
Author Topic: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)  (Read 47314 times)


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #175 on: October 12, 2008, 04:36:40 PM »
Chillin, chillin.  You got to admit it kind of inspires a "what" when you come out of absence for a day to immediately knock me up to -1 without reading.  >_>

Delta:  I said 4-6 scum at this point probably.  And I think your quotes are messed up.  I can't even follow what you're trying to say anymore.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #176 on: October 12, 2008, 05:33:02 PM »
Yeah, the quote sorta failed on me.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Earwig Wrapper Glare
« Reply #177 on: October 12, 2008, 05:38:52 PM »
Right, I'm back. I'm not looking forward to this, but I'll do my best to get through all of the rest I had left to do and today's stuff before I head to bed in like seven hours. I don't like the feeling that I walked into a trap with no likely correct answers with my previous post, but I feel that the best I can do now is to play on my own terms and catch up so that there isn't this gap to take advantage of.

Ninja edit: holy cow, triple ninjaed already. With the sudden fast pacing I'm going to condense what I have to say. I'll try not to leave anything out, but ask me if there's anything you want expanding on.

People talking about Bardiche in day 1

On the whole he did a good job of being forgotten by everyone. Despite his early mangling he only really came up later tied to his vote on Remo.

Strago and Andrew draw neutral as Bardiche was long since out of sight by the time either of them showed up. That's bad for them for other reasons, but not on this count.

Sopko, Rat and LD are the only people (other than myself, Remo and Smodge, who's a special case) to have said anything negative about him at all. Only one instance in each case that went nowhere serious, so I can't say anything better than pure neutral for them.

Tom and Alex have nothing or effectively nothing down about him at all, due to monorailing on Smodge and Delta respectively. Predictable, perhaps, but I'm going to have to call that negative regardless, as it's an easy place to hide.

Smodge has only one reference early on, for joking around and defending Delta. Claims that Bardiche and Delta look worst, but never comments on him again even when aggressive disalogue with him opens up. Doesn't even bother to mention him in his end of day summary. Where did that suspicion evaporate to? Bardiche's badgering him made him look better, but the other side of the coin is a major negative to him.

Delta dragged the joke vote stage out with him a bunch, and then never refers to him again. That includes when he summarises the other players here and here, which covers everyone in the game except for the bizarre blips of Bardiche and Alex. I find it hard to believe that he would forget about one of the two who hounded him from early on, but I find it even less likely that he'd forget about good friend Bardiche.

In short, whilst it's unsurprising that I can't find anything positive out of that (with only one day I can't tell the difference between the good and bad intentions behind leaving him be), Smodge and Delta come out of it the worst.

Next up, Smodge, as I never did get around to assessing him yesterday, followed by my overall opinions for today. Splitting it up here so you have more from me to go on, apologies that it doesn't fit in with the immediate conversation, I'm still catching up. The rest will go together unless there's a continued flurry of posts.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #178 on: October 12, 2008, 05:51:28 PM »
Day 2 Votecount.  6 to lynch.

Deadline is in about 40 hours, if I'm understanding the Captain correctly.

Carthrat:  Deltaflyer2k8 (0)
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sopko, Sir Alex, AndrewRogue (3)
AndrewRogue:  Lady Door, EvilTom (1)
Sir Alex:  Carthrat, Smodge13, Lady Door, Deltaflyer Strago (3)
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #179 on: October 12, 2008, 06:13:27 PM »
I've got a different count than Ciato.  I'll doublecheck it right now.

Carthrat:  Deltaflyer2k8 (0)
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sopko, Sir Alex, AndrewRogue (3)
AndrewRogue:  Lady Door, EvilTom, Xanth (1)
Sir Alex:  Carthrat, Smodge13, Lady Door, Deltaflyer2k8, Strago (3)
Smodge13: EvilTom, Carthrat (2)

EDIT:  Yeah, this should be correct.  Folks, try not to put your votes in the middle of a wall of text.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 06:16:43 PM by Captain K. »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #180 on: October 12, 2008, 06:48:34 PM »
Argh. Why does it feel like the case on Alex is all smoke and mirrors to pull people away from Delta?

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #181 on: October 12, 2008, 06:49:02 PM »
And in turn, get neither of them lynched.

Lady Door

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #182 on: October 12, 2008, 07:57:05 PM »

Alex: The very first post (okay, technically second) is weird. Remo's "could be overly eager and speculating" versus Delta's "you seem very gung-ho, possibly like you didn't draw vanila townie for once" seems like an odd distinction to make. Why pick on Delta's zeal and not Remo's? Because Delta's is more flashy? Less substantive? What? Though I know you've said it was a throw-away comment. Except nothing in Mafia is.

Then there's "my vote is staying on Delta, QED" and "Why don't the rest of you vote for Delta now?" This would be more weird if I wasn't expecting Alex to pick a target and stick with him until he's dead or somehow "confirmed" enough to warrant heading for another target.

