Author Topic: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7  (Read 2864 times)


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List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« on: November 04, 2008, 08:39:26 AM »

1. Zophar (15.53)
2. Hortensia (13.13)
3. False Althena (12.67)
4. Heat (12.38)


5. Ryu 4 (11.4)
6. Royce (10.42)
7. Terra (10)
8. Lavos (9.27)


9. Rhapthorne (8.27)
10. Zenon (6.8)
11. X (5.67)
12. Endora (5.2)
13. Arc (4.82)
14. Raquel (3.5)
15. Albedo (3.18)
16. Kurando (1.93)



1. Deamoned (15.1)
2. Dehuai (12)
3. Wugui (11.94)
4. Daos  (10.63)


5. Marcello (10.47)
6. Sync (10.24)
7. Ash (9.25)
8. Sharon (9)


9. Carlie (7.82)
10. Berserk (7.47)
11. Ho-Oh (7.47)
12. Barbarossa (6.8)
13. Zelos (5)
14. Freyjadour (4.54)
15. Bruiser (3.8)
16. Lawfer (1.94)


1.Kazan (14.44)
2.Robo (11.93)
3.Jill (11.07)
4.Valeria (11)


5.Gruga (10.6)
6.Kresnik (10.33)
7.Lilly (8)
8.Vesper (7.92)


9.Lance (7.9)
10.Brad (7.78)
11.Guy (7.6)
12.Albert (7)
13.Fred (6.92)
14.Tear (5.21)
15.Dalton (4.08)
16.Gryz (3.94)



1. Porom (13.31)
2. Shana (11.92)
3. Tellah (11)
4. Kahn (10.71)


5. Cinnamon (9.1)
6. Roger (8.93)
7. Orcha (8.6)
8. Soren (8.46)


9. Futch (7.5)
10. Yukimaru (6.75)
11. Serph (6.45)
12. Mint (6)
13. 1Melville (5.57)
14. Tim (4.91)
15. Steena (4.33)
16. Labyrintha (2.67)


Sephiroth (FF7)
Xorn (G3)
Loki (VP1)
Guv (DQ8)
Shania (SH3)
Ryu (BoF2)
Chaos (FF1)
Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
Weisheit (WA:XF)
Ellen (Pers)
Teepo (BoF3)
Zog (BoF1)
Lugia (PKMN)
Johnny (SH3)
Odd Eye (SF2)
Persephone (WA5)


Lloyd (LoD)
Reid Herschel (ToE)
T260G (Saga)
Jowy (S2)
Clarissa (WA:XF)
Serge (CC)
Zerase (S5)
Mithos (ToS)
Sage (Dragon Warrior/Quest 3)
Alena (DQ4)
Belcoot (S5)
Shadow (FF6)
Millenia (G2)
Augustine (S3)
Momo (BoF3)
Antenora (WA2)


Sania (AtLC)
Rudy (WA1)
Lin (BoF5)
Dart (FE7)
Gerik (FE8)
Nina (BoF5)
Margarete (SH1)
Mathias (S5)
Paine (FFX-2)
Alma (FFT)
Golbez (FF4DS only)
Mizuki (S4)
Seraphita (XG)
Sceptile (PKMN)
Ivan (GS)
Adell (Dis2)


Zoah (CC)
Gogen (AtLC)
Peco (BoF3)
Tao (SF1)
Algus (FFT)
Vincent (S2)
Viking (FF3)
Regigigas (PKMN)
Alonso (G3)
Anna (PS2)
Zegai (S5)
Jane (ACF)
Galleon (S5)
Draggy (CC)
Colette (ToS)
Kahn (S2)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 10:05:57 AM »
1 Seph. HP is PCish, but the speed, two types of damage, short range spoiling, and lots of status tricks add up.
2 Xorn. Better HP and speed than Seph, but more 1-D and with worse damage.
3 Persephone. Non-Typed Overkill that isn’t too slow off solid HP (Unless facing that Ice/Water weakness!)
4 Guv. CT is nasty and such.
5 Ellen. Dual spoiling off good speed.
6 Loki. OHKO damage and laughs at physicals
7 Shania. Less of an OHKO, but that evil buffing and draining and stock works well.
8 Lugia. Smashy, but spoilable.
9 Odd Eye
10 Lambda
11 Chaos. DoS gut check here.
12 Ryu 2. Solid smashing damage, but a tad slow to me.
13 Johnny. Damage is just not nearly as solid compared to Ryu 2, although with recharge times, it may be around that.
14 Zog. Gutting here. HP is solid, damage isn’t bad (But not good in the division either!), but it’s also spoilable, and he’s pretty sluggish.
15 Teepo

