Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36  (Read 14016 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« on: November 06, 2008, 05:47:34 PM »

We'll just have to put someone on pause for the time being. Ah well, it gives us a chance to see new

blood, hm...?

Team Miasmacloud versus Floor 4
Team Magic versus Floor 2


Team Miasmacloud's Matches

Floor 5b: Something Completely Different (After Midgame)

Hoh... you want to try something else? Fine, then. Let's see how you like this.

Battle #21: Lich Warren

Warren: I have found the power of the undead and now... I shall show it to you.

Battle #22: FFT Cloud and LW Argath

Cloud: Uh... this is weird... Either way, I'll defeat you all.
Balthier: I get the feeling this shouldn't be... but that's okay. I'll show you how the main hero should act.

Battle #23: VP2 Brahms, VP2 Hrist and VP2 Lenneth

Hrist: Hah... you foolish mortals, I will show you the divine power of the Valkyries.
Brahms: As much as I loathe to fight on your side... just this once!

Battle #24: Lufia 3 Gades

Gades: Now you shall face TRUE DESTRUCTION!

Boss Battle #5: Narshe Kefka

Kefka: Hahahaha! You cannot even possibly HOPE to defeat me!

Team Magic Fanatic's Matches

Floor 3b: Multiples (Before Midgame)

So you want to try multiple foes? Let's see how you like this, then!

*All ST is MT for this floor. ALL of it.

Battle #11: Eirika

Eirika: I will not give up... not for any reason!

Battle #12: FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk

FFT Priest: Regenerator!
FFT Wizard: Counter Spell!
FFT Time Mage: ...Quick!!
FFT Monk: Chakra!!

Battle #13: Hellion and Luc

Hellion: We must not allow you to pass.
Luc: Hmph, this isn't even worth my time.

Battle #14: Lilka, Yulie and Emma

Lilka: I'm sorry, but you won't pass us.
Yulie: That's correct...
Emma: Hah! Let's go!

Boss Battle #3: Alma, Ramza and Zalbag

Alma: Brothers... Let us fight.
Ramza: Of course, Alma!!
Zalbag: We won't let them defeat us.

Team Lady Ashe's Matches

Floor 1: An Introduction (The Beginning)

Ah, a new challenger... Well, I've decided to change things a bit since the last time you were here.

Let's see what you can accomplish this time.

Battle #1: Rufus and Reno

Rufus: Reno, dispose of them.
Reno: Uh... sure, I guess.

Battle #2: Shuckle, Fred and Cecil

Cecil: Let us have an honorable battle.
Fred: For the Maximillian Knights!!

Battle #3: Alice and FFT Priest

Alice: Ah, Yuri... where are you?
Priest: Cure... power!

Battle #4: Solt, Peppor, Alenia, Zahhak and Miluda

Solt: Let's shake things up!
Peppor: I'll grind you to dust!
Alenia: Wh... why are we here with them...?
Zahhak: ...
Miluda: ...BROTHER?!?

Boss Battle #1: Lundgren, Zalmo and Graham Clay

Lundgren: Hah hah hah! You will never stop me!
Zalmo: HERESY!!!
Graham: We'll get you!


Team Miasmacloud | Terra, VP2 Lenneth, FFT Chemist, PC Seifer
[Floor 5b]
Team Miasma vs. Lich Warren
Team Miasma vs. FFT Cloud and FFT:LW Argath
Team Miasma vs. VP2 Brahms, VP2 Hrist and VP2 Lenneth
Team Miasma vs. Lufia 3 Gades
Team Miasma vs. Narshe Kefka

Team Magic Fanatic| Tir, Riou, Lilka, Lucia, Mint
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Magic vs. Eirika
Team Magic vs. FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk
Team Magic vs. Hellion and Luc
Team Magic vs. Lilka, Yulie and Emma
Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag

