
Author Topic: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over  (Read 66485 times)

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2008, 12:27:13 AM »

Disland (0) - El Cideon
ShiChelle (1) - Nilie
Kaze (0) - Silver
schnwtfhisname (1) - EvilTom, Silver, Deltaflyer
silver (4) - Remo, Xanth, EvilTom, Kaze
Xanth (1) - Andrew, Silver
Zooyork (0) - Kaze
roflknife (1) - Disland
EvilTom (0) - schnwtfhisname
Deltaflyer (2) - Andrew, El Cideon

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Roflknife, ShiChelle and Ailieron have not yet posted. Charles di Britannia is not amused. If they do not post within 24 hours, they will be modkilled. Modkill will end the day.

Alternatively, if you guys lynch someone before then, and these three still haven't posted, they'll be modkilled as well.

(all three players have been PMed to get crackin')
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 12:35:23 AM by Charles di Britannia »
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2008, 12:48:34 AM »
Today, I was a bit busy with house chores. Seen as I am now left alone to do nearly everything in this place. And as I was cutting some tomatoes for dinner, something stroke me as rather funny.

Tomatoes are fruits, botanically. But legally, they're veggies. Yes. So in the world of Geass, whatever the Emperor's law decides a person shall be, the person will be. Even if they are not. Take tomatoes for example (unless you can think of more exemplar an example), they are fruits, but never really get treated as such, in food, they are most usually eaten in salad, soup, sauces, Pizza. Like veggies. They function as veggies. Eventually, the tomatoes themselves will come to believe "I am, Veggie."

So in the Great Empire of Britannia, even if scum isn't really scum. It will be made scum by law, should the law deem it to be necessary. Isn't this fabulous is it's tragedy?

I shall shamelessly keep to my first vote, out of unsatisfied curiosity about my voted person's reaction.

Speaking of tomatoes, is that van labeled "Andes Grown Tomatoes" headed towards Ashford? Hmm, I sense waves of reasons to be suspicious. The oddest things happen in that place, you know. But my sibling enjoys it there, you see. Yet even tomatoes can be suspicious.

And now I must be off. See you another day, perhaps?


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Clerk Wildlife Debt
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2008, 01:14:06 PM »
Roflknife, ShiChelle and Ailieron have not yet posted. Charles di Britannia is not amused. If they do not post within 24 hours, they will be modkilled. Modkill will end the day.

No no no, this just will not do. I do not oppose the course of action (indeed, who could possibly defy our glorious emperor?), but a day without a lynch is a day wasted, and I don't want to let the sparsity of posts allow the scum to just lurk their way to this deadline. As doubtful as it may be that we can suddenly mobilise into useful discussion, I'll be damned if we don't at least try.

My vote is still with Silver, but I'm not trying to turn this into a bandwagon on him here - someone needs to be lynched. At worst there are other lurkers to turn to. You may have stronger preferences for someone else based on what's transpired or what's about to transpire, in which case great, the game can actually start.

With progression in mind I'm going to follow this up with a post intending to draw everyone in one way or another.


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Mega Owl Chorus
« Reply #53 on: September 14, 2008, 03:32:02 PM »
ShiChelle, roflknife, and Ailerion, your motivation is nice and concrete: participate or die. There's nothing I can add there other than to pull from the same things I'm about to list for the other lurkers.

zooyork, Disland, and Remo, you're lurking. Get stuck in and get your hands dirty. The longer you stay on the sidelines the worse it'll be for you.

zooyork, you've voted for me (if failed to make it count yet). Come on, that's an angle, play with it. Beat me up with it some more so that we can get something going, or go elsewhere if you've changed your mind. Tell us what you're thinking.

Disland, your vote for roflknife is pointless unless he shows up (I know, unclear at the time). I like the hint of flavour you had with your first post, but you've disappeared under bedcovers again as of your second post. Come on, weigh in some more.

Remo, your joke vote for Silver has turned into a rather more serious four votes (even though I don't expect Tom's vote to stay there). Either you now have good reason for that, in which case you should be telling us what grounds, or you have no reason, in which case you should at the very least unvote him, and preferably find someone who you actually do want to vote for.