1 Nina 5. Fast turn 1 ID with awesome equips.
2 Mathias. S5 equips+a Cyclone Rune work damn well.
3 Mizuki. Fast, evasive, near 2HKO that is also ITE, and her HP, Def, and MDef are all more solid than I would have guessed.
4 Lin. Nina 5 who is slower and has turn 2 ID instead! However, better in a slugfest, and has a few other minor utility statuses. Still a very losing trade.
5 Dart. Well, he’d hate facing all the statusers in this field, but he’s still a borderline doubler with a 2HKO. Just…hmm, maybe should be lower thanks to status woes.
6 Sania. Nice assortment of statuses which can lock down really well.
7 Adell. HP+Evasion+2HKO. Being mostly Fire, and needing to drop some of that damage to get the full evasion+Being healer bait doesn’t help overall though.
8 Alma. Well, no equip changing hurts her a lot, but has a 2HKO and still has a nasty buff.
9 Margarete. One evil status is nice, but still blockable.
10 Paine. A bit unsure on the duration of the buff effects, but my gut is three turns. Which is good, because she needs 5 turns to kill, I believe. However, also feels like a lot of people can take her out before then (Even physical fighters if they have healing or they can just evade a lot too!)
11 Sceptile. Those elemental weaknesses are painful.
12 Gerik. Meh
13 Ivan. Well, he does have a lot of statuses. However, my gut reaction is that none of them are horribly great, none are near killer, and his durability is kind of bad and his damage is kind of spoilable. Just feels very average Middlish.
14 Rudy. Uh…The difference between him and Zoah isn’t all that big.
15 Seraphita. Slow and sorry, probably no HP respect for you either. She can spoil…SF elemental mages, because I think even Nelis may just outslug her.

1 Alonso. Borderline Heavy
2 Peco. Sleep+Poison+Regen=Odd Outlasting Strategy that I think most deserving Lights have issues with.
3 Galleon. Just…very tanky. Nearly halves average physicals and great at shutting down magic.
4 Vincent. Unsure here. Stats aren’t good, but 4 shots of full healing+some MDef and Evasion+Magic Reflecting for a few turns adds up, I guess? This crop of Lights are quite bad compared to last week.
5 Anri. I guess? 2HKOs Light pretty well, rarely in danger of the OHKO, really fast even only taking half SD respect here. Fire res makes her hurt badly, but it feels like she puts a lot of sting on the rest of Light.
6 Zegai. Yeah.
7 Collete. Average speed+spoils elements
8 Zoah. Better damage than Collette, but worse equips
9 Anna. Well, good at healer busting! Somewhat averagish overall otherwise.
10 Draggy. Wishes that speed started kicking in earlier.
11Kahn. 4 shots of healing can go far. One…is nowhere as helpful.
12 Algus. Whatever. Auto-Potion or something? Gut reaction.
13 Gogen. Slow 3HKO with bad PDur.
14 Jane. Sorry, the 10HKO thing doesn’t work so well.

These Lights really sucked compared to last week.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 07:48:45 PM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 01:18:19 PM »
1. Xorn
2. Sephiroth
3. Ellen
4. Shania
5. Chaos
6. Johnny
..Dear god...*drop*
7. Odd Eye
8. Teepo
9. Ryu
10. Lambda
11. Zog
12. Loki
13. Guv


1. Sage (See Trashcan, but think the durability trumps skillset here. EDIT: Dear god, I forgot about the damage. Sage wins.)
2. T260G (Trashcan is good at too much.)
3. Belcoot (SMASH)
4. Lloyd (Just a damn solid boss)
5. Jowy (I donno exactly how I scale him, but he ends up around here either way.)
6. Millenia (OHKO or die)
7. Clarissa
8. Alena (Physical game's just dominating.)
9. Shadow
10. Serge (Raw damage.)
11. Zerase (Pdef holds her back a little, still pretty good.)
12. Reid (Not quite as good as Serge.)
13. Augustine (Very solid 2HKO off good enough speed.)
14. Momo
15. Antenora (Brutal field.)