Team Lady Ashe | Raquel, Arnaud, Guv, Yulie, Ricardo
[Floor 1]
Team vs. Rufus and Reno
Team vs. Shuckle, Fred (S3) and Cecil
Team vs. Alice and FFT Priest
Team vs. Solt, Peppor, Alenia, Zahhak and Miluda
Team vs. Lundgren, Zalmo1 and Graham Clay

Team Shale has been temporarily retired until his schedule allows him more time.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 06:43:40 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 06:24:13 PM »
Team Miasmacloud | Terra, VP2 Lenneth, FFT Chemist, PC Seifer
[Floor 5b]
Team Miasma vs. Lich Warren
Team Miasma vs. FFT Cloud and FFT:LW Argath
Team Miasma vs. VP2 Brahms, VP2 Hrist and VP2 Lenneth
Team Miasma vs. Lufia 3 Gades
Team Miasma vs. Narshe Kefka - Any of the fighters need to take out both Lenneth AND Chemist, else it's Revival/Phoenix Down time. Since Lenneth has infinite resources I can see this team winning.

Team Magic Fanatic| Tir, Riou, Lilka, Lucia, Mint
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Magic vs. Eirika - Tir IDs.
Team Magic vs. FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk - Tir IDs.
Team Magic vs. Hellion and Luc - Tir IDs.
Team Magic vs. Lilka, Yulie and Emma - Tir IDs.
Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag - ... Tir IDs, and whoever survives gets mopped up by the rest of the team. (assuming Zalbag has ID Resistance)

Abstain on Lady Ashe.

Random Consonant

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 02:12:53 AM »
Team Magic passes due to AHHHH HAHAHA MT ID.

ID's no good on the FFT fights?  Need to rethink this then.

Edit: Yeah, I don't think the team makes it.

Abstain on the other two.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 04:06:52 AM by Random Consonant »

Magic Fanatic

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 02:27:49 AM »
Team Miasmacloud | Terra, VP2 Lenneth, FFT Chemist, PC Seifer
[Floor 5b]
Team Miasma vs. Lich Warren
Team Miasma vs. FFT Cloud and FFT:LW Argath
Team Miasma vs. VP2 Brahms, VP2 Hrist and VP2 Lenneth - I'm abstaining on Mia, just for this match.  I don't know VP2 well enough, methinks.
Team Miasma vs. Lufia 3 Gades
Team Miasma vs. Narshe Kefka

Team Magic Fanatic| Tir, Riou, Lilka, Lucia, Mint
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Magic vs. Eirika - Since I actually have to explain myself...  Lilka opens with Quick.  This increases the whole party's speed and evade.  Tir then follows with Deadly Fingertips.  Now, unless 1 point above in RES acts like 60% MEvade, then...  No.  Eirika's not dodging that...  Especially nothing dodges Deadly Fingertips in Suikoden anyway, except for the people that outright immune it.  After Quick, Eirika's not doubling Lilka, which she needs to do to win.

So if she goes for Lucia or Mint...  It just means that Lilka revives on her next turn after either Mint uses Hammer or Haste (or Dark Mist, that's helpful, right?) to deal with Eirika for a while or Lucia casts Gale (now Eirika is now NEVER doubling anyone), Lilka revives, and Tir hits Eirika up with the second Deadly Fingertips.  Next.

Team Magic vs. FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk - Lilka opens with Quick.  Tir and Riou use Double Leader (which is uncounterable - byebye Hamedo! - and deals the combined force of their physical attack power times .75).  Lucia uses either Grass + Misty for SDEF or Misty + Ocean/Night, depending on which is needed more.  Mint uses HAMMER to stun the entire FFT team.  Whether this interrupts their spell casting is up to you, but in any case, I see it as giving Riou and Tir another turn to use Double Leader, after which...  Yeah, it's just a matter of mopping up.

Team Magic vs. Hellion and Luc - Not a problem fight.  Tir IDs Hellion, rest mop up Luc.