Says "I'm willing to let lurkers pass 'cause even if they're scum, they're scum with things that can bite them in the ass, so it'll take care of itself and instead we have scum taking a pro-scum stance." It seems to be setting up a contrast between lurkers and pro-scum stances, but isn't lurking itself a pro-scum stance?

What did you mean by "I favor Delta as his statement matches up with scum trying to exploit townie Remo"? And how does that work if both Remo and Delta were to be scum (as you said "this is pretty much exactly the behavior patterns I'd expect to see from scum!Delta and scum!Remo")?

Today, again, "behaving exactly like I would expect scum!Delta to." What exactly does that mean? What is it you expect town!Delta to do that would be so different?

The additional "I do agree ... for all the things our bacony flier has done, rolefishing I wouldn't say is one of them" is kind of odd. I didn't think the sentence was that complicated, but I guess the commas tripped people up. I admit when it appeared two people had misread it, I wondered, but... really? At WORST the subject was ambiguous, meaning it could refer to Alex or Delta; if it doesn't fit Delta, wouldn't you then extrapolate it to apply to the other person in that sentence -- ie, Alex?

Otherwise, Carth's proddings are along the same lines as my curiosities, so I'll wait to see how Alex responds to those.


Carth: I'm not referring to this post alone so much as I am that post and this post. In the former, you did indeed respond "my thoughts should be clear, but here they are in plain text" to my question. I appreciate that. The second post, though, is where you condemn Remo because what he did "speaks for itself, really." Leaving things open to interpretation like that is what bugs me -- maybe it does, but maybe you're just vaguely hinting at things and hoping people will find their own badness to fill in the blanks. It happens, as with people trying to find a case on you based on the very basic and non-informative "beware of Carthrat!" Remo left us with.


Am curious about smodge's reasoning, though. Care to explain "appeared to me to be that he was given information and that Rat is probably scum" and "This however doesn't mean we should lynch rat on the spot"? Why the hell not if you believe Remo's post indicates Rat is probably scum? Why is it enough to make you vote Alex that Alex has focused on a single target he thinks is scummy and made one post early game that appeared to rolefish, especially versus Tom's focusing on a single target he thinks is scummy and alleged OMGUS?


Leaving my vote on Alex for the time being, because:

1) Painting black with a single stroke:

So yeah Xanth is scum too. 

2) Off-handedly painting someone black AGAIN and oversimplifying to the point of maligning:

Wait what
I'm scummy and you're voting me because I'm aggressively tunnel visioning Delta...
and I'm scummy because I'm not being aggressive enough?

Okay, pop Smodge on the scum list (figuratively, he was already there) and let's stir the pot a bit and see what we can come up with.

(For forgetting this important bit: "Town Alex normally offers more evidence and reasoning than this" and homing in on the other part of the same durn sentence)

3) Not noticing that people have indeed done things he is accusing them of not having done

And I still have not seen a single person or post explaining why this is a bad thing or how Delta is NOT absurdly scummy through all the points I have laid out.  In fact it seems that everyone is completely ignoring that and trying to take me out in response by picking at the way I have made my arguments against him rather than what my arguments actually are.

People who have not voted for Delta have generally said it's because: someone else looks worse; Hanlon's Razor; Alex looks scummy so I don't trust his target.

Granted, nobody's based the case on Alex while also defending Delta, but why does Alex being scummy have to mean that Delta isn't also? I can perfectly agree with your arguments but not the way you've made them and conclude that the manner in which you're going about it is what actually makes you scummy, rather than your target having any bearing on it.

4) Not answering questions I had before.

Aaaand... I'll be gone until about 7-8 hours from now. I hope people answer me this time. >:(
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #183 on: October 12, 2008, 08:37:59 PM »
Q1:  Why pick on Delta's zeal and not Remo's?
A:  Because Remo looked like a newbie townie making newbie townie mistakes.  A poorly phrased comment about the setup that gets people jumping on him, and then OMGUS strategy.  Delta on the other hand looked like a newbie scum trying to execute a rather scummy plan.

Q2:  Says "I'm willing to let lurkers pass 'cause even if they're scum, they're scum with things that can bite them in the ass, so it'll take care of itself and instead we have scum taking a pro-scum stance." It seems to be setting up a contrast between lurkers and pro-scum stances, but isn't lurking itself a pro-scum stance?
A:  "on day 1, as opposed to Delta whom I think is very likely to be scum" should be assumed there.  Of course lurking is a pro-scum stance, but people have been known to lurk and not be scum, whereas I have rarely if ever seen townies try to pull scummy moves of the type I saw Delta pulling.

Q3:  What did you mean by "I favor Delta as his statement matches up with scum trying to exploit townie Remo"? And how does that work if both Remo and Delta were to be scum (as you said "this is pretty much exactly the behavior patterns I'd expect to see from scum!Delta and scum!Remo")?
A:  Delta said "Remo is scummy but I don't want to lynch him now.  I prefer to leave scummy people alive for later."  (paraphrased for clarity)  Town does not say things like this, ever.  Scum say things like this in two situations - to acknowledge a scumbuddy as scummy but steer away from their lynch, or to try to keep an 'easy pickins' townie around to lynch later.