Edit: Play DW3 Dhyer. I'll trade you a playthrough of another game if you want.

1. Adell- Solid all around fighter.
2. Mathias- Missing something (damage? Overall durability?) that would make him a top tier middle. Still good.
3. Sania- Status.
4. Alma- She's wallable but it takes a pretty decent healer to do so.
5. Nina- Not much damage respect for either BoF5 PC, they live and die on status.
6. Lin
7. Dart- Needs to be faster in a really bad way. Also auto loses to most status.
8. Margarete- ID.
9. Mizuki- Don't think she puts enough pressure on status fighters in Middle to really dominate. Decent though.
10. Rudy- Damage isn't good enough.
11. Gerik- Feels utterly average.
12. Paine- Seems very middling.
13. Ivan- Ivan's still an okay middle. Deserved to beat Jade though!
14. Seraphita- HP? What HP?

1. Algus- Sure, why not bite on DKArgath hype.
2. Zegai- Pretty good in spite of the speed.
3. Vincent- Needs more offense though.
4. Galleon- List is entirely knee jerk after this point.
5. Anna
6. Draggy
7. Zoah
8. Peco
9. Kahn
10. Alonso
11. Gogen
12. Tao- SF1r mage.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 03:57:10 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 10:08:17 PM »

1) Xorn (G3)
2) Guv (DQ8)
3) Sephiroth (FF7)
4) Chaos (FF1)
5) Shania (SH3)
6) Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
7) Loki (VP1)
8) Ryu (BoF2)
9) Lugia (PKMN)
10) Johnny (SH3)
11) Teepo (BoF3)
12) Zog (BoF1)


1) T260G (Saga)
2) Jowy (S2)
3) Serge (CC)
4) Mithos (ToS)
5) Zerase (S5)
6) Shadow (FF6)
7) Alena (DQ4)
8) Belcoot (S5)
9) Millenia (G2)
10) Augustine (S3)
11) Momo (BoF3)


1) Alma (FFT)
2) Nina (BoF5)
3) Lin (BoF5)
4) Dart (FE7)
5) Rudy (WA1)
6) Sceptile (PKMN)
7) Gerik (FE8)
8) Sania (AtLC)
9) Mathias (S5)
10) Margarete (SH1)
11) Adell (Dis2)
12) Paine (FFX-2)
13) Seraphita (XG)


1) Peco (BoF3)
2) Alonso (G3)
3) Draggy (CC)
4) Zoah (CC)
5) Zegai (S5)
6) Colette (ToS)
7) Galleon (S5)
8) Tao (SF1)
9) Vincent (S2)
10) Regigigas (PKMN)
11) Kahn (S2)
12) Gogen (AtLC)
13) Algus (FFT)


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 01:28:20 AM »


1) Xorn (G3) - Speed, a few tricks, lots of damage and durability.
2) Sephiroth (FF7) - Less durable and fast than the above, though more special tricks.
3) Loki (VP1) - Much less speed, but freakish physical durability and great damage...though a bit random.
4) Teepo (BoF3) - See above, but no freakish physical durability, and the damage isn't super cool.
5) Chaos (FF1) - Excellent with full healing, but...status vulnerable.
6) Lambda Zellweger (WA4) - Fast and evasive!  And frail if hit, with weakish damage.
7) Odd Eye (SF2) - Possibly better than Lambda.  Deals better damage with better durability and still good speed.
8) Persephone (WA5) - Bleh.  Not as good as you'd expect.  Still strong with overkill.
9) Weisheit (WA:XF) - Frail as hell, but makes up for it with the damage a bit.
10) Zog (BoF1) - Slow as sin and hates magic...but is decently durable.
11) Ellen (Pers) - Physiwall and magic reflect are nice...could very well be higher.
12) Shania (SH3) - Yuri-, but good otherwise.
13) Guv (DQ8) - Summons!
14) Lugia (PKMN) - Pokemon!
15) Johnny (SH3) - Faster than Ryu.
16) Ryu (BoF2) - Slower than Johnny.