Team Magic vs. Lilka, Yulie and Emma - Quick -> Deadly Fingertips.  I don't think that any of these guys have innate ID immunity.

Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag - Alma casts MBarrier, Lilka casts Dispel, Tir and Riou either Double Leader or just gang up on Alma.  Mint uses Hammer to stun everyone (if Alma goes for the Ribbon, she's dying.  FAST).  Lucia uses Gale.  This gives Lilka enough time to get at least another turn to cast Quick.  It's even further downhill for the floor from here...  Don't see Hammer as working here?  Trade out for Dark Mist, Delay, Haste, .  That should get results.

...Unless I'm very wrong somewhere.  Lucia DOES have MP healing in Night + any, as does Mint in Charge.  Also, when ST is used in the dungeon...  Does that mean "Single Target" only, or does it also include "Self Target only"?

Team Lady Ashe | Raquel, Arnaud, Guv, Yulie, Ricardo
[Floor 1]
Team vs. Rufus and Reno
Team vs. Shuckle, Fred (S3) and Cecil
Team vs. Alice and FFT Priest
Team vs. Solt, Peppor, Alenia, Zahhak and Miluda
Team SH3 Final Fantasy XII Princess vs. Lundgren, Zalmo1 and Graham Clay - Not floor 1 bait.  Even has use from Ricardo's regen sonatas.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 05:33:33 AM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 02:34:02 AM »
For the record, all the FFTers can block ID.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 02:34:58 AM »
Team Magic Fanatic| Tir, Riou, Lilka, Lucia, Mint
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Magic vs. Eirika - ID.
Team Magic vs. FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk - Angel Rings block ID, grant Reraise. Lilka mocks puny Reraise with Dispel, Lucia buffs, Tir and Riou whack the enemy around, Mint keeps everyone in tip-top shape. FFT Priest/Monk healing isn't impressive enough to last for long.
Team Magic vs. Hellion and Luc - ID. If Luc can block it... uh... who cares?
Team Magic vs. Lilka, Yulie and Emma - Magic-Lilka doesn't have Kanon to weigh her speed against, at this point? So she goes first, and enemy Lilka is forced to play catch-up. Also, MT ID should pick someone off, Lucia/Mint/Lilka have enough to overwhelm Lilka/Yulie buff swarming.
Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag - Alma goes first, MBarriers. ...Lilka goes soon after, Dispels. Riou and Tir begin laying on the damage, Mint uses PIKOHAN?! and fucks around with the enemy team (Ramza) and Lucia buffs n' shit. The fight's cute, especially with MT MBarrier/Scream/Ruins, but inclination is that Lilka/Mint/Lucia can balance them out and Team Magic has two more members.

-EDIT: Ahaahahahaha ow ow ow, Scream can't be dispelled.

This makes the fight much more painful than I thought about. Mint can dispel stat downs, but can't counter stat ups, IIRC. So... Riou/Tir need to bloody well -blitz- Ramza to stop the permastat buffings, but Alma's spamming MBarrier which makes that incredibly difficult to do... and Mint can't chip in much because she's trying to neutralize Zalbag... which means Lucia... is using Gale and Rage to try and keep the advantage down as much as possible. Gut is? They don't manage it. Ramza might get taken down, but he's made Alma and Zalbag goddamn speedy bastards in the process, and Alma can use the Healing Rod I force her to to MT heal her entire team as Zalbag controls the fight.

...I think I'm leaning the dungeon, here. Any arguments?

-EDIT 2: And of course there is the nightmare that is Blood Suck which is why I try to forget Zalbag exists. Augh.

-EDIT 3: Not factoring Blood Suck in for now, currently abstaining. This fight's -cool-.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 03:09:21 AM by Taishyr »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 02:56:54 AM »
Tai: IIRC, Dispel is a high-level Crest spell. Those would not be available to Lilka by F3.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 03:00:00 AM »
It is? I thought it was low-level. That makes this even more brutal, as Reraise becomes suddenly insurmountable.

