Author Topic: My-Hime Mafia  (Read 64363 times)


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #275 on: December 05, 2008, 03:07:07 PM »
Unless, of course, he's lying scum. But I find it really hard to believe that we don't have a cop, now that we've had flips from both a Godfather and a Miller.

My implied third sentence there being: if there is a real Cop and Alex is faking, now might be a good chance for said Cop to tell us.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #276 on: December 05, 2008, 03:18:37 PM »
Corwin: the 'town roleblocker' part was strictly for a one remaining scum angle, in which if it's not a hitman then it would have required a town roleblocker accidentally removing El Cid's bulletproof ability, given that a lone scum couldn't do that and kill him. I wouldn't really concentrate much on that footnote.

And yes, sure, it is entirely possible that we have [scum on the kill] + roleblocker to kill El Cid, but in this case they have no way of interfering with a cop. My argument was not 'how could they have possibly killed a bulletproof', it was 'how could scumAlex have possibly kept the actual cop silent last night whilst simultaneously killing a bulletproof', and hence why if Alex isn't the cop then the real cop should be whipping him some time about now.


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Glaive Tiger Door
« Reply #277 on: December 05, 2008, 03:27:18 PM »
Hitman (May ignore protections of any kind if sent on the kill. May have limited uses.)

For why it could be a hitman even given the first night failure. Not that we should be trying to guess what combination scum have, my argument simply ran that there is no possible scum combination that would have allowed them to keep the cop silent last night if Alex was fake claiming as scum, and hence why I don't think he would have attempted such a hopelessly risky strategy.

The actual scum pairing theorising doesn't work outside of the construct of working out Alex's innocence, and I didn't intend it to.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #278 on: December 05, 2008, 03:42:56 PM »
Yes. I would know the rules, I alluded to them myself in my post, Xanth. My question was why you ignored the possibility altogether.

Your response right now feels like an evasion. Your entire opening post for today explained how Alex couldn't possibly be scum. It ignored a very real possibility of Alex indeed being scum, which you believed to be a crazy gambit no one would try. But why would a real cop need to call Alex out now? What exactly would a real cop achieve with that at this point? Just as there could be no cops in the game, there could easily be two, especially as sanities may come into the picture. Claiming would be bad in all scenarios unless this hypothetical cop hit Tom or Cid night one, and Alex night two (or Alex, then Cid, I suppose). Otherwise, he either risks squabbling with town's other cop, or letting scum know who he is.

None of this featured in your post, which pretty much called on any cops to claim straight away.

Strago: Since you keep on repeating Xanth's sentiments, this question is for you as well. What exactly could this hypothetical second cop tell us now if he doesn't have proof of his sanity or a read on Alex?


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #279 on: December 05, 2008, 03:53:27 PM »
I'm going to wait on Bard's response to my post before I decide whether or not he is worth a vote. If possible, I would like others to assess what I have laid out against him - useless journalism (which I admit is less prevalent than I initially thought when I first posted attacking him but still more prevalent than when Xanth was picking at him on Day 1 for it), voting for Excal while claiming Tom needs to be lynched and suggesting the "if x flips town we need to lynch y" line of following.

Andrew: For all the picking you did at Alex, Kiro and Xanth for not voting for Sopko on Day 1, you show up all ready to hammer Tom - before taking off for Walgreens, at which point someone else does it. I'd like an explanation for why these two instances are so different that you should not be called on hypocrisy. (I'd also like an explanation as to why your vote wasn't anywhere at the end of the day.)

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #280 on: December 05, 2008, 05:13:10 PM »
Also, just to warn everyone ahead of time, I have a concert (no, I am not going to one, I am in one) tonight and will be indisposed from 3 PM Eastern to, uh, I'd guess 10 or 11 PM. I'll be sure to pop in after I get home.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #281 on: December 05, 2008, 05:49:25 PM »
My first thought is that the Roleblocker theory seems slightly more plausible to me due to the fact that if the scum assumed doctor instead of bulletproof, as seemed to be the sentiment in the thread, then with Alex's revelation that it would be more likely that El Cid would not be under Doctor protection due to wanting to keep the Cop alive.  So, I am a bit concerned that Xanth would be so complacent about looking away from that theory.

Regardless...  After about 11AM, I'm going to be gone for about 12 hours, after which I'll have a 10 hour period between work shifts in which to travel home, eat, sleep, and travel back, and I likely will not be back until 8 or 9 PM on Saturday night, so this Day happened at roughly the worst time possible for me.  I'll do my best to give you guys worthwhile posts, but yeah.  I'm gonna be busy.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #282 on: December 05, 2008, 06:09:32 PM »
M'kay. Since Kilga declares intent to vote on me apparently, I'm going to respond to this first and then uh, yeah, El Cid killed? WIFOM mindfuck to me what the scum are thinking.

Ignoring the bits that really can't be responded to in any way other than, "uh, right."

You're wandering into both False Dichotomy and Appeal to Emotion territory here. My answer is that you should NOT not post at all, but you should also not post posts that are opinionless summaries doubling as placeholders.

In this instance, yes, I believe it would have been better to not post at all if the only other alterrnative was to post what you did. (Again, false dichotomy, but that can be ignored for the purposes of this hypothetical situation.) If you absolutely must post to maintain a presence in the thread while you work your way toward time where you can actually focus, stuff like this is better (in my opinion: there are others that would disagree, most notably those who prefer no excuse for absence is made at all) because you don't look like you're trying to look like you're contributing without actually doing so. If that makes sense.

