
Author Topic: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)  (Read 522679 times)


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #525 on: July 15, 2009, 07:00:03 AM »
I think I do need to agree with MC here.  While I was running around with 12 speed, that was with a +5 boost from items.  Sprint Shoes, Thief Hat, and Harp.  From what I can tell, the base is pretty close to Knight, just with a lot more options for boosting it along with the forced +2 from equipping a Harp.  It's an interesting little setup that you can't get with many classes thanks to the fact that very few classes have a unique weapon without an Equip skill.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #526 on: July 15, 2009, 07:32:47 AM »
I'm still a little shaky with what Speed+2 does to the viability of Sing, since the skillset isn't really so wonderful that it needs to be taken down a peg as a primary (although in general, encourage skillset use as a secondary rather than a primary is always good, since FFT does too much of the former already with Jump, Talk Skill, Item, Martial Arts, Throw, etc.). I agree that Speed+2 itself is interesting (and not without precedent, as Bards have often been a fairly speedy class in FF history, particularly Edward). It just needs to be kept in mind when balancing Sing. I wouldn't be opposed to a slight CT reduction on all Songs except the HP/MP healers (and possibly Last Song) in order for Nameless and Cheer Songs in particular to remain viable once Thief Hat is available.

The power is really the bigger concern, particularly when considered alongside Quick Attack, which I would once again like to speak out strongly in favour of keeping. (Near as I can tell Quick Attack serves mainly to make Steal a more interesting secondary for non-thieving purposes, make Flail Priests more viable, make Geomancer/Squire Axes more viable, and reduce the domination of Two Hands/Swords for melee physicals. Every one of these strikes me as a desirable design choice.) Not to mention the power is the concern which prompts the most stylistic issues. You'll note that 90% of the discussion around Bards here has been their physical damage. I don't think a class with innate MAU and Speed+2 (effectively), not to mention an interesting skillset, should be emphasising this quite so much.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #527 on: July 15, 2009, 08:24:48 AM »
I'm still a little shaky with what Speed+2 does to the viability of Sing, since the skillset isn't really so wonderful that it needs to be taken down a peg as a primary (although in general, encourage skillset use as a secondary rather than a primary is always good, since FFT does too much of the former already with Jump, Talk Skill, Item, Martial Arts, Throw, etc.).
I dunno--the time I did Bard with Charge I certainly used Sing.  It's not locked in to range 3, it does something defensive, and the effect can be pretty powerful (battle song with martial arts ninja and a mime in the party jumps to mind.  Angel Song in certain situations.  Cheer Song to avoid being hit by wide area summons against zodiacs).  I harped more than I sung, sure, but Sing was definitely used.

Dunno, it's not one of the primaries I worry about.  Steal is one that jumps to mind, as it is generally a lot worse at winning you a battle than...just about anything else you could do; Quick Attack fixes that, but not so much as a primary.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #528 on: July 15, 2009, 09:56:27 AM »
Yeah, I'm not really too concerned about Sing becoming obsolete or being underpowered or anything here. I've certainly used it/seen it used plenty on Bard (and it's not a bad secondary either); harping is a more tempting action, sure, but as Excal mentioned earlier, that's encouraging the use of Bard as a carrier rather than learning a few songs and moving on, which otherwise you would pretty much never do.

Right now I'm looking at a WP decrease on the two storebought harps (either 15/25 as MC suggested or 18/27), though the real question mark is what I do with Fairy. As I said before, I kind of want to make the autocast Fairy relevant, which means if it's always dealing obscene overkill damage it kind of defeats the point >_> Though "aftergame 50 WP weapon up there with Chaos Blade and Javelin2" certainly has its appeal. That would probably warrant it being removed from the Colliery, while a WP nerf to something more reasonable like 35-36 (15/25/35 or 18/27/36) could let you still snag it there along with the theoretical Ryozan Silk in that series of fights (yay symmetry! Performer ultimate weapons!) Thoughts?
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #529 on: July 15, 2009, 10:11:54 AM »
My primary thought is that Sing saw plenty of use until the Thief Hat became available.  Note that even at level 40 a Bard's base speed is still 7, so you need that +4 in order for it to outspeed Nameless Song.  Also note that Battle and Magic Song are both still perfectly viable from a speed perspective, they're simply not used because stat boosting isn't that useful for us given that we're at a point where we have a lot of being dependent on either both attack stats, or neither with our plethora of harps, knives, guns, and samurai.  Whereas if we were more focused (and had more people on a consistant basis), then those songs would still be useful.

Now, as for the weapon issues.  I think I'd rather go for the removal from the Colliary as opposed to the nerfing of the Fairy Harp, though I'm generally not sure the other two harps are that over powered either.  I mean, I've been having a blast with a Bard who can actually accomplish stuff and isn't just this little buff bot whose job is to start singing and then sit in the corner, because he can't actually accomplish anything else.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #530 on: July 15, 2009, 10:16:24 AM »
Oh, even with the proposed nerf Bard damage would still kick serious ass with QA or Charge. I'm not really worried about that, we're talking maybe a 10-20% damage decrease at worst? MC would have to crunch the numbers. Mind you, that means you need to put some more actual effort and set a secondary for it, but... that's fine for me (Harp damage is still serviceable without it, anyhow).