1) Reid Herschel (ToE) - MF6 form of broken.
2) Mithos (ToS) - MF6 form is good...but the original form is also pretty nice.  Good all around.
3) Antenora (WA2) - Eh...durability and craptastic status with ok damage, I guess?
4) Millenia (G2) - SBE!
5) Sage (Dragon Warrior/Quest 3) - Overall balanced.
6) Momo (BoF3) - See above.
7) T260G (Saga) - Eh, SaGa.  Morphing power works.
8) Shadow (FF6) - Invisibility!  Damage and speed and evasion and cool stuff.
9) Alena (DQ4) - Speed, durability, damage. 
10) Serge (CC) - Regen helps, as do the elements.  Might be better than this.
11) Jowy (S2) - Eh, damage.  And good stats.
12) Lloyd (LoD) - IGRC is effectively negative. 
13) Augustine (S3) - Red Rose!
14) Zerase (S5) - Eh.
15) Belcoot (S5) - Is...something.
16) Clarissa (WA:XF) - Hates converting to Turn-based.


1) Golbez (FF4) - Mmm...never sure what I view him as, but...not bad.  Boss durability helps.
2) Paine (FFX-2) - Might actually be top here.  Go Full Throttle.
3) Ivan (GS) - Status and speed are excellent.  Paralysis, sleep, etc.  Build-up to a summon, smite.
4) Sania (AtLC) - Mix of tricks is nice.
5) Rudy (WA1) - Uh...seems a lot better than the rest?
6) Lin (BoF5) - Slow, but ID and damage.
7) Nina (BoF5) - Frailer, but fast, with...ID and weak damage.  Either work here.
8) Seraphita (XG) - Weak for a boss,
9) Adell (Dis2) - FIRE DAMAGE?! 
10) Mathias (S5) - Wind?
11) Margarete (SH1) - Water!
12) Sceptile (PKMN) - Earth!
13) Mizuki (S4) - Heart?
14) Gerik (FE8) - Is Captain Planet.
15) Dart (FE7) - Is a butt pirate.
16) Alma (FFT) - Sucks ass.


1) Peco (BoF3) - Light is really sucky.  Pecos' the best with regen and some weak status.
2) Alonso (G3) - LANCER SMASH.
3) Vincent (S2) - ...healing and Storm Warning.
4) Gogen (AtLC) - Sleep, other stuff.
5) Tao (SF1) - Fast damage?
6) Colette (ToS) - Uh...damage.
7) Kahn (S2) - they start sucking.
8) Zoah (CC) - DEF boosting?
9) Anna (PS2) - ...FANBI!?
10) Jane (ACF) - Speed and evasion.
11) Galleon (S5) - Something.
12) Viking (FF3) - Something less.
13) Draggy (CC) - Something lesser.
14) Regigigas (PKMN) - SUCK.
16) Algus (FFT) - SUCKIER.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 12:52:02 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 02:47:56 AM »
1. Persephone (WA5)
2. Chaos (FF1)
3. Sephiroth (FF7)
4. Shania (SH3)
5. Loki (VP1)
6. Guv (DQ8)
7. Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
8. Zog (BoF1)
9. Odd Eye (SF2)
10. Teepo (BoF3)
11. Lugia (PKMN)
12. Ryu (BoF2)
13. Johnny (SH3)

1. Jowy (S2)
2. Millenia (G2)
3. T260G (Saga)
4. Mithos (ToS)
5. Serge (CC)
6. Alena (DQ4)
7. Belcoot (S5)
8. Momo (BoF3)
9. Antenora (WA2)
10. Shadow (FF6)
11. Zerase (S5)
12. Augustine (S3)

1. Rudy (WA1)
2. Adell (Dis2)
3. Nina (BoF5)
4. Lin (BoF5)
5. Gerik (FE8)
6. Margarete (SH1)
7. Alma (FFT)
8. Mathias (S5)
9. Dart (FE7)
10. Mizuki (S4)
11. Seraphita (XG)

1. Colette (ToS)
2. Zoah (CC)
3. Vincent (S2)
4. Tao (SF1)
5. Kahn (S2)
6. Galleon (S5)
7. Peco (BoF3)
8. Zegai (S5)
9. Anna (PS2)
10. Draggy (CC)
11. Jane (ACF)
12. Algus (FFT)