As far as I was concerned I was reflecting the stuff I had caught up with so people'd know. Was I contributing at that time? No, I wasn't. But I also do not feel that what I did is in any way grounds to lynch someone, or otherwise an anti-Town sentiment.

There is no attempt in the post we're arguing about to have any contribution to the thread at all. Here, I refer to what I write as "thoughts" indeed. They are my initial impressions of the issues I caught while skimming and are a clear indication that I was catching up to the thread and that real contribution could be expected in the near future.

You could but it would be a hell of a lot harder to do so without looking really bad. It is better to solidly commit to an opinion not because you genuinely think what you're saying is true, but because it allows others to get a better read on you and form their own opinions accordingly. If you're flip-flopping all over the place you're going to stick out like a sore thumb (because if you're town you have no reason to do this).[/quuote]

The above in its entiriety is nothing more than playstyle differences/argumentation differences and I cannot respond to that in any way that doesn't boil down to, "That's the way I play, kay?"

You miss the point again. Your assessment of Cid started off as a negative one and ended as a positive one, and I have a very hard time seeing the bridge connecting those two sentiments in the rest of that paragraph. It's like you forgot what your opinion of Cid was halfway through. (Either that or you were somehow leaning TP on Cid, and I find it very hard to believe that anyone could make that call on Day 1.)

I suspected TP on Cid from then since he showed apathy towards the results. And hey, I find it equally hard for anyone to make a call on scumminess from game-start, so. I didn't feel Cid was particularly scummy that he should be lynched, but I also didn't feel he was being particularly Town. Leaves two options: write him off as "neutral read" or "Third Party", and I suspected the latter.

Not what I was asking. "His one-track approach is pretty..."...what? Townish? Scummy? Clever? Crazy? Gassy? Use an adjective instead of an ellipsis. "It makes me wonder" and "I'm not sure what makes me dislike it" are not terribly helpful. Sure, you say you dislike it, but you say it in such a fashion that's easily brushed off as nothing later at your convenience.

His one-track approach is pretty I cannot bring it under words so I am making use of implied dislike for the one-track approach. If I have only gut to rely on I can't make it any clearer than I have. I don't rely solely on logic in this game─if I did I'd have little to rely on for myself.

Then why not simply go back, count the votes and vote for Tom when you see it's safe? Or, if you're not sure, vote for no one? (I was even nice enough to point out in the post before yours that Tom was at L-2! :V) Do you not realize why "We need to lynch Tom! *Excal vote*" looks bad?

Like I said, I wanted to show where my suspicions were as well. I broke down earlier that I felt both Alex and Tom were Town, and so I can't find problem with actually pointing at where my suspicions do lie.


If possible, I would like others to assess what I have laid out against him - useless journalism (which I admit is less prevalent than I initially thought when I first posted attacking him but still more prevalent than when Xanth was picking at him on Day 1 for it)

I'm going to admit to that only one of my posts was nothing but journalism. The two other posts you highlighted I have refuted. Will you hold that one post where I felt I was informing people of how far I've caught up/was being a useless reporter so strongly as a lynch argument? If you will, well, be my guest. I can't do anything about that.

voting for Excal while claiming Tom needs to be lynched

See above.

suggesting the "if x flips town we need to lynch y" line of following.

If we lynch EvilTom and he flips Town, we will need to lynch Alex to be sure of his alignment.

I'll admit to later on saying, "Tom presents a case where Alex can only die",
I think Alex is seriously convinced he's nailed scum, and I think EvilTom's seriously convinced he's notScum, since he presents indeed a scenario in which case Alex will die if he dies.

Which was inspired by:
If I'm lynched and flip town, he'll just shrug and say "oh I'm insane" and then be 'roleblocked' for the rest of the game ("I think this is an important goal, since it is very likely scum have a roleblocker given we have a cop.....  I consider this important enough to outweigh the obvious drawbacks of my early claim"). He's already set it up for himself. [4]

I failed to consider the possibility of Alex just continuing the investigations and providing proper results then since he knew his sanity. That is the err I can admit to.


Current day. Really want to hear Alex first of his investigative results.

Excal going away is... really damn inconvenient to me, since I suspect him of scumminess and then he's going away!
Alright, here we go.

##VOTE: Excal

There is no looming Cop claim right now, so I want to pick up where I left off.

Quote from: Excal on December 04, 2008, 08:11:27 PM
Also, Bard, in regards to why I was more interested in my side thing.  It's because I really was hoping for a role blocker, irrationally so I suppose.  Regardless, had that been the case, it would have meant, like I said earlier, that we'd have nailed scum 100%.  Sadly, the actual resolution is utterly inconclusive (or does have answers, but not ones which benefit Town to be talked about and so I'm dropping this thing like a radioactive potato) so yeah.  I get to stand here and look silly.

You may also have noticed that although I said I was going to think about it as I was leaving, I had also shown signs of musing it over before I left.  Most importantly in the aspect of admitting that whatever else had happened, I had been wrong in my earlier paranoia and that the Alex scenario I had earlier mentioned no longer fit as I had put it.

