To alanna:
3-turn averages:
1. Gadwin 365 (2 Meteorstrikes, 1 Dragon King Slash)
2. Justin 328 (2 MidAirCuts, 1 Attack)
3. Feena 213 (2 Burnflares, 1 Fire Whip)
4. Sue 207 (1 Puffy Fire, 2 Physicals)
Average: 278 (Kill Point 695)
Sue's physical: 188 Damage
Sue gets one shot of low 3HKO damage and then, she's stuck with a 4HKO, and she pretty much 4HKOs effectively. This is pretty bad. Considering she's running off 75% PC HP and 85% average speed, this is worse. Guile may have close to game-worst strength, but his techs have good mults and most of them run off his better stat, IIRC, and CC characters tend to be fairly good at chipping, which should get around Sue's terrible healing pretty well.
EDIT: Guile even manages above average damage on the three-turn charge. Looks fairly clear here: Guile should borderline 2HKO while Sue 4HKOs back. While he does have Zoah-level speed, Sue is also poorly off on speed, so it balances.