As for Sing, I've found good use for virtually every song (okay... maybe not Last). Battle/Magic depending on your party makeup are fast and certainly can make a difference. Cheer is slow but potentially abusive. Life and Angel are situational. Nameless is kind of a black sheep, but honestly not all that bad. Which is to say... it's different from Dance where Nameless Dance is really freaking good and the rest is just eh (okay, Wiznaibus rocks till C3 >_>)

Fairy Harp is really a matter of semantics, and I wouldn't really see it as relevant to Bard class impact (at least not with the proposed change). It's really late either way, the question is whether it's "theoretically available in early C4 if you jump hoops" or "Deep Dungeon loot competing with Chaos Blade".
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 10:18:14 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #531 on: July 15, 2009, 11:07:28 AM »
Oh, even with the proposed nerf Bard damage would still kick serious ass with QA or Charge. I'm not really worried about that, we're talking maybe a 10-20% damage decrease at worst? MC would have to crunch the numbers.
18/27 is a 10% drop.  15/25 is a 25% drop and a 17% drop respectively.

Mind you, that means you need to put some more actual effort and set a secondary for it, but... that's fine for me (Harp damage is still serviceable without it, anyhow).

Whenever I see harp damage without a secondary, it's nothing special; for instance, in chapter 2 with 20 WP it starts at about 60 and ends at about 100.  This is...exactly the same as 70 brave Monk in chapter 2.  Which is to say useable, but not mind-blowing.  15 WP would be 45-75 damage.  45...well...Time Mages easily pass 50 at the same point, although can't keep up once Power Sleeve comes.

Start of chapter 4...I'll assume level 20.  With 30 WP you're looking at 180.  With 25 WP you're looking at 150.  (And if you decide to stick to Bloody Strings, you're looking at 120 for 20 WP, and 90 for 15 WP).  For reference, level 20 Monk with 70 brave deals 171 (Time Mages deal 112 with Gold Staff!!!)

These numbers are reasonable; now, the Quick Attack numbers are wtf.  (In Chapter 2 with 20 WP, 180.  With 15 WP, 135.  In start of Chapter 4 with 30 WP, 330.  With 25 WP, 275).

As for Sing, I've found good use for virtually every song (okay... maybe not Last).

Last is the best song if you time things right.  Basically doubles the speed of your entire party (at the expense of one person singing).


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #532 on: July 16, 2009, 08:17:43 PM »
NEB's comment about few of the rare battles mattering stuck to me, so I went and tweaked the fights around some. Thoughts appreciated on these.

Rare Fight edits
Zirekile Falls East (Mages) - now drops Dragon Rod and Sage Staff. Priests can now randomly load (before it was only other four mage classes). Most of the enemy mages have Short Charge set.
Lenalia Plateau South (Calcs) - now drops Whale Whisker and Madlemgem. Base levels raised.
Grog Hill South (Monks) - now drops Rubber Costume and Maximillian. Base levels raised. Several of the enemy monks have Equip Armor set.
Araguay Woods East (Ninjas) - now drops Scorpion Tail and Koga Knife. Base levels raised.
Yuguo Woods East (Samurai) - now drops Dragon Whisker and Masamune. Base levels raised. Half of the Samurai changed to females with higher job levels. All Male Samurais (except the ones using the rares) have Equip Spear set and Oberisks equipped.
Bed Desert North (new, 11 Archers) - now drops Ultimus Bow and Yoichi Bow. 6 males, 5 females.

The idea is mainly to get some of those underappreciated rares some more exposure. All of these are C4, so no worries about uber weapons being attained early (the poachable ones can still be acquired in C3, after all).

Weapon Changes
Bloody Strings - dropped from 20 WP to 18 WP
Ramia Harp - dropped from 30 WP to 28 WP
Fairy Harp - dropped from 50 WP to 38 WP. Yeah, I want to keep it in the Colliery, just because Ryozan is also there. And Harps having an uber superweapon in the realm of Chaos Blade and Javelin2 felt... weird.

Materia Blade - removed Add: Petrify. It's already unique, it's very trivial to get (slap Move-Find Item on Rafa). +2 WP over the Rune Blade and half/strengthen all elements on one of the most common classes of weapons will see mileage.
Ivory Rod - added Add: Petrify. On the other hand, this felt woefully ignored! 1 less WP than the storebought Octagon makes it not very exciting even with theoretical earlier availability.
Black Costume - removed Absorb: Dark. Given to an equip that needed the weird quirk more.
Black Hood - added Absorb: Dark. Yep.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 03:36:10 PM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #533 on: July 16, 2009, 08:21:09 PM »
When you say drops, do you mean as a war trophy, or are they equipped on the enemies in question and you have to invite/steal them?

Note that even at level 40 a Bard's base speed is still 7

It's 8 starting from Level 35. Not that this really matters.

Nameless Dance is really freaking good and the rest is just eh

Slow Dance is straight-up superior to Cheer Song, to be fair.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 08:31:32 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #534 on: July 16, 2009, 08:25:19 PM »
The latter.

I should play around with war trophies a bit more, but... eh.

