Author Topic: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)  (Read 47310 times)


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #200 on: October 13, 2008, 08:05:23 AM »
I'm sure on Delta, and Alex just keeps going higher on the suspicion scale for me on such things as the easy labeling of scum (Delta, sure.)
##Unvote: Delta
##Vote: Alex

Hang on a minute there soppy, You say you are sure on me twice then you don't vote for me? Looks scummy to me and a few other people. You arent quite scummy enough yet to warrent a vote but FoS: Sopko.
More after school.
Do I really look like I have a clue?

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #201 on: October 13, 2008, 11:08:15 AM »
Day 2 Votecount.  24 hours left.

Carthrat:  Deltaflyer2k8 (0)
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sopko, Sir Alex, AndrewRogue (2)
AndrewRogue:  Lady Door, EvilTom, Xanth (0)
Sir Alex:  Carthrat, Smodge13, Lady Door, Deltaflyer2k8, Strago, Sopko (4)
Smodge13: EvilTom, Carthrat, Xanth (3)


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #202 on: October 13, 2008, 11:54:13 AM »
Awake again.  No idea what's going on.  Sopko's vote flip disturbs the heck out of me for obvious reasons which others have stated, if you're sure on Delta and you agree with me that around half the game is scum, what the heck?

Door:  I'll be honest.  I'm not reading all of that.  I did that once already and the wall of textness is too much.  I'm gonna pick out a few things.

Responding only to fragments.  Yes indeed, I am only going to respond to what I can pick out as the most important parts of people's posts.  If that leaves a bad taste in your mouth... sorry.  I want to be helpful but spelling out everything and responding to every point in a huge wall of text is NOT helpful and just buries the game in words.  I'm pretty sure Xanth is doing exactly that, and your own insistence on wall of text and justifying your vote by saying that I don't respond to every single sentence in a huge wall of text (when most of them are questions I have already answered or that have self explanatory answers) is getting to be eyebrow raising at best.

Through all of day 1 and most of day 2 Xanth posted walls of text that amounted to nothing with no stances on anyone (till he moved to join the Remo lynch) and when asked for a vote laid a non-vote on Andrew.  Textbook scum, same style I called Bardiche on in Succinct.  Lynch please, end of story.

Andrew's still on my scum list, just not as high as the big three, this is another one of those things that should be obvious enough that I don't have to repeat it in every post.  The small train on him has made him look more townie as the day goes on, but his lack of presence is meh.

Delta's "Remo is scummy but I want to leave him for later" works both ways, with Remo being either a scumbuddy or a townie he wants alive to mislynch later.  Again, what's unclear about this?

So rethinking.
Delta - still Delta, still scum (for all the reasons I have listed throughout the course of the game)
Xanth - still using his "I dunno I'll post words words words and not many stances" style, still scum.
Smodge - still behaving like Delta's scumbuddy, still lying about me.  Of the big three he's the one I'm least sure of, but I keep going back and forth and he's still above everyone else.

Loose order of suspicion under that:

Sopko - Uh what vote switch why.  Oh I see!  It is to keep the trains going on me rather than on Delta or Smodge.  There's nowhere near enough backing for this switch in his posts, it reads much like a scum deciding to change vote for the sake of their strategy.  (Of course I am biased but yeah he looks horribly bad to me for this all of a sudden.)
Strago - Glad he's finally back, but I dunno about this whole thing where he shows up, puts me to -1, claims not reading, then claims he is reading but just not paying attention to the votes (I wonder what the consequences would have been there had I had one more vote on me at that time?) and now... is posting words, waiting for something and voting on no one.  Getting pretty high up there.
Door - Is actively promoting wall of text and "can you answer every single sentence" as strategy, which I think is hurting and confusing town a lot.  Her thoughts seemed good enough but her insistence on this is throwing me into doubt.
Andrew - Whar be he?  Turning into Strago 2.0.  The most I have on him is the people who have been voting on him, which makes him look townie-ish by my read. 
Tom - Nothing really comes to mind.  Now seems the only person I'd peg most likely town.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #203 on: October 13, 2008, 12:36:40 PM »

Strago: Um going into histronics much? People didn't really complain about you voting in the first place, but more that you, uh, quickly unvoted and weren't paying attention. The (ongoing!) desire to avoid votage is please fix.

Soppy needs to actually talk about Alex. Badly. Actually he needs to talk about just about everything at the moment because I've got no idea what he thinks apart from that this game is nuts, I tell you, nuts! I'm not sure why he expects any kind of results on Alex when he doesn't elaborate on his reason for a vote; if anything, I'm seeing it as an attempt to grasp a town lynch that was slipping away. Given the numbers of the game involved, I can only see such a thing happening if most people on said train were either scum or town to start with.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Sopko for that, because throwing everything to the winds and voting TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS is pretty excuseish if I ever saw it.

Alex himself is argh, I see he didn't include me in his list'o'everyone and that is making me rather nervous. I'm pretty sure he's gone through absolutely everyone and called everyone suspicious/suss/whatever this game. The fact that he's actually stuck with Delta the whole time is mildly reassuring. Except I've never liked the lynch on Delta.

