
Author Topic: My-Hime Mafia  (Read 59187 times)


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My-Hime Mafia
« on: November 30, 2008, 11:04:21 PM »
It was as sudden as it was unexpected- and disturbing.

"Hnn... ah.. ah! Onee-chan!" gasped Takumi, clutching at his chest suddenly, right in the middle of class. Before a series of horrified onlookers, his body began to disintegrate, evaporating into empheral, sparkling green mist. And just like that, he vanished, never to be seen again. Panic ensued as the entire classroom freaked out, some rushing over to his seat to see if it wasn't all a sick joke, others simply rushing out.

It was a while before someone thought to check on Mai, who hadn't showed up in school today. They found her in her dormitory, having already bled to death. Paramedics who arrived far too late opined that she must have died around the same time as Takumi. For most of the school, this was a terrible, and freaky coincidence. But for a certain group of others, it was a signal that the fight had begun.

13 people received a summons. They gathered in the school garden, in a setting that would be luxirious were it not for the realities for their situation.

Fujino Shizuru, the mysterious president of the student council.
Sugiura Midori, Mai's upbeat homeroom teacher.
Yuuichi Tate, Mai's boyfriendShiho Munakata's boyfriend and just friends with Mai.
Minagi Mikoto, Mai's catlike, athletic, and simple-minded roommate.
Okuzaki Akira, Takumi's best friend.
Kuga Natsuki, serious-minded delinquent and truant. Mai's companion.
Ishigami Wataru, schoolteacher and manager of the art club.
Miyu, a devout yet strangely... mechanical... student.
Kazuya Kurauchi, an affable young student. Higurashi Akane's boyfriend.
Yuuki Nao, seductive man-killing teenager.
Senou Aoi, an otaku for all things cute.
Suzushiro Haruka, the over-enthusiastic leader of the Fuka executive committe.
Higurashi Akane, part-time waitress and Kazuya Kurauchi's girlfriend.

A face none of them wanted to see again showed up, as well.

With his usual contemptuous smirk, Nagi did the thing everyone expected, yet dreaded- he opened his mouth.

"hi2u ma3him3. gud to see u all well. xcept for mai LOLOLOLOL

Pausing, he cleared his throat.

"Ahem, sorry. I'm sure some of you have deduced already that it was one of you who killed her," he replies, nodding. "And if you'll all take a quick look at the sky..."

Hanging in the stars was an ominous red star, sparkling brightly near a barely visible, pale moon. "As you can see, it's getting bigger. The festival needs to be completed, everyone, or the world will end! Luckily, someone seems to have accepted this." He grins, nastily. "With that in mind, I suppose you all can't just stand around, can you?"

He vanished, leaving those gathered to ponder on what to do next. For some, it didn't take long-

"So it was one of you, huh?! Give yourselves up! You can't escape!" cried Haruka, only to be shooed by Shizuru. "Now, if they were going to give themselves up that easily, they wouldn't have come," the president remarks, surveying the gathered students and teachers. "We can't afford to fight amongst ourselves, can we?"

"Hmph. And it was probably you two, to boot," snorts Akira, leaning against a pillar. "You two have more authority than even the teachers, so committing murder would be-"

"Don't you dare say that about Shizuru!" snapped Natsuki, causing Haruka to stomp her foot. "Hey, you forgot-"

"Haaaaai! Everyone quiet down!" called Midori, clapping her hands in an ominous, 'I'm a teacher and you're all scrubs' fashion. "Let's start simple, alright? We know the murderers are amongst us. So if we go over the facts, it shouldn't be hard to determine who's who!"

Everyone seemed to nod at this. Except for the redheaded student, who rolled her eyes. "And? What do we do when we find them?" she challenges, addressing the group. "They won't just go 'oh, sorry, I guess I did kill her, teehee!" and turn themselves in like some cutesy detective anime. We'll have to-" She frowns to herself.

Faces paled. "And.. and if we lose... they'd never give themselves up," mumbles Higurashi, clutching onto Kazuya's arm. Collective shudders rippled through the group. As Mai's death had demonstrated, the death of a Hime resulted in the death of a person important to them. And nobody needed to mention that only one could survive the festival, in the first place.

The tense atmosphere hung in the balance, but eventually, the silence would have to be broken...