Oh, moved the current Germinas Peak fight to Bervenia Volcano's rare (which was unremarkable), so the elemental guns are back.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #535 on: July 16, 2009, 08:28:38 PM »
Steal/invite is better anyhow, I think.

(also, yay!)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #536 on: July 16, 2009, 08:35:57 PM »
I hope you gave most of the units in the superfight MOVE ON LAVA.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #537 on: July 16, 2009, 08:38:40 PM »

Do they have the status effect or the move skill Float?


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #538 on: July 16, 2009, 08:43:37 PM »
All the Calcs have MOVE ON LAVA, yes.

I could not miss that opportunity.

Thinking on it I'll make the behemoths super sheshul and also give them FLOAT
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #539 on: July 17, 2009, 03:45:37 AM »
Slow Dance is straight-up superior to Cheer Song, to be fair.
In general, yes.  In practice, there's exceptions.

*When we were trying to avoid getting summoned on against zodiacs, boosting everyone's speed is just more effective at avoiding instacast.
*If I'm not mistaken there's a superboss with 30 speed.  +1 speed to allies who are more like 10 will be a 10% buff rather than a 4% buff.
*Let's say you've put an enemy to sleep, and are searching for a Deep Dungeon exit.  Slow Dance can't hit sleeping targets.  Alternatively, let's say you have two perfomers and a Mime supporting two damage dealers.  You probably have the first Dancer doing Nameless Dance, where you can expect a lot of sleeping enemies.  Cheer Song will consistently get your damage dealers an edge, as it will never be blocked by sleep.  Slow Dance will not (and being a longer ctr than Nameless Dance now...).
*You might be using Throw and Quick Attack, in which case Cheer Song also boosts your damage, while Slow Dance does not.

Slow Dance is definitely the better ability overall, but there's quite a few situations where I'd rather do one round of Cheer Song than one round of Slow Dance.  Don't get me wrong, SCC-style 5x Slow Dance vs 5x Cheer Song...there's no competition.  In a mixed party, though, there's a lot more "one round of Cheer Song"/"One round of Slow Dance", where they both have about the same one-round effect (12% change in speed) so a number of more subtle interactions become important.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 03:47:40 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #540 on: July 17, 2009, 10:03:57 PM »
The latter.
Yay! I have more use!
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #541 on: July 18, 2009, 02:07:16 AM »
Sup guys.  I just finished the first Monster SCC for this hack.  (Skeletons, no less)  From doing that, I can assure you that monsters are JUST A WEE BIT overpowered.

You can read all about it (Also Archers, Samurai, and FullCalcs) here:

I might play around some more; not sure.  A Tactics Double Dare sounds interesting for a change of pace. 


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #542 on: July 18, 2009, 03:35:05 PM »
Random, since I'm still on a "what equips are being totally ignored" shtick:

Swap out the Absorb: Dark on Black Costume and put it on Black Hood instead. There! Now maybe people will use it! (For Mathskill Demi if nothing else...) And hey, Black Costume still gets mileage for HP. So yeah.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #543 on: July 18, 2009, 06:28:24 PM »
Yay, SCC logs!

I don't think I agree with the conclusion that monsters are overpowered there, though. You levelled up a lot and still had quite a few problem battles. I mean, yeah, I understand LFT is harder, but in classic FFT an SCC with 2/10 difficulty to me would be one that bullrushes the game at Level 25 with no battles that classify as harder than "inconvenience".

For some reason I'd never considered the monster SCC advantage of letting allies die. It's especially useful for the undead dudes of course since 50% of the time they don't. Fun read.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #544 on: July 18, 2009, 08:07:22 PM »
Random, since I'm still on a "what equips are being totally ignored" shtick:

Swap out the Absorb: Dark on Black Costume and put it on Black Hood instead. There! Now maybe people will use it! (For Mathskill Demi if nothing else...) And hey, Black Costume still gets mileage for HP. So yeah.

Oh nice, I very much approve.

I don't think I agree with the conclusion that monsters are overpowered there, though. You levelled up a lot and still had quite a few problem battles.

Not to mention, SCC rules naturally favour monsters way over humans.  I mean, in a normal game you can stick Move+3, Auto-Potion, and Concentrate on your generic (not necessarily the best abilities, just solid ones I chose at random).  Oh, and revival secondary (a few monsters get revival; not a lot).
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 08:12:03 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #545 on: July 19, 2009, 02:57:24 AM »
Part of the ease of the challenge comes from having expendable units, but Skeletons ARE very powerful.  Most enemies die in 1-2 hits, even without leveling too much.  The grinding was always for Speed (and getting to Level 70 is just a natural step for me).

Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #546 on: July 19, 2009, 07:15:31 AM »
I promised Laggy I'd comment once I started playing, so, without further adieu:

I'm starting this after the Orbonne prologue, since that battle is never particularly interesting (although I did notice the new knight always-ons).

Magic City Gariland

A band of tortured thieves!

Yeah.  Rebalanced or no, this battle is still little more than a tutorial.  They do not surrender and, instead, die in obscurity.  Can't say Ramza didn't warn them.

My generic crop isn't very impressive: one okayish he-squire, Dawson, and a lovely and talented (70+/70+!) she-squire, Susan - the rest are just -Trash-.  Still, we kill the enemy, drop Delita, wait for crystals for Ramza and Susan to inherit, and end up with mostly crappy treasure chests.

