Author Topic: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over  (Read 66484 times)


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Periapt Tomato Psychic
« Reply #325 on: October 04, 2008, 02:05:27 AM »
(hey there new page)

That was longer than I was hoping it would turn out to be. My apologies.

Also note that I principally want to see the votes on someone who isn't Tom, as we have a better paper trail that way. I personally want them on Kaze for reasons outlined just now (and because it's the one way I know the choice wasn't influenced by scum, but this is useless to the rest of you), but this shouldn't silence discussion on Nilie and Remo, who I imagine are the other two that people might want to opt for. I'm really quite strongly behind Kaze, but Remo's slowly running out of favours. To counterclaim against the obvious charge on Remo, I'll point out now that even with a smaller post count we still know far more about Remo's thoughts and opinions than we do of Kaze's.

And that really is me done for today.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #326 on: October 04, 2008, 03:14:53 AM »
I now know that Xanth is 99% town; if he were scum, he could have easily let the timer lynch me, and that might have been the end of the game (or at least a very dangerous lylo).
Nillie followed his lead, so I can say from that action that Nillie is roughly 65-75% town.
##Unvote: Nillie

After reading through Xanth's opinions and quotes on Kaze, he really does make a very compelling case. For me, it's a toss-up between Kaze and Remo. I'm more wary of Remo because of his disappearing act.. but I guess that can happen to anyone, either scum or town.

I'm going to throw this down for now and see how it pans out for the rest of today.

PS. sorry for being AWOL recently, had a midnight-to-dawn laser war the night before last, and it still hurts like ****.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #327 on: October 04, 2008, 03:16:00 AM »
And I forgot to actually vote *facepalm*
##Vote: Kaze

Updated votecount please?
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #328 on: October 04, 2008, 06:12:00 AM »
Checking in.

Apologies again for low activity, I have been very busy (not to mention sick; if someone said there was a way to catch a cold through the internet I'd believe it, because that is what half of #gg seems to have done).

Xanth, I have to say that is a pretty substantial post, I'm going to mull over it a bit and try to come to a decision before the deadline. I am feeling a little swayed right now so I'll go back over Tom and Kaze's record.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #329 on: October 04, 2008, 10:50:24 AM »
Day 4 Vote Count
Kaze (3) - Xanth, Nilie, Nilie, EvilTom
schnwtfhisname (0) - EvilTom
Nilie (0) - EvilTom, AndrewRogue, Kaze
EvilTom (2) - Silver, Nilie, Remo

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to get a majority lynch.

Roughly 5hrs 20mins until the deadline.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #330 on: October 04, 2008, 12:30:55 PM »
Ok after seeing Xanth's explanation of the possible and presumably likely remaining scum roles, it seems unlikely that the scum will purposely sacrifice one of their own to provide a cover for the survivor. If this is the case then EvilTom is less likely to be the scum since he is not really getting any help. But then again player you can't really discount player apathy in this game, which will throw off any serious calculations.

Xanth's detailed examination of why he suspects Kaze is illuminating, and at the moment both EvilTom and Nilie (and possibly Schwtf) has been swayed. At this rate Kaze will be modkilled if no one else takes any action, yet we still don't really see anyone coming out to help him.

If Kaze turns out to be scum, then most likely EvilTom and Nilie are not scum. The most likely remaining scum would be... Silver I guess. For being the last one out of the four (besides me haha) which never voted for Disland.

If he is NOT scum, then the obvious suspects will turn out the be EvilTom OR Nilie.

The most hilarious scenario would be if the scum are really pro and all our guesses and assumptions have been wrong. Then god save us all.

For me its become a tossup between EvilTom and Kaze (yes I got influenced too). At this rate he is going to be killed anyway so I don't think there is any point in bringing him to -1, but if I keep EvilTom at 3 votes things can still remain open for the remaining few hours.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #331 on: October 04, 2008, 12:41:01 PM »
Remo, you forgot to mention Andrew. That's... concerning. For a couple of reasons. But I'll let people make up their own minds about that.
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #332 on: October 04, 2008, 03:56:42 PM »
Going to comment on recent happenings:

Kaze: It seems everybody is looking at you for actively lurking, and following every train possible. As well, Xanth as shown you're pretty hypocritical of your stance on trains. And the fact that you unvote every single time before the day ends is very odd. Can't really blame them, the evidence is pretty sound. I want to see his response to all this evidence against him before voting, however.