-Town Must Lynch; ties are resolved via sudden death.
-Scum Must Kill
-Serial Killers Must Kill
-Days will be 48 hours, subject to extension if desired by popular demand. Post ##Extension if you want one and if at least a third of you want it it will happen.
-You will be informed if someone tries to kill you at night or if you are roleblocked, regardless of applicability or success.
-Replacements will only be permitted on days one and two. Any hardcore lurkers or people who want to quit will simply be killed after that.
-Play to win
-Don't be lame

-Don't edit your posts
-If you're not sure, for fuck's sake, ask, especially if you want role clarifications.

Town (Town wins by killing all other factions, excluding any survivors.)
Doctor (May or may not be able to protect self. May or may not be able to protect the same person twice in a row.)
Cop (Sane, Insane)
Vigilante (Nightvig only, may be compulsive, may have limited shots)
Bomb (Kills anyone who hammers him; kills anyone attempting to kill him at night.)
Miller (Special, may be attached to any of the above roles.)

Scum (One scum must go on the kill, they lose any powers they have that night if so. Scum can talk to each other out of the thread. Scum wins by killing everyone else, except any Survivors.)
Doctor (The scumdoc will only appear if an SK or another scumteam exists. You can't use the scumdoc to protect against your own scumkill.)
Hitman (May ignore protections of any kind if sent on the kill. May have limited uses.)
Roleblocker (Blocks passive roles for that night as well, i.e. bomb, bulletproof, miller)
Godfather (Immune to NKs and flips town to cops. One guaranteed to exist in the game, NOT per scumteam.)

Third Party (None will exist in a game with less than 13 people in it, guaranteed.)
Serial Killer (May be bulletproof, may flip town to investigations.)
Survivor (Doesn't need to be eliminated by either side, may possess any other role.)

Still Attending Class

1. Fujino Shizuru (Corwin)
2. Sugiura Midori (SirAlexTheFirst)
3. Yuuichi Tate (Excal)
4. Minagi Mikoto (AndrewRogue)
7. Ishigami Wataru (Strago)
10. Senou Aoi (Kilgamayan)
11. Suzushiro Haruka (Xanth)
13. Higurashi Akane (Kiro)

Sparklies or Slashies

-1. Tokiha Mai
0. Tokiha Takumi
5. Okuzaki Akira, Scum Godfather (HunterSopko)
6. Kuga Natsuki, Vanilla Town (DreadThomas)
8. Miyu, Bulletproof Miller (El-Cideon)
9. Kazuya Kurauchi, Scum Hitman (Bardiche)
12. Yuuki Nao, Vanilla Town, you fucking bastards :( (Affinity)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 07:48:13 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 11:04:48 PM »
It is Day One! There are 48 hours remaining.

Ciato is your co-mod for this game.

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2008, 11:09:15 PM »
##Vote: EvilTom to get the inevitable out of the way.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2008, 11:17:16 PM »
Mai?  Maiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

You did this!  I know you killed her!

##Vote: Andrew Rogue

Hunter Sopko

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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2008, 11:19:32 PM »
##Vote: Corwin

It was definately the crazy rapist bitch that did it!


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2008, 11:21:06 PM »
##VOTE: Affinity

A seductive man-killing teenager? I think I'm onto something here.


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Inflected Stable Fop
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2008, 11:42:03 PM »
##Vote: Excal

These acts of perversion have long since got out of hand. I don't see Takeda about, so it's clear who the culprit must be.

I want Kiro and Bardiche separated before anything else happens.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2008, 12:13:43 AM »
And now, I am dissappearing for the day.  Just a heads up so spending time with friends doesn't get read as OMG LURKING!



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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2008, 12:37:24 AM »
Eyyyyy.  All right, all right, murderer catching time and whatnot. 

Who's up for karaoke afterwards?


##Vote: Excal



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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2008, 03:43:07 AM »
#Vote: El-Cideon

*doesn't like androids*


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2008, 04:56:07 AM »
Day 1, Votecount!

EvilTom: Kilgamayan
AndrewRogue: Excal
Corwin: HunterSopko
Affinity: Bardiche
Excal: Xanth, SirAlex
El-Cideon: Affinity

7 to lynch, 42 hours remaining or so.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2008, 05:17:31 AM »
##Vote El-Cideon

It's your fault I got so little screentime in the anime!


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2008, 05:56:03 AM »
#Vote: El-Cideon

*doesn't like androids*

I must plead ignorance to whatever it is that you are referring to here. Surely you do not suggest that the respected (yet powerful and fearsome) Searrs Foundation would covertly send an advanced combat android to Fuka Academy for the purpose of monitoring the Festival? Because that would be unthinkable.