Before leaving Gariland, I introduce all my -Trash- to baby Ramsus and recruit a pair of n00bs: Rudy, a 70+ Brave male squire (named after a character in an as-yet-unpublished novel) and Naesala, a decent Brave/Faith male Chemist (named after, well, you know).  Susan becomes a Chemist as well so she can pursue the ways of the magical girl.  Ramza becomes a knight with 1337 n3kk1d sk1llz.  I'd buy gear, but there is none of relevance and I have almost no money anyway, so we stick to healpots.

It's off to see the Algus!

Mandalia Plains

On to Igros - but what's this?  An innocent victim about to be slain by (non-tortured) thieves?  (No.  It's Algus, same as always.)

Not knowing who's about to be slaughtered before his eyes, Ramza vows to save the loser from Limberry.

Things don't start well, as Algus takes two hits from a thief.  Thieves have two swords now!  O_o  At least the damage is low.  Our heroes advance forward; Claude Kenni would be proud.

Or not.  Ramza, shortly after vowing to save Algus at all costs, has a change of heart and stabs the little bastard in the back.  >_<  Charming cat is charming.


Mandalia Plains REMIX

Decided to save Algus, of co... pffft!  Needless to say, I planned to kill the little weasel myself provided the thieves didn't get him first.  Delita swore to save him (big mistake) and the battle was joined.

Unsurprisingly, since saving Algus *wasn't* my priority, he behaved in a non-idiotic manner, attacking while trapped, then Potioning himself and falling back.  A squire pursues, right into the trap I totally cunningly laid for him.  (Not really.)  Delita, meanwhile, demonstrates his commitment to saving Algus by... Accumulating and then retreating behind my lines?

We slay the lead squire with a chemist/chemist/squire triple tech (called 'Attack') and things seem to be trending upwards -

But charming cat is still charming.  >_<

This time, cat-lover Ramza runs over and Wishes the dead squire weren't.  Algus steps up to the plate and slays the squire again.  Delita returns to the fray and weakens a second squire enough for Rudy to kill him.  Naesala healpots Rudy and Susan the killer chemist dispatches a third squire.

Charming cat goes after Susan, apparently trying to bring her down before she kills all the enemy.  Thankfully, it chooses to attack rather than work its feline wiles, and its claws don't finish her off.  Ramza, wisely, attacks Algus.  (Believe it or not, he's still charmed; it's like the computer knows exactly what I want!)

Susan heals herself, Delita and Rudy kill charming cat (where is your cheeseburger now!?), and without its presence to inspire him Ramza recovers from charm.

We dispatch the last squire and Delita horribly tragically accidentally impales himself on Ramza's sword.  Now - we can has crystal tiem?  The deadly double-dagger'd dastard who remains does his best to interfere, twice dropping the heroic Susan, but Ramza Wishes it weren't so and, after Rudy and Naesala snag awesome hauls of squire and chemist abilities, Ramza dispatches the thief.  In retrospect, it probably would have been better to wish a squire were alive and kill the thief for HIS abilities, but oh well.

Naesala learns the ways of the Black Mage, while Susan squire-slayer becomes a White Mage.  Both go with Basic Skill as a secondary because I'm too poor to afford the Phoenix Downs and Potions they've both learned to use. >_<  Speaking of buying, I realize my new magical forces have no weaponry.  Back to Gariland; just buying their weapons and replacement downs and pots drops me to under 100 gil.  After charming cat, I'm not sure if I should hope for a Mandalia random on the way to Igros or not... o_o'

Igros Castle

As you can probably imagine, my wishes don't matter; no random and I'm left with  l i t t l e   m o n e y.

It occurs to me as I watch the scenes in Igros that if Ramza and Delita had obeyed orders and guarded the castle, Teta's kidnappers wouldn't have gotten through, Algus wouldn't have betrayed the party (maybe.  Yet.), and the whole plot wouldn't have happened.  Nice job breaking it, Zalbag.  (Actually, he inadvertently saved the world, so I can't really blame him.)

I'd like to kit Ramza and company out here in Igros out but, again with the  l i t...yeah, I'm not doing that anymore.  Ramza's l33t n3kk1d sk1llz continue.  I should have named him Largo!

On to Sweegy!
Read my webnovel, Eye Opener, now available on RoyalRoad.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #547 on: July 19, 2009, 07:29:11 AM »
(I'm not sure how large posts can be on this board, hence splitting this up into multiple posts.)

When last we left our protagonists, they had just decided to abandon their duties and hie off on a wild goose chase for Marquis Elmdor.  Only pure, random chance would lead to their actually finding a clue by wandering around the city of Dorter on Zalbag's tip.  I'm sure nothing will happen...

Of course, to even reach Dorter, they'll have to pass:

Sweegy Woods

Holy crap!  Eye gouge inflicts confusion, turn punch has a huge AoE, and bombs have reraise?!  Now I see the power of the science!

