
Author Topic: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over  (Read 60389 times)


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #150 on: September 19, 2008, 07:40:27 AM »
The reason i put my vote off of disland is because i would rather lynch a person who is scum than a person that isnt contributing. He may be a scummy lurker but to be honest... with no nightkills and only a few lynches heading into day three, we really do have nothing to go on at the moment.

Silver, if we lynch zooyork, we will be wasting a lynch that would be better spent on a modkill and a different lynchee. Can you not see what EvilTom is saying?

Or maybe... Just maybe... you want the town to waste a lynch.

Why did you put zooyorl to -1? Why didnt you give any reasons? Why are you attempting to get someone to lynch zooyork for you?

##VOTE: Silver
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #151 on: September 19, 2008, 08:29:29 AM »
The first few people on the train such as El Cid and myself voted for him in the early days, when it was a good idea to do so. He was not inactive at that time. Those votes are justified. Saying that there's no reason to pick you out from the rest of us is a complete lie. You just threw your vote on him right at the end of the train and put him to -1 to hammer even though he's gone inactive. To there's no possible pressure coming from your vote.

In other words, your vote is there for no reason other than to lynch.

Since he hasn't responded yet, it looks like zooyork is about done. Unfortunate, but currently he's the best candidate. Looks like I'm going to have to jump on this to start to finish the job
There's no reason to vote for him if he hasn't responded in 3 days, other than to waste town's lynch.
You say he's the best candidate, without providing any reasons why.
You say you're trying to 'start to finish the job' - that sounds like a very suspicious way of saying "I'm going to put him in hammer range, but I'm not actually going to do it myself because that's dangerous". Are you overly concerned about attracting attention to yourself?

Sure, Kaze put him at -2, which is also bad, but you put him at -1 which is worse. And you tried to make it look like you weren't actually doing anything. What's your justification? How do you answer this?

I was doing it because I agreed that having somebody who's technically useless in the game is not a good idea. If you're not posting, you're not really playing. Therefore he's just filling up space, when there can be focus put on other players. That's why most people were voting for him, or suspicious of him in the first place. I was just continuing it along. Kaze, Sch and Rofl all voted for the exact same reason if you look through. Just because somebody happens to jump on and push somebody to almost being finished doesn't mean they have any less of a reason for doing so.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #152 on: September 19, 2008, 08:32:11 AM »
The reason i put my vote off of disland is because i would rather lynch a person who is scum than a person that isnt contributing. He may be a scummy lurker but to be honest... with no nightkills and only a few lynches heading into day three, we really do have nothing to go on at the moment.

Silver, if we lynch zooyork, we will be wasting a lynch that would be better spent on a modkill and a different lynchee. Can you not see what EvilTom is saying?

Or maybe... Just maybe... you want the town to waste a lynch.

Why did you put zooyorl to -1? Why didnt you give any reasons? Why are you attempting to get someone to lynch zooyork for you?

##VOTE: Silver

To be completely honest, I didn't even think it through that far. I just wanted people to get back to talking about people who were still playing, and thought if somebody not participating wasn't there, there would be.

Seems like my vote did just that unintentionally, with you guys putting shit on me for it. Ah well, gotta think things through more thoroughly I guess.


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Penguin Hatstand Arcade
« Reply #153 on: September 19, 2008, 10:13:59 AM »
At -1 to hammer there is in particular the danger of Disland or Delta (less likely) just putting the lid on the matter before we actually hear anything else.

I actually find this rather unlikely. Especially with you commenting on it, either one of them doing it would make himself tomorrow's first target (even with the perfectly understandable "Lynching someone other than me" >>> "Lynching me" defense). I mean, waiting until discussion's petered out to bring the hammer down? Not so bad. But doing it in a manner that's clearly intended to circumvent discussion would be suicidal.

Partly why I highlighted it in the first place. The trouble is mostly that it combines with Disland's 'clueless newbie' card to form a possibly survivable persona to go with the vote. What would actually be troublesome is if Disland is town, because I bet he'd do it anyway and we'd end up spending another day wailing on a distraction with little else going on.