Andrew: Most of your posts seem helpful and analytical. But I don't see anything that really puts you apart. I don't have any suspicions of you.

Remo: You are pretty much right. Usually the suspicious ones cover their tracks fairly well, while the actual scum goes unnoticed until the last possible second. Who knows, after all this help and complete analyzation of the game, Xanth can still be an enemy and we'll never know. Anyways, you can't base that much on the people that didn't know Disland was scum, because he didn't even end up being lynched. Some people were suspicious here and there, but if he wasn't modkilled he might still be here in the game. Alternatively there's been several lynches that we've been positive about they were scum and they turned out to be town. They were suspicious as hell, but they were town. Guess we need to think outside of the box here.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #333 on: October 04, 2008, 04:02:23 PM »
This one sentence I worded poorly, let me rephrase it.

"Sometimes the suspicious ones are slip-ups on either side, while the actual scum covers their tracks and goes unnoticed until the last possible second."

Can't say usually as this is my first mafia game. I meant to say that even though their best interests is to let their team win, they can probably act completely nice and helpful, and then get some nightkills on the side. To help themselves.


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Pasture Member Static
« Reply #334 on: October 04, 2008, 04:11:32 PM »
Just posting to say that I am around. A few quick points before the day ends.

Nillie followed his lead, so I can say from that action that Nillie is roughly 65-75% town.

I don't see how this follows. It has more weight behind it if Kaze turns out to be scum, but not if he's innocent (again, I do believe he's scum, but I've spearheaded a mislynch before, so I can hardly be certain). I want to be fully behind Nilie, but he's not actually assuaged concerns very well beyond being around more often. The one thing I don't take kindly to is his incivility in certain recent posts, but I'll call that something to keep an eye on more than anything else.

I wasn't expecting Remo to come back after his post on day 3, so needs further checking. No time for it now because of the day ending about now, but it's piqued my interest.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #335 on: October 04, 2008, 04:18:52 PM »
Day 4 Vote Count
Kaze (3) - Xanth, Nilie, Nilie, EvilTom
schnwtfhisname (0) - EvilTom
Nilie (0) - EvilTom, AndrewRogue, Kaze
EvilTom (2) - Silver, Nilie, Remo


At the beginning of the day, all eyes were on Dread Thomas. However this all changed as the day went on.

"Look at Kaze, not Tom!" said Xanth. "He has no opinions."

"That's not true, I do t-" began Kaze.

"Then what's your opinion on this?" asked someone else, holding up a Lelouch x Suzaku yaoi doujinshi.

Kaze RAGE'd. Hard. "WITH HIM!? MY BELOVED NII-SAN WOULD NEVER FUCK SUZAKU! I'm going to slit his fucking thro-" Kaze suddenly stopped, realizing he had just expressed anti-Britannian action with his intent to kill the Knight of Seven. He was knocked out before he could even activate his Geass. The group threw Kaze out, like a used rag.

Kaze a.k.a. Rolo Lamperouge (Scum Roleblocker) has been lynched.

It's now Night 4. Send me night actions.

Edit: Relevant.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 04:25:09 PM by Schneizel »


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #336 on: October 04, 2008, 04:57:42 PM »
Jibun wo~

When the investigation team gathered the next morning, they were missing a single, furry friend. Even though they hated it when he bit their fingers, they now missed it. : (

Remo a.k.a. Arthur (Town Doctor) was found dead in the Student Council room by his kitty box.

Day 5 begins.

Still Alive:

With 6 alive, it takes 4 for a majority.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 05:16:31 PM by Schneizel »


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Vegetable Incarnation Coffee
« Reply #337 on: October 04, 2008, 05:18:40 PM »
Guys, I've solved the game.

I'm busy now, but I'll come back and explain in full later. Like a few hours, I swear.

In short, I'm cop (Viletta Nu) and I've determined without doubt that Andrew is the final scum.

I know, I lied about this on day one, but I hope that my recent actions exonerate me. Even if they don't, this reduces the game in your eyes to it either being Andrew or Xanth being the final scum and you win either way.

As I say, I'll explain this in full in a bit, but I'm ecstatic that everything came together so I wanted to break the news even though I'm busy now.


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Municipal Bystander Victory
« Reply #338 on: October 04, 2008, 06:42:34 PM »
Right, I figured that probably wouldn't make a difference, but hey. I now present all of my cards to the table.

