
Author Topic: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Game Over  (Read 29242 times)


  • Psychic Spacecat
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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #100 on: September 17, 2008, 06:56:38 PM »
Gandalf, while I appreciate your forthrightness and accurate read of the situation, your claim is incomplete.  If the skill of a tracker is yours, then on whom did you use it during the two nights, and why?

For my own position, though the might of Manticore is great, none of it can be spared from the Peep threat to assist here, nor can Nimitz properly communicate with me, nor search the group of you with your own strange powers, leaving us classified as 'Vanilla'.

As for the rest, I suggest you follow our lead.  There is something to be learned here.
Be afraid of Psychic Cats.

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #101 on: September 17, 2008, 07:40:11 PM »
I am intrigued by your claim Gandalf. Do you intend to wait for others to claim before revealing your night phase targets?

As for my own role I am what is called the "vanilla townie." Despite my nearly indestructible metal endoskeleton and supremely efficient programming I have no unique abilities with which to ensure town victory. I can only argue and vote. Since simply waiting for others to roleclaim might be fruitless this is what I shall do.

I will now review the topic and reassess the surviving players.


Review complete. Revised assessment of surviving players follows.

Gandalf: The wizard Rincewind's unerring focus on Gandalf has led me to revise my own stance on the elder wizard. Any revelations that result from his claiming to be a tracker may exonerate him completely if they prove useful.

Jabba the Hutt: Jabba's willingness to reconsider his case against me speaks well of his intentions. Reassessing one's analysis in light of new facts and opinions is constructive behavior that my programming does not associate with scum and his honest admission that he was in error is a point in his favor. I have disagreed with him on several counts during this game but his level of suspicion is presently very low.

John Freeman: I will reiterate my stance that while subject Freeman makes many short posts they consistently contain valid observations. Also in his favor is the fact that he remained skeptical of my alignment even after I voiced confidence in his. Although this may seem counter-intuitive an explanation may help: it is to the advantage of scum to make use of willing townie accomplices and it would have been easy for him to exploit my trust in him once announced. The fact that he remained wary reinforces my initial assessment that he is most likely town.

Nimitz: I have previously had difficulty getting a read on the cat. However with my other suspects dead or debunked I have taken a closer look at Nimitz's record and found it alarming. Since the time of jokevotes passed Nimitz has only voted for a single player: Gandalf. Furthermore his comments on the townies lynched on days one and two has been extremely sparse considering the amount of others who were talking about them. Although he did state on the first day that the wookie was "a safe choice derived to cull the worst of the less-present members of our council" he went to no effort to dissuade others from voting on him. If the cat believed the group was preparing to lynch a townie then it is most curious that he did not attempt to convince us to do otherwise.

Rincewind: My initial impression of Rincewind has undergone heavy revision as my review of the topic shows him to be guilty of several counts of scummy behavior. Firstly this wizard has spoken the least of all of us. In terms of the raw number of posts made by the suspect this fact is not disputable even counting the one he made with his alternate identity. However postcount alone is not grounds for condemnation so we must examine the content of his posts as well. This brings me to the second point against Rincewind which is his comparitive lack of contribution. He has rarely expanded the scope of his arguments beyond those for whom he is presently voting. Thirdly is the matter of who Rincewind has chosen to attack which ties in with the previous point. He has only placed his vote on "safe" targets. On the first day he only removed his vote from Gandalf when it became clear that the Wookie was more likely to be lynched. On the second day he was also responsible for placing the day's lynchee at minus one to hammer. Finally there is his attack on Gandalf around the end of the second day which accused the other wizard of "intending to hamper discussion." Although Rincewind has responded to my skepticism on this matter the attack itself looks artificial to me for reasons I have stated previously.

In sum:

There is a high probability that Rincewind is the T-1000 in disguise. Nimitz follows him in suspicion primarily because the other three survivors have said or done things which lead me to believe that they are town in spite of the fact that I have disagreed with some of their arguments. If my assessment of Rincewind proves correct then it may prove informative in regards to Nimitz for the following reasons: the two have hardly spoken with one another throughout the course of the game leading to the theory that they may be coordinating behind the scenes; they have never voted for the same suspect at the same time. Perhaps they have endeavored to not be seen working in concert.

