Author Topic: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over  (Read 60362 times)


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #75 on: September 15, 2008, 08:02:36 PM »
Okay, that was an utter travesty of a first day. We managed to...get halfway to a lynch? If that? The lack of a nightkill is the only thing making it not be a total disaster. And no, let's not speculate right now on what happened to the nightkill. It's too early in the game for that discussion to be productive.

I'll have more to say when I have less work to do, but for now there are two things I wanted to throw out real quick. The first is this:

##Vote: zooyork

You dropped a vote on Xanth with no explanation and pretty much said nothing else the whole day. Contribute or hang, buddy.

Delta: This is probably getting old, but you were asked yesterday to provide a better explanation for your suspicion of Andy and you never did. You pretty much failed to acknowledge that people were still asking the question, eventually. Someone ignoring questions asked directly and repeatedly is extremely scummy behavior in my book.

Need to go back and reread Silver stuff, because I didn't pay it a great deal of attention yesterday. Frankly didn't see what the hoopla was all about.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #76 on: September 15, 2008, 08:17:43 PM »
##Vote: Delta

I'm not kidding. Every post in which you refuse to actually answer my questions only seems to make it more obvious that you don't have answers. There is no possible way to interpret your behavior except for you being scum trying to sweep a posting mistake under the rug. There is literally no excuse for repeatedly ignoring that you expand on your own post.


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Unintentionally Grafted Path
« Reply #77 on: September 15, 2008, 09:56:31 PM »
Need to go back and reread Silver stuff, because I didn't pay it a great deal of attention yesterday. Frankly didn't see what the hoopla was all about.

Little, certainly to begin with. Mostly it's just how single-mindedly determined he ends up set on me, despite falling foul of his counter-argument to my reasoning on him. How would someone be so certain of someone's guilt in a day with so little content? I hope it's just dramatics, but hey, he has time to talk again now.

I'd like to think that the case on Delta isn't as simple as it looks, but the clock is ticking on just how long one can excuse such a pointless evasion. It could have easily been a silly little apology if it had come earlier, but you have now specifically started this day by drawing attention elsewhere.

zooyork hasn't been around since his post two and a half days ago (everyone else seems to have at least been on sometime today), making him the worst of the lurkers. More pressure may be warranted there, but I'm going to start off with ##VOTE: Disland, as he's been nearly as absent but is more likely to respond to that, so we might actually reduce the number of lurkers the less violent way. I know you've been poking your head in, Disland, so if your absence continues I'm going to be more suspicious of you than little lost zooyork.

As something else to talk about, I did spot that AndrewRogue and Silver were online in the time leading up to the deadline, but didn't poke their heads in to whine about town lameness. I think roflknife was around too, but I can't remember. Nilie disappeared immediately after his last post.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #78 on: September 15, 2008, 10:40:21 PM »
Xanth: I tend to leave my computer on and my browser up, even when I'm out and about. Thus, despite the boards saying I'm around, that is often not the case.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #79 on: September 15, 2008, 11:33:07 PM »
Actually, you started on me which led me to investigate and think your persona through a little further. It seems like you want to explain everyone's intentions including your own in quite a thorough manner. Seeing as it was the first day - like you said, I see that as odd. Especially since a man cannot know how much of your initial introduction can be true, which are glorifying yourself, and which are complete bullshit.  As much as you wanted to get things started, you seemed a bit too anxious to give other people ammunition against each other. Then you proceed to target me, while saying you didn't have much to go on. If you didn't, why the thorough post describing half of the members in the game? It seems a bit off, somebody that can give thought into other people in such a fashion, makes a decision based on a loose thread. I'm a person that likes to get things done, and if I spread my focus I could lose sight of what I want to accomplish. You can interpret this as me saying "If I vote for somebody to be killed, I want to make sure it counts."

These are my thoughts on voting against you.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #80 on: September 16, 2008, 12:41:21 AM »
Too many people here need to talk more and I don't have enough votes for 'em all. So, here's the present rogues' gallery. These folks are the hardcore lurkers and all of them badly need to provide content. Disland's up first.

