
Author Topic: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Game Over  (Read 29218 times)

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #50 on: September 13, 2008, 09:03:41 PM »
*sigh* seeing as i have no time for this game because of Britannian geass mafia and simply because i dont like anonymafia, heres the full skinny:

I am vanilla townie, you will find out this later.

I am Deltaflyer2k8.

I am bored with anonymafia. I like knowing who i am talking to.

And I am dead. ##UNVOTE: White witch


Any last words?


I said WORDS!

... Dammit I failed at funny. Take this as a modkill if you wish ET, I am sorta asking you to kill me. *sigh* I think ill stick to normal mafia (i.e i know everyone) before getting better and coming to anonymafia.


Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #51 on: September 13, 2008, 09:05:46 PM »
And thats hammer vote ppl


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2008, 01:13:02 AM »
"ARRROUGHRARRR!" ("I've had enough of this!") cried out the Wookie as the members of the meeting hall began to converge upon him. He lept towards the door, barrelling into it in desperate hope to knock it down with his Wookie strength. The sudden shock to the door dented it almost open, and for a second it Master Wookie looked triumphant.
Until the lasergrid activated.
Small chunks of flesh fell to the ground, bringing a scent of cooked flesh and burning hair to the room.

Master Wookie, Vanilla Town ended his own life in tiny pieces.
...and now there's plenty to eat. Yum, Wookie.

Edit: Forgot this

<Final Votecount>
The Terminator (0): The White Witch
Jabba (1): Freeman, The White Witch
Freeman (0): Nimitz
The White Witch (1): Jabba, Gandalf, Master Wookie
Rincewind (0): Terminator, The White Witch
Nimitz (0): Gandalf
Gandalf (2): Rincewind, Terminator, Master Wookie, The White Witch, Nimitz
Master Wookie (5): Mace Windu, Jabba, The Terminator, Rincewind, Master Wookie
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 01:57:45 AM by EvilTom »
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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #53 on: September 14, 2008, 01:13:14 AM »

GLaDOS' voice comes over the PA once again:

Hahahaha. Did you see that stupid Wookie run into the lasers? I couldn't stop laughing. Now he can rest in pieces. I would advise you all against eating him though, it will spoil your apetite for cake! Please go back to waiting for cake with your eyes closed. Here, I'll even turn off the lights for you. See how nice I am?


The lights blink out, and suddenly commotion and confusion erupts. It is quickly silenced by a thundering, cracking sound emitted from the centre of the room. After several minutes there is a whirring sound and the lights are returned to normal, revealing that the great conference table has cracked down the middle. The broken and mangled corpse of The White Witch lies buried in the rubble.

Oh, there you go. See, she couldn't wait, and now look what has happened! There's another 48 hours until the next scheduled power outage, perhaps you should be ready this time. Lalalala.

The White Witch, Town Nurse, was killed overnight.

You have 48 hours.

The Enrichment Center is committed to the well being of all participants. Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #54 on: September 14, 2008, 01:29:52 AM »
What a bad day 1.

##Vote: Mace Windu

The Jedi said little on day 1 and didn't seem to involve himself in much of the discussions.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #55 on: September 14, 2008, 01:44:32 AM »
John Freeman had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Gordon needed him where he was. John Freeman looked at road signs and saw "Day 2" with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" so John Freeman almost turned around but heard screaming like Gordon so he went faster again.

John Freeman drove in and did another flip n jumped off his motorbike and the motor bike took out some people who weren't participating much infront of John Freeman. John Freeman smiled and walked fast. John Freeman then looked on the ground and found wepon so he pickd it up and fired fast at zombie lurker goasts in front of a house.

##Vote: Mace Windu

Zombie goasts leave this place!  You not participate much!  John Freeman also has a bad feeling about Rincewind and no information on Nimitz.  John Freeman wishes people would not self hammer and ninja John Freeman's post he was going to make at end the of day 1.

Mace Windu

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #56 on: September 14, 2008, 03:37:53 AM »
I said what needed to be said about the Wookie; that he was being oblivious to his surroundings. There was nothing else remotely compelling aside from the White Witch trying to train people but that seemed entirely too obvious and blatant to be a scum ploy (and it was of course...). Furthermore, I am not going to sit here like a speed addicted 10 year old TRYING TO RESPOND TO EVERY POST! because that's stupid and yet expected. This game is just kind of really boring and slow and I'm way too busy to try to start discussion.

