
Author Topic: Anonyrandomafia: Game over (Scum win)  (Read 48674 times)


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #125 on: October 23, 2008, 04:03:55 AM »
Final votecount for day one:

Ash (0): Rod Serling
Crow (1): The Dude, Khan, Death
Death (0): Khan, Crow T. Robot, Ash
Excel (0): Queen Elizabeth, Ned Flanders, Ash
Khan (0): Rod Serling, Mr. Miyagi
Mr. Miyagi (0): Excel, Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders (5): Queen Elizabeth, Rod Serling, Yangus, Mr. Miyagi, Ash
Queen Elizabeth (4): Death, The Dude, Yangus, Mr. Miyagi, Excel, Crow T. Robot, Ned Flanders, Khan
Rod Serling (0): Yangus
The Dude (0): Crow. T. Robot
Yangus (0): Ash


The discussion went on and on, and eventually it was just too much. Finally, the guilt caused him to cave. "It's true, I am a murderer," Ned shouted all of a sudden, apropos of nothing. "I'm a MUR-DIDLEY-URDLER!"

In point of fact, the only thing the soon-to-be-late Mr. Flanders had ever killed was a houseplant. But the crowd didn't know that and thus had no apparent reason
not to swarm in and bludgeon him to death with moon rocks.

Ned Flanders (Vanilla Townie) was lynched!


It is now night one. Please submit your night actions.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« Reply #126 on: October 23, 2008, 02:14:28 PM »
They found him sitting in a director's chair with his name on it, his final cigarette still in hand. Later, there would be discussion about where exactly the chair had come from. No one knew. At that moment, though, the more pressing issue was that its occupant had been strangled to death overnight, with no physical evidence to implicate the individual responsible. If the survivors could not focus their energies on discovering the killers, his murder would forever be a mystery, filed under "U" for "Unexplained" in the Dewey Decimal System of...the Twilight Zone.

Rod Serling (Vanilla Townie) was killed overnight!


It is now day two. There are 48 hours remaining.

With nine alive, it takes five to lynch.

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #127 on: October 23, 2008, 02:31:04 PM »
So where was Death during the much-prolongued deadline or the prelude to it? Tin minds want to know. ##Vote: Death

Excel, on second look, just seems stupid rather than evil. But are not the stupid easy targets for the manipulations of planet eaters? In the end, this tells us nothing. Queeny still looks pretty bad, so let's see some content there.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #128 on: October 23, 2008, 02:44:32 PM »
Miyagi open with statement: Is poor to have lost two innocent souls. Yet, now comes easier find real culprits, from look at conversation.

Serling-san say he want pursue other case this day, but Serling-san now dead. Is important we try see who he want pursue. Is important, too, look at Ned actions, though Ned more attack lurker for be lurker, not attack town for look scum.

Miyagi thinking something wrong with Khan-san. Declare he want drop hammer, then contradict self and get sudden death, then declare he want drop hammer but, in end, back down for Excel-san to drop hammer. For all that Khan-san saying during sudden death, little of Khan-san words have value. He Speak Lots but Say Little.

Graver matter. Khan-san saying when return he needs choose between Elizabeth and Ned. Saying he believe he will be surprise if not anti-Queen. Yet Khan anti-Queen when convince by Serling-san and Yangus-san. Khan-san never have stated own belief for why Ned-san should lynch, only believing what others saying, Miyagi this finding very dangerous. Never knowing who is scum, never should trusting and swaying by others easily. Especially not near end of day.

Khan-san recover little by contradict self and deadlock for more time to think. Miyagi review opinion and change: now can see merit of this. Yet, Khan-san not stating reasons for vote Ned in end, except say he now having enough from Elizabeth for tie her down.

Miyagi thinking Khan-san not have given reason for voting Ned explicitly, say only convinced by others first, then not sure, then end with still not sure and, in end, not deliver hammer as promise. Why? Miyagi not know, yet want know. Khan-san, answers please.

