Rule 319- Each player may pick a non-player partner. That partner gets control over one of the player's votes. The partner's vote is counted towards the player vote total. The player has the option of changing partners at the beginning of every turn, but cannot choose another partner for two turns after that. Any unused votes by the non-player will be credited towards the player's accrued votes. One may choose to cease having a partner at the cost of five points.
1) An eligible non-player partner is one that has voted in the mob in a turn previous to the player's choosing them as their partner.
2) If the non-player does not vote for four consecutive turns, the player is penalized twenty points.
3) If the player retains the same partner for four consecutive turns, he gains twenty points.
4) Non-players chosen as partners retain their Mob vote.
In this iteration, it's no longer manditory, the players can gain points for having a partner, and I modified the times around a bit. Two turns to change partners. Also, clarified where the partner's vote would go. If you want to risk a mob having control over one of your votes, you can get some points out of it. The direction of their vote doesn't matter towards that.
So say you choose to have a partner, and they continually vote contrary to you. Do you want to keep them on to get that twenty points, or would that harm your plans further down the line? Not having one gives you control over your votes, but closes off a way to gain points.
As for the mob, my thought was that the mob wouldn't really want to give up that extra vote, which would keep them from outright screwing with everything, though maybe it wouldn't.