Night 1: Scanned Andrew - returns town
Night 2: Scanned Roflknife - returns town
Night 3: Scanned Tom - returns town
Night 4: Scanned Andrew - returns scum

First night I simply went with someone who I thought would be in the game for a while and would be likely to cause a lot of trouble if he was scum. Second night I wanted to test my sanity, so scanned the person I felt was most likely to get lynched next, and I was right (sorry Roflknife, but for what it's worth when given the choice of lynching you or Tom I decided that solely on being less suspicious of Tom). I actually thought that the day was going to end prematurely with the zooyork lynch and put in a night action early to scan Delta (just before going to sleep - didn't want to be the cause of the night phase dragging), but managed to deal with that in the day instead. Third night I got paranoid about saving Tom and immediately felt that I might have saved scum (and this was the night after Disland was modkilled, so I knew that my only way of finding scum at night was to find the one mafioso who wasn't the godfather) and went with him.

Having lynched Kaze and having lost two non-godfathers my scans basically reset as I knew I was looking for the godfather, and so neither Andrew nor Tom were clean by my slate (I was hoping to get the godfather lynched so that my previous town scans would hold weight). At this point I was most suspicious of Andrew's actions of sinking progressively further into the background, but I was worried that if he wasn't scum then there was a decent chance of him geting NKed, which would mean that my one good innocent scan would also be dead, but I sucked it down, played the odds that he'd survive anyway and it worked out perfectly. For what it's worth, my other two options were Tom and Remo, as I was basically convinced that everyone else was town (yes, Nilie was a nearly entirely blind jump of faith). schnwtfhisname was a bit of a dark horse for final scum, but I played down that in my head.

I was fairly confident that I was sane and not naive, but that's not an issue any more.

Now, let's make the logic as plain as possible. This covers ground I've already been over, but let's have the whole process in one easy place to understand.

1) There is at least one scum left or the game would be over.
2) In day 4 there were no more than three scum left because the game would be over. There was not three scum left because we would have been in LYLO.
3) By 1) and 2) we conclude that there is exactly one scum left.       (actually, this does not account for the possibility of third parties, but please let me go without having to explain that in full detail because it would just clearly be silly given the public information we have (kills and flips))

4) It is sensible to assume that the scum had a godfather (see my post yesterday on the matter).
5) No godfathers have flipped.
6) By 3), 4) and 5) we conclude that the one remaining scum is the godfather.

7) Godfathers scan as town to cops unless they make the NK, which they basically never do unless they're alone
8) Andrew mysteriously changed alignments from town to scum after Team Scum are reduced to one member.
9) There is absolutely no other reason for this to happen to someone when there are no other scum about to mess with things.
10) By 6), 7), 8) and 9) we conclude that Andrew is a godfather and the one remaining scum.

Really, there is no conceivable circumstance under which one can scan as town and later as scum (without crazy roles to screw with things, which would almost necessarily be scum). Anything in this situation would be sufficiently stupid that I'd blame modding if it turns out to be the case. Ordinarily he might have hoped to claim miller, but not with the first scan as well.

From the point of view of everyone else this has simplified to whether I'm telling the truth and Andrew is scum or if I'm lying and I'm scum.

So yes, I now have the fact that I lied in day 1 (where I claimed to be vanilla - it's not like I'm going to try and brush that under the carpet). This was under the panicked frenzy that was my start game where I was trying to get people to talk but didn't want to die in night 1 as a result. I suspect that most of you don't consider this as much of an issue, but I know I want to convince Tom over this, and if Andrew is going to try and make a case it'll base strongly around this.

On one count, I really damn well hope that my actions through the game have proved myself sufficiently. Tom - I've saved your life twice, the second of which was to hang scum. In addition to my actions, it would be suicide to cop claim at this point if I was the final scum because I'd almost certain to get counter-claimed by the actual cop and suddenly go from being least suspicious to most. Finally, we're not in LYLO, so even if you're worried of agreeing with me and Andrew flipping town then you have a mislynch in hand.

##VOTE: Andrew to win the game for town. I'll answer any questions or doubts you have to get people on this as quickly as possible, but I hope it's clear as day at this point. Don't think of 'ooh, don't want to put him to -[whatever] to hammer', just get on this when you're convinced, get him hanged and let's win.