Smodge's early play is frustrating and I want him to outline his suspicions. I've noticed that he holds other people talking widely in great esteem, but when he does so himself almost everything he says involves a statement to the effect of...

"I think x could be scummy. But I also think he might not be, so I'm not sure." When he narrows his stuff down it's not so bad, but I dislike his priorities in discussion.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #204 on: October 13, 2008, 12:43:50 PM »
... wow

I forgot Rat.

I..... don't know!  Rat has kind of faded into the background for me lately.  Obviously.  I blame too many walls of text and him not doing anything that stands out among them.  Townie-ish, I guess, along with Tom.  I don't really have anything on him except Remo's post, which has become less important to me as discussion has progressed.  His arguments look okay.

I have indeed called a lot of people suspicious.  We know there are a lot of scum this game.  I am more worried by people who do NOT have long lists of suspicion at this point.


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Holly Cricket Trance
« Reply #205 on: October 13, 2008, 03:45:37 PM »
I hate the feeling that I'm dancing to Alex's tune, but I do at least take the point that I haven't really breached day two yet. Monday is one of my busy days, but it's inexcusable if I don't catch up before the deadline, so here's the plan(!) that you can pin me to:

-Immediate response now for immediate opinions on everyone and the general state of play.
-I'll stay up as late as I can manage after D&D this evening to expand on as much as I possibly can so that everyone has a chance to pick it apart well before the deadline. Concise as I can manage, summarised if necessary, and split between posts if that somehow suddenly solves problems.
-Unless the above point leaves me up ridiculously late (I'll probably collapse first), I'll be around before and at the deadline to make final responses and change my stance depending on what flows in [real life] overnight.

First of the three to follow this post. No more than about an hour from now, no matter how distracted I get, I swear.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #206 on: October 13, 2008, 03:49:06 PM »
Sopko - Uh what vote switch why.  Oh I see!  It is to keep the trains going on me rather than on Delta or Smodge.  There's nowhere near enough backing for this switch in his posts, it reads much like a scum deciding to change vote for the sake of their strategy.  (Of course I am biased but yeah he looks horribly bad to me for this all of a sudden.)

I'm pushing lynch Delta Day 1, ready to lynch Delta immediately Day 2, and suddenly I'm in bed with him because I think someone is his scumbuddy? Bet you were originally gonna use the ol' "He voted for him and stayed on him to gain town cred when Delta flipped" scenario? My case on Delta stands, and I'll probably be switching back, but you're kinda reaching there, aren't you? The game was at an impasse of 3 votes on 3 people. No one seemed to want to make a move, so I made one. I poked the hornet's nest to see what would happen.

You want lists, Al?


Possible: Andy

Thats my preliminary scum/third party list, due to either individual behavior or strange alliances, seemingly.

Alex- Reaaaally seems to be in bed with Tom and Rat. He called Rat's vote before he even made it, and has been singing Tom's praises all game for... not doing very much. I'll admit Tom's play has improved, but his voting practices this game are something Town Alex would be railing on, much less praising. He keeps railing on Delta, but not railing on people not voting Delta. Kind of a halfass lynch pursuit.

Delta- Has been slipping wierd bits of metagaming knowledge into his posts since the beginning of the game. This reeks of scum slipping up. I've thought about it, and it COULD be some crazy town role that he doesn't quite know how to use, but it's safer to assume he's scum because he hasn't been very helpful and the fact that he has not been lynched ALREADY is confusing.

On another note, Delta. I HAVE been voting for you. This entire day. I have not dropped my case on you in any way, shape or form. To think I have is pretty dumb. This sort of instant OMGUS also doesn’t look good for you.

Rat- We've got Remo's post at the end of the day yesterday. Not too bad in and of itself. He's also not been nearly as active as he usually is, this raises an eyebrow. We've got Delta blabbing how there could be scum posting limits. Confused town? Dumb scum? Either way this reaaaally makes me look to Rat. I grant that my vote switch is odd, but to paraphrase what people are using against me, to switch from someone he's relatively sure on to someone who's been acting pretty townish all game? Kinda caps it for me.

Tom- For reasons outlined in Alex post. He's been saying stuff, sometimes good points! Never entirely relevent. Goes off on his own, does his own thing. Votes his own way, regardless of the town. I almost suspected he couldn't vote on anyone that had another vote on them, but the smodge train disproved that. I still look at this though, because Delta is far and away a better lynch than smodge.

Xanth- Another Tom-like type. He's been posting walls of text that are hardly ever relevent, obfuscating discussion and just kinda being there without really being there. Just seems to be trying to cruise along.

Bard- Was confirmed. Had a chucklefest with Delta in the beginning, didn't seem to mind Delta getting in the way of whatever points he made. Defended Delta, aside from a WTF at the metagaming call.

Andy- Vaguely suspicious at the moment. Very lurkerish, very casual, along with Strago you'd hardly know he's playing. Strago I at least get a townie vibe from. Not so much from Andy.

