Author Topic: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)  (Read 522184 times)


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #675 on: September 19, 2009, 01:55:18 AM »
Reinforce will also add DEFENDING status just because.

(Actually, the animation works really well with it >_>)
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #676 on: September 19, 2009, 03:34:50 AM »
Reinforce will also add DEFENDING status just because.

(Actually, the animation works really well with it >_>)
Note: IIRC add: Defend doesn't actually put the person into Defending status, so this is purely aesthetic.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #677 on: September 19, 2009, 04:57:31 AM »
Excuse me, maybe I did something wrong, but the first thing I noticed is that Reinforce is still called "Shield", and doesn't give the Defend stance. I downloaded the newest version of the patch so I figure it should be "Reinforce".

I am not complaining or anything, I am just reporting it, if I find anything more substancial I will post it as well.

EDIT: Mmmm... it looks very much like the last version of the patch... I am 100% positive I downloaded the lates version, but just to be sure, I am downloading it again and repatching ASAP.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 05:16:05 AM by Dapifer »
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #678 on: September 19, 2009, 05:14:21 AM »
Hmm, well I can't get ahold of Laggy right now, so I'll troubleshoot for common errors:

Did you patch an unmodified version of FFT, or did you patch over an already-modified LFT?


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #679 on: September 19, 2009, 05:56:28 AM »
I did it again, and it ran smoothly, but again... I keep noticing it looks like the last patch before this one...

So I do it one more time, but I noticed that I couldn't load my saves(it marked me some error)

I know you guys know what you are doing, so the problem must be me...

So I re-upload my FFT Image from the CD, I downloaded once again the latest version in the first page, and this time it seems to work, reinforce is there and it does exaclty as it is described.

I don't know what happened before, maybe the original clean ISO that I was using got corrupted or something, and I know it was a clean ISO because I mark the ones I patch by changing their names, like this ISO is now named LFT patch ver 09/18/09.

Anyways, I am terribly, terribly sorry for jumping the gun, I apologize if I caused anys ort of trouble, and before I post something like that again I am going to triple check it, because I know this kinds of things are not what this thread is about, again, terribly sorry x_x
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #680 on: September 19, 2009, 06:22:12 AM »
Anyways, I am terribly, terribly sorry for jumping the gun, I apologize if I caused anys ort of trouble, and before I post something like that again I am going to triple check it, because I know this kinds of things are not what this thread is about, again, terribly sorry x_x
Heh, no worries, I've done stuff like that at work where my job was at stake.

By comparison, LFT?  This is just something we do for fun on weekends.  In other words: don't stress about it.  It's not a big deal if this topic derails for a post or two.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #681 on: September 20, 2009, 05:15:49 AM »
So.... fun fact: learning any ability causes LFT to crash right now.

Investigating this. >_>
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #682 on: September 20, 2009, 11:00:00 AM »
Ok... thank you very much sir, I was very ashamed to say it due to my previous debacle, I realiced that if I use a clean save where I already learned Shield, it works as Reinforce with no problems, but, if I start a new game from scratch, I can't learn any abilities without crashing. I didn't want to say anything before... but good to know it's not just me this time.

Anyways, I await patiently your solutions to this situation, and rest assure that as soon as you post another update I will download it ASAP to see if this keeps happening, only this time I will triple check my results before posting it here, in order to keep the spam at the minimum and be as helpful as I possibly can n_n
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #683 on: September 20, 2009, 02:03:44 PM »
Yeah, this is part of the discussion forum, we should try to keep any talk as little as possible.
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #684 on: September 20, 2009, 05:13:09 PM »
Okay, fix'd, waiting on mc to upload it.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #685 on: September 20, 2009, 05:20:23 PM »

If someone can test and post whether or not it works that'd be great.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #686 on: September 20, 2009, 07:42:36 PM »
Yeah, this is part of the discussion forum, we should try to keep any talk as little as possible.
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #687 on: September 21, 2009, 01:30:58 AM »
Patch works.  Some documentation errors, but changes all look good.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #688 on: September 21, 2009, 11:07:45 AM »
Alright, two notes on todays session.  First, the battle we faced on End when we did our treasure run was...  well.  It was special, in a 'we need to stop Cyril before his madness spreads kind of way.'  As for what it was?  All I'll say is that the Guilty Gear saying at the start of this fight would not have been out of place.