Your hope for a roleblocker is... irrational indeed, that you prioritize possibility in favor of what's been concretely put in our faces.

I must've missed those signs. You've been rather reserved insofar as commenting on the relevant matters go, though. I note your Day 1 activity was there, but little of it actually seemed keen on scumhunting. The only real vote you placed was on Sopko after things went awry for him. Your continued behaviour in that regard Day 2 makes it even look worse.

I won't hold your lack of a vote Day 2 against you─that'd be unfair given my own vote record, and I am already straining the reaches of courtesy by holding it against you Day 1 when I was hardly present for the first Day. I justify it to myself only as your activity being there despite no vote.
But despite that, I still hold your lack of... lack of actual scumhunting against you.

Excal's been lurking altogether and has been lackluster in actual scumhunts. When the entire Tom Case became an actuality and the soup du jour as Strago put it, Excal waved it off as paling in comparison, supposedly "showing signs of mulling it over" when I saw no such signs.

My first thought is that the Roleblocker theory seems slightly more plausible to me due to the fact that if the scum assumed doctor instead of bulletproof, as seemed to be the sentiment in the thread, then with Alex's revelation that it would be more likely that El Cid would not be under Doctor protection due to wanting to keep the Cop alive

the fact that if scum assumed doctor instead of bulletproof. This may be going into WIFOM, but the fact that something happened to that Night Kill, be it Roleblock (either side) or Hitman (scum), doesn't really indicate the Scum assumed anything. I do not know why you purport that they must've assumed Bulletproof.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #283 on: December 05, 2008, 06:11:22 PM »
Gah, messed up quote tags. Fixed post below:


M'kay. Since Kilga declares intent to vote on me apparently, I'm going to respond to this first and then uh, yeah, El Cid killed? WIFOM mindfuck to me what the scum are thinking.

Ignoring the bits that really can't be responded to in any way other than, "uh, right."

You're wandering into both False Dichotomy and Appeal to Emotion territory here. My answer is that you should NOT not post at all, but you should also not post posts that are opinionless summaries doubling as placeholders.

In this instance, yes, I believe it would have been better to not post at all if the only other alterrnative was to post what you did. (Again, false dichotomy, but that can be ignored for the purposes of this hypothetical situation.) If you absolutely must post to maintain a presence in the thread while you work your way toward time where you can actually focus, stuff like this is better (in my opinion: there are others that would disagree, most notably those who prefer no excuse for absence is made at all) because you don't look like you're trying to look like you're contributing without actually doing so. If that makes sense.

As far as I was concerned I was reflecting the stuff I had caught up with so people'd know. Was I contributing at that time? No, I wasn't. But I also do not feel that what I did is in any way grounds to lynch someone, or otherwise an anti-Town sentiment.

There is no attempt in the post we're arguing about to have any contribution to the thread at all. Here, I refer to what I write as "thoughts" indeed. They are my initial impressions of the issues I caught while skimming and are a clear indication that I was catching up to the thread and that real contribution could be expected in the near future.

You could but it would be a hell of a lot harder to do so without looking really bad. It is better to solidly commit to an opinion not because you genuinely think what you're saying is true, but because it allows others to get a better read on you and form their own opinions accordingly. If you're flip-flopping all over the place you're going to stick out like a sore thumb (because if you're town you have no reason to do this).

The above in its entiriety is nothing more than playstyle differences/argumentation differences and I cannot respond to that in any way that doesn't boil down to, "That's the way I play, kay?"

You miss the point again. Your assessment of Cid started off as a negative one and ended as a positive one, and I have a very hard time seeing the bridge connecting those two sentiments in the rest of that paragraph. It's like you forgot what your opinion of Cid was halfway through. (Either that or you were somehow leaning TP on Cid, and I find it very hard to believe that anyone could make that call on Day 1.)

I suspected TP on Cid from then since he showed apathy towards the results. And hey, I find it equally hard for anyone to make a call on scumminess from game-start, so. I didn't feel Cid was particularly scummy that he should be lynched, but I also didn't feel he was being particularly Town. Leaves two options: write him off as "neutral read" or "Third Party", and I suspected the latter.

Not what I was asking. "His one-track approach is pretty..."...what? Townish? Scummy? Clever? Crazy? Gassy? Use an adjective instead of an ellipsis. "It makes me wonder" and "I'm not sure what makes me dislike it" are not terribly helpful. Sure, you say you dislike it, but you say it in such a fashion that's easily brushed off as nothing later at your convenience.

His one-track approach is pretty I cannot bring it under words so I am making use of implied dislike for the one-track approach. If I have only gut to rely on I can't make it any clearer than I have. I don't rely solely on logic in this game─if I did I'd have little to rely on for myself.

Then why not simply go back, count the votes and vote for Tom when you see it's safe? Or, if you're not sure, vote for no one? (I was even nice enough to point out in the post before yours that Tom was at L-2! :V) Do you not realize why "We need to lynch Tom! *Excal vote*" looks bad?

Like I said, I wanted to show where my suspicions were as well. I broke down earlier that I felt both Alex and Tom were Town, and so I can't find problem with actually pointing at where my suspicions do lie.


