
Author Topic: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)  (Read 48151 times)


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #275 on: October 15, 2008, 08:22:23 AM »
I want to focus on Andrew and Smodge. They appear to be claiming cop/reporter if I have read this right.

Alex's role probably meant that he could vote for anyone, yes. However, it would not count on town. This being the case: I believe either Strago and Smodge or Strago and Andrew team is likely.

Andrew claims to have investigated Carthrat night one. Is there some weird reason why you have not posted the result?

It is quite likely that there is a doc of some sort I would say, although nothing is certain.

But I do wonder if Remo's words had any actual intent behind them. Based on his play, CT is innocent. It could be really good scum play though.

Now lets hypothetically Assume Alex could only vote for scum.
You have your list

Who would you pick?, Delta of course, i've already stated my reasons about an easy lynch we also have this which i posted yesterday...

Why would I be the obvious choice? Because look at your own words: Hypothetically

In other words, you are saying that everyone whom alex voted for is scum.


ET: Seems to be town, giving good views etc.

LD: Looks to be most definate townie as of yet... Although most of us thought Hoppy was town. Look how that worked out.

P.S: I have been offline because I was unwell yesterday and was not allowed to use the computer for saftey reasons.

P.P.S I think that there could be two scummies left, not one as most people seem to think.

Ninja'd by CarthRat.

I am the Town Doctor, I can protect anyone I wish at night.
Do I really look like I have a clue?

Lady Door

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #276 on: October 15, 2008, 08:31:05 AM »
Also, you have yet to answer:

What's up with the personal attacks and OMGUS, Tom?

Quote from: DT
That's merely a playstyle choice of yours. The fact that you're using such metagame against me shows you're trying to paint me as scum, even if it's subtly.

Er... what? I'm saying picking Alex is unlikely to be a faked cop decision. You have said it is. If this is just a 'playstyle choice' then um why the heck did you paint Smodge as scummy with it? For the record, I do think inspecting a copclaims choice of targets is fundamental to determining their legitimacy. You obviously do as well, so why're you trying to just get rid of this argument on the spot?

I picked a) out because your progression from a to c seemed to be a) [he's town 'cause] there's a doc; b) he's town 'cause scum posited WIFOM; c) he's scum. Your "he's town because there's a doc" point is not a point because nothing that happened proved there was a doc. That was my point. Where did you get "there could be a doc" from what happened?



Q5: Unless you are playing town-Alex and bulldogging a single target who is hard to spend much time arguing against? I could easily see it (and to some extent do) as scum!Alex playing his reputation for townie cred. A la, Delta is as easy a target as smodge and Tom were for their first X games (and I do believe the number was greater than 5) and it's hard to argue that he doesn't present himself as a juicy lynch-meal. I am reserved as to whether he's scum or not, but either way: i) he flips scum, and look, Alex is good townie and just didn't let it go until the awful scum died!; ii) he flips town, and look, Alex was just being Alex and following where his nose led him! This has the added benefit for scum team if you are both scum that Delta is SO obviously a target that there are plenty of people who would psych themselves out of voting him for it being too obvious to be believable (and have, if Delta is in fact scum, since Hanlon's has a couple people looking away from him).

It is WIFOMy either way, but my main goal is to point out it isn't as simple as "If I were scum, there's no reason for me to hunt scum!Delta!" And that's not even including the argument that Delta might actually be town.

That was my original thought on Alex/Delta, though it was heavily weighted to target the point I was making to Alex. It still feels this way, quite similar to what smodge points out, though whoa-m-g that is metagame to the point of futility. It is hard to take any of Alex's comments on Delta as conclusive because scum can make convincing case on scum the same way that town would on suspected scum. What IS interesting, however, is how potentially scummy Delta acts regarding confirmed scum.

"Also, consider that Bard was trying to get me out of the game. He was scum and scum may wanna get rid of the bad posters simply so that they can focus on you people, of course this is under the assumption that scum can communicate with each other which isnt likely. Possibly he was working alone."

"Possibly Bard hit someone protected by the doc in a stupid move. The idea of two mob factions seems strange but as Captain K said, you should not expect the ordinary in his games."

The attempt to hammer while discussion was occurring.