The other thing of note is that random encounters now curl up and die before us.  It's not that they're not competant.  It's just that we have far too much firepower for anything other than super fights to be anything more than trivial annoyances.

Next up: Dread Isle Nelveska!  Expect a possiblity for resets ahead!


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #689 on: September 26, 2009, 04:54:07 PM »
More "why not" stuff that totally only matters for the aftergame. Came up when AM pointed out to me how silly Javelin 2 and Golden Esch were, both as names and as item designs. >_>

Nagnarock: Weapon evade increased to 100%, changed to randomly cast Gravi 2 (HP->1, caps at 999)
Javelin 2: Renamed to Blood Lance, WP dropped from 30 to 16, changed to drain on attack (ala Blood Sword/Bloody Strings)
Golden Escutcheon: Renamed to Paladin Shield, evasion dropped from 75/50 to 30/30, added Absorb: Fire/Ice/Lightning/Holy, Cancel: Wind/Earth/ Water/Dark
Maximillian: HP increased from 200 to 250
Rubber Costume: Renamed to Snow Muffler, removed Cancel: Lightning, added Absorb: Ice, Cancel: Fire, Start: Wall (This was just "why the hell is a RUBBER COSTUME a special/aftergame clothes")
Defense Ring: Renamed to Safety Ring so people stop getting confused by Peace Ring. (I'd call it Safety Bit, but... it is very clearly a ring!)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 04:55:38 PM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #690 on: September 26, 2009, 04:57:01 PM »
Needs an "Actually not from Super Mario RPG" description.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #691 on: September 26, 2009, 05:53:59 PM »
Nagnarock: Weapon evade increased to 100%, changed to randomly cast Gravi 2 (HP->1, caps at 999)
Didn't know you upped the w-evade to 100%.  I guess that's not broken, since it takes an equipment slot, a rare equipment, and a reaction ability.  Just...Nagnarock was already periodically used for its weapon evade in vanilla FFT (for instance, Ninja Agrias/Orlandu/Meliadoul--they use a Flail for high WP, and need a sword to activate their swordskills, and Nagnarock makes lots of sense).

Javelin 2: Renamed to Blood Lance, WP dropped from 30 to 16, changed to drain on attack (ala Blood Sword/Bloody Strings) sucks now; can't see why I'd bother to get it when a storebought axe deals similar Jump damage.

Golden Escutcheon: Renamed to Paladin Shield, evasion dropped from 75/50 to 30/30, added Absorb: Fire/Ice/Lightning/Holy, Cancel: Wind/Earth/ Water/Dark
Doesn't excite me, and it's a nerf to Abandon which really wasn't needed since Abandon is not heavily used at all.  If you really feel you must change it, 50/50 still cooperates with Abandon, and also keeps it at higher evade than the TWO rare elemental shields ALREADY on the market.

Maximillian: HP increased from 200 to 250
Umm...okay sure.  It was good at 200, but I doubt it will be completely broken at 250 despite this >_>

Rubber Costume: Renamed to Snow Muffler, removed Cancel: Lightning, added Absorb: Ice, Cancel: Fire, Start: Wall (This was just "why the hell is a RUBBER COSTUME a special/aftergame clothes")
I don't really care either way.  My inclination is slightly towards "stick with what people know".  Although side note: I'd skip the Start: Wall.  Doesn't make sense thematically, and I'm not really sure what it accomplishes since very few enemies are fast enough to make it relevant, and those that are usually start out-of-range.