The tracks left when someone gets lynched/killed is enough. We then know his role and can start figuring out why he did what he did. We'd also be able to look into the people that he's had interest in, or people that's have interest in him.

I can't begin to imagine why you're opposed to gaining more information when we can and there's no immediate pressure from a time limit (and if there is one, it'll be ticking down to him being modkilled anyway, in which case the votes on him are meaningless). It is utterly pointless to lynch him before he speaks again. At worst he shows up, fails to convince anyone of anything and gets lynched anyway, wasting us a day or something; most likely he never shows up, gets modkilled and we're free to lynch someone else instead; at best he comes back and somehow makes an effective defence, apologises for his absence and promises to be around more often and we get the other lynch without losing two players.

Don't try and tell me that the second option is worse than just lynching him now - in this instance it effectively means that we get two day phases in a row (albeit without a flip between them, time constraints and such, but still). Town lynching more people might somehow sound bad, but having two days in a row is awesome. Almost twice the information and the mafia have to put more cards on the table without their choice of kill in the meantime.

I'm not sure where your 'sufficient' information is coming from. If we lynch zooyork now, we gain no insight into his actions regardless of his role (if he's vanilla then "oh, I guess he couldn't be bothered with a boring role," and if he's not then there's a bit more surprise before concluding "oh well, I guess he couldn't be bothered with the style and pace here" before moving on) because he's effectively had none. People were interested in him due to lurking and at best we have some discussion about the order people voted for him (and those who did not, if it does turn out he's mafia). I really shouldn't spend time thinking out the night phase, but chances are fair that either I get killed, or someone else dies and it looks like they were aiming for a town power role, neither of which indict anyone in particular.

Not only is that not a particularly enviable position, we get all of that information and more by pursuing other leads at this point.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #154 on: September 19, 2008, 11:00:40 AM »
On further thought, I'm going wait it out and see if this guy ever shows up again. Hopefully he'll have a good excuse for not being here for most of the game.

##Unvote: zooyork


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Christmas Cheesecake Burglar
« Reply #155 on: September 19, 2008, 01:25:34 PM »
Okay Delta, let's stand back and get a better view at what's gone on.   (for reference, if people haven't noticed it yet, if I bold something that isn't a name then chances are it's to emphasise a hyperlink)

On the very first day of play, you jump on a joke vote in a 'lightning strikes twice' bid. Now, you've always got to find some path from joke phase to serious phase, but you think schnwtfhisname is "probably scummy" based on that? That's awfully certain of you. Not content with that, you try to muddy the water some more by tagging Andrew with suspicion on completely false charges, seemingly based on the shallow end of the joke phase at that. Wait, what.

Cid then points out both of these issues within a matter of a few posts, and expands on the inquiry and votes for you before the [real-life] day is out. As of Andrew then defending himself, questioning and voting for you, it seems like time to put up or shut up, right?

Wrong. Your next post tries to retroactively justify it on the grounds of personal attacks. In fact it reads 'you've told me to vote for people I don't like, so this time I've voted for you, and now you've personally attacked me because of it so I like you even less and so my vote stays where it is'. So here we see you claiming that you've voted for Andrew because you don't like him. Okay. So the first reasons were groundless excuses then, right? Well, what's more interesting is that Andrew never attacked you personally in any way. His post was entirely defensive other than asking you to justify yourself. So at this point you've gained further resolution against Andrew, a third groundless reason for it, and you've neatly started to set yourself up as the 'hapless victim'. And just for flourish, you twist the knife further into schnwtfhisname ("Seiriously, you cant expect me to beleive that you are currently town.") whilst calling serious lynch trains a bad thing [at that point], and call for more attention to be paid to lurkers and for the active people to stop attacking each other so much, before immediately reaffirming your vote for schnwtfhisname.

Cid calls you out on your latest fake reason for being suspicious of Andrew, closely followed by the man himself. A bit later I finally start to calm down and point out half of the flourish (scroll to the last quote in the post), even though Silver has compelled my attention at the time, but I'm not adding any pressure, having preceded that by saying that things only felt 'slightly off'. Surely it's time to set the record straight and make amends.