[Note to self: the redhead suspects our true nature. Must be monitored carefully.]

As for my other accuser, well, data needed to be gathered and you were a handy subject. You have only yourself to blame for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


It is customary to dispense with a vote in one's first post. Therefore: ##Vote: Bardiche

The lovers fail to acknowledge each other's existence! Clearly this is significant in some way.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2008, 07:01:34 AM »
##Vote: EvilTom to get the inevitable out of the way.
Everytime someone has made this joke, they've turned out to be scum. ##Vote: Kilgamayan

I plan on watching this soon, so let's avoid spoilers where possible please? Thanks ^^
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2008, 07:05:41 AM »
How awful! I was framed, I'll have you know, framed.

I must concur with my Natsuki that it's always the quiet ones. ##Vote: Kilgamayan

How dare you accuse Natsuki?! Your time will come, Senou....


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Giblet Dentist Rave
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2008, 10:19:54 AM »
##Unvote: Excal

Wait, what.

I know that they're just joke votes and all, but three pairs out of eleven votes cast? That is odd, right?

Of the three second voters, Corwin definitely knew that his vote was second, and Kiro at least had a silly character joke to explain why his vote 'had' to go to El Cid (as, kind of sort of, did Corwin). If I'm going to start a line of thought anywhere out of this, it's going to have to be 'scum are less likely to be paying attention' and go with ##Vote: Alex. I'm hardly looking at you for acting spastic as your character at the start of day one, but the second vote out of the blue turns my head.

Off on the wrong foot with Corwin as well for the same act for the opposite reasons.

It'd be nice to see Andrew and Strago show up, but it's hardly time to worry about their absence.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2008, 02:30:03 PM »
Xanth: I call it coincidence, myself. Cor was pretty much jokevoting for the sake of flavor (Natsuki and Shizuru voting for the same person? Yeah) and I figure Alex just couldn't resist responding to Excal's post with silliness (he did vote immediately after Excal said that, remember). Really, that's as much reason as you're going to find for votes this early on regardless of alignment, and someone getting two votes really doesn't look strange at all to me. I'm inclined to think you're reading too much into it. Granted, this is day one, there's not a lot else going on.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2008, 03:01:31 PM »
Mornin', guys. I have no clue what any of this game's flavor is like, so I'm going to have to take on faith El Cid's explanation of why there seems to be an early joke pile-up on Excal. Aside from that... uh. Yeah, nothing's happened so far, which is standard for Day 1 this early on. Well, okay. Two things have happened.


##Vote: EvilTom to get the inevitable out of the way.
Everytime someone has made this joke, they've turned out to be scum. ##Vote: Kilgamayan

I plan on watching this soon, so let's avoid spoilers where possible please? Thanks ^^

Tom makes the first stab at a kind of real argument, and a tenuous meta-argument at that.


##Unvote: Excal

Wait, what.

I know that they're just joke votes and all, but three pairs out of eleven votes cast? That is odd, right?

Of the three second voters, Corwin definitely knew that his vote was second, and Kiro at least had a silly character joke to explain why his vote 'had' to go to El Cid (as, kind of sort of, did Corwin). If I'm going to start a line of thought anywhere out of this, it's going to have to be 'scum are less likely to be paying attention' and go with ##Vote: Alex. I'm hardly looking at you for acting spastic as your character at the start of day one, but the second vote out of the blue turns my head.

Off on the wrong foot with Corwin as well for the same act for the opposite reasons.

It'd be nice to see Andrew and Strago show up, but it's hardly time to worry about their absence.

El Cid may have quelled some of Xanth's concerns, we won't know until Xanthy-pie comes back. What got my attention, though, is how this reminds of of one of Xanth's opening gambits in the AnonyRandoMafia a few weeks ago. That said, in that game he forced himself into the spotlight by switching his jokevote and posturing about how we wanted to start a real discussion. Here he's just trying -- a bit like I am right now, come to think of it -- to sift something worthwhile from the flavorful madness. So, whatever, certainly not a particularly damning action on his part.

Tom certainly looks worse; a vote like that with a one-line justification treads that line between "obviously I was kidding, guys, you're totally overthinking everything" and "okay now I can spin this into a real argument."