This is my first time playing on a forum so I am being cautious and seeing how it plays out. First day I am going to feel this out and then see what happens and then hopefully get more involved in the discussion during the days.

Alright, first day's over and the Newbie Grace Period won't last forever. Give us some observations now, Disland? Yesterday was pretty much a disaster, but you've got to have opinions about someone by this point.

Kaze: Has said very little of note. His/her last action of yesterday was a vote for a post which talked about someone completely different. Care to qualify that vote, Kaze? Because right now you look like someone with contentless posts jumping onto a bandwagon just for the sake of getting someone, anyone, lynched.

Remo: Is notable for a longish post that contained a lot of bland observations about what other people were doing and little in the way of actual judgement. And that post there is the only semi-serious one he's made so far. Please get talking, because the only read I can get on you right now is Lurkerrific, and that's not encouraging.

roflknife: While I agree with his vote for Remo, he's said absolutely nothing apart from calling out Remo on his wordy, yet content-free post.


Other folks I haven't commented on much previously:

Schnwtfhisname: Whatever you think you see people breadcrumbing, please don't mention it right now. I'd really rather not see us get bogged down speculation about roleclaims that we have insufficient information to prove or disprove at this point in the game. Since you've already mentioned this much, however: I'd like to know on what grounds you proclaim Silver "pro-town or SK," as I see no compelling reason to reach either conclusion at this point in time.

Silver: His monomania is rather alarming, I have to admit. I've gotta wonder if it didn't stem from basic, knee-jerk OMGUS in the first place, given that Xanth's first vote was for him. Silver, being focused is all fine and good, but you've got to acknowledge the bigger picture with this many players around. Do you have thoughts on anyone else?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #81 on: September 16, 2008, 01:11:31 AM »
I would think that decently large posts with a good amount of beating around the bush means somethings up. If you were lying, you'd try to pull out as much information out of your brain as you can to try and get your lie to work. Also, if everyone answered everyone's questions, it'd be kind of a dull game wouldn't it? =)....There's also bound to be lies in the answers as we know someone is Zero.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #82 on: September 16, 2008, 01:15:17 AM »
Ill stick with a vote towards Xaneth. It appears that he really sounds likes hes taking advantage of the and bullying "newer" players thus making it look like he has another motive. So there it is VOte for Xanneth.


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Audio Baking Scripture
« Reply #83 on: September 16, 2008, 01:25:31 AM »
Come on, Disland. I saw you on just after my last post and expected at least a quick reply saying how you're going to be active now, but nothing. This isn't helping.

Silver: I'll get back to you in the morning (sorry, I do dislike it being up in the air, but I [surprisingly] wasn't expecting another single-minded assault claiming that such single-mindedness is a good idea, and don't have the time to respond satisfactorily in my current drowsy state). If you're here in the meantime, you really ought to offer your opinion on other people. Even if it's 'I only have neutral reads on everyone else', that begs the explanation of why you think nothing else that's happened has had any impact.

Ninja'ed by Roflknife, with WIFOM and evasion justification. On the latter, the point is for town to tell the truth to make it harder for scum to get away with lying, encouraging scum to lie more believably and in turn make the game more fun without relying on townspeople effectively turning lynching into a dartboard. If someone is asked to justify a claim it is at least almost always in town's favour for them to do so.

Re-ninja'ed by zooyork: whilst I'm amused by your hopefully intentional incrimentally worse misspelling of my name, please please please observe that you need to follow the format ##VOTE:Xanth (in bold) in order for it to work (yes, I'm quite aware that I didn't just vote for myself there, and sorry, my Emperor). I'm just as new as you are, and the 'bullying' is solely on the grounds of activity, not experience. It's not my fault that only 'newer' players have lapsed into inactivity or lurking (all right, Tom hasn't been around much, but not on the same scale as several others still in the game). I'm trying to get you to interact with the game more, and it is at least working to a small extent.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #84 on: September 16, 2008, 01:40:37 AM »
I would think that decently large posts with a good amount of beating around the bush means somethings up. If you were lying, you'd try to pull out as much information out of your brain as you can to try and get your lie to work. Also, if everyone answered everyone's questions, it'd be kind of a dull game wouldn't it? =)....There's also bound to be lies in the answers as we know someone is Zero.

