Author Topic: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)  (Read 48152 times)


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Re: Video Monkey Socks
« Reply #75 on: October 10, 2008, 04:15:35 PM »
Hrm. Join you against Delta, Alex? I dunno.

I don't really buy into this Delta personality thing yet (I don't inherently disagree with the meta-gaming perspective, but don't know him well enough myself to support it), but his frivolity and lack of content do at least raise a flag. He still needs to [be forced to] dig deeper before it draws my attention (you could call it the Delta factor, or ±Delta if I was looking for something particularly snappy).
weaknesses as well). The refusal of putting down a serious vote (as covered by everyone else already) is another negative.

So, how do you feel about Delta digging deeper and coming up with "Don't lynch Remo, he's scummy but I want to 'use' that later on, also he might be a jester, don't vote him guys"?

I vaguely agree about Excal and the other lurkers, but in this particular game and implied setup I'm more willing than usual to let lurking pass for a while, since there are (presumably) a ton of scum but with things that can bite them badly as time goes on anyway.  Especially when we have someone here taking what I see as a pretty blatantly pro-scum stance.

I agree with the point against Delta here. It's much the same sort of role-metagaming that cheeses me off when Remo does it. A jester indeed. Not a particularly helpful sort of speculation.

The problem is that you then do the same sort of thing, Alex. I can understand not wanting to go after a lurker because other targets actively present themselves, but to do it because... the scum will eventually shoot themselves in the foot because of roles you speculate that they have. I can't get behind that. No sir. So Delta looks a bit better to me simply by virtue of the fact that you look sort of bad now. Basically what you've created is a pretty big "pot=kettle=black" situation.

Yeah, I'm not sure who deserves my vote. At this point it could be Alex, Remo, Andy or Excal. Need to go rest my scumhunting mind a bit.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #76 on: October 10, 2008, 04:16:42 PM »
And now Remo's doing the whole woebegone fatalistic "nothing I do at this point matters" act. Mrff.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2008, 04:28:42 PM »
12 hours left. :)
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There’s no need for gods.

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Corridor Wheels Cradle
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2008, 06:07:40 PM »
Excal and Andrew are still absent. There's nothing else I can add to this at the moment other than to not let it go.

I have nothing to say about Lady Door, Sopko or Carthrat, except in relation to other players. Other than the very mild alarm about Sopko's initial actions that I noted at the time, nothing's drawn my attention in a bad way so far. On later reflection, add Alex to this list. Something about the aggression had me instinctively concerned, but in the end I guess this is just standard play from him.

Strago nearly makes that list if not for the lack of a vote. I can sort of see the rationale behind it, and at least he's provided a shortlist, but it still doesn't sit entirely comfortably with me, given that so far as I can see he'll be back in plenty of time for the deadline. (speaking of which, can I please ask for confirmation of when the deadline is. I assume 8pm EST as the first page states, but Ciato's latest countdown would appear to be 8pm PST (or am I just going crazy?), which I would definitely miss by a bunch of hours on account of sleep. No sweat if it's just a clerical error, but I would like to be sure)

Tom: on the whole I don't stand against your points against Smodge (a few are iffy, but I'll get to that), but what do you think of everything else? Other than Smodge, you've only briefly commented on Remo and the lurkers as a group.

On the matter of lurkers: I'm yet to see how this game differs from any other in regards to the priority levels of lurkers. Surely in every game lurkers merit attention, but are superceded by people being actively dodgy. The only difference I can see here is the weird line of thought that runs that there are more scum than lurkers (with only two lurkers now this would be true in a normal game), so there's some scummy activity out there that's just waiting to be found, so why waste time looking at lurkers when you could be searching for that in the meantime. No, I don't buy that. Lurkers are less important than scum we could be catching with greater likelihood right now, but they're neither unimportant nor to be left to their own devices.

On the matter of the deadline: I know it's nice and all that we basically don't have to worry about the day ending without a lynch (because no, we can avoid ties easily enough), but I hope that no one's seeing that as an excuse to not reach a majority. Forcing a majority might make townies make uncomfortable decisions about which of the lynch candidates to go for, but it also forces the same out of scum. The more information we have on the table the better it is for town, and holding back for the sake of convenience or not being completely convinced is just giving them space to hide under. It's roughly the same extended principle as lurking being bad town play.