Anyway, I realize I forgot to learn any black or white magic for my casters, so the PCs begin the battle by Accumulating en masse, while Delita and Algus take the immortal advice of Lieutenant Kenni.  Algus teaches me about eye gouge, Delita actually manages to be effective, Algus, having been throw stone'd to semi-sanity, Charge-2's a bomb and drops it to 1 hp.  We drop the black goblin by beating it down with practically the whole party and things are looking up, but charming cat is still charming and Susan turns on the party.

Ramza stones first Algus, then Susan, then dodges an eye gouge to prove himself truly opposed to mind-altering effects.  Meanwhile Algus pursues a bomb, apparently desperate to trigger its re-raise.

With no healer except a single item-squire, half the party confused and the other half almost dead, surrounded by AoE and status-using enemies – yeah, this is a Total Party Kill.

Sweegy Woods REMIX

Hmm.  Actual challenge in earlygame FFT?  I'm liking this more all the time.

THIS time, though, I'm coming prepared: Susan and Naesala actually know spells!  I expect this will make something of a difference.  Rudy also picks up heal.

Everyone but Algus and Delita retreats to the corner and begins Accumulating.  The monsters and NPCs charge each other – a battle whose conclusion is, sadly for A&D, foregone.  Hopefully they'll buy me enough time to get strong enough for a counterattack.  The NPCs would have actually accomplished something (killing the black gob) if Delita's Charge'd attack hadn't missed. >_<  Instead, they just do a little damage and get slaughtered.

Ramza gets charmed and hits Susan, Rudy Heals, Susan cures.  Naesala drops bolt on charming cat and a gob and the battle is joined!  The bolted duo attack and Rudy is poislowed (those cats are just FULL of status effects), but Susan Heals him and he, Ramza and Naesala butcher the first pair of attackers.  Enemies 2, Us 2.  Not bad odds since we only lost Guests.

Unfortunately, things go from average to bad to worse in short order.  Spark gives a gob re-raise but none of my people, I'm stuck in a constant loop of confuse-heal-die-wish, and eventually wish freaking MISSES and Rudy turns into a box.  Mission Fail.

Mandalia Plains Random

Party Changeup!

Ramza discard his 1337 n3kk1d sk1llz to become a monk.
Rudy acquires said 1337 n3kk1d sk1llz.
Naesala takes Item instead of Basic Skill.

About this time, I realize that I actually have a ton of items to sell.  So, it's back to Igros to buy what I should have bought the last time I was there.

However, on the way, a Mandalia Plains Random appeared!

I added Dawson back into the party and faced off against three chocobos and two gobs.  I shuddered to think what the big yellow birds could do, considering they're one of the nastier earlygame enemies in vanilla FFT.  To my surprise, they... retreat?  Interesting.  I wonder why the AI is using them so oddly.  The gobs prove to be made of sterner stuff, and the chocobos follow their lead toward where Ramza and Susan are busily Accumulating power.

Hostilities are joined when Dawson, heretofore without sin, throws the first stone (at a gob).  The gob doesn't appreciate the biblical joke, eye gouging the squire, who then proceeds to chuck a rock at Ramza, instead.  Ramza forgives and tries out his Stigma Magic, which is good for what ails Dawson, and Susan cures Ramza.  Rudy and Naesala cooperate to bring down one chocobo and bolt another (plus a gob); Rudy easily tanks the bolt.  Knights are awesome, even without gear.

At least, so I thought.  A gob drops the wounded Rudy with a back attack!  But it's no match for Accumulated kung-fu Ramza, and the battle is all over but the shouting.  (Actually, there is no shouting; no one knows Yell yet.)

The battle proves fortuitous, as even with it AND my sales, I barely have enough to afford a flail for Susan and Rudy's new battle gear.  But, I now have an awesome tank and a healer who can fight with the best of them, as well as a few more abilities to take into Sweegy Woods.

Will it be enough...?

Sweegy Woods 3: This Time It's Personal

Ramza's patience with the guardians of Sweegy Woods wanes.  (For my part, it's a blast to have to think about a battle before Dorter.  Which is next.  Gulp.)  Now a kung-fu Accumulator, accompanied by the flailing Susan and fully prot-specced Rudy (and Naesala, who is the same as before), he leads his intrepid band into the savage wilderness once more.

The battle opens, as always, with Algus and Delita arguing, then advancing.  This time, Rudy joins them, trusting in his tankiness to win through – as a result, he and Delita are able to slay the black gob.  (I've seen this movie.  The black gob always dies first.)  Delita gets slowed and poisoned by charming cat, and Algus pulls aggro on the rest of the enemies.  Algus surrounded and torn to pieces by rabid beasts; it brings a tear of joy to my eye.

Now the party reverses course, with Rudy leading the way and Naesala creeping into bolt range.  Ramza and Susan continue Accumulating; their power level will soon(ish) be over 9000.  Naesala and Rudy smack charming cat but can't drop it; the kitty retaliates by nailing Naesala.  Ramza moves to Stigma Magic this, learning to his horror that he can't cure slow. >_<  Delita goes down to a concerted attack, and Algus dies as he lived – uselessly and without dignity.

Rudy and Naesala again cooperate, this time bringing down a gob with only mild injury.  Considering that I now have a numerical advantage and my two strongest hitters have yet to show their power, I'm feeling pretty good about this.  Naesala, true to his namesake, betrays the spirit of peaceful cooperation he had going with Rudy and drops poison into the midst of the battlefield.  Poison has meteor's AoE now?  Wow.  Anyway, Rudy, the surviving gob and one bomb succumb to the venomous arcana.

