Author Topic: Anonyrandomafia: Game over (Scum win)  (Read 48628 times)

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #225 on: October 25, 2008, 02:17:17 PM »
I plan to have it last two hours at the most. So if someone still tries to lurk all the way through, I certainly hope they won't get away with it come tomorrow.

And I feel somewhat good with my decision, given that Miyagi and Excel all turned up minutes pre-deadline. It would be such a shame to give either an excuse for sadly not having the opportunity to get their thoughts on the table where all could see.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #226 on: October 25, 2008, 02:31:18 PM »
Crow, no problemo.
I thought for a while that Khan was using the whole "Excel unvoted Queen but didn't vote Ned" in a scummy way, slipping it in there. Just because he said that he meant it figuratively or symbolically or whatever didn't mean I was going to instantly let him off the hook though, especially not after I said I'd be following arguments more carefully; so I decided to keep my pressure there and see if he cracked. Also, I did answer his other questions. But I kept pressing him on "excel didn't vote Ned", because he kept raising it, and I wanted to see if I could catch out his intentions. Well he didn't crack, and he stuck to his story, so I was satisfied.
Then Yangus dropped that vote and disappeared.
I hope that answered your point, if it didn't I'll be happy to answer any other concerns now that I have some time.


On yangus:

Dude is saying that disappearing for 12 hours after dropping a vote without reasons and saying "back in 8 hours" is a neutral read (well he's saying a couple of things, but that was one of them).
I disagree strongly.

The post itself was scummy. Ignore the fact that he's 4 hours overdue, that's not relevant to the post itself.
Dropping a vote and then saying "reasons to follow later" has never been a pro-town move. Especially not when those 8 hours fall close to the deadline.
As has been shown, Yangus can just lurk it out if things go against him, and hope for towny benefit of the doubt.
That's why his action is inherently scummy.

I can see the points of view on Miyagi, and definately on Elizabeth (especially moreso on the latter, as things go on. I'm seriously wishing I'd hammered her instead, because she's contributed roughly nothing lately) - but those are mostly circumstantial cases. What Yangus has done (and not done) is clear cut.

I'd better post this, getting swamped by ninjas. I'll take another look at Miyagi.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #227 on: October 25, 2008, 02:32:15 PM »
Okay, great. Won't have to worry about my post getting cut off then. Dropping flavor for ultimate clarity, since I rather not get lynched because my flavor made you not-understand what I write.

I'll address Crow-san's concerns first before moving on towards who I think need a good look at aside from Yangus-san.

And yet, against all logic, as time passed and deadline approached you gave less weight to her lack of content and moved your vote off her.

Yes, I am guilty of this. However, it is because I hoped my vote would inspire her to put more thoughtful content out on her next post, and not because I thought her two posts were the end all and be all of a solid case for scumhunting. When Ned continued posting as he had, my suspicion grew with him rather than with her - or more specifically, I grew more suspicious of him rather than Elizabeth.

So because Ned was visibly there once, it had to be apathy, and Lizzy could've been using invisible mode to her heart's content but that gets her off the block?

I'm rather much willing to believe that people don't have that much time to spend playing Mafia. I know I haven't had that this game. I'm not going to hold that against people that much on Day 1, but I will hold it against them if they post rabidly and fail to say anything of relevance during that entire time.

And specifically, Ned continued to post as he did even after I voted the Queen for lack of content, which I believed was partly inattention by not at all noticing what the hell was going on, just like with his inattention for which votes had been jokes and which had been for real.

I have a gut feeling that Elizabeth is not scum. She doesn't strike me as scum right now, but I can understand the flak she's getting. I just can't fault her on it because her behaviour, in my eyes, is similar to mine: When she pops in, she at least formulates her accusations and votes on who she believes deserves that vote.


I have a bad feeling about The Dude-san. His first contributions were positively townie, but lately he seems... I dunno. It seems that the two prominent figures are Crow-san and Khan-san, whereas at first Dude-san used to be there too, as far as I felt. Something might be up, but I'm not sure what to make of it.

Don't like Khan-san's comment on third parties much. That's just a minor thing, though.

At the moment I don't like Ash-san. He's been consistently on Khan-san's case this day, with not much regard for other cases. He harps against me for not keeping my vote on Khan-san, but at no point in time does he actually pursue this line of thought with a vote in me, even though I got the vibes from his post that, second to Khan-san I should be his primary choice for a lynch. Keep a close eye on 'im, I would.