There you have it, my crazy list. For Lady Door, I'm not trying to push a lax attitude on town. On the contrary. The reason I didn't put that in my first post is because I agonized over putting that forward. It COULD be detrimental to town in just the way you said, but it has to be considered. The earlier people consider ideas, the more likely people are to catch things down the line they wouldn't have caught before. I realize it might not be as helpful as some, but what if it only strikes you Day 4? Or Day 5? Better to put it forward now. I admit I could have done it in a better, more careful manner, so I apologize.

People who want to think I'm crazy and call me for fearmongering, go ahead. I'll be watching to see what comes of this.

Alex and Delta are still the best lynches of the day.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #207 on: October 13, 2008, 04:08:29 PM »
I'm pushing lynch Delta Day 1, ready to lynch Delta immediately Day 2, and suddenly I'm in bed with him because I think someone is his scumbuddy? Bet you were originally gonna use the ol' "He voted for him and stayed on him to gain town cred when Delta flipped" scenario? My case on Delta stands, and I'll probably be switching back, but you're kinda reaching there, aren't you? The game was at an impasse of 3 votes on 3 people. No one seemed to want to make a move, so I made one. I poked the hornet's nest to see what would happen.

Delta- Has been slipping wierd bits of metagaming knowledge into his posts since the beginning of the game. This reeks of scum slipping up. I've thought about it, and it COULD be some crazy town role that he doesn't quite know how to use, but it's safer to assume he's scum because he hasn't been very helpful and the fact that he has not been lynched ALREADY is confusing.

On another note, Delta. I HAVE been voting for you. This entire day. I have not dropped my case on you in any way, shape or form. To think I have is pretty dumb. This sort of instant OMGUS also doesn’t look good for you.

Where did I OMGUS you? Nowhere. No vote for you since I am still sure of Alex as a scummy person.

Also, why switch votes anyway? It would seem as if you are trying to either frame me as scum or get at me. What was the point?

Anyway, I still want to hear from Andrew. Call it obvious but he hasnt really contributed much, He is lurking, He has been online and not posted. I think we need to reconsider him as a target. FoS: Andrew.

LD, whilst she is contributing, seems to be... in a weird way: a bit too laid back about the events... I can't put my finger on what I am worried about her.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #208 on: October 13, 2008, 04:15:22 PM »
Uh, I've been calling people scummy all day for their behavior defending Delta and railing on them for not voting him.  That's why Smodge is up there in my certainty list.  For that matter other people have called me scummy for doing exactly that.  That said, I'm not too terribly upset with people going to Smodge either... I think.  I'd prefer Delta or Xanth, but Smodge is pretty certain as well, and I can (grudgingly) understand other townies being wary of Delta and me.  

Also this whole "Delta and Alex are scumbuddies" bit?  Doesn't make any sense.  Both Door and Soppy have now used it - and coincidentally found what seem to be very spurious reasons to vote me instead of Delta.  

Tom, Rat and Andrew have been the least offensive today.  

It is a consequence of me being willing to stick my neck out in this game, I look different and different is bad am I right guys.  (This is rhetorical.)  So far I have racked up flak from people thinking I am too aggressive, not aggressive enough, railing on people who don't agree with me, NOT railing on people who don't agree with me, wall of texting, not wall of texting, calling the whole game suspicious, not calling the whole game suspicious and being "in bed" with certain people...

Funny that Soppy points out the 3-3-3 split though and uses that to attempt to justify his move while passing off Strago, the only man without a vote and whose sole contribution to the day thus far has been coming in out of the blue to put me at -1, as giving a townie vibe.

So I'm thinking...
2 of Soppy, Door, Strago.

Only thing making me not put Soppy on the certainty list here is that this *is* the sort of reaction-gathering move I would expect from town Soppy in this situation.  But the holes are many.

This day is going on way too long and is way too ugly.  Gotta watch where the scum are throwing their weight to.  


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Sunny Ninja Ball
« Reply #209 on: October 13, 2008, 05:49:15 PM »
My primary three suspects are Smodge, Alex and Andrew. I've already expanded greatly on the first of these, Andrew has lurked like a pro and still hasn't been called hard on it, and Alex's entire attitude has rubbed me the wrong way for reasons I'll go into full detail later, but accusing practically everyone of being scum hasn't helped the game at all unless he was aiming to work off of the reactions, which I seriously doubt as it feels like he's been deliberately trying to trap me having observed the time it takes for me to write posts, with the net result of us spreading thinner as we lead up to the deadline rather than consolidating (a vote for Sopko, talk of putting Andrew back on the cards - that would put us on votes for half of the game with something in the region of 18 hours to go, and you'd still be happier with more people on the block). Lists and opinions are all nice and good and recommended, but here they're also making for a horrible smokescreen to muddy the waters when the key question should be 'who is the scummiest of those on offer', because unless you have really good evidence behind an additional party (e.g. a big slip up, power role information in the late game) you're going to have a hell of a time convincing people to make a train from scratch late on.