[NINJA while I preview to see how long this is getting]


also, I'm out of words for this most recent post.

"It is quite likely that there is a doc of some sort I would say, although nothing is certain." "Ninja'd -- BTW, I am doc!"

... Targets plzthx?

FoS Delta


My own role, by the way, is Town Elementary Schoolteacher. Plain vanilla.
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #277 on: October 15, 2008, 08:32:03 AM »
glad to know i was right about the NK, also glad Andy can determine your not 3rd party


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #278 on: October 15, 2008, 08:41:19 AM »
In case there is any doubt, I will confirm Carth's claimed title. As he points out, I also did my best to at least leave a little something behind to indicate the results. I've held back on saying anything about it for the obvious reasons (that being that, from what I could discern of dayflips, Carth was responsible for the kill on Bard and, later, the kill on Strago which marks him pretty squarely as a town ally). I much preferred to keep it on the low as long as I could.

(Ninja Edit- I want to make this very explicitly clear. I CANNOT discern alignment. I only get job title.)


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #279 on: October 15, 2008, 08:45:47 AM »
Alex's role probably meant that he could vote for anyone, yes. However, it would not count on town. This being the case: I believe either Strago and Smodge or Strago and Andrew team is likely.

Ok lets break this up a bit.

Strago is dead Delta and yes was scum.
Also if Alex would not count town as you have said, and didn't count on me, wouldn't i therefore be town?
Alex's vote counted on you but not on me, therefore if your assuming Alex's votes depended on Alignment, we are opposite alignments, under that argument shouldn't you throw a vote instead of FoS?


LD: Looks to be most definate townie as of yet... Although most of us thought Hoppy was town. Look how that worked out.


And here we have a doc claim, ok Delta, targets and why please?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #280 on: October 15, 2008, 08:51:38 AM »
Hometime for me, next post ETA 14 hours?
Happy for a Delta lynch
Tom/Rat lynch is secondary but Delta would have to start typing something VERY convincing for me to even consider it at this point


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #281 on: October 15, 2008, 08:53:30 AM »
Ignoring the whole "there might be a doc" "hay guyz im a doc" thing for a minute;


...Except that smodge is almost confirmed town, what with Andrew able to confirm 2 other roles.
Unless you think Andrew, smodge and Carthrat are all scum (which would mean scum have won already, so they're not).

Alex's role probably meant that he could vote for anyone, yes. However, it would not count on town. This being the case: I believe either Strago and Smodge or Strago and Andrew team is likely.
But it didn't count on town.

I don't know how you can be suspecting smodge at this point.

My only suspects left were LD, Rat, and delta. The choice is clear and obvious.

##Vote: Delta

Ninja'd by smodge, same ideas as me.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #282 on: October 15, 2008, 08:56:15 AM »
Oh and for the record.
If we do lynch Delta.
Rat if you end up being some 3rd party that causes us to lose for surviving, i reserve the right to kick you in the balls.

Lets give Delta a chance to comment on his targets at least.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #283 on: October 15, 2008, 09:02:50 AM »
Quote from: Delta
It is quite likely that there is a doc of some sort I would say, although nothing is certain.

Quote from: Delta
I am the Town Doctor, I can protect anyone I wish at night.

In the same post. What.

Quote from: Delta
In other words, you are saying that everyone whom alex voted for is scum.

i.e.... only you. Which is, yes, what I believe was being said!

Quote from: Delta
But I do wonder if Remo's words had any actual intent behind them. Based on his play, CT is innocent. It could be really good scum play though.

Annnnd just yesterday you were saying I absolutely had to be scum? You certainly weren't attributing such qualities to my play yesterday...

Quote from: Delta
Alex, Rat, do you now realise how much we think you are scum?

It is not just coincidence that Alex gets put at -1 to hammer straight after he practically OMGUS'd me, Xanth and smodge. Then for Rat to take him away from -1 and say that Alexs posts have improved his standing? No. I am fairly sure that Rat and Alex are scumbuddies, all we now have to do is get rid of them and then find the one remaining scum / third party.

So. Um. This did happen when you unvoted me, yes, but here you suddenly say I am clear? Without referencing the obvious reason (i.e. vigness) and instead talking about my play, which you did not have anything nice to say about previously.

