Author Topic: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over  (Read 60359 times)


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #175 on: September 20, 2008, 06:14:29 AM »
In short you're doing the same thing you just voted me for
No. You don't get it, do you? Or you're pretending you don't.
Delta is not inactive. Delta is not going to be modkilled. Delta is not a useless lynch.
Delta's flip will give us lots of useful information, such as about Andrew who's been trying to hang Delta all game.
Zooyork's flip would have given us nothing.

Silver, stop making up crap. You're scummy as hell.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #176 on: September 20, 2008, 06:22:16 AM »
He might not be. But I'm not making anything up. You're voting for a lot of the same reason, as is following the train, trying to finish it off. The thing that's different is the reasoning behind it, which both had the backing of 5 other people. This seems a hell of a lot more solid though I agree. I actually agreed that a Delta lynch would be a good thing in the part of my post after that.

I believe somebody that tries to force somebody else into things is scummy, so I guess the feeling is mutual.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #177 on: September 20, 2008, 06:45:44 AM »
Well, the time for haranguing inactive players today is past, particularly since the threat of modkill might resolve the more serious cases of lurking we have had, one way or the other. (Preferably to get them posting, and not killed, of course.)

So about this Deltaflyer business.

Xanth and El Cideon have made some very good, very detailed cases against Delta. It's quite a bit to read through, but I can see where they are coming from at the moment. Granted, people by nature are not always consistent, but some of the quoted material does raise alarms. What has me most worried is actually not these posts but Delta's responses to them. His self-defense does not address the specific points raised against him, but rather only emphasizes how wrong the voting train on him is. It plays more off emotion than reason, which is a red flag to me.

I may have jumped onto slightly useless trains or even started ones on light things. Thats because if we do not find a half decent lynchee and start lynching, we are going to be nightkilled, one by one by one.

This is basically a scare tactic that I've seen in games I've watched elsewhere, and does not sit well with me. Yes, the town needs to find scum through the lynching process, but putting it that way feels intended to generate panic.

The rest of his post is (perhaps understandably) angry, but again seems constructed to me to make the reader feel that the train on him is injust and insulting. Actual suspicions people have voiced about him are hardly spoken of, and certainly not explained away. His later post is pretty much a "well, what do YOU think, I'm right, you're wrong" kind of deal as well:

Okay, give me YOUR reasons for voting for me not Xanth's.

Disland and Remo, give me YOUR quotes and beliefs about my scumminess.

My scumminess is none and your votes, misplaced

(In the midst of this, I do want people to take note of who has ended up on this train without saying very much. But later.)

During Day 1, I had not voted on Delta, as some more regular players had commented that he seemed to be acting in accordance with his usual playstyle. I'm not familiar with everyone here, but it seems at this point it is no longer a matter of style, but rather that he has run out of answers.

So, Delta: I understand that you seem to be busy or otherwise plagued by RL issues, but you are hardly making a case of defending yourself. With this amount of pressure, you need to start directly tackling the evidence presented against you if you want to ever convince us that we're off the track.

Basically this is it. Unless I hear something extraordinary by the time I log on tomorrow (which is going to be quite a ways from now), I will probably hammer.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #178 on: September 20, 2008, 07:40:25 AM »
I will withdraw my vote on zooyork. What Delta has just said in his previous posts was, in my opinion, an incredibly disastrous move. He is certainly suspicious now and the case for his lynch is a very high one. However, I shall wait a few posts before I make my vote on him, because I expect that people have more to say.

##UNVOTE: zooyork


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #179 on: September 20, 2008, 08:17:33 AM »
You people are mad. Why lynch a townie? WHY?

Look, I explained why i was inactive and erratic vaguely. That is because its a private reason as in, only I know it and I do not wish to share it with anyone. At all.

I am a Vanilla Townie. Simple as. Again.

Silver, stop making up crap. You're scummy as hell.

So vote for scum not town...

Im having less and less time for this game but ill be better now because it is the weekend and I am safe. Please. One more chance guys.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Yellow Carpet Sticker
« Reply #180 on: September 20, 2008, 08:21:22 AM »
schnwtfhisname, Kaze, etc.: don't touch the hammer until Delta's had a chance to defend himself in this position.