I have to agree with Xanth. This is pretty much the worst kind of reasoning to employ if you're at all interested in winning the game. Someone doesn't have to ramble for pages to lie, first off. You can accomplish that in one sentence. I see no logic at all in stating that Long Posts = Someone Bullshitting. You need to analyze the actual content of their posts to determine if they're just making stuff up.

What would actually happen if everyone answered everyone else's questions is that it would be a helluva lot easier to find scum. Sure, people are likely to lie. But find the lies, and you find the scum. If we let people get away with making bland, uninformative comments, neither happens.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #85 on: September 16, 2008, 01:44:22 AM »
As suggested I won't say anything more on the breadcrumbing. It may lead to some unclearness for others on my future voting but I can suffer the consequences of that for a while.

Schnwtfhisname:  Since you've already mentioned this much, however: I'd like to know on what grounds you proclaim Silver "pro-town or SK," as I see no compelling reason to reach either conclusion at this point in time.

Ah...I really don't want to...

I knew it could cause potential complications to have mentioned it, but at the time there were two opposing bandwagons building and it was highly probable neither party deserved it, so I thought this would at least give someone pause before voting.

The only thing I can say currently is that I believe he has hinted at a role that is non-scum, and one that would not be the first choice for scum to fakeclaim as. The actual ability of this role is very uncertain to me right now, and it's best that we don't delve into this further today. However, I do think his case against Xanth is at the very least, misguided, but this could all explode into such a mess that I would rather deal with candidates who stand out more in their suspiciousness right now.

Remo, Disland, and rofl have all been extremely terse, it is not looking very good but there is not one that outweighs the rest particularly. I'm getting vibes more of unfamiliarity than of scumminess at this point, but there is so little that I can't really tell.

While Delta's initial suspicion of me was not scummy, given his playing style, his later issue with Andrew does raise some alarm.

More thoughts and probably a vote later today.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #86 on: September 16, 2008, 01:59:14 AM »
There is a lot of arguing going on but nothing has happened. No one was lynched and no one was killed last night. Obviously what we should be looking for is someone directing attention away from themselves and it seems not posting is on of the worst ways of doing that. Xanth and El Cideon seem to be the most active in confronting people which puts others on the defense. If you ask how come they're keeping quiet it paints them as being guilty immediately I think. Being experienced players in this may mean they are taking advantage of the anxiety of newer people such as myself. What am I suppose to do after nothing has happened? While I might vote for Xanth because of this I won't because we need someone to push people to participate. I will wait until the morning (East Coast US here) before placing my vote but I think at this point the people getting desperate to move the game along may be guilty of being scum.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #87 on: September 16, 2008, 02:05:40 AM »
Long posts that have 90% irrelevant/uninformational/whatever material would seem funny to me. If everyone telling the truth would work....Then why don't we all state our roles? (Mmm...I know the rules said not to do this idly, but this doesn't mean it's forbidden, right?)

Sidenote: I think I'm about to be shot by a lot of people now...D=...


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #88 on: September 16, 2008, 02:25:23 AM »
Sorry I haven't been around much; the game went into night phase as soon as I woke up yesterday, and went into day-phase soon after I went to bed >.>
In other words the time zones suck for me in Aussieland. Night phase coincided with me being awake, and Day phase with me being asleep ~_~

Ill stick with a vote towards Xaneth. It appears that he really sounds likes hes taking advantage of the and bullying "newer" players thus making it look like he has another motive. So there it is VOte for Xanneth.
It really doesn't look like that to me at all. That's an unfair representation of one of the few people who have been putting effort into contributing.
And you got the format wrong. And his name. You're really not paying attention to this game are you?
##Vote: zooyork

Roflknife: a roleclaim right now would be a really bad idea. It can only benefit scum. They'll know who to kill.
I don't know why there was no kill last night, but we should stick with it as best we can. A role-claim might end up painting a big red bulls-eye on our town power roles.