As a final note Gandalf's decision to reveal his role but not his actions is sensible. If others make claims first then he can potentially catch them in a lie whereas they would know not to make such claims if he had stated his observations first.

Rod Serling

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #102 on: September 17, 2008, 10:08:27 PM »
Throwing this out between classes/errands.

I am a vanilla townie and my current suspicions lay on Jabba (low content and general lack of attention) and Freeman (complete lack of worthwhile content). Gandalf is running in right behind them with his currently unsubstantiated claim. Nimitz is a totally neutral read and Terminator generally seems positive to me.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #103 on: September 18, 2008, 12:38:11 AM »
Time passed: 22 hours
Time remaining: 26 hours

Rincewind (0): Jabba

4 votes required for majority.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #104 on: September 18, 2008, 02:00:56 AM »
John Freeman says "Zombie goasts leave this game" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our scum cabal" and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts.

So we must blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece.

John Freeman is vanilla townie has only wepon of discussion.

John Freeman believes Gandalf's tracker claim because it is like normal people close and is consistent with his behavior so far, not quite like an officer but pretty close.  John Freeman got this read on him earlier but did not want to say anything.  That is why John Freeman has been defending him.

Jabba the headcrab zombie has looked more like friendly headcrab zombie to John Freeman lately.  While still suspicious John Freeman believes the others are worse.

John Freeman is much suspicious of everyone else, although Rincewind has kind of pushed himself to the front with that last post.  He claims general lack of attention as a reason for Jabba, but also claims John Freeman has no worthwhile content.  John Freeman respectfully disagrees - you can say "you should come here earlier next time" since other people see the things John Freeman sees too, but John Freeman has been saying things and not understanding them indicates to John Freeman that it is Rincewind who is not paying attention.  Rincewind's other opinions are very token and do not show much thought.

Terminator is scary because he reminds John Freeman of the zombie ghoast tactic of making good logical cases against hapless townies who open themselves up.  However John Freeman would expect the Terminator to step on Nimitz now if that was the case or to join in on Gandalf. 

Nimitz still has not really done anything when it would be expected for someone in his position to put forth an effort.  John Freeman does not know if this is ghoastlike or not.

At this moment in time John Freeman would prefer to lynch Rincewind.  John Freeman seconds the notion that we can learn from claim of role now but John Freeman cautions against assumptions, like the one Nimitz seemed to make that there has to be a cop around.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #105 on: September 18, 2008, 02:21:20 AM »
Ok guess it's my turn to claim.

I am Bodyguard or 1 shot doc, that use was expended (or so i thought) night 1.
For some reason however i recieved another shot of it last night, i can only think this may be because our Nurse was killed night 1. i thought these roles were meant to be simple, not convalooted, then again maybe Tom needs to reread the roles a bit better as Nurse is meant to be 1 way, not both, and bodyguards are meant to die for memory.
Anyway last night i used up my 2nd and last shot of it, hence why i suggested the roleclaim, as with no doc powers from me anymore, we have to get scum today.

Rincewind is seeming more and more likely for me, but considering we've all now claimed maybe Gandalf can mention what he's seen so we can piece things together.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #106 on: September 18, 2008, 02:30:08 AM »
thanks you could help bro Jabba

But who did you protect? 


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #107 on: September 18, 2008, 02:31:34 AM »
Yes, Mr. Freeman, I was expecting something, and Jabba kindly provided it.  Granted, it wasn't quite what I expected, but given the questionable sanity of GlaDOS I am willing to accept it.  The key is that Nurses rarely work alone, and though they are usually the second for a Doctor, I am willing to accept that in this case our companion the White Witch was tied to Jabba the Bodyguard,

This brings me to our second point.  Given that we did not have a kill last night, we are in a situation where the Havenites either are trying to pull a fast one, and Jabba is among their number, or Jabba has the name of someone they tried, and consequently failed, to kill.  However, I also approve of his not mentioning who he targetted on either night just yet.

Given the nature of his role, and the fact that no one claimed against him I am inclined to trust that he speaks truth.  This means that we can now make use of the full knowledge of how Gandalf acted, and use that to assist in judging the wizard.  Once that is done, we can hear who Jabba defended on the second night, and have at least a small measure of certainty in our following discussion.