Do not get me wrong. I mean really, I'm going to be frustrated when this inevitably gets taken the wrong way. I am not saying that you should be letting things go and letting people off for whatever they do just because it looks unlikely to get them lynched then and there. You damn well should be following every lead at your disposal and aiming for getting the evidence you need. In simplistic terms, you've been playing the game backwards. For the most part everyone should be leading out with all of their suspicions and then the rest of the day should slowly narrow down as people clear themselves [of immediate suspicion, at least] and/or dig themselves deeper. What you've done instead is to start the day as narrowmindedly as possible, push Delta as hard as you possibly could, and get frustrated when the lynch just doesn't materialise. There's nothing necessarily wrong with hounding the one person you're convinced is scum to their gallows (so long as it doesn't blind you to everyone else entirely), but there's plenty wrong in changing tactics halfway through the day to confuse the hell out of town by spreading the vote out further and piling on pressure on people who don't match your own checklist of what we should have done by now. If you're sure you want to get Delta lynched then you should be campaigning for that purpose on sensible terms rather than achieve it by weakening other trains and assumedly have someone jump on it an opportune moment later. Cool and collected (=! polite, laidback) town is much more likely to be efficient than one that's been rattled indiscriminately, and your mostly directionless aggressive tactics in this case have distinctly served against town.

In any case, the primary event that actually ties the three of them together at the moment for me is the persistence against Delta. Day 1's a lot more muddled, but in day 2 they make for the three major critics against Delta (Smodge staying off for variety, but very suspiciously still listing all of his negative qualities and passively calling for his death anyway) other than Sopko (I'll get to him next). Those votes went down early and I suspect they were expecting a really easy lynch that then hasn't happened. Andrew's disappeared for ages ever since then and hasn't had to defend his choice any further, and Alex has made this huge mess. Why has team Vote Delta broken down so badly?

I'm not clearing Sopko, but I find it very hard to believe that Smodge, Alex and Sopko could be on the same team (I could believe Sopko's move was a bus on Alex if not for it being far easier to let Smodge have a change of heart and go somewhere else instead), which I'm still looking out for, but I expect that he's just written himself too strongly into that position now. Me too-ing Alex early in day 1 is unnerving, but I've otherwise mostly been reading him as town, and it is easy to swallow the Delta bait. Oddly enough, as confused as his move has made most other people, it relieves me a lot as it really defines him as being distinct from them.

Of the others, Strago still doesn't have a vote down in addition to his day 1 presence. His vote/unvote on Alex is bizarre enough that I have a hard time placing them together, but he's only got Andrew to hide behind in lurking, and despite my reservations on the vote/unvote Alex did start picking on him almost as an afterthought even though it was for basically the same reasons but worse for what he was hitting me with. Yes, I'm suspicious, no, I'm not particularly sure.

Lady Door I'm happy with as things stand. I'd prefer greater presence if it were possible, but no obvious complaints. Not even on an extended list.

Tom and Rat have both managed to fall off of my radar for the wrong reasons, conveniently lost in the mess that's erupted in the middle of today. Extended list at least until a better look at both this evening.

I would be greatly surprised if Delta turned out to be scum. So many of my leads run through questionable contact with him. I wouldn't be surprised if scum Delta was bussed by his scumbuddies, but the manner in which this has all happened in is too much deception to read as that sort of set up.

So yes, today I would support an Alex or Smodge lynching, or possibly an Andrew lynching if that springs from nowhere without looking suspect. Having just thoroughly analyzed Smodge I'm more confident in his guilt than the other two, so a potential Alex switch will have to wait until my next phase late this evening.

(sorry Smodge, I'll get back to your response when I get back late this evening - let me know if this inconvenient for you and I'll make a special exception to reply to it during D&D, but please please please don't ask me for this if you can answer a later post)

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #210 on: October 13, 2008, 06:41:18 PM »
This late in the day, a massive train switch based on old information is just going to cause panic and lose a ton of information. The day has been spent on Alex (currently at 4) and Delta (2), more recently including smodge (3). Mention has been made of a couple others, but not nearly as much as the previous three. A flip would be immensely helpful.

With 14 hours until deadline, I want to hear from people who aren't on one of these three why their cases are more pressing: why, Carth, are you suddenly swapping to Sopko over them (yes, I saw your reason; but why is that more important RIGHT NOW?)? Strago, where the hell is your vote (and you)?


Not asking you to respond to every bit. Am asking you not to rework the meaning of sentences by picking out a fragment of it and ignoring the co-dependent or dependent clauses. It is ironic that you took half of a sentence to respond to here. "Leaving out key parts of sentences and then reacting to the fragments leaves a bad taste in my mouth." You see what a difference the whole sentence makes?