I don't want to hear that there's nothing to talk about, and holding back for any other reason is going to reflect badly on you. If you have nothing completely new to add when the time comes around, at least offer your opinion on some of the following (in no particular order):
-Where does the joke phase end? Has anyone taken something serious out of a joke vote or talk that they shouldn't have? Maybe there's a joke vote still standing that you're suspicious of.
-How far does 'first game here' support the actions of those who that holds for? If it's a good defence for town then it's a good defence for scum, so maybe you shouldn't be taking all of that as it looks.
-What about schnwtfhisname, silver and Xanth (third person for equal emphasis, not as craziness)? We've taken the most heat so far. Is it deserved?
-How about Delta? Has he actually spread needless suspicion, or are his aggressors El Cid and Andrew perhaps pouncing a little too quickly for your liking?
-Let's not forget your fellow lurkers. As innocent as your own reasons undoubtedly are, can the same be said of the others? (don't forget that voting for anyone on death row for mod kill is basically a null vote at this point)

There may be only your gut and a sniff there, but come on and participate so we can take this to more interesting places.

Nilie, you're sitting there with a joke vote and a joke post. I like the spirit and hope you can keep it up, but you haven't actually posted your thoughts on anything relevant. Your vote for ShiChelle is the other meaningless one. See above.

Kaze, good case of starting to get into it. Keep on going in general, but in particular you haven't explained your vote, let alone justification. Give us something to tinker with.

schnwtfhisname, don't fade back into obscurity just because you've taken some heat. Remember that survival isn't a townsman's goal - it's successful lynching. You've been really tame since taking those votes. Remember that your vote can be used to put pressure on the people you want to talk. At the very least you should consider working the screws on one of [non-terminal] lurkers.

Silver, I guess I'll have more to say about you in my follow up to this post, but I appreciate your enthusiasm if nothing else. It would help your case immensely if you would at least mention your thoughts on matters other than myself, given that's basically all you've done since the joke phase ended. I can't believe that you're totally convinced that I'm scum as early as this, so it would be unwise to tie your fate with mine (I die and flip town  -> suddenly you look quite bad) by being so single-minded. I'm certainly far from convinced that you're scum, but if you're not going to give me anything to work with then the only ways my vote may shift is if someone else puts their foot in it, or it's necessary to reach the hammer on someone else before the deadline.

Delta, El Cid, Andrew, and Tom, you've been here before. You've already all contributed, but in a pinch I'm mostly looking to you guys to drag some of the others off the walls and keep the game rolling. I apologise for comandeering somewhat, but only for stepping on your toes (yes, all 37 at the same time). I had at one point been worried about the lack of a deadline, but the sudden looming deadline calls for quick action. Not a rush into the first mislynch we could possibly make, but to make as much out of this opening mess as possible.

One last post from me for now, with my own thoughts on this, that and the other to be chewed on. This post is hardly objective, but let's go with keeping it separate from the purely subjective thoughts on the game to follow.


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Close Standard Sandwich
« Reply #54 on: September 14, 2008, 04:12:07 PM »
Pardon, before I get to that I should clarify that

Silver ... (I die and flip town  -> suddenly you look quite bad)

Should be read as 'if I flip as town if/when I die', the point being that I'm not trying to tell him off because he's voting town when he has no reason at all to trust that, but that he should at least entertain the possibility that I could theoretically be town and should act with that in mind as well rather than going full out scum mode very quickly on day 1.


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Branded Helium Contraption
« Reply #55 on: September 14, 2008, 05:13:21 PM »
Oh, come on. I haven't even been ninja'ed yet. I was hoping that the benefit of having the deadline on a Sunday would at least mean that as many people would be around as possible, but I guess it's still too early for some in America.

I'll be as clear as I can in my reasoning with Silver. In short (at least until I hit his most recent post), his second joke vote was mildly dangerous in how it stuck, his first post against me on the grounds of being vague and stand-offish was itself vague and stand-offish he wouldn't even put his weight behind his one train of thought until forced. He certainly shouldn't have kept his 'joke' vote for schnwtfhisname up for that long, as little danger as there was of a lynching then.

Now, I must say that I enjoyed the flavour of his most recent post, but it does nothing for doubt that should be as transient as the wind on day one.

You've acted like I thought. Simply firing back with a statement like "No YOU are the one that is suspicious". It seems that you're a bit nervous.

You bark at me in a quiet game with no defence to go with the attack? I bet everyone could have predicted my response of not changing my vote. Look at how everything you say applies to your own treatment of me.

Although your attempts to make me out to be the villain in this story have been somewhat successful,

Because you haven't defended yourself, nor bothered to push me with anything other than OMGUS. How much effort does it take to say that it was all in good humour as a joke vote, that this or that minor slip was just due to being unfamiliar with how things are done here? Very little, especially since you made two minor formatting errors in good faith early on.