##VOTE: Khan

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #129 on: October 23, 2008, 02:49:04 PM »
Fuck, man. I wish I'd been around last night. I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it back before the deadline, but sudden fucking death is not something I even considered. Shit. At least it's gratifying to know that my gut read of Flanders was right?

I've got some catching up to do, starting with Miyagi's ninja (how appropriate) post.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #130 on: October 23, 2008, 04:10:15 PM »
The Japanese man's got it right. Khan was acting funky all day yesterday, from the ridiculous flavorposts, to the sudden death, to backing down during sudden death. He beat me to the punch I wanted to make, but I'll still do it.

##Vote: Khan

Excel and Queenie: Are you going to contribute today, or are you going to wait until sudden death again? Excel's actions during sudden death put her in a better light for me for now. Taking that sort of risk when you're under that heat is gutsy and I'm not entirely sure how willing a scum would be to do that. It's WIFOMy, yes, but I'm gonna stand by it. Queen's contributions during sudden death were legit, but it took her until then to make them and that Ned ended up town leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I blame Khan more than her, and I'm not saying it automatically makes her scum, but I'm keeping her on my list.

Death: Where are you? Post, damnit, or I'm taking my chainsaw hand to your bony ass. Explanations would be nice.

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #131 on: October 23, 2008, 04:36:58 PM »
I think the mask’ll be coming off a bit in this post. People are probably tired of the endless string of profanities anyway.

Alright, to start with, Death hasn’t shown up in a ridiculously long time. I’d like to ask the mod for some word on whether there will be a mod-kill coming up at some point, or if that rule is just out the window.

I’m almost happy that I wasn’t around last night during sudden death, since I don’t really know what I would have done. I was never convinced by the case against Ned, but once Queenie started posting (and once she’d gotten past the lazy short list of her reactions, the poor quality of which I think can probably be chalked up to wanting to churn it out quickly as a stopgap, which makes sense at that point whatever team you’re playing for) I found her points to make sense. That said, the idea that she wouldn’t press harder against Ned, especially if she has a power role (not to mention the infuriating soft-claim of said role), is strange to me. The… more I think about it, the more I want to vote for her again today. I’m also definitely curious, though, to hear whether her supposed power bore any fruit last night.

Alright, trying to keep this brief. Concise mafia, gotta keep that in mind.

I don’t buy the case against Khan. I don’t see his contributions yesterday as having been especially worthless or smokescreeny. I also don’t see any massive harm in his choice to bring the game into extended sudden death yesterday. If you can’t make an immediate call on that sort of thing, extended discussion strikes me as the only responsible thing even to do. And then there’s Miyagi’s attack on him:

Graver matter. Khan-san saying when return he needs choose between Elizabeth and Ned. Saying he believe he will be surprise if not anti-Queen. Yet Khan anti-Queen when convince by Serling-san and Yangus-san. Khan-san never have stated own belief for why Ned-san should lynch, only believing what others saying, Miyagi this finding very dangerous. Never knowing who is scum, never should trusting and swaying by others easily. Especially not near end of day.

Okay, so apart from all the double-negatives Miyagi embeds in his posts which seem, to me, intended to muddle the issues? The impression I got from Khan was that he never fully supported Ned’s lynch, but his resolve on lynching Queenie had waned a lot, and so he was willing to end the day so that it wouldn’t stretch out completely interminably.

Attacking Khan’s “ridiculous flavorposts” also reeks of straw man. I never found his flavor to be interfering with my understanding. I honestly find Miyagi’s to be more disruptive on that count, and I found Rod’s to be yesterday.

Man, I wish I could actually peg someone as scummy instead of just feeling like this particular argument is weak sauce. Time to look back over shit. Again.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #132 on: October 23, 2008, 05:02:50 PM »
I think the mask’ll be coming off a bit in this post. People are probably tired of the endless string of profanities anyway.