Still curious about this:

I called you on it in particular because out of NOWHERE you suddenly think Xanth is 95% scum (percentage pulled after subsequent posts, so maybe that wasn't the initial certainty) and are agreeing with Delta so doing unless I'm misreading "This kinda fits into what Delta's been saying about him" (which, by the way, amounts to "Xanth is scummy for being on the boards but not posting, and if he doesn't post he's definitely scum [he prolly has scum posting limits!!]" or "he spends time meta-gaming (by the way, meta-game says he was more active in the same span of time on other mafia)"). What the heck?

I'm sorry if it's taxing for me to ask you to justify why you're suddenly sure X poster is scum. Not going to stop asking. Just saying it doesn't make it true, nor does it make me inclined to believe you.

I asked why Andrew disappeared from your list because you ... made a list. And Andrew wasn't on it. Not that big a stretch for me to ask what happened.

That I've jumped from town to possibly scum because I post things and expect people to read posts and quote in context just makes me shake my head. I'm not going to beg forgiveness for that. If someone asks a question or expresses a concern, I *do* expect people to respond to it. I thought you would normally, too, because guess what it looks like when you ignore questions? Scum without an answer. If the question is stupid, fine, ignore it. Just don't be surprised if someone takes notice and makes something of it.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #211 on: October 13, 2008, 06:48:16 PM »
No, I don't see the difference it makes.  "Leaving out key parts of sentences" implies that I am responding to fragments, various nasty things, etc etc.  There is no difference whatsoever in my mind.  Nor is there a difference in my mind between a response to part or all of Smodge's charge.  The fragment implies the whole.  This may just be a difference in how we think, I guess.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #212 on: October 13, 2008, 06:51:46 PM »
Also as for Xanth, I explained why I thought he was scum when I first called him such.  I've repeated it a few times since then.  My problem with what you're doing is that you're asking questions that have already been answered, multiple times, and then saying I'm scummy for not answering them.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #213 on: October 13, 2008, 07:05:50 PM »
Also as for Xanth, I explained why I thought he was scum when I first called him such. 

Really. I'd like to see that.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #215 on: October 13, 2008, 07:47:40 PM »
So... a line about him being scum because of <meta-game> posting like Bard did in Succinct</meta-game> and Delta-who-you-think-is-scum is making a "BS case" on him.

Half a line on Xanth posting a lot without voting anyone but saying Delta is looking bad and smodge is looking good.

The line I've been trying to get you to elaborate on. "This kind of fits into what Delta's been saying about him" what?

And another line about Xanth posting too many words without voting or taking a stance.

... right. Fair points on how posting lots and not managing to come out and say much is scummy, but to say that the above adds up to 95% scum certainty... I just don't see it. Especially since you HAVE posted lots of words over a period of time, and these four sentences -- if I'm being generous on how much you actually have written -- constitute the entirety of what you've said about why Xanth is scummy. And yet, he's #2 on your lynch list.

"Fragment implies the whole" does not work with an 'and' clause like the sentence I was picking on you for. It DID malign smodge because you made it look like he was being contradictory; the part before the 'and,' the part you left off, made a big difference. But I'm tired of semantic arguments. So whatever.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #216 on: October 13, 2008, 07:55:07 PM »
Alright, I'm back for a bit. I've caught up and now have time for another post before I need to be back out of the house a while. Wish I could spend a bit more time on it but it's important that I throw my hat into the voting ring now. I'll be back again some time this evening EST, before deadine, if a decision hasn't been reached before that. I know I haven't exactly been the model of a modern major general, what with my indecision, but can you blame me entirely for not knowing exactly where to place my vote in the middle of this mess?

And that's oddly enough how I've reached a decision on how to vote. Because there's been so much vacillating (obviously from myself as well as others), so many cases presented, so much OMGUS and shotgun-style finger-pointing that I can't help but think that the only people even remotely benefiting themselves, which is of course a scum priority, are the ones making themselves as invisible as possible. The two players I see doing that the most by far are Andrew and Smodge.

Andrew has not made a post since here: And it's not exactly the most insightful or productive one. Essentially I can't think of a single time this game in which Andy has made even the smallest ripple with his own contributions. Of course, Door is right in that there are three potentially clear trains right now and it'll just frak us over if we attempt to add a fourth into the mix. So I guess Andrew gets to coast by for another day.

And that brings me to Smodge. The last post he made where he put forth an argument or really presented any original though processes was here: And it's not a bad post. Alex has clearly rubbed me the wrong way at some points in this game as well. But, guys. That post was over 48 hours ago, now. Since then from Smodge we have the following.

30ish hours ago we have this: The second half of the post actually has some Alex/Delta, but nothing all that new on that count. Briefly notes some suspicions of Rat, but it's nothing more than "Rat lynched Remo and Remo said we has scum." Not exactly front-page stuff at this point. Apart from that he's just defending himself from attacks by Tom. Oh, and he brings up the weird smokescreeny point about how Bard and Delta are maybe friends IRL. Um. Great?

This post ( is entirely self-defense, no new ideas.