You're basing everything off loose threads,

Loose is what we're dealt with to begin with, and these are the tightest I have to hand.

in an attempt to draw attention away from yourself.

I want to put a little emphasis on this for a second, because this is plain wrong. As meaningless as it would be at this point, if people were to list people from most to least suspicious, you're going to find me high up on a lot of those lists. If I'm trying to keep attention firmly away from myself then I'm doing a hideous job of it.

I'm not afraid, and I'm willing to get a few votes against me as long as you go down.

These are very strong words indeed, as they smack of one glorious OMGUS vendetta, or you really are convinced beyond any doubt I'm scum. If it's the latter, please explain why, bearing in mind your own criticism of my vote for you. How can you be so sure that I'm not a townsman who's just made an honest mistake? You've certainly never treated it that way. At the very least try to be more articulate so that you might actually stand a chance of convincing some of the others.

And remember, I'm not out for your blood in the same way you seem to be for mine. If you're innocent, try working with me rather than biting the stick that prods you every time. It really shouldn't be hard to convince me that you're better than a lurker, but you keep on making it harder for yourself.

On the other loose cases at hand:

schnwtfhisname: The OMGUS was clearly a joke, but a little timely. Over the course of his posts it just feels like he's trying to fit in and not get lynched, which in this context is neutral rather than the scummy side of neutral in my book. About as worth keeping an eye on as anyone else, but I'm more worried by his neutering than his initial hijinx.

Delta: I've read (okay, mostly skimmed) through a bunch of the recent games, and this just looks to me like Delta being Delta, and the two votes he's picked up as a result of it look like they're there to spank him into some sort of coherence, which at least pulled more out of him. Delta feels maybe slightly off, but in no way I'd put any weight behind at this point. Andrew and El Cid both seem justified so far. Maybe the slightest of niggles on Andrew depending on if he actually expects to get anything out of Delta or not, but working on meta-gaming about two people I don't know would be laughable.

Stop looking at the people who are contributing guys, start looking at the lurkers. Townies, we are already tearing eachother to bits here and It is DAY ONE!!!

You already know my vote, schwtfhisname really does look suspicious...

Disregarding your own piece of advice in the very next line. Just saying.

I suspect that with the deadline in little more than eight hours from now the most likely lynch we could manage would be of a [non-terminal] lurker, the problem being that the chances are that at least one of them won't talk, and hence it could convince other people who fear the limelight that they needn't bother risk themselves until the votes are clearly elsewhere. I'll support a lynch so long as it's a lurker or worse, assuming it isn't for me. I'd rather we weren't on the level of dealing with lurkers, but I'd want to deal with a lack of a lynch even less.

As such, let's at least go with: FoS: zooyork, Disland, Remo, Nilie
(terminal cases have their own problems to worry about already)

I'll be able to be here for much of the time up to the deadline, so you can count me in for any speedy plans.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #56 on: September 14, 2008, 05:55:22 PM »
Is there no place where I can get a decent nap?

I just want to mind my own business and while away my time, but the students keep pestering me.

I try to tell them to leave me alone, but to no avail. Alas! Why do they keep bothering me?

Whats this? My voting slip? Haven't I already voted?

I guess it wouldn't do if I just voted on a whim.

I did vote silver on a whim, didn't I.

But actually, if I remember correctly, the owner of the smelly mask was as FABULOUS as can be.

Then someone as anti-FABULOUS as silver can't possibly be him.

##UNVOTE: silver

But who is the real enemy then?

El Cid and Andrew are against Delta...

Xanth and silver are against each other...

Delta is against schnwtfhisname...

Its all too difficult for my simple mind.


Why is Xanth taking so much trouble to raise everyone's suspicions?

I have heard that the legendary Zero was a master at manipulation and misinformation.

If I think that way.... yes... Xanth is indeed suspicious.

My instincts tell me so. So be it.

##Vote: Xanth


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #57 on: September 14, 2008, 07:21:42 PM »
Xanth, I've finally finished reading your wall of text. While it is rambling, you're trying to give an assessment of everyone and not really spreading confusion, which is not scummy in my books.

So I took a closer look at the other side of the debate, that is to say Silver, at this point. However.

One reason for my seeming neutrality is that while it has been said that no knowledge of Geass is needing for this game, right now I see some people breadcrumbing like crazy, and I am not sure whether they want it pointed out or not. So yes, I've been a little quiet, but mainly in an attempt to wait and assess what people are softclaiming. If I go ahead and say what I think I see, it may be of help to the town, or spread more confusion.  I'd actually like more input on this, and will explain if I have to, but would rather not in this post as some useful roles may be endangered.