Q4:  Calling people scum?!
A:  Yes indeed I will call people scum who I think are scum.  That is how I roll.  It has worked pretty well in the past and it is working as planned here.  Calling people scum gets very valuable reactions out of both them and others and aids discussion.  Read the other walls of text, what do you get out of them?  Read my posts and you should, I hope, have no doubt whatsoever about whom I currently believe to be scum and town.
I am also a bit freer than usual with doing so this game because of the increased number of scum.  We HAVE to think in terms of figuring out and catching a large network here, and while we need to start with lynching one target we also need to start figuring out who their buddies are.  I have confidence in Delta's scummitude and see no reason not to state my views.

Delta is scum with certainty approaching 100%.  Xanth is scum with certainty approaching 95%.  Smodge is scum with certainty approaching 75-80%.

Q5: Not noticing that people have indeed done things he is accusing them of not having done?
A: "People who have not voted for Delta have generally said it's because: someone else looks worse; Hanlon's Razor; Alex looks scummy so I don't trust his target.  Granted, nobody's based the case on Alex while also defending Delta."
Question answered.
Saying that both Delta and I are scum makes no sense whatsoever as far as I can see.  Obviously I'm a little biased on the issue, but uh... why exactly would scum-me go to this effort to try to get scum-Delta lynched?  It does not seem to fall into the realm of plausibility.

Q6:  "Town Alex normally offers more evidence and reasoning than this"
A:  is an argument based on both metagaming and a qualitative take on the evidence and reasoning I have offered.  Is unanswerable, cannot be meaningfully discussed, and has no value whatsoever to others except to note that its speaker is using this extremely poor argument.  I ignore lines like that, yes.

Q7:  Not answering questions previously asked?
A:  Q1 was answered before it was asked, in my initial case on Delta.  Q2's answer I believed to be self explanatory.  Q3 was also answered in my initial case on Delta.  I did not feel any of these were worth creating another voluminous wall of text to answer, but okay, here you go.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #184 on: October 12, 2008, 08:43:19 PM »

Am curious about smodge's reasoning, though. Care to explain "appeared to me to be that he was given information and that Rat is probably scum" and "This however doesn't mean we should lynch rat on the spot"? Why the hell not if you believe Remo's post indicates Rat is probably scum? Why is it enough to make you vote Alex that Alex has focused on a single target he thinks is scummy and made one post early game that appeared to rolefish, especially versus Tom's focusing on a single target he thinks is scummy and alleged OMGUS?

will answer this one quickly before i go to work.
Reason is LD if you previous games i've been in, its one of my major weaknesses that i generally believe roleclaims and things like this on the spot and don't really question them, i decided before this game started that i would not go believing things like roleclaims without reasoning, normally beggining of the day i would have done exactly what Delta did "well we got our proof lets vote rat" instead im leaning away from it because believing these roleclaim can be dangerous, hence i went after Alex, i could find no solid logical proofs that rat may be scum, all we have is Remo's roleclaim, if rat was scum, there would have to be something out there that proves him as such, so personal feeling Rat is scum, i ignoring that though due to there being no logic behind it.

The annoying thing is so many posts hinge on Delta's alignment, Alex's Defence of Delta = scum, those attacking me over it are also possibly scum, seems to lack alot of bit,
I'm very confused.
Alex is scummy for defending Delta? That must be some kind of mistake.
And anyone attacking you must be scum? That's a real OMGUS right there if I ever saw one.
'seems to lack alot of bit' - huh...

- At least some of the folks defending Delta, or rather pointedly NOT defending him but attacking me for no reason other than that I am attacking Delta, for obvious reasons.  For other obvious reasons I would like to get Delta lynched and flipped before starting to sort these out.  This would be Smodge, Rat and Door in roughly that order of suspicion, Door least as she's at least looking thoughtful and helpful and Smodge most because he's literally just gone "Huge list post, rolefish and stays on Delta!  Vote!"

Ok let me reword that
Alex defense WAS.
scum = delta, anyone else attacking me is most likely scum
That was the defense i disliked
Alex barely commented on anyone else, just went along and said, all those attacking me are probably scum.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #185 on: October 12, 2008, 08:43:53 PM »
Chillin, chillin.  You got to admit it kind of inspires a "what" when you come out of absence for a day to immediately knock me up to -1 without reading.  >_>

I want to nip this in the bud, since you're now the second person to imply that I'm not reading. I read the topic, perhaps rushing it a bit since I knew I'd been lurking and wanted to get my thoughts out there. I did not, on the way, commit everybody's votes to memory. While writing the post wherein I voted for Alex, I checked back to Captain K's recent vote total for reference, forgetting that their had been a vote since. So now that that's out of the way, I'm back for a bit and trying to make some sense of today's events.

