
Author Topic: Anonyrandomafia: Game over (Scum win)  (Read 48679 times)


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2008, 11:59:20 PM »
I know you've got your cruise control for cool and all that, but neither your words nor actions make sense one bit. In fact, placing the third vote on me for such a superfluous reason means you're the most suspicious of the lot. It's also pretty troublesome this dude has a jokevote on me remaining if this really is the so-called serious stage. Not that Death would comment on that. But maybe discussion on the lack or existence of legs works for content. When this dude person does it, of course. Not for me. Because Death discriminates against ROBOTS. Clearly, Death cannot come for me, and wants to use others to do his dirty work. That's B-movie villain behavior right there, that and his cheap-looking cloak.

I have to agree with the talking tin-can. Even in the interest of getting things going, to call whats been put against him serious accusations is a joke. Demanding satisfaction against that is a pretty hollow argument and a good place to start looking for deadites.

Not to mention he's THE Deadite. There's your biggest clue right there.

##Unvote: Yangus
##Vote: Death

Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2008, 12:07:33 AM »
It should be clear to even the most basic of intelligences that "The Dude" has his content split quite cleanly from his flavor text. While his posts are greatly inflated with meaningless drivel (much love for it), he has not let this stop him from covering the matters at hand. You, on the other hand, offered the world nothing more than the continuation of a joke-vote phase most foul at best.

Does it surprise you that the two of you aren't so closely comparable, even with such vastly different frames? My dear tin man, I'm not laughing.
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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2008, 12:18:14 AM »

No, Khan, you are the demons.



Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2008, 12:18:47 AM »
Our perspective on this current trifle is that it has sprung from the diplomacy of Duke Flanders; his absence of orders and the evening's entertainment moving towards the Indian dogs and the Church is of interest to Us.

##Unvote: Excel
##Vote: Edward, Duke of Flanders

As to the other matter addressed to Us...

Suck it, Death!  You lose!  You looooose!  I made a new church to change the rules and stop you!  I'm the Queen of Mother-ing England and I live for as long as the sun shines on the British Empire!  I do what I want!  Cause I'm Queen!  


We are very much looking forward to hearing the Duke's missives on the issues of the day.  A good eve to you all.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2008, 12:28:12 AM »
Current votecount:

Crow (3): The Dude, Khan, Death
Death (2): Khan, Crow T. Robot, Ash
Excel (0): Queen Elizabeth
Khan (2): Rod Serling, Mr. Miyagi
Mr. Miyagi (1): Excel
Ned Flanders (1): Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth (0): Death
Rod Serling (1): Yangus
The Dude (0): Crow. T. Robot
Yangus (1): Ash

There are approximately 24 hours remaining.

With eleven alive it takes six to lynch.

NOTE: Ash, please bold your votes from now on or they will not be counted.

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2008, 01:14:24 AM »
Well, that's a right interesting ac-cu-sation, coming from someone in the "Anglican" church. I wouldn't be too sure about you having much room to talk as far as "Content" goes. I may be showing my conservative side, but I just hadn't had much room to make a decision on. I've also had a heck of a lot more'ta say than Mr. Serling, or that fella from the orient.

That said, I'm not liking too much that the two quiet guys casually voted for Khan, and I'm sure not a fan of how the Robot boy is flailing about. I'll wrap my noggin around it for a few minutes and get back to everyone.

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2008, 02:03:05 AM »
I know you've got your cruise control for cool and all that, but neither your words nor actions make sense one bit. In fact, placing the third vote on me for such a superfluous reason means you're the most suspicious of the lot. It's also pretty troublesome this dude has a jokevote on me remaining if this really is the so-called serious stage. Not that Death would comment on that. But maybe discussion on the lack or existence of legs works for content. When this dude person does it, of course. Not for me. Because Death discriminates against ROBOTS. Clearly, Death cannot come for me, and wants to use others to do his dirty work. That's B-movie villain behavior right there, that and his cheap-looking cloak.

I don't know if you noticed, man, but as soon as I brought up even the fucking, you know, possibility, in jest, that you might be a Planet Eater, you jumped on me immediately with the cries of "click click whirrrr chop off his johnson." So I think I might have had at least a little reason to be fucking wary.

Not that other shit hasn't gone down, now. And not that I'm not pretty wigged out by Velvet Goldmine and Judas Priest jumping on your robot ass (or fucking... lack thereof) with me. Obviously I get it, I fucking went there myself, but we've got more time before we really need to strip Crow's nuts, alright?