Ninja'd by so many people that it's just wow, Smodge raises an obvious logic problem with Delta's theory, too. I too am prepared to vote Delta if his explanation does not suffice.

Captain K.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #284 on: October 15, 2008, 11:15:44 AM »
Day 3 votecount.  With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.  Approximately 24 hours left.

Deltaflyer2k8:  EvilTom

Lady Door

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #285 on: October 15, 2008, 05:30:42 PM »
Mmkay. So. What's going to happen here if Delta doesn't end up posting again?  Personally, I'm not sure there's anything Delta COULD say to explain that last post. I am of course willing to wait and hear, but... uh... not holding out much hope here. That would have to be some fantastically awful town screw-up.

Also, Tom. Seriously.

Also, you have yet to answer:

What's up with the personal attacks and OMGUS, Tom?

Quote from: DT
That's merely a playstyle choice of yours. The fact that you're using such metagame against me shows you're trying to paint me as scum, even if it's subtly.

Er... what? I'm saying picking Alex is unlikely to be a faked cop decision. You have said it is. If this is just a 'playstyle choice' then um why the heck did you paint Smodge as scummy with it? For the record, I do think inspecting a copclaims choice of targets is fundamental to determining their legitimacy. You obviously do as well, so why're you trying to just get rid of this argument on the spot?

I picked a) out because your progression from a to c seemed to be a) [he's town 'cause] there's a doc; b) he's town 'cause scum posited WIFOM; c) he's scum. Your "he's town because there's a doc" point is not a point because nothing that happened proved there was a doc. That was my point. Where did you get "there could be a doc" from what happened?
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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #286 on: October 15, 2008, 08:19:01 PM »
My first target was Lady door on night one. She was not attacked by anyone. My second protectee was Eviltom. Neither had an attack on them during the nights. I was PM'ed as such.

I was attempting to hint at me being doc in that last post. When I was ninja'd by Rat, I forgot to take it out and said I was doctor. It was an innocent little error.

Quote from: Delta
But I do wonder if Remo's words had any actual intent behind them. Based on his play, CT is innocent. It could be really good scum play though.

Annnnd just yesterday you were saying I absolutely had to be scum? You certainly weren't attributing such qualities to my play yesterday...

Yes, that was before you half-convinced me of your innocence.

I did attempt to hammer Remo, yes. But he had logged off, he had no more way to say that he was innocent and he took a woe betide me attitude to dying. Therefore, I decided to simply end it there. Yes, I had miscounted it and yes, in hindsight it was a mistake.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #287 on: October 15, 2008, 09:55:44 PM »

Why did you protect Tom on Night 2?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #288 on: October 15, 2008, 10:03:38 PM »
Because I favored protecting him over smodge, I was not going to defend strago, I was not sure about you, LD seemed neutral at that time. Also, I felt like I agreed with his points. Shoot me down when the game is over if he is scum. I was half asleep at the time. I believe that since no attempts have been made on ET's life, I have not affected the game much since my other choice would have been to defend Carthrat.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #289 on: October 15, 2008, 10:39:02 PM »
Wait, you had a copclaim on the table and you chose to protect Tom?
Yet more bad play from Delta.
Still nto convinced Delta, Will vote Delta shortly, i suggest we attempt to drop the hammer early to prevent a repeat of yesterday.
Also needless to say i expect both LD and Eviltom (preferably Rat as well) to be on this train just so we can see if there's any vote madness again.
Should there be vote madness its probably best we attempt to turn it around.

Also Eviltom you never roleclaimed...... *pokes*


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #290 on: October 15, 2008, 10:43:39 PM »
Well yes, I protected tom. Simply because YOU have not earned my trust. YOU cannot prove that you are town. I know, neither can I but still...
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #291 on: October 15, 2008, 10:57:24 PM »
##Vote: Delta
Delta providing Alex's vote madness was based on alignment, then you and i must be direct opposite alignments.
Poor play from the start right through to now with your doc targets.
Alex/Delta scum gambit is a highly likely tactic especially with Alex's post restrictions.

