I've been playing through this mod over the last few months, and I have to say you've done a great job. Thanks for all your effort and continued updates.
Since I'm most of the way through the game now (finished storyline and Beowulf quest but not Nelveska or DD), I figure I should give some feedback. I think the class and JP rebalancing was excellent overall and definitely removed a lot of the tedium while opening up more options along the way, so nice job there. Some specific suggestions or issues I have though:
White Mage innate Move-HP up prevents you from using Move-MP up while a White Mage. Not critically important but annoying in the early game. Probably technical limitations here? I think I'd prefer not having Move-HP up innate if it prevents this, maybe innate auto-regen instead if that's possible?
Charge as a skill set got some very nice improvements, but I'd like to see archery kept a bit more viable into the later game. Part of it's just the lack of good bows past the midgame (maybe spread out bow upgrades but make them bigger, since I assume you can't actually add items just change them). Also, I'd love to see equip crossbow changed to allow you to equip longbows as well, though I don't know how technically feasible that is. It's not like the damage would be incredible even then when longbowing from another class, since you can't have both equip bow and attack up. I just think it's a shame that archery somewhat falls by the wayside considering that FFT has the best tactics game implementation of archery that I've seen.
This might be a bit more controversial, but I think you might consider changing the move-find item/brave interaction such that you don't need a low brave item finder. Technically speaking, make both the common and rare item drops the same (good) item, if you can't change the code involved. It just doesn't seem in keeping with the anti-tedium goal of the mod that you need to groom a specialized item finding character and/or reset constantly if you don't get the right thing.
More on the bug side of things, I had some hats broken by Mighty Sword attacks in a recent fight on the last version of the mod (the one before the Draw Out revamp), and they weren't available for purchase in the fur shop afterward. Maybe it only works if they're broken by battle skill but not the special break attacks? I haven't tested getting stuff broken by battle skill, though. Specifically, it was in the Vormav fight in Murond. Actually a suggestion here too if it's technically possible, could you make katana broken by Draw Out also be made available for purchase at the fur shop? It doesn't seem right that you can break rare katana with no way of getting them back other than trying to rig up some ninja catches (back to that tedium thing).
Here's a quick breakdown of my team, since you seem to want feedback what people are using. I'm doing a no special characters run, excluding Ramza.
-Ninja with Steal or Guts (Ramza) depending on if I need things stolen. Was mostly thief while leveling.
-Melee Samurai with Basic skill. Was a Lancer earlier on. Makes heavy use of Reinforce when not chopping things.
-Summoner for most of the game, but switched to Geomancer with Draw Out recently because even short charged Summons started getting too slow. Might try wizard here with the revamp.
-Time Mage with White Magic. Mostly casts Haste2/Reraise/Raise2, wearing Chantage.
-Mediator with Charge or Battle Skill. Was an Archer for early game until I stopped getting bow upgrades.
Excellent job with the bonus fights too by the way, it was fun to see all the broken combos thrown at me. You guys are all really vulnerable to Insults, though.