Moar editing!
Proposal 311 - This ruling dictates the non-player mass becomes a gestalt player entity called The Unruly Mob© (or Mobb©. © fully optional), being granted the scoring and proposal-making privileges that a normal player would receive by playing the game. However, due to its nature, its vote-counting and proposal-making mechanics will work differently from a typical player.
Clause 1: For proposal-making, in the voting phase immediately before the Unruly Mob's proposal, players will send proposals to the person in charge of game logistics (currently Carthrat), who will pick one of the proposals sent on that phase. Once the Mob's chosen proposal has been voted, the logistic handler must make public all the proposals sent to him in that phase. This undisclosing will be done along with vote results.
PROVISION TO CLAUSE 1: The person in charge of logistics cannot send/create proposals for voting.
Clause 2: For proposal approval/rejection purposes, the Mobb's votes will be counted per individual, as worded in proposal 310. However, for scoring purposes, the Unruly Mob's decision will be taken as the majority of the votes within the mob (i.e., if seven non-players vote for a proposal, and four of them vote "yea", the Mob's vote for scoring purposes will be taken as a single "yea", and it will receive bonuses/penalties accordingly).
Clause 3: If the amount of votes from non-players in any given round is below the weight of a normal player vote, the Mobb will be considered as not having voted, and will be penalized accordingly, along with not having any of its votes counted. In the current setup, this means that, to be considered as having voted, the Unruly Mob needs to have at least three non-player votes.
This is becoming a masthodon pretty quickly. However, if people don't mind this taking longer, I guess we could take the longer way out and begin by changing the rules that make this complicated, then trying for this ruling.