If possible, I would like others to assess what I have laid out against him - useless journalism (which I admit is less prevalent than I initially thought when I first posted attacking him but still more prevalent than when Xanth was picking at him on Day 1 for it)

I'm going to admit to that only one of my posts was nothing but journalism. The two other posts you highlighted I have refuted. Will you hold that one post where I felt I was informing people of how far I've caught up/was being a useless reporter so strongly as a lynch argument? If you will, well, be my guest. I can't do anything about that.

voting for Excal while claiming Tom needs to be lynched

See above.

suggesting the "if x flips town we need to lynch y" line of following.

If we lynch EvilTom and he flips Town, we will need to lynch Alex to be sure of his alignment.

I'll admit to later on saying, "Tom presents a case where Alex can only die",
I think Alex is seriously convinced he's nailed scum, and I think EvilTom's seriously convinced he's notScum, since he presents indeed a scenario in which case Alex will die if he dies.

Which was inspired by:
If I'm lynched and flip town, he'll just shrug and say "oh I'm insane" and then be 'roleblocked' for the rest of the game ("I think this is an important goal, since it is very likely scum have a roleblocker given we have a cop.....  I consider this important enough to outweigh the obvious drawbacks of my early claim"). He's already set it up for himself. [4]

I failed to consider the possibility of Alex just continuing the investigations and providing proper results then since he knew his sanity. That is the err I can admit to.


Current day. Really want to hear Alex first of his investigative results.

Excal going away is... really damn inconvenient to me, since I suspect him of scumminess and then he's going away!
Alright, here we go.

##VOTE: Excal

There is no looming Cop claim right now, so I want to pick up where I left off.

Quote from: Excal on December 04, 2008, 08:11:27 PM
Also, Bard, in regards to why I was more interested in my side thing.  It's because I really was hoping for a role blocker, irrationally so I suppose.  Regardless, had that been the case, it would have meant, like I said earlier, that we'd have nailed scum 100%.  Sadly, the actual resolution is utterly inconclusive (or does have answers, but not ones which benefit Town to be talked about and so I'm dropping this thing like a radioactive potato) so yeah.  I get to stand here and look silly.

You may also have noticed that although I said I was going to think about it as I was leaving, I had also shown signs of musing it over before I left.  Most importantly in the aspect of admitting that whatever else had happened, I had been wrong in my earlier paranoia and that the Alex scenario I had earlier mentioned no longer fit as I had put it.

Your hope for a roleblocker is... irrational indeed, that you prioritize possibility in favor of what's been concretely put in our faces.

I must've missed those signs. You've been rather reserved insofar as commenting on the relevant matters go, though. I note your Day 1 activity was there, but little of it actually seemed keen on scumhunting. The only real vote you placed was on Sopko after things went awry for him. Your continued behaviour in that regard Day 2 makes it even look worse.

I won't hold your lack of a vote Day 2 against you─that'd be unfair given my own vote record, and I am already straining the reaches of courtesy by holding it against you Day 1 when I was hardly present for the first Day. I justify it to myself only as your activity being there despite no vote.
But despite that, I still hold your lack of... lack of actual scumhunting against you.

Excal's been lurking altogether and has been lackluster in actual scumhunts. When the entire Tom Case became an actuality and the soup du jour as Strago put it, Excal waved it off as paling in comparison, supposedly "showing signs of mulling it over" when I saw no such signs.

My first thought is that the Roleblocker theory seems slightly more plausible to me due to the fact that if the scum assumed doctor instead of bulletproof, as seemed to be the sentiment in the thread, then with Alex's revelation that it would be more likely that El Cid would not be under Doctor protection due to wanting to keep the Cop alive

the fact that if scum assumed doctor instead of bulletproof. This may be going into WIFOM, but the fact that something happened to that Night Kill, be it Roleblock (either side) or Hitman (scum), doesn't really indicate the Scum assumed anything. I do not know why you purport that they must've assumed Bulletproof.


I realize Kiro and Affinity have been lurking hardcore. Speak up you two.


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Europe Starship Ball
« Reply #284 on: December 05, 2008, 06:12:53 PM »
Ignored what, [scum on kill] + roleblocker blocking El Cid? Well yes, because that necessitates not interfering with the actual cop in the scumAlex scenario. I didn't so much ignore it as reach hitman + roleblocker blocking actual cop through process of elimination as the only way to achieve it (other than killing the cop, which hasn't happened).

If an actual cop in the case of scumAlex did not happen to scan him in night 1, it would be complete and utter folly not to scan him night 2. You're right that I haven't considered that possibility, to which I can only say that if this is somehow the case they've wasted time and should be doing it in night 3.

But no, I must withdraw somewhat, in that you're right that a theoretical cop scanning Alex last night doesn't necessarily have proof yet. I have in effect demonstrated only that said cop basically must have a scan on Alex.

So okay, I actually can't be as sure of Alex as I thought I could be, depending on who the theoretical actual cop / second cop is, so let's not dig there further unless/until they're sure. I still think that this is a ridiculous gambit for a scumAlex given that a cop would pretty much definitely have a scan on him by now and could confirm their own sanity at a point outside of scum's power, so he's still my top town pick.