Defense Ring: Renamed to Safety Ring so people stop getting confused by Peace Ring. (I'd call it Safety Bit, but... it is very clearly a ring!)
Yes, fine.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #692 on: September 26, 2009, 06:03:20 PM »
Think I largely agree with m.c. here; particularly re: Nelveska equipment. Not that I particularly care, them being so late in the aftergame, but I see no reason to nerf either. If you want to give them more character (which is totally fine by me), then leave the Blood Spear's power at 30, and yeah, give the Paladin Shield 50/50 plus elements. They're the uber-ultimate-final equips, after all. Make us feel it.

(however, given limited equipment property slots, if that's still a factor, I'd be inclined to say leave them generic and powerful and save the interesting stuff for equipment that will actually be used)

re: Wall not being terribly point-ful, maybe auto-protect or start: protect on the snow muffler, if you wanna simulate its FF6 physical neutralization abilities?


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #693 on: September 26, 2009, 06:08:07 PM »
Why the heck would you assume that you'd always jump with the Blood Lance? It's there for the drain physical and for Equip Spear usage. It's not wedded to the Jump ability, and acts as the most powerful draining weapon in the game (whereas Blood Sword and Bloody Strings both get outdated). 16 WP is still "better than anything storebought period", and only a single point below the Dragon Whisker which has no other perk. Okay, so it pales in comparison to the original Javelin 2 for damage, but that was just a silly uberweapon. If it's still competitive with Slasher for Jump damage with all these perks, I can't see how the option of smacking someone to heal yourself up is not a valuable option when you need to take it. Making it Jump-best damage AND spear physical-best damage AND have draining sounds ridiculous to me, and adding even 1 more WP would pretty much accomplish this. I mean, yes, sure, there's an argument to make it completely undisputably the best spear (as opposed to just "probably"), but the idea here is to both add more character and not make them just Big Shiny Numbers.

The point was to make these two items better but still comparable to other rare aftergame equips. The Golden Esch just being that much better than the other shields was silly to me. I really didn't see it as wedded to Abandon either. It could go up to 40 just to match FF6's Paladin Shield stats for thematic reasons if you're that concerned about its power (and if it wasn't obvious, the elemental properties are a direct correlation of it). Hell, I'd rather take the Venetian Plate and remove its elemental properties and give IT the 50/50 evasion stats if you absolutely want something that can synergize with Abandon for 100% evasion.

Rubber Costume (Snow Muffler) having Start: Wall again makes sense if you're drawing from the previous FF background. It doesn't accomplish much, no, but it's amusing to have it on something. Didn't go with Protect because it both actually fits less and is already used on other stuff. I kinda toyed around the idea of making it Always: Wall with no HP/MP bonus but... probably too abusive. Rubber Costume is also just not winning any points in the regard of "this is what people remember about FFT", to me; heck, Rubber Shoes are way more memorable, and pretty much occupy the same niche. I mean, I can't see how it hurts to have it on (and no, item attribute slot limitations are no longer a concern; I condensed them a while back and now have a fair number of free slots lying around, hence why I'm throwing these new ideas into the air.)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 08:15:57 PM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #694 on: September 26, 2009, 08:34:21 PM »
Honestly, I also like the idea of super equips being, well, super.  Especially in a case like this where you only get one shot, there's a percentage chance for failure such that you'll always have 90% at best of getting these two equips, and unless you took steps to make it easier, it's a battle that was already hard enough to get control of that will be made harder by default thanks to the boosts monsters got.  Oh, and that's forgetting the fact that they're in an out of the way place, though oddly enough, easier to reach if you're willing to use certain classes.

So, all of that really does conspire to say that those two equips should be better than most other things.