That had not occurred to us, Dude.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #133 on: October 23, 2008, 05:06:41 PM »
Mod's note: Death's player has PMed me claiming unexpected internet troubles yesterday. Supposedly this is fixed now. Nevertheless, I'll still be watching him and will implement a modkill if it looks like he's locked out again. Anything else would be unfair to the other players.

Current votecount:

Death (1): Crow T. Robot
Khan (2): Mr. Miyagi, Ash

There are approximately 45.25 hours remaining.

With nine alive it takes five to lynch.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 09:14:28 PM by El Cideon »

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #134 on: October 23, 2008, 05:45:40 PM »
I think the mask’ll be coming off a bit in this post. People are probably tired of the endless string of profanities anyway.
That had not occurred to us, Dude.

Well, hey, far fucking be it from me to disappoint my adoring fans.

Alright. Like I said, I’ve got some serious fucking doubts about the Queen. On the chance that she’s not yanking our dick with that soft-claim, though, I’m willing to wait and see what she gets up to today.

Might as well give Death the benefit of the doubt, too. Temporarily mod-pardoned and all. It’s basically impossible to read into the fucking guy at this point, which is frustrating as shit. So a pass for now’s the best I can do.

Excel strikes me as scatterbrained and erratic, but I haven’t seen anything fucking evil from her yet. For the moment, I’m willing to make that distinction.

I’m having some… you know, some difficulty reading Crow’s signals. I get that he’s a fucking robot and all, so maybe that makes sense. I don’t know, man. Sort of a vague read of townieness, but I’m having a hard time getting shit from him.

Similar reaction to Yangus, but for some reason my gut calls him more likely to be a planet eater. I get a major follower vibe from the guy, dig? It’s like… I don’t know, he just fucking, sort of… flows with the prevailing fucking current in a way that speaks to not wanting to… uh, make waves, since I’m already doing the whole aqueous thing here. There’s also an interesting moment here ( where he fingers Ash in one of those “eh I’ll call you out for something but be pretty meek about it and never follow up on it. This is gonna matter later.

Look, I just did a re-read of the topic, and I’m convinced that any sweeping fucking… platitudes about Khan’s flavor text being some kind of fucking planet eater disguise are just gonna get the middle finger from me. I get the criticism of his sudden death behavior, but I’ve also already gone over the non-scummy way I read it to begin with. So, probably town?

Ash is funny. He… huh. You know, I’d originally pegged him as one of the good guys, but upon further analysis I’m a lot less fucking certain. He seems guilty of a fair bit of “me-tooism,” and just generally doesn’t have a lot of robustness to his argumentation. There’s jumping on Excel, which I get but didn’t agree with, and then the fucking needling of Khan for shit about his style which I find specious. And the immediate kneejerk to “Khan must be a fucking planet eater” near the end of yesterday.

Then finally there’s Mr. Miyagi, who’s pretty much my biggest fucking suspect right now. I feel like an asshole breaking the soft word-count rule here, but I needed to get this out on the page for people to see. I’ll split off the post here and do my best to be the fucking soul of brevity when I explain my doubts about Miyagi in my next post.

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #135 on: October 23, 2008, 06:04:02 PM »
Miyagi post 1:

Sort of raised my hackles from the very beginning with this weird attack on Flanders. I still don’t fucking get it, man. You’re so anti-fucking-joke-vote, so you choose to pick on the guy who’s not making joke votes just because he didn’t preface it by saying “hey I don’t feel a need to joke vote so that’s why I’m not joke voting.” If that’s seeming a little rambling it’s only because I’m doing my best to recreate the soul of Miyagi’s tortured fucking logic.

Not to mention that from the very beginning here he’s going after Khan for -- and hey, Miyagi himself says it’s got no joke-ness in it -- weird reasons. Day 1 discussions have been jumpstarted in similar ways before (Khan discarded his initial joke-vote and essentially made another), and whether or not that (admittedly sort of fucking weak) attempt to spur discussion is scummy or townie is at heart a big fucking load of WIFOM.