Excal ninja: Again, I wasn't theorising how El Cid was killed last night (can we even gain from that at all?), just proving that a theoretical scum team including Alex couldn't stop an actual cop from scanning him, for which that combination is right out.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #285 on: December 05, 2008, 06:59:46 PM »
Xanth, you know what I find to be the huge gaping flaw in your theory is?  It assumes that the remaining scum have between them Rolecop, Roleblocker, and Docbuster.  One to know who the cop is, one to negate the cop, and then the other to actually kill El Cid.  I'd say that that also assumes they got lucky and found the cop night 1, but we're already looking at a minimum of three scum roles here, for what surely cannot be more than two scum.

Granted, there are eight town left, and losing a scum!Alex would mean seven would have to die instead of six.  However, we don't actually have much in the way of leads.  Looking back on Sopko, you can see that he randomly tried to defend a few different people, so even if Alex is scum, he'll be doing his best to obfuscate his trail so we can't find his remaining scum buddy.

That said, I will also state here and now that I disagree with your case that a scum cop Alex scenario isn't as far fetched as you might think.  In the best case scenario for them, there is no cop.  They get to play things straight for a little while, and they waste two days while we test Alex out, minimum.  Worst case, they out the cop, and we guess right.  In which case, I'm betting it's the one with Docbuster, the one whose power activates when he goes on the kill that isn't taking the gamble, at which point, real cop goes bye-bye, and while there is only one scum left, our investigative powers also take a huge hit.  And if their one scum is good enough, that might be enough for the win.

I will also state that I, for one, found Alex's statements about why haven't we all blindly followed his lead like good little townies should to be very, very disconcerting.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #286 on: December 05, 2008, 07:11:32 PM »
Anyways, that's all I've got for now.  I am off, and will see you all in around 11.5 hours.


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Stand Coin Calcium
« Reply #287 on: December 05, 2008, 07:19:57 PM »
Xanth, you know what I find to be the huge gaping flaw in your theory is?  It assumes that the remaining scum have between them Rolecop, Roleblocker, and Docbuster.  One to know who the cop is, one to negate the cop, and then the other to actually kill El Cid.  I'd say that that also assumes they got lucky and found the cop night 1, but we're already looking at a minimum of three scum roles here, for what surely cannot be more than two scum.

Errr... yes?

This is precisely my point. I'm glad you agree with it.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #288 on: December 05, 2008, 07:55:58 PM »
As far as I was concerned I was reflecting the stuff I had caught up with so people'd know. Was I contributing at that time? No, I wasn't. But I also do not feel that what I did is in any way grounds to lynch someone, or otherwise an anti-Town sentiment.

On its own? Of course it's not enough. Is it grounds to lynch someone when used in conjunction with other reasons that person looks suspicious? Sure. Did I found my suspicion of you entirely on that one post? No. You suggest this line of thought from me again later on, so I'll ask now that you stop painting me like I'm trying to lynch you just for that one post.

There is no attempt in the post we're arguing about to have any contribution to the thread at all. Here, I refer to what I write as "thoughts" indeed. They are my initial impressions of the issues I caught while skimming and are a clear indication that I was catching up to the thread and that real contribution could be expected in the near future.

Your "impressions" are, in order:

- "Very interesting" + "opinions forthcoming". Useless.
-  "I can agree with it to an extent, but I tried to give my opinions where I could". Wishy-washy. Pick a side - he's right or he's not.
- "Need to give it more attention". Useless.
- Lack-of-NK celebration. Useless.
- Apology to Cid. Good from a human standpoint, but still useless from an investigative standpoint.
- "Skimmed too much to form a definite opinion". Useless.

...I don't see any actual impressions in there, aside from the Xanth thing where you try to have it both ways. Unless we're counting deciding that every important issue is, indeed, important as impressions.

...You do later concede that this post was indeed useless journalism, though, so I am satisfied with that. I think it would be a time-saver for both of us if we accepted this and moved on.

You could but it would be a hell of a lot harder to do so without looking really bad. It is better to solidly commit to an opinion not because you genuinely think what you're saying is true, but because it allows others to get a better read on you and form their own opinions accordingly. If you're flip-flopping all over the place you're going to stick out like a sore thumb (because if you're town you have no reason to do this).

The above in its entiriety is nothing more than playstyle differences/argumentation differences and I cannot respond to that in any way that doesn't boil down to, "That's the way I play, kay?"

If a playstyle hinders town then it needs to be changed. It's your choice to continue playing this way but you're going to continue to get flak for it, and for good reason.

(While we're on this subject, ask Alex about one UncertainKitten and the issue of playstyle.)

You miss the point again. Your assessment of Cid started off as a negative one and ended as a positive one, and I have a very hard time seeing the bridge connecting those two sentiments in the rest of that paragraph. It's like you forgot what your opinion of Cid was halfway through. (Either that or you were somehow leaning TP on Cid, and I find it very hard to believe that anyone could make that call on Day 1.)

I suspected TP on Cid from then since he showed apathy towards the results. And hey, I find it equally hard for anyone to make a call on scumminess from game-start, so. I didn't feel Cid was particularly scummy that he should be lynched, but I also didn't feel he was being particularly Town. Leaves two options: write him off as "neutral read" or "Third Party", and I suspected the latter.

...What? How?

Am I crazy in thinking that legitimately leaning TP in the middle of Day 1 is nigh impossible? Someone, anyone, help me out here. I am completely flummoxed on this one.