Then there are two posts ( and where he defends himself with a bunch of meta-talk about how he's responded to roleclaims and power-roles in the past. An interesting character study, but nothing really of note. Also he makes some noise about Tom but nothing definitive and he doesn't

Damn it this is taking longer than I thought and I have to be out the door right now. So, to sum up: Smodge has been coasting by on his vote for Alex, which since then he has barely even addressed much less publically considered even though several strong trains have formed. No real thought on them! No real content of any time, quite happy to lay low instead of trying to compel anyone to vote for Alex despite apparently feeling very confident that the guy is scum. This is the clever kind of lurking you manage to pull off while still posting, and I think it reeks of scum just trying to stay out of the line of fire in this bizarrely erratic game day. So that's where my vote is going.

##VOTE: Smodge

Out the door, will be back later on.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #217 on: October 13, 2008, 08:17:34 PM »
Yep, that's the case on Xanth.  And yes, it definitely adds up to 95% certainty.  Being short doesn't make it any less compelling.  Door's dismissal of it solely because of its length is a perfect example of what I'm talking about with her - encouraging wall of text play and saying a case has to be long and wordy  to have merit. 

There isn't really anything more to say on Xanth, I'd just be repeating the same things over and over.  He's playing one of the scummiest possible styles, and when directly called on it he responded in the most scummy way possible and threw a weird vote on Andrew.  Bam, there you are, that alone is lynchworthy.  The facts that he's been keeping it up since then, and that his interactions with Delta make perfect sense and check out for them being scumbuddies, are icing on the cake.

Wall of words with no stances is a scumtell in general.  I brought up Succinct as an example.  I could easily bring up other games if I cared to dig around enough.  That hardly qualifies as harmful metagaming - you want examples of that, see everyone posting "Townie/scum Alex usually does/doesn't X."  Sopko in particular has been doing that a lot, mostly tangential to his actual points but used to paint me in a bad light beside them.  Though, ironically, I haven't been holding it against him as much as I perhaps should because I myself am metagaming myself into saying "Well, Sopko usually does that a lot..."

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #218 on: October 13, 2008, 10:43:42 PM »
Your case isn't less compelling because it's short, it's less compelling because it's shorter than other cases you've made against other people and I am curious why "he doesn't post much in all the words he posts" is enough to propel Xanth to #2 on your list of people-to-lynch, over other targets you have spent much more time AND text discussing.

I need a wall of words to talk and feel like I'm saying everything I need to say. You may not. But then maybe there's something I'm not clear on and so I ask questions. It doesn't mean I advocate everyone post the way I do; I don't think you're scummy because you don't cover everything in your original post. I do think you're scummy because you keep rolling your eyes at my questions, not really answering what I'm actually asking, and then pointing out that I keep trying to get answers from you like it's a bad thing.


Keeping my vote on Alex. Sort of uncertain about it in comparison to the whole game. I am concerned I am getting personally miffed with Alex's style of play and that it's coloring my decisions, but I am baffled by the interaction between him and Delta and others' opinions of the two. One or the other of them is scum, at least.

Delta is concerning, especially because he keeps vaguely gesturing my direction saying "Something feels off... can't quite peg what it is..." which is the EPITOME of "hey look, she looks bad but I dunno why! someone else explain it!" which could be anything from townie with a bad feeling to scum trying to make a case without having one to begin with. Obviously this doesn't say anything in and of itself. Combined with things Delta has done previously and his attitude/reasons for being suspicious of people I'm pretty sure are town? 

Strago what the heck. Strago lurks, I'm beginning to accept that as a matter of play with him, but that doesn't mean he's not scum. It means it's harder to tell and looking more and more like he might be. That his appearances come with a big post confuse the issue for me. This newest post seems to explain exactly why Strago should be a target (posts in X hours, new posts not making waves), except that Strago is making the post so it's about smodge instead. There are other reasons for voting smodge which have merit, though, so it's not like he's failing to contribute.

smodge... I have no concrete thoughts on. I doubt I'd move to vote him if a press was made to switch the lynch train that direction because I simply haven't devoted much time there. I'm much more comfortable pursuing Alex or Delta lynch. Worth looking at tomorrow, though, for sure, if only because much has been said about him.

As far as Soppy goes... still scratching my head over what the hell he was thinking. Do want to point out to him, though, that my comment about the number of scum was more alarming IN CONTRAST to what he had said about Alex the post before: reaming him for naming half the game scum, and then turning around to say that half the game may indeed be scum.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #219 on: October 13, 2008, 11:39:09 PM »
Day 2 Votecount.  11.5 hours left.

Carthrat:  Deltaflyer2k8 (0)
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sopko, Sir Alex, AndrewRogue (2)
AndrewRogue:  Lady Door, EvilTom, Xanth (0)
Sir Alex:  Carthrat, Smodge13, Lady Door, Deltaflyer2k8, Strago, Sopko (4)
Smodge13: EvilTom, Carthrat, Xanth, Strago (3)
Sopko:  Carthrat (1)


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Circle Tenor Woodsmoke
« Reply #220 on: October 14, 2008, 02:02:08 AM »
Okay, this is getting stupid. D&D finished a bit later than expected, but I'm then no more than a paragraph into writing stuff here when my connection fails again. All the attempted fixes fail and exhaustion gets the better of my senses and I start to get into bed when it decides to recover. It's so ridiculously conveniently close to the deadlines that I don't expect to get the benefit of any doubt here, but at least I'll try to get through the immediately important stuff as a sign of good faith and try for the time in the morning to finish it off, but in turn my being tired is trying to convince me not to care about the game.