Oh, but that would be far too easy. Your next post totally disregards any outstanding queries on your head. The case building on schnwtfhisname has collapsed (Silver taking the flak for that - bonus!), and it's looking incredibly unlikely that anyone's getting lynched before the modkills. I'm not going to claim it's outright scummy, but I'm not going to let you claim that showing up and voting for a random lurker who's never going to get lynched is a town sign.

Andrew makes a third attempt to get you to talk. This is now a good two and a half days after your initial comments.

You're quick to talk, that's for sure. Within quarter of an hour of [game] day two starting you've raced out of the gates and immediately on to pinning the conversation on to Silver. The night phase lasted 17 1/2 hours, so you're not going to convince me that you just didn't see Andrew's previous comment on top of somehow missing all of the others.

Oh, but you've lost it by this point. Not one, not two, but the next three posts all call you on this, and the language is strong at this point ("extremely scummy" and "no excuses" to pick a few). Worse than that, other people are starting to turn your way, in the form of Schnwtfhisname (here) and Remo (here). It must be time to talk now, surely?

Yes! You finally come back (off topic for a second, but it's post 33333) with a, uhhh... startlingly bad argument. 'I have absolutely no material to base my suspicion on, but I've got a feeling, so I'll use that to make stuff up, and use whatever I can along the way to justify it further' (you never placed a vote, so you can claim whenever you like as the point when you stopped being particularly suspicious of Andrew (this is part of why it's scummy), but it goes at least as far as the point where you backed up your suspicion with the 'personal attack') and 'I evaded it for the good of the town' is a mix of just brushing it off and being outright wrong. What's that, two lines and you have cold feet? Well then, I guess it's best that you immediately deflect as much attention from this lack of an answer with more finger-pointing at other people.

First I, and soon after Andrew, express our dissatisfaction with this. By this point my patience for 'maybe it's just a stupid but honest mistake' has run thin, and I follow that up announcing that you're my top suspect among other lynch candidates. I keep my rationale short as not to horribly bias a post that was supposed to be relatively balanced, but still gets through a good few reasons. Andrew's gone MIA at this point (I am surprised that he hasn't wanted in on any of this in the last few days), but Cid still doesn't buy it, even if zooyork is drawing more attention. It takes another push from me before you talk again, which I will give you the benefit of the doubt on with regards to the gap in the posts there.

And now into recent times:

Xanth, I do believe that I DID reply to Andrew as you misinformed people on page 4...

You did indeed reply. That's a good old piece of misleading truth for you there. What you didn't do was in any way justify your actions before or after. You damn well know why three of us have been pointing at you for the best part of the game so far, so don't be cute and tell us that we've already found what we're looking for.

Considering roleclaiming, probably only way to get xanth off my back because his current arguement against me is just... ewww...

I don't like this gambit. I don't like this gambit at all. zooyork is in so much more trouble than you are at this point, so you must know that someone is going to call you out of it. It seems so simply geared to threatening and implying that you have a safe role without having to strain yourself in actually making one (with the option of going through with it if needed). At best this is honest and your goal would be damaging for absolutely no reason at all, and at worst it is actively dodgy. What, are you trying to confuse me between wanting to lynch you for being scummy and wanting to lynch you for being a bad town player? Because that's the one act of sabotage you might actually succeed in.

I havent defended myself? That arguement smacks ever so slightly of 'hurr durr, hes the easiest lynch' no offense intended.

Really amping up the 'hapless victim' at this point. I don't take kindly to the implications here, but thorough research and this post is what you get for baiting me like this. If you're going to call my argument petty, then you'd better be sure that it is. And, as I mentioned at the time, like hell are you the easiest lynch in that pile. At that very point I could have hammered zooyork, not looked ridiculously bad for it (had I not made the note at -3 to hammer, which I wouldn't have done if that had been my point), and started day 3 by pointing the blame at you or Disland then.

And in your latest post we have another Delta special 'hit and run' evasions:

The reason i put my vote off of disland is because i would rather lynch a person who is scum than a person that isnt contributing. He may be a scummy lurker but to be honest... with no nightkills and only a few lynches heading into day three, we really do have nothing to go on at the moment.