(Admittedly my instinct is telling me to believe Delta, hanlons razor and all but there's just too much evidence)

Either way lets say hypothetically Delta is town and we lynch him
Go into night phase, Rat will shoot either LD or Tom, leaving only 1 of the unknowns left who will still have to dodge both myself and Andrew.
Day 4 would then start with whoevers left lynching the odd one out.

Should all go relatively smoothly.

Anyway i believe we start hammering Delta early, check for vote madness if there isn't any well we still hammer someone who is most likely scum.
Also Delta your not doing a very good job convincing us, not only do you need to convince us that your town, you need to convince us who else is scum.
Thats all you need to do, find us 1 scum with enough Damning evidence that we all choose to lynch them over you, thats all you need to do to survive.

On the note of roleclaims and the responsibility of Doc.
Playstyle preference - Play for team town, always consider you may be wrong and consider instead if there were no scum and the scum were not in the game at all, who would most likely be killed.
Also when people come out and roleclaim definately protect them or hell at least protect someone like Andrew who pretty much proved he was Town by switching last minute to hammer scum over town.
Eviltom had a bit of suspicion on him, also he hadn't hinted on any roles, how does that make him a jucier target than a cop or someone who most definately is town like Andrew?


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #292 on: October 15, 2008, 10:58:27 PM »
wow i fail at bold tags.
##Vote: Delta
Just in case captain K missed it


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #293 on: October 15, 2008, 11:16:51 PM »
Yeah. That's not very convincing.

I think this basically sums it all up right here.


Alex's role probably meant that he could vote for anyone, yes. However, it would not count on town. This being the case: I believe either Strago and Smodge or Strago and Andrew team is likely.

Good to see you agree with our possible theory! Nice to have some support.

Captain K (my points bolded for emphasis):

Remo: EvilTom, Bardiche, Carthrat, Lady Door, Strago, Xanth, Deltaflyer2k8 (6)
Sopko: Carthrat
Xanth: Lady Door
Carthrat: Deltaflyer2k8
EvilTom: Smodge13
Lady Door: AndrewRogue
Bardiche: Xanth, Remo
AndrewRogue:  Sopko, Smodge13
Sir Alex: Remo, Xanth
Deltaflyer2k8Sir Alex, Sopko, AndrewRogue, Remo, Smodge13 (5)
Smodge13: EvilTom (1)
Excal: Xanth


##Vote: Delta

Lady Door

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #294 on: October 15, 2008, 11:19:19 PM »
Do I really need to spend time justifying this?

##VOTE: Delta

If NOTHING ELSE (and hoo boy there is something else), if Tom had voted for Delta and Delta's assertions were true, it would require smodge, Carth AND Andrew to be scum, and he would have been scum-hammered in no time flat.

But then there's this bit about the faulty logic re: smodge (like pointing out that Alex's votes only stuck on scum, and then saying ... therefore smodge is scum? what?).

And the talk about Alex's vote in general ("Alex's role probably meant he could vote for anyone" what?).

And the doc claim, and the targets.

Teaming remaining people with someone who was vig'd by Carth the night before according to Carth's claim -- meta #1 why Delta is scum (he was expecting him to still be alive, after all, since scum doesn't NK scum).

By Delta's own logic (edit: Thanks, Andrew, for quoting that for me), Delta is scum.

So... yeah.


By the way, Tom floating the random "there's a doc" with no logic to support why he would think that based on what had happened (and not answering the two times I'd brought it up previously, nevermind the third because I grok the timezone problem)? Convenient! Look, his story matches Delta's!  :P
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Captain K.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Day 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #295 on: October 15, 2008, 11:44:54 PM »
Deltaflyer2k8:  EvilTom, Smodge13, AndrewRogue, Lady Door (4)

"Your metagaming and role nonsense have gone too far!" yelled the Town, as they strung up Delta.  "But I'm innocent!  Who ever heard of an evil doctor before?"

Deltaflyer2k8, TOWN DOCTOR, has been lynched!

It is now night.  Send in night actions!

Captain K.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Night 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #296 on: October 16, 2008, 03:26:13 AM »
And... scum didn't do something stupid during the night phase (for once), so that's game over.  Sucks that we were short one player - that would have provided Town one more chance.

Role madness?  Not quite.