Magic Fanatic

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2008, 03:02:51 AM »
Yeah, Scream boosts the whole opponent's team's speed by 1?

Lilka's Quick boosts my entire team's speed AND evade.  Lucia has Gale.  Even though Gale is not permanent, Quick is.  Also, as a note?  Dispel DOES hit stat bonuses, so...  Yeah.  Unless, of course, Scream is some form of "Haha I'm not a stat boost."

Lilka's fast enough here to be doubleturning at some point (especially after Gale), so after Dispel, she's casting Quick (unless there's some immunity to Mint's Silence that I'm not aware of in favor of the final match).

Also, Dispel is a L1 crest spell (EDIT: that merely requires 12 FP).  It's Restore that's L2.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2008, 03:06:05 AM »
Team Miasmacloud | Terra, VP2 Lenneth, FFT Chemist, PC Seifer
[Floor 5b]
Team Miasma vs. Lich Warren
Team Miasma vs. FFT Cloud and FFT:LW Argath
Team Miasma vs. VP2 Brahms, VP2 Hrist and VP2 Lenneth
Team Miasma vs. Lufia 3 Gades
Team Miasma vs. Narshe Kefka - This is a gruelling floor, but I think she makes it.

Team Magic Fanatic| Tir, Riou, Lilka, Lucia, Mint
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Magic vs. Eirika
Team Magic vs. FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk
Team Magic vs. Hellion and Luc
Team Magic vs. Lilka, Yulie and Emma
Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag - I doubt team Magic even gets to Alma/Ramza/Zalbag. Tir's ID is useless in half the fights (and it being MT was the reason Magic picked this floor. Too bad it backfired) and Lilka has no Reflect and the team's offense is irredeemable crap at this point. The FFT mages make a mockery out of the team and Lilka/Yulie/Emma give them outright nightmares. Considering that I'm thinking Eirika just gets a turn against Magic's team with evading the first DF, the team loses Lilka and now is out of a reviver forever and ever, and Mint's healing doesn't get great until floor 4. Tough luck.

Team Lady Ashe | Raquel, Arnaud, Guv, Yulie, Ricardo
[Floor 1]
Team vs. Rufus and Reno
Team vs. Shuckle, Fred (S3) and Cecil
Team vs. Alice and FFT Priest
Team vs. Solt, Peppor, Alenia, Zahhak and Miluda
Team vs. Lundgren, Zalmo1 and Graham Clay - Floor 1, mostly.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2008, 03:08:42 AM »
Alma is practically status-immune.

Scream is also innately non-dispellable ingame, though I'd consider allowing it to be debuffed here. Unsure yet. More inclined to let stat debuffs be dispelled by Mint than I am stat buffs to be dispelled, but this is me and I'm pretty sure it's fairly hypocritical. Need to think on it.

Scream boosts damage and speed. This is relevant for Alma staff whacks, and eventually for Zalbag becoming a threat on the damage front to the relatively frail opposing team.

Hm. There's one other factor: I think Deathspell 2 on Alma's a universal dispel? If so... mmm, no, that just forces Alma onto the defensive, she doesn't have the time for that.

So it goes something like Alma MBarriers, Tir/Riou hit people, Lilka Dispels, Ramza Screams, Zalbag Speed Ruins, Lucia Gales, Mint either removes the debuffs or uses one of her lower buffs and the cycle starts again, with the Gales allowing Magic's team to keep up.

I don't know; this comes down to if Zalbag can hit the team down fast/hard enough. Thinking on this one now, vote switched to abstain.

As for earlier fights, Eirika doesn't kill Lilka after Quick comes out.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 03:25:43 AM by Taishyr »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2008, 03:38:07 AM »
Note that Zalbag has MT debuffs on this floor, -5 to PA/MA or -3 to Speed.  My kneejerk is that Lilka needs to spam Quick just to counteract this, as stacking -3 FFT speed gets pretty brutal real fast.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2008, 03:39:29 AM »
Assuming you don't see Mint being able to clear it, yeah. This is dicier, though.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2008, 03:47:43 AM »
Lady Ashe wins.  Insert boomerang hype here.