As for Xanth: I have to note that I find your conviction that you're going to be killed each night phase a little irksome. This isn't a serious accusation, just something I had to point out as feeling off.

Apologies. This is without doubt survivalism leaking out. I do believe it, but I really shouldn't be baiting anyone not to do it, it's not information that helps people in any way whatsoever, and if I do believe it then what I should probably actually be doing is laying all of my cards on the table with regards to suspicions (and lack thereof) so that I don't leave with any regrets and the following 'autopsy' is more likely to prove fruitful.

Whining about this has been my mistake and my weakness, and whether I die tonight, in the day tomorrow, later or even not at all, I will endeavour not to do so again (without actual gameplay reasoning for its relevance, anyway).

4. Xanth! Your posts are all sexy and information filled. As a general comment though. Any way to condense them slightly? This is a rehash of arguments I've made before, but WoT style posting is hard on town. Its kinda like Meeple. The posts are informative, but their length and size cause some problems in actually approaching them (and the game itself). It isn't a huge thing, but consider it some generalized advice. ^_^

I've been trying to in general, but I needed to with Delta given his evasion and deflection of previous posts, and some of my earlier posts had to cover so much in order to convince people that there actually was a game running. At the very least, if a post runs on too long, I'll attach a condensed version like I did with the last argument (maybe at the start rather than the end in the future), but I will also try to keep things shorter when I can.

Oh, ninja'ed by the man himself. This had better be good.


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Immense Lion Boots
« Reply #181 on: September 20, 2008, 08:36:19 AM »
Delta: take a deep breath. And another. And another. Calm down, look around you and see why this is happening.

You people are mad. Why lynch a townie? WHY?

Can you not see why saying 'I'm town, not scum' doesn't actually mean anything? There is a case against you, and you're replying against what you imagine the case is rather than what it is. You're convincing me more that you might be bad town, but not why you shouldn't be lynched.

Look, I explained why i was inactive and erratic vaguely. That is because its a private reason as in, only I know it and I do not wish to share it with anyone. At all.

This is not the the case against you and never has been. It hasn't even been one facet of the case, and I personally and specifically gave you the benefit of the doubt on the matter of your absence before you ever asked for it. No one is asking why you weren't here, and it doesn't make a difference anyway, so don't randomly throw privacy away.

Im having less and less time for this game but ill be better now because it is the weekend and I am safe. Please. One more chance guys.

Then convince us. You haven't even actually tried to yet. You can't just go 'disregard that argument entirely because I'm town, not scum, honest' and expect the votes to drop off of you.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #182 on: September 20, 2008, 08:47:41 AM »
I meant better as in more coherant. Look, i have to go now but i will be back in an hour, hour and a half tops. Ill be calm then.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #183 on: September 20, 2008, 09:01:22 AM »
I guess my explanation of why I had changed my vote from Silver to Delta was too brief. I kinda got lazy after having to digest Xanth's wall of text, where he had clearly stated Delta's numerous questionable actions. I will point the ones which seemed particularly significant and obvious to me.

Maybe it is really just a case of "Delta being Delta", but he never seems to be able to respond to accusations thrown at him with a valid reply other than "why are you guys picking on me" or "I'm town, you guys are crazy".

Delta also kept changing his vote between lurkers (disland),  supposed scummy looking players (schnwtfhisname) and players whom he thinks made personal attacks on him (andrewrogue, xanth) when they haven't. He himself has admitted to accusing people based on personal feelings (andrewrogue).

Overall, your actions have been inconsistent, questionable and evasive. I had some suspicions regarding you since the early exchanges between you, El Cid and Andrew, but I neglected to declare it properly at first. I will not make this mistake next time. My suspicions regarding silver were initially stronger, but your actions and reactions have been really damning lately. Thus I have decided to commit myself to a vote against you and bear whatever repercussions it may have.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #184 on: September 20, 2008, 07:56:35 PM »
Damn. I miss Friday, and a huge amount of posts are made.

##Unvote: Zooyork
Well, with a modkill, we'll get his role for some info now...=/.