The end of yesterday was a ridiculous debacle. Intuitively I want to think that Gandalf would benefit from killing the White Witch more than anyone, although this can be twisted in various ways. Ah well.. Rincewind feels a little off for reasons I can't explain, maybe just the day end change... but his vote against Gandalf was a joke vote. Eh, whatever.

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #57 on: September 14, 2008, 05:54:04 AM »
The witch's death is unfortunate as she provoked much of the first day's discussion and made many rational arguments. I will step up my attacks to compensate for this loss. At this time two individuals are most suspicious:

The first is Mace Windu. His reticence has been noted previously and his current defense is not helpful. One cannot be "too busy to try and start discussion" when his life is on the line. If Mace Windu feels there is little of substance to comment on then prodding with votes is a relatively simple way to remedy the situation. I suggest that he begin doing this instead of making ineffectual evasions.

My second suspect is Gandalf. Gandalf persisted in making jokes when others had realized that the time for this had passed. Gandalf attempted to defend himself on this point by stating that no serious discussion had taken place but this statement is in error. Classifying my vote for Rincewind as a jokevote is a mischaracterization. This vote was intended to provoke discussion and in conjunction with the White Witch's action this is what it accomplished. That Gandalf required the criticism of three individuals to address our crisis with due seriousness is only mildly suspicious. The wizard's true error is this: opposing the witch's bandwagon while providing no alternate course of action.

Informative discussion does not self-generate. The actions of the White Witch were the most useful for generating it on day one. Gandalf's objection to her methods is not suspicious by itself. However if he finds her tactics at fault then he is obliged to suggest an alternative and this he did not do. When pressed on this shortcoming by the White Witch herself in her last post the wizard failed to address the issue and instead changed the topic when he spoke next. Evasiveness is an indicator of guilt.

##VOTE: Gandalf

Analysis on the other survivors follows.

Jabba the Hutt: The Hutt criticized the witch in the same manner as Gandalf but explained himself better when pressed and commented on other matters as well. Level of suspicion is only moderate at this time.

John Freeman: Subject Freeman's posts are short and contain material that is commonly designated "fluff" but his level of suspicion is low in spite of these facts. The points he has made are sensible and consistent with my own observations.

Nimitz: I require more contribution from this entity. Of his three statements one was an introduction and another was a statement of his time constraints. We have only one post of substance with which to assess his intentions and this is alarming. Level of suspicion is moderate.

Rincewind: Mace Windu's assertion that Rincewind's Gandalf vote was a joke is inaccurate as Rincewind voted for Gandalf explicitly because the elder wizard persisted in making jokes. I require more contribution from this wizard as well but the points he has made are sensible. Level of suspicion is low.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #58 on: September 14, 2008, 07:48:11 AM »
Time passed: 6.5 hours
Remaining: 41.5

Mace Windu (2): Jabba, John Freeman
Gandalf (1): Terminator
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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #59 on: September 14, 2008, 01:20:17 PM »
I have not aim'd to respond to such inquiries because I cannot reason my suspicion. However wrong it has turned out, at that time my wizard senses were tingling and warning me. As a wizard, one learns to trust intuition.

An alternative to forming a Day 1 discussion is by one person sticking their neck out and garnering suspicion. Admittably not the wisest of choices, and I must admit to embarassment for enacting such a scenario.
I will also admit to not proposing a different course of action, though my course of action, as stated when I placed my vote on her, was derived from the White Witch's own suggestion - notably, a band wagon.

Before Master Wookie brought about his own demise (a regretable act, for our allies are growing sparse now), I had asked Nimitz to detail the other people he classed as "suspicious" alongside me. As such, I will re-request him to do so right now.

Another person I would request to do the same is sir Freeman,
John Freeman goes by and gets a resistance feeling from Gandalf and would prefer other trains
and would ask for him to clarify what other trains he would have preferred.

