
Author Topic: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over  (Read 66567 times)


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #275 on: September 30, 2008, 04:02:50 AM »
I'm still struggling to catch up between homework (midterm this week and the beginning of the next), but currently, I'm inclined to agree with Tom here. Looking back, Nilie has never really... said anything substantive at all. Almost all his posts contain the same sort of vague, skimming tone that sort of either waves off accusations or expresses building interest but never really delivers (see the post I questioned, which particularly bothered me as being completely unhelpful from any perspective).

I want to hear some real analysis from you. Show me that you can actually post substance, and aren't just hiding behind what looks like a lot of text.

##Vote Nilie

As usual, boo to the lurker, but we've got the pressure vote covered there. Speak up, Kaze. Speak up.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #276 on: September 30, 2008, 11:25:10 AM »
Day 4 Vote Count
Kaze (2) - Xanth, Nilie
schnwtfhisname (0) - EvilTom
Nilie (2) - EvilTom, AndrewRogue

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to get a majority lynch~


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #277 on: September 30, 2008, 11:46:00 AM »
I apologise greatly, in between coughing up my lungs and the finale of Geass, I seem to have forgotten about this thread.

I feel that I must agree with EvilTom here, in saying that Nillie has failed to provide analysis. Xanth's vote on me was seemingly just to get things rolling, but he is effectively confirmed innocent anyway (due to the earlier summary post made by schnwtfhisname, which I felt summarised the events up until then well, when combined with Xanth's own post). I feel that trains detract from the whole point of mafia, so votes attached onto others' are particularly scummy.

If Nillie provides me with a reason why his vote on me is justified, that is fair enough, and I shall respond sufficiently. Until then, however, I'll be voting you because of your failure to provide and real conviction behind your voting. Here you merely latched onto what people previously said, and didn't remove your vote even after people posted more detailed suspicions and accusations. Infact, in your vote here you respond to Xanth's post, after more suspicions have been raised, and you vote Roflknife again without providing your own reasons. It seems like you had a personal vendetta against Roflknife, and all you had to say for it was:
Now, wow, schnwtfhisname that is one big post. But aren't we FOS the wrong people again for the wrong reasons? I was so sure that Roflknife was a good place to aim but I turned out to be very wrong. Yet, some voice in my head reassures me and tell me he would very likely have joined the scum side of town of side, eventually. Call it odd intuition.

Let's think our next vote carefully, shall we?
This is an awfully weak reason to "justify" your previous votes, so until you provide an actually conclusive post I feel that you are the most suspicious person here.

##VOTE Nillie


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #278 on: September 30, 2008, 11:49:18 AM »
Xanth's vote on me was seemingly just to get things rolling, but he is effectively confirmed innocent anyway (due to the earlier summary post made by schnwtfhisname, which I felt summarised the events up until then well, when combined with Xanth's own post).
Wait, what? How exactly is Xanth confirmed innocent? Did I miss something here? Where do you draw that conclusion from?
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #279 on: September 30, 2008, 12:02:18 PM »
Wait, what? How exactly is Xanth confirmed innocent? Did I miss something here? Where do you draw that conclusion from?

I said effectively confirmed innocent. Perhaps I should've clarified this. His incredibly detailed posts and determination to keep the mafia ball rolling, something schnwtfhisname echoes in the post I referred to, lead me to believe that he is effectively innocent. If he isn't, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one surprised.


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Rise Ocean Lady
« Reply #280 on: September 30, 2008, 12:52:48 PM »
Just posting to say that I've read up to date. I'll be busy for the next three hours or so, but I'll make something out of the time I have available later. I'll start by making an updated version of the 'who voted for who' list, as that seems like it might actually be useful.

Otherwise, I'm now worried about the possibility of Remo being modkilled, given that he hasn't posted for over four days now and was fairly clear about his apathy at the time. It is at least now a step down from the potential LYLO we could have been in right now if both Kaze and Remo were modkilled, which I would have warned about today otherwise.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #281 on: September 30, 2008, 01:00:13 PM »
Wait, what? How exactly is Xanth confirmed innocent? Did I miss something here? Where do you draw that conclusion from?

I said effectively confirmed innocent. Perhaps I should've clarified this. His incredibly detailed posts and determination to keep the mafia ball rolling, something schnwtfhisname echoes in the post I referred to, lead me to believe that he is effectively innocent. If he isn't, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one surprised.
It's very dangerous to place somebody above suspicion based entirely on how they act.
Either you know something the rest of us don't, or you're being careless.
Xanth has posted lots, but that doesn't mean he's town. He could just as easily be scum on his way to an easy victory, if you give him that.
Effort =/= town.
We've seen plenty of town modkilled for inactivity, but also a scum. By that reasoning, just because someone contribute lots does not automatically clear them.