Of Khan-san and Crow-san, I like Khan-san best. Yes, despite my earlier case on him, he actually actively takes the time to rouse the town, which seems like pretty OK in my book. Crow-san is only second to Khan-san, so no grave suspicions towards him just yet, aside from the scrutiny for looking so darn town. (can't help but be wary of those that look not suspicious)

Yangus-san is a better lynch for today than I am. I am thoroughly convinced something's up with him when looking at his entire game representation. He says I am not gutsier than he is, which is misrepresentation due to only quoting the votelist. Moreover, all my votes are serious votes, and all my votes are underlined with reasoning whereas his are not. His are more parrots of other votes.

To this moment my vote on Yangus-san originated not from his latest course of action but from the whole comprehensive of his actions. His vote on The Dude-san isn't here nor there as far as justification goes so far. Excel-san and Elizabeth deserve some scrutiny for readily jumping on Yangus-san without the proper justification aside from his latest quirk of action. I, however, disagree with the case on me.

Excel-san, just to add, still strikes me as alarming, due to the idiotic way in which she behaves and yet it feels like that popular strategem, "Feign madness but keep your balance."

I hope this post can sway your mind.

Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #228 on: October 25, 2008, 02:36:13 PM »
I do have plans for the day, but I can stick it out here for that long.

Mr. Miyagi's yet to address anything that I personally have on him (so far gone with refuting a Mr. Miyagi / Mr. Yangus pairing and his unvote from me as being the top priorities? I actually can't tell for sure. Anyway, they're not points I'd really hit him for), hence no immediate reply from me. I assume he'll get to those in his extended reply.

Edit: Ah, there we are. Will see what it says.
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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #229 on: October 25, 2008, 02:41:26 PM »
Right, no time to really think this through, so I'm going to drop the accent.  And hey, Miyagi's here, so there is a point to discussion, yay!

Anyways, you're all right, I didn't post when I said I would.  Simple reason was, I got home from work, I was fried, I had other things that I couldn't really afford to neglect, and I had to leave for my next shift in about eight hours, so sleep was also at a premium.  So, I knew I had said I'd give things a good look over, but I wouldn't be able to get my head in the right shape to do so.

That said, Miyagi...  I looked at your posts, most of them with a good eye.  You were the one person besides Liz I did manage to get a decent look at, and that's without the oversight that comes with multiple reads.  And unlike Liz, I'm not satisfied.  Your day one cases, where they did fall, were for roughly the same reasons I made my cases, except they always came within a few posts of when I made mine.  You claim I follow the pack, but the only time you ever differed was when you were on Khan, and you skittered off right quick when challenged on that.

So I'll toss this up while other people think.  I've got another fifteen minutes before I go, let's make them count.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #230 on: October 25, 2008, 02:41:41 PM »
Mr. Miyagi's yet to address anything that I personally have on him (so far gone with refuting a Mr. Miyagi / Mr. Yangus pairing and his unvote from me as being the top priorities? I actually can't tell for sure. Anyway, they're not points I'd really hit him for), hence no immediate reply from me. I assume he'll get to those in his extended reply.


I'm not in league with Yangus-san. I don't see how you can think that. As I said earlier, if he exposed himself to pull the lynch away from me, you'd still look at me first and foremost because of that action. There is no logic available to me that can link Yangus-san to me without being incredibly faulty logic.

I unvoted you because you weren't my top priority at that moment. I said this: I pursued you for your actions Day 1 and then found a greater target in Yangus-san's lack of contribution. You had satisfactorily sated my need for answers. What more reasoning do you want? I also said this before.

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #231 on: October 25, 2008, 02:48:42 PM »
Why did you vote The Dude? I cannot make this clearer.

Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #232 on: October 25, 2008, 02:49:19 PM »
Mr. Miyagi: I beg your pardon, I guess it wasn't clear enough. The bracketed points were those that I thought you were raising in your pre-deadline post, ones that I disagree with myself, and hence not the ones I was after.
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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #233 on: October 25, 2008, 02:53:02 PM »
Because I had a strong feeling that there was something off about him.  I'd give you more detail, except I can't.  I got interrupted during the time I was going to use for that (was in the middle of looking at how and why the votes for Liz shook down the way they did) and I was really curious as to the role of the Dude in all of that.  This is important if the deadlock really was Town v Town, and I didn't see anyone else was looking at it.