Xanth: Your first huge post with the TL;DR on delta just popped something in my mind. If you're being questioned and you answer and defend yourself for it, you are called being a survivalist; what seems like a mafia/scum trait. If you DON'T answer it and defend yourself from it, you are called out on being dodgy and evasive, which also seems to be a mafia/scum trait. Either thing you do, you're screwed, which means something is wrong here; we need to rethink our logic.

Delta: If you're truely a town vanilla, then you have nothing to fear. Your death will turn heads at people that questioned or accused you heavily. If the town wins, you still win even though you're dead.

Tom: I still stand by my decision that the death of someone reveals many things. If someone was murdered, the police would definately look at people that had a grudge or motivation to murder said person, right? The same would go for this. It seems like for voting, you either vote first, or get kicked repeatedly for being the last 3 voters.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #185 on: September 20, 2008, 08:01:45 PM »
I'll wait.

Delta, I know you've had a tough time with something, so take your time, but do say something. It is not your activity level or supposed "erratic" writing that people have found suspicious.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #186 on: September 20, 2008, 08:11:27 PM »

I had a hunch on Andy, I didnt want to say it afte he he accused me because i thought he would think it was just made up and press me me for more. I was worried that he would see it as too defensive and I know now that yes, it was a mistake.

I did not lie about the hunch.


Also, roflknife, By saying that, we need to look at everyone no matter who dies. EVERYONE.

I am a town vanilla but put this into context: If this was real, No matter what, a person would defend their innocence and their life. It isnt real but still, i dont wanna die cause this is a fun game.

Maybe it really just is a case of me being me. Maybe it appears to you that I am scummy. I assure you (and this is all I can keep doing) I am not scum.

Being a survivalist isnt really scummy, It is what i have been neglecting. I should have answered andy when he first questioned me on day 1.

Please, Do us all a favor. Look at the people who jumped on the train after Xanth posted without saying much.

My back is already against the wall. Killing me wont do anything. If I was to be killed during the night phase however... it would point a finger at andy and el cid and yes, at you Xanth.

Word of advice for now. Dont touch the hammer until the modkill occurs. The day isnt ending when the modkill happens so maybe we can get information. You know, before I get trampled and stabbed underfoot?
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Balsamic Vinegar Reference
« Reply #187 on: September 20, 2008, 09:12:04 PM »
Xanth: Your first huge post with the TL;DR on delta just popped something in my mind. If you're being questioned and you answer and defend yourself for it, you are called being a survivalist; what seems like a mafia/scum trait. If you DON'T answer it and defend yourself from it, you are called out on being dodgy and evasive, which also seems to be a mafia/scum trait. Either thing you do, you're screwed, which means something is wrong here; we need to rethink our logic.

You've confused something somewhere along the lines, which is more than likely my fault. I think the flaw you're making is that in truth (survivalist => defend yourself) =/> (defend yourself => survivalist), and the latter is in fact false. Think of the bad parts of what I've termed survivalism as the advanced lurking strategies that scum might use - not appearing or saying more than necessary, not making votes that might get attention in your direction, generally try not to brush anyone the wrong way for anyone, and generally not trying to draw attention your way. It's this over-prioritisation of life over everything else that's bad and will get you prodded for scum play or bad town play (at best you're effectively giving town one fewer voice), and not sensible things like justifying yourself.

Delta: If nothing else, I agree with waiting for the modkill (it's only a few hours away, so as long as people will be about then or soon after, why not), although I can't see it offering us information that's likely to change anything here (but it can't hurt). Your defence is still not up to much. 'I made mistakes and covered them up,' 'I'm a townie and this is just how I play as a townie,' 'look over there' (a very general 'there'), and 'there's no point in lynching me when you've pushed me -1 to lynching' don't actually justify anything. I particularly like 'you'd get much more information if I died at night,' because I can say with some confidence that no one here would kill you at night. If you're not going to contest any of the points that stand against you then you're admitting to bad town play at best, which still deserves the lynch in this position. If we're wrong then I did have faith in my position and stand by the decision, but I'm sorry and I/we'll do what I/we can from it to have town win.

