
Author Topic: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)  (Read 48169 times)


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #50 on: October 10, 2008, 06:23:26 AM »
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.


My thoughts on Remo should be pretty clear. Panicmongering over the lynch was rather firmly rebuffed to start, and clamping up over what we're supposed to do next is a clear retreat from discussion, and I'm not going to entertain it. I haven't moved off him, you know. I particularly hate it when people clam up and wait for others to propel stuff forward, so...

However, he has posted again! I'm.. not impressed. It's essentially a giant OMGUS on everyone who came after him. It plainly disregards encouragement to vote or make serious cases, since it does seem like he's just trying to spread attention anywhere but him without thinking too critically of precisely where it should go. No vote. :(

Blah blah people haven't posted blah blah lurkers suck where are you guys, I may have to give up my policy of ignoring people with low quantity during day one.


DT vs. Smodge, round 1, fight! I don't like how DT goes 'you need to talk about Remo, Smodge' and then doesn't venture any thoughts of his own until later (and those were very slim, too, amounting to "It's ok, guys, I think he's legit!")

On the other hand, he's not attempting to use lame meta as an excuse to vote. What gives, Smodge? Your credibility healthbar is low.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2008, 06:51:31 AM »
Quite simple.

3 lurkers i could see (although someone has brought andrew to attnetion so that makes 4)

Andrew, Strago, Excal, Tom

All 4 we had next to nothing about,
Tom i knew was online, sure its metagaming but it was that slight thing that pushed me to leave my vote on him instead of changing it.
Even Metagame is worth more than nothing (although only a very slight amount)

Tom OMGus explodes on me, yet still fails to mention anyone else.
even Remo he just blows off with "response has satisfied me"

Normally i would switch my vote to one of the other lurkers but i've decided to leave the vote for now as Tom's yet to clear himself in my eyes.

As for saying Delta is easy Day1 lynch, do i really need to explain, he can't help it he's new, but he lets off so many things that can be misconstrued as a scumtell that it would be easy for anyone to justify a vote for him without looking suspicious.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2008, 06:54:10 AM »
Also if i had to pick between the 2 trains Remo would be the one i chose, i have explained my feelings about the Delta train.
Even though Remo was picked at random he hasn't contributed much.
I would prefer the lurkers speak up more though, Town is too quiet in the games of late.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2008, 07:09:54 AM »
Actually i won't need to pressure tom with votes to get more info seeing as he is atleast posting now.
<b>##Unvote: Eviltom </b>
<b>## Vote: Andrew </b>
For lurking AND for me not spotting it.

Town should not tolerate lurkers.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2008, 07:11:35 AM »
Dam lack of bold tags, i can't use the fancy buttons through a proxy.
Lets try this again
<B>##Unvote: Eviltom</B>
<B>##Vote: Andrewrogue </B>
If this doesn't work can soemone type the damn command for me.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2008, 07:32:57 AM »
Nevermind got it, sorry for repeated posts.

##Vote: AndreRogue


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2008, 07:55:35 AM »
I have a sense of humor which seems to make me scummy. Okay.

The reason that I only pushed remo for an answer without voting for him is because I think that things this early in the game although they are dangerous, should be used for benefit later. However, he does not seem unhappy with this train being on him. Consider that he could be a jester or a role that is similar?
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2008, 08:48:31 AM »
... what.

Vote's staying on Delta.  QED.

For his reference in future games, if you think someone is scummy, LYNCH THEM NOW, "I think we should wait and use his scumminess later" is about as pro-scum a viewpoint as it gets.  Also, bringing up jester?  No.


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Video Monkey Socks
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2008, 09:59:42 AM »
With this [unsurprising] post spread density, I can already see why it's going to suck to be in my timezone for this fast paced a game. I think I'm going to have to settle with being active with whatever comes out during the slower hours, and making big posts shortly after waking up to cover the busy period at night. I'll try and be around for as close to the deadline as possible, but almost certainly won't be around for it passing on account of sleep, so will need to be sure of my vote before I do go.