Mace Windu's dislike for the game makes me question why he chose to participate. Using the excuse that "the game is boring" to excuse lackluster participation and lurker-behaviour is not acceptable. While my playful joking was certainly something to be frowned on, I find this lack of motivation to hunt scum distressing.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2008, 07:37:09 PM »
While following a good hunch is always a worthwhile and viable tactic, one must always strive to find reasons with which to back up such accusations.  As it is, we now stand at the regrettable crossroads where not only have we lost a valuable asset, but it seems that our medical support is now offline.  That said, we still have a duty to discover which of us are the Havenite Agents.

I will agree that, with his attitude and very little in the way of helpful information that Master Windu seems an appealing choice.  More interesting is his disinclination to assist, and his mistaken views on why Rincewind acted as he did.

Freeman also encourages review.  His text is mostly gibberish with worthwhile material hidden within.  The main reason this is not given a higher priority than it is is because this may be opposed to how a Havenite should do business, with the appearance of helpfulness hiding empty words.

Gandalf begins this day by noting that he now needs to begin finding cause to defend his accusations?  Even after the pressure placed upon him in our first Day?  Even given that if the Wookie had been less suicidal, he is the one who might have been suspected of Peep inclinations?  As well, he states that his alternative to bandwagoning as a source of founding discussion was both regrettable and accidental.  This is something which I find difficult to believe.

Finally, Manticoran Intelligence suggests a neutral reading on this Rincewind (he apparently is good at outrunning our agents), a slight inclination that this android is devoid of Havenite influence, and feel fairly certain that the Hutt is allied.

Given this summary, and the present state of our assemblage, it is felt that it best serves Manticoran interests at present to

##Vote: Gandalf
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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #61 on: September 14, 2008, 08:14:10 PM »
As well, he states that his alternative to bandwagoning as a source of founding discussion was both regrettable and accidental.  This is something which I find difficult to believe.

Ultimately, discussion was formed around my words and [lack of] logic. I do not see how you find it difficult to believe that I regret taking a course of action that has led to people wishing to take my life, nor do I see why I would voluntarily place myself within death's reach, as sacrificing myself would not promote the search for scum in any way that is beneficial to me.

And yes, if my Day 1 case is going to be held against me Day 2, I will find reason to defend that case, for as much as I have little justification besides "wizardly gut feeling" and "day 1".

Rod Serling

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #62 on: September 14, 2008, 09:11:17 PM »
Currently, my major problem lies with Mace Windu. Not only does he throw up the shield of being too busy to bother with generating discussion which is... completely useless. A convenient excuse for laying low if he's against us, and an unfortunate circumstance that is still making him useless if he's with us. What really bothers me about his last post is that he introduces nothing helpful. He points out some logic that could go either way with the night kill and then claims my vote on Gandalf yesterday was a joke vote? This does not inspire confidence. Perhaps you could go back and clear up your point?

##Vote: Mace Windu

As far as the other players go...

Gandalf: Is still lingering in the back of my mind. The joke vote was incredibly poorly timed. Still, I don't quite put as much weight on his opposition to the White Witch as, fundamentally, I understand where the objection was coming from. Still, the points in favor of the White Witch were well brought up: discussion does have to start somewhere and, lacking any other method, a random train is as good as any. I consider him a worthwhile candidate.

Freeman: Not really too confident here either. It really feels like he's padding lighter posts with fluff to some degree. At the same time, he's still made some decent points. Overall, I'd say he bears some watching.

Terminator: Townie read the entire way.

The rest of the group weighs in at various shades of neutral at the moment.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #63 on: September 14, 2008, 09:28:15 PM »
John Freeman finds himself with awkward timing for this game.

John Freeman thinks the following people may be headcrab zombie:

Jabba - kinda cursory presence?
Nimitz - Just not enough information on him?
Terminator - Looks like Gordon Freeman but stepped on Master Wookie like the final boss.   John Freeman is wary of good logic applied to totally oblivious easy cases.
Mace Windu - John Freeman does not like his low presence, nor his angry response to votes on him.

When John Freeman thinks of Gandalf and Rincewind the contrysides were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #64 on: September 14, 2008, 09:32:12 PM »
Reread the game 3 times, i still don't see it, am i missing something?.
Why exactly are people voting Gandalf?
He joke votes day 1 and Terminator/Rincewind.
He then Argues with the Witch about bandwagoning (which i myself did), which helped build discussion, which ironically The Witch was after.

