Yay, voting!
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Royce (LSSSC): Huh.
Zio (PS4) vs. Jessica Albert (DQ8): EDIT: Huh, Monkey's right. Jess actually manages the 3-2 by a fraction of a point (133:88 ratio roughly), isn't OHKOed, and yeah, 3x Magic Burst should do it, if again, not by much! (Zio's a bit over 3PC to me after defences... but Magic Burst is past PCHP by a larger amount.)
Celes Chere (FF6) vs. Cloud of Darkness (FF3): Status-immune Strago would give Celes problems, and Cloud of Darkness is status-immune Strago with way more damage/durability.
Millenia (G2) vs. Empyrea (DQ8): Peck. Peck.
Melbu Frahma (LoD) vs. Nicholai Conrad (SHC): WHAT THE HELL IS THIS. Well, the PC form is competent, so if he can avoid a statusin', he should win. Not sure if he does or not. Boss form gets slapped around by MELBU, which is just epic. EDIT: Yeah, thinking Blessed Light gets the job done.
Georg Prime (Suikos) vs. Squall Leonhart (FF8): Uh yeah, the hype here kinda fails. Even if you see all the numbers lining up perfectly for Squall (i.e. Georg falls in his limit range with or without skills, and you don't let Georg unsharpen his weapon...), odds are still against him, because Georg could get lucky with crits/glowing/lack thereof, AND even if Squall lands in limit range he could just, y'know, fail to get one.
Precis Neuman (SO2) vs. Zidane Tribal (FF9): Sigh.
Garland (FF9) vs. Grahf (XG): More respect for his damage/durability by a ways.
Scythe Riebauer (WA4) vs. Jeane (Suikos): Scythe gets such awful draws.
Beowulf Kadmus (FFT) vs. Bo (BoF1): Beowulf can't complain about that this season!
Shion Uzuki (XSs) vs. Lucius (FE7): Lucius has this thing where he's a bad Middle.
Anastasia Romanov (SHC) vs. Gerik (FE8): Res should cancel avoid, I'm thinking. (Blah blah yes I check status against both.)
Rude (FF7) vs. Mist (FE9): Uhhh... Rude? I dunno. Counters + going first could tilt this to Mist; she's 2HKOed, but she miight 4HKO? Or double? EDIT: She doesn't double. She does 4HKO! Too bad I was failing, because she only survives to counter once, so she needs a 3HKO. Which she doesn't get.
Piccolo (S3) vs. Miranda (G3): Uh yeah, this isn't close. Even though I have slightly lower pdur respect for Piccolo than Dhyer (Custom Leathers in the average), everything else about speed and damage and Miranda sucking is all spot on.
Aeris Gainsborough (FF7) vs. Ruprecht (SO2): So pathetic.