So Kaze, while I'm not proposing that Xanth is suspicious, I'm saying that he's not above suspicion. Don't ignore him.
If you gloss over someone when looking for scum, you're not really looking.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #282 on: September 30, 2008, 02:34:41 PM »
It's very dangerous to place somebody above suspicion based entirely on how they act.
Either you know something the rest of us don't, or you're being careless.
Xanth has posted lots, but that doesn't mean he's town. He could just as easily be scum on his way to an easy victory, if you give him that.
Effort =/= town.
We've seen plenty of town modkilled for inactivity, but also a scum. By that reasoning, just because someone contribute lots does not automatically clear them.

So Kaze, while I'm not proposing that Xanth is suspicious, I'm saying that he's not above suspicion. Don't ignore him.
If you gloss over someone when looking for scum, you're not really looking.

I probably shouldn't have used such certainty then, but in my mind I considered him suspicious for the first few pages, but it got to the point where there were better leads that that. There are still better leads, in my opinion, and Xanth has dropped from most suspicions at the moment. I'm not ignoring him perse, just prioritising.


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Sock Mission Medley
« Reply #283 on: September 30, 2008, 03:07:10 PM »
I've found myself with a bit of free time earlier than expected, so take the updated vote list. I don't mean to imply anything in particular by adding the colours of known townies/scum, but it can hardly hurt.

As before, links are in the voter's name. Apologies in advance if I make a mistake somewhere.

El Cideon votes for Disland
Nilie votes for ShiChelle
Silver votes for Kaze
EvilTom votes for schnwtfhisname
schnwtfhisname votes for EvilTom
Silver unvotes Kaze and votes for schnwtfhisname
Remo votes for Silver
(the 'joke vote phase' ends no later than this point)
AndrewRogue votes for Xanth
Deltaflyer2k8 votes for schnwtfhisname
Kaze votes for zooyork
Disland votes for Roflknife
Xanth votes for Silver
El Cideon unvotes Disland and votes for Deltaflyer2k8
AndrewRogue unvotes Xanth and votes for Deltaflyer2k8
schnwtfhisname unvotes EvilTom
EvilTom unvotes schnwtfhisname and votes for Silver
Silver unvotes schnwtfhisname and votes for Xanth
Kaze unvotes zooyork and votes for Silver
Remo unvotes Silver and votes for Xanth
schnwtfhisname votes for Disland
Deltaflyer2k8 unvotes schnwtfhisname and votes for Remo
Roflknife votes for Remo
(day 1 ends without a lynch)
(day 2 begins)
El Cideon votes for zooyork
AndrewRogue votes for Deltaflyer2k8
Xanth votes for Disland
EvilTom votes for zooyork
Xanth unvotes Disland and votes for Kaze
Remo votes for Nilie
Deltaflyer2k8 votes for Disland
Roflknife votes for Kaze
Remo unvotes Nilie and votes for Silver
Xanth unvotes Kaze and votes for Deltaflyer2k8
Silver votes for EvilTom
Nilie votes for Roflknife
Roflknife unvotes Kaze and votes for zooyork
schnwtfhisname votes for zooyork
Deltaflyer2k8 unvotes Disland
Kaze votes for zooyork
Silver unvotes EvilTom and votes for zooyork
EvilTom unvotes zooyork and votes for Silver
Deltaflyer2k8 votes for Silver
Silver unvotes zooyork
Remo unvotes Silver and votes for Deltaflyer2k8
Disland votes for Deltaflyer2k8
El Cideon votes for Deltaflyer2k8 (forgets to unvote zooyork, but vote counts anyway)
schnwtfhisname unvotes zooyork
EvilTom unvotes Silver and votes for Deltaflyer2k8
Kaze unvotes zooyork
schnwtfhisname votes for Deltaflyer2k8 (hammer)
(day 3 begins)
EvilTom votes for Nilie
AndrewRogue votes for Kaze
Xanth votes for Kaze
Nilie votes for Roflknife
Kaze votes for Disland
Kaze unvotes Disland
AndrewRogue unvotes Kaze and votes for Disland
EvilTom unvotes Nilie and votes for Roflknife
Silver votes for EvilTom
Remo votes for EvilTom
Xanth unvotes Kaze and votes for Disland
Xanth unvotes Disland and votes for Kaze
Xanth unvotes Kaze and votes for Roflknife (sudden death hammer)
(day 4 starts)
Xanth votes for Kaze
EvilTom votes for schnwtfhisname
EvilTom unvotes schnwtfhisname
Nilie votes for Kaze
EvilTom votes for Nilie
AndrewRogue votes for Nilie
Kaze votes for Nilie


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Ironing Drumstick Friend
« Reply #284 on: September 30, 2008, 08:02:44 PM »
I dislike this roundabout discussion about my allegiance. Either accuse/question me directly or keep it to yourself. I'll happily take any challenges head on, but there's nothing to be gained from baseless 'he might be scum' conjectures, especially when I've been doing more than just 'posting lots'.