Basic themes at the beginning of Day 2: Alex and Delta do a lot of back-and-forth in ways that are distasteful but that I can't quite put my finger on. Delta now seems like the slightly likelier scum (if I had to choose one of them for it) now on re-reads, potentially because I was chalking things up to bad townie play that now look erratic in a... frightened way, you know? More like playing defense and running scared than just blasting around with his townie scatter-gun, if that makes any sense. Alex... I'm not going to say that I'm sold, but with Delta looking worse to me Alex also looks a bit better. So with not knowing which of them to trust, I need to focus my energies on picking apart the other people. My vision has been getting tunnelly, which I don't like.

A particular mark against Delta that's only now clicked with me is his needling of Xanth for a lack of presence that... I really haven't noticed, myself. This exchange is all late page 5, early page 6. Andy's a much more hardcore lurker -- hell, I've been a much bigger lurker in this game, and Delta's calling the truth of Xanth's internet connection trouble into question when there are quite a few other more actively weird things going on. I'm always a proponent of getting lurkers to work harder, but here the charge was pretty much invented out of whole cloth.

Delta's also got this little gem:

Notice how andrew didnt post?

Sleep calls now but ill be back, 8:00 GMT

Hooray for really surface-level rabble-rousing. The more I realize that Alex and Delta both look bad to me, the more I wonder whether it isn't just two townies going to town (g'har har) on each other. Lord knows that's a pretty common occurence early on in our games here. Makes me want to look elsewhere even more.

There are a couple of people that give me a decidedly townie vibe. Two, really: Soppy and LadyDoor. They pretty consistently bring new ideas to the table, and Soppy in particular is in the thick of things calling people on very specific details that irk him. LD's got a more laid-back list-of-points approach, but I think that's a result of her schedule more than anything else. You can actually add Xanth to this list, too, I think, but maybe a bit less so. He's generally broader and more hesitant in his analysis and assertions, respectively.

Rat I've got basically no read on, but come to think of it I always feel that way about Rat. I've got sort of an inherent baseline distrust of the guy that I can't qualify/quantify and that probably isn't very productive at this point. Hrmf. Same thing with Tom, really.

Andrew's M.O. seems to be hiding in the background and sometimes popping up with a "me too!" or the rough equivalent. Here's a post of Andy's that interests me: He takes a pretty safe sort of position on Delta and a vote therefore, not really making an waves. Then there's this tidbit:

Also, your generalized assumptions about what being online but not IMMEDIATELY OMG posting in Mafia is... specious to say the least. The answer, sometimes, is as simple as the fact that I come to the boards for other things and am not immediately concerned with posting.

And yeah, I agree with this. But what occurs to me is that... well, wasn't Smodge rather guilty of a very similar thing on Day 1, calling out Tom for being on MSN and not posting? Yet I can't find Andy making any noise about that. Selective memory loss? Selective blindness for the benefit of a scumbuddy? Hrm. Andy's next post ( is just echoing both his own words and Alex's.

Speaking of Smodge, this is near the end of Day 1:

Personally i think Tom is most likely scum.
##Unvote Andrerogue
##Vote: Delta

Seriously Delta that last comment?
Do you seriously not know why we're voting for you?
Let others make up your mind?
Thats just asking for scum to manipulate you

Tom can wait until day 2.
Delta is a threat here and now whether its stupid Townie or scum in general.
Definately thinking its scum theres only so far someone can slip and at least in other games delta at least seemed to put an attempt in to learn from these things when pointed out.
This game he just doesn't seem to care

Believes Tom is scum, but would rather vote for someone who he seems to peg more as a badly-playing townie. Uh. Weird. Also there's the bit about how "Tom can wait [to be lynched]." That kind of gearing up for a lynch when you don't know what the night phase will bring strikes me as scum planning moreso than anything else.

Urf. These are my thoughts for now, I need to take some time away from poring through text. Obviously I haven't yet reached a conclusion as to where my vote is going.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #186 on: October 12, 2008, 10:00:21 PM »
Ok let me reword that
Alex defense WAS.
scum = delta, anyone else attacking me is most likely scum
That was the defense i disliked
Alex barely commented on anyone else, just went along and said, all those attacking me are probably scum.

For the record, this has never been true, Lady Door is the person who's been on my case the most and yet she is the person I feel most likely to be town.  (I think she is misguided and the two of us are clearly not viewing the game the same way, but town nonetheless.)    Xanth has not attacked me much and Delta has only attacked me recently.  Smodge himself is the only one whose pattern of behavior firmly plants him in the scum camp.


