317. a) Players will alternate in alphabetical order by the name they signed up for the game under. Turns may not be skipped or passed, and parts of turns may not be omitted. All players begin with zero points, new players start with points equal to the player furthest from the winning condition. "Player" is a term that will be specifically applied to anyone who is registered as a participant in this game, accrueing all of the rights and obligations accorded to someone in such a position. "Non-Player" is any registered forum account that is not listed as a "Player" in the first page of this game.
b) Non-Players may make proposals to the Moderator, who will then post these proposals when the Voting Phase begins. "Non-Players" each have one Proposal Vote to be used specifically to decide which Proposal they wish to put forward. In the case of a tie, the Moderator will pick the winner. The winning proposal will be unveiled when the next player Proposal is entered, and it will run side by side with the player proposal, with both being voted on. If no proposals are put forward, then no Non-Player proposal will run alongside the Player proposal. Also, when the voting phase is completed, all proposals are taken off the board and must be resubmitted if still wanted. In any round where a second proposal is in effect, all eligable voters receive one additional vote that they may use as they wish. This vote counts as one vote for both voting weight and scoring purposes. Additional votes gained by other laws may be attached to this vote, but if so, as considered to count only as added weight, and will not count as additional votes for scoring purposes.
c) Non-Player Proposals will start at 401 and are bound by all of the rules and laws which effect Player proposals. As well, the person whose proposal is picked will gain Mobb Points equal to their proposal number minus 391, multiplied by the percentage of votes in favour of their proposal with -1 Mobb Point for each vote against. Due to the group nature of the Commons, any Non-Player who votes against the winning proposal will gain 3 Mobb Points, while any Non-Player who votes for the winning Proposal will gain 10% of the Mobb Points gained by the person who made the winning proposal.
d) Non-Players may win the game in the following manner. In all of these cases, X equals the number of points needed for a player to win the game. Any individial member of the Commons may win by accumulating X Mobb Points. A victory in this matter grants victory to the Player with the most points, and causes everyone else to lose. However, the Mobb may also win by collectively accumulating (.8X * 10) Mobb Points, in which case every Player loses, as well as the three Commons members closest to X, but everyone else with Mobb Points wins.
e) For purposes of unanimous votes, the Non-Players shall count only as a single Commons vote, to be decided by the outcome of their majority vote. In this matter, a tie shall count as an abstention.
Only changes are at the end of a) for definition of Player and Non-Player, and at the beginning of b) in order to remove the separate topic and refine the mechanism for giving the Mobb their proposal.