I'll try and check in more often.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #89 on: September 16, 2008, 02:27:44 AM »
Disland: The thing is, keeping quiet accomplishes nothing. This is why I'm pressing people about it. You can say "nothing has happened," but that really doesn't excuse anything. If by "nothing has happened" you refer to yesterday's lack of a lynch? Well, that fiasco happened because people weren't active enough in the first place. Content doesn't happen on its own. If you want something to happen, start with a vote--even if you have a very minor reason to suspect someone, that's a start. Discussion builds incrementally, and we'll never get anywhere if you give all the lurkers a free pass.

Let me put it this way: if no one talks at all, scum win automatically simply through nightkills. Saying that Xanth and I look scummy because we're trying to get people to talk flies in the face of my understanding of this game. Why I'm doing this is simple: we've got half the players lurking here. Some of them are bound to be townies, unfortunately. There's no way to tell them from the real scum unless they speak up. And a townie getting mislynched due to low activity is bad for every townie in the game, not just the one getting killed.

Putting someone on the defensive is not inherently bad. We use their reaction to help determine which side they're on. That's what the game's about.


Edit for Roflknife: There's a difference between "telling the truth when asked" and immediately roleclaiming. The danger in roleclaiming is that, once done, the scum know exactly who to kill at night. There's also the fact that we have no guarantee that anyone doing so is telling the truth. At least, not this early in the game. Later on, after town power roles have been used on other players at night, the players targeted might be able to confirm that the folks roleclaiming are telling the truth. But on the first couple days? It's unlikely. Only one night has passed. It's true that there have been Mafia games in the past that could conceivably have been won quickly by mass roleclaims, but those were revealed to be massively unbalanced setups in the first up once they were examined afterwards. I can only hope this is not another one.

Besides all that, I never stated that everyone would tell the truth. This is Mafia; there's a whole faction that wins by not telling the truth, and they're called scum. We know people are going to lie. But the more everyone says, the more information we have to work with. You can compare someone's recent statements with what they said earlier in the game, and if something they've said isn't consistent...well, you might have a scummy on your hands.

My point was that ignoring questions that someone else asks you is counterproductive if you're town. Scum have a motive to be deceptive; town need to work together in the open because it's their only option. Being evasive just makes it seem like someone has something to hide.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #90 on: September 16, 2008, 02:54:01 AM »
....I'm scared to vote at the risk of getting shot by the "Mafia" or townspeople. Lol.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #91 on: September 16, 2008, 03:07:31 AM »
Well, look at it this way: if you vote for someone who turns out to be a townie, it doesn't necessarily mean the whole game's suddenly going to be convinced that you're scum. Sure, we look at voting records to help figure that kind of thing out, but being part of a bad lynch isn't damning by itself. Every townie is wrong about someone else at some point. It sucks when it happens, but no one's right all the time, period. This is why I'm so set on getting people to explain their suspicions. You look at someone's reasons for voting how they did, and if it seems like they were just making stuff up...well, scum have build all their arguments from scratch. They don't naturally "suspect" anyone because they already know who's on which side, so they have to fabricate cases. Get them talking enough and sometimes you can tell that they're exaggerating things to fake a case.

I'm hassling people to talk more not because I'm convinced they're guilty, but because we won't have any basis for an opinion in the first place if they don't tell us anything.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #92 on: September 16, 2008, 07:50:31 AM »
Well looks like my attempts at Rping have been deemed as lame, so I will stop with that style for now. In fact it looks like any superfluous RP is considered excessive...

I have a better idea of what I am supposed to do now, after reading El Cideon's posts about how one should play the game. I don't really have the time to post several times a day, I am also in a different timezone, but I'll still try my best.

I was initially uncomfortable with Xanth since I saw him as stirring up everyone's suspicions against each other, thereby causing confusion and giving himself space to accomplish his goals (whatever they may be). But after some thought I have decided that his posts actually are helping to clarify the situation with his analysis of the situation and whom we should be paying more attention to.