But right now, based on my interpretation, I am going to venture a guess that Silver is either pro-town or SK, if the latter role even exists. More likely that he is not a threat and this current debate is just between two town roles.

Anyway. Results.

The best thing I can do right now is to put pressure on someone who hasn't posted much, as suggested.

##Vote: Disland


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #58 on: September 14, 2008, 07:38:17 PM »
Okay, let me just say:

Remo, that post was... ewww... Role-play and seirousness combined in undecipherable... words.

Also, you vote for Xanth when really, you have no quotes to back your arguement up.

##UNVOTE: Schwtfhisname

##VOTE: Remo

Lets all see how you react.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #59 on: September 14, 2008, 08:50:51 PM »
I'm retarded. I waited for the original thread to have something happen. /Headdesk.

##VOTE: Remo

Long post above = I know what you're doing.........I think.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 08:53:22 PM by RoflKnife »

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2008, 09:08:50 PM »

Disland (0) - El Cideon
ShiChelle (1) - Nilie
Kaze (0) - Silver
schnwtfhisname (0) - EvilTom, Silver, Deltaflyer
silver (3) - Remo, Xanth, EvilTom, Kaze
Xanth (2) - Andrew, Silver, Remo
Zooyork (0) - Kaze
roflknife (1) - Disland
EvilTom (0) - schnwtfhisname
Deltaflyer (2) - Andrew, El Cideon
Remo (1) - Deltaflyer

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

ShiChelle and Ailieron have not yet posted. Charles di Britannia is not amused. If they do not post within 3 and a half hours, they will be modkilled. Modkill will end the day.

Alternatively, if you guys lynch someone before then, and these two still haven't posted, they'll be modkilled as well.


(also, rofl, don't edit your posts. Charles di Britannia is the only one here to rewrite and edit history as he damn well pleases, and until you develop MEMORY RE-WRITE GEASS, you do not edit your posts. I will cut you some slack now, but I'm seriously going to start modkilling on the next edit, regardless of who you are.)
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #61 on: September 14, 2008, 09:15:47 PM »
Working on digging back through the topic, but I don't think I'm going to be changing my vote anytime soon. The fact that Delta has not yet explicated on his points about me at all seems to imply that he's hoping it gets lost in the shuffle. So, once more. Any chance of clarifications?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #62 on: September 14, 2008, 10:00:28 PM »
I didn't think the bolding mattered XD....

##VOTE: Remo


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Re: Mega Owl Chorus
« Reply #63 on: September 14, 2008, 10:30:11 PM »

Nilie, you're sitting there with a joke vote and a joke post. I like the spirit and hope you can keep it up, but you haven't actually posted your thoughts on anything relevant. Your vote for ShiChelle is the other meaningless one. See above.

I am glad that my post seems to at least contribute to a bit of humor if anything.

I know I might have picked ShiChelle out of the blue at first. But I was also under the impression, specially in my earlier post when I decided not-to-unvote, that someone who doesn't post and possibly keeps watch of how the thread progresses do feel suspicious. And since you can never know, ShiChelle just might post within the next 3 hours or so, if only to prove that my vote wasn't completely unfounded.

I will probably have more to say about the rest of the active players the next day. Forgive me, but I just don't feel like jumping to conclusions tonight. Oh and I think I like Xanth. Even though the posts are length of blab galore.

Oh and btw, my post about fruits and veggies wasn't entirely meant as a joke. It does have its share of profound deep meaningfulness to it. Really. Equality between fruits IS  a topic of importance Code Geass. You should know as much at least.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #64 on: September 14, 2008, 10:45:01 PM »
Those who create very long posts with the intent of defending something are hiding something....

*Play dramatic music*

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #65 on: September 14, 2008, 11:11:54 PM »
Please note that there are 1 hour and 20 minutes left until modkill occurs. ShiChelle and Ailieron stand to lose their lives if this occurs. If Emperor does not post at that time, it's because Bardiche is asleep and Mia is fangirling over Schneizel, so stop posting at that time, since we'll just ignore any posts after that time period.

'kay? Kay.
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Plastic Sugar Grater
« Reply #66 on: September 14, 2008, 11:30:45 PM »
Too slow, too slow. The problem with this deadline is that it's only ninety minutes away now and people have the all too legitimate excuse of not seeing it coming. With this slow start up scum could just as easily call for activity as lurk away, expecting the level of activity we've since had.