First, let me show you the letter I sent to the scum players.  Notice the Godfather is not bulletproof.  :)
This same message is being sent to all members of the Mafia team.  Please post
a "Confirmed" message in the signup topic when you receive this.

Be sure you understand both your powers and those of your teammates.

This team wins when all Town players have been eliminated.

Each night, this team selects one target to nightkill.  One of your members
must be chosen to execute this action.

1. Bardiche = The Elderly Retiree (aka Godfather).  You always return a response
of "Town" to Cops.  You lose this protection if you perform the nightkill for the Mafia.

2. Strago = The Yes Man.  You are a follower, not a leader.  You may only vote for a player that another Mafia member has already placed a vote on.  If all Mafia members unvote from that player, you must unvote as well.  A moderator will unvote you if you do not remove your vote in a timely manner.  And yes, this does mean that you can't vote if you're the only Mafia player remaining.

3. Sir Alex = The Rebel.  You don't toe the company line!  You may not vote for any player that another Mafia member has voted for.  If another Mafia member votes for someone that you have a vote on, you must unvote.  A moderator will unvote you if you do not unvote in a timely manner.  And yes, this means you can't be part of a hammer with other Mafia players.

4. Evil Tom = The Hypochondriac.  If a Doctor protects you during the night, you commit suicide.

5. Xanth = The Guilty Conscience.  If a Cop investigates you during the night, you commit suicide.

6. Carthrat = The Sniper.  You were once the best hitman in the city.  But your eyesight isn't what it used to be.  You may, as a night action, make a kill attempt.  The target is chosen randomly from remaining players.  Anyone other than yourself may be one of the random targets.  You may not use this ability if you are performing the standard Mafia nightkill.
And now, the Townies.  Note that there were no third parties.

Smodge13:  Cop (standard, no insanity)

Deltaflyer2k8:  Doctor (standard)

AndrewRogue:  Reporter (this was what you would call a Rolecop in other games).  This was supposed to be a bit of a double-edged sword.  The scum mostly had suspicious jobs, but a couple of townies did as well.

Hunter Sopko:  Ice Cream Vendor.  Originally, this was supposed to be a Vanilla Townie (hah, Vanilla - Ice Cream - get it?).  However, when we ended up short one player, I made it the power role of "Watcher" to give Town a bit more boost.  He could see where one person went during the night.

Remo:  Stoolpigeon.  Pretty much exactly what you saw.  I gave him the name of a random scum to reveal after death.  Which everyone promptly ignored except Delta (facepalms).

Lady Door:  Elementary Schoolteacher.  Vanilla.

Excal:  Corrupt Politician.  Vanilla.  Yes, really.  This was mainly to throw off the reporter.

By being one player short, the game ended up heavily weighted towards Scum to win.  Yet they still nearly lost.  Here's what they did wrong.

A.  They used Carthrat's power.  That power was designed as a trap for scum to fall into, and they fell hard.  Let's review Night 1.  Remo got lynched, so Town was already down 1 player.  Even if Xanth and EvilTom died Night 1 from Doc/Cop luckiness, that still leaves 4 Scum to 5 Town.  Town has to lynch a Scum *every day* for the next 4 days to win.  Scum win on Night 5.  Now do you honestly think Town can make no mistakes for four days straight?

At first glance, Carthrat had a 55% chance of hitting Town*.  But that leaves a 45% chance of fucking yourself over royally.  Sucker's bet.

*And that's assuming the random targets have an equal chance of being hit.  I merely said they were determined randomly - I could have given Scum a much higher chance to be hit.  For the record, I didn't, and the rolls were not fudged.  But that's just another example of why you don't use a power that you don't know all the details of.

B.  Alex.  Alex went against Delta hard.  Too hard.  He had no way of switching vote targets without making himself look bad.  And no other scum could join in on Delta without kicking Alex off (and again making Alex look bad).  With his role, he should have adopted a laid-back stance like Strago.  Oh yeah, let's talk about Strago.

C.  Strago.  Right out of the gate, Strago makes an illegal vote.  He quickly unvotes, but I can't in good conscience list his vote in the vote totals.  Luckily for him, Town never went over the votecounts carefully, or they would have noticed that his jokevote was mysteriously missing.  Carthrat also boned Strago later on by unvoting, although that may have been intentional on their part - you'll have to ask them.