I'm yet to see cause to change my vote from Kaze. One perceived train vote has just birthed another, larger one. Not that I would put in a -1 to hammer vote at this point in any event.

Tom's jumping from target to target is draining my support. I'm aware that you had a quick go at Nilie before, but I can only read that as a pressure vote for inactivity. More interesting is your mysteriously morphed opinion on Silver, by which I mean a lack of one (to a lesser degree, I'm surprised you're letting Remo go scot free after voting for you with weak justification and then not showing up at all so far today). You had him by the balls for much of day two, insisted that you were only putting him aside in day three in favour of ensuring a lynch, and with all of the time in the world in day four you've said naught about him. I can't imagine why a random role claim would suddenly put you off in the midst of no more helpful information, confusion and a sudden notable period of lurking at a critical point. Your recent accusations read as being based on the latest post at the time, and this sensationalism doesn't sit well when sat next to just shrugging off accusations made against you in the space of a few inadequate lines. I discussed the dual theories of you being town or mafia in far more detail than that. Everything that you've done would work well as mafia, and the weird little coincidences with Disland at the very least draw my eye. El Cid winds up dead in the night after being the only real voice of reason prodding you about scaremongering and such. No, I'm hardly saying that this draws suspicion solely in your direction (El Cid makes enough sense for at least most people), but these little things just pile up, and your current attitude does nothing for what was up until the point I started to defend you against schnwtfhisname's implications at the start of this day a fairly willing gut belief that it just didn't make sense for you to be scum.

And don't think I don't see the claim against Nilie (if he's not willing to defend himself now then I'll have little but guts to hesitate a vote), nor will I change my vote to you at this juncture. Even with all of this I'm still more interested in Kaze.

Speaking of Silver, I'm really surprised he hasn't made another showing since his roleclaim (and don't think I haven't spotted him signing in and leaving without saying anything several times today). Two meaty lynch candidates, and notably heightened suspicion on one of his main targets. There's really nothing to wait for to hold opinions back for at this point. No one's going to comment on a role claim that does nothing for anything regardless of what you are. The longer you remain silent at this point the louder you shout that you're trying to fly under the radar.

This day is still waiting for most players to show their hand in one way or another, so I can only hope that people get the time to make a proper showing before we run out of it here.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #285 on: September 30, 2008, 09:15:20 PM »
Why, here it is. I think I now know just who is mafia amongst you know. I vote for Kaze and suddenly there are three votes against me for it.
I've only left for 24 hours because my days start at 7 in the morning and end at 9 in the evening.

You people have really absolutely nothing against me except the general lighthearted tone I use in my posts, and now you think of it as fishy because I've finally made it clear I have something against the scum side of this town?

Feel threatened, perhaps?

I think I'll be posting a lot more seriously in the next hour just for that. Perhaps it is a good thing after all, I did lack the motivation lately.

But such wits, I'll read through whatever it is you people are accusing me of, but I doubt it'll be any smarter than what was said for Nanally, of it's not too few posts it's lack of comprehensible content, which is called bread-crumbing I believe. If anything I'm just about the only player here bothering to make references to the show and to stay true to my character as well as hinting to what their thoughts are.

I also have done my best to avoid seen more innocent civilians been taken away by unbased accusation votes like what has been done so far.

The only luck we had was Sayoko getting modkilled, so far absolutely no one has been lynched in the favor of this town. But Ho and behold, Kaze has been threatened OMGUS! and so have EVILtom and Andrewrogue. What does this suggest? How do I read this?

You tell me.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #286 on: September 30, 2008, 09:38:09 PM »

This is an awfully weak reason to "justify" your previous votes, so until you provide an actually conclusive post I feel that you are the most suspicious person here.

##VOTE Nillie

That was no justification, it was an "Oh well, what do you know, he was only a townie for the time being, let's not let that sadden us too much." Again, reference to the events in the Code Geass show.

I want to hear some real analysis from you. Show me that you can actually post substance, and aren't just hiding behind what looks like a lot of text.

##Vote Nilie

So you'd rather I just repeat what Xanth and schnwtfhisname have said so far and (magnificently and I believe I sometimes quoted them on it to voice my absolute agreement) in my own way, and then accuse me of simply repeating what others have said?