EDIT: Changed Godlike a bit.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 01:41:53 AM by Lance »

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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 05:38:39 AM »

1. Sephiroth (FF7)
2. Loki (VP1)
3. Xorn (G3): I think the physical reliance hurts him a little. The top three all are just broken, though.
4. Shania (SH3)
5. Persephone (WA5)
6. Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
7. Weisheit (WA:XF)
8. Guv (DQ8)
9. Lugia (PKMN)
10. Chaos (FF1)
11. Johnny (SH3): Bit better than Ryu2 due to statusblockers? Speed also helps, though less damage/durability.
12. Ryu (BoF2)
13. Odd Eye (SF2)
14. Zog (BoF1)
15. Teepo (BoF3)


1. Lloyd (LoD)
2. Jowy (S2)
3. Millenia (G2)
4. Clarissa (WA:XF)
5. Shadow (FF6)
6. Alena (DQ4)
7. Zerase (S5)
8. Serge (CC)
9. Momo (BoF3)
10. Belcoot (S5)
11. Augustine (S3)
12. Antenora (WA2)

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2008, 03:47:24 PM »

1. Sephiroth (FF7)
2. Loki (VP1)
3. Shania (SH3)
4. Guv (DQ8)
5. Chaos (FF1)
6. Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
7. Lugia (PKMN)
8. Johnny (SH3)
9. Ryu (BoF2)
10. Zog (BoF1)
11. Odd Eye (SF2)
12. Teepo (BoF3)


1. Lloyd (LoD)
2. T260G (Saga)
3. Jowy (S2)
4. Millenia (G2)
5. Shadow (FF6)
6. Alena (DQ4)
7. Zerase (S5)
8. Serge (CC)
9. Momo (BoF3)
10. Augustine (S3)
11. Antenora (WA2)
12. Belcoot (S5)


1. Alma (FFT)
2. Mathias (S5)
3. Mizuki (S4)
4. Sceptile (PKMN)
5. Gerik (FE8)
6. Rudy (WA1)
7. Dart (FE7)
8. Sania (AtLC)
9. Margarete (SH1)
10. Seraphita (XG)


1. Tao (SF1) (Light fails at life this week)
2. Peco (BoF3)
3. Draggy (CC)
4. Galleon (S5)
5. Zoah (CC)
6. Anna (PS2)
7. Kahn (S2)
8. Jane (ACF)
9. Zegai (S5)
10. Viking (FF3)
11. Vincent (S2)
12. Gogen (AtLC)
13. Algus (FFT)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 05:36:34 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 05:51:40 PM »

1. Margarete (SH1)
2. Gerik (FE8)
3. Dart (FE7)
4. Ivan (GS)
5. Paine (FFX-2)
6. Adell (Dis2)
7. Rudy (WA1)
8. Alma (FFT)
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 09:08:54 PM »

1. Golbez (FF4DS only)
2. Seraphita (XG)
3. Rudy (WA1)
4. Gerik (FE8)
5. Sceptile (PKMN)
6. Dart (FE7)
7. Alma (FFT)
8. Ivan (GS)


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2008, 02:02:50 AM »

1.Xorn (G3)
2.Sephiroth (FF7)
3.Loki (VP1)
4.Persephone (WA5)
5.Weisheit (WA:XF)
6.Chaos (FF1)
7.Guv (DQ8)
8.Shania (SH3)
9.Ryu (BoF2)
10.Johnny (SH3)
11.Lugia (PKMN)
12.Teepo (BoF3)
13.Zog (BoF1)


1.T260G (Saga)
2.Millenia (G2)
3.Alena (DQ4)
4.Zerase (S5)
5.Clarissa (WA:XF)
6.Mithos (ToS)
7.Momo (BoF3)
8.Serge (CC)
9.Belcoot (S5)
10.Shadow (FF6)
11.Antenora (WA2)


1.Nina (BoF5)
2.Rudy (WA1)
3.Margarete (SH1)
4.Lin (BoF5)
5.Dart (FE7)
6.Gerik (FE8)
7.Sceptile (PKMN)
8.Sania (AtLC)
9.Ivan (GS)
10.Golbez (FF4DS only)
12.Paine (FFX-2)
12.Alma (FFT)