Remaining four (Delta[/]b, Smodge, Bardiche and Remo to follow in a separate post. I keep on getting distracted while writing this and I'm getting worried that I might lose the post if I don't post it soon.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2008, 06:57:16 PM »
Excal's continued absence really sucks, as does Andrew's (but Excal's even moreso, due to his complete non-presence versus Andrew's flimsy-but-leaves-a-record joke vote).

Post-by-post response because my time this morning is limited and I can't promise I'll be back in time enough to go over everything like this before deadline. SORRY IT'S SO LONG, you people are active while I'm asleep.

EvilTom : Yes, I get this, it was a joke vote and you un joke voted. I asked because there was active discussion on Remo and you made no mention of him whatsoever in your post attacking smodge. I completely understand the impetus, but you said nothing comparative (ie, smodge is more scummy than Remo) and your entire post was in a vacuum of smodge!-almost-OMGUS, so I asked.

Remo : Bardiche's jump on you was indeed quite random (or was it...? ...), but it doesn't invalidate the points he made about you after you responded, even if I don't necessarily agree with what he said. The first half of your post is summary. Why? I also get that this Mafia business is new and role madness is frustrating, but letting it stall out your action is not helping it one bit. Your final bit -- "beware of those who are too eager to take [my neck]" -- is more of that stirring up panic thing. No.

Carthrat : Clear, yes, but what's clear does not necessarily equal what you meant. I'd rather not leave to inference and the chance of misdirection what can be said directly. You have been pretty clear, however, which is why I poked you to a lesser extent.

smodge 2, 3, 4, 5 : I don't understand how he gets 4 lurkers here. Tom has posted, and even if it's been empty, that's far less of a lurker than the other three who had so far contributed what amounted to 1 post each (yes, yes, technically Strago had more, stfu). I DO agree with smodge's assessment that Tom's vote is OMGUS; that was very weird. I get where he's going with the "Delta = easy lynch" thing, but I don't agree. As the former target of such judgments, I'd've hoped he'd figure out that even though it HAPPENED, it didn't mean it was ACCURATE or RIGHT and, you know, not make the same judgment. Guess not?

#2, about choosing Remo-train over Delta-train, thanks for providing a stance. Sincerely.

The subsequent fail-codes are odd, and you could easily read into it that he's been coached: coached to make a vote, coached how to fix the coding. You could ALSO read it as "smodge hasn't been around and forgot BBCode" and "You know what, I thought about it, I'm more concerned with lurkers-with-no-posts than OMGUS-Tom" though... why is a lurker suddenly more important than a suspiciously bulldoggy poster?

Delta : ... wait, what? You pushed Remo for an answer and didn't vote for him because you want to use this against him later and you left your joke vote on Carthrat in favor of this? And have yet to substantiate why it should stay there? No.

Alex : So your vote on Delta is (according to what you've said, not what I've said) because he supports "I think we should wait and use his scumminess later" (agreed), possibly because he brought up jester (eh), "you're very gung-ho, ... possibly like you didn't draw vanilla townie for once" and lack of contribution and not moving the vote to Remo? 

Xanth : I cringed a little. WoT to read quickly is a pain. Here goes, admitting I might be missing something:

Why are you reserving your judgment on Delta until he digs deeper? The reason we vote lurkers is because lurkers get away with not contributing, which cloaks scum in the darkest recess of "I didn't say nothin' incriminatin'!" Saying you won't be suspicious of him until he provides more content is... odd, at best.

Agree with your assessment on lurkers.

Agree with most of the assessment of Remo, except I don't agree that the reading necessarily supports a day handicap versus a night one (I think it could be read a variety of ways) but then I've said as much before.

Ultimately: giving Delta the benefit of a doubt thanks to his personality/posting style is fine. Doing so because he hasn't posted enough for you to judge him is less so. It's a fine distinction, but an important one, IMHO.

Remo : I... uh... actually agree with the comment on Bardiche there. The rest, eh, but thanks for giving your thoughts on people.

Alex : Pretty much agree with what he said here, didn't notice anything weird on a quick glance, moving right along.