##UNVOTE: Crow T. Robot

But I'm not goin' after the dandy duo right now, even though their robocidal tendencies have got my brain humming. Nah, I'm more weirded out by the few people who've made this sort of hollow attempt to introduce themselves to the discourse but then not... fucking... following up, right? Serling, Yangus, and the hyper Excel chick. Even weirder is the dead babe. Liz, it's not like you haven't been around. You've weighed in, you've voted. But you've provided fucking zilch in terms of a real defense of that vote against Ned. Hell, it took me the better half of an acid flashback to figure out who you were even talking about. Then you just go nana nana fucking boo boo at Dr. Death. Yeah. Let's here some more fucking... fucking meaningful discourse from the sideliners.

Rod Serling

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2008, 02:11:49 AM »
Death and Crow T. Robot. Just two of the many neighbors residing on this new Maple Street, and no different from all the neighbors before them. A simple misunderstanding, a difference of opinion, these tools...the tools of prejudice, paranoia, and Day 1 suckitude...are all it takes for the Planet Eaters to set innocent upon innocent.

Maple Street and its fine citizens can, of course, be saved, if it looks beyond the seeds of prejudice and toward the wicked gardeners trying to fertilize those seeds. Gardeners such as Ash, nourishing the seeds by aggressively jumping to the defense of one who did not need it.

##Unvote: Khan
##Vote: Ash

Of course, not all gardeners tend to their gardens so aggressively. Take one Ned Flanders, who claims to have been contributing but has yet to take a meaningful stance on any of his neighbors. The meticulous care he gives the seeds should not go unrealized in the face of flashier presentation.

Maple Street needs no more of these gardens, and must clip the prejudice plants with rational thought, lest the Planet Eaters lock them in the garden shed...that is...The Twilight Zone.

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2008, 02:27:22 AM »
##VOTE: Mr. Miyagi

Now, I don't really have the stomach for this "calling for someone's death", but with innocent people being killed, I think it's time for desperate measures.

By my count, Excel, Miyagi, Yangus, and Sterling over there all had less actionable content than I did, and what bothers me more is that no one seems to be tossing any suspicion their way... ....and keeping it there. I want to see what happens when a little pressure is applied to one of these not-present nellies.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2008, 03:14:19 AM »
Maple Street and its fine citizens can, of course, be saved, if it looks beyond the seeds of prejudice and toward the wicked gardeners trying to fertilize those seeds. Gardeners such as Ash, nourishing the seeds by aggressively jumping to the defense of one who did not need it.

##Unvote: Khan
##Vote: Ash

So what you're saying is that meaningful discourse is bad? Strange coming from someone going after someone else claiming that they're not doing just that. Must be reading your stories from that damn book. Did you say the words correctly, right? Every single syllable?

Death still only seems to be offering a pittance of an argument against the robot. Only enough to sate suspicion. It's annoying as hell.

Excel and Yangus seem to be lazing about as well. Chop, chop you two! The trees get to you otherwise.

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2008, 03:52:44 AM »
Fuck, man. It seems like every time someone proposes somebody else's fucking suspicion we get a Mexican standoff of fucking reciprocal accusations. This kneejerk defensive shit. Won't get us anywhere.

##VOTE: Queen Elizabeth I

And no, lady, this is not a sexism thing. I have met a great number of women whom I admire very fucking highly. I could obviously never reign over a fucking island with even any remote chance of success. But here's the deal. You show up with a weak little two-sentence attack on Ned and then disappear into the woodwork at a point when there was plenty of fucking interesting shit to discuss. So why didn't you? How the fuck can you and Yangus and Excel be fucking quiet at a time like this when fucking moon men are having their heads explode all over us?!

Okay, yeah. Need to... chill. I need a little time to sort of re-align my synapses and, uh... refresh my lungs while I think about whether any of the petty bullshit going down among the people who are talking even means anything.

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2008, 05:08:19 AM »
Life-challenged entity clearly in league with planet munchers: the post you so selectively savaged was actually a subtle way (too subtle, I see) to point out that Khan's phrasing was somewhat puzzling. Voting a person, be they human, robot or otherwise, and effectively labeling it as a smokescreen to 'occupy us' while they did something else in the meantime felt quite off to me. It was not, however, a proof of guilt by any measure to me. I didn't feel it actionable with a vote.

My robot ass, which is quite real if certain people would like to check up close, wants to hear more from those Miyagi, Yangus and Excel fellows, same as the yellow one. His skin is just a shade off from mine, which makes us natural allies. I do wonder why he picked Miyagi off the three, whose although-meager participation had actually been backed by a real and not joking vote so far.