Be afraid of Psychic Cats.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #108 on: September 18, 2008, 03:46:31 AM »
Actually im starting to think theres not much point in me hiding night 2 at least, because providing theres not a bulletproof townie or another protective role floating around scum would know full well who i targetted night 2.
On top of this Gandalf (if he is scum) could always just say he never targetted Me on any night or, claim he did night 2 and name the NK target.
Also we are running low on time with only 24 hours to go in LyLo i'm questioning whether waiting on his results would be wise.
I can see a reason to not mention who i protected night 1, but night 2 i can't really see a reasoning for it.
On top of this assuming Gandalf is town, if he watched me night 1 and saw who i targetted (and if it matches up) then it basically jsut proves he's townie.
Yet if he watched me night 2, then it reveals nothing really as it could be scum or town.
This is of course assuming he watched me at all, it could be a completely different target both nights.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #109 on: September 18, 2008, 03:48:03 AM »
Naturally we wait before we lynch anyone, but discussion seems to have stopped completely.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #110 on: September 18, 2008, 04:03:32 AM »
Well, Jabba know a confirmed innocent he protected, and Gandalf knows... something?  John Freeman is basically waiting for information, since there is no point in voting without it.  John Freeman does not see what good withholding it does, for the obvious reasons Jabba stated.  If Gandalf is zombie ghoast he will not leave this place or make a claim about tracking Jabba that he couldn't back up.  On the other hand if Jabba is zombie ghoast (which is not likely since he explains why the birds are singing and the sun is shine) and Gandalf is town and tracked him, Jabba should claim first to be potentially disproved.

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #111 on: September 18, 2008, 04:08:43 AM »
A bodyguard does not always die when protecting their target. There are different types.

I am prepared to vote for Rincewind but will wait until Jabba and Gandalf have finished making their claims. I will address one more point before deactivating for regular maintenence:

Terminator is scary because he reminds John Freeman of the zombie ghoast tactic of making good logical cases against hapless townies who open themselves up.

My central processing unit is a learning computer. I have analyzed past mistakes in order to avoid making them again. My basis for suspecting Rincewind is stronger than that which I had for Master Wookie and Mace Windu. It is unfortunate that I erred but it will not happen again.

Now shutting down for maintenence.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #112 on: September 18, 2008, 04:15:54 AM »
I concur with the additional analysis provided by the Hutt, and agree with the information on the second target being made public.
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The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #113 on: September 18, 2008, 04:20:05 AM »
It almost seems as if the psychic cat knows already after reading its latests posts, night 2 i protected Nimitz from harm.
I can't say much other than it was a whim based on a stupid amount of bad logic, but it worked.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #114 on: September 18, 2008, 04:30:38 AM »
I was given a report as to an assassination attempt last night upon Lady Harrington's Treecat, and told that a third party had intervened in order to prevent this.  As such, I am convinced that you are exactly what you claim you are, and that you are an ally of the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

At present, I am conferring with Nimitz to prepare a dossier on the four remaining candidates in order to best use our remaining time.
Be afraid of Psychic Cats.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #115 on: September 18, 2008, 04:41:59 AM »
John Freeman is astonished by this information and now reevaluating.

John Freeman sees the following pairs possible in descending order of probability:
- Rincewind/Terminator
- Gandalf/Rincewind
- Nimitz/Jabba
- Gandalf/Terminator

John Freeman realizes that to all others he is now very suspect if roleclaims are believed.  I am prepared to face full life consequences.  (and to answer any questions)

For the time being John Freeman feels good about this:
##Vote: Rincewind


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #116 on: September 18, 2008, 04:50:58 AM »
An interesting inconsistancy has been noted in the Android's recent observations.

I am intrigued by your claim Gandalf. Do you intend to wait for others to claim before revealing your night phase targets?


As a final note Gandalf's decision to reveal his role but not his actions is sensible. If others make claims first then he can potentially catch them in a lie whereas they would know not to make such claims if he had stated his observations first.

Note that this transcript involves the first line and the last line in his thoughts, and the last line being in response to my own inquiries as to the lack of information given by Gandalf.  The logic given in the final line is good logic, and it swayed me to a similar viewpoint when I read it.  However, it is also contradictory to what was written at the start.