Miyagi post 2:

This post I can pretty much follow, even though the shit he directs at Ned comes across as a little OMGUS, you know? What’s really the fucking crux of this post, I think, is his eventual vote for Elizabeth and the… you know, the fucking justification thereof. She’s a lurker. We can all get behind that to a certain extent, I think.

Miyagi post 3:

First of all, his first line here is an example, I think, of how flavor is actually getting in the way of things here and there.

Miyagi not believe Queen Elizabeth-san best choice if speak up. Want this known.

Meaning, I think, that if she shows up with some sort of defense (to which I’ve got to ask, any defense at all, man?) she’s no longer a lurker and no longer worthy of the lynch. But… man, his reason for voting Ned seems to be Ned’s predilection for voting lurkers. Meaning that Miyagi’s fucking invalidating his whole thing against the Queen from before. Am I crazy, or do other people see this? His whole tac just strikes me as having to bend the fuck over backwards in order to accuse people he necessarily knows are innocent. Since he’s, you know, probably a fucking planet eater asshole.

Miyagi post 4:

I think I’ve gone over what disturbs me about this most recent post, yeah?

There’s also the fact of how few and far-between the old man’s posts are to begin with. He barely seems to be interacting with anybody else, just sort of appearing and spouting off a bunch of opinions that vaguely reflect what other people have said before disappearing into the fucking woodwork, man.

##VOTE: Mr. Miyagi

I think I feel pretty strongly about this.

Sorry about the walls of fucking words.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #136 on: October 23, 2008, 06:05:52 PM »
I’m having some… you know, some difficulty reading Crow’s signals. I get that he’s a fucking robot and all, so maybe that makes sense. I don’t know, man. Sort of a vague read of townieness, but I’m having a hard time getting shit from him.

Similar reaction to Yangus, but for some reason my gut calls him more likely to be a planet eater. I get a major follower vibe from the guy, dig? It’s like… I don’t know, he just fucking, sort of… flows with the prevailing fucking current in a way that speaks to not wanting to… uh, make waves, since I’m already doing the whole aqueous thing here. There’s also an interesting moment here ( where he fingers Ash in one of those “eh I’ll call you out for something but be pretty meek about it and never follow up on it. This is gonna matter later.

I got pretty townish vibes from Crow yesterday, but his first post today is... lackluster, I guess. He could at least make an effort to look at those who weren't lurkers.

Yangus I'll have to disagree with you, Dude. The legitimacy of his and Rod's defense of Excel is why I pulled off her (combined with the lack of support). I'll agree he kinda ducked under the radar yesterday, but his posts were usually insightful enough to give him credit. It wasn't coasting (but close), so hopefully he'll give us more than he did yesterday.

Look, I just did a re-read of the topic, and I’m convinced that any sweeping fucking… platitudes about Khan’s flavor text being some kind of fucking planet eater disguise are just gonna get the middle finger from me. I get the criticism of his sudden death behavior, but I’ve also already gone over the non-scummy way I read it to begin with. So, probably town?

Ash is funny. He… huh. You know, I’d originally pegged him as one of the good guys, but upon further analysis I’m a lot less fucking certain. He seems guilty of a fair bit of “me-tooism,” and just generally doesn’t have a lot of robustness to his argumentation. There’s jumping on Excel, which I get but didn’t agree with, and then the fucking needling of Khan for shit about his style which I find specious. And the immediate kneejerk to “Khan must be a fucking planet eater” near the end of yesterday.

Sorry if you don't agree, but Khan's been suspicious, I've laid out why, and I'm going to keep hammering on him until I get a reaction out of him today. If it's adequate, I'll look elsewhere. Otherwise, I think it's the best place we have to look so far.

Ninja: I'll get to your Miyagi post in a minute. Running up against my own word count wall.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #137 on: October 23, 2008, 06:31:35 PM »
Okay, for Miyagi, I'll agree that you have a legitimate argument, Dude. He is coasting a bit, and I think his few-and-far-betweenness might be whats causing him to jump around so much. However, he does seem stuck on Khan for a reason, and I think we should hear him out though and let him speak.