Town player of the game was Carthrat, er, Delta.  He had almost all the scum pegged, figured out there was vote restrictions for scum, and several other good observations.  His problem lies in presentation.  As someone in scumchat said, "It doesn't matter how smart you are if you sound like an idiot."  I'm sympathetic though, because I've had the same problem in past games.

Also, good job by Remo.  You played your part excellently.  If a Townie had to die on day 1 (which is almost guaranteed - Scum don't often screw up in the jokevote phase), you were the best candidate to die.

Anyway, I hope everyone had as much fun as I did.  I was constantly laughing my ass off and facepalming at everything going on.  I'll work on another of my offbeat setups for a future game.  Hmm, I'm thinking... West Side Mafia!

Captain K.

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Re: Incompetent Mafia - Night 3 (Game Topic)
« Reply #297 on: October 16, 2008, 03:29:48 AM »
Day 1

Remo: *EvilTom*, Bardiche, Carthrat, Lady Door, Strago, Xanth, Deltaflyer2k8
Sopko: *Carthrat*
Xanth: *Lady Door*
Carthrat: Deltaflyer2k8
EvilTom: *Smodge13*
Lady Door: AndrewRogue
Bardiche: *Xanth*, Remo
AndrewRogue:  *Sopko*, Smodge13
Sir Alex: *Remo*, *Xanth*
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sir Alex, Sopko, AndrewRogue, Remo, Smodge13
Smodge13: EvilTom
Excal: Xanth

Night 1

Smodge: Investigate Alex ("MAFIA")
AndrewRogue:  Investigate Carthrat ("SNIPER")
Sopko:  Watch Smodge13 ("Went to Alex's house")
Carthrat:  Snipe (killed Bardiche)
Deltaflyer:  Protect Lady Door
Sir Alex:  Nightkill Excal

Day 2

Carthrat:  Deltaflyer2k8
Deltaflyer2k8:  Sopko, Sir Alex, AndrewRogue
AndrewRogue:  Lady Door, EvilTom, Xanth
Sir Alex:  Carthrat, Smodge13, Lady Door, Deltaflyer2k8, Strago, Sopko, AndrewRogue
Smodge13: EvilTom, Carthrat, Xanth, Strago, Carthrat, AndrewRogue
Sopko:  Carthrat

Night 2

AndrewRogue:  Investigate Smodge ("COP")
Smodge13:  Investigate Xanth ("MAFIA", special kill)
Carthrat:  Snipe (killed Strago)
EvilTom: Nightkill Sopko
Deltaflyer2k8:  Protect AndrewRogue
Sopko: (I ran the day without his action, since I had everyone else's and he was dying anyway)

Day 3

Deltaflyer2k8:  EvilTom, Smodge13, AndrewRogue, Lady Door

Night 3

EvilTom:  Nightkill Smodge13
AndrewRogue:  Investigate Lady Door ("ELEMENTARY TEACHER")
Smodge13:  Investigate Carthrat ("MAFIA")


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)
« Reply #298 on: October 16, 2008, 03:39:50 AM »
The plan with my NKs was that even if I hit scum, I can claim for massive vig credit later (which actually happened, despite everyone handing me all sorts of credit for no reason by the end of the game. Seriously what was up with that, I was lurking hardcore and my posts sorta sucked.)

We did it anyway on night 1 because we decided that taking out whatever town power roles there had to be was worth the risk despite Remo's results, especially given that Alex was functionally useless as a hammervote anyway, and Xanth was quite likely to be copped to start. The odds of instant winning were pretty slick as well.

Calling Delta town MVP is pretty, um, what. Just look at his endgame play. I was way more inclined to call Soppy the MVP, since he picked out almost the entire scumteam himself and was actually capable of getting people to vote the way he wanted. Hence why we killed him. Delta gets my vote for *scum* MVP, if anything.


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Re: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)
« Reply #299 on: October 16, 2008, 03:42:49 AM »
Also. Voting Strago like that was an accident. Alex riding Delta, though? None of us expected Town to just ignore Remo's advice, and it seemed like his choices were 1) Lurk, 2) Find another case. 1 would probably have worked, it always freaking does, but hey.