First off:

##UNVOTE: Alex
##VOTE: Excal

Watch me do the lurker vote dance. Bear with me, it's the rather anti-climactic conclusion of my thoughts so far.

First off, Alex has posted a small bunch and that's enough for the unvote for now. I don't really buy into this Delta personality thing yet (I don't inherently disagree with the meta-gaming perspective, but don't know him well enough myself to support it), but his frivolity and lack of content do at least raise a flag. He still needs to [be forced to] dig deeper before it draws my attention (you could call it the Delta factor, or ±Delta if I was looking for something particularly snappy).

As far as I see it we have three lurkers who've shown up once and not since for over a full day, yes? Of those, I'm willing to give Strago the benefit of the doubt for now on the grounds that he at least aimed to move the game forward (not that I'd let it go if he was last man lurking). This leaves me with Andrew and Excal, and of the two it's Excal's null contribution that worries me more when combined with a lack of content once things bridge into serious play (and whilst the lack of posting is bad for him, I don't hold Andrew's standing joke vote as additional evidence against him, as I find it hard to believe that he'd think that votes would suddenly flock to LadyDoor at this point).

I'm all for the consolidation of votes later in the day, but I don't want the lurkers to get a free pass through day 1 without scrutiny while we string up the active.

Speaking of the active:

Bardiche: ...hasn't posted since I last commented on him. This just looks worse as time rolls on. Those initial posts can at best be read as trying to stir discussion, and the lack of a follow up since discussion has been stirred leaves him on not much. There's still time left in which to convince me with something serious, but the day is dragging on now.

Remo: I still have my foot behind him. I'm yet to vote for him, but will stand behind my initial circling of his name after what read like a slip. It was the certainty of the statement that drew my eye - we can sit and theorise what's balancing this day and not get very far at this point (I have a fair range of my own random speculation, but I don't see the benefit in discussing it - does anyone disagree or have a theory that we could do something with right here and now? The only one I have that could be tested at all on day 1 would be some sort of simple post restriction), but Remo seemed quite sure in that particular assertion. At that point I only wanted to make sure that it didn't slip through the cracks, but the follow ups have been less than convincing. The initial justification here draws on the line from the sign up that would back up any sort of scum weakness rather that one in particular, which still begs the question of why that certain on an NK handicap especially when, as I said at the time, if anything at all, the first post in this thread hints to me at day weaknesses rather than night weaknesses (I wasn't going to base anything on it anyway, but I'm slackening on this point now as I previously could only read it as implying day weaknesses, but now see how it could easily imply night weaknesses as well). The refusal of putting down a serious vote (as covered by everyone else already) is another negative.

I find his latest post here a real mystery, in that it contains a description (but no real opinions?) of the people who have talked about him, concluding that they were justified in doing so, and then backpedalling on realising that the quote he previously used to justify his initial claim can in fact be used to mean just about anything. I agree, there are good odds of there being at least one scum vote on you somewhere if you are innocent (and possibly/probably even if you're not), but that in itself is not a measure by which we should line people up and lynch them. If your line of suspicion is in this direction then you yourself should be assessing the people who've voted for you or otherwise expressed doubts rather than vaguely telling us to do that. I find it hard to believe you can sit in that position without voting for someone. Without even looking any further it's not like Bardiche has done himself any favours since voting for you. It's not OMGUS when you have good reasoning behind the vote, so sitting there coninuing to try not to step on anyone else's toes is one of the worst things you can do (especially when combined with close to a null defence, but I'm not entirely sure what you can do about that if it was an honest slip other than the apology that's already happened). I'm not insisting that you vote for Bardiche specifically, but I can't understand the no vote when there's at least that to go with.

Well, that took altogether too much time to write. I need to go and do other stuff for now, but I'll be back to cover the rest that I haven't done here. For the record, my field of vision is still rather wide, and I could go for any of Delta, Strago, Smodge, Excal, Andrew, Bardiche or Remo, primarily dependent on most of them striking themselves off of my list for swatting the flies currently on them (Delta and Smodge still get the benefit of the doubt from me until I assess them more fully later today). If we're consolidating down to serious trains then my vote will currently drift to Remo, but I have no intent of letting day 1 end very early with lurking going on unchecked, so I refuse to push that train any further for now.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2008, 10:33:55 AM »
First off I would like to say that I am kinda lazy and am usually only willing to analyze those with statements against me. It is much easier for me since I know my own alignment instead of playing guessing games with the accusations against other people.