1.Peco (BoF3)
2.Zoah (CC)
3.Gogen (AtLC)
4.Draggy (CC)
5.Colette (ToS)
6.Alonso (G3)
7.Jane (ACF)
8.Viking (FF3)
9.Regigigas (PKMN)
10.Algus (FFT)


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2008, 12:38:31 AM »

1. Xorn (G3)
2. Sephiroth (FF7)
3. Loki (VP1)
4. Shania (SH3)
5. Guv (DQ8)
6. Chaos (FF1)
7. Zog (BoF1)
8. Ellen (Pers)
9. Ryu (BoF2)
10. Lugia (PKMN)
11. Johnny (SH3)
12. Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
13. Teepo (BoF3)
14. Odd Eye (SF2)


1. Sage (Dragon Warrior/Quest 3)
2. T260G (Saga)
3. Zerase (S5)
4. Jowy (S2)
5. Lloyd (LoD)
6. Alena (DQ4)
7. Mithos (ToS)
8. Shadow (FF6)
9. Millenia (G2)
10. Momo (BoF3)
11. Serge (CC)
12. Augustine (S3)
13. Belcoot (S5)
14. Reid Herschel (ToE)
15. Antenora (WA2)


1. Mathias (S5)
2. Sceptile (PKMN)
3. Golbez (FF4DS only)
4. Nina (BoF5)
5. Rudy (WA1)
6. Alma (FFT)
7. Lin (BoF5)
8. Mizuki (S4)
9. Margarete (SH1)
10. Paine (FFX-2)
11. Sania (AtLC)
12. Gerik (FE8)
13. Ivan (GS)
14. Dart (FE7)
15. Seraphita (XG)


1. Draggy (CC)
2. Alonso (G3)
3. Zoah (CC)
4. Vincent (S2)
5. Tao (SF1)
6. Viking (FF3)
7. Galleon (S5)
8. Peco (BoF3)
9. Regigigas (PKMN)
10. Anna (PS2)
11. Zegai (S5)
12. Jane (ACF)
13. Algus (FFT)
14. Colette (ToS)
15. Kahn (S2)
16. Gogen (AtLC)
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2008, 01:26:47 AM »

1. Xorn (G3)
2. Sephiroth (FF7)
3. Loki (VP1)
4. Guv (DQ8)
5. Persephone (WA5)
6. Odd Eye (SF2)
7. Shania (SH3)
8. Lugia (PKMN)
9. Ellen (Pers)
10. Ryu (BoF2)
11. Johnny (SH3)
12. Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
13. Chaos (FF1)
14. Zog (BoF1)
15. Teepo (BoF3)


1. T260G (Saga)
2. Jowy (S2)
3. Lloyd (LoD)
4. Zerase (S5)
5. Alena (DQ4)
6. Sage (Dragon Warrior/Quest 3)
7. Mithos (ToS)
8. Shadow (FF6)
9. Serge (CC)
10. Millenia (G2)
11. Belcoot (S5)
12. Augustine (S3)
13. Momo (BoF3)
14. Reid Herschel (ToE)
15. Antenora (WA2)


1. Rudy (WA1)
2. Alma (FFT)
3. Lin (BoF5)
4. Golbez (FF4DS only)
5. Sceptile (PKMN)
6. Ivan (GS)
7. Nina (BoF5)
8. Gerik (FE8)
9. Mizuki (S4)
10. Paine (FFX-2)
11. Sania (AtLC)
12. Adell (Dis2)
13. Dart (FE7)
14. Margarete (SH1)
15. Seraphita (XG)


1. Peco (BoF3)
2. Galleon (S5)
3. Viking (FF3)
4. Vincent (S2)
5. Zoah (CC)
6. Jane (ACF)
7. Anna (PS2)
8. Alonso (G3)
9. Kahn (S2)
10. Colette (ToS)
11. Gogen (AtLC)
12. Tao (SF1)
13. Zegai (S5)
14. Regigigas (PKMN)
15. Draggy (CC)
16. Algus (FFT)

Note that yes, I do officially hate myself after Light
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2008, 05:53:39 PM »

1. Sephy
2. Xorn
3. Lugia
4. Loki
5. Chaos
6. Teepo
7. Ellen
8. Zog
9. Ryu 2
10. Guv (can you tell me no allow call team)