So, yeah.  Fine with the Jav 2 being some unstoppable doom lance.  Though the Paladin Shield, I think with the elemental additions, just the 40/40 is enough to make it really good.  It's noticable against non elemental attacks, and stops anything with an element cold, as well as being worth using Abandon with, as opposed to the Golden Escutcheon where you didn't even bother with Abandon because you're already at the point where that extra little bit against stuff that's hitting shield evade is pointless, and you want to start dealing with things that don't hit shield evade.  Whereas this leaves that choice open, making for more interesting tactical options.

As for the rest, looks good to me.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #695 on: September 26, 2009, 08:57:07 PM »
Yeah, okay, I'm fine with Javelin 2 going back up for shine factor I suppose - it just sticks out because, unlike say the Chaos Blade (which has Excalibur to compete) other spears are just flat out horribly inferior to it. In that a plain vanilla 30 WP spear was already godly, and now that it gives parasitic healing that much damage seems like overkill. Fine if people prefer it still stand out (like 24 WP or so).

I do like 40/40 just as a homage to FF6's Paladin Shield, though, and am open to the floor on ideas to make Rubber Costume not boring if the Snow Muffler doesn't sound interesting enough. It's not an uber-rare item, though, so it needs to be relatively balanced. Will also probably change the Venetian Shield regardless - enough things affect the Big 3 and shields don't need two elemental cancelling gimmicks. (note to mc, though, that the other "elemental" shield doesn't do anything for resists or whatnot, simply strengthens the Big 3 ala Black Robe).
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #696 on: September 26, 2009, 11:43:33 PM »
Clearly, the next LFT needs to have a "skip intro" option.

There's no known way to add in a new feature like scene skip.  Laggy and I usually emulate and turn on the 6x frameskip frequently, but if you're burning a disk and playing on an actual PS1 that's not an option, unfortunately.

Actually, there is.

It's not optional though -- it simply removes all the events from the game.

And the item changes look... interesting. Also, I wouldn't worry too much about buffing Squires. Last game I played through they were already very, very good.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #697 on: September 26, 2009, 11:59:11 PM »
And the item changes look... interesting. Also, I wouldn't worry too much about buffing Squires. Last game I played through they were already very, very good.

Elaborate on this, Fuzzy? I'm kind of curious as to what role they filled in your game.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #698 on: September 27, 2009, 04:24:47 AM »
Yeah, okay, I'm fine with Javelin 2 going back up for shine factor I suppose - it just sticks out because, unlike say the Chaos Blade (which has Excalibur to compete) other spears are just flat out horribly inferior to it.
Yeah, umm, know what Javellin II ACTUALLY competes with?  Chaos Blade.  Drop J2 to 26-27 WP, and now it deals less jump damage than Chaos Blade (slightly) AND significantly lower regular attack damage.  The thing is, too, that Chaos Blade can be used with Two Swords so that you get Excalibur's Auto-Haste from the other hand (at no penalty to Jump damage).

I don't see the logic behind nerfing one of the few weapons worth using over Chaos Blade in some rare situations just because you're not happy with said weapon being stronger than a poachable Chapter 3 spear.

Rubber Costume (Snow Muffler) having Start: Wall again makes sense if you're drawing from the previous FF background. It doesn't accomplish much, no, but it's amusing to have it on something.
Honestly, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that start: [status] is just not good design (unless it's a status that does not wear off like Reraise or Petrify or Berserk).  With Wall--It's useless!  ...Except in the weird corner-case where it's super-abusive!  Except you can still only make use of it if you look up status clocktick counts in this topic!  Oh, and as a bonus you get to watch Wall wearing off on all of your characters whether or not you actually made use of it, which is frankly an annoyance in the 90% of fights where it does nothing.

Don't get me wrong--I fully support start: positive status on Zodiac demons, because it encourages the player to make the match last more than one round.  But on the player side it's not good for defence because it punishes slowplay, and it's questionable at best for offence since you have to drop your damage for it (unless the status is Faith or Haste, but we've talked about those).  It's just...not inherently fun.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #699 on: September 28, 2009, 01:12:51 AM »
Gaffgarini?  Why is he now Gaffgarini?