I wanted to vote previously but didn't as I didn't want to be accused of a kneejerk OMGUS vote. I also wanted to see a couple more responses first before making a choice. Seems like it backfired again with Carthrat and Xanth calling me out for not voting.

Carthrat and Xanth have also raised reasonable suspicions against me regarding the statements I made. It might not be very convincing now, but my speculation so far on the rules so far have really been just speculation, not because I have privy to any special knowledge or anything.

Therefore I think these two are unlikely to be scum... DeltaFlyer hasn't really said much about me except agree with the rest, so not really convincing either way, somewhat suspicious. Lady Door hasn't said anything since then, but what has been said seems reasonable to me.

Which brings me to my point: Bardiche. He has basically jumped on a train for me initially for no good reason, and made one accusation regarding the statements I'd made. After that, nothing. Among those who voted for me, he is the most scummy one.


Maybe he could say a bit more than just focusing on me alone?


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Re: Video Monkey Socks
« Reply #60 on: October 10, 2008, 11:01:19 AM »
I don't really buy into this Delta personality thing yet (I don't inherently disagree with the meta-gaming perspective, but don't know him well enough myself to support it), but his frivolity and lack of content do at least raise a flag. He still needs to [be forced to] dig deeper before it draws my attention (you could call it the Delta factor, or ±Delta if I was looking for something particularly snappy).
weaknesses as well). The refusal of putting down a serious vote (as covered by everyone else already) is another negative.

So, how do you feel about Delta digging deeper and coming up with "Don't lynch Remo, he's scummy but I want to 'use' that later on, also he might be a jester, don't vote him guys"?

I vaguely agree about Excal and the other lurkers, but in this particular game and implied setup I'm more willing than usual to let lurking pass for a while, since there are (presumably) a ton of scum but with things that can bite them badly as time goes on anyway.  Especially when we have someone here taking what I see as a pretty blatantly pro-scum stance.

First off I would like to say that I am kinda lazy and am usually only willing to analyze those with statements against me. It is much easier for me since I know my own alignment instead of playing guessing games with the accusations against other people.
etc etc OMGUS strategy

This is a very, very... suboptimal... way to play that does not help town and can be very easily exploited by scum.  It will never lead you to scum since scum can simply take note of the fact that you play this way and leave you alone.  In fact if you are town it makes you appear to be scum to everybody else, for obvious reasons. 
Don't think he's town, though.  Between this and Delta I am thinking something's up.  This is pretty much exactly the behavior patterns I'd expect to see from scum!Delta and scum!Remo.  One of these is definitely our best lynch right now; I favor Delta as his statement matches up with scum trying to exploit townie Remo, but scum!Remo is certainly also very likely.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #61 on: October 10, 2008, 11:23:35 AM »
Day 1 Votecount.  Approximately 14 hours remain.

Sorry for the confusion for a couple of you, but italicized votes indicate unvotes.  They remain on the record so people can track voting patterns easier.

Remo: EvilTom, Bardiche, Carthrat, Lady Door
Sopko: Carthrat
Xanth: Lady Door
Carthrat: Deltaflyer2k8
EvilTom: Smodge13
Lady Door: AndrewRogue
Bardiche: Xanth, Remo
AndrewRogue:  Sopko, Smodge13
Sir Alex: Remo, Xanth
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sir Alex, Sopko
Smodge13: EvilTom
Excal: Xanth


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #62 on: October 10, 2008, 12:25:45 PM »
Lady Door, your lack of paying attention seems a bit disconcerting. Tom's vote for Remo was, indeed, a jokevote, and if you'd note my vote on him was to get a train started in the hopes it would spur some discussion. We've acquired that now, though, and so I'll evaluate whether there is a justified reason to stick on Remo.