Not what I was asking. "His one-track approach is pretty..."...what? Townish? Scummy? Clever? Crazy? Gassy? Use an adjective instead of an ellipsis. "It makes me wonder" and "I'm not sure what makes me dislike it" are not terribly helpful. Sure, you say you dislike it, but you say it in such a fashion that's easily brushed off as nothing later at your convenience.

His one-track approach is pretty I cannot bring it under words so I am making use of implied dislike for the one-track approach. If I have only gut to rely on I can't make it any clearer than I have. I don't rely solely on logic in this game─if I did I'd have little to rely on for myself.

Tom put this better than I could.

Relying on 'gut' is the easiest way for scum to validate a vote. I'd rather we were all accountable for our votes by providing specific reasons.

Then why not simply go back, count the votes and vote for Tom when you see it's safe? Or, if you're not sure, vote for no one? (I was even nice enough to point out in the post before yours that Tom was at L-2! :V) Do you not realize why "We need to lynch Tom! *Excal vote*" looks bad?

Like I said, I wanted to show where my suspicions were as well. I broke down earlier that I felt both Alex and Tom were Town, and so I can't find problem with actually pointing at where my suspicions do lie.

Oh, this changes things then! You thought Tom was town while saying his lynch was a good idea! That makes understanding this a lot easier.

##Vote: Bardiche

suggesting the "if x flips town we need to lynch y" line of following.

If we lynch EvilTom and he flips Town, we will need to lynch Alex to be sure of his alignment.

...And? Why is that part relevant at all? Surely you could not possibly be implying that there were people out there that thought it was possible to be sure of someone's alignment without their death.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #289 on: December 05, 2008, 07:59:33 PM »
Also, Xanth, would you be a dear and start playing the game instead of playing the setup? :V We have another train and subsequent flip, surely you have some thoughts on that.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #290 on: December 05, 2008, 08:06:37 PM »
And I am outta here. Back in 8 or so~

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #291 on: December 05, 2008, 08:51:53 PM »
Well, Kilga, let me count the ways.

1. I didn't come out with a "Man, I was totally going to suggest we go after Sopko but, hey, check it out, it was already done" post and then disappear to + or - 5 minutes until lynch to actually put a vote down.

2. I wasn't a secondary lynch candidate who should be trying my damndest to make sure I don't get lynched.

3. There were approximately 20 hours left in the day, as opposed to, say, a couple minutes.

4. Tom didn't flip, you know, Scum Godfather.

5. I flat out said I would hammer when I got back. It isn't like I was dragging this out until the last minute by doing this. Again, we still had 20 or so hours left in the day.

6. On the outside chance you are referring to my initial day 1 reservations (no one is actually hammering Sopko, so maybe scum are nervous about slamming it down on him, ergo Sopko might actually be town), that doesn't really work here either, because Tom had a cop claim laying on his head. Hammering carries a different weight here.

To put it simply, the same logic I applied to the End of Day 1 doesn't work at the End of Day 2, because the situations were, as you can see by the flips, the time remaining and the general tonal stuff. Trying to equate the two is rather silly.

As for why I didn't have any vote down at the end of day 2. Well, the answer is kind of obvious, isn't it Kilga? I voted for Kiro, switched to Alex and backed off once the cop claim came out. Frankly, I didn't like the claim at the time (and am still not particularly fond of it, frankly), but eventually concluded I'd still rather risk following the initial claim. So, I asked if people were ready, got one confirmation, had to run an errand so I figured I'd give it a little more time and then I had the hammer stolen right from under me. Which leaves me with no vote out.

Anyhow, I'm just not convinced of the logic that, without a counter claim, Alex MUST be cop. There have been games in the past where miller/godfather existed without a cop and, frankly, I don't see a gambit with Alex claiming cop early as impossible. He either gets town to swing his way at least once or immediately draws out an immediate counter claim. If town swings his way, he keeps playing it up until town doesn't play anymore or until a counterclaim rears its head. If there is no opposing cop? He gets to play as long as he wants, basically. If there is, then they get reduced to lone scum (which can be notoriously difficult to actually catch) and NK cop. "But wait, what if town has a doctor, Andrew?" Yes? What if scum have a hitman? Doc protect gets busted, cop dies and we're down to town vs lone scum game.

Frankly, I don't see it as unreasonable.

As it stands, no, I'm not feeling that happy with Alex. Given that I've been fairly unhappy with him since Day 1, it shouldn't be shocking that I'm really dissatisfied with Alex and that he JUST SO HAPPENS to be the kind of Doc that is probably going to get town killed first. However, at the same time, I feel like I am starting to get tunnelvision. So, before I go any further with this, I would like to hear from Alex, hear his result, see who his main scum candidates are, etc. ^_^


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #292 on: December 05, 2008, 09:02:59 PM »
We have a train? On... who? Your single vote on me hardly constitutes a train, and I don't think my opposition to Excal constitutes a train either.

Oh, this changes things then! You thought Tom was town while saying his lynch was a good idea! That makes understanding this a lot easier.

Yes. I explained the reasoning thereto. I can break it down again.

- Alex claims Cop and accuses Tom of Scum.

Begin situation. At this juncture I theorize that both are likely town given from the conviction I felt from both of them, and how I found Alex's claim to be in conjunction with his behaviour that day.
Controversely the only reason for me to say Tom was scum was Alex's investigation. Up to that point, and from that point onward, I read his post as Townie. If I took him as scum, I... still couldn't overly see the scum in it. I said so explicitly.