I'll attempt to explain just why it was I decided to vote Kaze again. But I must read and quote starting 10 pages backwards at least, I think. Otherwise I'd have a hard time convincing you hardcore people.


And I'll get to that too, don't worry. Soon.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #287 on: September 30, 2008, 10:27:06 PM »
People read all the time without posting, to think things over.

Anyways, I'm not hiding anything at all. If you suspect me, vote for me, I don't really care if I'm killed off. Everything included the roleclaim was meant to draw attention to myself, not sweep myself under the rug. The fact that people are still talking about it a good while after I did it proves that.

EvilTom: It seems like my claim has made you forget about your position against me, or just focus on somebody else. Why would you believe somebody you think to be "extremely scummy"? I still believe you're quite scummy yourself by the actions you've put forth against me earlier. Especially your initial actions in voting for me to get me to vote for Xanth. As well, even though you saw me as scum, probably more than anyone, you refused to try to lynch me in day 3 and 4 (before my roleclaim). Very interesting really. You really like going for the easiest target most times it seems. Hiding behind things like "the time limit", when I was able to get you to -1 within that time limit. If you were able to show people that I was scum, I probably would have been lynched right there. Instead you try doing what's "good for town", and vote for the easiest candidate. Voting for somebody you truly think is scum is the best way to help the town out. Regardless of any time limits.

Nilie: It seems that you got people suspicious of you just by trying to be nice, and going off other people's opinions for evidence. That seems fine to me really. I have no reason to see a strong case here.

Kaze: Nobody is effectively confirmed innocent. Ever. Or even close. They can always be lying, telling you what you want to hear. Have a free mind, and look for signs. Mostly every one of these "better leads" turned out to be town lurkers.

schnwtfhisname: Haven't really seen anything that off with him... I'll have to recheck his posts to see.

I'll get to the other half of today's assessment soon.

Until then, I don't see much of reason not to change my vote from yesterday's. EvilTom still seems like somebody to really keep an eye on.

##Vote: EvilTom


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #288 on: September 30, 2008, 11:33:16 PM »
Well... frankly Nilie, I'd really like you to not basically just be echoing whatever they say/riding on their coattails. That's... really all you've done, and frankly, that's not good. It makes it impossible to track you, gives you the ability to push off your "mistakes" onto whoever made the analysis and, generally speaking, allows good scum to lead you around by the nose. I've stated specific issues I have with you. I'd appreciate it if you could indeed answer them by explaining, in your own words, why you're voting for Kaze.

I'd also like you to elaborate a bit on your attack against Tom and myself rather than kinda... knee jerking an attack because we voted for you. For example, you are failing to acknowledge the fact that I pursued an attack on Kaze yesterday and had no issues when Xanth joined in as well. Furthermore, I followed that up with an attack on Disland... who I'll take this moment to point out was scum. So, if we're going by how votes are falling... well, you see the problem, right?

Furthermore, this particular line:

If anything I'm just about the only player here bothering to make references to the show and to stay true to my character as well as hinting to what their thoughts are.

Is kind of bothering me, especially since its used in such an accusatory form. In case you haven't really figured it out at this point, this isn't really an RP. This is a social game. The fact that you are playing you character well has absolutely no bearing on anything at all and, in fact, is a negative quality if its detracting from town's ability to scum hunt which, in your case, seems to be the case.

Admittedly now, looking back at the vote counts (and also being ninja'd by Silver), Tom does bear further scrutiny but I've got nothing to say about him at the moment.

At the moment, I'm inclined to think, pending responses, my top candidates for the day are Nilie (riding coattails, incredibly weak content and overall lack of presence) and Kaze (being a lurker of the highest degree this entire game). Depending on a review of his posts, Evil Tom might also make a decent candidate as well.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #289 on: October 01, 2008, 12:11:27 AM »
To justify my previous post in my defense, (word economy)

Nilie: It seems that you got people suspicious of you just by trying to be nice, and going off other people's opinions for evidence. That seems fine to me really. I have no reason to see a strong case here.

Miss Fenette, thank you kindly. *bows gracefully*

Now as for the people I've chosen to give the benefit of the doubt to, Xanth and schnwtfhisname. It's not just because of how good both their posts are, or because of the lovely icons, but also because of just how much it's benefiting the town as well as the game overall. They're not just giving us leads on how to think and offering the evidence on pretty brochures, they even warn us when something could possibly cause harm, even indirectly to the nice townies. Needless to say, they're not where I feel I should be focusing my attention right now. This does not mean I do not voice my suspicions immediately like I have with schnwtfhisname a few pages earlier.

