So, all the discussion of tropetastic RPGs has led me to realize: would there be others in the DL who would like to take part in a contest to write a plot outline and such for the most generic RPG ever? There will be no reward, but just like in Rocky 1, the competition is all you require. Am I the only one who thinks this would be a magnificent read?
Some basic rules:
1) Keep it short. We don't want to read anything longer than a normal Meep rant (which is to say, shorter than his long rants where he devotes a paragraph to the way he levelled each character in Fire Emblem).
2) Characters, Setting, Plot Events. Cover these three things. Make them tropetastic.
3) Being clever in your writing is a good thing. "And then Cloud was like Squall I'm gay for you but Squall just wanted to eat hot dogs but then Zell was mad lol" is not clever.
4) Don't mention a fucking battle system. The goal is to write a tropetastic game, so all games have the most generic battle system I can think of: turn-based, coat rack characters. Think Wild Arms 3.
What say you?