For one, I disagree strongly with his sentiments that the Lynch is something we must be wary of moreso than normal. Lynches will always be manipulated by scum, because they don't want to get lynched themselves. (a pretty understandable sentiment, I add)
However, barring vigilantes or other such roles, it is the only weapon town has to eliminate the scum from their midst. As such, telling us to "watch the trains" is a bit silly considering every train, once started, sheds information on just about anyone; those that participate in it, those that disagree with it and those who decide not to comment on it. We're building cases here, not necessarily pushing for your lynch by virtue of "you're at the top of the mod's votecount list".

For two, I find the argument, "Omg Bardiche hasn't posted SCUM" to be silly, because I also have college to attend and homework to make. As much as I love being the leader of the inquisition (wait, I don't), I really can't be expected to post at any given time in the day. I'm GMT +1 for reference sake, so don't expect me to post anywhere in GMT +1 timezone that's really unreasonable. (for reference that's evening/night for amerikkka) Your return in this regard seems a rather weak riposte-offense against me, Remo, and it does not speak in your favor.

For three, your now revealed passive stance towards hunting scum (namely, not hunting scum but defending yourself instead) doesn't really get you out from me now. Though I called for a train on you for rather questionable reasons, I feel fully justified to keep my vote on you given that your lackluster defense of yourself coupled with your statement about how you're going to "only analyze the arguments of those against you", it doesn't seem like you're even willing to conceive a defense when you're nowhere near being the day's lynch target. There's 14 hours left, we still can have a very bumpy ride ahead of us. I completely and utterly disagree with your statement that you're "sticking your neck out". I've grabbed you by the throat and all you're doing is leaning forward. If you're town, act like it!


I also find Smudge to be making some questionable statements. Okay, it's Day 1 and Day 1 sucks, but I concur with Tom that you've been doing nothing but disagreeing with a Remo train, then waiting for Tom to post only to go for a lurker.

His comments on the train consist of "I don't like Day 1 cases without reason". Well guess what, buddy? Unless someone does something, we'll be twiddlethumbing right then and there and nothing happens. Proposed inaction for a good case to suddenly pop up like something is just plain blargh. Your complete and utter disregard for alternatives in this situation is understandable to me, because I found myself in a similar position last game, but I understand nothing moves forward if we all stand still.

Suggesting Delta as being the easy lynch seems downright odd to me. He only recently became eligible for lynch with panickmongering about a possible jester being in the game or some shit. What's up with that, Delta?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #63 on: October 10, 2008, 12:27:12 PM »
Minor correction, we have 13 hours left.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #64 on: October 10, 2008, 12:51:02 PM »
I also find Smudge to be making some questionable statements. Okay, it's Day 1 and Day 1 sucks, but I concur with Tom that you've been doing nothing but disagreeing with a Remo train, then waiting for Tom to post only to go for a lurker.

This is a very good point and I thank you for bringing it to my attention.  I would suggest taking note of other people who do that.  Not to make too much of day 1 until we get a flip, but yeah.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #65 on: October 10, 2008, 01:31:01 PM »
Tom i knew was online, sure its metagaming but it was that slight thing that pushed me to leave my vote on him instead of changing it.
Even Metagame is worth more than nothing (although only a very slight amount

Even trying to defend metagaming for Day 1? Is that even necessary? The day metagaming helps the least, if at all, if Day 1.

As for saying Delta is easy Day1 lynch, do i really need to explain, he can't help it he's new, but he lets off so many things that can be misconstrued as a scumtell that it would be easy for anyone to justify a vote for him without looking suspicious.

You and Delta are about as new (to me) as the other. Trying to say someone is "new" or "outside" and casting yourself as "inside" or "familiar" is a subtle sleight of hand.

I have a sense of humor which seems to make me scummy. Okay.

The reason that I only pushed remo for an answer without voting for him is because I think that things this early in the game although they are dangerous, should be used for benefit later. However, he does not seem unhappy with this train being on him. Consider that he could be a jester or a role that is similar?