- So! Alex's validity as a Cop is called question and Tom is deeper analyzed.

We have conflicted opinions here between town and need clarity to solve this matter! Oh teh noez. At this point I can either:
A) Argue against Tom and in favor of Alex; effectively lying about thinking Tom is Scum.
B) Argue in favor of Tom and against Alex; effectively lying about my sentiments and professing we lynch what I believe(d) to be a genuine Cop.
C) Take a stance in favor of lynching Tom; with the stipulation that I do it expressly in the town's best interest of:
---1) Confirming Alex's sanity (if he's really Cop)
---2) Clearing the conflict between the two so it won't haunt us/bite us in the ass at a later time
D) Pretend my nose's bleeding and ignore the entire ordeal

I picked C. Well, there's also a variation of C to lynch Alex, but I fail to see the logic in lynching what you think is a Town Cop.

- Vote off one of the two of them to solve the conflict.

At this point, if I managed to mirafabulously push through another lynch instead, or anyone for that matter, the entire EvilTom VS Alex fight would've likely carried on into today. Between choosing for lynching a Copclaim or a Townclaim, I'm going to go with the Copclaim as the preferred survivor. This is why I voiced support for lynching Tom above lynching Alex, because I felt it safer to go with the Copclaim than the later-revealed-vanilla-claim. I had no idea of Tom's claim yet at that point I must admit.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #293 on: December 05, 2008, 10:04:34 PM »
Good morning, just got up.

So I'm an insane cop.  Rather shaken up by that turn of events, I chose in the end to both trust Cid's mystery plan and hit one of the people most talked about, and investigated Xanth.  He came up as scum (which since I am insane means he is town).   I thought of concealing this result for a while but the scum probably could already guess it.

Well, maybe.  Evidently the mystery plan was a ploy by Cid to get me to investigate Cid himself instead, which I failed utterly at, thinking he was just a watcher or something.  Dangit, man, I told you it wouldn't work.

As far as scum go, yesterday they must have been quite surprised at my claim against Tom and of course immediately knew I was an insane cop since Tom didn't claim miller.  We also now know Tom vs Xanth was town vs town.  Given that I'm inclined to look for people who were on one of them day 1 and people who first brought up and believed in the insane cop theory. 

Then why not simply go back, count the votes and vote for Tom when you see it's safe? Or, if you're not sure, vote for no one? (I was even nice enough to point out in the post before yours that Tom was at L-2! :V) Do you not realize why "We need to lynch Tom! *Excal vote*" looks bad?

Like I said, I wanted to show where my suspicions were as well. I broke down earlier that I felt both Alex and Tom were Town, and so I can't find problem with actually pointing at where my suspicions do lie.

Oh, this changes things then! You thought Tom was town while saying his lynch was a good idea! That makes understanding this a lot easier.

##Vote: Bardiche

suggesting the "if x flips town we need to lynch y" line of following.

If we lynch EvilTom and he flips Town, we will need to lynch Alex to be sure of his alignment.

...And? Why is that part relevant at all? Surely you could not possibly be implying that there were people out there that thought it was possible to be sure of someone's alignment without their death.

Like this, yes.  I agree with most of Kilga's other points on Bard as well, so.

##Vote: Bardiche for now.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #294 on: December 05, 2008, 10:09:55 PM »
Ugh. I was hoping to be able to get in more analysis/posting time today, but work has been obnoxiously busy, preventing me from playing games at the same time that I'm earning a paycheck. Positively un-American. Sigh. Anyway, I'm also going to likely be absent starting some time tomorrow and ending... I don't know, but possibly Sunday night. I'll bring my laptop along with me out of town, but I don't know that I'll actually get much of a chance to check in with the game. I didn't realize how much my plans (my exact travel schedule's been in a lot of flux) would cock up my presence in the game, so... well, consider this an official query to both the player-base and the mod:

I'll potentially be away all weekend. Would people be more comfortable with me attempting to get posts in when I can, or having Carth modkill me? I'm happy to do either one for the sake of keeping the game's flow as fun and un-lame as possible, and I'd request a replacement (again, if that's what the group as a whole preferred) if it wasn't Day 3 and thus outside Carth's window for allowing them.

Bleh. That out of the way, let me try to have some thoughts.

Strago: Since you keep on repeating Xanth's sentiments, this question is for you as well. What exactly could this hypothetical second cop tell us now if he doesn't have proof of his sanity or a read on Alex?

I don't know. I guess I've assumed to much about the role setup, since two Townie cops didn't strike me as likely in a game of this size. But "Bulletproof Miller" doesn't necessarily speak to the simplest role setup imaginable. Mrff, driving myself nuts with too much worthless role speculation. This is bad, and not going to get anybody anywhere. Certainly not before some new actual info is presented by Alex/anyone else. Going to try to completely ignore role speculation for the rest of the post.

Andrew comports himself well in his recent post addressing Kilga. I honestly thought it was a bit weird that Kilga even brought that point up, and Andy's points ring true to me. Hoooowever, that's a lot of time spent on defense, a little time spent on role speculation, and an even smaller amount of just gesturing at his previous suspicions of Alex. It feels like a lot of people are sort of sitting on their hands until Alex shows up with his Night 2 results, and while I understand the impulse it's also dangerously complacent.