Bardiche 2 : It was not inattention, TYVM, and I specifically asked for people to justify their votes related to Remo subsequent to the movement TOWARD Remo. "Why, Tom, did you move your vote FROM Remo?" Not why was it there. "Why, Bardiche, is your vote ON Remo?" Not why it was there. Notice that you hadn't posted since? That means you'd be reading that question -when you could answer it.- Which means you could answer it. And switch off Remo, or stay on Remo, and I would like an explanation for why you did X thing. Simple.

Comments re: smodge make me twitch a bit, if only mostly because he cites Tom's logic and, well, ignores the fact that Tom has said nothing about anyone BUT smodge. Agree with comments about smodge, am curious about the lack of comments about Tom.

Alex : Okay.

Soppy : First point: fair enough. Second point: could be construed as making too much of it, but also fair enough. Third point: exactly.

smodge : Why does it matter why it was started if it's still going for different reasons? A weird/odd beginning of a train is meaningless (EXCEPT REGARDING THE PERSON WHO STARTED IT) if it's going on its own steam later. Now, if the cases are flimsy, weird, off, et cetera? Maybe. But there are some fairly sound points for why people are on the Remo-train to Lynchville, so kindly stop ignoring them unless you'd like to take a trip yourself for ignoring good logic.

Yes, lurkers. They're lurking.

NO ONE PICKED REMO RANDOMLY EXCEPT FOR BARDICHE (and the joke vote, which was removed). Comments re: Delta were what I had guessed. Whole post is "I'd rather lynch lurkers Day 1 than anyone else if not given a choice," but failing to acknowledge that there are decent reasons to vote for people other than lurkers is making me hit my head against the wall.

Bardiche : More or less what I said above.

smodge : What I just said above, re: his "I'd rather lynch lurkers" -- yes, got it.

Strago, 2 : More or less agreed.

Alex : Squinty eyes for fishing for train-supporters, but otherwise moving right along.

EvilTom : *beats Tom over head* THERE ARE OTHER PLAYERS IN THE GAME! I get that smodge is problematic, but other than encouraging him to go to the Remo train (wut?), you haven't even TALKED about anyone else other than to cite them for why smodge is weird or Remo should seem weird to smodge. Even if I agree with your points (which I do, mostly), they're rapidly less convincing because you're building a whole case against a single individual with blinders to everything else. Even if this results in a scum net, you're making yourself more opaque to the other players. That is bad for town (unless you happen to be scum painting yourself into a corner, indeed).

Remo : Mafia is not the game for you if this is how you want to play. Slow and reserved and passive and quiet = SCUM, not thoughtful player. Unfortunate but true. Either learn to live with it or find a game that's more your style.

Xanth : Okay.

Strago, 2 : Agreed re: comment on Alex. And Remo.

Xanth : (ARGH NINJA'D BY LONG POST) Comment re: Strago is well taken, but I'm assuming Strago will be around long enough to vote. If not, that changes my mind immensely, but it won't be relevant until after deadline. At the moment, he hasn't said anything OMG SCUMMY to rate a vote, and he's no longer a lurker, so he's off the table as far as I'm concerned. The rest of the post makes sense to me, so moving along.


GOSH. Sorry that sucked and was long.

I will be back later tonight, pre-deadline (whether it's 8PM PST or EST) to adjust my vote as I consider it (it's on Remo, I'm considering either Delta or Tom fairly strongly, possibly Excal if it happens).

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2008, 07:43:24 PM »
Day 1 Votecount.  The deadline is indeed 8:00 pm Eastern (which I believe is GMT-5).  Approximately 5.5 hours remain.

Remo: EvilTom, Bardiche, Carthrat, Lady Door
Sopko: Carthrat
Xanth: Lady Door
Carthrat: Deltaflyer2k8
EvilTom: Smodge13
Lady Door: AndrewRogue
Bardiche: Xanth, Remo
AndrewRogue:  Sopko, Smodge13
Sir Alex: Remo, Xanth
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sir Alex, Sopko
Smodge13: EvilTom
Excal: Xanth


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #81 on: October 10, 2008, 07:45:57 PM »
Late to the party, I am.

*scratches head* There are some odd sentiments on day one here.