But arrrrrrrrgh. Even with all this, jester? Really, Delta? Really? This is your defense? "I'm joking and oh, there may be role madness"? You're not doing yourself any favors.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #66 on: October 10, 2008, 01:56:32 PM »
The reason i dislike a Remo train is because it was picked originally at complete random, his poor defense, i must admit is bringing me more and more closer to placing a vote, however the whole reason i haven't joined it is because it was originally picked at random and at least a bad defense is better than none at all.
Andrew, Excal and Strago appeared for the joke vote and haven't come back since.
At least Remo is posting, these 3 have pretty much dissappeared and we're pushing on 12 hours until deadline, in a 48 hour day they have been gone almost 50% of it.

Remo was picked for being 1st on the list originally, this is the whole reason i dislike the train, i had the same opinion in anonyscifi, i still think ANY reason no matter how weak is better than just picking randomly.

But hey lets just let the lurkers remain quiet, scum get a free pass day 1 if they don't speak all they have to do is hope they don't get picked as the random day 1 train.

As for Delta being an easy target, i see him how i saw myself and Eviltom play when we first started, 1 person places a vote and we just dug ourselves deeper trying to defend ourselves, Delta i see doing the same, scum or town he is going to throw off scumvibes regardless, should we give him a free pass for this, hell no, however it would be very easy for scum to lynch townie by voting for him early as Delta's bound to provide evidence against himself later.

Eviltom was remaining quiet, i picked him out of the lurkers to pressure seeing as i only have 1 vote i cant target all of them.
Tom then begins to post so its on to the next lurker.

I have explained my disagreements with the Remo and Delta trains, poor contribution is better than none at all.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #67 on: October 10, 2008, 02:07:44 PM »
Wait, what, you're tempted to vote Remo but decide to abstain on that because of:

1) The reason he was initially targeted and
2) The fact that he provides a bad defense, which somehow excuses him plentiful by virtue of it's better than no defense?

I find it really hard to make sense out of your case against the Remo train, especially given that you agree about scumminess but refuse to vote because his defense is terrible but, apparently, "at least it is a defense". Please provide an alternate course of action if you disagree so strongly with lynching someone whose defense is so terrible, or whose defense is just nigh-inexistant aside from, "lol i wuz jokin".


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #68 on: October 10, 2008, 02:30:10 PM »
Andrew, Excal, Strago.

I have mentioned all 3 several times, their not posting.
Lynch is towns only weapon, however we can't use this weapon effectively without debating.
Remo at least is commenting and giving more information for a debate.
The silence of these 3 hinders debate and therefore lowers the effectiveness of our weapon.

Games recently have had too many lurkers and not enough talk from town.
This makes it very easy for scum to hide amongst the lurkers.
I'm honestly surprised everyone seems to be giving them a free pass.
Tell me how are we to use the lynch effectively if town is slowly reduced to those who aren't posting?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #69 on: October 10, 2008, 02:43:38 PM »
Chillax, Smodge, I'm around. I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night and seem to have missed most of the Day 1 talky action. Unfortunate, but it can't really be helped. And really, not to toot my own horn, but I at least was trying to do something to get a kind of discussion started yesterday morning. That said, there's now some actual discussion to be had. Let me take a few minutes to assemble my thoughts.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #70 on: October 10, 2008, 02:56:37 PM »
I guess I do sound suspicious, but I am just trying to explore the possibilities here. "However, the scum will have various penalties assigned that make their increased numbers not so much of an asset."  This may also be interpreted as the scum having penalties which go beyond night actions, for example limits on how they can vote during the day.

The previous (and only game which I had played previously) was Britannian Mafia, which had all sorts of crazy conditional roles. eg conditional sheep who hate to vote with someone if they did a particular action, or conditional self silencer who died if he took part in the lynch of a female role.

I realize I am not really offering any solutions here, more like trying to justify my caution with the unusual rules which may be in place in this game. I am sticking out my neck here; beware of those who are too eager to take it.