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #37 on: October 22, 2008, 06:05:41 AM »
I wanted him to feel the fires of hell beneath his feet. Two votes gives him a healthy amount of pressure.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #38 on: October 22, 2008, 06:37:50 AM »
Well, I reckon you can put as much pressure on me as you like, but I don't see as it'll do any good if I'm not 'ere to be feeling any of it.  Now, it seems we've all 'ad a right old time while I've been elsewhere.  Fer starters, I havr to wonder at this robot what took almost twenty minutes to write a line of text.  Nuthin all that great or mysterious-like either, just talking back to that Dude bloke was all.  but 'e ends it all off with a line fer that Khan fella, and it makes my nose twitch it does.  But, 'is votin' seems right sound to me, so I'm not so interested in 'im.

That Queen, seems a bit like the old geezer.  A little funny in the 'ead, and not so willing to say why she does things.  Well, mayhaps that's simply the way of skirts, or the way of crowns, or both really, but it seems right fishy to me.  Commin' in all silent like, and attackin' poor Ned 'ere for nuthin that makes sense to me.  So's, I think it's right time I did my bit to 'elp out against these planet eater blokes and put my vote where it'll do some good.

##Unvote,  ##Vote: Queen Liz

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2008, 07:25:51 AM »
Some of us like to consider what we're about to say. First impressions are important! So I calculated the line to present me in the most positive light, and the one I actually had, and went with the latter anyway.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2008, 10:34:44 AM »
Miyagi is aware of contradiction in his actions. Miyagi believe discussion could be had from his stance, but sees other issues arise.

##UNVOTE: Khan

Miyagi wonder why Ned-san 'pressure vote' on Miyagi. Even wonder why Ned-san say two vote harder pressure: one no pressure vote, is joke. Is why Miyagi not approve jokevote phase.

Miyagi curious why Ned-san say not want vote first, then worried others not have looked at those that do not speak much on Day 1 and vote. Speak but say nothing graver offense than say nothing at all. Why Ned-san draw attention away from relevant and to lurkers? Why Ned-san choose Miyagi, and not Excel-san or Serling-san? Ned-san should answer these questions, Miyagi wish for answers. Answers of truth strong weapon against lies.

Miyagi agree Death-san pushing argument that not here or there. Inclarity only sow confusion, confusion sow discord, discord sow chaos. Death-san too one-sighted. What defense Crow-san should have? Vote on him not for accusation, but discussion. Little defense Crow-san could lend, yet Death too eager for this. What Death-san would done if vote had been Death-san? Cannot defend from nothing.

Most concern Miyagi have with Queen.

##VOTE: Elizabeth

Why Queen not giving input? Much talk, many words. Miyagi see many things, hear many things, yet Queen either not seeing or hearing, or pretending not can see or hear. Why this?

Ned Flanders

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2008, 10:49:56 AM »
Miyagi is aware of contradiction in his actions. Miyagi believe discussion could be had from his stance, but sees other issues arise.

##UNVOTE: Khan

Miyagi wonder why Ned-san 'pressure vote' on Miyagi. Even wonder why Ned-san say two vote harder pressure: one no pressure vote, is joke. Is why Miyagi not approve jokevote phase.

Miyagi curious why Ned-san say not want vote first, then worried others not have looked at those that do not speak much on Day 1 and vote. Speak but say nothing graver offense than say nothing at all. Why Ned-san draw attention away from relevant and to lurkers? Why Ned-san choose Miyagi, and not Excel-san or Serling-san? Ned-san should answer these questions, Miyagi wish for answers. Answers of truth strong weapon against lies.

Well, I may not have voted at first, but I was surely giving my God's honest opinions on things. And again, I don't have anything personal against you, mister, I just thought that people weren't responding so well when only one vote was thrown on them. As for drawing attention away from the relevant and to lurkers, lurkers are always relevant. It's just not neighborly to go for too long without so much as a hello. So for now I'm just going to point out who is and isn't making themselves felt in any kind of substantial way.

##Unvote: Mr. Miyagi
##Vote: Excel

We've got a little under a day to get things moving, and you've posted just one time. That's not adding anything productive.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #42 on: October 22, 2008, 12:00:12 PM »
Current votecount:

Ash (1): Rod Serling
Crow (2): The Dude, Khan, Death
Death (2): Khan, Crow T. Robot, Ash
Excel (1): Queen Elizabeth, Ned Flanders
Khan (0): Rod Serling, Mr. Miyagi
Mr. Miyagi (1): Excel, Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders (1): Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth (3): Death, The Dude, Yangus, Mr. Miyagi
Rod Serling (0): Yangus
The Dude (0): Crow. T. Robot
Yangus (0): Ash

There are approximately 12.5 hours remaining.