Now I find it rather amusing, well, not at all amusing actually to be completely honest, that what Kaze and EVILtom have accused my post of applies to their own posts as well. Nice words Kaze, for someone who posts a little less than once a day and so shortly, I'd be a complete hypocrite if I did not openly admit that your fabulous icon had something with me putting off my decision to vote for you until now; weak reason, yes I know. After voting for Roflknife and turning out to be completely wrong something about that dance hypnotized me into thinking that, surely, you were Shirley. I am relieved now that Silver has roleclaimed, honestly, it seems all the weaklings came hammered or modkilled first, can you blame the paranoia of my own paranoia?

One reason Kaze, you say?  Alright, just one: You pop in, vote without much explaining, leave.
My vote was also partially a taunt to get you to say a bit more, you haven't been too clear about anything much yourself, I must say. But maybe I do know to little to judge you.

I feel I can do this without too much regret right now, for now,
##UNVOTE: Kaze

I think I'll focus on why I think EVILtom is evil, and yes, I do enjoy emphasizing.

Posts are short, hardly anything really relevant is ever said in your posts and starting day 1 you've voted and unvoted good townies right and left like whoa. You also had a "Huh, what makes you think he really innocent at all, he may not be, really!" sort of concern earlier on something said about Xanth, which strikes me as hilarious. We all have our doubts about Xanth really, because I'm sure everyone here thinks that if there is one player who could possibly troll us Taniguchi style (brilliant stuff)until the very end then it must be him since he's so good at this. But as I've already said, no, it's much too lame a reason to be so suspicious as to vote, especially since his activity is invaluable to this game.
I only voted around 2 people each day, you can't expect me to vote for everyone. Scum are the only ones who know who scum are, so they're the only ones who know to vote for each other (in order to avoid suspicion later). So the Disland argument doesn't work.
Oh but it does, isn't that like proving you knew exactly what you were doing?

Nillie: You've consistently provided us with nothing.
Voting for someone and then stating the reason as 'scum must die', and then FOSing two other people for 'the reasons mentioned earlier'... you're not backing up anything. And you've barely provided any content all game.
I'll be the first to admit, 'the scum must die' line wasn't exactly clever. But I quote people on why I agree with them as the game moves forward, I actually get very little time to play you know. (I am actually pushing my 11 hours of sleep per 48 limit here to post this, btw).
But it's ditto for your own posts.

Not only has Nillie failed to provide real analysis or make efforts towards finding scum, Nillie just pushed the train a bit further. I'd like to hear from Nillie /why/ he/she is making these points. And some analysis on all the players please. We're past the point of random votes.

What is it with you and Kaze and pushing trains? (This particular one is a wreck anyway) . I wasn't at all been random. Just that one line, it was my way of saying, "I'll do it now, I must, this is what must be done for that purpose".

You people have absolutely no reason to doubt my current hate of the scum side of this town.

Also, this post of yours EVILtom,

I don't think you understand the concept of 'town only has one weapon, and it is called the lynch'.
Seems like this time limit has got you anxious to kill somebody off.
Time limit be damned.
Yesterday you tried to waste town's only weapon on lynching an inactive towny who was going to be modkilled.

I'm going to stick to my own suspicions rather than going for somebody that someone has already voted for.
Today, you don't care if we get to lynch or not, you'd rather follow your personal vendetta against me. Even if it means putting the town's lynch at risk.

If you think I'm so goddamn bad, vote for me, not another lurker.
I'm not going to vote for you.
Unlike you, I place the interests of town ahead of my own.
It is in the interests of town to reach a majority vote. If we do not do this in the time limit, we will not get a lynch.

However rest assured, tomorrow when time is on our side then I shall vote for you.
In the meantime, please start acting like a member of team town and not team Silver.

... Is completely self-contradicting. Yes, lynching someone who's about to get modkilled anyway is obviously safer than getting to random people killed without much evidence since the person about to get lynched obviously has already done something wrong to this town's system efficiency (gaymu~), the mods are fabulous and know what they're doing better. Though granted, so far it's been rather sad.

Town has only one weapon as opposed to what a player like you would have, right, maybe?

The next line, you sounded more defensive than actually offended.

Later, well, team Silver turns out to be, actually, quite nice, vanilla flavoured in fact.

I believe that is all reason enough for me to vote now, right?

##VOTE: EvilTom

Now if you'll excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I really must retire for the night.

