The day got into full swing once again, until Sugiura Midori stepped up! "Ey! Natsuki! You've been skipping class!" she called, waving a halberd aroudn as if it was a flag. "There's no reason for anyone to skip class, even now, unless they're scoping for targets! Explain yourself!"
The bluette snorted. "I've been skipping class for months, what else is new? Furthermore, I'm not even in your class! And aren't you still drunk?"
"Oho? And... and what have you been doing all this time?" challenged Aoi, clneching her fists. "K.. Kuga-san often visited Mai! She would easily know when her guard is down!
"Now, now, don't be silly, everyone. There's no way Natsuki could be behind this," stated Shizuru, calmly sipping at some tea.
"Oh? Why's that? Do you know where she's been?" responded Nao, prompting a look of consternation. "I say we drag her in. Let me interrogate her. I know some tricks." She snapped her fingers. "Julia! Catch the mouse~"
Red strings seemed to spring out of the ground, and they pulled something after them- a hideous monster, about as big as a house! Armoured green skin covered it's form, and eight spindly legs caused it to resemble a spider. Rising out of the main body was something akin to a female human's torso, with a leering, metallic face.
"You can't do this! Kiyo-" began Shizuru, before Miyu grabbed the back of her shoulder. "Don't interfere," the woman said, coldly.
Natsuki barely got a chance to blink before the monster spurted thick webbing towards her, pulling her off her feet and dragging her in close. In no time, Natsuki was within the creature's grip...

For all her talk, Nao's interrogation efforts proved fruitless, as Natsuki simply refused to speak. "Well, you can eat her," the girl muttered. Shizuru screamed bloody murder, but nobody else stepped forward to help. When the grisly business was done, however, she seemed to lapse into catatonia, muttering Natsuki's name over and over again.
Even when they searched Natsuki's apartment later, though, no evidence of wrongdoing was found.
The next day, the group was one person short. A quick inspection, however, found Miyu- or at least her head. Instead of blood and organs, however, a metallic spinal cord was located, along with numerous wires, still sparking. "Protect... Hime... Protect..." her voice sputtered, before, apparently, the batteries ran out for good.
El Cideon, aka Miyu,
Bulletproof Miller, was deconstructed overnight!
1. Fujino Shizuru (Corwin)
2. Sugiura Midori (SirAlexTheFirst)
3. Yuuichi Tate (Excal)
4. Minagi Mikoto (AndrewRogue)
7. Ishigami Wataru (Strago)
9. Kazuya Kurauchi (Bardiche)
10. Senou Aoi (Kilgamayan)
11. Suzushiro Haruka (Xanth)
12. Yuuki Nao (Affinity)
13. Higurashi Akane (Kiro)
It is now Day 3. With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. There are 48 hours remaining.