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #188 on: September 20, 2008, 10:42:06 PM »

zooyork (0) - El Cideon, EvilTom, RoflKnife, schnwtfhisname, kaze, silver
Deltaflyer (6) - AndrewRogue, Xanth, Remo, Disland, El Cid, EvilTom
Disland (0) - Xanth, Deltaflyer
Kaze (0) - Xanth, RoflKnife
Nilie (0) - Remo
silver (2) - Remo, EvilTom, Delta
EvilTom (0) - silver
RoflKnife (1) - Nilie

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Delta is -1 away from hammer.

30 minutes until zooyork bites the dust. (or he posts, whichever happens first)


Modkill in progress...

It was a warm and sunny day. Well, for some reason, it always is in the world of Code Fabulous. And people always knew it would be. Why? Because of the weather lady, of course! But... For some reason, she didn't show up this morning... Or the evening... Heck, where's she been the entire day?

Nobody's even seen her! Huh, well that's odd. Do you reckon something... Happened to her?


Zooyork, aka Milly (Town Aligned Vanilla) mysteriously disappeared.


Game continues as normal.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 11:37:44 PM by Charles di Britannia »
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Spider Necklace Boomerang
« Reply #189 on: September 21, 2008, 01:02:40 AM »
Precisely as expected and predicted. That doesn't change anything for me.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #190 on: September 21, 2008, 01:37:17 AM »
I'm sorry, after some consideration, this is nothing new and my assessment remains the same.

##Vote: Deltaflyer

Charles di Britannia

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #191 on: September 21, 2008, 01:46:47 AM »


zooyork (0) - El Cideon, EvilTom, RoflKnife, schnwtfhisname, kaze, silver
Deltaflyer (7) - AndrewRogue, Xanth, Remo, Disland, El Cid, EvilTom, schnwtfhisname
Disland (0) - Xanth, Deltaflyer
Kaze (0) - Xanth, RoflKnife
Nilie (0) - Remo
silver (2) - Remo, EvilTom, Delta
EvilTom (0) - silver
RoflKnife (1) - Nilie

With 13 alive, it took 7 to lynch. (well actually 12/6, but i wasn't paying attention so anyway lolz)


The day was drawing to a close. 13 had gathered there, their backs all against the wall.

"It's him! He's Zero!" someone cried, and they all looked at Deltaflyer.

"It's not me! I'm innocent!" squealed Delta meekly, and she attempted to look at everyone with puppy dog eyes. Those sort of eyes win over everyone, right?

But schnwtfhisname wasn't convinced. Partially because Delta had her eyes closed the entire time.

"No, you are the scums," said schnwtfhisname, and called everyone to drop the hammer. But Delta is fast and Delta flies around the corner with everyone chasing her... And then Delta encountered the Natural Enemy of the wheelchair.


Lelouch is fucking emo now.


Deltaflyer, aka Nunnally (Town Aligned Vanilla) was killed when she dropped from the stairs. ffff ;_;


Night phase has now begun, send in those Night Actions to this account.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #192 on: September 21, 2008, 06:06:42 PM »
I've just gotten off the phone with Kannon...

It seems I am to be the barer of bad(?) news this morning. (But only if people so desire it of me, hurrr.)

I'm sorry(?) to announce that one of my scientists, Nina Einstein, who was helping with the investigation into Zero's identity, was found dead this morning.

...she died humping a table while looking at a picture of my dead little sister, it seems.

El Cideon, aka Nina Einstein, table humping ugly racist bitch who no one likes (Town Aligned Vanilla) was killed overnight.

Day 3 has now begun.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #193 on: September 22, 2008, 12:53:45 AM »
Well. This isn't good. We're down 3 townies in a short period of time.

El Cideon's Death: I'll say that the mafia/scum are trying to pick off everyone that seems to have a lot of experience with mafia games, or those that seem like a threat to them. We should check the people that El Cideon had suspicions on if it was the latter. It couldn't be on contribution, else they would have killed Xanth instead.

Zooyork's Death: Well...he didn't post much. Just check his suspicions.

Delta's Death: Again, check his suspicions and match them up with Zoo and Cideon's. I might have some suspicion on Andrew, I'll have to check his posts waaaaaay back.

Yeah...I'll post more stuff tomorrow after rereading the whole thread and looking at certain posts in particular.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #194 on: September 22, 2008, 01:21:45 AM »
Just because somebody is confirmed town on death doesn't mean they were right about anything. I highly doubt that looking back at Delta or zooyork's suspicions is going to provide us with any insights.
However, it is useful to look at the voting record.

