
Author Topic: Boyd>>>Oscar  (Read 298 times)


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« on: November 29, 2008, 12:53:14 AM »
The crowd was teeming with fangirls, cheering on either brother as the two grimly faced each other down. Deis slid into the spectator's box right in front, with Jessica and Terra close behind. "Meanwhile, our avid supporters have gathered in this arena, in protest of the perversion that was the Godlike match-"

"Deis, we helped -propogate- that perversion." Terra said tiredly.

"Well, yes, but casualties must be made for the greater plan." Deis smiled as Alice came up, whistle in hand to start the match.

"Greater plan." Jessica repeated, flatly.

"Yes." Deis smiled. "Now, keep your eyes on the prizes, ladies..." she murmured as she raised a camera, ready.

Both Jessica and Terra shot her a confused look. "Prizes? What do you mean, pri-"

Alice blew the whistle. The arena was quiet for a very short moment, the only motion Deis' grin widening still further and Oscar and Boyd's sprint toward each other... suddenly stopping.

Then all hell broke loose. Camera flashes went off as fangirls swarmed into the arena, covering Boyd and Oscar completely within seconds. Deis lowered her own digital camera before grinning at Terra and Jessica. "Isn't magic grand, my friends?"

Jessica spoke first. "A... whistle that disrobes the combatants. I'm impressed."

"... I guess the metaphor is 'eighteen charisma under the hood'." Terra said, face rather flushed.

"Indeed. Who says the male perverts get to have all the fun, after all?" Deis hummed, putting the camera away. "Impressed enough to sign on?"

The two slowly nodded. "Sure, why not." "Hey, means I get to torture the male pervert's league. Can't be all bad."

Deis gave a cheshire grin. "Excellent. Shall we retire to Creation Cafe? Lenneth's providing the coffee and Alice is bringing donuts."

Terra shot Deis a confused look. "Alice's a member? Doesn't that conflict with Yuri..."

"The two seem to have come to an agreement." Deis shrugs. "One that involves whipped cream on both of them. Off we go, then."


Idly, Boyd was declared the winner after Oscar's fangirls carried him off first.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 12:56:36 AM by Taishyr »