In a moment of kindness that would never, ever happen if there were human enemies here, Ramza Wishes Delita were back in the fray, and Susan instagibs a bomb.  It immediately gets better and makes Delita worse.  Hmm.  I feel a certain lack of progress here.  The second bomb shocks Naesala from afar, dropping him.

But Susan repeats herself, and between a thrown stone and repeated brutal beatings, Ramza finishes off the last two enemies.  Victoly!

Slumming In Dorter

Before going to Dorter, I look over the party's setups.  Susan can learn Esuna, which looks downright vital after the last battle.  She and Rudy are fine as-is, class-wise, and there's no question that both Ramza and Rudy have been very effective in their current setups.


Ramza can now be a geomancer!  I've never actually had one this early, except one time when I was rushing ninja and overleveled like mad.  I decide to try it out.  That leaves the monk slot open, and despite the awesome knights bring now, I feel uncomfortable going without one.  Rudy slides over to monk, a more natural fit for the character he's named for.  We hop back to Gariland to buy some stylish leather jackets (Tunnel Snakes rule!) and then head for Dorter – and DESTINY.

My expectations of a nearly insurmountable struggle proved... not exactly accurate.  Delita and Algus charge ineffectively uphill, managing to get themselves killed without dropping a single enemy.  But on the ground, an Accumulated monk, geomancer and priest prove more than the enemy can handle and in short order I've even dropped the oh-so-tanky enemy knight.  The archer without a weapon doesn't help the enemy cause any.

I string along the last of the archers on the roof to give me time for crystal collection.  The collecting goes... okay, I guess.  Nothing spectacular, but lots that's serviceable.  Unfortunately, while I'm scooping up crystals (and a single, rather crappy, treasure chest), Rudy manages to get himself ventilated by the last archer!  What was a cakewalk becomes a race against time as Ramza scrambles up to either kill the archer or wish Rudy weren't dead!  At the last second, Ramza leaps up, pitches a stone at the archer in desperation – and knocks him off the roof.  The fall deals lethal damage.  Heh.

I'm blown away by how easy this was.  I assume it's because Sweegy was so much harder than normal, and as a result I was both paying more attention and better geared (with both classes and items) than I would normally be without intentionally leveling up.

No one changes classes after this rout, but Ramza learns sandstorm in preparation for the Cellar of Sand Rat (“Cellar” means a rat's nest!), Naesala learns Bolt-2, Susan picks up Prot-2, and Rudy learns the Cha-Cha-Chakra (and repeating fist).  We tool up (Naesala dons a linen robe, Ramza gets the iron sword, Delita actually gets some new gear, and we start to acquire booties of battle).

Sand Rat Cellar

Ramza and Naesala join Delita on the right flank, Rudy and Susan accompany Algus along the left.

Considering how dangerous monks and knights are, this battle is pretty scary.  Not as much as a fight against monsters, but still not one I'm confident about.  A monk quickly charges Delita, only to be ambushed by Ramza and Naesala (with, admittedly, some friendly fire.  Okay, a LOT of friendly fire, and by fire, I mean bolt, and by bolt, I mean bolt-2).  But hey, the monk dies.  On the other front, Rudy blocks the door and Susan tries out the new and improved protect-2.  She defends herself, but the faithless Rudy remains unbuffed.  The enemy archer manages to hit the ceiling while aiming for Algus.  Dumbass.

Things don't go as well, however, once the enemy monk drops a deadly wave fist on Rudy.  Grefter, enemy knight leader, emerges through the gap and gets to Naesala to avenge the perfectly aligned bolt-2 the black mage just dropped on the Death Corps force.  The situation seems hopless when Susan runs out of MP and Grefter kills both Naesala and Ramza – there's no way I can kill three knights, one with Item, before time runs out.  Then I remember chakra.  Susan's last MP went toward raising Rudy (which actually WORKED, for a wonder), but the monk gives them right back – and me a real shot to win this thing.

Susan raises Ramza with her newfound MP, then Ramza wishes Naesala back to the land of the living.  Back to full strength (at the admittedly considerable cost of losing a crystal to that bastard Delita ,-_-,), I'm ready to finish this.  Or rather, to cruelly prolong it by killing off my guests and leaving one enemy alive while I wait for the crystals.  Fortunately, Grefter has added Algus to his kill count but is now on the verge of dying himself, so I'm in a good position to do exactly that.

The PCs dispatched Delita (just before he could commit the ultimate sin of Wishing Algus were alive!), then Grefter, who was cowering in a corner after his heart-stopping duel with the aforementioned Algus.  The Item knight fell soon after to an assault by Ramza, and Rudy and Naesala trapped the bow-wielding knight in a corner of the fort, unable to attack or escape.  After an INCREDIBLE haul of crystals (Head Break, Weapon Guard and an item for Ramza, Spin Fist, Secret Fist and an item for Rudy) and some crappy treasures, we put the last knight out of his misery.