I was also going to be gone for a while, and wasn't sure when day was going to end, or what was going to happen while I was gone.  So I explained everything best I could while I was rushing out the door.  And I left the vote so that you guys had some idea of what was going on, as well as leaving some idea where my suspicions lay.

Anything else?


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #234 on: October 25, 2008, 02:55:01 PM »
Because I had a strong feeling that there was something off about him.  I'd give you more detail, except I can't.  I got interrupted during the time I was going to use for that (was in the middle of looking at how and why the votes for Liz shook down the way they did) and I was really curious as to the role of the Dude in all of that.  This is important if the deadlock really was Town v Town, and I didn't see anyone else was looking at it.

I was also going to be gone for a while, and wasn't sure when day was going to end, or what was going to happen while I was gone.  So I explained everything best I could while I was rushing out the door.  And I left the vote so that you guys had some idea of what was going on, as well as leaving some idea where my suspicions lay.

Anything else?
That doesn't explain shit. My vote is sealed.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #235 on: October 25, 2008, 02:55:42 PM »
Mr. Miyagi: I beg your pardon, I guess it wasn't clear enough. The bracketed points were those that I thought you were raising in your pre-deadline post, ones that I disagree with myself, and hence not the ones I was after.

Misunderstanding on my behalf. I read that sentence as so far gone from ... as top priorities[/i], implying that those should've been my top priorities.

Yangus-san, you say, "if the deadlock really was town v town". Do you think this deadlock is town vs town?

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #236 on: October 25, 2008, 02:56:27 PM »
I fail at italize tags. I read that sentence as so far gone from ... as top priorities, implying that those should've been my top priorities.

Yangus-san, you say, "if the deadlock really was town v town". Do you think this deadlock is town vs town?


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #237 on: October 25, 2008, 02:58:55 PM »
If this is Town v. Town, we've lost the game.  So I have to believe that my suspicions of you are right, and that you're scum.  the only reason I'm holding back my vote is to give people some time to talk, and some time to ask me questions.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #238 on: October 25, 2008, 03:00:49 PM »
If this is Town v. Town, we've lost the game.  So I have to believe that my suspicions of you are right, and that you're scum.  the only reason I'm holding back my vote is to give people some time to talk, and some time to ask me questions.

Crap, that's actually a decent point. Arghhh *pulls hair*
Then again, that assumes we know how many scum there are. Too much meta, it's a possibility, but argh. /headache

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #239 on: October 25, 2008, 03:01:26 PM »
LYLO and potential LYLO would've been announced, so we haven't lost the game yet.

The only thing holding back your vote is allowing people to talk? You yourself aren't really talking, even though you're the one on the block. What, intend to quickhammer me if someone declares intent to hammer you?

Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #240 on: October 25, 2008, 03:02:17 PM »

If Yangus doesn't hang, tomorrow will be all about him. Add that I'm not convinced by his explanation or that he never actually gave even a token reason at the time (saying 'looking a the votecounts, more when I get back' would at least have been something, and wouldn't take too long to write), and I think we should end the day here.

Yangus didn't hammer Miyagi now, and he could have. Are both scum? If he's town, I don't see why he wouldn't just place his vote on Miyagi. I hope I'm right on this.

##Unvote: Mr. Miyagi
##Vote: Yangus


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #241 on: October 25, 2008, 03:03:17 PM »
Sonuva. I miscounted the hours. I thought I'd be back (ie awake) in time for the end of the day. No excuses though.

Miyagi is here and contributing, Yangus is not. I almost want to call it easy.

I do wonder whether Miyagi and Yangus are scum together, and as the latter was about to self-destruct anyway he tried to draw the lynch away from Miyagi. The frustration is so strong, with people outright lurking and then snapping back when called on said lurking to boot.

The only thing I wonder about here is that Miyagi wasn't in as bad a position at the time for it to be necessary for Yangus to self-destruct. If Yangus' move came later, maybe, but... you're right in that Yangus would probably know what he was doing was incredibly scummy. I can't quite call it intentional, but even if some act of god kept Yangus from coming back and explaining his vote, no matter where in the day he came back, it would draw major attention to himself.

Just a note for Day 3, since people are questioning me on Miyagi:

Miyagi's switch onto Yangus worries me. Not because I don't think Yangus is scummy, but because it switches from a person he has a good argument for to someone he has a generic lurker argument for. Comment, Miyagi?

