Palpable - Twilight of Ivory (Final Fantasy X) vs Injury - Injured Hero's Blood (FFL2) - Palpable is a very solid remix. Injury is "hey mommy I have erotic dreams of Genesis MIDI synth" off an unmemorable composition. Winner.
Time & Space: A Tribute to Yasunori Mitsuda - June Mermaid (Xenogears) vs Hellion Sounds - Fighting of the Spirit (Tales of Phantasia) - Fighting of the Spirit is incredibly generic and Hellion Sounds's version does nothing to help with that. It's a correct remix, but it's hampered by a bland base and it's hardly noticeably different from the original other than using more synth zomg. Time & Space is very well done, if not terribly creative. When it's generic versus generic, I'd go for the one that does it better.
Ciela - Aeris's Theme (Final Fantasy 7) vs The Black Mages - Battle with the Four Fiends (Final Fantasy 4) - The Black Mages song adds spunk and energy to a pretty meh base. the Aeris remix... just gives better instrumentation to the base, and that's not exactly impressive. Yeah.
Burn My Dread -Reincarnation: Persona 3- - Mass Destruction (Persona 3) vs Sensitive Heart - Doll Maker of Buccuresti (Perfect Cherry Blossom) - Autovote against the unholy manbaby of a drunken one-night stand between Persona 3's battle theme and Pump Your Jam. This is a matter of civic duty.
VP2 Arrange Soundtrack - A Motion of Finishing Blow (Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria) vs dBu - Doll Judgement (Perfect Cherry Blossom) - Hell yes. I love the original theme's base, and the arrange version adds... more rhythm, more flow to the song with the slight, but noticeable differences. dBu is very hit-or-miss, and his rendition of Doll Judgment is one of his many misses.
S.S.H. - Wily Stage 1 (Megaman 2) vs Star Salzman - Forever Until Tomorrow (Chrono Trigger) - Forever Until Tomorrow starts neat, making you believe it'll be a pretty good remix. Then, the vocals kick in and the song turns into a heart-crushing monstrosity that could tear San Andreas' Fault entirely open and turn Florida into an ocean in five minutes. S.S.H.'s rendition of the Wily Stage is, as usual, hilariously cheesy and energetic, which is all the theme really needs.
Bound Together EB remixes - Joe Cam Stole My Bike (Earthbound) vs Patrick Waters - Seiken Densetsu Titles Mix (Seiken Densetsu series) - Medley vs. medley, so both are sorta uninspiring remixing-wise. However, the SD mix has a few strong melodies as its bases. The EB remix is the retarded redneck cousin of Havanagilla and Ten Green Bottles Standing on the Wall.
The Wingless - Super Metroid One Girl in all the World OC ReMix (Super Metroid) vs ZREO - Ocean (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) - The Wind Waker remix is so generic it hurts my ankles. The Super Metroid one is odd, but it has these unearthly tones and passages that pick up my interest, and make it not a bad listen.