I find it interesting that Nillie has done very little all game so far.
##Vote: Nillie - where are you?
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Forgotten Wireframe Stilts
« Reply #195 on: September 22, 2008, 08:17:29 AM »
(And suddenly the game grinds to an inexplicable halt. What the hell)

I stand by my push for the lynch. It's unfortunate that it didn't lead to scum, but it would have hung over us for some time afterwards had the momentum been stopped near the end.

I'll make a bigger post later once I've had the chance to look through voting records, almost-voting not-actually-records and general behaviour in the first two days, but our biggest trouble is that we still have too many lurkers and too few mislynches available for us. In addition to Tom's fingering of Nilie, I am particularly concerned about Disland and Kaze.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #196 on: September 22, 2008, 01:19:37 PM »
Just because somebody is confirmed town on death doesn't mean they were right about anything. I highly doubt that looking back at Delta or zooyork's suspicions is going to provide us with any insights.
However, it is useful to look at the voting record.

I find it interesting that Nillie has done very little all game so far.
##Vote: Nillie - where are you?

Here I am. Back after having been forced to deal with, quite a few, technical difficulties. I don't think I'm out of that mess just yet though. But I apologize for not posting more often. Had I been there, had I voiced my opinion less reluctantly, perhaps we could have avoided these victims.

I am truly sorry to hear about Nina, and even more upset by the news of what happend to Nanally. Now feels like the time to act, more than ever before. We cannot allow for more student of Asford Academy to be victims. I am genuinely concerned.

But in order to avoid another silly OMGUS reaction to your post, Eviltom, I shall read again through the previous posts of these past two days and this time I will be much more motivated.

Regardless of the fact EVILtom has posted first on this day, a bit too eagerly pointing fingers too, my supiscion on Roflknife still stands. For the same reasons.

Rather than immediately jumping to conclusions about people not posting, perhaps it would be wiser to actually attempt a decoding of their posts. As far as I am concerned the rule 'no news equals good news' applies first.

*peels an orange a bit too viciously in irritation and walks off to sniff out scum from posts*


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #197 on: September 22, 2008, 11:27:04 PM »
Alright, so here we are.

So we lynched a townie. Unfortunate but we were working with what we had, and I did not think it would turn out this way. In the past, I made a note to myself that the people who voted on Delta without much discussion included Disland and EvilTom, and that bears looking back on. A long post may conceal just as much malicious intent as a short one, however.

As for El Cideon, I will quote something I said a few days ago.

Quote from: schnwtfhisname
I am however sensing a subtle mutual suspicion between El Cideon and Tom that I think will become more important and worthy of looking at in another day or so. Right now I can only say you've both done very well in making me examine at the other.

I will go back and also look at what other people El Cideon has deemed suspect, but this is the first thing that comes to mind.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #198 on: September 22, 2008, 11:48:26 PM »

First and foremost, lurker reminder. Kaze, Disland. Both of you have been exceptionally quiet, but continuing to give off enough presence that you aren't being forgotten/modkilled.

##Vote: Kaze

I''m tossing this out right now to encourage conversation from the both of you, but right now, Kaze is a bit more discerning. Barely any conversation, hasn't put down any noteworthy information/opinions and ended without any votes. This just generally contributes to the sense that you are attempting to lay as low as possible. Your only real attacks were Silver (who I still don't like the case on) back on day one, and the completely absent Zooyork on day two (which... yeah, this isn't a particularly positive thing).

Right now, I'm generally inclined to focus in on lurkers (which we do have a lot of, all things considered) and people who trained onto Zooyork. Other than that, though, let's all try to pick up the slack some.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #199 on: September 23, 2008, 01:30:14 AM »
I shall read again through the previous posts of these past two days and this time I will be much more motivated.
Still waiting for that input.

Agree 100% with Andrew on focusing on lurkers.

Not only Kaze, but I feel we should keep an eye on roflknife. He only votes twice yesterday, once on Kaze and once on zooyork.

So Kaze, roflknife and Nillie are our quiet ones to watch. I'd like to see more activity from you all.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.