The wall of words doesn't matter if you're contributing. It's the wall of words that's just filler that's to be avoided.

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #138 on: October 23, 2008, 07:04:03 PM »
Well, that was craptacular, but now I'm here again, ready to devote my time and keen robotic senses towards something actually important. Like finding the scummy planet eaters crowd.

Let's see. Khan, funny shirtless dude that he might be, feels at worst guilty of being a long-winded meatsack. I feel his hatred and rage are too specific for him to be an omnicidal maniac. My robotic gut, the existence of which we can infinitely debate if you all wish, has pegged him as not a threat to the little corner of hell I call home, and nothing thus far has changed that initial impression enough to consider voting for him. Squeaky clean? Hardly, and there's plenty of doubts I had, especially originally. But that's about it.

Excel is a waste of flesh and sinew. Let's use her as a pinata and see what comes out. The more I think about her, the more my opinion that someone that stupid is probably a dupe of the planet eaters. And that's not even considering the wine in front of me and the potential of obfuscating stupidity, which gives people a pass far too often. But why would someone get that kind of attention, one might ask? Because her lynch was very unlikely to happen at that stage with Queeny so close to lynching, and certainly not during sudden death between Queeny and Flanders. If you're going to make such a bold play, where else but day 1 if you consider yourself reasonably safe from lynch? And if Queeny's scum with her, it's not just bold but brilliant, in a crazy sort of way.

Queeny is a very good option and only Death's supreme scumminess is preventing me from looking at her as a replacement pinata at this time. The softclaim is weak and doesn't factor into my decision one bit, as well it shouldn't. Let's see some quality content and participation here, and have it speak for itself.

I lack opinion on Ash and the Dude. I also lack it on Yangus, except in his case, I don't like his me tooism. Unlike the Dude, I can't point at specific instances he makes me feel that way, but my robotic sense of justice is tingling. If I were forced to point to something after all, I think I have to say I don't like his voting. And in the end, he did move from Queeny. He's hardly solely responsible, but I don't like the combination of the way he reads to me and helping someone I don't like either (except far more) escape from hanging.

Miyagi, eh? I'll need to read the Dude's case and check the logs for myself, so I'll defer that one for now. Thoughts on Death should also be consolidated, so that will happen as well.

tl;dr version: Death > Excel/Queen Elizabeth > Yangus | Khan, the Dude, Ash

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #139 on: October 23, 2008, 07:05:10 PM »
Okay, for Miyagi, I'll agree that you have a legitimate argument, Dude. He is coasting a bit, and I think his few-and-far-betweenness might be whats causing him to jump around so much. However, he does seem stuck on Khan for a reason, and I think we should hear him out though and let him speak.

Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I'd like from the guy, at this point. You know, more of a direct fucking response than he's been accustomed to giving so far. Both my gut and what I've seen tell me that the reason he's stuck on Khan is a scummy tunnel-vision'd one, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the old guy has to say.

The wall of words doesn't matter if you're contributing. It's the wall of words that's just filler that's to be avoided.

Yeah, sure. I just know it can be... I don't know, kind of fucking off-putting to some.

I got pretty townish vibes from Crow yesterday, but his first post today is... lackluster, I guess. He could at least make an effort to look at those who weren't lurkers.

Strikes me as more of a day-opening thrust to get the juices flowing than anything else. But yeah.

Yangus I'll have to disagree with you, Dude. The legitimacy of his and Rod's defense of Excel is why I pulled off her (combined with the lack of support). I'll agree he kinda ducked under the radar yesterday, but his posts were usually insightful enough to give him credit. It wasn't coasting (but close), so hopefully he'll give us more than he did yesterday.

Yeah, I did notice him and Rod pulling you off Excel, and that was... well, something that didn't necessarily need to be done if Yangus was a planet eater asshole. Unless, of course, Yangus and Excel are working together... but at that point I'm risking becoming, you know, one of those conspiracy theorist assholes who thinks the zombie of John Wilkes Booth shot JFK.