The suspicions around Remo are understandable, and I do feel like his initial suggestion about the scum reaches just a little too far to feel entirely kosher. Furthermore, his point about caution feels a little stretched to me as well. More scum indeed means they can get lynches a bit easier, but it also means that they have to put themselves out there more when doing full vote trains. This means that rabid training for scum is a bad idea and could quite likely lead them to getting caught. Interestingly, this also impacts the inverse: scum are going to be more obligated to pile on to scum buddies. All told, it leaves me feeling a bit wary of him in general at this point.

Delta's comment strikes me the worst though. About the only possible time to consider the existence of a Jester is either in a crazy role game, or with someone who is clearly going out of their way to get lynched. In this case, your post seems to indicate more than anything that you just don't want to vote here. I guess I could potentially see this from the prespective that you are indeed concerned about such strange roles either from seeing one or two earlier games, or reading up on the wiki, but this is then backed up by nothing else.

As is, I'm definitely seeing Delta and Remo as the stand-out targets. I definitely would like to see if Delta has something more to say at this juncture. So.

##Unvote: LadyDoor
##Vote: Delta

Why do you want to wait on attacks on scummy behavior, and why do you think Jester is a viable consideration here?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #82 on: October 10, 2008, 08:32:13 PM »
First things first, ##UNVOTE:CARTHRAT

Forgot about my joke vote, sorry rat.

Okay, I did say that there could be a jester because well, look at Remo's post

Yippee I have the honor of being the first target of a(n attempted) train.

Might want to be especially careful of train starters in this game though, with the higher numbers of scummy scum scums, since their ability to kill is handicapped their most effective weapon will be the lynch...

He seems happy to be on the lynch train. Although it could be percieved as a piece of sarcasm, it has set alarm bells ringing and I do believe he knows more than he lets on.

For this reason, I am proposing a FoS on Remo.

To add to this, he is also taking an extremly defeatist attitude. He has 4 votes on him? People have survived from being -1 to hammer for crying out loud. If you are townie, prove to us and contribute more.

Also, if we start to train, we will probably need to do it now. The remo train seems to be composed on a pair of posts at the moment. According to Andy, this should mean that one or two of them are scum.

Although this is only day one, we need to get going. We have a much higher chance of lynching a scum than usual. Do not waste it.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #83 on: October 10, 2008, 08:38:13 PM »
Mafia is not the game for you if this is how you want to play. Slow and reserved and passive and quiet = SCUM, not thoughtful player. Unfortunate but true. Either learn to live with it or find a game that's more your style.

Yeah upon going through what has happened do I fully realize the hole which I have dug myself in. Its no wonder why people think I am suspicious. I could have done a lot better had I paid more attention to what was going on, this game is moving a bit too fast for me.

I'm going to sleep soon, so these are probably my final comments for the day. The momentum seems to be swinging towards Delta currently, due to the nature of his comments and his absence during the later part of the day. I too feel that he has not really backed up what he has said so far.

And oh wow, Smodge actually gave me credit for posting and my weak defence, which is sort of consistent with his request for me to do so. Err thanks I guess? But your defense of me doesn't seem popular with the rest, as is your semi random vote for a lurker when lynch targets are present. But how come Xanth gets away with voting a lurker in this case? Then again he does a lot to try highlight suspicious behavior all round, like LD

EvilTom can be said to be guilty of focusing too much on Smodge. So what is worse, me focusing mainly on the people who are going after me, or a person who only concentrates on one person?

Bardiche still doesn't like me very much, he doesn't like my slackness and he doesn't like my weak defense. Its sort of valid I guess, perhaps he could elaborate more like LD requested.

Carthrat is clearly not impressed by how I play, fair enough, I don't really have a firm opinion on him.

I am torn over this, as this looks more like a desperate effort to save myself rather than an educated vote. He could also appear at the last moment to justify himself and I would be unable to change my vote (since I would be asleep).

But the combination of his unusual comments in the beginning and his subsequent disappearance is the most suspicious and disconcerting to me. I still don't like Bardiche for going after me, but at least I think he does have reasons for doing so.

##Unvote: Bardiche
##Vote: Delta


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #84 on: October 10, 2008, 08:43:18 PM »
That... that was not a good move for you proving your townie-ness... That OMGUS on me straight after my post on you now confirms my belief that you are either a jester or scum.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #85 on: October 10, 2008, 08:51:17 PM »
Yeah upon going through what has happened do I fully realize the hole which I have dug myself in. Its no wonder why people think I am suspicious. I could have done a lot better had I paid more attention to what was going on, this game is moving a bit too fast for me.