Yeah. Yeah, this hits pretty fucking precisely on why I'm still not comfy-cozy with the jap. He opens the day with a relatively fucking detailed and complex argument against Khan, defends it when Crow and I submit our concerns, and then... after Khan's own response, retracts the vote very quietly and moves on to Yangus. And I feel like a fucking load of us have expressed at least mild or tacit concern with that particular limey asshole, so the venture seems a lot safer than his thrust against Khan. Thanks for helping me to kick my mind grapes into gear, Ash.

Time to plug through the Excel/Khan bullshit, I guess.

I don't get where people are saying my thoughts on Miyagi were anything more than vague suspicion or note-taking. Especially when Dude gets me 100% supposedly and all it takes are a few Khan posts to completely turn him around and gnash his teeth at me for the exact same things he was agreeing to.

I reiterate my theory from before on a Yangus/Excel team possibility. Excel's vote is perfect scum placement and I think it really should be looked at seriously.

I'm announcing intent to vote Yangus, any objections?


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #242 on: October 25, 2008, 03:04:45 PM »
An that's Hammer, stop talking all.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #243 on: October 25, 2008, 03:29:51 PM »
Final votecount:

Ash (0): Khan
Khan (0): Mr. Miyagi, Ash, Excel
Mr. Miyagi (2): The Dude, Crow T. Robot, Khan, Crow T. Robot
Queen Elizabeth (0): Crow T. Robot
The Dude (1): Yangus
Yangus (4): Queen Elizabeth, Mr. Miyagi, Excel, Crow T. Robot, Crow T. Robot


"It ain't me what done it!" Yangus cried as the crowd closed in around him. "Just because a bloke used to be a bandit, you figger 'e's a murderer too? Where's the sense in that? I'm telling you, it ain't me!"

"Save it," said Crow. "I've seen Roger Corman movies that stunk less than you. In fact, I think it's time you joined that purveyor of puerile HELL!" Crow pressed a big red button no one had noticed before, causing a compressed spring in the ground beneath Yangus's feet to fling the cockney bandit into space. A labored COOOOR BLIIIMEEEEY echoed around the lunar landscape until he left the envelope of breathable atmosphere surrounding the Watcher's keep.

Yangus (Town Miller) was lynched!


It is now night two. Please submit your night actions.


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« Reply #244 on: October 26, 2008, 01:42:09 AM »
The people awoke the next morning to find their other resident limey dead. Queen Elizabeth's throat was slashed with a moonrock someone had sharpened into a crude blade. Since no one had conveniently brought a fingerprinting kit with them to the moon, there was no way to tell who did the deed. One thing's for sure, though--the killer is still among them, whoever it is...

Queen Elizabeth I (Town Doctor) was killed overnight!


It is now day three, and LYLO. There are 48 hours remaining.

With six alive it takes four to lynch.

EDIT: Oh yes, do be sending in your guesses for who's playing which role, just in case this is the last day. Spectators are welcome to submit guesses as well, of course.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 01:59:52 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the third day, they (insert verb here).
« Reply #245 on: October 26, 2008, 02:29:50 AM »
Ah crap, I feel really bad about Yangus now. On the other hand, I'm relieved that I didn't hammer Queen on day 1.
LYLO, huh. Well, on the bright side, we have a higher proportion of scum to hit! >.>

So should we be roleclaiming now I guess?


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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the third day, they (insert verb here).
« Reply #246 on: October 26, 2008, 03:10:27 AM »
Sorry about my last post of yesterday, I got Ninja'd*Crazy Number. When I saw the vote I just clicked post as fast as I could without going back to revise.

I'm really looking in the direction of Khan/Excel, Khan/Miyagi or Miyagi/Excel, with Yangus' flip. I'll reiterate again that Excel's vote was perfect scum placement. With questionable behavior and lurkerness throughout, I really go back to the argument I made on Day 1. She rode out the day, used the ol' "I'm not scum I'm just crazy" excuse and grabbed what credibility she could from the hammer. Day 2 was scattershot, and both times she only really came alive during sudden death.

With Miyagi... I don't want to play the percentages game, because the odds aren't that good on it anyway. But we know now that Day 1 was town/town... Could Day 2 have also been town/town? I'm torn on how to approach this. I'm gonna have to read over both Excel and Miyagi (Khan too).