Again, only bothering to issue one aspect of the inquiries on you, and again, with a really bad reasoning behind it. 'I'd rather lynch scum than a lurker, but we don't have anyone scummy to vote for,' once again cunningly retroactively justified by a new Silver train to follow. Disland deserved a vote or two to pressure some talking out of him, but days later and nothing you decide that it's better to vote for no one when there's no one sufficiently scummy around. Not the suspicious lurkers, not some other train of suspicion, but no one. How does this make any sense in any way? Let's also sit here and throw your line "we really do have nothing to go on at the moment" back at how you initially came so strongly on to schnwtfhisname and Andrew for considerably worse reasoning, and have spent the rest of this post in blatant 'me too-ism' in attacking Silver. Again, you've spent a very small time alluding to defending a small portion of the inquiries on your head before spending the rest of the post diverting attention elsewhere.

So let's see (aka tl;dr):
-came on strongly to a joke vote for [unsurprisingly] poor reasoning.
-threw out strong suspicion on Andrew for false charges based primarily on a joke post.
-repeatedly ignored calls for justification, even with votes cast on you.
-repeatedly, and sometimes went out of your way to, threw the suspicion/discussion away from you.
-first reply to the charges took the defensive 'I'm being picked on here' and picked up a further false charge against Andrew to justify the suspicion, whilst dropping just short of admitting that your first claims were disingenuous.
-second reply was little better than 'everything I've done is bad for town'.
-further replies offer no more than that you've already covered everything, when you've covered nothing.
-threatened to roleclaim in a hideously stupid position for it.
-belittled the arguments against you without actually addressing them.
-displayed blatant 'me too-ism' on top of slightly subtler offerings earlier.

Condensed even further, this becomes:
-you've lied
-you've evaded
-you've displayed other mafia traits
-you've admitted to the above

Now tell me, just why shouldn't we be forcing your back to the wall and lynching you right now?


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Bell Diamond Sea
« Reply #156 on: September 19, 2008, 01:29:27 PM »
Oh, and 'you've been inconsistent' really wants to be on that final list, for contradicting yourself all over the shop, but in particular recently for 'serious trains are bad and we don't have anything to go on, but that won't stop me from pushing incredibly daft things quite far given the chance'.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #157 on: September 19, 2008, 02:22:41 PM »
Oh god I've been busy with work+school I'll post in a little bit after reading through the past couple pages.


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« Reply #158 on: September 19, 2008, 02:36:30 PM »
Much appreciated, Disland. We've held the boat so you wouldn't just get left behind.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #159 on: September 19, 2008, 02:42:57 PM »


zooyork (4) - El Cideon, EvilTom, RoflKnife, schnwtfhisname, kaze, silver
Deltaflyer (2) - AndrewRogue, Xanth
Disland (0) - Xanth, Deltaflyer
Kaze (0) - Xanth, RoflKnife
Nilie (0) - Remo
silver (3) - Remo, EvilTom, Delta
EvilTom (0) - silver
RoflKnife (1) - Nilie

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 02:46:36 PM by Schneizel »


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #160 on: September 19, 2008, 06:32:37 PM »
Okay Xanth, I do hate personal attacks. And that was one right there. I have not admitted to being scummy. Because quite simply, im not scum. I may have been erratic in both posting and timewise but I feel that if I tell you guys why, you will turn on me because you will think I have tried to to pull a sympathy vote.  I may have jumped onto slightly useless trains or even started ones on light things. Thats because if we do not find a half decent lynchee and start lynching, we are going to be nightkilled, one by one by one. If any of you do wish to know the reason why I have been timing and posting slightly erratically, PM me in a strictly Out-Of-Mafia context. Seirously, why would you lynch an inactive who will be modkilled when you can lynch a person who is scummy? That's my arguement for taking my vote off disland. Short of being your slave, ill put it back on him if you want. Given the chance Xanth, I really would hang onto a lynch than leave the fate of the game in the hands of the townies. Now. Xanth, what is with that personal attack? Seiriously, you seem to be pushing for a lynch that is WRONG. You seem to be having a simple problem with me being in this game. Short of sticking a knife in my chest and screaming LYNCH LYNCH LYNCH!!!! You are turning town against me.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #161 on: September 19, 2008, 06:46:52 PM »
Seems like there is some sort of consensus that zooyork is due to be modkilled for inactivity, and as such there is no point wasting a lynch on him.