1. T260-G
2. Mithos
3. Millenia
4. Jowy
5. Momo
6. Sage
7. Alena
8. Shadow
9. Zerase
10. Augustine
11. Reid
12. Serge
13. Belcoot


1. Golbez (DS form is a heavy)
2. Rudy (also is a heavy)
3. Mathias
4. Mizuki
5. Adell
6. Sceptile
7. Gerik
8. Paine
9. Sania
10. Ivan
11. Dart (too low def)
12. Alma
13. Seraphita


1. Zoah (boss form is middle)
2. Collette (is a middle)
3. Regigigas (likes my pokemon scaling system. should have slaughterd NR Light)
4. Peco
5. Jane
6. Vincent
7. Galleon
8. Gogen
9. Zegai
10. Draggy
11. Alonso
12. Anna
13. Kahn
14. Viking (remake version by the way)
15. Algus
16. Tao (remake version again)

wow for once I could vote on ALL 16.


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2008, 01:28:03 AM »

1. Xorn (G3)
2. Sephiroth (FF7)
3. Loki (VP1)
4. Guv (DQ8)
5. Persephone (WA5)
6. Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
7. Weisheit (WA:XF)
8. Shania (SH3)
9. Chaos (FF1)
10. Johnny (SH3)
11. Ryu (BoF2)
12. Lugia (PKMN)
13. Zog (BoF1)
14. Teepo (BoF3)
15. Ellen (Pers)


1. Lloyd (LoD)
2. T260G (Saga)
3. Mithos (ToS)
4. Millenia (G2)
5. Jowy (S2)
6. Alena (DQ4)
7. Shadow (FF6)
8. Zerase (S5)
9. Serge (CC)
10. Belcoot (S5)
11. Clarissa (WA:XF)
12. Momo (BoF3)
13. Antenora (WA2)
14. Augustine (S3)
15. Reid Herschel (ToE)


1. Alma (FFT)
2. Dart (FE7)
3. Paine (FFX-2)
4. Rudy (WA1)
5. Nina (BoF5)
6. Mathias (S5)
7. Sceptile (PKMN)
8. Adell (Dis2)
9. Mizuki (S4)
10. Ivan (GS)
11. Seraphita (XG)
12. Margarete (SH1)
13. Lin (BoF5)
14. Gerik (FE8)


1. Jane (ACF)
2. Alonso (G3)
3. Zoah (CC)
4. Kahn (S2)
5. Peco (BoF3)
6. Regigigas (PKMN)
7. Zegai (S5)
8. Galleon (S5)
9. Vincent (S2)
10. Viking (FF3)
11. Draggy (CC)
12. Colette (ToS)
13. Algus (FFT)
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2008, 10:12:32 PM »
Due to an impending school/work/DL crunch, list is on pause till december. Thanks for everyone's patience. (PS it's still open for voting you slackers, so vote/finish your pools for this round)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2008, 10:47:48 PM »
1. Xorn (G3)
2. Sephiroth (FF7)
3. Loki (VP1)
4. Persephone (WA5)
5. Lambda Zellweger (WA4)
6. Weisheit (WA:XF)
7. Lugia (PKMN)

Holy shit. Top 3 are really close. Bottom 3 are really close. As for the placements...Seph and Xorn, difference to me seems to lie in durability. Both pack enough offense and speed to level things off quickly, but Xorn has more lasting power. That seals it for me. I do agree he may be physically reliant, but the durability edge I think strips that out by a hair. Loki is below the two due to average speed interp. He still packs a nasty punch though, and is decent enough out of the gate.

Persephone's the oddball in that she's the standard godlike admist the field of highs and lows. Quicken leads to a set up of dealing 9000 WA5 damage; close enough to 3x PCHP damage at the time? It's a frightening package. The other three are lowish godlikes. Lambda beats Weish for being a funny spoiler but still competent enough to pull his weight. Weish has a problem where despite having awesome speed, the two turn charge means he's really only average speed to pull out killer damage. Killer damage is nice; average speed? Not so much. Persephone wins this easily as hers is half charge. Lugia's decent, but doesn't pack the level of offense anybody else has here and it shows that even in godlike (as scene from this pool), he can get overwhelmed.