Can everyone around at least report in, to see if we can salvage something out of this or not?

... breadcrumbs ...

No, don't fish for names, don't point them out. It won't do town any good and we may need them later.

Forgive me, but I just don't feel like jumping to conclusions tonight.

It's understandable given the circumstances, but missing out a lynch is a loss to the town. Not only for the chances of catching scum, which are relatively low, but more for having actual material to work with on everyone come day two. As things stand we'll just hit day two as another day one but more than likely a townsman down.

I know, things have just been so slow that it may not feel we haven't gotten to the point where it feels meaningful to place, but I hope you at least understand my concern.

Equality between fruits IS  a topic of importance Code Geass. You should know as much at least.

I am of course aware that Code Geass is full of fruits.

Ninja'ed by the emperor: bugger, never mind ninety minutes, it's only an hour away now.


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Famous Gum Butterflies
« Reply #67 on: September 15, 2008, 12:29:37 AM »
I guess I should have expected that much.

Oh well, see you in the 'morning', or not.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #68 on: September 15, 2008, 12:34:25 AM »
Just logged in for the first time this morning.. and we have no hope of getting a majority vote before the suddenly imposed time limit arrives. So yeah, there's no point in me adding anything unless everynoe logs on in the next hour.

That said, I appreciate Xanth's work, it looks like he's doing a good job trying to get the game going. Good town vibe from that one.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #69 on: September 15, 2008, 01:10:46 AM »

Disland (0) - El Cideon
ShiChelle (1) - Nilie
Kaze (0) - Silver
schnwtfhisname (0) - EvilTom, Silver, Deltaflyer
silver (3) - Remo, Xanth, EvilTom, Kaze
Xanth (2) - Andrew, Silver, Remo
Zooyork (0) - Kaze
roflknife (1) - Disland
EvilTom (0) - schnwtfhisname
Deltaflyer (2) - Andrew, El Cideon
Remo (2) - Deltaflyer, RoflKnife


ShiChelle a.k.a. the Dominos Delivery Girl (Town Aligned Messenger) has been modkilled for inactivity.
Ailieron a.k.a. Lloyd Asplund (Town Aligned Inventor) has been modkilled for inactivity.

It is now Night 1. Please send your night action PM's to Charles.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #70 on: September 15, 2008, 03:08:59 AM »
I know I was modkilled(and therefore shouldn't be posting), but I want to get this across to everyone:

I wasn't not posting on purpose... I lost power for a couple days from a hurricane(Ike; I live in Texasland) and got it back within the last hour. I didn't think it would last that long or hit as hard as it did.

So can you allow a pardon or am I still modkilled? :/ I guess so since you revealed my role... I really wanted to play, too.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #71 on: September 15, 2008, 03:24:09 AM »
As an addendum to my last post:

I also realise this is nighttime and another reason I should not be posting here, but I feel the above was important. I'm not sure if anyone cares, but my family and my house are fine. We just had to clear a lot of trees off of roofs and streets and driveways. (I'm not looking forward to picking up debris tomorrow, either.) For now, I guess I'm happy with the air conditioning going in my house again.

I guess have fun with your game. D:

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #72 on: September 15, 2008, 06:47:35 PM »

It was a beautiful day in Ashford Academy. Well, not so beautiful in that many had begun arguing amongst eachother - lives were at stake. Black Knights had infiltrated the Academy and hidden amongst its staff and pupils, and now everyone was tasked with selecting one member each day who would be summarily executed. Of course, many protested this, and eventually they all had to talk about who they'd want to get executed.

Now the Emperor of Britannia is an impatient man, so when nothing happened, two people were just randomly shot. with much wailing and crying, Earl Lloyd Asplund, who had gotten caught up in the debacle, fell to the ground. Another unfortunate victim was a pizza delivery girl, who had just come to give people pizza.



No one was killed overnight!

Day 2 now begins.

With 13 alive, it takes 7 for a majority vote.

Day will run until a majority vote is reached, or you will be given a time limit if things aren't moving.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 06:57:13 PM by Charles di Britannia »
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #73 on: September 15, 2008, 06:53:48 PM »
No kills? Eh?
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #74 on: September 15, 2008, 07:00:00 PM »
Okay. Yesterday, the main train of thought (if it can so be called) was against silver. Personally, i do not see the case against him. Someone OTHER than Xanth tell me why this is? (no offense but reading walls of text... its not fun or practical...)
Do I really look like I have a clue?