Besides the near lynching of zooyork, there seems to be a couple of other lines of suspicions. One is El Cideon --> EvilTom <--> Silver. EvilTom questions Silver for NOT defending himself and for bringing zooyork to -1 when he would have most likely been modkilled anyway, while Silver and the subsequently El Cid questions him back for his somewhat questionable accusations against Silver.

The other line of suspicion is AndrewRogue and Xanth against DeltaFlyer. I frankly had some misgivings against Deltaflyer but did not bring it up initially since I though I may be biased by him voting against me at first and decided to give it more thought. After Xanth's epic post, I was finally convinced of DeltaFlyer's suspiciousness. (avoiding questions, fishy voting patterns, questionable accusations about others)

Silver has gone beyond just accusing Xanth and shared some of his thoughts regarding the rest of the players, so he has become somewhat less suspicious in my eyes... although not completely off my radar.

Aside from the more lurky members, my FOS list now looks like : DeltaFlyer, EvilTom, Silver and Roflknife at a distant 4th. Therefore

##UNVOTE: Silver

##VOTE: DeltaFlyer


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #162 on: September 19, 2008, 07:51:53 PM »
Alright so I read through the past few pages and it is a lot to take in all at once. While zooyork is at the top of the list for being lynched with his inactivity he will be modkilled anyways so it would be a waste of a lynching. Xanth has compiled the lengthy post about deltaflyer was quite interesting to read through. About lurking I've been busy and can understand the suspicions of someone keeping a low profile. At this juncture I would have to put a vote in for ##VOTE: Deltaflyer since he seems scummy with his accusations and behavior highlighted in the post by Xanth.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #163 on: September 19, 2008, 07:56:39 PM »
Okay, give me YOUR reasons for voting for me not Xanth's.

Disland and Remo, give me YOUR quotes and beliefs about my scumminess.

My scumminess is none and your votes, misplaced
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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« Reply #164 on: September 19, 2008, 11:03:24 PM »
Delta: with every step you bring yourself closer to the edge. You, who described my arguments with "hurr durr," are accusing me of a personal attack, and the only reason why it's not as obviously groundless as your same claim against Andrew is that he barely even mentioned you.

You see, that's why your pleas are falling on deaf ears here. If you'd acknowledged but respectively disagreed with the argument for a pretty set of reasons then we could have had some dialogue and hopefully come to an agreement. But no, you make a blanket statement to put down the argument as a whole and claim I'm just bullying you. Instead of trying to convince your aggressor of your innocence, you're trying to convince everyone that your aggressor is a hateful dick.

Okay Xanth, I do hate personal attacks. And that was one right there.

No, no it wasn't. No, really, I specifically pointed out that you were building up a 'hapless victim' play, and I'm not going to let you use that as the card to just slide out of here. At no point do I make a personal attack on you. There is no doubt about this. I believe I kept strong language to a minimum and only for emphasis, and nowhere do I even allude to attacking you as a person. There are points at which I accuse you of things like actions being 'bad town play at best,' but this is precisely the sort of thing that we're supposed to be highlighting.

I have not admitted to being scummy.

You have done so, in no uncertain terms, on several occasions. My previously post specifically picks up and draws attention to all of these. Simply denying the charges convinces no one of anything, and just serves to convince me that you have to defence for them. And just so that you can't claim that I haven't given you every possible chance, what you actually want to be doing is going through my explicit examples and saying 'no, this isn't what you're claiming it is because...'. I've given you specifics; a whole alphabet of exhibits. If you've nothing to fear from the inquiry, you should be addressing those rather than flailing around.

I will not be letting go until you attempt to actually address the points held against you in that post. Talk as much as you like about other people, but I am going to hold you to account until you stop evading and deflecting the case against you.