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Cape Magnet Hamburger
« Reply #187 on: October 12, 2008, 10:27:22 PM »
Oh god, this has turned out way longer than I expected. There was just way more to comment on than I expected. Since this is important material from me, find a tl;dr summary at the bottom so it isn't just lost in the wall of text


The initial straw grasping worries me in its scattershot approach, especially when he doesn't remove his joke on Tom, which is the worst part as surely he knew that Tom would attack him for it if left long enough. I don't inherently disagree with voting for Tom for lurking at that point, but he doesn't bring the lurker angle out until after he's questioned about it by Rat, and had only previously mentioned Alex out of the people he could/should have been slamming for it. I don't get his angle on Delta at all - I think it's either trying to guilt people away from voting for Delta, or drawing more attention to him in a reverse psychology sort of way (not that I can seriously believe the latter from Smodge)? I'm not sure I like how that ties him to Delta, especially in the case that one and only one of them is scum. For all his talk of bloating post count, he then has a post with the same content repeated, a game irrelevant question (not that I should penalise him for that), and then his vote on Tom becomes serious here. Primarily I dislike the idea that it wasn't serious before that, but even more worrying is the growing likelihood that he is actively going out of his way to rub Tom the wrong way. It's all so convenient that he would attack him from the start and pick him out for the first error he can find - the result is entirely predictable.

At this point I theorise scum Smodge under instruction to do exactly this from the start to create a smokescreen that people have seen plenty of times before, except usually town on town. Not that this clears Tom in any way, as on the other end it was rather convenient that he was away long enough for Smodge to fire so early on, but I don't think it would have been hard for Smodge to set this up regardless of Tom's actions.

More of the same here. No new information in a new post. The ten second turn around on Tom to Andrew here is baffling due to the lack of new information for some time - I don't take immediate offence with either stance, but the sudden change of priority defies the senses and has already been posited as scum advice implemented badly (I don't see bad town play in it because something really ought to have sparked that, but nor do I see sensible scum direction in it, as it sticks out like a sore thumb).

First main thing in defence of Smodge is the defence of Remo. There are a few scatterbrained ideas for this, but chances of guessing the system of the game seem weak at best, so I'll chalk this up as positive. However, in the same post we get:

Eviltom was remaining quiet, i picked him out of the lurkers to pressure seeing as i only have 1 vote i cant target all of them.
Tom then begins to post so its on to the next lurker.

Which is not true, having previously justified sticking on Tom well after he's started talking. Again, sticking with the lurker defence now looks like it's trying to hide a tree in a forest, as it doesn't look like Tom was an arbitrary choice at all. It fits together if he's scum and he's been told to tone it down now that there were two good threads going (it's less likely if Delta is scum, but I suppose having one(?) member taking heat is still better than two).

Yet another post here which just repeats his mantra about lurkers.

In his big post here his vote for Delta when he could vote for Remo really stretches my belief that both of them can be scum. As such, I'm leaning towards the most likely situation being that Smodge is scum and Delta is fumbling very badly as town. Suddenly turns around on Delta from 'easy to pick on, but don't overlook him' to 'definitely thinking he's scum' without an inbetween from that diplomacy (other than his very first impression), practically citing Delta's latest flailing as the justification (I do not stand against him for pushing Delta instead of Remo, but the attitude feels like stretching for cheap justification). Token kick at Tom to threaten that screen starting up again, whilst reading pretty much everyone else neutral. This also forced Delta to show his hand (but not to make the miscount screw up, although he'd made the same counting error earlier), ever so neatly after I'd stopped that judgement from being forced.


Through to day two play, and he's gone for a while, but explained so let's gift that point. The first post ploy of 'I don't think Delta is scum, but here are all of the bad things he's done' is very unsettling (much more natural if it had come when he actually voted for Delta, but now it sits along side 'hey guys, Delta's an easy lynch' as odd things he's done to keep people thinking about Delta (not that we'd forget), especially since Delta has got a lot worse in my eyes today compared to yesterday. It's a really bad combination to cleanse his hands of the responsibility.

The play into voting for Alex upsets my position, as he's my other likely candidate. I think I'm into WIFOM territory if I'm going to try and justify one or the other, or both. It's not a strong argument in comparison to the others offered on him anyway, but I do admit this is a strange piece to fit. I don't take his Rat comments as badly as others have, but I again note his fluctuation in his case on Tom brings us back to the OMGUS case rather than lurking only. Straddles the Delta/Tom/lurkers issue again here, where his opinion is back to lurkers only, although he finally retcons his vote on Tom to make sense.

You claim my votes were wishy-washy, i disliked the trains and so i picked on something i thought was more likely to reveal scum.

Picking on lurkers is more likely to reveal scum how? Lurkers should not get a free ride and pressure votes are justified most of the time, but you're not getting any new information out of someone who just plain isn't there. I did similar yesterday, except I made my long term moves clear rather than just repeating that it was right to stick on the lurkers.

The flip shows exactly why i dislike day 1 random bandwagoning for no reason, Bardiche manipulated it so it deliberately landed on a townie.

I do not like the implication that it was Bardiche's master plan because it implies that you're absolving the rest of the people voting for Remo of doing anything wrong without judging them on their own merits.

The annoying thing is so many posts hinge on Delta's alignment

A death wish for someone who you've just again put down as being town rather than scum?

##UNVOTE: Andrew
##VOTE: Smodge

I still need to check today's other key players (Alex, Rat, Delta and the lurker twins), but I'm sufficiently confident in Smodge's guilt to put my vote down now. I may yet swap to Alex, but that's looking likely only in the case that they both look scummy and Alex is the better chance for a lynch today.