I'm going to sleep soon, so these are probably my final comments for the day. The momentum seems to be swinging towards Delta currently, due to the nature of his comments and his absence during the later part of the day. I too feel that he has not really backed up what he has said so far.

... does it? You're both tied at three votes right now (including, of course, the vote you just made yourself), and while the Delta votes are more recent they hardly seem to predict an imminent deluge against him, at least in my mind. So now, while playing the "woe is me" game you're also taking at a relatively easy target and chalking it up to some sort of popular mandate.

[/quote]I am torn over this, as this looks more like a desperate effort to save myself rather than an educated vote.[/quote]

Yep. That is rather a lot what it looks like.

##VOTE: Remo

I'm not saying Delta doesn't look weird and bad himself, but I've had a pretty pointedly bad feeling about Remo for a while now.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #86 on: October 10, 2008, 08:59:44 PM »
Also, what do you mean disappearence? It is called sleep and school... ya, I don't always have time in the mornings to get online, read through the posts in the night and come up with a post...
Do I really look like I have a clue?

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #87 on: October 10, 2008, 09:11:08 PM »
Strago, Remo stopped playing the woe is me game in his vote post, which was actually a well formed post with decent notes on people's play. It certainly took long enough, but it at least makes me more comfortable with keeping my vote on Delta. With your vote, it's now tied at 4 between them.

And oh wow, Smodge actually gave me credit for posting and my weak defence, which is sort of consistent with his request for me to do so. Err thanks I guess? But your defense of me doesn't seem popular with the rest, as is your semi random vote for a lurker when lynch targets are present. But how come Xanth gets away with voting a lurker in this case? Then again he does a lot to try highlight suspicious behavior all round, like LD

This is actually a good point on Smodge. It's usually pretty scummy to request defense and be satisfied with a weak defense (granted, I know I've done this a lot). There's a lot of inconsistencies here I think we can really use as a springboard into Day 2.

If Remo's votepost was just focused on Delta, I would probably be switching my vote now. But like I said before, it's a pretty well-thought post on multiple people.

First things first, ##UNVOTE:CARTHRAT

Forgot about my joke vote, sorry rat.

Okay, I did say that there could be a jester because well, look at Remo's post

Yippee I have the honor of being the first target of a(n attempted) train.

Might want to be especially careful of train starters in this game though, with the higher numbers of scummy scum scums, since their ability to kill is handicapped their most effective weapon will be the lynch...

He seems happy to be on the lynch train. Although it could be percieved as a piece of sarcasm, it has set alarm bells ringing and I do believe he knows more than he lets on.

For this reason, I am proposing a FoS on Remo.

To add to this, he is also taking an extremly defeatist attitude. He has 4 votes on him? People have survived from being -1 to hammer for crying out loud. If you are townie, prove to us and contribute more.

Also, if we start to train, we will probably need to do it now. The remo train seems to be composed on a pair of posts at the moment. According to Andy, this should mean that one or two of them are scum.

Here, Delta AGAIN brings up the questionable Jester assertion. He also demands Remo contribute as a good townie, and attacks him with no real new material. Again with the inching along, riding the wave of Remo mistrust. I'll grant it's always annoying to be counter-voted, but Remo pretty much did everything Delta asked. The vote on Delta just seemingly invalidated it to him as he completely ignores the points Remo makes and asserts he's scum. Ignoring decent input like that, especially when you ask for it, is, if not outright scummy, blatantly anti-town.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #88 on: October 10, 2008, 09:33:11 PM »
Strago, Remo stopped playing the woe is me game in his vote post, which was actually a well formed post with decent notes on people's play. It certainly took long enough, but it at least makes me more comfortable with keeping my vote on Delta. With your vote, it's now tied at 4 between them.

While I agree that it wasn't completely lacking in content, I disagree with your first point. He makes some interesting (albeit brief) notes on Smodge and Dread Thomas, yes. And then regarding Carth and Bardiche he goes "well I guess they don't like the way I play." And he still prefaces the post with a note about how he's going to bed and will likely not give anymore input and does it in a very lackadaisical sort of way. I... hrmf. I agree with you and I don't. Not sure yet whether I'll change my vote.