I apologize for how cranky I might have sounded earlier this night. This just wasn't the most pleasant development for me to be welcomed with.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #290 on: October 01, 2008, 12:26:12 AM »

I'd also like you to elaborate a bit on your attack against Tom and myself rather than kinda... knee jerking an attack because we voted for you. For example, you are failing to acknowledge the fact that I pursued an attack on Kaze yesterday and had no issues when Xanth joined in as well. Furthermore, I followed that up with an attack on Disland... who I'll take this moment to point out was scum. So, if we're going by how votes are falling... well, you see the problem, right?

(>.< ; Kneejerking reakshun coz of teh hammer @ joint)

I was curious about Kaze as well, at least I haven't gone OMGUS in my frustration. And no, I fail to see the problem, really, I've made it clear I felt very guilty about not voting Disland and contributing to the lynch of my favorite blondie in the show instead. 

Furthermore, this particular line:

If anything I'm just about the only player here bothering to make references to the show and to stay true to my character as well as hinting to what their thoughts are.

Is kind of bothering me, especially since its used in such an accusatory form. In case you haven't really figured it out at this point, this isn't really an RP. This is a social game. The fact that you are playing you character well has absolutely no bearing on anything at all and, in fact, is a negative quality if its detracting from town's ability to scum hunt which, in your case, seems to be the case.

Admittedly now, looking back at the vote counts (and also being ninja'd by Silver), Tom does bear further scrutiny but I've got nothing to say about him at the moment.

At the moment, I'm inclined to think, pending responses, my top candidates for the day are Nilie (riding coattails, incredibly weak content and overall lack of presence) and Kaze (being a lurker of the highest degree this entire game). Depending on a review of his posts, Evil Tom might also make a decent candidate as well.

Perhaps I am failing to see then also, where the difference between a Geass Mafia game and any other mafia game should lie. I read somewhere that IC posts make things more pleasant and I am of that same opinion. It's sort of boring if it's all limited to finding out names that you're familiar with only when someone gets hammered/modkilled.

I have no idea what riding coattails means, but I roll my eyes at the lack of presence bit. *points smoothly at both Kaze and EVILtom*

I'll just eat fruits in tomorrow the morning before posting anything more. I just don't think I'm been very efficient right now.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #291 on: October 01, 2008, 06:02:18 AM »
My father has left all of the trifling matters up to me. Totally going to go plan a coup d'etat now.
(Bardiche ditched me as only mod due to his lack of internet access. T_T)

Day 4 Vote Count
Kaze (1) - Xanth, Nilie
schnwtfhisname (0) - EvilTom
Nilie (3) - EvilTom, AndrewRogue, Kaze
EvilTom (2) - Silver, Nilie

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to get a majority lynch~

Edit: Also, if Remo doesn't show up shortly, then I will modkill him. Modkilling him would change the # it takes to make a majority vote to 4. If that happens, I'm wiping votecount.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 06:39:35 AM by Schneizel »


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #292 on: October 01, 2008, 08:32:34 AM »
Nillie's OMGUS on me is really pathetic. The arguments are just so weak, it's obvious he's trying to just get back at me because
a) he's so close to being lynched and is nervous, and
b) I started the votes against him for today.
So Nillie is still the best candidate for my vote, and the lynch.
Nillie, you might want to start thinking about roleclaim.

If you were able to show people that I was scum, I probably would have been lynched right there. Instead you try doing what's "good for town", and vote for the easiest candidate.
Silver, why do you wan't me to go after you so badly? It's a very strange fixation you have. Perhaps you might like to think about /why/ it is that I suddenly no longer want to lynch you.
If you're town as you say you are, then why is me changing my mind and deciding you're not scummy, a scummy action in its own right?
What I quoted you saying doesn't even make sense. If you were such an easy target and I was going after easy targets, then why didn't I go after you?
Voting for somebody you truly think is scum is the best way to help the town out. Regardless of any time limits.
[/quote] Except, town would have potentially missed out on a chance to kill scum. The only people who don't want town to lynch are scum.
Would you seriously prefer that town didn't lynch? That we sat around waiting for the modkills to end the day?
Do you even realise that scum get free kills, one after another if we do that?

You really need to re-think your stance, Silver.
You don't strike me right now as someone who is scum, just somebody who is playing badly.

Meanwhile, Nillie does an OMGUS, and continues to provide very little meaningful input.

And it looks like there will be *another* modkill, continuing with the theme of more modkills than lynches/NKs put together. Awesome.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #293 on: October 01, 2008, 08:33:31 AM »
Ah crap, quote failure.

Voting for somebody you truly think is scum is the best way to help the town out. Regardless of any time limits.
  - That should have been in quote tags.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #294 on: October 01, 2008, 10:03:36 AM »
Actually, we were going to lynch with the time limit as long as there was at least one vote cast. Then at the end, the person with the most votes would be lynched. Because there was a tie it went into sudden-death mode and somebody finished it off. There was no way somebody wasn't getting lynched.