-Suspicious movement on Tom through both days, repeatedly changing his story back and forth for the reason behind the vote.
-Kill him but I don't think he's scum approach with Delta, who I now believe is probably innocent.
-Baffling change of mind from Tom to Andrew does not read good in any way.
-Several posts that say the same thing over and over again. Fluff of the simplest nature.
-Hid behind the lurkers to keep on the fence on the issues that were actually going to decide day 1.
-Approach to Delta has also flipped at least twice in quick succession.
-Minor slips on the game set up, while laying this down as bad town play on Delta.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #188 on: October 13, 2008, 12:06:25 AM »
Whee mornings whee monday balregehklj.


LD: I was alluding to Remo simply giving up towards the end and only tossing out a token resistance. Crumbling, in other words, which I like to assume is more likely out of scum (in whatever fashion) than town. New thoughts, fierce arguments, that's what I expect (or at least hope) from town if they're close to hammer. Anything else tends to look scummy in my eyes.

Xanth: Er.

Quote from: Xanth
Picking on lurkers is more likely to reveal scum how? Lurkers should not get a free ride and pressure votes are justified most of the time, but you're not getting any new information out of someone who just plain isn't there. I did similar yesterday, except I made my long term moves clear rather than just repeating that it was right to stick on the lurkers.

How do you justify this? It reads "I'm willing to vote for lurkers, but lynching them? Heavens, no!" Sorta undermines the purpose of voting, don't you think? Double points for Andy not actually responding to pressure before your change.

Hating on half the game at the moment. Soppy's miniposts on random gambit speculations may be justifed due to aggravation but I still don't like them. Strago seems to have set himself up to be able to vote on virtually anyone in the game without consequence, owing to his lurking and his latest walls'o'words that talk about our entire population, but seems to be waiting for something.

I still get the feeling Smodge intended to stay off me due to knowing I'm town (whilst shoving others towards me) and pulled out this denial of roles thing to cover that up. When someone goes "I think X is scum. But... naw." Remo is confirmed town, so this 'don't trust roleclaims' thing is bizzare out of Smodge. I obviously disagree with the conclusion drawn from it but it's a really freakishly excuse to use.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #189 on: October 13, 2008, 12:38:49 AM »
I still get the feeling Smodge intended to stay off me due to knowing I'm town (whilst shoving others towards me) and pulled out this denial of roles thing to cover that up. When someone goes "I think X is scum. But... naw." Remo is confirmed town, so this 'don't trust roleclaims' thing is bizzare out of Smodge. I obviously disagree with the conclusion drawn from it but it's a really freakishly excuse to use.

Its more that i believe im learning.
Think back to Tsukihime mafia i believed Yakumo was Town for tenuous reasons of night actions and roleflips
Think even shorter back to Anonyscifi with how strongly i believed Gandalfs roleclaim, hell scum probably would have won that game if they left me alive because i had believed it with little basis other than eh was right once.

As a result i'm beign very cautious towards roleflips, now we know Remo is town sure, but we don't know the reliability of his information, so far i am yet to find a flaw with your posts and the only basis toany suspicion is that Remo may or may not have gotten information.
Was remo given a definite X is scum, was he given clues and pulled your name out of it or was he just simply asked to name the person he thought was most likely scum? we have no idea about this hence i am not deeming it voteworthy.

Tom i am undecided about and have been
The inital vote was hunting lurkers
That leaving the vote there was about his OMGus (yes tom i know you insist it wasn't omgus, however i was the only target in that post).
The switch to another lurker was because once again i wasn't sure was it Tom being Tom or Tom being scum that lack of surety made me decide to go back to hunting lurkers.
The suspicion grew and keeps getting brought up (especially end of day 1) becuase he proceeded to Tunnelvision me with that same argument.

Since then Tom has widened his vision and although he still comes after me at least he is commenting on those around him, hence Alex looks worse to me.


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Re: Cape Magnet Hamburger
« Reply #190 on: October 13, 2008, 12:55:23 AM »
In his big post here his vote for Delta when he could vote for Remo really stretches my belief that both of them can be scum. As such, I'm leaning towards the most likely situation being that Smodge is scum and Delta is fumbling very badly as town. Suddenly turns around on Delta from 'easy to pick on, but don't overlook him' to 'definitely thinking he's scum' without an inbetween from that diplomacy (other than his very first impression), practically citing Delta's latest flailing as the justification (I do not stand against him for pushing Delta instead of Remo, but the attitude feels like stretching for cheap justification). Token kick at Tom to threaten that screen starting up again, whilst reading pretty much everyone else neutral. This also forced Delta to show his hand (but not to make the miscount screw up, although he'd made the same counting error earlier), ever so neatly after I'd stopped that judgement from being forced.

The reason for the quick switch from Delta is town, to Delta is scum was because Delta tried to hammer the day when there were a few hours still left, also majority wasn't even needed just most votes, Remo already had most even without Delta's vote, Delta then attempts to hammer and end the day early which is what resulted in the quick turn around.