(I want this to stack as quickly as possible, but the one thing that you might want to wait for is to see if anyone wants to counter-claim on cop. If it's anyone other than Andrew, though, I'm just going to conclude that there were two cops and the other one is naive/paranoid. I do seriously doubt that there's another cop lingering about, though)


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Various Unnamed Grasshoppers
« Reply #339 on: October 04, 2008, 06:46:06 PM »
Oh, and I'm technically still kind of busy on and off. I'll try and check back like every hour at worst, but I may not be immediately around to answer any query you might have.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #340 on: October 04, 2008, 07:08:21 PM »
Checking in again. I meant to come in and vote before the deadline, but I overslept a bit. At least it ended well.

Anyway, since I have to run in about half an hour, just a few thoughts.

Andrew has been someone that admittedly flew under my radar, I'm ashamed to say. Xanth, your is pretty convincing, and even though there is a very infinitesimally small chance you've been flipping random, you were right twice and it doesn't seem plausible that this is an error.

##Vote: Andrew

If there are alternate explanations I will reconsider a bit.

As for my "scum tend not to mention each other often" theory, I should just do this quick analysis since I did before: Andrew does not mention Kaze until his lurking was evident to others, at which point he began to pressure him. This includes a lurker vote earlier on in the game (when there was no pressure on Kaze, and could even be interpreted as a means to help him). But in the last day he placed enough pressure on Kaze that if he were scum, he was clearly abandoning his partner. This interpretation is plausible but not really conclusive. On the other hand, Kaze doesn't seem to mention Andrew very much at all, except voting with him on Nilie in an attempt to bandwagon. I would say there is no evidence against them being scumbuddies that can be shown through this method, which isn't failproof of course.

Lastly: miasmacloud, it brought me great joy to wake up to that Rolo picture.


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Egress Jellyfish Recliner
« Reply #341 on: October 04, 2008, 08:29:04 PM »
even though there is a very infinitesimally small chance you've been flipping random,

I have to admit that I had not considered this possibility, as I've never actually seen a game with a random cop (I have at least heard of it). It reduces my certainty from something like 99.5% to 99%, and do have to admit that that is theoretically possible, but consider the possibility that I'm something other than a sane cop to be sufficiently remote as to disregard it having an effect on my motion (on far more than just the odds of random flips turning out like precisely that). Basically, I'm certain beyond it being a daft set up, which all evidence we have says it isn't (the inventor, messenger and conditional self-silencer are on the eccentric side, but not game unbalancing).

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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« Reply #342 on: October 04, 2008, 09:10:34 PM »
Day 4 Vote Count
AndrewRogue (2) - Xanth, schnwtfhisname
miasmacloud (4) - Bardiche, Foliage, Mercutio, Charles di Britannia >:(

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
People... are not equal...


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Re: Vegetable Incarnation Coffee
« Reply #343 on: October 04, 2008, 11:33:52 PM »
In short, I'm cop (Viletta Nu) and I've determined without doubt that Andrew is the final scum.

I knew I liked you from the very start for a reason.

To you I shall be a friend, seek me ever should you need help, Villetta.

I am far too tired to post lengthy tonight, though I kept prepared for the worst all night yesterday, it turned out to actually be the most uneventful since the start of the game for me so far.

I trust you judgment and currently cannot see evident gaps in your logic. And so, let it be then that:

##Vote: AndrewRogue

I shall post again tomorrow when I am better rested.

How low can scum sink? A poor defenseless animal?

P.S: Xanth, I've always wondered about your fabulous post titles, btw. Just thought there was never the right time to bring it up.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #344 on: October 05, 2008, 04:18:03 AM »
Alright Xanth.

I said at the beginning of the game that I would vote for you if it came down to it, but I guess your style grew on me. Your last hunch turned out to be on the money, and Kaze was complete scum. Andrew did seem a bit "too" good, and I never suspected him at all. Maybe that coincides with my post about the scum slipping through the shadows.

Hopefully we as town will win from this. Otherwise, I guess I'll go back to my original suspicions.

Goodbye, AndrewRogue.

##Vote: AndrewRogue


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #345 on: October 05, 2008, 04:37:46 AM »
Hammer just as I was posting >.>
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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #346 on: October 05, 2008, 10:28:39 AM »
...thank you very much to Bardiche for sending me a PM labeled "Hammer?!" then not going through with the hammer himself.

"I'm Villletta, the PE teacher" said Xanth. "Andrew didn't come to his mandatory remedial PE classes, and Remo wound up dead. He must be Zero!"