Team Magic Fanatic| Tir, Riou, Lilka, Lucia, Mint
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Magic vs. Eirika - I'd just like to point out that if Tir's ID misses, Eirika's counter + Eirika's turn likely spell death to Lilka the sole reviver and disaster later on.  Of course, to avoid that, Magic Fanatic can turtle and play defensively with Lilka buffing and Mint healing before trying to kill her, and hopefully a crit doesn't hit.   It's not likely that Eirika will mess up MF here, but it's possible.
Team Magic vs. FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk - Here I'm less certain than everyone else (Pre-post edit: Written before Jo'ou Ranbu's post).  Since this is an unnaturally fast team and Lucia & Mint are 0 threat offensively, the mages can basically start casting their spells right away...  but can Tir / Riou / Lilka kill them in time?  Especially FFT Wizard, Frog spells trouble.  I don't think Black Shadow is that great on damage right now, though the high faith will likely help?  Also, re physicals.  Some people were interpreting eearlier ST->MT floors as making things like the Chemist's Auto-Potion heal everyone.  If you hold to that interpretation, physicals are death here thanks to Hamedo protecting the entire team and thwacking back.  I think that's slightly silly, but if Riou uses a physical attack, the team is eating a Monk counter as a note and the Monk will be unscathed at the very least (your mileage on protecting the rest of the team may vary).  How good was Dual Leader attack again?  Maybe that'll save Team Magic here.  Because, again, if most of the FFT team isn't dead by the end of Lilka's turn, they nuke/status Magic out.  Tentatively, I think Magic wins here thanks to Riou's extra attack, but if you hold to the general Hamedo-protection, I'm not sure a Lilka spell + (Black Shadow or Dual Leader) will be enough.
Team Magic vs. Hellion and Luc- Yeah, they can probably handle this one even with Luc being ID-immune.
Team Magic vs. Lilka, Yulie and Emma - Kill Yulie.
Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag - No idea, sounds like how exactly Dispel works is way too relevant.

Team Miasmacloud | Terra, VP2 Lenneth, FFT Chemist, PC Seifer
[Floor 5b]
Team Miasma vs. Lich Warren - Inclined to say that the various healing options take out Warren here?  It's been waaaaay too long, I forget if Clerics could heal out Lichs in OB (they certainly could other undead).  Anyway, failing that, Terra's Drain ignores resistance and if Warren is immune from Phoenix Downs, he's not doing the reverse-Drain trick.  Beat Terra up, let her kill Warren.
Also, added upon examining later writeups: kill Seifer.
Team Miasma vs. FFT Cloud and FFT:LW Argath - Can the team kill Argath before he gets a turn?  He's got Defense UP, tiny Faith, and Reflect Mail, which helps him here...  probably not.  He either nukes Terra's MP or tries to break either Lenneth's or Seifer's weapon (no weapon = no Limits for you, as far as I'm concerned).  The team kills Cloud instead, then mops up Argath the next turn, but they've taken that MP drain / potential break.  Chemist on his turn - but after Argath has gone - revives Seifer with a Phoenix Down to make certain he has LOL HP and gets his Limit instantly and doesn't have to wait around clicking.
Team Miasma vs. VP2 Brahms, VP2 Hrist and VP2 Lenneth - Problems here, though maybe Seifer can arrange to come in at low HP to give them a shot?  Evil VP2 team PWSes Good Lenneth and kills her.  Terra....  does something (attacks Seifer?  Assuming no MP) and Chemist revives Lenneth.  Evil VP2 team taps Lenneth (at least Brahms and Lenneth have to be PCs, they can do stuff like that), then beats up Chemist.  Now life sucks.  Maybe Seifer Fire Crosses them out, but it's too late.  Anyway to win this I think the team needs to go crazy offense instantly, and you have to see Seifer coming at low HP and Fire Crossing the VPers immediately before they go, and (I think that Lenneth & Brahms would still be alive?) good Lenneth getting the tiebreak to wipe out evil Lenneth before she can Heal/take down Seifer.  This is a war of basically average speed characters, so yeah.  Major interpretation call.  Thoughts?