##VOTE: Evil Tom

Yeah, grasping at straws. They're all I've got right now, though.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2008, 03:38:19 PM »
It's not so much that a pile-up on Excal makes sense as it is that Tom and Corwin jokevoting on the same person makes sense because of their roles (Shizuru is pretty much Natsuki's stalker. Let us all now laugh at the idea of a Cor/Tom couple). It could be argued that that's smokescreening on Cor's part, but I find it too early in the game to believe that. Two votes isn't anything remarkable in a game this size.

On that note, I may as well get this out of the way since Rat's not here to do it for us:

##Unvote: Bardiche
##Vote: Kilgamayan

Random bandwagon/let's see what happens. As for why Kilga over the other people tied for votes right now? One of them's me (and voting for myself would violate that all-important "Don't be lame" rule) and the other's Tom. Early Tom-train has happened so much that it's practically cliche, so I'll opt for a subject that stands a better chance of producing something interesting. Unlike Strago, I'm not drawing conclusions from Tom's first vote; looks like a joke to me, just like most of the first posts, so it's functionally a null read.

As for Xanth, Strago: well, countering meta with meta, the first person to try and put out a substantial argument is always going to draw criticism just because they're the first one with something to actually analyze. And Xanth has proven to have little enthusiasm for jokevoting in pretty much every game he's played (regardless of alignment), so I'd say this is par for the course for him.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2008, 03:46:46 PM »
Calling me a stalker is so terribly mean-spirited! Why, I merely happened to be where my Natsuki was facing terrible danger, ready to save her from her enemies, whoever they might be. Ahem. How about some green tea? It is one of my formiddable powers, I am told. I have plenty for everyone.

For what it's worth, I support the drive to get things into the serious phase. I'm at a loss how to contribute to it at the time, however, since I agree with Cid's reasoning and so wouldn't actually be pushing him for explanations on his vote here.


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Drip Heater Parsnip
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2008, 04:35:37 PM »
No, I'm pretty happy with my vote where it is for now. It's early day one and I'm not pushing for decapitating the teacher on the back of it, yes, but my vote should still be somewhere at this point, and the weird mass of double-voting has been the only thing to worry me. The only thing I want to retract at this point is the use of the word 'spastic', which is bordering on uncivil even when in jest about in-character play.

I'm more on Kilgamayan's side than Tom's in that little fray, partially for Strago's reservations and also because Tom's joke argument is [unsurprisingly] incorrect. Well, I'm not really on Kilga's side so much as I'm against randomly firing him into the lead so soon.

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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2008, 05:13:56 PM »
I dislike Xanth's reasoning voting Alex. It seems... simply flawed. I know people reach at the beginning, but you're going to pin your first real vote on the basis that "Scum pay less attention" when you know that that isn't true?

##Vote: Xanth

Not gonna comment on how the Hime meta applies to the game yet. Too little to go by.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2008, 06:24:58 PM »
Good morning. Let's get my joke vote out of the way.

##Unvote El-Cideon

Even though I've played with Kilga before and Tom to a lesser extent, I'm not going to try to guess how you guys at RPGDL view them. I generally flush meta impressions from my system every Day 1. I don't understand the anxiety over Tom's vote on Kilga, and Kilga hasn't responded yet to give me any opinion of him.

The current thing that jumps out at me the most is Strago's vote for Tom. He considered Xanth based on some earlier game here, but votes Tom for a one liner. He is reaching on both due to meta and I'm not understanding why he chose the Tom vote over the Xanth vote primarily because he analyzes the case on Xanth a lot more.

##Vote Strago


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2008, 06:28:48 PM »
##Vote: EvilTom to get the inevitable out of the way.
Everytime someone has made this joke, they've turned out to be scum. ##Vote: Kilgamayan [/quote]

Has this joke been made more than once? The only one I remember was Bardiche in Succinct.

I somewhat agree with Strago's theorizing about Tom (OMGUS torpedoes, FIRE!) but not to the extent to proclaim my current vote a legitimate one and am content to toss Tom's vote into the joke pile. In fact, Strago himself looks like he's trying to make something out of nothing, but he himself admits he's "grasping at straws".

Alex joke voting! I think I may faint.

Wagon on me: Uh, I dunno. Telling everyone that you're casting the third vote solely for the sake of having a third vote kinda defeats the purpose of making that vote at all, since it doesn't give me a whole lot to worth with in terms of a response. >_>

Xanth: Who would you prefer to see at three votes right now, if not me?

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2008, 06:29:04 PM »
Curse you, quote tags!

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"