Myria’s day of reckoning is at hand! After winning 5 championships in a row, she finally has a chance to fall…to a young girl. Yes, Ellen has taking down the great beast singlehandedly before, and she’s been training hard to repeat the feat. With her magic reflection safeguarding her from all of Myria’s magic spells, that only leaves Myria’s physical. Of course, the speedy model’s stackable Physiwall not only reflects physicals back at her opponents, but they reflect them back and ignore defense. The goddess may hope to kill Ellen in a single attack or outspeed her, but Ellen is quite the speed-demon herself, not to mention above average in HP. The hydra being beaten by fast buffing attacks? Well, she's more than used to that from in game. Myria will once again get to know how painful her attacks truly are by having them all hit herself instead!