If you were such an easy target and I was going after easy targets, then why didn't I go after you?

I didn't say I was easy. Lurkers and trains are easy, and I've of course followed a couple of those myself. I'm not an easy target simply because I'm here posting and backing myself up. Thing is during the time of days 2 and 3, you were making me out to be complete scum. Somebody as bad as what you were saying should be voted for and killed, shouldn't he? So either you didn't believe some of the things you were writing entirely, or you had a reason not to. I know when I roleclaimed you lost a lot of your ambition to go after me, but in reality it doesn't change any of my past actions. Please understand that I'm not trying to villainize myself, but seeing the way you've thought of me between days 2 and 4 and analyzing it. Something doesn't seem to add up with your own actions.

I'm not close to saying I'm that bad, I just like people that stick to their opinions and act on them. That was my point.

I guess my logic is just weird.


On a completely other note:

We've got to be really careful either way with who we lynch, especially if both him and Remo end up being Town. That would put us at an even worse state. Remember that the only scum we've found has been a modkill. We've lynched townies one by one. So there's really a problem here, unless we're picking from process of elimination, or we get lucky and actually get a Scum lynch for once.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #295 on: October 01, 2008, 10:15:00 AM »
On a completely other note:

We've got to be really careful either way with who we lynch, especially if both him and Remo end up being Town. That would put us at an even worse state. Remember that the only scum we've found has been a modkill. We've lynched townies one by one. So there's really a problem here, unless we're picking from process of elimination, or we get lucky and actually get a Scum lynch for once.

This young lady speaks the truth with words better than my own. I'll also voice my agreement on the bases for her opinion of EVILtom, mine are the same.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #296 on: October 01, 2008, 10:20:04 AM »
No, I am not trying to be subtle.

Nillie's OMGUS on me is really pathetic. The arguments are just so weak, it's obvious he's trying to just get back at me because
a) he's so close to being lynched and is nervous, and
b) I started the votes against him for today.
So Nillie is still the best candidate for my vote, and the lynch.
Nillie, you might want to start thinking about roleclaim.

Alright now, just how 'meaningful' do you want an argument to be about someone who practically says nothing at all. Rather than counter them and tell me why you're not what I'm accusing you of and that's EVIL and scum you'd rather make it look like I'm pathetic for fighting back? It's not an OMGUS, I'll get back to Kaze soon enough, but you've just managed to irk me with that attitude of yours, now all I'm thinking is "Just how did I not notice this before?".

Wouldn't you be nervous if three people in a raw voted you like this? You did start the votes against me and then Kaze followed without a second thought and that's when something clicked for me. How completely unfair; 'you've got a jacked up notion of fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss me off'.

But might as well, the near-lynch did pretty much revive my interest, if only my own. Before I leave I want to at least get one your scums down with me.

I've dealt with enough crap from the scum for the past 3 nights, thank you very much and this time, I'd rather hit before I'm hit. Not to mention how upset I was about Nanally's lynch, that was decidedly the scum leading us on like puppets. This sort of thing has caused me trouble in the past and I do not want to see it been repeated, I'll work on that with all my might. It is funny to see how those who stood with you before can simply betray you in the end so easily even with entirely made-up evidence. Like I don't know, something related to oranges, for example. Even though you've done nothing but show the purest of loyalty, whatever failures you're partially responsible for will immediately be used against you and your feelings of guilt and your tears and title will be pointedly ignored.

Well it's in times like these that I can find just who truly is my ally. I am ready to be surprised. Then this player's name the town will commemorate.

Meanwhile, Nillie does an OMGUS, and continues to provide very little meaningful input.
And it looks like there will be *another* modkill, continuing with the theme of more modkills than lynches/NKs put together. Awesome.

Why did that last bit not sound very pro-town? More random people get to die. Well no, you haven't convinced me at all of this in your previous post either, talk of how lynching is the town's only weapon and whatnot. Just because I do not want more people to be lynched like Delta was does not mean I am harming this town. Quite the opposite, on the contrary, you're the one who's always a bit too excited about this. Perhaps Remo, will be another loss for this town then? We cannot know. This person has voted for me once then took it back as soon as I provided an explanation for my absence before. This much I can remember. That is also why I hope they speak up before the modkill. I will no just judge people like I did before.

In the meanwhile I'll just continue to fight, like it or not EVILtom.

No roleclaiming to make things easier for you just yet, forgive me.

(Real Nilie's Note: **** I almost lost this post!! Took me all my free block to write too!)