Hopefully i've answered everyones questions theres alot of text to sort through, if i've missed anything just bring it up and i'll do what i can to explain. 


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #191 on: October 13, 2008, 03:01:37 AM »
For his comments on Tom, yes, Tom is being coherent, but not entirely helpful. The points are valid but Tom helps not with the vote, which is just as important. Chasing his tail around could be a sign of scumitude. He did the same thing, keeping votes on people with no one else, yesterday as well. This is highly suspect. I almost want to switch my vote to who he's voting for to see what happens.
Actually I'm pretty happy that people are finally taking my arguments seriously and looking at smodge. I was starting to fall into AlexDespair ("argh why does nobody listen to me whyyyy").

The annoying thing is so many posts hinge on Delta's alignment

A death wish for someone who you've just again put down as being town rather than scum?
That's a good point, something I missed. Yet another point to add to the long list of reasons why I'm voting smodge #1 for president of the United States.

I know this is a crappy time for Cap'n, but can we get a votecount/timer? I think we're around halfway through? Ciato? :\
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #192 on: October 13, 2008, 03:24:30 AM »
The day ends about 32 hours from now.

Carthrat:  Deltaflyer2k8 (0)
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sopko, Sir Alex, AndrewRogue (3)
AndrewRogue:  Lady Door, EvilTom, Xanth (0)
Sir Alex:  Carthrat, Smodge13, Lady Door, Deltaflyer2k8, Strago (3)
Smodge13: EvilTom, Carthrat, Xanth (3)
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #193 on: October 13, 2008, 04:45:39 AM »
I don't really like what I'm seeing all around. We go from Delta, to Alex, to smodge. Now we're tied up. I'm sure on Delta, and Alex just keeps going higher on the suspicion scale for me on such things as the easy labeling of scum (Delta, sure. smodge... maybe. But Xanth? I'm not seeing it. Plus he's painted about half the game) and the seeming playcalling here where he counts multiple people on smodge before a second person gets onto him:

Something's gotta break and there's too much crazy going on.
And I want in, so I want to try something and see what happens. I'm starting to sort of get a picture here, so we'll shake things up a little bit.

##Unvote: Delta
##Vote: Alex

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #194 on: October 13, 2008, 04:47:40 AM »
I also think we're dealing with more scum than even Alex thinks. 4-6 may be right, but I think it could even be as high as 6-8 scum/third party at the start of the game. Minus one for Bard. Possible two scum faction, but thats unlikely to me at this point.

Lady Door

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #195 on: October 13, 2008, 04:55:35 AM »
I have things to say about the posts in between this one and my last, but first:

"Plus he's painted about half the game" to "I think [the number of scum] could even be as high as 6-8"? You sting Alex for the first one, then turn around and admit that the numbers could be as high as what he was suggesting. What?
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #196 on: October 13, 2008, 05:08:44 AM »
I'm sure on Delta, and Alex just keeps going higher on the suspicion scale
Wait, so you're sure on Delta.. but you unvote him? Are you more sure about Alex? It doesn't really look like you are, since there's less evidence than metagame WIFOM.
It looks like you're scrambling for a justification for your switch here. I'm not sure what to make of it either, as I wasn't willing to place you on a Delta scumteam before.
And the LD has a point too.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #197 on: October 13, 2008, 05:40:53 AM »
Sopko please elaborate, i can't make heads or tails of this switch.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #198 on: October 13, 2008, 05:50:39 AM »
And I want in, so I want to try something and see what happens. I'm starting to sort of get a picture here, so we'll shake things up a little bit.

It strikes me as notable that this pretty much lets you, whatever the result of an Alex flip might be, say that it went perfectly according to plan. Not to mention the points that Tom and LD bring up. Argh Soppy you were my rock why do you have to suddenly do a thing that confuses me.

Rat: As far as my "waiting for something" goes, I can't frigging peg it yet. Certainly not when things were (until recently) pretty well tied up. Also, I get called out when I vote Alex before, I get called out when I don't use my vote, that is relatively frustrating. But I guess that's nothing new for mafia. Hrrmmf.

Right now, the case that makes the most sense to me is Xanth's against Smodge. Part of that may be simply because it's refreshing to read something that's not Delta v. Alex rar rar rawr, but he raises pretty damn strong points especially on the topic of Smodge's weird posturing regarding Delta.

Unfortunately right now I'm too damn tired to be alive. Good night, and perhaps tomorrow we can remove our collective head from our collective buttocks for long enough to figure this out.

Lady Door

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #199 on: October 13, 2008, 07:35:02 AM »
Soppy's latest posts kind of derailed my train of thought. It was a whole bundle of oddness, from the things EvilTom, Strago and I have pointed out, to the quoteless quotation that doesn't even seem to be directing to the thing he wanted to talk about, to the "I want in" comment. What? Seriously, what? I can't shake the feeling that suggesting there are more scum than people have been thinking is a perfectly comfortable scum stance to take, a la "Hey guys, we don't need to sweat picking someone in particular, half the game is scum!" from a scum who is member of a formerly-5-but-now-4-person scum team. It's pushing toward a lax attitude which is beyond unhelpful for town -- it's downright detrimental.