Fair enough on Khan. I certainly want to hear more from him too. And, you know... everybody else.

Ninja robot speaks. Let's see what he's saying.

The Dude

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #140 on: October 23, 2008, 07:58:11 PM »
Excel is a waste of flesh and sinew. Let's use her as a pinata and see what comes out. The more I think about her, the more my opinion that someone that stupid is probably a dupe of the planet eaters. And that's not even considering the wine in front of me and the potential of obfuscating stupidity, which gives people a pass far too often. But why would someone get that kind of attention, one might ask? Because her lynch was very unlikely to happen at that stage with Queeny so close to lynching, and certainly not during sudden death between Queeny and Flanders. If you're going to make such a bold play, where else but day 1 if you consider yourself reasonably safe from lynch? And if Queeny's scum with her, it's not just bold but brilliant, in a crazy sort of way.

I can't really parse this, man. It's just kind of a mess of WIFOM, from where I'm sitting over here. Think you could break it down a little? Because if it's going to be part of your ammo against Excel and/or the Queen, I want to understand the fucking thing better.

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #141 on: October 23, 2008, 08:08:13 PM »
Miyagi, Miyagi....

I can't really get past the following:

Most concern Miyagi have with Queen.

Miyagi not believe Queen Elizabeth-san best choice if speak up. Want this known.

More to the point, I can't reconcile the two. Miyagi ends one post with the first quote, and starts his next post with the second. Queeny hasn't posted in that period. So his case on her suspicious behavior and lurking is only stronger with time, right?

Of course, Flanders could have overshot her. However, unless my sensors deceive me, he only had a single post in between, right after the post Miyagi's first quote comes from. Here, for your references:

I see an attempt on Flanders's behalf to deal with the criticism leveled towards him and to continue with his stated attempt to target lurkers for prodding. The link he uses in his case to justify the vote on Flanders is from a post made well before Miyagi's first post, at which time he went after the Queen instead.

This all making Miyagi more worried of Ned-san. Queen Elizabeth-san not talkative, but more worried of much speak but say nothing than say nothing at all.

In light of the above, I don't buy it. What, it just came to his attention all of a sudden, like one of those epiphanies? Nothing in the vote-post implies the opinion was recent, as I read it.

Maybe Miyagi can explain this mess, I dunno. Death is still scummy-seeming to me. I'll get to it, too. First, to respond to the Dude quickly: Yes, it is wifom and I even spelled it out there. My intent with that paragraph was pretty much to state categorically that even people who seem stupid can still be scummy, and that we shouldn't dismiss Excel's actions as so beyond the pale clearly only someone on the side of town could've made them.

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #142 on: October 23, 2008, 08:27:37 PM »
Death is an evil planetoid-sucking monster. Let us review his failings in detail.

1) He talks in caps. All the time.

2) He has all of three posts. All in caps. Yes, every single letter of them.

Jokevote on Queeny.

Voting me. Come on, that's proof of epic scummitude right there. Not convinced? I'll concede Khan's post placing a second vote on me started the serious discussion, but I disagree that Death's second post contributes towards it in any real or constructive way. What do we have there? Stating the obvious, and of game statistics to boot, relating to Khan's actions. A disagreement with Miyagi without any real strength behind it or any amount of follow-up whatsoever. States the obvious again, that Flanders hasn't yet placed a vote, in an invaluable bout of genius I am hard-pressed to absorb. Requires explanations from myself none of you would really have been able to give in my place. I even recall Miyagi calling Death out on this...

Death's third post returns to this, and says he expected more. He doesn't explain what more is. Continues to say I expect to comment rather than brush off a jokevote (which was the first vote on me) and a conversation-starting vote (which is hardly more serious or was given with an actual reason behind it). Finishes by saying his thoughts of the Dude are clear to all without it being stated. If you say so, Death. In fact, why don't you say so? And talk more about people not me? Or actually about everyone, including me, with something substantial?