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #297 on: October 01, 2008, 10:58:47 AM »
Wouldn't you be nervous if three people in a raw voted you like this?
Actually I was on -1 sudden death, and I didn't crack like you are now.
It really goes to show.

I've dealt with enough crap from the scum for the past 3 nights, thank you very much and this time, I'd rather hit before I'm hit.
Wait, what? Can you explain this please?
What has happened to you in the night phases? Can you elaborate?

And why do you think scum are targeting you?

I don't see any evidence that points to that conclusion. Perhaps you'd like to explain?
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Flick Blaze Chrysanthemum
« Reply #298 on: October 01, 2008, 12:20:47 PM »
Edit: Also, if Remo doesn't show up shortly, then I will modkill him. Modkilling him would change the # it takes to make a majority vote to 4. If that happens, I'm wiping votecount.

Can you please quantify when the cat is set to be put down, my liege-in-waiting? It mostly matters in regards to what we do in the meantime (discussion continues as normal, but voting probably turns into 'what I will do after the count has been reset').

6. roflknife (Gino - Town Conditional Self-Silencer) -- Lynched Day 3

Conditional self-silencer? Oh wow, who knows what the condition is, but that's hilarious. It's a shame Roflknife didn't come back to save himself, but I guess this gets added to the fun of the post-game discussion.

Wouldn't you be nervous if three people in a raw voted you like this?
Actually I was on -1 sudden death, and I didn't crack like you are now.
It really goes to show.

Misleading. You had only one vote on you at the time you made your final post before your exit to the convention, which was from Silver, who you could hardly expect to draw support on his own. You even knew that if it did go down to the wire that I'd act to aid you.

And it looks like there will be *another* modkill, continuing with the theme of more modkills than lynches/NKs put together. Awesome.

Why did that last bit not sound very pro-town?

That was clearly sarcasm, although admittedly the attitude doesn't help. I certainly wouldn't make a point from that that Tom's somehow looking forward to the modkill.

Oh, and definitely don't name/roleclaim at this point, good for you. Your back's not even remotely as close to the wall as Tom would like you to believe, and that over-aggressiveness is another mark against his name.

On a completely other note:

We've got to be really careful either way with who we lynch, especially if both him and Remo end up being Town. That would put us at an even worse state. Remember that the only scum we've found has been a modkill. We've lynched townies one by one. So there's really a problem here, unless we're picking from process of elimination, or we get lucky and actually get a Scum lynch for once.

Well, we should always be careful about who we lynch, but yes, if neither Remo nor our lynch is scum (and I'll be surprised if Remo is, although not completely floored), then we'll be in LYLO tomorrow regardless of whether there's an NK or not.

Actually, we were going to lynch with the time limit as long as there was at least one vote cast. Then at the end, the person with the most votes would be lynched. Because there was a tie it went into sudden-death mode and somebody finished it off. There was no way somebody wasn't getting lynched.

I second this point. It's part of the scaremongering that Tom's used to justify aspects of your over-aggression. It's a weird slip.

Silver, why do you wan't me to go after you so badly? It's a very strange fixation you have. Perhaps you might like to think about /why/ it is that I suddenly no longer want to lynch you.
If you're town as you say you are, then why is me changing my mind and deciding you're not scummy, a scummy action in its own right?

Weak. Incredibly weak. Unbelievably weak. Why the hell a vanilla name/roleclaim would suddenly satisfy you is beyond me, when it's clear that scum have more than likely been given safe names to claim, you should be assuming this is the case anyway, and I've made a big point about this (repeatedly(?)).

I'm practically calling Tom and Kaze out as the remaining two scum here and now. My vote remains on Kaze so that people don't just forget him again in the midst of this latest escalation elsewhere and as a matter of preference of order, but at this point I will readily help to see either one hang.

As such, I'm declaring ahead of time that if there is a vote reset that I will be immediately placing my vote on Kaze again, but will shift to Tom if I can't convince people to follow my lead.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #299 on: October 01, 2008, 12:46:03 PM »
Hope I made it in time.

Ok I didn't really read everything in detail and analyze every last detail, but it seems that the two most likely scum pairs are either Silver/Nillie or EvilTom/Kaze. This is from Schwtf's and Xanth's observations and analysis. Schwtf pointed out the 4 people who never voted Disland (me/Silver/Nillie/EvilTom) and EvilTom is now voting against Silver/Nillie. Kaze actually voted for Disland once but he unvoted him soon after, so its not totally conclusive.

Anyway it seems that we need to lynch someone from these two pairs to help establish the truth.

I have had doubts on EvilTom for a while, and while I cannot be totally sure on the whole he feels the most suspicious to me. Therefore I will be going with my own feelings and

##Vote: EvilTom