Thus I will put in some effort with some observations of my own.

Part of this game is accusing others in order to see their responses. In this regard I think Xanth has been successful, as Silver has hit back fairly strongly. He seems intent on focusing all attention back on Xanth without regard for any other players, a narrow minded and somewhat suspicious response.

Zooyork, Disland and Roflknife are also new newbies like me, not entirely sure how to play and intimidated by the experienced players. I can understand their kneejerk reaction against Xanth, but I do hope they can broaden their point of view and take a deeper look at the other players as well.

AndrewRogue is still pursuing Delta for ignoring him, which is sort of justified I guess. Perhaps Delta could give a proper response so Andrew can move on?

Schnwtf and Tom's responses seem reasonable, I see no reason to suspect them of anything.

Kaze has been pretty quiet recently, I also hope he can give a response soon.

I shall reserve my vote for later today. (anyone can give a rough idea how many hours are left? thanks)


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Bartered Aphorism Junkies
« Reply #93 on: September 16, 2008, 10:58:57 AM »
Right, now it feels like we might start actually getting somewhere. zooyork and Kaze are my remaining concerns for needing to be drawn in, assuming Nilie shows up again.

##UNVOTE: Disland
##VOTE: Kaze

That's a show of good faith for contribution, Disland, so long as you do come through at that point. As the zooyork issue is already on the table, it's time to reel in Kaze. Kaze, you've been on since day 2 has started but not chimed in, and you do have that unsupported train vote to explain. Nothing like a bit of defence to lead into some attack, surely.

Delta, you're now very much next on the list as things stand. If it was an innocent little blip then you're doing neither yourself nor town any favours by trying to have it slide. Consider this FoS: Delta in the meantime.

schnwtfhisname: I won't press you for your role suspicion of Silver, but won't put any weight behind it either. On one hand, if your thoughts are correct on all counts, then the scum either already have the same trail or will definitely pick it up if you spill and are more likely to NK him if the role seems likely to have a [useful] power attached. On the other hand, be warned that it's more than possible that the scum have been given safe name claims to make, particularly ones that are like a good version of their evil one, so just because he's acting like a good guy that doesn't mean that he is that good guy. In short, don't put too much weight on an implied name claim.

....I'm scared to vote at the risk of getting shot by the "Mafia" or townspeople. Lol.

Cid has already explained the pro-town benefits of pushing things forward (don't let scum hide in your shadows), but let me appeal to you on a personal level. In short - sitting on the fence is a lot worse for you than getting stuck in, especially early on. In a day, as much fireworks as there may be between a few people here and there, what will happen more often than not is that people will go "hang on, [[so and so]] hasn't been talking" and a lurker will get lynched. It's actually even more dangerous if you're town than scum, because if there's a scum lurking around then his scumbuddy/ies will do their best to place the train on an innocent lurker instead. At night, the first priority for scum is, naturally, to kill the town power roles. Now, if they don't have anything else to go on (for instance later on someone might be oddly certain of someone's guilt and hence could be the cop), then the sort of person they're likely to try is someone who's been trying to get involved but without sticking their neck out too far, as a cop, doctor or such feel more pressure on surviving (yes, WIFOM and depends on the people, but it does happen quite often).

So if you're non-commital then the town are more likely to think you're scum and lynch you, and the scum are more likely to think that you're a town power role and NK you. Suddenly that doesn't sound quite an appealing strategy, huh?

As long as you tell us why you're doing what you're doing, you're not going to be suddenly bandwagonned for having an opinion. In particular, there's nothing inherently wrong with changing your mind if the person you're voting for defends himself well or someone else puts their foot in it. In attack and defence, honesty and clarity are among the town's greatest weapons.

Honestly, the one flag of suspicion you've raised for me is the survivalist attitude you're taking.

Well looks like my attempts at Rping have been deemed as lame, so I will stop with that style for now. In fact it looks like any superfluous RP is considered excessive...