Team Miasma vs. Lufia 3 Gades
Team Miasma vs. Narshe Kefka - If the team survives the VP2 team, these fights should be easy.  I recall being unimpressed at L3 Gades when I read though the stat topic, though obviously others had more respect as my team lost against him.  And Narshe Kefka?  Should be a walk in the park, right?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 04:00:02 AM »
Assuming you don't see Mint being able to clear it, yeah. This is dicier, though.

Stat downs aren't dispelable in FFT. The breaks are just the inverse of Ramza's Scream buff.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2008, 04:03:14 AM »
Checking up on ToP Dispel... it seems to specifically work on debuff status effects, i.e. Acid Rain.  I'd like it hit Slow, but not raw stat modifiers like Destroy Sword since those can't be removed by Dispel in FFT.  Also, does Lucia have MP healing at this point?  If not, Zalbag can remove Mint's MP in two turns.

Also, just how much damage can Tir+Riou+Lilka(+Lucia if she's above average speed) rack up in one round?  Just realized that Priest+Time Mage would be an MT 2HKO, so offing Wizard alone (which is pathetically easy) isn't enough.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2008, 04:21:39 AM »
hinode: It's MT damage, so anything whacking off Wizard's doing a sizable number to the other two as well, and Priest/Time Mage aren't much more durable than Wizard..

No clue if Lucia has MP healing. Even if she doesn't, though, busting MP feels vaguely silly at this point, though it makes a damage game more feasible.

I dunno. I'm still abstaining.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2008, 04:25:53 AM »
HP (overall-best setup)
Knight (399) = Lancer (399) > Geomancer (325) > Samurai (323) > Thief (310) > Mediator (305) > Squire (301) = Archer (301) > Chemist (299) > Oracle (287) > Ninja (286) > Mime (285) > Summoner (276) > Monk (275) > Priest (268) > Time Mage (250) > Dancer (219) > Bard (218) > Calculator (207) > Wizard (205)

The difference between 250 HP and 205 is pretty significant.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2008, 05:47:12 AM »
Team Miasmacloud | Terra, VP2 Lenneth, FFT Chemist, PC Seifer
[Floor 5b]
Team Miasma vs. Lich Warren
Team Miasma vs. FFT Cloud and FFT:LW Argath
Team Miasma vs. VP2 Brahms, VP2 Hrist and VP2 Lenneth
Team Miasma vs. Lufia 3 Gades - it takes 4 fights before the dungeon does enough damage to take out Lenneth and Chemist... At this point, Terra and Seifer aren't enough to take out L3 Gades.
Team Miasma vs. Narshe Kefka

Team Magic Fanatic| Tir, Riou, Lilka, Lucia, Mint
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Magic vs. Eirika
Team Magic vs. FFT Time Mage, FFT Wizard, FFT Priest and FFT Monk
Team Magic vs. Hellion and Luc
Team Magic vs. Lilka, Yulie and Emma
Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag - I don't see the ID status-blocker as legal for the FFT generics. Tir MT ID blitz.

Team Lady Ashe | Raquel, Arnaud, Guv, Yulie, Ricardo
[Floor 1]
Team vs. Rufus and Reno
Team vs. Shuckle, Fred (S3) and Cecil
Team vs. Alice and FFT Priest
Team vs. Solt, Peppor, Alenia, Zahhak and Miluda
Team LA vs. Lundgren, Zalmo1 and Graham Clay - Floor 1 argument here. Also, Raquel smash on a relatively slowish floor. Best strategy? Arnaud and Yulie use whatever they have that increases the FP meter the most, Raquel uses Intrude spam to kill just about everything once she gets a turn. Might even be able to handle the tanks on her own this way? My Raquel respect is probably a tad high.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2008, 05:48:16 AM »

Alma, at most, has five shots of MBarrier, and that's with an MP-twinked set-up.  If she goes for full status immunity, she goes down to the area of 80% HP.