With eleven alive it takes six to lynch.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 12:02:27 PM by El Cideon »

Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #43 on: October 22, 2008, 01:05:30 PM »
On the matter of the tin man:

Life-challenged entity clearly in league with planet munchers: the post you so selectively savaged was actually a subtle way (too subtle, I see) to point out that Khan's phrasing was somewhat puzzling. Voting a person, be they human, robot or otherwise, and effectively labeling it as a smokescreen to 'occupy us' while they did something else in the meantime felt quite off to me. It was not, however, a proof of guilt by any measure to me. I didn't feel it actionable with a vote.

Confirmation most precise that the tin man's second speech was indeed not in jest. It is... most perplexing that an artificial being supposedly built for logic should so tightly squeeze on to what can only be described as 'flavor text' or 'role playing'. With his seemingly only extensive knowledge being in crass video dramatizations, one can only assume that his litmus test for evil is whether or not the subject is stroking a wispy mustache after tying a lady to train tracks. Misrepresenting my glorious actions in favor of the dramatic tone is a most dangerous thing indeed, as at best he is innocently using my nature in life as a tool with which to vote, and at worst he is deliberately misconstruing my actions to call for my clearly unwarranted execution.

Ever more perplexing is why this supposed suspicion did not lead him to gnash at my heels when his then target for his ire was a mere joke vote. I shall not consider this damning due to the ever-threat of the philosphy of OMGUS, but if this construct was not built to act on its words, then how may anyone trust its word?

Kirk may be prone to delivering as few words as possible in as long a time as possible, but I feel that one line twenty minutes is long beyond even him.

As painful as it may be, I must admit that I have perhaps been trying to force too much of the tin man's actions into a single viallainly archetype and was hence bewildered when he should step outside of these constraints. Nevertheless, with actions out of tune out and a flailingly defensive shriek, he appears the most likely traitor in our midst. Your time does not seem likely to end today, metal man, but do not think that you have yet lost the gaze of Khan.
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Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #44 on: October 22, 2008, 01:56:08 PM »
To respond to the shirtless one, how can you quote my words and yet miss the last sentence amongst said quote? It clearly explains why no heels were being gnashed. And no serious discussion was really occuring at the time of the jokevote! True, a certain someone tried to start discussion, but I couldn't really do much of use at the time except OMGUS him or vote myself, neither of which appeals. Or I could've welded my mouth shut altogether and seen how well that went. Or just done the Flanders thing and checked whether robots abstaining from voting would be treated with the same courtesy as humans.

So back to the anti-Kirk. He speaks and speaks and speaks and it got my shiny metal head confused. Built for logic? Evil? Me? And the finisher, where he at the same time states that I'm suspicious, that he has no case or evidence on me and that he doesn't expect this day to be about me without actually doing anything with his vote. If you think I'm stupid enough to work with the planet eaters, let's see some proof for me to refute so it won't be last minute. If you don't, use those much-boasted, flavorful skills of searching out the true demons instead? And if you think I am the demons and don't feel like either looking further nor getting others to buy your case, I have to question your sanity.

(Death still looks scummiest, and the lurking people would follow by their nature of slipping past radars and avoiding commitment.)

Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2008, 02:08:31 PM »
On the matter of the others:

As desperately stupid as it is to turn to democracy than to turn the rule over to my reliably superior decision-making prowess, I would be a fool if I were to assume that you petty people should follow my lead at all turns, and I am by no means a fool. Should I lack the means of sending the tin man to his doom, then my current thoughts on the others are as follows, much of which may be invalidated by further action or inaction.

I dislike the principle of silencing the already quiet, and how history has shown how inevitable this discussion is to overshadowing other early dialogue. Much woe is to be borne on this, and yet we would not be faced with this quandary if not for their inaction to begin with. Excel becomes a secondary concern for being as hyperactive in her silence as she has displayed in all other manners. The little queen (of what, little more than an island? What an insignificant speck to rule over) does stick out for her equally meagre contribution, but less so than the fire that it has drawn her.

No, more worried am I by those attempting more subtly to escape our vision. The barbarian Yangus has contributed just as little other than to support the current temptation in front of us and yet somehow escapes anything further than lists of the mutes. No no no.

My speech has worn on, and I find myself on completion needing to split it into a tale of two parts. I shall see that this does not happen in the future.