The... point Remo raises against Tom is a good one, now that I'm re-considering it. Laying out a pretty narrow argument against one player and then saying "well off to bed for me" is a fairly good way for scum to make the appearance of a contribution on Day 1 without really having to put anything on the line.

As far as my specious math on the vote count... uh. Yeah, my bad. Stupid maths. The feeling that it's a final OMGUS parting shot doesn't really change for me, though.

Your point about Delta's behavior, is also well taken. I'll admit that I tend to ignore Delta more than I probably should. Hrmm.

More people want to weigh in? It's getting pretty close to deadline, and we need not to be tied when it hits.


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Leotard Remote Stench
« Reply #89 on: October 10, 2008, 09:35:33 PM »
Okay, this is getting stupid. My connection went down and took a long post with it. Then just before it finally decides to come back up I get a rare extended phone call from my dad. Finally (hopefully), IE decides to crash and take the next post attempt with it and now for some reason can't connect to the internet, and whilst I've been writing this my connection went down again. I'm going to get this post out one way or another.

Fortunately, after the connection went down I started writing the other post elsewhere, so I haven't lost too much of it. It's much shorter, but I'll expand where desired. Chronologically it fits in just before Lady Door's post (although that had come up before I lost my connection), so apologies that it doesn't make sense given posts since then. I'll deal with those in a separate post, as for now I want to make sure this gets out before something else happens.


Bardiche: reading a little better, but still in my scopes. I don't inherently disagree with anything you say, but the acidic tone that's present throughout doesn't do you any favours.

Delta: the sum total of his content in this [game] day has been to joke around for a bit (fair enough, but including long after it was suggested we straighten up) stick with a joke vote for ages, to weakly agree with one opinion and then to try to derail that train of thought with talk of a fool. Okay, having actually been through all of his posts it's a bit clearer why he's getting attention. Delta, if you are indeed just being Delta, you'd serve yourself a lot better by actually sitting down and puzzling through some content on your own.

Remo: my gut is trying to tell me that this is bad town play rather than scum play, but on reading and re-reading his posts there's nothing that really marks the distinction.  I'm probably going to vote for the guy later anyway, so I'll have a better go at highlighting the particulars then.


I didn't get as far as Smodge in the initial post I lost, so didn't have anything to work with in the disconnected version. It's been 3 1/2 hours since my last post, though, so I'm posting this as it stands. More on what I've lacked to follow this post, alongside actually getting up to date with the posts. Bear with me.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #90 on: October 10, 2008, 09:43:02 PM »
##Vote: Delta

Why do you want to wait on attacks on scummy behavior, and why do you think Jester is a viable consideration here?

I was not bringing up the remo jester thing again, I was answering this question. I do not know what you consider to be scummy, but voting for me straight after I have put an FoS on him, looks scummy and panicked to me. He says that he is only interested in the people that are after him. This implies that he is not interested in the game and only wants to survive. Understandable of course, but still, worded wrong or truth?

Now, enough on Remo unless he screws up again. Even with his scumminess, I do not wish to put him to -1 unless nessesary.

Sopko: Seems to be picking at me in his/her last post (sorry I do not know if you are male or female  :-\) but, seems to be just providig some meta-analysis.

Strago: Seems to be on the fence at the moment, he wants to be swayed by our arguements but has sided with me for now.

Andy: Seems to be voting for me simply because I put forward the possibility of jester role. Seems neutral but with only one or two posts in this game, I need more convincing. On the fence at the time being.

Xanth: Seems to be town, mostly wants to go for scum not lurkers. Just the town side of neutral now.

Lady Door: Seems to be doing much the same as Sopko. Reminded me of my jokevote on Rat (thanks) and seems to be pro-town.

Excal: Needs to come here. Now. We need people to be on to find out their alignment. Lurkers are just as bad as scum in my opinion if not worse. If he has been online, (I am not sure) he could be a scum with some sort of post restriction? Hmmm, when he posts, Ill comment more.

Will comment on others in a moment.

Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #91 on: October 10, 2008, 10:04:10 PM »
Eviltom: Still needs to contribute alot more. He has seemingly followed a useless arguement against Smodge for no reason. Keeping my eye on him for now.

Smodge: Seems to have not really 'gone along' with his arguements. Neutral read but I am aware of there being so many scums that most are going to be neutral.