Yeah, but you're sticking out your neck in order to... meta-game role powers in a setup which the Cappy pretty clearly said would be pretty tough to meta-parse like that. Not to mention that while before you were speculating about Mafia nighttime handicaps, now you seem to be saying "you find that suspicious of me? well uh they could have daytime handicaps too!" So you're not even standing by your metagaming, man. Comes across as flailing, to me. There's no reason to be that way on Day 1, in my experience. Especially as an innocent. And then there's this:

First off I would like to say that I am kinda lazy and am usually only willing to analyze those with statements against me. It is much easier for me since I know my own alignment instead of playing guessing games with the accusations against other people.

... buh? The whole dang ol' point of this is playing a guessing game about other peoples' actions and alignments. The whole "look this is how I play love it or leave it" defense has also never scored big points with me.

Those are the things that stick out to me about Remo, who definitely did jump out at me as the most suspicious guy around. I'll take another look through to see if anyone else compares, though.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #71 on: October 10, 2008, 03:08:35 PM »
Could I interest you in voting Delta, Mr. Strago?  (And others)

He is playing more scum than... ahem... this time around, I think.  Especially compared to Remo, who is doing about the same thing but the other way around.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #72 on: October 10, 2008, 03:27:05 PM »
I might not wake up in time tomorrow to post before deadline, but I've made up my mind anyway.
If a lynch does not occur by the deadline, then the person with the most votes will be lynched.  If there is a tie, there will be no lynch for that day.
And that's the rule we're using, so as long as there's no tie for votes then we're cool anyway.

Smodge, there's a couple of reasons people are turning their eyes towards you, and raising their eyebrows.

You spent the first part of the day wasting time. Your vote on me was transient, and held no weight. Your post here:
- effectively said that you were only going to keep your vote on me because I hadn't posed outside of jokevote yet. However here:
You said:
Normally i would switch my vote to one of the other lurkers but i've decided to leave the vote for now as Tom's yet to clear himself in my eyes.
But then three minutes later, you changed your vote to Andrew own your own initiative. It's suspicious that you'd do a complete 180 without anyone else even posting. To me it sounds like you might have received some advice, perhaps from a scumbuddy? And the flurry of failed tags there... I mean.. it looked like you were really nervous about something.

Most importantly, why are you making your votes so wishy-washy?
Voting and unvoting like that gives little weight to your vote; I find it hard to believe that a towny would exercise their vote so flippantly. Your vote isn't even really doing anything.
There's no pressure if you move your vote around like that, and there's certainly no chance of finding scum.
Furthermore, you profess that your vote is only going to be used to pressure lurkers; once a lurker has posted, your vote will move onto the next person.
That is a blatant and obvious method of avoiding responsibility for your vote.
By voting for those who have posted least recently, you're avoiding trains, you're not helping town, and you're avoiding coming under scrutiny for your votes.

Also, Smodge is egging on the Remo train from the sidelines, without actually joining it himself:

Now I'll agree with Smodge that lurkers need to post, but I'd rather hang somebody acting scummy than somebody who hasn't posted much yet due to power-outtages and sleep. So my vote stays on Smodge, and I urge others to consider my case against him.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #73 on: October 10, 2008, 04:04:08 PM »
Concentrating on myself doesn't mean I totally ignore what is going on with the others, I do look at what is going on at large but I am not going to pore over every single word. I'd rather play this at a pace and tempo which I enjoy rather than burn myself out trying to overthink everything. Cookie points for being honest? I guess not. Points for at least playing the game and replying regularly? I shouldn't keep my hopes up I guess.

I am in an even worse time zone (gmt +8) meaning I will probably miss the final few hours to the lynch. Well in that case I should just put in a bit more effort and see if there is anything I can do before I go sleep, so that my (imminent) death will not be entirely in vain.


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Lonely Ghost Loop
« Reply #74 on: October 10, 2008, 04:13:04 PM »
Sorry, took longer than expected. I should now be mostly free from here through till I head off to sleep, though, so I'll keep an eye out here as much as I can. It's funny how this day seems to have managed to gravitate towards Delta and Smodge with a side-order of lurkers (on top of Remo). Full post to follow this one after I've read through the new posts properly (I'll probably spend ages writing it, hence saying hey again here), but in short my vote is staying where it is for now (not that Excal's lack of posting in the last few hours is surprising given the timezones), while behind that I'm getting less convinced of Remo's guilt.