Because quite simply, im not scum.

I simply cannot believe that you're actually trying that as an argument.

I may have been erratic in both posting and timewise but I feel that if I tell you guys why, you will turn on me because you will think I have tried to to pull a sympathy vote. 

That was never the point. I even specifically give you the benefit of the doubt on the case of your absence. The major point attached to this issue is not that you were absent whilst a case was being made against you, but that you made several posts in this time that you chose to ignore. Don't reply to this by pointing me back to page 4, I'm tired of that. I've already dealt with this fully in the long post.

I may have jumped onto slightly useless trains or even started ones on light things. Thats because if we do not find a half decent lynchee and start lynching, we are going to be nightkilled, one by one by one.

I've already covered this in the main post, but several of your votes are suspect for different reasons. Lynching is a good concept, but you don't just jump into it willy nilly. This reads as 'I may have acted anti-town, but we have to do something, right?', combined with some daft scaremongering.

(and in case you hadn't noticed, I think I've found a perfectly good choice for lynching)

Seirously, why would you lynch an inactive who will be modkilled when you can lynch a person who is scummy?

Precisely. Who was more scummy than a lurker at that point? No one, hence just the unvote, right? Then why would you choose not to lynch anyone when there are at least suspicious lurkers to look to? Your point is correct but misleading. You just keep on ringing up these points.

Seiriously, you seem to be pushing for a lynch that is WRONG.

As things are I'm certainly trying to get you lynched, yes. You're yet to do anything to cause me to even doubt myself. If it's wrong, convince me.

You seem to be having a simple problem with me being in this game.

Your attempts to make things look personal might not be quite so fruitless if not for it blatantly not being the case. I want to lynch you because either:
a) you're scum and hence need lynching
or b) you're playing a very bad town game and are a serious liability at best, and so I'd still be happy to see you go.

I don't care who you are normally, in real life or whatever. Right here in this game your actions have been anti-town.

Short of sticking a knife in my chest and screaming LYNCH LYNCH LYNCH!!!! You are turning town against me.

I think I've found a mafioso. Why wouldn't I try to convince the rest of the town of this? Either we agree and we move forward, or people disagree, we discuss why, and town should come out better for it.

That's a swing and a miss, Delta. You've still got plenty of time to deal with this respectably, but so far you've just antagonised me.

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #165 on: September 19, 2008, 11:11:38 PM »

zooyork (4) - El Cideon, EvilTom, RoflKnife, schnwtfhisname, kaze, silver
Deltaflyer (4) - AndrewRogue, Xanth, Remo, Disland
Disland (0) - Xanth, Deltaflyer
Kaze (0) - Xanth, RoflKnife
Nilie (0) - Remo
silver (2) - Remo, EvilTom, Delta
EvilTom (0) - silver
RoflKnife (1) - Nilie

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Please do not presume someone will get modkilled until such is expressly stated by a mod.

If Zooyork does not log in or post within 24 hours, he will be modkilled. If a lynch occurs before the time limit, zooyork will be automatically mod-killed for failing to participate with the day phase. Seriously people, seriously.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 12:50:30 AM by Charles di Britannia »
People... are not equal...


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« Reply #166 on: September 20, 2008, 12:43:42 AM »
The first few people on the train such as El Cid and myself voted for him in the early days, when it was a good idea to do so. He was not inactive at that time. Those votes are justified. Saying that there's no reason to pick you out from the rest of us is a complete lie. You just threw your vote on him right at the end of the train and put him to -1 to hammer even though he's gone inactive. To there's no possible pressure coming from your vote.

Watch it with the scary bolding, Tom. You don't really need to do that to get your point across. It just makes you seem like...I dunno, Fox News.

Seriously think you're laying into Silver more than is warranted here. Yeah, he put a suspect that lots of other people agreed at the time was viable at minus one to hammer. If it was Silver himself actually coming in with the hammer (and thereby ending discussion for the day) I think you'd have more of a case here, but it really looks to me like you're exaggerating things. It's not like the group had come to a consensus that said "Wait, let's not lynch Zooyork. Let's talk more first," and Silver violated it. It was a reasonable action. You say "-1 to hammer" like it's totally damning, but the group didn't start to back away from Zooyork until after this.