What I had written before the connection went down (at least I had the foresight to copy/paste it elsewhere first this time):

Right, I'm back. I'm already regretting guaranteeing that I would post at this point, but it's worth the effort if I can remove the legs of this pointed argument where it currently stands.

I don't like the argument at all, as it was set up to draw an argument on me nearly regardless of my response. I've been neither non-commital nor lacked opinions from the start. Whilst I tried my hand at pressuring the lurkers I made it perfectly clear what my long term actions were going to be, and did act on them. I'm guilty of being slow, but I stand by my decision to follow the lines I did as they've led places, and I can't believe that Bardiche flipping as godfather caused so little discussion otherwise. The question Alex asked that led to the sudden scum assertion was hilariously pointed because it was either going to result in a poorly explained vote, quickly fumbled together reasoning or no vote at all as I continued to get through what I thought was important before reaching a measured decision, all of which justify whatever he likes. What's that, the conclusion to my thoughts don't make complete sense at that point? Well obviously, you've just called me out at a point where I'm clearly unready and uncertain of myself, and delay me in reaching my own conclusions even later to boot. There's already been the whole of day 1 to see that it takes me a while to write my posts, after all. And now it's a self-fulfilling argument where you can justify anything I do as either being to your set list and hence scum trying to coveran exposed weakness, or not doing something by your list and hence being scum who's not playing as he should be as town. It's not even a complex plan.

I dislike just how much of a free ticket Andrew's had. He's posted a grand total of four times in the game (the last of which was practically two days ago), only talked about two people, one of whom was Remo, and has just left his vote for Delta there undefended in more than two days based on a small initial argument. Tunnel-visioned and little post quantity and quality, yet we're hearing little more than 'come on, post more' calls for him. I'm possibly getting into WIFOM here, but I can't see how he wouldn't be a bigger target to scum if he wasn't scum himself, when the amount of flak he's taken doesn't even come remotely close to the amount he deserves despite being what would appear to otherwise be an easy target.

Alex lashed out at me immediately for voting Andrew as an attempted scum train on him, despite the fact that the other person on Andrew at the time was Tom, who Alex has distinctly favoured as townie #2 after himself. They've voted the same both days, Alex on the hard sell and Andrew on the passive addition.

Xanth: Er.

Quote from: Xanth
Picking on lurkers is more likely to reveal scum how? Lurkers should not get a free ride and pressure votes are justified most of the time, but you're not getting any new information out of someone who just plain isn't there. I did similar yesterday, except I made my long term moves clear rather than just repeating that it was right to stick on the lurkers.

How do you justify this? It reads "I'm willing to vote for lurkers, but lynching them? Heavens, no!" Sorta undermines the purpose of voting, don't you think? Double points for Andy not actually responding to pressure before your change.

No, it doesn't read like that at all. Lynching lurkers is all fine and dandy [in the right context], but what Smodge was doing was pressure voting for them (at some point he specifically says that he dumped the vote on Tom because he'd talked so moved on to the next lurker - of course he contradicts this about five times, but this is working with him on his best terms), which nets you no new information most of the time, and Smodge had just claimed that he had been voting on lurkers for precisely the reason of gathering new information.

And yes, surprise surprise my vote changed when I actually had the time to work out what I wanted to say and wasn't randomly pressured into getting my view out immediately. I'm actually back to being strongly against Andrew, but Smodge's trail came up convincingly first.

The reason for the quick switch from Delta is town, to Delta is scum was because Delta tried to hammer the day when there were a few hours still left, also majority wasn't even needed just most votes, Remo already had most even without Delta's vote, Delta then attempts to hammer and end the day early which is what resulted in the quick turn around.

As far as I can see it was a tie at 5-5 the point Delta voted, which meant that the action was quite necessary for him. This was notably just after you voted for him, so retconning your vote to be based on something that happened after it seems outright suicidal, especially when you were the one who forced the move out of him (it was clear that Delta incorrectly thought that Remo was at -2 from this post, so I'm not even convinced that people didn't see his fake hammer coming). Also, even if I accepted this reasoning as to why you suddenly changed your mind to Delta, this doesn't explain why, after it turned out that he hammered an innocent and started out the next day incredibly hyper, that you would suddenly change your mind back to thinking he was just bad town, let alone why you would parade all of his faults in front of everyone if you thought it wasn't him and implied you wanted him dead anyway, let alone that this doesn't address anything else I've suggested of you (other than the Tom thing tangentially in the previous post).

Why aren't Smodge's terrible slips being piledriven by anyone else? For all of the accusations of inattention I can't believe that one went without comment.