Rat: Needs to post more. Can't really get a conclusion on him/her at the moment.
Do I really look like I have a clue?

Captain K.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #92 on: October 10, 2008, 10:06:53 PM »
Day 1 Votecount.  3 hours left.  Remember, the person with the most votes gets lynched, unless there is a tie.

Remo: EvilTom, Bardiche, Carthrat, Lady Door, Strago
Sopko: Carthrat
Xanth: Lady Door
Carthrat: Deltaflyer2k8
EvilTom: Smodge13
Lady Door: AndrewRogue
Bardiche: Xanth, Remo
AndrewRogue:  Sopko, Smodge13
Sir Alex: Remo, Xanth
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sir Alex, Sopko, AndrewRogue, Remo
Smodge13: EvilTom
Excal: Xanth
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 10:09:14 PM by Captain K. »


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #93 on: October 10, 2008, 10:17:26 PM »
Captain K, Could you please put the number of votes next to the names? Im just used to that... lol. I almost thought Remo was at -1 there until I noticed the italics on ET's name.
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Pepper Gathering Frontier
« Reply #94 on: October 10, 2008, 10:53:09 PM »
(man, that previous post was hardly even worth it. It was just really frustrating that I couldn't get a post through now that things have started actually picking up)

Lady Door: apologies about the long posts, but I'm in the similar position of seeing less action for much of the time that I'm awake and then waking up to a huge wad of posts. I've made a huge mess out of today's (in the real life sense) attempt at getting up to date, but there's not much I can do unless you want it split into separate posts or cut out content, neither of which appeal to me. I'll try my best to be concise.

'Digging deeper' for Delta would be doing anything increasingly suspicious, which would happily include failing to provide anything meaningful, not necessarily something stupid in his posts. That appears to be the only query there?

On the day/night handicap thing, yes, precisely. I noted as much that I'd failed and then spotted the alternate reading. All the more reason not to ponder it at all at this point unless it's something that can be sensibly tested. We're just at 'be generally very aware' as we would be in any game, except that there may or may not be bonus concrete material to work with.

My point on Strago was that it seemed that it would have left him without a vote placed for an awfully long time, but he's come back a lot more quickly than I was expecting, so never mind that.

Andrew's presence in the game leaves just Excal out in the cold. I wasn't expecting it to last quite this late into the day.

Delta: failure to recognise sarcasm does not an argument make. Also, where you've been gone doesn't make much of a difference to a 'disappearance' if you're not posting anything of substance. You've then gone on to do that, but I dislike the call for a need to get a train started quickly when you then offer nothing yourself. After attacking Remo, you then insist on giving him one final chance (even though he's just said that he's probably going to be gone until after the end of the day), and don't even offer anything against the lurker who you ponder might be scum. I can only hope the conditions by which you'd put Remo at -1 are time-based only, because that seems to be the only thread you're connected to.

Remo's last post doesn't convince me nearly as much as it seems to have convinced others. It reads to me like a lot of fluff that coughs up a lot that's been said by other people before without actually offering an opinion on most of the subject matter covered. Not to be unfair, there is originality (I believe?) in the comparison between the reception of my position and smodge's, which I'm going to have to look through again, but at a quick guess I'd put it down to the manner in which they were applied (I'm leaving a much more solid trail, and made my long term intentions clear) so I'm probably not going to be more suspicious than simply the picking on easier targets in general, which I think nigh on everyone is guilty of in this day, for better or for worse.

Of the two, it's still Remo who I sense more malign intent from. I would have had more difficulty evaluating the two of them, but Delta's latest attempts of appeasement are succeeding in convincing me that we're just treading through the usual Delta territory of daft suggestions. The fool suggestion in particular actually really doesn't read to me as scum because it would be such a stupid gambit, which has already hit him in the face and he hasn't let go of it, and even if the first part of that made sense in combination to a scumbuddy aiding him, I can't see him insisting on the significance again if that's the case. I don't see the sudden change in Remo's latest posts that suddenly reverses the previously unhelpful attitudes. It's frustrating that he's now probably gone until the deadline (I'm not doubting the legitimacy of that), but nor does that excuse suddenly saving him.

As I see it, Remo is actually as 'far' as -3 to lynch, so I feel no hesitation (other than to go hey, guys, Excal still isn't around) in going with ##UNVOTE: Excal, ##VOTE: Remo, as I've been holding to for some time (albeit via nearly being tipped into Delta).