I shall reserve my vote for later today. (anyone can give a rough idea how many hours are left? thanks)

I like the RP in general, and it'll be a shame if it goes. The only trouble is when it obfuscates what you're trying to say, which is why I'm probably going to go with keeping the serious and the RP separate.

We don't have a time limit, so don't worry on that sort of scale. The reason we had a deadline in day one was because of Ailerion and ShiChelle being modkilled for inactivity, which I'd hope won't happen again. As such, we're hopefully only limited by whenever we can get the hammer to fall on someone.

Roflknife, schnwtfhisname, Disland, and Remo (and Silver as well, actually): remember the joy of the unvote feature. We're unlikely to seriously press for a lynching this early on in the day, so don't feel like voting commits you to pursuing one person or otherwise makes you look bad (and presses the scum to vote as well, so we have actual trails to follow). Is that person you have a little suspicion about not talking nor taking what you say seriously? Well, maybe he's more likely to want to clear his name if he's got some votes on him. Your vote is your power: don't cripple yourself.

(just don't all go after the same guy this early on in the day. If you want a general principle to go by, I'd say that two, maybe three, votes should be enough pressure to get someone going for now, unless they then don't do themselves any justice or incriminate themselves more. If you think that everyone you want to pressure is being pressured enough already, then sure, it's not like you need to have a vote down, but at least wag your finger and say that you're suspicious of them)

(more general than that, think for yourselves and get pro-active. I'm trying to help you into the game (mostly so that scum have no excuses for lurking or fence-sitting), not to hold your hand and tell you what to do the whole time. I imagine that this 'bullying' claim partially comes from this school-masterly approach to dragging people in to remove excuses early on, but you can rest assured knowing that this will die as everyone shows themselves capable of independent thought)


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Doorstep Umbrella Troll
« Reply #94 on: September 16, 2008, 12:12:57 PM »
And now for Silver. Oh Silver, Silver, Silver.

Actually, you started on me which led me to investigate and think your persona through a little further.

Good for you. Voting for you shouldn't be the only mechanism to get you interested in people, but at least it's caused you to be more active than most so far.

It seems like you want to explain everyone's intentions including your own in quite a thorough manner. Seeing as it was the first day - like you said, I see that as odd.

Depends on what part you mean in particular, but most of it is identifying and trying to deal with what felt like a deadlock in discussion. Someone had to get the ball really rolling, and I had no reason to think that anyone else would do it if I didn't. It ought to read as 'hey guys, I think we're all a little timid because of [this and that]. Don't be daft and get involved', followed by a showing of good will by letting loose information about myself, which did eventually lead to survivalist instincts kick in when I felt that I really was standing out too much.

Especially since a man cannot know how much of your initial introduction can be true, which are glorifying yourself, and which are complete bullshit.

If you're going to claim that something is "complete bullshit" (especially when it follows 'I don't know if it's true'), I'd appreciate some quotes. Even one example would be nice enough as things stand. You should be ecstatic to receive that much random feed in a game like this. You shouldn't care if it's true or false so much as using it as a checklist to see if I'm consistent over time, because if I am scum then sure, the act in itself would be a gambit to get people to trust me, but means that I have a much harder time keeping myself in line. Should you be suspicious of someone who visibly disarms himself in front of you? Certainly. Should you stick the dagger in then and there and hope for the best? I'd hope not.

Also, "glorifying yourself" begs examples, else I can't counter-claim. I suspect it's in the same vein that Andrew initially picked up on, which is my own criticism at what I do. Again, this is genuine self-deprecation rather than being smug at 'second-guessing' potential opposition to dissuade it. I've actually kept that to a minimum since then under the resolution that if I actually think that my life is going to be short in this game then I should at least use it to get the town's act together.

As much as you wanted to get things started, you seemed a bit too anxious to give other people ammunition against each other. Then you proceed to target me, while saying you didn't have much to go on. If you didn't, why the thorough post describing half of the members in the game?