Also of note here is that Delta parrots Tom's argument in its totality. Yes, I'm sequeing into Delta here. Check out the first post on page seven and see him perfectly echo Tom's recent attack on Silver. This is particularly curious given that Delta began the day by saying "Yesterday, the main train of thought (if it can so be called) was against silver. Personally, i do not see the case against him." Sure, you're allowed to change your mind about things. But when you do so borrowing someone else's content, it just looks like deflection.

This isn't the only sudden reversal he's made. There's this, from day one:

Stop looking at the people who are contributing guys, start looking at the lurkers. Townies, we are already tearing eachother to bits here and It is DAY ONE!!!

A plea to focus on lurkers. Totally discarded when he picks up Tom's case against Silver:

The reason i put my vote off of disland is because i would rather lynch a person who is scum than a person that isnt contributing. He may be a scummy lurker but to be honest... with no nightkills and only a few lynches heading into day three, we really do have nothing to go on at the moment.

Again, being inconsistent = bad juju. We need the rationale behind your actions to understand them. After all I've said to that extent during the course of the game, did you think unvoting someone with no explain in the same post wasn't going to look bad somehow?

Pretty sure I've been over him before and the new points mentioned above aren't helping, so:

##Vote: Delta

There's also this:

Given the chance Xanth, I really would hang onto a lynch than leave the fate of the game in the hands of the townies.

Does this sentence leap out at anyone else? Just curious.


For Delta: Lest you think Xanth's been on operating on a vendetta against you the entire game, I'll quote his day one impression of you:

Delta: I've read (okay, mostly skimmed) through a bunch of the recent games, and this just looks to me like Delta being Delta, and the two votes he's picked up as a result of it look like they're there to spank him into some sort of coherence, which at least pulled more out of him. Delta feels maybe slightly off, but in no way I'd put any weight behind at this point.

See his intervening posts for how that initially ambivalent stance gradually turned into his current case. (Incidentally, this notion--"Delta being Delta"--is about the only thing that makes me a little uncomfortable with voting for him. As much as we shouldn't give anyone a free pass for bad play, the guy gets hit for the same things every game. Still, his play this game has been wildly disruptive. I don't doubt that it'll continue to monopolize discussion. Ultimately, this overrides any misgivings I might have).

As for Xanth: I have to note that I find your conviction that you're going to be killed each night phase a little irksome. This isn't a serious accusation, just something I had to point out as feeling off.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #167 on: September 20, 2008, 12:46:16 AM »
Bardiche I'm going to FLEIA your ass.

Dear All Players,
If Zooyork does not log in or post within 24 hours, he will be modkilled and the day will end. If a lynch occurs before the time limit, zooyork will be automatically mod-killed for failing to participate with the day phase. Seriously people, seriously.
Please ignore the "the day will end" part with his modkill part. -_-
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 12:49:31 AM by Schneizel »


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #168 on: September 20, 2008, 12:53:04 AM »
Sorry for any lateness in response, I'd had quite a bit of work.

Seems like many things have happened, and inactivity is not the major issue now (and this modkill stuff oh god what), so
##Unvote: zooyork

I will look at the Delta issue and make a post on it later tonight.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #169 on: September 20, 2008, 01:16:50 AM »
In case no one has noticed, part of my lack of posting has been that, inconveniently, I was in Anon Mafia (no particular spoilers, as I misposted anyway) as well, which gave me two games to have to digest, which is... frustrating to say the least, especially since both started out painfully slow and then both accelerated (with one reaching into endgame). Now that I am down to one Mafia game, I'm playing the catch-up game here and getting my focus back. So, some abbreviated thoughts to make sure they are out at least.

1. Good to see that some pressure finally came down on Delta. Town should always be upfront with their arguments and should not be evasive when questioned. There is no reason for it. The added overreactions since and the general lashing at your accusers isn't doing any favors either. In the very best circumstances, it makes things harder for town because they can't trust you anymore. At the worst, its scum play. I... just don't see anyway that I could possibly consider you town at this juncture, and am definitely fine with lynching you.