1. Millenia (G2)
2. Shadow (FF6)
3. Clarissa (WA:XF)
4. Zerase (S5)
5. Serge (CC)
6. Belcoot (S5)

Millenia is pretty much OHKO or die a painful death. Shadow and Clarissa have their own tricks; except Clarissa's feels easier to spoil. Zerase beats Serge thanks to S5 equips, but Serge beats Belcoot in terms of damage. This is all gut shot.

1. Alma (FFT)
2. Mathias (S5)
3. Sceptile (PKMN)
4. Rudy (WA1)
5. Gerik (FE8)
6. Margarete (SH1)
7. Ivan (GS)
8. Dart (FE7)
9. Seraphita (XG)

Final Alma and Mathias' Cyclone rune leads to fun high middle times. Sceptile's up there too; weaknesses hold him back I think. Think Rudy's damage is enough to beat Gerik, who is otherwise solid in all forms (just not outstanding). Margarete has ID (and I can't remember anything else about her), but that's enough to beat Ivan's other plethora of status. Ivan's status lets him beat the very one dimensional and magically frail Dart, who beats Seraphita due to having actual HP.

1. Galleon (S5)
2. Zoah (CC)
3. Alonso (G3)
4. Jane (ACF)
5. Zegai (S5)
6. Draggy (CC)
7. Regigigas (PKMN)
8. Algus (FFT)

Good god, light does fail.  I blame Super. Anyways, I think S5 equips trump Zoah (that and Galleon doesn't have weakness at least). Alonso, never really sure where to treat him (on top of SP issues). I think he fits here? And then...and then...;_;

Jane, Zegai and Draggy beat the rest of the scrubs at least. These three can go up/down. Think Jane's speed and evade out-trump the other two though.

Regigigas is Regigigas. Which is to say 5 turns of doing not much. And THEN if you're still alive for whatever reason (you either have to suck a lot or would have killed him by then), does he ever get competent. BUT...this still beats standard FFT Algus (ZOMBIE ALGUS hype Super? I never! Actually, this would make him easily top). Whoo 30% Auto Potion to recover 20% of his MHP, while dealing crappy damage. BUT HE HAS BREAKS AND CAN BLIND STUFF ._.

EDIT: Oh wait, he can't even break stuff. This wins. Go you Algus. Insert 15%-20% Blind chance hype here.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 10:51:43 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2008, 10:49:44 PM »
Boss Algus doesn't have breaks. He be screwed in every single regard.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2009, 04:30:49 PM »
Want to get back on this, so yeah. Need more votes/finish your pools!
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic reborn: Round 1 Week 7
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2009, 10:07:28 PM »
Time for more inconsequential voting then!


1. Sephiroth (FF7)
2. Persephone (WA5)
3. Chaos (FF1)
4. Lugia (PKMN)

Sephiroth is full of win and fun tricks. Persephone gets off her awesome overkill pretty quickly, which trumps Chaos who needs a buff just to threaten healers. Chaos is, though, a much better tank than Lugia, with better damage post-buff.


1. Mithos (ToS)
2. Sage (Dragon Warrior/Quest 3)
3. Shadow (FF6)
4. Augustine (S3)

Blah blah I have highish Tales boss durability respect, accuracy respect for casters, and lots of confidence in Retribution to muck things up. Sage is super versatile, Shadow is a nasty spoiler with speed and damage, and Augustine... well, he has damage and some evasion.


1. Alma (FFT)
2. Rudy (WA1)
3. Dart (FE7)
4. Ivan (GS)
5. Margarete (SH1)
6. Sceptile (PKMN)
7. Gerik (FE8)

Oh hey, I got seven votes in a division. Close division too. Alma is weird and stuff, Rudy tanks and has good enough damage. Dart... well, the HP is high, and two attacks = win. Status bait, but accurate status kills a lot of Middles. Ivan can get a full-powered summon without much trouble (would beat Dart I think), Margarete has ID. Both lose to bosses. Sceptile is fast with okay damage, but the weaknesses hurt too much. Gerik is underwhelming, but still a solid middle.


1. Colette (ToS)
2. Regigigas (PKMN)
3. Algus (FFT)

Lol. Borderline middle and two scrubs. At least Regigigas has durability. And... Confuse Ray?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 10:26:05 PM by Ultradude »
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.