Xanth's just Mr. Let's Talk About Roles today. This is bad for reasons discussed. His complete willingness to clear Alex of suspicion right out of the gate strikes me as problematic.

Looking back on Alex, it strikes me that his attitude is similar, in a subtle way, to Tom's yesterday. He just doesn't strike me as trying to be helpful, if that makes sense. Puts himself up on a Cop-justified pedestal with his comments in the vein of "Anyone who isn't listening to me and doing just what I say is playing with unfathomable stupidity," which... do I have to explain why that gives me pause? Really want to hear from him.

And... hey, Ninja'd by Alex when I refreshed the topic! Crazy timing.

Gah. And I have to go before I really have time to process this case against Bardiche. Okay. At the very least I'll make sure to be back late this evening before my potential-weekend-away happens. arrrrrrg


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #295 on: December 05, 2008, 10:19:49 PM »
Day 3 votecount!

Strago: If you're sure you can get posts in here and there I don't really want to modkill you.

Excal (1): Bardiche
Bardiche (2): Kilgamayan, SirAlex

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. Roughly 39 hours remaining, give or take.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 10:23:12 PM by Carthrat »


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #296 on: December 05, 2008, 10:22:41 PM »
Strago: Modkills are bad. Avoid like the plague. I don't care what team you are on, just try to finish the game to the last!


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #297 on: December 05, 2008, 10:39:19 PM »
Quick venture into the discussion about cops:

Scum trying to only roleblock a hidden cop does no good if Alex was scum faking it. That cop, despite having no results to report and probably feeling relatively useless at that point, could still come out and in essence force a 1 for 1 Town:Scum trade with his own sacrificial flip. Once Alex came out with the claim, by all means, the only major bluff a Scum Alex could ever pull off into endgame is saying there are 2 Town cops in the game, one Sane and one Insane.

There's also a slight chance of this being a case of a Town Alex who is actually not a Cop and was willing to roleclaim lie in getting whom he thought was a Scum Tom lynched. Highly anti-Town behavior even if he ended up being correct. I find this case unlikely.

As an aside, I don't understand how Cid was planning to prove Alex was an insane cop with his own role. Investigating Cid himself would have pulled an Innocent result from the Miller which subsequently would indicate Cid to be Scum. It'd be a crazy ass WIFOM considering several of us believed Cid to be all but confirmed Town since he also was the only one who claimed being shot at, but Town would supposedly have followed through to lynch Cid to reveal him as a Bulletproof Miller. I actually don't get what would have definitively been shown.

In essence, I don't think there's a way to prove Alex is lying or not except for him to be contradicted in his investigative results. And that would either a) never happen if he's a Cop, b) happen purely by chance if he's just a lying Townie, or c) happen only at the very end if he's Scum securing victory. Course he hasn't responded yet so we'll see who he checked out last Night or if he was blocked.

Now a case on Bardiche:

Venturing into 3rd party guesses so early is not my style. Neutral opinion on that. Voting for Excal like that on Day 2 is kind of weird. There was no way that Tom train was going to be derailed physically. But at the same time, I could kind of see the Excal vote as a possible discussional derail to get people to start talking about other things no matter how much the copclaim was staring us in the face. I actually don't see the point of that with his case on Excal. The case he presented seems kind of weak. Excal was the second vote on Sopko. And I think his Day 2 comments are fine, better than Bardiche's for sure. I'd have to agree that a lot of what Bardiche says is pretty flaky. The stuff today feels like an awkward defense. Overall, I think Kilga picked up on something pretty good. I'd like to see something from him that is a bit more substantive on Excal if that's the person Bardiche wants to continue to pursue. Voting someone who's announcing he'll be away a bit has nothing to do with scumhunting.

Cut by Alex: I see his results now. I'll need to re-read again now. Haha/sigh.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #298 on: December 05, 2008, 11:49:29 PM »
Cid was (probably) hoping that I'd be annoyed at his attempt to direct me and investigate him instead, thereby returning town since he was a miller, which would then confirm I am an insane cop.  Ish.  I don't really get how it would work exactly but I think that's what he was going for.


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Re: My-Hime Mafia
« Reply #299 on: December 06, 2008, 01:05:00 AM »
Personally, I think it's El-Cid's way of determining whether or not Alex was scum.  If Alex as a real cop had tried to investigate El-Cid during the night (and El-Cid wasn't NK'ed), he would report "townie" and he would be sure that Alex is town.  If Alex as scum just blindly said that El-Cid was 'scum' (after all, they have no way to know of his miller status), then he would claim and we'll all lynch Alex and such.

That being said, ##Vote: SirAlex

Being a cop does not relieve anyone of their scumhunting duties, and to be honest, Alex is more or less passing off as a nodding donkey with regards to cases on Xanth and recently, Bardiche.  The only example of scumhunting I've seen him do so far is the asking of 'who do you think is most scummy?' towards EvilTom to have an idea of who would be scum assuming he flips scum, but even after then, he seems to be relying on the force of his investigation result alone to make everyone wagon him.  If he speaks of himself as a good scumhunter (and I think this too), then why not conceal the result and try to ascertain alignments through argumentative methods and more investigations alone?  For fear of being NK'ed?  Well, he wasn't NK'ed last night.

Also, there isn't necessarily another cop in the game too.