Another Mandalia Plains

Rather to my surprise, Ramza and co. returned to Igros without random encounters – which meant I was back in a serious cash crunch.  I had to sell some currently un-used but high quality armor, gear I expected Rudy to don as early as the next battle, just to pay for an expensive axe for Ramza.  Nonetheless, I felt certain this was a worthwhile purchase, considering the axe's many benefits.  I also picked up some new armor, mostly for the mages (red hoods), and an all-important thunder rod for Naesala.

On the way to our first meeting with Miluda, however, a pair of gobs and a pair of charming cats ambushed us.  Despite the potential mindscrew, I entered the battle with faith.  As a result, we were able to defeat it!

This battle was about as unnotable as they come, save for a goblin using secret fist and saying the quote.  Pretty cool to see a gob with a speaking part, although if other monsters do this it may grow passing strange.

Thieves' Fort

The battle with Miluda's band opens like most: guests vs. enemies.  Delita and Algus manage to almost kill the thief who charged in to attack the former.  They fall to an enemy bolt shortly thereafter, saving me the trouble of killing them, and Naesala finishes off the enemy thief one of the priests had targeted with Cure 3.

The same priestess who dropped the guests does the same to Susan, but Naesala turns about entirely fairly with a bolt of his own.  Meanwhile Ramza and Miluda fight it out, and Rudy prevents a priest from raising the dead thief.

This battle turned out relatively tricky – but only because I was intent on keeping Miluda alive while I nabbed crystals.  With the white mages dead, dropping the two remaining thieves proved easy enough.  Miluda herself was a dangerous foe, between her usual boosts and the new knight bonus, so I ended up doing much of my damage through Naesala's poison.  Eventually, after much wishing and gnashing of phoenix down, the last of the thieves gave up the ghost, we collected the crystals and Ramza finished Miluda off... for now...
Read my webnovel, Eye Opener, now available on RoyalRoad.

Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #548 on: July 19, 2009, 07:40:04 AM »
(And the finale of Chapter One:)

Lenalia Plateau

On the way back to Igros, yet another Mandalia Plains random emerged and was summarily defeated.  From this point on, I'm not going to comment on these unless something important happens.  Also, I'm going to actively avoid them whenever possible to keep the main game interesting.  Haven't decided if I'll save state out of randoms entirely.

Having learned most of what he wanted from geomancer (attack up, counter flood and the most common geomantic abilities), Ramza switched over to knight for a while.  Naesala, meanwhile, upgraded to time mage, possibly en route to summoner.  The rest of the PCs continued advancing in their respective classes, and Delita also became a knight to make him a more useful tank for the coming battles.  Between the new equipment required, a pair of long bows in case I went archer before the end of Chapter 1, and enough healpots and PHNK downs to last me through Fort Zeakden, I was once again down to less than a hundred gil.  To add insult to penury, after shelling out the cash for a complete suit of knightly armor, I decided that Ramza rushing to ninja for the speed growth would end up being more valuable, so I switched him to archer when I moved to Gariland. >_<

Thus geared (and broke), I was ready for the rematch with Miss Folles.

Since Miluda's band has the high ground and I'm fairly confident my team can take them in a strand-up fight, I decide to be more aggressive than I have been in the past.  Susan Protect-2s the whole team and the battle is joined.  Ramza and Dawson (now armed with the axe of awesome) bring down a mage who tries to mass-poison the party, and the others move to join them on the front lines.

This proves to be less of an advantage than I'd thought, as Miluda busies herself using the punch art Revive on her fallen arcanists!  I manage to get the time mage and both black magi down – for a moment – but Miluda refuses to let them stay dead.  Her insipid pop populism is apparently inspirational enough to keep her minions in the fight!

Fortunately, once I get several of them down and start to punch through the line of knights, she faces an uphill battle to keep her corps from being corpses.

Unfortunately, Susan drops to a knight and an ill-timed target: Unit bolt from Naesala, I forget that only Ramza and Susan can currently use a raise effect (the one thing Rudy doesn't have yet as a monk >_<) and I can neither get to Susan nor kill Miluda in time to prevent crystallization.  Reset!

Lenalia Plateau REMIX

Same party, same plan, hopefully different result.

Things certain start differently – when the time mage drops haste-2 on the enemy. O_o  Despite their amazing hasty drive, we manage to drop the mages, and this Miluda packs Item instead of Punch Art and seems less inclined to use it to bring back her fallen comrades.

Naesala poisons the surviving, all-knight enemies and makes a break for it, not least because he included half the party in the AoE.  Fortunately, only Dawson is actually affected on my side.  We manage to drop all but one knight and Miluda, both of whom are poisoned.  Rudy whallops the knight, nearly dropping her.  Despite her desperate potion use, she eventually goes down to Dawson's mighty axe.

This time, we have all the enemies (and Delita) down save for Miluda, and with her showing no inclination to raise her comrades, we settle in to reap the crystal rewards.  And what rewards they are!  No, seriously, what reward?  I manage to get a crop of useless treasure chests.  Blech.  At least one has a silk robe, which is better than what I can buy at this point.  At last, Rudy punches Miluda out in one (Accumulated, of course) blow and the battle concludes.  Ramza wonders what went wrong, and I'm forced to agree – seriously, where were the crystals, huh?  Those people had some awesome techs I would have loved to learn. ._.