Starting to get a bad feeling about terminator as he went after Gandalf day 1 and now day 2 it continues, yet the reasoning that is there i find disagreeable, others however do not.

Freeman posts behind alot of fluff, but at least there is a core point behind it all, my first instinct would be to lynch the unintelligible.
On top of this he displays a fair bit of "me to-ism". Day 1 The Witch switches serious vote to me, freeman follows, Day 2 he votes for Mace just after i do the same.

Mace i ask you this, if you don't have the time for it or dislike the game, why play?
I find it unlikely scum would use such a tactic but to let it slide would be too dangerous, hence the vote stays.

Nimitz/Rincewind/Gandalf - Relatively neutral feel on all 3, Nimitz' posts seem to have a decent amount of content and reasoning behind them so its more of an ally feel than anything else.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #65 on: September 14, 2008, 10:21:21 PM »

He joke votes day 1 and Terminator/Rincewind.

He joke votes day 1 and Terminator/Rincewind Vote him for it.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #66 on: September 15, 2008, 12:25:20 AM »
Time passed: 23 hours
Time remaining: 25 hours

Mace Windu (3): Jabba, John Freeman, Rincewind
Gandalf (2): Terminator, Nimitz

4 votes are required for lynch.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #67 on: September 15, 2008, 05:51:10 AM »
Scheduled maintenance complete. I will now assess the recent statements.

First topic:

I have not aim'd to respond to such inquiries because I cannot reason my suspicion. However wrong it has turned out, at that time my wizard senses were tingling and warning me. As a wizard, one learns to trust intuition.

An alternative to forming a Day 1 discussion is by one person sticking their neck out and garnering suspicion. Admittably not the wisest of choices, and I must admit to embarassment for enacting such a scenario.

My programming does not supply me with "intuition." Although my database contains examples of humans successfully operating under the guidance of this phenomenon I myself cannot. I require new facts to reassess a situation. I request that in the future you provide me with specific examples to substantiate suspicions based on your intuition or I may not be convinced. You can accomplish this now by presenting your opinions on entities other than Mace Windu who is suspected by everyone at the present time.

Your second statement effectively describes what the witch did given that both yourself and Jabba criticized her for it. This is why your stance on the subject remains contradictory.

Proceeding to next topic:

Starting to get a bad feeling about terminator as he went after Gandalf day 1 and now day 2 it continues, yet the reasoning that is there i find disagreeable, others however do not.

I require an explanation of your suspicion. I have stated my position on the wizard several times. Specify which aspect of my logic causes unease.

Proceeding to next topic:

Terminator - Looks like Gordon Freeman but stepped on Master Wookie like the final boss.   John Freeman is wary of good logic applied to totally oblivious easy cases.

Your concern is noted John Freeman. I emphasized the need to lynch the wookie because of the close proximity of the day's end. I could not risk the day ending without a lynch. If this had happened then the second day's discussion would have continued circling around the wookie and we would have learned nothing from the first day. Our enemies meanwhile would not have been inactive during the night. Although it is unfortunate that the wookie was not in fact the T-1000 in disguise this was the best course of action given available information on day one.

Final note:

Mace Windu remains the clearest suspect at this time. I await further comments from this individual. It is not impossible for him to exonerate himself but his silence only incriminates him further. If he is not a malicious T-1000 then his survival lies with our own and it benefits all of us for him to speak out.

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #68 on: September 15, 2008, 06:31:19 AM »
ugh, fucking failure. Posted with the wrong account BECAUSE I WAS CHECKING MY ROLE PM, instinctively deleted the goddamn post

>____________________< Sorry guys.
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There’s no need for gods.

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #69 on: September 15, 2008, 06:53:40 AM »
Ignore that >.>

Game continues as normal. We all knew Ciato was playing anyway.

But be careful! Posting under the wrong account *could* result in a modkill!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 07:03:13 AM by EvilTom »
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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #70 on: September 15, 2008, 03:23:33 PM »
Time passed: 48 hours
Time remaining: 10 hours

Mace Windu (3): Jabba, John Freeman, Rincewind
Gandalf (2): Terminator, Nimitz

4 votes are required for lynch.
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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #71 on: September 15, 2008, 08:49:21 PM »
If my sense of the times is still right, we have about five hours left until the sun sets. Time is growing dire, and I see discussion has stagnated.