4) No net access or whatever. That's not a towntell. It's simply not a distinct scumtell. Regardless of the reason, Death remains a quiet person that keeps to himself, has stayed out of both trains, did keep to an early train I find puzzling (and not just because of me, but because it went as 1 jokevote->2 utility->3 hey sure why not as far as votes go). We know more about Excel and Queeny and Yangus than we do of Death, and we're already well into day 2. If he had the time to contact the mod, perhaps he could also spare a moment to post to the board itself and say as much to us in person? Then we could at least judge his truthfulness rather than receive it as word of mod and treat it accordingly.

In case the above is a bit difficult to understand, I'm not challenging Death's connection troubles. I'm challenging that his absence is solely derived from those, and not a combination of the aforementioned, and then a healthy desire to lurk and see whether coasting would provide him with an opportunity to strike against someone we are currently debating. That's what I believe and will continue to do so until and unless Death proves me wrong by showing up and talking.

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #143 on: October 23, 2008, 08:33:52 PM »
Continues to say I am expected to comment on rather than brush off....

Just goes to show even robots can typo.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #144 on: October 23, 2008, 08:58:06 PM »


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #145 on: October 23, 2008, 09:13:44 PM »
Duly noted. Given the circumstances, it's probably the best thing to do.

Death (Vanilla Townie) vanished into the aether!

The day will continue as normal. There are 41 hours remaining.

With eight alive it takes five to lynch.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 09:15:31 PM by El Cideon »

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #146 on: October 23, 2008, 09:19:49 PM »
Vote on Death, erm, withdrawn.

Okay. Moving on down the list of demonstrated scumminess to ##Vote: Queen Elizabeth. Since my view of Excel contains wifom this is my choice until I have satisfaction, if such can be provided by her.

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #147 on: October 23, 2008, 10:53:31 PM »
So I was roleblocked last night.  There is a scum roleblocker!  Good to know.  Blah blah obvious attempt to set me up for lynching since this is clearly highly suspicious to claim, but no one else has reasons to trust me on it, so yeah moving on.  There is nothing I can say to defend against the case on me except to keep playing and making cases on others.

Okay.  So we had double townie sudden death yesterday.  I had some theories about why scum would push that, but they involved Serling as a key component, so... yeah. 

##Vote: Yangus

I don't understand why he's being ignored by apparently everyone.

Came to Excel's defense, jumped on Flanders, and... that's pretty much it in terms of what he's done.  What really catches my attention is the lack of him being called out on it.  He says Flanders didn't take stances, but Flanders DID take stances, against Excel and Miyagi.  As Flanders was the eventual mislynch I think this bears a lot of looking at.

Oddly I find myself not so horribly offended by Excel and Miyagi themselves.  With Excel this has more to do with a lack of data, since she's spent the game... playing Excel a little too well, you could say.  Miyagi has consistently solid posts and arguments, even if I don't generally agree with them.  It seems like the main case on him right now is changing his mind about me, and being the only non-scum person who knows for sure that yesterday was between two townies, far be it from me to put any stock in people flipflopping about me.

Crow is zealous, but on the wrong cases (as has just been handily demonstrated I think) and I don't know if I like how he's pushing this list.  It comes off as him having a predetermined list of targets and then finding reasons to vote for them, rather than the other way around.

Ash and Dude I don't have much to say about right now.  I see where Dude's coming from with the whole Miyagi/Flanders/lurkers thing, but having just been burned on my own theories on that regard with Serling flipping town, I'm less convinced of the merits of that line of argument.

And then there's Khan.  I don't know what to think about Khan.  He personally comes off as slimy, but that's not only gut but possibly a result of just RPing his character well.  I can see arguments both ways about what he did in sudden death, too, and again am the last person to be talking about that anyhow.

