in other games before the succinct game. If the succinct style is preferred in times other than necessity then sure, whatever. And yes, your average long post has more to say than mine did.

Well, have some more excuses to vote for me:

A few reasons not to lynch Xanth on this day:
-Give it a night phase. If I'm not scum then the scum are more likely than random to kill me on account of chances of being a power role, and just for having generally stuck my neck out.
-If tomorrow comes and I'm still alive, at least you have a better read on me with which to work with than like half of the other players.
-As much as trying to stir up activity is bound to draw some heat to me, don't let my hot air distract you from the suspicious activity or inactivity of others.
-It's not Xanth. (of course)

I'm sticking with Silver. It's unsurprising that I'm not changing my vote to someone else given the continued lack of input, but I could at least have the courtesy of unvoting him if I didn't think it was him. But what have I got since voting for him? What amounts to little more than a convoluted OMGUS that he wasn't even willing to stand out with until forced when the first wagon he tried to support was pulled out from under his feet. Just doing it to see what my reaction will be? Come on, what am I supposed to do when you continue to act suspiciously, cow away under pressure?

I don't mean to sound like a one trick pony, but the other threads are minor. Too many people are still suspicious for being lurkers to pick one at random, I'm more suspicious of people like Kaze who have posted votes but are still basically zero presence, schnwtfhisname is bending with the wind, a few people still have joke votes up, and Delta barks in one direction and bites in another (but this doesn't strike me as unusual for him from the one game of his I've parsed through).

I don't think nothing of that, but Silver is where it's at so far, at least until people come out of their shells more or end up more suspicious for not.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #41 on: September 13, 2008, 02:21:37 PM »
sorry was at the other thread

vote ##Xanth

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #42 on: September 13, 2008, 07:10:09 PM »
zooyork, please bold your votes or I'll not count them.


Disland (0) - El Cideon
ShiChelle (1) - Nilie
Kaze (0) - Silver
schnwtfhisname (1) - EvilTom, Silver, Deltaflyer
silver (3) - Remo, Xanth, EvilTom
Xanth (1) - Andrew, Silver
Zooyork (1) - Kaze
roflknife (1) - Disland
EvilTom (0) - schnwtfhisname
Deltaflyer (2) - Andrew, El Cideon

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #43 on: September 13, 2008, 07:22:35 PM »
Delta, my vote on EvilTom was a joke OMGUS on a joke vote. If it wasn't evident, well, I'll blame it on my bad luck I suppose.

 I kind of see where you are coming from now that you've mentioned your past experience with OMGUS and playing style. But keep in mind that it was also simply my playing style to respond seriously and promptly to your serious accusation. I was not "being jumpy" or singling you out; in fact I had the benefit of the doubt enough to not vote you, and still feel that you are not highly suspicious, now that I have a better sense of your style.

Xanth is a bit difficult to read but I don't see anything overtly strange so far. Also,

schnwtfhisname is bending with the wind

Why is this?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #44 on: September 13, 2008, 08:31:23 PM »
I agree with Schneizel in that reading Xanth is difficult, but I also see nothing strange and his posting manner is consistent. (Which means that if he's lying, he's a good one.) I think Delta is slightly suspicious (maybe that's my hatred of seeing over three posts quoted in one post) but not enough for me to warrant a vote on his behalf. With that said;

##UNVOTE: Zoojork
##VOTE: Silver


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2008, 08:41:04 PM »
Fiddlesticks, my last post didnt post  :-\

However, simply because of an accusation at you andrew, you begin personally attacking me? Also, in my first game, people told me to make a case against something i do not like about someone. Well now i can add personal attacks to the list, Andrew. You just seem to be acting weird...

If by "personal attack" you mean "insult," then you're gonna have to quote the relevant post for me. I reread Andy's post and don't see anything that could be construed as such. What I do see is Andy accurately pointing that out your suspicion of him had very little basis and asking for you to explain yourself. And you still haven't given us much reason beyond "acting weird," which doesn't really tell us much. And no, quoting the last post I made doesn't do it, since that was about you and not him.


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Re: Green Gem Comedy
« Reply #46 on: September 13, 2008, 08:49:05 PM »
A few reasons not to lynch Xanth on this day:
-Give it a night phase. If I'm not scum then the scum are more likely than random to kill me on account of chances of being a power role, and just for having generally stuck my neck out.

Hearty helping of WIFOM, anyone? I don't see any reason why the scum should suspect that you in particular have a power role, and if they assume that you do have one just because you claimed vanilla then they're a pretty sorry lot indeed. I see no point to this statement beyond confusing people, which is pretty solidly anti-town in my eyes.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #47 on: September 13, 2008, 09:12:21 PM »
Yeah. Okay. I reread my post and I'm not seeing a personal attack/insult in it. Seriously, any chance of pointing it out to me Delta?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2008, 09:19:15 PM »
Made a reread of the thread (agh, my brain). A couple things stand out:

1: Remo has posted all of once.
2: Ailieron and roflknife have not posted at all. Do these guys know the game's in progress?
3: zooyork, could you please explain your vote for Xanth? I'm not too happy with him either (drops walls o' text with his point deeply buried therein, makes a pointless day one vanilla claim) but you voting with no justification is considerably worse.
4: As for schnwtfhisname, I don't see any reason to suspect him right now. Delta, his initial vote was a joke (and pretty clearly such to my eyes), so holding OMGUS against him is silly.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2008, 11:51:51 PM »
You've acted like I thought. Simply firing back with a statement like "No YOU are the one that is suspicious". It seems that you're a bit nervous.

Although your attempts to make me out to be the villain in this story have been somewhat successful, it will not last. You're basing everything off loose threads, in an attempt to draw attention away from yourself. It might be after my turn has come, but your cards will soon fall and your real intentions will surface.

I'm not afraid, and I'm willing to get a few votes against me as long as you go down.