For a start, you're actively screwing with chronology for your argument here (don't give me 'oops', the use of 'proceed' makes it very precise), which does nothing to make you look good. Not only had I 'targetted' you long before I handed out the 'ammunition', I'd made several additional posts in between explaining my initial position. The list happened way after you'd clamped your teeth into my leg, so when you latched on to me you had 'voted for me for not much', and 'talks a lot, and a bit like a crazy person'.

Remember how fluid votes can be. My vote for you was to announce that I thought your actions skewed the most and to get you to talk. It was a declaration, not a resolution. Yes, of course voting starts out based on small insubstantial things, but then I had absolutely no reason to believe that my vote would be sticking there for more than five minutes - had you made any sensible attempt to defend yourself I would have moved on to the next person and then we'd be building up a nice chunk of dialogue between everyone that we could then actually use to go somewhere serious. Instead, you've done nothing but put your foot into it further and further, and I never had reason to move my vote (nor any viable lynch-pile to get on). I've specifically tried to help you reduce/remove the suspicion, but as things stand you're still the first place my vote is going to return to after the lurkers and the Delta issue have been resolved.

And bugger, I need to be going out. I might get a chance before then, but I probably won't be able to finish it off for the next six hours or so. I won't forget to mention the ammunition and the list (as much as these have already been addressed), in case you're expecting avoidance on those.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #95 on: September 16, 2008, 01:19:34 PM »
I've come to realize that even though I have suspicions, I don't exactly have to act on them right away. As well, even though a lot of what both of us have said to raise suspicion of each other, it's helped things push forward. In general, if you're scum or town is irrelevant at this point.

Anyways, my focus hasn't gone off the radar, but I will investigate others further. I think we've got more to discuss at this point anyways. I guess it's time to put a few more cards into play, since you never should on your first go. But you can't stick with one thought forever. My first votes were a joke and a bandwagon to get used to the system. Then I went for somebody I truly thought was suspicious and stuck with it. I've explained enough in a concise fashion without "quote-mining" why I thought you were suspicious, and still think the same way. There's a few more things unrelated to you that I've been thinking about, but I know never to leave all my thoughts on the table at once. That makes for a poor player of any game in general. Therefore, one must be prepared to raise their own suspicion to get their point across, which both of us have done more than most here.

Unvote: Xanth

I'll be giving some more thoughts soon. Gotta wake up a bit first.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #96 on: September 16, 2008, 02:20:58 PM »
Well since Xanth has placed a vote for Kaze, I shall place a vote for Nilie as we have not heard from him yet for today. Hopefully we can hear more from the remaining players before the day ends.



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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #97 on: September 16, 2008, 04:09:35 PM »
Okay, to come clean about Andy: Quite simply... i just had a hunch. The only reason that i went after him is because i had a clean, simple hunch. Ive been trying to let it go because really, i didnt think that saying this would justify me as town but i seem to be causing a bit of confusion and disorientation within the group.

In general, if you're scum or town is irrelevant at this point.

Ummm... the whole point of the game is to find scum...

Zooyork, Disland and Roflknife are also new newbies like me, not entirely sure how to play and intimidated by the experienced players. I can understand their kneejerk reaction against Xanth, but I do hope they can broaden their point of view and take a deeper look at the other players as well.

Just be honest, If you are nervous, find someone that you are not liking the look of and make a case against them.

Disland seems to be the most inactive however. Im going to put my vote on him for now.

##VOTE: Disland

Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #98 on: September 16, 2008, 08:12:59 PM »
Well since Xanth has placed a vote for Kaze, I shall place a vote for Nilie as we have not heard from him yet for today. Hopefully we can hear more from the remaining players before the day ends.


I am truly sorry. Some urgent work matters kept me away from my computer. Here I am now.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #99 on: September 16, 2008, 08:36:24 PM »
Well, thanks for the advice guys. It's good to know I don't need to fear stepping on a mine for every decision I make.

On the other hand.....

##VOTE: Kaze

I'll take a stab at Kaze as well, after reviewing the pages. He hasn't said anything in a bit.