Fovoham Plains

Before we face the (much) more dangerous Folles sibling for the first time, some class changes are in order.  When she learns Raise-2, Susan completes pretty much everything I want out of white magic.  She switches over to Oracle for the awesome Move-MP-Up, the status effects, and the always-adorable bow on her dress.  Naesala continues climbing the class ladder, becoming a Summoner and learning Moogle so he's not just a black mage by any other name.  Ramza and Rudy both become thieves; Ramza can't learn anything, and with the power of martial arts, Rudy becomes a heart-stealing kung-fu thief.  I'm very curious how this will stack up to the old martial arts ninja/two-swords monk builds of classic FFT.  Finally, Dawson becomes a knight to tank Wiegraf in the coming battle, but cannot bear to part with his Equip Axe.

First impressions: Was there always an oracle here?  Second impressions: No.  Martial Arts thief does not work like Martial Arts ninja. >_<  I feel a reload coming on...  Third impressions: MA Thief may be fine, just not on Wiegraf; it kills oracles dead.  Fourth impressions: Monks?  Oh, yeah, they have revive...


Fovoham Plains: The Second Story

A new approach seems called for.  Rudy will be a knightly punch artist (knight tankiness + chakra = win?  We'll see.), Naesala will go back to being a black mage with item.

Wiegraf moves up without getting into attack range, which allows Ramza to rush up and deal a double attack.  Not bad.  What IS bad is the counterattack, Boco beak and monkish member of Wiegraf's harem, since these combine to drop Ramza immediately after his first attack.  Fun!

Naesala and Susan time a bolt-3 and a raise-2, dropping Boco, shocking the monk and being BLOCKED by Wiegraf (O_o) just before Ramza returns to the fray at full health.  All in all, a successful exchange, although Wiegraf comes out barely hurt by it.  It would have been even better if Wiegraf's crush punch hadn't ID'd Ramza right back into oblivion.  The second monk rezzed Boco, who then choco cured his team.

Susan gets silenced by her oracular rival, so Rudy has to spend a turn rezzing Ramza.  Fortunately, between Ramza's thrown stone and Naesala's bolt-3, they manage to drop both monks, removing the enemy's resurrection capability.

We wipe out the remaining enemies (except Wiegraf) and would be in a fine position to rez everyone and steamroll the battle...

... except THREE FUCKING WISHES IN A ROW miss on Rudy, from both Ramza and Delita, and Wiegraf picks off the rapidly dying PCs with impunity because I can't get a fucking rez to land.  You have got to be kidding me.

Fovoham Plains: Advanced 3rd

At last, I manage to defeat Wiegraf!  And in short order; everyone except Susan gets in on the assassination act.  Even Delita lends his crappy physical to the cause, and between him, two-knifing Ramza, punch-drunk Rudy and Naesala calling down the lightning, we trigger Wiegraf's retreat in just two rounds.

(If Wiegraf fought to ZERO rather than CRITICAL, we probably would have lost again, though. -_-' )

Fort Zeakden

It's always satisfying to beat up on Algus.  Of course, with four knights on the enemy team and the buffing knights have received, “satisfying” won't translate into “easy.”  Soon into this battle I realize I have the wrong setups.  Thiefza can't effectively Accumulate to overpower Algus's defenses and my plan didn't account for how hardcore a quartet of knights could be, especially when one has autopotion.  This rapidly degenerates into a TPK.

Fort Zeakden, Again

This time, Ramza becomes an archer to a) clear the necessary prerequisites for ninja and b) take advantage of the high ground.  Ignore Height ftw!  (I also hope to acquire Speed Save, since I'll probably need it for the Wiegraf solo battle now that Yell isn't cruise control for that fight.)

I'm not in serious danger after the first few rounds.  Both mages drop quickly, Naesala mass poisons the knights, and Susan's Don't Act (Don't Tell) works superbly on the whole enemy team.  Once I pare them down to Algus and a couple of knights, including the crossbow-wielding Super (who broke Ramza's armor – good thing it'll be obsolete almost immediately!), I basically settle into a chakra-loop to keep MP and HP high.

The downside is, the enemy manage to snag ALL THREE crystals that appear!  So.  Much.  Hate.  Killing Teta was bad enough, but taking those lovely, lovely abilities from me?  Algus, you BASTARD!

Anyway, through poison (which dealt the finishing blow to two knights ^_^) and bolt-3, fueled by Rudy's chakras, Naesala eventually kills Algus just as the hated one prepared to unleash a lethal charged attack on Ramza.

Delita Do Not Wants and explodes, and we're on to Chapter 2!
Read my webnovel, Eye Opener, now available on RoyalRoad.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #549 on: July 19, 2009, 11:01:45 PM »
Before I forget: We've been noting something about the Talk Skills that are newly MT. They don't seem to hit everyone they target, but rather just randomly target one person.              For example, yesterday, when we tried to reduce three CT's to 0, two of them monsters and one a knight, we saw it go after one of the monsters, but without monster talk it was very obviously guarded. It didn't seem to go after anybody else, and when we checked, there was absolutely no difference. So it's not like the animation only shows up once. (Otherwise the knight most likely would've been hit, thanks to a hit-but-no-monster-talk on the monster)
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.