Mrph. >_<

Alex: Re: Q3 in particular:

Q3:  What did you mean by "I favor Delta as his statement matches up with scum trying to exploit townie Remo"? And how does that work if both Remo and Delta were to be scum (as you said "this is pretty much exactly the behavior patterns I'd expect to see from scum!Delta and scum!Remo")?
A:  Delta said "Remo is scummy but I don't want to lynch him now.  I prefer to leave scummy people alive for later."  (paraphrased for clarity)  Town does not say things like this, ever.  Scum say things like this in two situations - to acknowledge a scumbuddy as scummy but steer away from their lynch, or to try to keep an 'easy pickins' townie around to lynch later.

I kind of meant the question, particularly the last part, in terms of what you had proposed: not just scum!Delta, but scum!Remo right next to him. I was trying to reconcile how you could favor Delta being scum "as his statement matches up with scum trying to exploit townie Remo" but say so immediately after "this looks like scum!Delta and scum!Remo" (as in, they're together). I just wasn't matching up the combination of them BOTH being scum, but one of them being particularly scummy because of exploiting the other's townie-ness. The line of argument is now moot, obviously, as Remo has flipped town, but I want to know what you meant there.

Re: Q4: Yes, you call people scum. I appreciate that you're more than willing to state this loudly and proudly whenever it strikes you. However, it's a lot more compelling when you do more than "Yeah, this person's scum, that proves it!" because that goes nowhere. I called you on it in particular because out of NOWHERE you suddenly think Xanth is 95% scum (percentage pulled after subsequent posts, so maybe that wasn't the initial certainty) and are agreeing with Delta so doing unless I'm misreading "This kinda fits into what Delta's been saying about him" (which, by the way, amounts to "Xanth is scummy for being on the boards but not posting, and if he doesn't post he's definitely scum [he prolly has scum posting limits!!]" or "he spends time meta-gaming (by the way, meta-game says he was more active in the same span of time on other mafia)"). What the heck?

Also, I noticed that Andrew, who appeared in an initial post as a 60% chance scum (with no context presented as to why) disappeared in the Q1-7 post. What happened, especially since he hadn't posted in between and you reamed someone else for changing their mind about Andrew without any posts of his in between?

Q5: Unless you are playing town-Alex and bulldogging a single target who is hard to spend much time arguing against? I could easily see it (and to some extent do) as scum!Alex playing his reputation for townie cred. A la, Delta is as easy a target as smodge and Tom were for their first X games (and I do believe the number was greater than 5) and it's hard to argue that he doesn't present himself as a juicy lynch-meal. I am reserved as to whether he's scum or not, but either way: i) he flips scum, and look, Alex is good townie and just didn't let it go until the awful scum died!; ii) he flips town, and look, Alex was just being Alex and following where his nose led him! This has the added benefit for scum team if you are both scum that Delta is SO obviously a target that there are plenty of people who would psych themselves out of voting him for it being too obvious to be believable (and have, if Delta is in fact scum, since Hanlon's has a couple people looking away from him).

It is WIFOMy either way, but my main goal is to point out it isn't as simple as "If I were scum, there's no reason for me to hunt scum!Delta!" And that's not even including the argument that Delta might actually be town.

Q6: Yes, except it was relevant in this case because it compounded with the thing you attacked: you picked up on the "Alex is not being aggressive" part of it, instead of the whole: "Town Alex normally offers more evidence and reasoning than this and often seems to be alot more aggressive with his posts/votes" The "AND" in there makes all the difference. It's not just that you're being "less aggressive," it's that you're being "less aggressive with your posts/votes and normally offer more evidence and reasoning." I agree that it's meta-game and essentially not enough to cause problems, but I was taking exception to your excerpting. Leaving out key parts of sentences and then reacting to the fragments leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

(And there. Another wall of text. Which I've wasted a good chunk of my evening on, rather than writing my essay or editing the book or doing French homework or good God why am I still typing this thing.)


OKAY, wall of text is annoying, so I'll be brief with the others for the moment:

smodge: Fair enough. Please to be explaining how you get from one end of the thought pool to the other next time, plzthx. The lack of explaining may yet come to bite you, I dunno how I feel about smodge at the mo since I've been focusing on 3 other people.

Carth: I was more pointing out that you had another case of alluding to something without explaining it. I grok your reasoning, but I didn't see it in your post. *shrug* At this point I'm 3/4 sure you're not scum; undecided as to whether you might be 3rd party, though. I don't believe that Remo spoke in a vacuum, so I'm more concerned with what you might be that's not quite vanilla. Still, MUCH more concerned with finding people I believe to be scum.

Curious to see what happens when Delta comes back. And what the hell Soppy has to say for himself. Otherwise... tomorrow is very busy. I will make efforts to pop in, read and post, but there probably won't be any more walls of text. Deadline is at oh-god-early-o'-clock my time, too, so... so! People. Post.

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