Before Andrew could even speak, the others started ganging up on him. He ran away as fast as he could (obviously not very fast: We're talking about Lelouch here), but then he turned into Failouch when it came to a tall staircase.

As a finishing touch, schnwtfhisname spinkicked him in the face.

AndrewRogue a.k.a. Lelouch Lamperouge the Fabulous Scum Godfather has been lynched.

This is a victory for the town~

Furthermore, Nilie a.k.a. Jeremiah "50% Man, 50% Machine, 200% Motherfuckin' Loyalty" Gottwald, the Independent Survivor, wins for making it to the end.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over
« Reply #347 on: October 05, 2008, 10:47:25 AM »
Anyway, game is now over, we can talk freely~

Night 1:
Remo/Doc: Delta (Fail, roleblocked)
Xanth/Cop: Andy (Turns up town)
Kaze/RB: Remo (Success)
Dis/Scum Kill: Kill Nilie (Fail, bulletproof)

Night 2:
Remo/Doc: Xanth (Success)
Xanth/Cop: RoflKnife (Town)
Kaze/RB: Nilie (Fail)
Dis/Scum Kill: El Cid (Success)

Night 3:
Remo/Doc: Xanth (Success)
Xanth/Cop: EvilTom (Town)
Kaze/Scum Kill: Nilie (Fail)

Night 4:
Remo/Doc: schwtf (Success/No Effect)
Xanth/Cop: Andrew (Scum)
Andrew/Scum Kill: Remo (Success)

Team Scum:
Andrew: Lelouch. Scum Godfather. Immunes nightkills and turns town to investigations unless he goes on the night kill.

Kaze: Rolo. Scum Roleblocker. Can't roleblock if he's sent on nightkill, or if Sayoko uses her docbust power.

Disland: Sayoko. Scum Strongman. 1x usage of docbust. Can't use if Rolo is roleblocking.

Covers: Cecile, Anya, and Rivalz

Team Town:
Zooyork: Shirley. Vanilla. Bardiche flipped him as Milly. (What.)

Silver: Milly. Vanilla. Switched him out with Shirley thanks to Bardiche's epicness.

El Cid: Nina. Vanilla.

Xanth: Villetta. Sane Town Cop. Personally, I looked at this role as a double edged sword if people tried to assume things based on the show and the player had nameclaimed. : D

Remo: Arthur. Town Doc who leaps from trees to bite the fingers of your attackers. Can't doc himself.

Ailieron: Lloyd. Town Inventor. Iirc, the items were roleblock, doctor, and watching, and they had a fail %. (I'm too lazy to get on Charles and read the outbox k.)

schnwtfhisname: Suzaku. Bulletproof Miller.

ShiChelle: Delivery Girl. Town Messenger. Can send up to a 20 word message to another player in the game at the night. Flavor is that you're writing messages on pizza boxes.

EvilTom: Guilford. Town Conditional Sheep. As a joke about Guilford's Geass, if anyone had done an action where they flick a collar at Tom, he would've had to vote the same as them for that day.

RoflKnife: Gino. Town Conditional Self-Silencer. As a joke about Gino being a retarded womanizer, if RoflKnife had taken part in lynching a female character, regardless of alignment, there's a possibility he'd've silenced himself out of grief for the day after.

DeltaFlyer: Nunnally. Town Vanilla. Lelouch's Beloved Little Sister. If Delta had died overnight, he'd've flipped as a Beloved Princess.

Nilie: Orange-kun. Bulletproof, roleblock immune. If 75% of the living players in the game say "Orange", Nilie gets a nightkill.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 5
« Reply #348 on: October 05, 2008, 10:52:26 AM »
And now, a rant.


You start the game IMMEDIATELY without telling people when the game will start after everyone checks in.

You say you want time limitless days then change your mind to 96hrs then back to time limitless and I'm like ???.


You think that modkilling a 13th player changes it from 7 to majority down to 6 to majority. (What.)

And then you ditch me and leave modding entirely to me. I haven't played in like 6mo and I'm probably the last person who should be modding alone. I thought I was just going to help w/flavor and vote count. OBVIOUSLY NOT THE CASE.


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Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Game Over
« Reply #349 on: October 05, 2008, 11:33:49 AM »
Bring on the next game, I say. Bardiche said I would shat bricks when he game ended... I dont know why... lol
Do I really look like I have a clue?