Edit: curses, the tin man strikes before I finish. I do not have the time for you now. You must wait for my return, and trust that my judgment will be just then, as it will be.
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Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2008, 02:09:31 PM »
(sorry for effectively dodging the word count limit by splitting posts, but it's only way of doing this in the rush I'm now in)

The old man Miyagi worries me less for making a stand. His first speech was disturbing (not yet covered is that distaste for the joke vote phase is no excuse for being absent, as the pacifist Flanders demonstrated more meaningfully), and whilst I am not convinced by his second emergence, it is not for lack of content that I am concerned.

Mr. Serling's points are clear if shallow. One can only assume that this will be... corrected before the end of the day. Assuming this natural course of action as the day progresses and discussion thickens as it has then he interests me not. Should, however, his observations continue to drag then he shall bear further attention.

Ash has offered little to our cause and offered only the dogged pursuit of the foul fiend Death. As much as I wish to reward such tenacity, in our confines here this is distinctly unhelpful.

And so I declare my lesser curses to be on Yangus, Ash and the queen, in roughly that order. I find time my enemy, and cannot comment on the others now, but of them only the foul fiend Death draws my attention at all.

Farewell. I leave to again seek my own means off of this wretched planetoid. Should I fail, I shall return in the last strokes leading up to the appointed time (maybe an hour) to ensure that the hunt does not reduce itself entirely to chaos in its final throes.
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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2008, 03:18:39 PM »
Hey Khan, took you long enough to say something meaningful. You sure blather on a lot for someone who rails against flavorposting. I'm keeping my eye on you.

Death still needs to respond with something before I turn my eye elsewhere vote-wise. Death and The Queen have both been the most annoying lurkers that've actually posted. I'd be all for the she-bitch queen at this point too, if it comes to it.

Churchboy makes a point. Lurkers ARE always relevant. Yangus... okay, it's a start. It's SOMETHING. More than I can say for Queenie, and about as much as Death, but I view it in a more positive light as it shows some actual thought went into it. Excel needs to post period.

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2008, 04:00:39 PM »
I'm a little un-fucking-nerved by Khan's inex-fucking-plicable lack of placing Excel on his list of suspicion, man. Come on, what's one of the best ways to keep your ass on the line in a fucking Salem Redux situation? Don't say anything! Sit on your hands and hope that nobody notices. I get the impulse to be distracted by shiny flashing lights and shit, but let's not forget that lurkers are a fucking problem, okay?

I don't really think I've got my mind wrapped around Khan's disdain for Ash, either. I'd say the musclehead's problems with Death and Lizzie are pretty damn reasonable.

In other fucking breaking news, whenever I vote for someone a little mini bandwagon seems to fucking... to accrue pretty quickly. You know, I understand it, it makes some... some fucking sense, with Lizzie giving off the massive planet-eater vibe she does, but at the same time it turns me off. Seems like... fucking opportunism, man. Fucking mob-mentality opportunism, and The Dude cannot abide by that.

Especially because we're not in a rush to reach a, you know, a quorum. As it stands, we're takin' Lizzie out tonight. So that's fine, I guess. I mean, I obviously suggested it to begin with. I guess I'd just like there to be a more fucking, a more robust feeling of team spirit, as opposed to this thing where hardly anyone actually says a damn thing all day.

Final thoughts for the moment, since brevity’s kind of my thing:

What is this cock and bull with shouting at Ned for taking a little bit of time to vote? It’s not as if he was waiting in the dark and scheming. He was fucking contributing and didn’t feel a need to immediately, you know, leverage his, uh, suffrage. Especially since the main attacks on him came from Lizzie (and we know what I think of her) and Miyagi. Miyagi, who wanted to fucking circumvent the joking around has a big problem with someone taking a few posts past the joke phase to settle on a vote? Man, this is serious moon mafia. Serious shit. Serious shit sometimes bears serious consideration.

Does anyone have a problem with getting rid of Queen Liz right now?

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #49 on: October 22, 2008, 04:12:34 PM »
Yes. This artificial life form wants to see Death return and show participation, to have the lurkers weigh in and leave a record instead of coasting all the way to day 2. There's also an a part of me that wants to see Queeny mount a defense of some sort so that her likeness to a B-movie villain could be properly judged, and her fate decided.

She certainly feels strange, but there are plenty others I'd rather see answer for their crimes, and I'm voting for one of them right now. If no said defense takes place to my satisfaction within a few hours, with the deadline and all, I might change my mind. But I don't think that time is here just yet.