Mayhap an ancient wizard's insights may spring new life to stilled discussion.

Terminator: My assessment of the machine man is that he seems keen on tracking down the target. His methods are agreeable. Lest his actions hide scum, I will evaluate his continuous posts with scrutiny, though so far they have given me nary a reason to believe he is anything other than what he pretends to be.

John Freeman: A most curious man. He's continued to message us in ways that are sometimes difficult to understand. The lack of straightforwardedness in his posts is unsettling, and may be a scum tactic to cloud their true intent. Low suspicion of servitude to the Dark Lord.

Jabba: His concern for Freeman opens my eyes to something I had not seen myself. Though simple of tongue, he seems to show clarity for matters. He appears lackluster in his hunt for scum, however, mentioning in passing that he disagrees with the machine man's logic, and finds suspicion in Freeman, but does not pursue these suspicions. I would request of him to start taking a clearer stance against scum, lest he rouse my suspicion to dangerous levels.

Rincewind: Fair Wizard Rincewind, ere I write of you, answer me a question,
Gandalf: Is still lingering in the back of my mind. The joke vote was incredibly poorly timed. Still, I don't quite put as much weight on his opposition to the White Witch as, fundamentally, I understand where the objection was coming from. Still, the points in favor of the White Witch were well brought up: discussion does have to start somewhere and, lacking any other method, a random train is as good as any. I consider him a worthwhile candidate.
For what reason do you consider me a worthwhile candidate? I read you say you find my jokevote poorly timed, and find my opposition of the White Witch to be of "less weight", and then praise a random train. Could you clarify which of these is your grounds for considering me a worthwhile candidate?
Presently, I find that the Wizard Rincewind has nary contributed to discussion. While I cannot clearly feel if he be foe or friend, I find it important to keep steady watch on him.

Mace Windu: I have said my part on this before. His lackluster attitude may bely a scornful man who seeks to serve the Dark Lord's ambitions. His disinterest may also be simple apathy, and as such would I request him again to respond to my question earlier, and the questions of others all the same.

Nimitz: I have responded to his disbelief of my notion that I found the course of action that found me at the eye of inquisition regretable, and further await his response to this ere I can form better judgment.

Should it be deemed necessary, I am willing to bring Mace Windu to death, though I would strife to seek alternative in ##VOTE: John Freeman, whose coded words may easily hide true intent. One who does not speak in clear terms, with fluff and madness abound aplenty need be treated with due scrutiny, I feel, and as such will I treat him so.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #72 on: September 15, 2008, 08:52:51 PM »
This silence is most disconcerting, and forming an atmosphere where Havenite Agents can more easily do their work.  At present, not only is our companion Master Windu the most suspicious looking of the group, but he has yet to speak up in his own defense.  If he does not do so within the next hour, then I will consider him guilty of being a Peep, and move the weight of Manticore's might against him, ensuring that this day ends with a proper execution.
Be afraid of Psychic Cats.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #73 on: September 15, 2008, 09:01:14 PM »
I would ask you still your hand, friend Nimitz, for the day may have grown weary, but there is still progress to be booked. To mention not I had already declared intent to cast death upon him should he not speak, enough daylight has been burned, and so that we may avert that, might you answer first what you found so disbelievable of my notion that I had rather not grown the center of negative attention?

It remains commentary that is etched to my memory, and would serve me well in assessing you.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« Reply #74 on: September 15, 2008, 09:49:03 PM »
Gandalf: Simply put, your misinterpretation of the White Witch's intent skirted a dangerous line, which, combined with your exceptionally poorly timed joke vote, contribute toward an image that suggested you were intending to hamper discussion. Random lynch trains on day one, although not necessarily pleasing, do have their purpose: to force people to talk. Given that people are already struggling to speak in this game, it really does suggest to me flavors of just trying keep worthwhile conversation muted.

Admittedly, this has been tempered by your recent posts where you certainly seem to be encouraging debate.

Mace Windu: Again, we need people to defend themselves at some point, and preferably early-ish. Last minute decisions are never good.