Given the fact that the android uses that same post to argue it is beginning to feel favorably towards Gandalf, one has to wonder how much attention the android is paying to its own missives.
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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #117 on: September 18, 2008, 05:00:03 AM »
Time passed: 26.5 hours
Time remaining: 21.5 hours

Rincewind (1): Jabba, John Freeman

4 votes required for majority.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #118 on: September 18, 2008, 06:43:34 AM »
As Tracker, I'll reveal, I tracked firstnight the White Witch, who acted not. I had my suspicion laid on her, as of day 1, and deemed it important watch her movements at night to determine whether I was wrong, possibly wrong, or right.

We all know the results of that investigation.

I can now safely confirm Jabba's role. Terminator's suspicion of Rincewind's last action in voting for me made me alarmed as well, and though it may be considered OMGUS, I had decided to spend the last night spying out Rincewind's behaviours. Though he claims Vanilla, I watch'd him pay nightly visit to Nimitz.

This checks in with Jabba's alibi for the night, and means Nimitz was, truly, the target of nightly assault.

With still some margin to be erroneous, for two scum could lynch quickly if I am wrong, I ask you Rincewind - how will you excuse this? Have you an excuse for your nightly visit, paid to Nimitz?

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #119 on: September 18, 2008, 07:14:57 AM »
It's predictable how he will respond, he will try to counterclaim, most likely myself.
As useless as the info may be, night 1 Terminator was my target, im kicking myself for not picking the witch.
Rincewind seems to be confirmed scum, he seems to be lurking a fair bit,  day 1 votes Gandalf and then drops by to drop a vote on Wookie before leaving, day 2 drops a vote on mace and isn't heard from again until right before the end of day.
Number of posts alone he is one what, 6 - 7 ?
Drops by again today for a quick comment on his vanillaness, how he finds myself and freeman suspicious. (due to my lack of content apparently).
Interested to see Rincewinds response, but i definately agree with a rincewind lynch today.

Now to start working on possible partners, if we're to take nimitz and Gandalf into consideration, that leaves Terminator/Freeman.
Both of these i have mentioned my reasoning for finding either of them suspicious.

Freeman makes small posts but they're to the point and generally contribute.
Then again another point against freeman, he places the vote on Rincewind before the results of Gandalf came in, maybe he saw his scumbuddy possibly going under and wanted to get the jump?

Terminator Took the stance with Gandalf day 1-2 which i disagreed with but i now see what he was getting at.
Intuition also has been saying all game that he is scum but there is no logic behind that and so shouldn't be worth considering this close to the end of the game.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #120 on: September 18, 2008, 08:11:15 AM »
Also, side note, i'm around for 3 hours more, then i'm away until about 2 hours before hammer.
So if i'm quiet for 12 hours or so, thats why.

Rod Serling

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #121 on: September 18, 2008, 08:18:32 AM »
Yeah. No. I don't have an excuse, mainly because I didn't go anywhere last night. Which leaves us one possibility. That you're fabricating your reports. *shrugs* Seems simple enough to me.

##Vote: Gandalf

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #122 on: September 18, 2008, 08:43:34 AM »
John Freeman submits for posterity that the wizzard is lacking in analysis of what Gandalf lying would actually mean re: finding the other zombie ghoast, were it to be true.  Just in case people weren't convinced on who to trust on this one.

The Dude

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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #123 on: September 18, 2008, 09:26:24 AM »
This game is really starting to disappoint me.

Day 1 Delta - Selfhammers
Day 2 Mace - Gets snappy when voted for and isn't heard from again
Day 3 Rincewinds current defense - Gandalf fabricated reports............ *que Cricket noises*.

Seriously, if your town and people are voting for you, don't just sit there and do nothing about it, defend yourself and try to hunt scum, don't just give up.
Seriously starting to wonder about this town.


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Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« Reply #124 on: September 18, 2008, 09:58:23 AM »
I will say this.  We have found scum.  Gandalf and Rincewind cannot both be allies, and as such the vote has to be on them.  Sadly, there is no way of telling if one or both are Peep agents, but we'll take what we're given.

Now, as for picking which one to interrogate, I have been suspicious of Gandalf for the whole of this session, but...  three people have called for Rincewind's head, at most one of them is Havenite.  This means that, at the very least, there is some support there.  I'll sleep on this, and place my vote in the morning.
Be afraid of Psychic Cats.