Khan... I honestly don't know. I'll admit this is just ol' gut feeling.

Dude and Crow... we've been giving them a lot of town credit, and rightfully so. But... do you think that we could find scum here? I doubt I'll find much support for this reading over the topic, but... all cards and possibilities on the table.

Yes. Roleclaiming is good. We need to get everything out on the table. No help here rolewise, though. Vanilla town.

Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the third day, they (insert verb here).
« Reply #247 on: October 26, 2008, 03:20:08 AM »
I can't even to begin to imagine why we would not want absolutely every last piece of evidence in front of us right now, because we need it.

As a truly superior being, I have no need for any manner of trickery to succeed at my goals. My quick wits and cunning should as ever be enough to see me through by itself. In fear and awe they refer to this status of mine as 'vanilla'.

I hope that something falls out in the roleclaiming, otherwise this needs a thorough shake up. It's frustrating that my principle individual suspect (Mr. Ash) is proving hard to tag to any partner at all, let alone not be part of my principle pairing (Mr. Miyagi and Miss Excel). I'll start in the morning with Mr. Miyagi, as he was at least kind enough to leave something to work with, especially given sudden death proved far shorter than expected. I'm really unhappy with how that went, but it was messed up in all regards anyway given the panic.

Edit: okay Ash, what. Still just pure gut enough to drop me in at the top two slots of your chart? How is this supposed to read well to anyone?
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Crow T. Robot

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the third day, they (insert verb here).
« Reply #248 on: October 26, 2008, 05:17:16 AM »
If Miyagi is town and someone would've copped Yangus, it would be game over for us now. That's why I think that while it was a mislynch, it wasn't the worst thing that could've happened in that situation. Yangus's explanation was... pretty damn horrible and unconvincing, and really, what is up with people and I should stop there. Excel and Yangus were making noises about possibly changing their votes and using horrible logic to support it (and clearly not having read through the posts which already dealt with the LYLO conditions earlier) and I really didn't want them to decide the day for me.

Vanilla here, to probably no surprise. Khan, I must admit I believed you to have an investigative role when you so categorically stated your support for Liz despite her really lacking content (although you seemed to amend that opinion somewhat later on) and your speculating on the existence of roles not on the 'moon bible' list. Since you're claiming vanilla, can you explain both, please?

Excel: Call this metagaming or what not, but I must implore you to remember not to be hasty with your vote in LYLO. We all know why, so if you're town, don't lose the game for us.

Khan Noonian Singh

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Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the third day, they (insert verb here).
« Reply #249 on: October 26, 2008, 01:27:18 PM »
Khan, I must admit I believed you to have an investigative role when you so categorically stated your support for Liz despite her really lacking content (although you seemed to amend that opinion somewhat later on) and your speculating on the existence of roles not on the 'moon bible' list. Since you're claiming vanilla, can you explain both, please?

I'm not particularly sure where you're reading this strong opinion from. May I assume it's from only, as you quoted from it soon after? Hand on heart, it was my error from your posts that she should read less suspiciously than you, as I have said at least once before. Beyond that, it is a simple matter that there was more immediate concern from the others. Perhaps you forget that at that point in the day, while she had only made one post, this was one more than Mr. Yangus, and as many as Mr. Miyagi and Miss Excel, so low content for the day was yet to be an issue (nor had her off-putting arguments like the comparison to the foul fiend Death happened). She had much to catch up on and could have done more by then, yet it did not stick out as a bad opener. On the other hand, I still had major concerns with Mr. Ash and Mr. Miyagi, Mr. Yangus was dropping with every minute, the enigma Miss Excel was just about to leap to the foreground, and I still had what appeared to be unresolved circumstances with yourself.

Did I suspect her less? Yes. Did I categorically state support for her? No. Not even close.

With regards to the Moon Bible (I assume you ask on a rolecop angle?), I was worried that people were crossing off the possibility of ITP when the number of traitors was being discussed. Bizarrely to my eyes, however, whilst the Moon Bible's tenth commandment doth state "There may or may not be third parties." it then does not list any potential roles that such a mutant may sensibly take. As even the mighty concept of vanilla is covered, it seemed to directly contradict the possibility of a third party right then and there. Thus the question, else third parties could be suitably ruled out. Not that we even have the room to deal with a third party any more, but I've never actually held the odds of such a mutant existing to be more than insignificant.

Does that sate your desire for knowledge on those matters?
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