2. Do NOT lynch players who are not responding to pressure at all. This is the sort of lynch that scum likes. No defense, no particular connections, nothing that stands out... easy lynches are good fun for scum. Non-posting will likely get individuals modkilled (do be sure to check the rules), so no worries there and if they return and continue to display particularly evasive posting habits (or continue to inconveniently disappear when they are needed) then you can probably rest assured you've got scum.

As such, I'd generally recommend keeping an eye on the members of that particular train.

3. Ironic and all coming from me at this juncture, but lurkers are important to keep tabs on. Especially in this game, where (at least I) am faced with a lot of new players, it becomes very easy to lose track of who hasn't and who has posted. From a brief glance, Kaze and Disland both look like they need to speak up more often, or at least say more when they do post (as does, obviously, Zooyork).

4. Xanth! Your posts are all sexy and information filled. As a general comment though. Any way to condense them slightly? This is a rehash of arguments I've made before, but WoT style posting is hard on town. Its kinda like Meeple. The posts are informative, but their length and size cause some problems in actually approaching them (and the game itself). It isn't a huge thing, but consider it some generalized advice. ^_^


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #170 on: September 20, 2008, 03:05:58 AM »
El Cid's post about Delta's contradictions fill me with woe. And there's less than 20 hours left before we miss out on our lynch, so:

##Unvote: Silver
##Vote: Delta

That doesn't mean I'm not going to be watching Silver, but for now Delta is the fish to fry.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #171 on: September 20, 2008, 03:29:38 AM »
El Cid's post about Delta's contradictions fill me with woe. And there's less than 20 hours left before we miss out on our lynch, so:
No, you don't miss out on it. If 24hrs has elapsed and no one has been hammered, zooyork will be killed for inactivity and the day will still go on. Bardiche was being dumb when he wrote that post.


zooyork (2) - El Cideon, EvilTom, RoflKnife, schnwtfhisname, kaze, silver
Deltaflyer (6) - AndrewRogue, Xanth, Remo, Disland, El Cid, EvilTom
Disland (0) - Xanth, Deltaflyer
Kaze (0) - Xanth, RoflKnife
Nilie (0) - Remo
silver (2) - Remo, EvilTom, Delta
EvilTom (0) - silver
RoflKnife (1) - Nilie

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Delta is -1 away from hammer.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #172 on: September 20, 2008, 03:45:20 AM »
Then why did day 1 end due to modkill? This inconsistency confuses me.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #173 on: September 20, 2008, 03:51:25 AM »
Then why did day 1 end due to modkill? This inconsistency confuses me.
It was judged to fall within "lack of movement."

Remember the opening post:
- There is no time restrictions so long as the game is "moving". Days will end by default when a majority vote is reached.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #174 on: September 20, 2008, 05:52:32 AM »
Just got a up, and a lot has shifted.

Xanth: Brilliant. Another large post, but more and more they've been filling up with meaty content. Your last posts on Delta seems to be on the money. But, never lay eyes off a man that can analyze every situation. I've got a hell of a lot of respect for you at this point. But I'll still be watching you.

Remo & EvilTom: It seems quite hypocritical that you're jumping on a train instead of voting for me, while you also went at me for doing the exact same thing. Interesting. Another note to EvilTom: You just got Delta to -1, oh my! It seems that way since you guys didn't focus on Delta that much in the past either. In short you're doing the same thing you just voted me for, sans the reasoning of the person being voted in the first place. This all seems rather strange to me.

Delta: I won't join your train, but I see all the arguments against you and they seem valid. So I guess you're lucky I'm not the one that puts you away here, even though you were so quick to vote on me with EvilTom. I wonder, I wonder. Initially, you said that we should be focusing on lurkers. But when it's convenient for you and I follow a train that nails a lurker, you just follow somebody else and vote for me. It seems really, really off, but ah well.

Disland: Show up more, if you can. I'd like a few more of your own thoughts on your current vote as well.