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #148 on: October 23, 2008, 11:12:12 PM »
Sort of raised my hackles from the very beginning with this weird attack on Flanders. I still don’t fucking get it, man. You’re so anti-fucking-joke-vote, so you choose to pick on the guy who’s not making joke votes just because he didn’t preface it by saying “hey I don’t feel a need to joke vote so that’s why I’m not joke voting.” If that’s seeming a little rambling it’s only because I’m doing my best to recreate the soul of Miyagi’s tortured fucking logic.

Not to mention that from the very beginning here he’s going after Khan for -- and hey, Miyagi himself says it’s got no joke-ness in it -- weird reasons. Day 1 discussions have been jumpstarted in similar ways before (Khan discarded his initial joke-vote and essentially made another), and whether or not that (admittedly sort of fucking weak) attempt to spur discussion is scummy or townie is at heart a big fucking load of WIFOM.

Miyagi point with Ned was not Ned not voting: It was Ned point finger but not place vote. Say person is suspicious, but not vote for suspicious person. Miyagi not find offense too strong, so Miyagi not vote for Ned then.

This post I can pretty much follow, even though the shit he directs at Ned comes across as a little OMGUS, you know? What’s really the fucking crux of this post, I think, is his eventual vote for Elizabeth and the… you know, the fucking justification thereof. She’s a lurker. We can all get behind that to a certain extent, I think.

Miyagi vote Elizabeth not because lurker. Miyagi not believe lurker strong reason for lynch. Miyagi vote Elizabeth because Elizabeth come in during discussion, then ignore discussion and only vote on Ned with little reasoning. Miyagi want Elizabeth comment on relevant discussion then: Not pressure voting. When others so much pressure voting, and Elizabeth not appearing, Miyagi concern grow away from she who not there to he who there.

Meaning, I think, that if she shows up with some sort of defense (to which I’ve got to ask, any defense at all, man?) she’s no longer a lurker and no longer worthy of the lynch. But… man, his reason for voting Ned seems to be Ned’s predilection for voting lurkers. Meaning that Miyagi’s fucking invalidating his whole thing against the Queen from before. Am I crazy, or do other people see this? His whole tac just strikes me as having to bend the fuck over backwards in order to accuse people he necessarily knows are innocent. Since he’s, you know, probably a fucking planet eater asshole.

Miyagi vote on Ned explained in post:

Quote from: Miyagi
Miyagi want people open eye: Ned-san saying to Queen his content good, but Ned-san done nothing but talk of "lurkers", and say little of Crow-san, Khan-san or even Queen-san, when enough could be said of them. Elizabeth-san need speak more, yes, but Miyagi more worried with Speak Lots, Say Little.

More to the point, I can't reconcile the two. Miyagi ends one post with the first quote, and starts his next post with the second. Queeny hasn't posted in that period. So his case on her suspicious behavior and lurking is only stronger with time, right?

Miyagi problem with Elizabeth because she say nothing of relevant. Not because she not there.

I see an attempt on Flanders's behalf to deal with the criticism leveled towards him and to continue with his stated attempt to target lurkers for prodding. The link he uses in his case to justify the vote on Flanders is from a post made well before Miyagi's first post, at which time he went after the Queen instead.

In light of the above, I don't buy it. What, it just came to his attention all of a sudden, like one of those epiphanies? Nothing in the vote-post implies the opinion was recent, as I read it.

Ned still no comment on relevant case. Is much worse than Elizabeth, who may overlooking when posting quick. Ned just showing apathy for problem we discuss. Miyagi felt important Ned also comment on it, instead of spend Day 1 only prod lurker and do nothing else. Not can read someone action if only prod lurker and not comment on discussion.

Miyagi still wanting Khan-san respond.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #149 on: October 23, 2008, 11:26:07 PM »
Current votecount:

Khan (2): Mr. Miyagi, Ash
Mr. Miyagi (1): The Dude
Queen Elizabeth (1): Crow T. Robot
Yangus (1): Queen Elizabeth

There are roughly 38.75 hours remaining.

With eight alive it takes five to lynch.