My team has lots and lots of speed boosting - Lilka has Quick, Lucia has Gale, and Mint has Haste (and Delay!).  Tir and Riou are basically constant damage, with Riou acting as an emergency healer.  They both focus on whoever is the biggest threat there (either Ramza for his stat buffing, or Zalbag for his stat breaking).

If the match lasts long enough where Alma runs out of juice, Lilka switches from Dispel to Quick.  Moon + Misty kind of...  Um...  KILL the accuracy of anything physical that the other team does...  Or I can just give out Moon + Night to give Tir and Riou auto-crits.  That's...  Pretty good to killing whoever I want after Lilka casts Dispel.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2008, 07:49:45 AM »
A pity that Zalbag is nuking your speed/offense/MP along with some pretty brutal damage while you're doing this.  And it's unevadable too as I recall.  The Ruins are not a nice skillset, and the kind of thing your team does not like, especially since they're the kind of thing you can do nothing about in FFT, which makes it questionable if your healers can affect them either.

Also, Tir and Riou are...  physicals are still semi-respectable, but they're really starting to lose ground to magic by this point.  So much so that bosses are typically rune nuke bait in both games.  And neither of them have any nukes at this point in time.  Black Shadow is Floor 4, and the Bright Shield Rune is pathetic damage until you hit Forgiver Sign, which is clearly Floor 7.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2008, 07:52:57 AM »
Abstain on Mia for now, too many characters I don't know and too lazy to look them up right now.

Team Magic vs. Alma, Ramza and Zalbag - First, I don't think I'm allowing Double Leader, wrong Tir for it.  It's not that great on this floor anyway except the first FFT fight, which I'm discounting for this anyway, but I'm putting it out there.  Second, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA to Hammer hype.  It's, uh, really bad stun.  Barely noticeable lag time, from my experience.

Third and most important, Lilka goes -before- the other team.  She can't dispel the first MBarrier right away.  If she goes for Quick, though, your whole team probably goes before the FFT team(They're all 11 speed to a 10 average, your worst character is just barely below average, before Kanon Lilka is the fastest character in WA2 by a pretty good margin and Quick adds half her speed to everyone here).  That sounds good, but your offense kinda sucks.  S1 and S2 physicals from the mains and Mint/Lucia damage aren't going to cut it, especially if Alma goes for a different ID blocker than the Ribbon since you really don't have much else in the way of status that I can think of, so the entire FFT team then gets a turn and Ultima is a pretty quick charge.  If you don't use Quick, then Alma MBarriers and the Haste kicks in, Zalbag uses Speed Ruin, and then they all lap your faster characters and get three attacks off without you having a chance to heal between them.  Either way you're pretty well stuck, unless I'm missing something.

Team Ashe passes, I'd say.  They're not great at this point, but Yulie has essentially unlimited healing in Material and Raquel hits like a truck from the very beginning.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2008, 08:01:39 AM »
And this is assuming you take TB speed altering spells as taking effect right away when they typically do not.  If you don't, then they lose even more effectiveness at messing with team FFT before it can act.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2008, 08:02:41 AM »
Team Mia passes, though only scraping by, I think.

Team Magic fails. FFT raw stat mods can't be dispelled. Sucks, but there you go. Scream+Ruins pretty much ruin Magic's day here.

Team Ashe passes. Competent team vs Floor 1, as it should be.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 36
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2008, 08:24:02 AM »
Quick adds half her speed to everyone here

Quick adds half the target's speed to their speed.  Not Lilka's.