I think that's all that's immediately on me, so I'm going to have to call it a night here at 2am, way after my bedtime. Not as much as I wanted to do, but hey. Where is everyone? I thought I would be fighting my way through new posts as well.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #221 on: October 14, 2008, 02:29:38 AM »
My case on Delta stands, and I'll probably be switching back, but you're kinda reaching there, aren't you?
Uh.. a whole bunch of people posted immediately after you Sopko, and we all found your switch extremely dodgy. Lashing back at Alex without really explaining the motivations..
If there was more time left in the day, I'd probably consider switching my vote over to Sop; but as LD says there isn't, so I'm going to continue pushing for Smodge.
But I'm not satisfied with Soppy's lack of explanation; turning it around on Alex and ignoring the rest of us is not the way to do it; LD, myself, smodge, Strago, Delta, Alex and Rat (who even put down a vote) - more than half the game questioned you on it.
I'm disheartened that LD and Strago didn't bother to question Soppy on it again, and Delta just kind of let it get away. Hmph, weak.

Anyway, Smodge is the train to be on! It's where all the cool people are, dawg.
But I can see the merits in Delta, Alex (less so) or even Andrew. There's no time for Andrew though.

I don't really feel the need to re-type everything I've already said about smodge. I think he's scummy for all the same reasons, plus a whole lot of new ones that Xanth added earlier. Typing out a bunch more walls of text isn't going to convince anyone new.

Hey cool! I'll actually be awake for the deadline this time. Awesome. That means I can post again today.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #222 on: October 14, 2008, 02:57:27 AM »
Why shouldn't I switch to Sopko just for that, LD?

Seriously, coming in and going "fuck it I'm too cool to justify myself!", getting called on it, and responding with "But you thought I was townish before, didn't you?! HOW DARE YOU VOTE FOR ME, TRAITOROUS RODENT" is freaking insane and worthy of lynch right there. Furthermore, at my time of posting there was still plenty of time to try and push something new through, so I'm not really buying a lack of options. It's getting a bit tighter now, I'll grant, but I'm nonetheless consideing an LD+Soppy team at the moment on the grounds of this alone.

Heck, LD herself has some weird excuses to not do things in her last slew of posts. Forex, on Smodge...

Quote from: LD
I doubt I'd move to vote him if a press was made to switch the lynch train that direction because I simply haven't devoted much time there. I'm much more comfortable pursuing Alex or Delta lynch.

So. Smodge could be bad, but eh screw it you can't be bothered thinking about it, lynch the guys who had a fight! This cannot fail.

I am coming to agree with the idea that neither Delta or Alex are scum due to the way their duality is being emphasised (along with what seem to be an attempt to forestall looking elsewhere,) and they almost certainly are not both scum (and that Soppy seems to believe this is maddening).

Of the current lynches I would be way more comfortable with Smodge. Xanth has made an excellent point on Smodge voting Delta for doing little more than try to save himself in a two-man lynchoff, and I want to emphasise how Smodge seems to really enjoy telling us about how people suck, but is unwilling to make a commitment of his own. These facts have me on board, though I'm still surveying Soppy with a hateful glare.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Smodge

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #223 on: October 14, 2008, 04:28:52 AM »
Day 2 Votecount.  6.5 hours left.  If the tie is not broken, there will be a No Lynch for the day.

Carthrat:  Deltaflyer2k8 (0)
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sopko, Sir Alex, AndrewRogue (2)
AndrewRogue:  Lady Door, EvilTom, Xanth (0)
Sir Alex:  Carthrat, Smodge13, Lady Door, Deltaflyer2k8, Strago, Sopko (4)
Smodge13: EvilTom, Carthrat, Xanth, Strago, Carthrat (4)
Sopko:  Carthrat (0)


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 2 (Game Topic)
« Reply #224 on: October 14, 2008, 04:49:15 AM »
Strago what the heck. Strago lurks, I'm beginning to accept that as a matter of play with him, but that doesn't mean he's not scum. It means it's harder to tell and looking more and more like he might be. That his appearances come with a big post confuse the issue for me. This newest post seems to explain exactly why Strago should be a target (posts in X hours, new posts not making waves), except that Strago is making the post so it's about smodge instead. There are other reasons for voting smodge which have merit, though, so it's not like he's failing to contribute.

I don't really know what to do if I'm not making enough waves for you. Okay, I was not massively present early on, alright, but now I'm around trying to get us not to lose our lynch. And I've done a fair bit more recently than defend myself with vague character defenses related to previous games or sit on an early vote placed way before most of the day's action happened.

I stand by my assessment that Delta v. Alex is a giant cluster-eff and the people benefiting the most from it are Smodge (well, he was benefiting at first, now he seems to just be laying low with his fingers crossed that someone decides that Alex should get knocked off instead) and Andrew. Seriously, where is that latter dude? His vote is pretty dang valuable right now. Unless he'd rather just chill out and make some likely very reasonable excuse at the beginning of Day 3 as to why town didn't end up using its lynch. Bleargh.

Where is... just about everyone, for that matter? Let's get some more back-and-forth going.