Now I seem to be fighting against my connection again, so let's get this out before it ends up too late. I'm not too far away from sleep myself, but I'll try and be around for a while yet in case of the need for big changes. I still haven't commented on Smodge at all, but I'll probably have to hope I can leave this until day 2 now that it's not a pressing matter.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #95 on: October 10, 2008, 10:56:38 PM »
My gut feeling says that I should lynch Remo. Please, as he is not here, someone sway my mind.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #96 on: October 10, 2008, 11:01:29 PM »
Well toss me down and shag me senseless, Delta is actually contributing seriously now?

Still, 3 hours left. We need to break that tie or we'll have a No Lynch. My mental arithmetic isn't that awesome so I won't bother doing it right now, but I don't think a No Lynch is really in favor of town just yet, since the discussion of today might just carry on into tomorrow (barring scum night kill shedding some revealing lights).

I remain strong in conviction that Remo is our best course of action, however. The prevalent amount of discussion has been on Remo and his scummy behaviour, and his flip should learn us at least a thing or two, whether he goes town or scum. If we allow him to live through today, discussion will home in on him regardless, with all due likelihood, or return to him at a later date, barring fantastigolastic recovery on his side.

Smodge and Delta are definitely secondary choices for me at this point in time, with a tertiary concern with Carthrat for disappearing, Excal for just not being present and EvilTom for his whatthehell conduct against Smodge. None of these yet overshadow Remo, however, as far as I am concerned.


Delta you make me facepalm so hard oh god what the hell are you doing that's like inviting scum to decide on your vote. Use your own judgment in assessing whether or not Remo deserves to get lynched or not.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #97 on: October 10, 2008, 11:06:01 PM »
Okay end of day summary

Delta - Lots of non-sensicle posts, constant insistance that everyone is a jester and just in general bad play, i'm hoping its just bad stupid town and not scum hiding behind a good ploy.

Strago - wasn't around for a while but since coming back has contrbuted a fair bit, neutral read atm

Eviltom - Lurks and then when is called out for it blows up and OMGus, focuses on myself only, Tom tell me how am i wasting time if i'm taking part in discussion and actually commenting on the various trains, what do you think of the Remo/Delta train?, how about those people who are actually on those trains?
Personally this is who i think is most likely scum, Not much contribution other than attacking me, doesn't even comment on the other trains.

Alex - Not sure if its because i've been on the recieving end of it so many times but dislike how strongly hes going after Delta, Delta is an easy lynch for scum to justify, then again Alex could be dead right and Delta is scum hiding behind ignorance, unfortunately i am undecided on the matter i see each one as being just as likely as the other.

Excal - LaL

Remo - poor defense coupled with suspicious nature.

Coming closer to deadline

Personally i think Tom is most likely scum.

##Unvote Andrerogue
##Vote: Delta

Seriously Delta that last comment?
Do you seriously not know why we're voting for you?
Let others make up your mind?
Thats just asking for scum to manipulate you

Tom can wait until day 2.
Delta is a threat here and now whether its stupid Townie or scum in general.
Definately thinking its scum theres only so far someone can slip and at least in other games delta at least seemed to put an attempt in to learn from these things when pointed out.
This game he just doesn't seem to care


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #98 on: October 10, 2008, 11:10:59 PM »
Well, I am just going to put the hammer down on Remo here. It is my gut feeling. If I am wrong,  and remo is town, we will have to deal with it in the next day period. Ive been scared to post this because I have never hammered someone before. Ever.

##VOTE: Remo

Also, Smodge, I am not insisting that everyone is a jester, please get your facts right.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 1 (Game Topic)
« Reply #99 on: October 10, 2008, 11:23:04 PM »
Um Delta your vote number 6
Eviltom's voting for me now remember
7 majority to lynch, Remo is - 1 to hammer.
Also i don't mean absolutely everyone, but you seem to bring up the jester role every game i have read with you in it.
Jester is a role you jsut don't consider, why because it leads to endless WIFOM's whenever it comes to a lynch, the only way really to play is just assume there's never a jester in the game.

Also i see you didn't need much convincing to vote Remo, just someone voting for you.
Vote stays on Delta